Every single day, some new controversy or bonkers statement comes out about J.D.Vance, Donald Trump’s running mate. It’s a cursed position, to be Trump’s running mate. The last guy barely escaped with his life… after Trump sent his goons to hang the guy. Before I get into the latest “uncovered” statements from Vance, let me put this piece of hilarious Republican gossip in front of you. Apparently, the people inside Trumpworld are upset that Vance has such a lengthy history of saying creepy, weird and gross things. Instead of taking it out on Vance, people within the campaign are now convinced that this whole situation has been a whisper campaign initiated by none other than Kellyanne Conway. The Bulwark did a story about it and they even spoke to Kellyanne, who obviously denied it. But Conway did say that she is receiving a lot of worried calls from Trump insiders who are second-guessing the Vance pick. Conway said: “The calls are coming in, not going out. I’m not calling them and saying this is bad. People are asking me. They’re not just asking me. They’re asking lots of people.” Amazing.
What’s also pretty funny is that Kamala Harris’s HQ has wasted no time with parceling out their opposition research on Vance. The man has loved to hear himself talk for years, and he has several topics he returns to, over and over again, like an itch he has to scratch. The main topic for Vance is his visceral hatred of childfree people and his belief that people who are not parents are subhuman and that their citizenship should be in question. Not only that, in a newly unearthed video, Vance said Republicans need to “go to war” against childfree people.
Unearthed video: JD Vance says he and Trump will “go to war against” childless people, who he calls “sad, lonely, and pathetic”: “They should feel like their life is inadequate” pic.twitter.com/dcLZ2wNxyd
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) July 31, 2024
One observation I’ll make is that Vance feels the need to barge into women’s business constantly. It’s not like he’s simply a vocal advocate for parents or families. He’s mad that women share their experiences with other women, that women have conversations online about their regrets in all directions around motherhood. He’s mad that women simply can’t be forced into being breeders for the state. He’s mad that some/many women wonder if they could or should find fulfillment and meaning outside of marriage and motherhood. He’s mad that women have the freedom to explore all kinds of adventures, experiences, careers and family structures.
Also: this is what Trump thinks of Vance.
Q: Is JD Vance ready on day one?
Trump: What?
Q: Is he ready on day one?
Trump: Well, the Vice President does not have any impact pic.twitter.com/J2sMAu1Y9k
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) July 31, 2024
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Las Vegas, NV – Vice president-elect JD Vance is seen at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. JD took the time to even bring up a congressional hopeful Sam Brown onto the stage. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 30 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: ACES / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Las Vegas, NV – Vice president-elect JD Vance is seen at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. JD took the time to even bring up a congressional hopeful Sam Brown onto the stage. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 30 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: ACES / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Las Vegas, NV – Vice president-elect JD Vance is seen at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. JD took the time to even bring up a congressional hopeful Sam Brown onto the stage. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 30 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: ACES / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Las Vegas, NV – Vice president-elect JD Vance is seen at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. JD took the time to even bring up a congressional hopeful Sam Brown onto the stage. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 30 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: ACES / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Las Vegas, NV – Vice president-elect JD Vance is seen at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. JD took the time to even bring up a congressional hopeful Sam Brown onto the stage. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 30 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: ACES / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
all this projection. he has family annihilator energy. I think he would love to be without kids and his “shes not white but I love her anyway” wife.
I mean, he does talk and act like the typical unsub from an episode of Criminal Minds so yes, it might be projection.
I’d say that pretty much the entire republican party with very few exceptions all exhibit unsub attributes, there really isn’t anyone left in the republican party that aren’t disturbed individuals.
I would have said Vance reminds me of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. He has that one Huey Lews monologue from killing an woman with an chainsaw energy. But i can see the unsub from an Criminal Minds episode in him
For someone who’s so pro-kid, how come his kids weren’t up on stage w him and Usha, while Trump’s grandkids were all over the stage. He is an unthinking puppet
I know you know the answer to this and it is a rhetorical question but just in case someone else doesn’t already know …. it’s because they aren’t white.
You really nailed it, I can hear Prentiss and Reid briefing the local authorities in my head.
I see Vance as an opportunity for Adam Lambert to have a break-out SNL moment, nothing more. I’m trying to manifest it, that dude is too talented not to have a bigger career.
I’ve been thinking that I can’t wait for SNL to get into the election…we need something as good as Tina Fey’s Palin to take on Vance!
I hope that the person who plays him wears lot of eyeliner like him.
Oh, I am quite sure that he would love to be childless and free of his brown wife. Because he’s a racist douche and what he really wants is to have a society like the one in the Margaret Atwood novel in 1985, which I thought at the time when I read it then, was a fantasy science fiction story called The Handmaids Tale.
I guess I was naive.
Now I think it’s prophesy of what right wingers want and are working hard to achieve.
I’m sure you’re aware of it as it’s been quite well dramatized. So that’s what he wants : women that are powerless and only breeders and yet he’s not tied to any of them. This despicable worm needs to be eradicated at the polls.
I hear what JD Vance says, and the last photo of him above and think to myself “What kind of guys did his wife turn down for marriage?” This is what she ended up with?! Damn.
nah, because then who would make his sandwiches.
He comes across as some kind of closet case. self-loathing projected on the most opportune target.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness only applies to men, apparently. :/
Apparently so. No talk of men who choose not to be parents. It’s only women who should feel ashamed of not becoming a parent. F@%k this guy.
He doesn’t want EVERYONE to have more kids. Let’s be honest – he wants white people to have lots of kids so they don’t become the very minority they persecute (and “replace us”). And yes, I’m aware his wife isn’t white so his kids aren’t fully caucasian. Nick Fuentes isn’t either, and Hitler didn’t have blonde hair. Sorry – I’m salty this morning.
If Vance wants people to have children he should be campaigning to erase all student debt and getting the US to zero carbon emissions by 2035.
The social security system (and probably Medi-Care) is going to implode in its current trajectory.
Republicans are never going to vote for more taxes or tax the rich. Nor are they likely to vote for increasing parental leave / paid parental leave/ universal child care etc.
The only other way to keep it on track is to have more working people paying in to it.
But oh wait, women have choices and excessive child-bearing tends to go down with more bodily rights and more education etc.
So……….. get rid of rvw, erode bodily rights, tell everyone that women are horrible if they’re not breeders, etc.
I chose not to have children for a lot of reasons. My older sister had two. I own my house, my car, have a decent career, own stock in my company, and have free time and disposable income. My sister does not, and depends entirely on her partner for everything. Kids aren’t the only reason for that, of course. We both struggle with mental health issues, but I’ve had more success treating and controlling mine than she has, partially due to my choice to not have children.
It is very clear why someone like me scares Vance more than someone like my sister. Surprise twist, though, we both hate him with a passion.
Bingo Kristen from MA! Only applies to white cishet men. The rest of us can get bent as far as they are concerned. Or rather, they want the rest of us to serve their whims and they believe it is their right to rule. I am so utterly sick of all of them. Trash inside and out.
What a weirdo…. google indicates that approximately 20% of the US population is childless. I am sure a fair percentage of those childless Americans people got sucked into Q nonsense and are tRump supporters. Wild how his supporters can’t understand that he means them when his bigoted mouth (and his minions) spews hateful nonsense. Ick. Ick. Ick. Vote blue.
That is an interesting take on statistics. Consider the population of the US, and how many are not of childbearing age? It’s more correct to point out that the traditional “nuclear family” of married partners (of whatever gender) and at least one child are a very small part of the US population, and even if you count single moms/dads, then it’s still far less than 50% of the US population. So there’s that.
It is also interesting that you accuse “a fair percentage of those childless Americans people got sucked into Q nonsense and are Trump supporters.” How on earth did you come to this conclusion? Please provide your data on that? What a horrible smear against the childfree. Ride or Die Dem here (and I want Kamala to CRUSH IT in the election, yay!) but I think we need to be careful with our rhetoric when countering the weird claims of Trump and Vance….
@tn dem can speak for themselves, but I read that part of their comment more as this comment that JD made should be offensive to people in that demographic who do support him and Trump. Which begs the larger question for me, who are they trying to appeal to? What new voters are they trying to get? They have the trad wife and hardcore maga supporter locked up, they should be trying to get the people that are on the fence or the double haters as the press was calling them last month to expand his ceiling which seems to be about 46%. Instead they have spent the last 2 weeks saying child free people should pay more in taxes ( hint we already do), are sociopaths, doubling down on saying that women should not be allowed to decide not to have children, questioning what makes Kamala Harris black enough, questioning how good of a Jewish person Doug Emhoff is, I mean who exactly are they trying to persuade that they don’t already have?
I think it’s fair to say that incorrect information on either side is unproductive e however considering the Trump campaign traffics in racist statics and crap rhetoric, and considering a lie travels faster than the truth I think it’s safe to say the high road is something we as women, and as a country cannot afford to take. In this kind of climate, you meet your opponent where you meet them.
I would suspect that a lot of the childless people who are in the base are ones who aren’t childless by choice. They have a ton of support from incels so blasting women who don’t have children very much appeals to that demographic. I’m not sure how many childless women are square in the Trump base but my guess is that those women are not childless by choice they are either like Laura Loomer/Chaya Raichik who cannot find (or keep) a partner or are women who very much want to be mothers but have fertility issues and are, frankly, very angry at other childless women who they perceive as thumbing their noses at them by choosing not to have children (or even actually being OK that having kids didn’t work out for them and realizing that they could still have fulfilling lives).
Ummm, I’m childless and have not been sucked into anything remotely resembling what you just described.
Why on earth would people without kids be more prone to supporting trump’s nazi agenda?
Do explain.
I’m baffled as to why anyone would support trump’s agenda. I think @tndemocrat was just saying that there’s possibly some childless people out there who are maga trump supporters. And yet here’s Vance and trump calling them inadequate. It doesn’t make any sense.
@Jais Nope, it wasn’t a casual observation. You say “I think @tndemocrat was just saying that there’s possibly some childless people out there who are maga trump supporters.” TNDemocrat actually said a “fair percentage of those childless Americans people got sucked into Q nonsense and are Trump supporters.” Not the same thing IMO.
But as others say, let’s let TNDemocrat speak for themselves!
I think a fair percentage of people with kids also got sucked into the Q nonsense and are trump supporters as well. I read the comment to mean “these comments could alienate part of your base” not that “everyone who is a Q supporter is childless.”
I’m not sure about the veracity of “fair percentage”, but Ginny Thomas is certainly front & center of that concept. It is my strongest wish that someone would press Vance on her childless status linking it to her weird involvement in 2020– & for that convo to go viral.
@TNDemocrat geez thanks, as a childfree person it is so uplifting to get attacked as a potential extremist by both the right and the left! Please do better next time.
His face is just so punchable. He is the type of guy who just looks like he has relations with furniture. He looks like an 80’s D list movie villain that ends up getting locked in his own cage. He is the human equivalent of warm mayonnaise. If he were a drink he would be half a shot of Coors light mixed with tap water.
😂 If anyone called me a drink of a half shot of Coors mixed with tap water, I would reevaluate my life decisions.
Hahah! Same, Caseymams!
That is such a fabulous insult lol.
They really hate us all..
Trump’s Project 2025 very clearly is based on controling women, their reproductive choices, and creating a dominant white male society. Vance was chosen by Trump and Vance wrote an intro to Project 2025. He’s been very out there online and made it through the Republicans’ vetting process.
Reminder: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vP5Gx18D4-c
Gilead, anyone?
Tell me you’ve got mommy issues without telling me you’ve got mommy issues.
Good news: Nailed it!
Bad news: He’s in a position to do a bunch of damage to us because of it.
@Amy T Imagine him as our President when Trump inevitably passes (if they get their wish and win). Yikes.
At this point we almost have to assume that at some point his mother told him she never wanted him, right?
That’s exactly what I thought!
Why blame his mother for his misogyny? He’s a grown ass man who chooses to demean and blame women for everything wrong in his little world.
Well he didn’t wake up one day and start thinking like this. Something pissed him off, and he’s clearly lashing out out of spite. Maybe he saw a former crush/girlfriend enjoying her life without children, and she obviously has a cat🤔
So basically…. he wants to go to war with freedom of speech? Women shouldn’t be allowed to talk about the down sides of motherhood? Let me guess: most of the regrets women shared about having kids were about having partners who did jack shit to help them.
Competent campaigns vet their VP picks. Others take $45 million donations and sell their VP pick. This is the result.
Actually, I am 100% sure they did vet him. The money and connections are definitely “perks,” but in christofascist land, this guy wasn’t hiding. Trump literally just told his big, beautiful christians that they just need to vote for him this one time and they’ll never need to vote again! Trump and his ilk chose Vance deliberately for his past remarks and views. Saying that the Republicans were caught flat-footed is making them look good and distancing them from this guy’s actions. He was well-known for this isht.
@ML you make a good point.
Trump was so confident he was going to win he picked Vance as a f*ck you to Democrats. Trump will never learn the dangers of arrogance.
This. The cardinal rule of VP picks is they do no harm or that their upside with a specific constituency outweighs the negatives and you vet so you know all this before you announce.
I had no idea I was so miserable. That’s news to me. I must tell my poor fluffy kitties how unhappy I am, maybe they’ll cuddle…
Or maybe I could just laugh at the poor deluded man. Seek help dude.
At least you have cats! I don’t have any so I can only dry my tears with all my cold, hard, disposable income [sob].
I feel the same way, I truly had no idea I was such a miserable, lonely lump of woman flesh until I woke up this morning and was told such. This sad, pathetic, non-contributing woman reflects back on her life and wonders why the voluntary hours given to friends and family to help care for their children when childcare was scarce isn’t reflective of a happy, fulfilled woman. Or why my financial contributions to said children in the form of fun money doesn’t count for anything. Or my gainful employment and tax paying status at the single rate isn’t important. Meh, I need another of cup of coffee, which I’m going to drink in silence while looking at plane tickets for my next trip.
And the contribution of your tax dollars to public schools. Like me, I’m sure you’re happy to oblige.
I’ll be contemplating my misery when I’m in Sri Lanka in October and Uganda in November.
I love the Kamala and her PR are pointing these things out quickly. They are spot on with there clips!! She and her PR are fantastic.
The more children you have, the more excuses for weird stains on the couch.
He does know a couch can’t reproduce, right?
Chefs kiss!
Ok little boy come cash me outside this childless granny will smack you around walk you like a dog and kiss you like you kiss your reclining sectional from bobs discount furniture you freakin weirdo
If you need help, I’m a childless 30 something who used to be a chemist.
Just throwing that last part in there.
What gets me about this freak is that, for all his nonsense on the subject of childless women, he would be the first to promote guns and assault weapons in the hands of EVERYBODY, regardless of who it hurt and the resultant waste of life.
All I hear when he talks about this now is “I regret marrying a woman of colour and my children were an obligation.” There’s zero love or pride there. It’s like there was a checklist and he’s got a complex because he feels he compromised in some way in order to tick the boxes. He’s obsessed with this because he regrets the path he took. It’s so clear. He’s so WEIRD.
Also? MASSIVE mommy issues.
But he’s also against IVF so what are his true beliefs?
He wants Women slaved as birthing pods and sexy khaki pantsed men free and frolicking about in powdered wigs like he believes happened at the signing of the Declaration of Independence For Males Only Tickle Party For Freedom & Jesus Jamboree Revolutionary Warapalooza
Okay buddy, your comment about women being birthing pods is something I’ve been thinking. Is it their intent to make sure that women of birthing age have children? If they don’t believe in IVF, then how is that going to be mandatory? I can only think of one way.
@Amy Bee …as someone who had to utilize IVF after 7+ years of trying for our only child, let me tell you how many evangelicals use it to get pregnant. They’re probably sitting quietly on the sidelines not saying anything, but a LOT of them have their kids and are not “childless” because of IVF. I can’t believe republicans let that talk keep happening because it’s not only Democrats that use it…I’d actually say more republicans do honestly because of the pressure to have 10,000 kids clinging on to you in every insta post.
He seems like the type of guy who isn’t sure what grade his children are currently in.
And be proud of it. That sort of stuff is women’s work.
So creepy and weird.
Do these types of men realize that they’re, at best, ancillary figures in their children’s lives?
He doesn’t make any sense. He spews hatred for childless women…there are certainly many women who aren’t choosing to be childless…we (myself included) have fertility challenges. But he wants to ban access to fertility treatment like IVF. And I don’t see how the argument for adoption can even be brought into this considering he doesn’t acknowledge step-parents as parents. So that would apply to adoptive parents too, given his “logic.”
Not necessarily. I think the goal is this: force women to give birth. If you don’t want or can’t financially raise the child, they force you to give the baby up for adoption. IVF is “serially killing of viable embyos” in their sick minds. They think it’s totally fine to force birth and then rip the baby away and give it to people that want babies but can’t have them because IVF has been taken away. Bonus that people are adopting babies that have been ripped away from undesirable mothers instead of importing babies of color from other countries. TLDR: Handmaid’s Tale
Is he calling priests and nuns subhuman because they don’t have children? I guess the Catholic church agrees because I haven’t seen any statements pushing back.
Some nuns complained to the media.
There’s lots wrong with many priests and nuns but being childless is 100% not on the list.
A graduate of Yale Law school is no guarantee that you are not idiotic.
Usha should school him. or is she also made from the same cloth.
I suspect she is made of the same cloth. She is happy to endure being married to this perpetually angry, weird man, to endure MAGA insults, to watch brown people be trashed, etc., if it gets her power.
Usha schooled him throughout law school. At least some of what he’s become has had her support and encouragement.
Can you imagine the outrage if VP Harris suggested we go to war on men that don’t pay child support?
Nailed it. I’m disappointed no one else replied to your post. You absolutely NAILED IT.
For the record, JD says he does not oppose IVF.
He voted against the Dems’ pro-IVF bill, as did all but two GOP Senators, but co-sponsored his party’s pro-IVF bill, which also failed.
I think they might be referring to the Republican Project 2025 in which it wants to make IVF illegal. Trump team worked to create it, so it seems safe to assume Vance is backing that which came from Trump and Federalist Society (and this interview was with Federalist TV).
According to Politifact, the 2025 plan doesn’t mention IVF.
If they legally define embryos and fetuses as people at a federal level, it’ll inevitably lead to IVF being thrown out the door down the road. They can argue otherwise, but it’s a matter of time before a court case points out the legal inconsistency (if abortion is murder, then isn’t destruction of unused embryos the same?), which is what we saw happen in the South a few months back, forcing them to rush in new legislation.
As for their claims they won’t restrict birth control, it’s a semantic game. It’s just a matter of them redefining certain types of birth control as abortion, which some of them are already doing by arguing that anything that involves blocking potential transplantation of an zygote should be considered abortion. They’ve already gone after mifepristone, but Plan B and IUDs have been challenged in the past. The right is very, very good at using coded language to obfuscate their intent.
I don’t disagree. I do think it is relevant that Vance (and Trump) say they are for IVF, & Vance says he is for access to mifepristone (I presume to prevent implantation but not to abort).
If their statements are sincere, they would be unlikely to go for personhood of a fertilized egg, even if the 2025 manifesto called for that.
We don’t want to even find out what that ticket would do if elected. Vote!
Well, this is what Project 2025 thinks;
“the Administration should reconvene a new National Council on Bioethics (NCB) to discuss new and emerging areas of ethical concern, to assess
whether the ends justify the means when it comes to the promise of therapies and cures, and to establish what limiting principles should guide research and health policy. Because the male–female dyad is essential to human nature and
because every child has a right to a mother and father, three-parent embryo creation and human cloning research should be banned. A new NCB should convene leading experts to examine these issues and provide policy recommendations for
the new frontier of bioethical questions that our country will have to address in the coming years.”
Oh, it discusses IVF, and they leave plenty of room for their new bioethics committee to create “Limited Principals” in areas of “ethical concern.” A single woman wants IVF? Nope, because you need a mother and father for the child. Have a partner of the same sex?? No IVF for you.
Don’t rely on others to tell you what is in it…go and read it. It will scare the hell out of you.
Three-parent embryo creation is already not legal in the US. I doubt cloning humans is either. This excerpt doesn’t suggest IVF should be banned, & Thomas & Alito alone can’t ban it for anyone but a married M/F couple.
I appreciate the people like you bringing this horrible document to voters’ attention. Who knows for sure what Trump would try to do if elected, other than pardon himself & stay out of jail. Politifact isn’t perfect, but too many “Mostly False” claims could hurt us.
Three-parent and cloned embryos are already against the law. Their NCB could recommend banning IVF for anyone but a married man & woman, but even if Congress passed it, the Supreme Court would strike it down as unconstitutional, with Thomas & maybe Alito dissenting.
I appreciate your making voters aware of what Heritage Foundation has in mind for Trump to do. He should lose votes over this, as he should over planning to pardon himself for past & future federal convictions.
However, the scariest thing I have heard was Rachel on Monday night discussing a Rolling Stone article and Trump’s recent comments to some audiences that he didn’t need their votes. She suggested there were election officials in counties in several states who would refuse to certify votes, so that their states couldn’t certify votes, so that the election would be thrown to the House where each state’s caucus would get one vote, & Trump would win.
So, Harris could win the votes, but Trump could win the election. This scares me more than 2025.
Sooooo, he’s admitting that he, himself, was a sociopath until he was about 33 — and found someone willing to procreate with him? If so, not much has changed.
I feel like I’ve gone off the deep end… but I can only imagine that they are putting all of this out there to steal the election.
As someone mentioned, this isn’t appealing to more people/voters. Project 2025 (which echoes Trump’s own agenda almost verbatim) is widely unpopular. They’re telegraphing exactly how awful it will be if he’s elected. Why aren’t they trying hard to seemingly hide their tracks.
I feel like I’m in a convoluted story of the Twilight Zone or something worse and can’t figure out the plot twist.
Please vote. Make it so undeniable. Check your registration. Don’t let them shut you down. Though, I look at what happened in Venezuela and hope that’s not a preview.
I suspect the same, they will attempt to steal the election. We’ve seen too much to blindly ride high on hopes of ushering in an age of integrity. Kamala’s going to have to pull off an undeniable victory.
Trump is not President, so he can’t demand that security step aside while he commits treason. Kamala and Joe will have heightened security during this time to insure there isn’t another coup. That makes me feel slightly better.
When Kamala wins, his penile-deficient bros in their unnecessarily loud monster trucks can then go cry their tears in the flag of their treasonous leader. Then please, they need to crawl back into the sewers.
As his sister questioned whether she maybe should have gotten an education first and then had kids he told her “no, you should only feel fulfilled for raising kids.” If she had kids young and they are now grown, what is she supposed to feel fulfilled doing? Becoming a grandmother???
There is no logic. Your kids grow up and move out of the house and have their own lives (hopefully!). Life goes on and you need something to engage with and enjoy doing that is productive and maybe even brings in money. This whole thing about women only needing to be moms is short sighted. We live to be much older now, what are women supposed to do from their midlife until death once the kids are gone?
Also, it’s pretty rich of him to snark about people who only care about going to elite institutions and having elite jobs…he and his wife (who only JUST stopped working) went to Yale Law and have worked very impressive jobs. It’s the “do as I say, not as I do” MAGA way.
I know of a family. The matriarch was an aunt who had no children. She brought the family together. She looked out for her nieces and nephews and was very nurturing.
These people are so bizarre. If you feel like the country’s low birthrate is a problem, there are any number of non-insane ways to go about addressing that, e.g. France gives parents a bonus payment for having three or more kids.
But relentlessly attacking people for not having kids in a country that makes it ludicrously difficult and expensive to have kids, while representing a party that’s actively working against IVF to make sure that fewer people can have kids? I honestly don’t get it.
Then he needs to get all of those ignorant, right wing pod cast listening, cellar dwellers playing Call of Duty out of mommy’s basement and in to the real world. No woman wants to reproduce with all of these sad sacks.
Look at him trying to control his toddler daughter’s food intake!
Oh that is so gross. Takes away the daughter’s half-glass of chocolate milk but lets the son drink a whole glass.
Remember last week when Meghan McCain posted that all this anti-woman/anti-childfree was bad for Republicans and it was polling badly with women? Well, that’s her doughy husband doing the interview and laughing manically at his comments.
When Meghan tells you no one in her family gained from Trump’s presidency, don’t believe her. They’ve been sucking at that teet for 8 years and continue to do so. Absolutely horrible people.
Funny, her husband is closeted, too.
Did no one in Trump campaign vet Vance? Clearly they didnt because we keep getting audio thats weird and awful and sexist. Vance clearly doesnt know when to stop talking.
I’m dropping this clip… Then, I’m gonna walk out very slowly…
Thank you so much for sharing…it is a must watch!
👏. Thank you! Don’t let the cats out!
No one knows why people don’t have children unless they choose to share. I didn’t have children because my father was a pedophile and my mother was an alcoholic who supported him. Both were very violent and I suffered years of physical and emotional abuse. There was not a single chance in hell that I would carry on that blood line.
While it’s fun to watch them turn on each other, I need everybody sensible not to get ahead of themselves and think we have this in the bag. There are three months left, and this is only the beginning of the racism and misogyny that’s bound to ramp up. Let’s not forget that everybody thought the tape would destroy Trump, and instead, he coasted to victory off the EC technicality. The threat of it remains if not enough people show up.
Veronica, the only thing I can see why Harris won’t win is if people don’t VOTE. That’s our job and I suspect we’ll be coming out in droves.
I loathe this man.
Some people just don’t want kids and that’s fine.
He refuses to acknowledge all of the economic reasons people who may want children are foregoing them. He refuses to acknowledge that women AND men may have fertility issues. He calls them psychos while being anti IVF.
Someone on Twitter said the people who are most adamant that having children makes them superior are people who don’t enjoy being parents, so they’ve turned it into a virtue to feel better.
Starting to think that JD Vance is the Project 2025 plant and not Trump.
Some of the messaging coming from him is just effed up.
What about childless men?
We know which childless people JD is weirdly obsessed with and it’s not childless men.
I can’t think of a neutral term off hand but for me the problem with childfree is that seems to ignore the pain men and women who want children but can’t have them must feel. That said I agree if not having children is a choice than childfree is the term I’d want to use for myself.
I feel the term should be a personal choice. I don’t want either label, thank you. I have no children, it’s that simple.
Well said!
I will say it again, scream it to the rooftops, that I wish pundits and especially Vance insiders coming out with more ammo would step it back until closer to election time like even a month from now. Focus back on Trump. I do not want Trump to drop him from the ticket and pick someone like Nikki Haiey, and believe me, he would in a heartbeat. This election is too close. Vance is a gift to us, but the way it’s going I can see Trump dropping him without a second thought.
Please, Democrats, play smarter. Don’t shoot ourselves in the foot. We need to be more sly, more strategic
To edit my typo. Nikki “Haley.”
Vance reads like a misogynist, that’s all I’m getting from his words and actions.
He suspects and/or his mother told him she didn’t want to have him and he’s taking it, personally.
I really feel sorry for his children to have a psychotic father.