President Macron spent a ridiculous amount of money entertaining King Charles

From where I sit here in America, France’s President Emmanuel Macron has fashioned himself as some kind of bridge between a lot of different warring factions. He’s particularly close to President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. He’s very close to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Macron also maintains contact with Vladimir Putin – to the point where Macron is one of the few European leaders who regularly speaks to Putin. Macron has made France an important player in the EU. I know French people have issues with Macron’s domestic policies, but on a diplomatic level, I tend to think Macron is doing a good job. Of course, Macron’s diplomacy comes with a price tag. Like the €475,000 price tag for the state dinner he hosted at Versailles for King Charles and Queen Camilla last year.

A decadent dinner costing nearly €475,000 for the U.K.’s King Charles III helped push France’s Élysée Palace — the office of President Emmanuel Macron —to a record high deficit last year. France’s love for grand gestures and opulent dining are fully in evidence in the pages of a damning yearly audit of the Élysée’s budget, released on Monday by the Cour des Comptes, France’s top audit court.

The Élysée’s spending, which includes costs related to the president’s diplomatic and presidential duties as well as administration, personnel, security and estate management, reached a whopping €125 million, plunging the books €8.3 million into the red. Among the biggest deficit drivers were two luxurious state dinners, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and King Charles III. Macron hosted the British head of state in September last year at Versailles, historical home of the French monarchy, for a star-studded feast with at least 160 invitees including Rolling Stones’ singer Mick Jagger and British actor Hugh Grant.

The dinner, during which guests enjoyed blue lobster and rose macaroons cost the French presidency close to €475,000 — including over €165,000 on catering and over €40,000 on wine (including a bottle of 2004 Château Mouton Rothschild) and other drinks. Third-party caterers and decorators led costs to surge for receptions held outside the Elysée, as was the case with Charles III and Modi, who was welcomed at the Louvre and was shown some of France’s most-visited museum’s masterpieces by Macron himself. Total cost: upwards of €400,000.

France’s audit court nonetheless acknowledged some cost-saving efforts, underlining the Élysée’s thriftiness when hosting “cocktails for less than 100 people,” events during which the Palace’s in-house kitchen staff is usually preferred over external contractors.

The Cour des Comptes also slammed the French presidency’s poor travel-planning skills, pointing to a loss of over €830,000 generated by the cancellation of 12 apparently non-refundable trips. A planned but subsequently cancelled trip to Germany in July 2023 alone led to a loss of nearly €500,000, mostly due to transport and accommodation costs.

[From Politico]

Some administrations just love to entertain. They always said that about the Clintons too – they were always blowing the budget because they loved hosting state dinners and fundraisers and all sorts of White House events. George W. Bush, not so much. The Obamas were a happy medium when it came to entertaining, and the Biden administration… well, they were dealing with a pandemic and variants, so that affected how they entertained. As I read this Politico piece, all I could think was “how French” and “my god, did they really need to spend that much on wine?” They probably did need to spend that much. Camilla was there, after all. That old boozehound was probably pickled for the entire French tour.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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11 Responses to “President Macron spent a ridiculous amount of money entertaining King Charles”

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  1. equality says:

    So the French oust a monarchy to avoid spending big money on royalty and end up spending big money on another country’s monarch? What a raw deal.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      It makes zero sense. At least, they could try to justify the extravagance if the spending accomplished something. As it is, they might as well have set all those euros on fire in back of the Palace.

    • Kitten says:

      “The French” aren’t the ones doing this. It’s the guy that cut the wealth tax for his rich-ass friends who thought this was a great idea.

    • Lau says:

      @equality , I can assure you that we are not taking Macron’s tendencies to behave like the king of France very well over here. We elected him a second time because it was either him or Lepen and she’s a nazi so we literally had no other choice but to elect this idiot for five more years. He might be good for diplomacy but he sure isn’t good with the French people, the perfect and most recent example of that is him just refusing to acknowledge the results of the last legislative elections and just keep going on as if nothing had happened (he was the one calling for the unnecessary elections in the first place of course). His reason for that were the Olympics but I’m pretty sure that he won’t even change anything once this is done.
      I’m not surprised that he spent so much money to entertain the British royals when he considers himself the king as well, he thinks it’s normal.

  2. Money wasted on racist royals who act like white trash.

  3. Where'sMyTiara says:

    OMG that last photo of the four of them… Brigitte Macron looking elegant and modern, and Camilla’s gown looking like a pastiche of “Gone With the Wind” meets “Dark Shadows”.

    With that level of expenditure – over 400K for ONE DINNER?? And it didn’t feed a city?? – I can kinda see why when they first trotted out the idea of the trip to France, the French people responded with “We’ll meet you at the airport with Madame Guillotine, shall we?”

  4. Kitten says:

    So utterly vile and a slap in the face of French taxpayers. Macron continues to show that he’s just an empty suit who loves to spend The People’s money on stupid shit like entertaining the monarchy, a bunch useless welfare abusers. He is truly the President of the Rich.

  5. Judith in Ottawa says:

    It would have been even more expensive if they had opted for macarons instead of the macaroons. /s


    • sunnyside up says:

      I wonder how much the British taxpayer pays for Banquets here.

    • kirk says:

      Nice catch @Judith.
      I’ve forgotten the reason for this trip. Did Chuck invite himself? Did the British Foreign Office send him? I don’t really get it. Is Britain hoping for a side arrangement after they Brexited out of EU?

  6. Tennyson says:

    I was also crossed that Charles, who pretends to care for the environment, made the aerial route Paris Bordeaux reopen for his private jet.
    Because it takes under 1½ hour by TGV trains from Paris to Bordeaux, flights have been discontinued between the 2 cities.
    Again, this came as a cost!