JD Vance thinks questioning Kamala Harris’s racial identity is ‘hysterical’

Republicans are currently expressing a great deal of shock and surprise that a woman can be both Indian and Black. There are a lot of white people who have never heard of being biracial. Those same white people will obviously tell you all about their 23andMe results which show that they’re 17% Irish and 4% Italian. But that’s different! How can Kamala Harris have an Indian mother AND a Jamaican father? How can Kamala Harris be both Indian AND Black? Why hasn’t she embraced both sides fully at every single minute of every single day of her entire life, reminding everyone at all times that she’s both Indian and Black? How can she exist as BOTH? This is literally what those racist dumbf–ks sound like, and they’ve been at it since Donald Trump’s tantrum at the NABJ conference on Wednesday. In case you thought that Trump was just being Trump and going off-script, here’s what JD Vance said when asked about Trump’s racist bullsh-t:

Sen. JD Vance told reporters it’s “hysterical how much the media is overreacting” to his running mate Donald Trump’s comments questioning whether Vice President Kamala Harris is Black.

“The president doesn’t do scripted BS stuff,” Vance told a group of reporters aboard his plane during his campaign swing Wednesday night. “He actually goes into hostile audiences, he answers tough questions, he pushes back against them, but he actually answers them, and how nice it is to have an American leader who’s not afraid to go into hostile places and actually answer some tough questions.”

Trump questioned Harris’ racial identity during a panel interview at the National Association of Black Journalists’ conference in Chicago on Wednesday. “She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage,” Trump said of Harris, who attended an HBCU and identifies as both Indian and Black. “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. I respect either one but she obviously doesn’t.”

Both Harris’ campaign and the White House quickly condemned Trump’s remarks, with second gentleman Doug Emhoff saying it showed “a worse version of an already horrible person.”

Vance told reporters it was overblown and suggested Harris is being slippery. “So what he said, I thought it was hysterical,” Vance said. “I think he pointed out the fundamental chameleon-like nature of Kamala Harris. And you guys saw yesterday, she was in Georgia, and she put on a southern accent for a Georgia audience. She grew up in Vancouver. What the hell is going on here? She is not who she pretends to be.”

When asked by a reporter explicitly if he questions whether Harris is Black, Vance said, “What I question is why she presents a different posture depending on which audience that she’s in front of.”

[From Notus]

“What I question is why she presents a different posture depending on which audience that she’s in front of.” Kind of like JD Vance growing up in suburban Ohio and pretending to be a hillbilly? Kind of like Donald Trump inheriting millions, losing it all and pretending to be a brilliant businessman? Vance’s comments say, to me, that this is the Trump campaign’s big strategy for dealing with Kamala Harris: lying about her racial identity, lying about her Blackness, lying about her accomplishments and achievements, denigrating her as a “DEI hire.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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59 Responses to “JD Vance thinks questioning Kamala Harris’s racial identity is ‘hysterical’”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    I’m trying so hard to avoid the election news.. I’m volunteering and knocking on doors and the Trump Vance ticket should be worried because I’m in Florida and I don’t see their signs 🪧 anymore and the doors I knock on are not supporting them anymore. So let them argue about Kamala Harris while she is out there giving people hope and a plan for the future.. what a wonderful world we could live in if we just all voted 🗳️ straight blue in November.

    • Kim says:

      That’s the best news I’ve heard for awhile! Thank you!

    • Yes and The Villages in Florida came out (to use trumps words against him) bigly!! 500 hundred golf carts plus people not in golf carts came out to support Kamala. This is great.

    • Jc says:

      Thank you for the work you are doing on behalf of democracy! Would Vance ask his children to choose which part of their heritage they should highlight.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Love to hear it, @Hypocrisy! Such great news.

      I have to think most Americans will think Trump sounds like an out-of-touch, racist old grandpa. Who is under 60 and somehow doesn’t know any mixed people? Who genuinely thinks mixed people are doing something nefarious by having more than one racial/ethnic identity?

      Idk I’m over 50 and know people with all possible combinations of Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latine, and Indigenous heritage. Where have Trump and Vance been? And how tf does Vance think of his own kids?

  2. Midnight@ theOasis says:

    Vance just threw his kids under the bus. How can Kamala be biracial but his kids aren’t?

    • Dee(2) says:

      Honestly I think because a lot of POCs that throw their hand in with this crowd, either if they are biracial suppress their connection to the marginalized identity, or present themselves as one of the” good” ones. So to him his kids are biracial but they are the children of one of the ” good” ones who identifies and aligns with white supremacists ideals so it’s fine.

    • Traveller says:

      Because he is an unmitigated douche.

    • Tuesday says:

      It wouldn’t surprise me if he considers his children Indian, not both. And that sounds awful (and knowing Vance, probably is), but my white XH considers our kids Black, because that is the experience they live, even though he is white.

      • schmootc says:

        I had a hard time understanding this – as a 19-year-old teenager who grew up in the sticks – when I met someone whose mother was white and her father was Black. Once I lived a little more and met more people, I understood. Like Vance should understand, as a grown-ass adult.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Exactly. Instead of criticizing adult biracial people, he should be listening and learning for the sake of his own biracial children. Also, all of this biracial crap reminds me of the crap Meghan endured and still does. It’s neverending. I’m not biracial so I am not qualified to judge someone who is. Can we just leave it at that??

      • ChildlessAndHappyCatLady says:

        I am not biracial, so I cannot make make any comment on that, other to say, I’ve had biracial friends and they identify with both parts of their identity. You can be both and you can be more than one thing. And together they can be brilliant. it isn’t a war when the races mix, it makes for diverse and more interesting people.

        To give a white folks analogy, I come from a background of very Presbyterian Scottish people and highly Irish Catholics. Both very strong DNA in me. These folks fought each other to death over the same small little country. Now we all exist quite happily without these kinds of clan wars in Canada, and have done so since the Fenians were defeated in the 1830s. So MAGA people, please stop with this racist stuff. It’s really disgusting and it makes your campaign look weak, so weak.

  3. Tessa says:

    Vance is a loose cannon

    • Spice cake38 says:

      Vance is definitely a loose cannon and that is saying a lot considering he’s with Trump the biggest loose cannon around.
      Let him implode the entire GOP and ruin his own career as it should be.

      I know it’s said that his Indian wife should be held accountable for her own actions and being stupid enough to marry this jerk. But the white supremacy part (most of them) of the GOP will not want her,which although I obviously detest racism I will be so happy to see Usha and Kamala-two women of color cause the republicans to lose this November.Again I’m not advocating racism obviously but let the GOP fall by their own hated,racism, misogyny and greed.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    He has biracial children! I feel very sorry for them.

  5. swaz says:

    Why is the National Association of Black Journalist giving Trump a platform anyway 🙄🙄 It’s the same old show, IGNORE TRUMP, WE ARE NOT GOING BACK 😁😁

    • DK says:

      The reporters on stage with Trump asked some very important questions about Trump’s racism, his pledge to make police officers who murder people immune from prosecution, and more.

      They asked a lot of the tough questions that Trump-friendly reporters never ask, they pushed back when he lied (again, something the media doesn’t do enough) and challenged him.

      I think it’s really important to get him in these places where he’s not already a crowd favorite, offer him a chance to clarify or fix terrible things he’s said before…and then laugh at his dumb as$ when he doubles down and/or melts down!

      Show the world what a clown he is! It was important work by the NABJ!

      • Grace says:

        And those journalists did a great job too!

      • Minnieder says:

        They asked but he never answered. Plus, what happened to the fact checking they claimed they were going to be doing in real time?!? And he was such a complete dick blaming the woman who started the conversation for equipment problems, saying she was rude, etc. She was professional, started the discussion without a bunch of bullshit. As if he wants to discuss the weather or his family!

      • swaz says:

        After reading your comment I think you are right, getting him out of his comfort zone really exposes him.

      • Oh come on. says:

        I agree @DK. I can totally understand how dues-paying members of NABJ were furious that the org didn’t listen to them and gave this racist a platform.

        Otoh Rachel asked an essential, hard-hitting question and his racist meltdown exposed him (yet again) for who he is and will always be.

    • Kelly says:

      Trump exposed himself on that stage in ways he never has. I’m 62 and have seen a lot of presidential candidates come and go, and I have never seen a performance like that. He channeled Jim Crow. It was nauseating.

      • Guest says:

        He also called the female journalist “nasty”, which is basically his favorite word for women. I wonder if that is the nickname he has for Melania. “Nasty, get me my diet coke!”

  6. He is a racist idiot with biracial children. His wife should leave the sinking ship quickly!

  7. ML says:

    Vance was vetted: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-vetting-vice-presidential-candidates/

    Can we talk about how deeply weird it is that lots of Republicans are saying that Trump and Vance shouldn’t be attacking Kamala Harris on race or gender because it’s distracting from the issues?? Instead of calling Trump and Vance not fit for office, they want them to STFU? Instead of screaming that Tump, for instance, is showing signs of mental decline (among other symptoms), and not screaming for him to stand down, their message is that Kamala Harris is a problem. She’s more of a problem than felons, fascists, some jerk who tried to overthrow the government on January 6, someone who wants to destroy voting, someone who destroyed Roe v Wade, someone who lies about everything including the economy…
    I think it’s weird that people like Chris Sununu are trying to get Trump and Vance to talk about other issues instead of trying to get rid of Trump and Vance. These ARE the issues that matter most to Trump and Vance. If you don’t like it and you are a Republican with thr power to do something about it, then do something! Don’t write opinion pieces saying Trump and Vance should stop saying controversial stuff out loud.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yes! Racism is an issue! Anti-woman policies is/are an issue! The right to vote, for crying out loud, is an issue!

    • Oh come on. says:

      > These ARE the issues that matter most to Trump and Vance.


  8. Mina_esq says:

    Their whole shtick is just so stale. The bigots that find this kind of language amusing look pathetic. It feels like a spell has been lifted and we finally have the strength to call them out for the creeps that they are. The air feels different. I thank President Biden for 3.5 years of normalcy and for getting behind his incredibly charming and vibrant VP. I think the whole western world is praying, wishing, hoping for a Harris presidency.

  9. Jais says:

    Again, trump didn’t go into hostile territory and answer questions. He evaded every question and said whatever he wanted for the majority. And I call BS. They know what biracial is. They’re just playing surprised. Bc according to them being biracial means she can’t be trusted. Like she’s not pure or something. As if they’re not like I’m half whatever. As long all their halves of whatever are considered white, they’re good. They’re racist assholes.

    • Kitten says:

      Laughable for this fat-faced weirdo to claim Trump answered every question when he didn’t answer even one.

    • MsIam says:

      They sound just like Nazis, harping about racial purity. Imagine that, who would have thought?

      • Traveller says:

        This exactly!
        We need to be screaming about this everywhere at the top of our lungs!
        They are not hiding their plan for this country if he gets elected. They have every intention of using the current lack of checks and balances to break down the government as it exists today and reinvent it in the image of a Fourth Reich. Project 2025 is f**king scary.
        It’s happened before (not so long ago) and it certainly can happen again. Winston Churchill…………..”Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

    • Jacques says:

      Live fact-checking was not permitted, which left journalists very angry. Either fact-check their blathering or don’t show it at all.

    • FYI says:

      Why would he be calling this “hostile territory” anyway? Because the room was filled with Black people? If it’s anything other than an unhinged MAGA rally, then it’s hostile? Or maybe it’s because they’re all journalists, people who are — you know — committed to telling the truth. Those two things make them hostile right out of the gate?

      • BeanieBean says:

        That right there–he was question by three African-American women; ergo, he was in hostile territory. 🙄

  10. girl_ninja says:

    “So what he said, I thought it was hysterical,” Vance said. “I think he pointed out the fundamental chameleon-like nature of Kamala Harris. And you guys saw yesterday, she was in Georgia, and she put on a southern accent for a Georgia audience. She grew up in Vancouver. What the hell is going on here? She is not who she pretends to be.”

    Vance talking about someone being a chameleon is funny considering he went from Never Trump/Hitler to boot licker for Donald VP. Let us also remember that he’s a carpet bagger loser who barely likes his wife.

    Kamala has the kind of charisma and joy that is infectious and pulls everyone in. Donald or Vancey will never know what that is like.

  11. Kitten says:

    Paint the woman candidate as wily, inauthentic, fake..whatever. Other her in every way possible by constantly talking about her racial identity, trot out the birtherism, police how she talks…it’s just so boring and predictable, man.

    Smarter people than Trump who are in his ear are telling him that this line of attack isn’t sticking but they’re so fucking arrogant that they refuse to abandon it. This is what happens when you are incapable of talking about policy because your party has no cogent policy agenda beyond overturning Roe, packing and stacking the courts, tax cuts of the rich–all unpopular with the vast majority of Americans.
    All the GOP has is stoking fear, hatred, division…all they have are their culture wars. It’s profoundly gross but also kind of sad too.

  12. Swack says:

    Wonder if Vance woùld think it’s ‘hysterical’ if someone questioned his own children’s ethinicity?

  13. Sue says:

    “she was in Georgia, and she put on a southern accent for a Georgia audience. She grew up in Vancouver. What the hell is going on here? She is not who she pretends to be.”
    “What I question is why she presents a different posture depending on which audience that she’s in front of.”
    Says the guy that sold a boat load of copies of a book where he pretends to be a Hillbilly when in fact he’s a suburban dude-bro.

  14. Jaded says:

    Trump and Vance may come across as a racist, misogynist Dumb and Dumber team but they both have friends in high, rich places. Vance’s relationship with Peter Thiel is his ace in the hole, and Trump is reeling in many Republican billionaires who have a huge financial stake in having him back in the White House. This is a great article from ProPublica on this very thing: https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-media-truth-social-jedtec-james-davison-conflict-of-interest

    • Guest says:

      They have a lock on crypto bros who hope the destabilization of American democracy will make them rich(er).

  15. Jks says:

    I don’t know if Kamala spoke with a southern accent but so what if she did.

    As children of immigrants, my classmates and I all speak 3-4 languages fluently. There’s one who can speak 11 languages! We can also speak with or without accents. It depends on who we are talking to.

    I noticed, for example, that many of my Indian classmates speak to their parents in English with an Indian accent but to others with no accent or Spanish accent.

    I can do Galway, Edinburgh, London, Canarian and Singapore accents because I have lived in these places. Switching accents comes naturally to me and my classmates because as kids, we grew up trying to fit in and go unnoticed by the locals.

    • FYI says:

      Yep, it’s called code-switching, and we all do it. You don’t talk to your CEO or mother-in-law the same way you talk to your best friend. It’s appropriate to adjust to the audience.

      He’s so dumb that he thinks every form of speech other than dude-bro must be southern.

      • Jks says:

        Ah, it rings a bell. I recall there was a discussion about code switching when Gillian Anderson used different accents.

  16. HuffnPuff says:

    If people playing up accents is troubling to him, perhaps he should investigate people in his own party. Bobby “Bubba” Jindal and John “Foghorn Leghorn” Kennedy come to mind. Neither one had Southern accents until they ran for offices in the Republican Party.

  17. HeatherC says:

    The accent thing, if true, doesn’t bother me. That’s also me. I was born and raised and still reside in upstate New York (capital region, not fake upstate like Westchester county lol). I don’t really have an accent, per se, just the generic American one really. But I pick up accents unconsciously in my speech when I’m around people with those accents. I was an exchange student to Spain in high school, by the end of week one, my Spanish accent was pristine. I went to a southern college for a year (North Carolina) and by the time I returned home for Thanksgiving, I sounded like I was a Raleigh native. I also drop them just as quickly, I couldn’t produce that pristine Spanish accent today even if you held a gun to my son’s head!

    And this particular “skill” of mine isn’t uncommon at all!

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I went to college in the south and then worked in Rockville, MD and Chicago before I moved back to Philly. Most people I interacted with when I lived in Chicago were surprised because they didn’t think I had an accent (but laughed because I say “y’all”). I didn’t have a really strong Philly twang before college but, when I moved back to Philly, I developed a really strong one. I still say y’all, when I’m on the phone with or visiting my college roommate, who now lives in Atlanta, I develop a little bit of a Southern drawl so I’m not going to fault someone if their manner of speaking adapts a bit depending on the crowd they’re in.

      That said, my guess is the “fake accent” Mr Bowmman is referring to is actually a form of code switching. She’s probably speaking like a regular Black American woman instead of forcing a generic mid-Atlantic American accent the most news anchors and white politicians who aren’t from the Deep South generally use

      • Blithe says:

        Yep! Code switching is a thing. My accent varies with who I’m talking with — since my accent often mirrors theirs a bit, and what I’m talking about, often in the same conversation.

        Nice of the phony opportunist to point out that Kamala is a multicultural woman able to relate to people from a range of backgrounds. It’s a skill that neither Trump nor Vance seem able to manage.

        Like others, I hope that Vance’s kids will have support as they grow to navigate social situations and challenges that JD doesn’t seem to have a clue about.

  18. Lau says:

    You’ve got to admire Vance’s determination to just dig the whole he’s in day after day. True dedication to be a dumba** bigot.

  19. Jennifer says:


    • BeanieBean says:

      I thought she was from San Francisco! Isn’t she from San Francisco?! OK, quick google search: born in Oakland, lived in Berkeley; age 12, her parents split & her mother took her & her sister to Montreal, where she lived through the end of high school; returned to US for university at Howard.

    • Oh come on. says:

      All Canadian cities look alike to them?

  20. Lulu says:

    I cannot believe they haven’t muzzled this clown. But, by all means keep it up JD, Kamala appreciates all you do to drive voters her way.

  21. Worktowander says:

    Trump & Co. knew exactly what they were doing by going to NABJ. They knew he would get points with his base for “telling it like it is, straight to their faces.”

    It was never about a genuine interaction. The NABJ conference was a stage for him to play to his faithful fellow fascists.

  22. Anonymous says:

    That dingus considered that answering questions😳insults and lies, f’in idiot.

    • BeanieBean says:

      IKR? Apparently anything less than absolute abasing *ss-kissing is considered hostile.

  23. BeanieBean says:

    It is hysterical. Nice to see that word used on someone other than a woman. (I know, I know, Vance isn’t getting it, but it was a hysterical statement made by an evil despot-wannabe who sees his power slipping away.)

  24. BlueNailsBetty says:

    “… how nice it is to have an American leader who’s not afraid to go into hostile places and actually answer some tough questions.”

    So Vance is calling Black people hostile, right? Because that sure sounds like he is acting like Black people are a hostile enemy and that needs to be the headline for the next 24 hours.