Eden: Courtiers are mad that Prince Harry said QEII supported his lawsuits

It cannot be underestimated: Prince Harry’s interview in Tabloids on Trial landed like another bomb in both Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace. First off, the tabloids in question barely covered Harry’s interview when it came out last week. They waited to see what way the wind was blowing at both palaces, and over the weekend, King Charles began pushing back on Harry’s statements about security. That’s been the main topic of conversation in royal news this week, the security fight between Charles and Harry, with Harry making sure to get his side out there. But during the ToT documentary, Harry also spoke about his grandmother, telling ITV that QEII supported his lawsuits against the tabloids and “we had many conversations before she passed, and this is very much something that she supported. She knew how much this meant to me and… she’s very much out there, going to see this through to the end, without question.”

I wondered if any of the tabloids in question would get around to throwing a tantrum about Harry speaking about his grandmother supporting his endeavors to bring the British media to account. Well, the Mail’s Richard Eden got a call. Some highlights from Eden’s latest column:

Harry’s “ownership” of Diana & now QEII: One of the most unedifying aspects of Prince Harry’s feud with his brother has been his apparent desire to claim ownership of his mother’s legacy. Scarcely a speech or interview can pass without a reference to the late Princess Diana and his claims about her wishes. Harry’s latest television interview suggests that he is now trying to invoke the memory of his late grandmother, too. Courtiers I’ve spoken to in the last few days are distinctly unimpressed.

Whether QEII really supported Harry: Sadly, the Queen is no longer available to support Harry’s claim or deny it. So, perhaps it would be instructive to look at her actions. It is a tribute to the late Queen’s warm relationships with her grandchildren that all eight felt deeply loved. Harry, though, was convinced that he was in some way unique. For example, in an interview with an American journalist five months before her death, he claimed that he enjoyed a ‘special relationship’ with the monarch. Preposterously, he declared he was ‘protecting’ Queen Elizabeth from the people around her, even though he had been living in North America for more than two years.

QEII didn’t support the half-in plan, so how would she support their lawsuits? For example, instead of backing their plans for a ‘half-in, half-out’ role with the Royal Family, she made it clear that Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, would not be allowed to combine a life of public duty with money-grubbing in Hollywood. What, then, do we make of Harry’s bold new claim that the late Queen had supported his controversial legal campaign against the Press? Did she really take such a gung-ho view of these things?

Charles’s courtiers are mad: One courtier I spoke to this week was far from happy with Harry’s ‘tasteless’ attempt to claim his grandmother’s support in his continuing ‘crusade’. As he told me: ‘There is something distinctly ‘off’ about it. We’ll never know what was said between grandson and grandmother. What we do know is that we will only ever know one side of the story.’

Distasteful Harry: Harry’s attempts to use the memory of the late Queen for his own ends is likely to be viewed by many as distasteful – particularly given his disruptive behaviour in her final years. The facts speak for themselves: Meghan and Harry conducted an explosive interview with America’s chat-show queen, Oprah Winfrey, even though the Duke of Edinburgh was aged 99 and his health was deteriorating…Just two months before our beloved monarch died at Balmoral aged 96, her ‘special’ grandson announced the forthcoming publication of his ‘intimate’ memoir, Spare. Shame on Harry for now trying to use the memory of a grandmother he did so much to hurt in her final years.

[From The Daily Mail]

Eden asks his readers to allow QEII’s words and actions guide our view of whether she supported Harry. Well, she made sure that he had security for all of his visits (even sending some of her personal security guys to look after the Sussexes). She drove herself over to Frogmore Cottage as soon as Harry arrived in the UK in 2021. She made a point of inviting the Sussexes to her Jubbly. She and Harry spoke on the phone just days before her passing. It sounds entirely plausible to me that QEII was enormously fond of Harry and that she did everything she could to support him, despite being in poor health and cognitive decline. She also seemed very concerned about what Charles and William would do to Harry once she was gone. That’s the real story.

As for Harry trying to “claim” QEII as he “claims” Diana… I don’t even think Harry is doing it consciously most of the time, he just thinks about QEII and Diana so much and he feels he’s being guided by them. Harry references Diana and QEII because he feels like he’s acting to protect their memories and protect who they were to him. I also think the “Harry thinks he owns Diana” complaint is mostly from William, who desperately wants to claim his mother’s legacy and he’s mad that Harry is the one who is the most like Diana.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Cover Images.

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30 Responses to “Eden: Courtiers are mad that Prince Harry said QEII supported his lawsuits”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Harry and Meghan never badmouthed the queen and philip. They were setting the record straight. The queen and philip were beset by the Andrew situation after the f b i said they wanted to talk to him.and Eden has some nerve talking about how harry mentions his mother. Yet it’s ok for peg to disrespect his late mother calling her paranoid. And the eden talks about what one of charles courtiers think.

    • the Robinsons says:

      Listen up, for those of you who can think beyond the confines of this short physical existence –that we all partake in. Princess Diana is guiding her son Harry and his family… it’s not for you to say she is not. Harry, Meghan and their family feel her presence in their lives daily.
      Diana, IS their Spirit Guide in this life.

  2. sunnyside up says:

    To suggest that the late Queen didn’t support Harry is to suggest that the late Queen supported law breaking.

    • Catherinski says:


    • Kingston says:

      The shitmedia and their cohorts in the palaces, including chucky & bully, want everyone to pretend along with them that we all did NOT hear and read about the email exchanges between betty’s office and the nasty murdoch henchmen which was brought to light during the Mirror Grp trial, THAT HARRY WON.

      See it here:
      Palace Email Says Queen Knew Murdoch’s UK Group Spied on her Family
      By Sam Tobin
      Updated 27 April 2023

    • bisynaptic says:


  3. sevenblue says:

    We saw the emails from QE2’s people during Harry’s lawsuits. They wanted an official apology from the tabloids for hacking QE2’s family. Murdoch’s people dismissed it and wanted to wait until they finalize other lawsuits, so they didn’t have to pay more to the victims. There was no respect for the Queen on those emails. Of course, QE2 supported Harry. It was Charles & Will who were making closed-door deals with them.

  4. equality says:

    The nerve of the guy for talking about his mother and grandmother as if he had a special relationship with them that the courtiers did not. (s) I think anyone could say that they have a special relationship with a grandparent without it meaning that the other grandchildren didn’t also have a special relationship.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    Unless I am misremembering, wasn’t it entered into evidence in one of the recent lawsuits maybe against NGN that the queen said in a letter that they should maintain security for Harry, Meghan and their children because of the threat level to them? This isn’t Harry just spinning what he thinks his grandmother felt you have documented evidence that was in the public record as part of a trial. They really rely on their readers being so consumed by their hate to not care about their contradictions and for other people to be too apathetic to notice that they are constantly changing their stories and ignoring documented evidence. It’s like yesterday with the jobson book talking about how Omid pushed the Kate made Meghan cry story, instead of noting that Meghan said it herself in a worldwide interview and pointed out that she had received an apology and a note from Kate about it.

  6. Lynwall says:

    But they constantly tell us what the queen thought and we are supposed to believe them when they speak but not Harry?
    IIRC evidence in the form of letters in one of Harry’s lawsuits showed that the queen 1 – supported him getting security and 2 – supported his lawsuit in the absence of an apology?

  7. All they could come up with is he is trying to own Diana and QEII which is just more bullsh*t. He had QEII backing and it didn’t go over well with Chuckles and Peg. I’m sure Chuckles was jealous of QEII trying to help Harry through this because according to Chuckles his mother was never there for him.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Cluck’s Mother Hen never took his security away from him.

      I am beginning to wonder how Diana’s was removed on her watch though.

  8. Monika says:

    This are the same courtiers who hijacked the late Queen E II claiming that she did not like Harry naming his daughter Lilibeth after her. Even the author Robert Hardman had finally to back-paddle from this.
    Were there not e-mails from the assistant of the late Queen E II in the evidence saying that the late Queen gave her permission for Harry to sue the tabloids?

  9. WaterDragon says:

    Who cares about what Courtiers think about anything. Harry wrote the definitive take on these disgusting creatures in “Spare”. I will never forget his descriptions of the Wasp, the Bee and the Fly. Truer words were never spoken.

    If you watch The Crown all the way to the end, it is easy to see that these vipers have done more damage to the Monarchy than Chuckles or Pegs themselves.

  10. Proud Mary says:

    “She made a point of inviting the Sussexes to her Jubbly.” Who can forget that magnificent procession, and the BBC commentator (royal nikka) exclaiming that it had to have been on special order of the Queen?

  11. Blujfly says:

    The Queen lived through several decades of assassinations and attempts to assassinate public figures and the shadow of the Romanovs. Security does seem one thing she was pretty consistent on – well known people in the Royal Family should get it. She also wasn’t a fan of the austerity and believed (as did Phillip) that the government should very much pay for them. In a way she’s not wrong – this is the price you pay for the institution. If you don’t want to, end the institution.

  12. swaz says:

    I’m glad that Prince Harry is talking, keep talking Harry. If Fergie can talk about her you can talk about your grandmother 😕

  13. Lau says:

    Ok guys, from now on William is the only person allowed to talk about Diana and QEII. It’s like Africa, they’re his !

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    We can credit Eden and his ilk with the lack of interest and crowds the King and his leftovers draw.. we’ve seen the lonely security officers guarding barricades without another person in sight. Maybe it’s time that they stop the hate campaign against the Sussex’s, the only ones dropping in popularity globally are the BRF. Even with the mysterious cancer didn’t bring crowds or any show of public affection or support outside of the rota.
    Prince Harry doesn’t say things he can’t back up.. they just never learn.

  15. Nic919 says:

    Diana had two sons and both of them are allowed to speak of her. Courtiers who comment on that can fuck right off. They don’t say anything when William refers to his mother and nothing when Kate specifically copies her mother in law who she never met so they need to shut up if Harry references her.

  16. Jais says:

    Grown man talks about his mom and courtiers are mad about that. GTFOH.

  17. Anna says:

    I feel like all the personal stories about the queen came from Harry, not to say he was showing off or whatever, but when he shared that they had zoom calls together – how his gran got Archie a waffle iron for Christmas and how Philip didn’t know how to end a zoom call beyond just shutting the laptop – it was probably the most human they’ve ever been brought up. He definitely saw them as his grandparents, and even in conversation about them, he’d refer to them as such rather than their titles. Harry’s said from the beginning that he wanted a family and not a firm, and it can be argued he’s treated them that way from the start hoping they’d reciprocate in kind. At least to some extent, the queen and Philip did, and before shit hit the fan, Chuck did as well.

    Harry wasn’t aiming to be “the favourite” or the “special” one, but I guess when you see everything as a competition, if it’s not you, that probably makes you the loser, and Billy can’t have that.

    Nothing more needs to be said about Diana beyond the facts – when you compare the lives being lived by her sons, who’s truly reflects hers?

  18. Beverley says:

    Where was this same energy – we will never know because the queen isn’t here to speak for herself – when there was crying and gnashing of teeth claiming that QE2 was furious about Princess Lilibet’s name?

    The British media’s throughline is that, no matter what, the Queen disapproved of Harry and his actions…no matter the evidence. And towards that goal, they will continue to lie and gaslight their readers, even if they have to cherry pick and bend the facts.

  19. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Elizabeth loved Harry, which is a lot more than you can say about his father and brother.

    And he deeply loved her. The Diana and QEII refs come out of a place of deep connection. I think they are guiding him, but the take-home is that he is their heir in “loving people” and “selfless service” and the “rizz” as the kids say. William and Charles WISH.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    The press attempt to speak for the Queen all the time so they have no right to be upset that her own grandson speaks about her. The real issue is that Harry speaking about the Queen and his mother disrupts the narratives made up by the press.

  21. Well Wisher says:

    She issued a statement after the disastrous ” summit” asserting that Harry, Meghan and Archie remains a part of “her family” not “the family”.

    • Kelsey says:

      Facts. Soon as Harry was telling James Corden how she sent them a waffle maker for Christmas because Archie wanted one I just knew she kept a burner phone tucked in her handbag. The press knows the QUEEN, Harry knew his GRANDMOTHER. Period Pooh.