On August 1, Colombia’s Vice President Francia Márquez announced that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had accepted her invitation to visit/tour the South American country. They will travel to Bogata, Cartagena and Cali. VP Marquez said that she was “pleased” that the tour could be arranged, and she’s clearly planning to use Harry and Meghan to highlight the positive stories within Colombia and bring international attention to the country. That’s exactly what Nigeria did too – the Nigerian tour was coordinated through the government and military, with a focus on Invictus, veterans, education, women’s rights and a celebration of Nigerian culture.
Well, much like the Nigerian tour, the British media is currently melting down because “why would Harry go to such a dangerous country and he won’t come to the UK??” The sad British people get twisted up in their own (racist) arguments so easily too – Harry and Meghan only travel to countries where they’re treated as high-value VIPs and given government security at that level. Nigeria’s cost-benefit analysis was pretty easy: a huge amount of positive domestic and international media attention came with the Sussexes’ visit, and the government got to highlight their own (amazing) veterans programs as well. Thus, it was “worth” it to ensure the Sussexes’ safety and give them the kind of security Nigeria would have given a visiting dignitary or VIP. I assume it will be exactly the same in Colombia.
Meanwhile, the UK seems to believe that the Sussexes should not receive any security… unless authorized by Charles and Camilla, and even then, there’s a good chance that “the palace” will leak the Sussexes’ whereabouts and go out of their way to put them in danger. Here’s the hissy fit from the Mail:
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will visit Colombia for a tour later this year despite both the UK and US governments issuing travel alerts for the crime-ridden country. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will head to South America on an undisclosed date after accepting an invitation from the country’s vice president Francia Márquez.
But the UK and US governments have both issued security alerts over travelling to Colombia amid fears over crime, terrorism, civil unrest and kidnapping – and Harry’s decision to visit comes amid his ongoing battle for his security when in Britain.
The UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office ‘advises against all but essential travel to parts of Colombia’. And the US Department of State issued a travel advisory for Colombia stating: ‘Reconsider travel due to crime and terrorism. Exercise increased caution due to civil unrest and kidnapping. Some areas have increased risk.’
One British former royal protection officer, who served Harry’s family for several years, told MailOnline: ‘They have chosen to visit one, if not the most, dangerous countries in the world. But nothing amazes me [with Harry and Meghan] these days. It’s just him digging his heels in with the UK authorities. But it does add weight to why he’s not getting protection – he keeps going to dangerous places’.
These people are so stupid, it’s a wonder they can function in society without constantly falling into sewers. “But it does add weight to why he’s not getting protection – he keeps going to dangerous places.” You mean the British protection unit would deny someone security because… they traveled to Colombia before traveling to England?? And the “crime-ridden country” reference, they did that a lot with the Nigerian tour, they made it sound like Nigeria was a den of thieves and murderers. If anything, the Sussexes’ Nigeria trip probably boosted tourism to the country, because Nigeria seemed amazing and welcoming. Anyway, these meltdowns – and there are many more – all boil down to “how dare other countries not take our word for it when we say that Harry doesn’t deserve protection!” It also boils down to: “If Harry needs such high-level security, why are other countries giving him that security when the British government isn’t???” They’re almost there. GB News even confirmed that the Sussexes “will be given a full security detail for the entirety of their visit alongside Colombia’s Vice President Márquez.” Could that be the reason why the Sussexes are not visiting the UK perchance?
Photos courtesy of Save the Children Nigeria and Getty.
- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex meet with Save the Children staff and Youth Ambassadors, Maryam (23) and Purity (19) during their visit to Abuja, Nigeria. Prince Harry and Meghan learnt about the charity’s youth-led advocacy addressing issues ranging from early marriage and to gender-based violence, access to education and healthcare, and the plight of internally displaced children. The Sussexes also heard about the charity’s partnership with GSK, which aims to drastically reduce the high numbers of ‘zero-dose’ children – ie those who have never received a route immunisation – through new immunisation programmes, a fund to support local organisations and innovators, and child-led advocacy.
UK got the Invictus, I don’t get why they are crying. I am sure the UK government agreed to give Harry the appropriate security for the games. Colombia invited them, of course they are gonna protect them as their guests. The british media just looks stupid to the rest of the world.
They certainly didn’t have an issue when Sophia, I have seen the articles.. but now that the Sussex’s have been invited of course it is now “the most dangerous country to visit”.
Yeah, i don’t remember seeing all these articles about how dangerous Colombia is when sophie went last year or whenever it was.
Right @Hypocrisy! Colombia has now become “the most dangerous country” since H&M have been invited there. I guess it was PERFECTLY safe when Sophie went in Nov. 2023 and now it’s not.
Yep, the articles when Sophie went didn’t contain anything about ‘dangerous’.
Just saw David Boreanz (Bones) on TV and his TV crew just spent two months down there and he was raving about Colombia so the huge danger of going there seems to be another media “panic tool” I guess. And English media you all look absolutely foolish to allow the press to berate Harry and Megan daily…you are looking like a pesky mosquito nuisance that they flip away with their hands.
They won’t visit because you put them in danger. You want what happened to Diana to happen to him so just stfu and pearl clutching about him not visiting his own country!!
Wft England, why are you so f***ing rasist?!?!
Columbia is being insulted more here than Harry and Meghan, if that’s even possible.
The piece is designed to appeal to DM readers.
Spot on ! The most hateful news outlet in the UK
Who’ve never left their town.
It’s insulting and racist. I’ve been to Bogotá, had maybe the best coffee of my life there, and coffee with cheese (iykyk). It’s a big city so you need to be careful and aware but it’s got about the same crime rate as Chicago. These places aren’t the crime-ridden hellholes that these racists want people to believe.
Colombia’s really cleaned up its act in the last 20-30 years. The drug cartels mostly relocated to Mexico and all hell is breaking loose there while the Colombian military is doing its best to keep the drug lords from taking over again. It’s probably a safer country now than the US with its daily mass shootings.
Thank you.
The real problem is that H&M bring more attention with their tours than any of the “working” royals.
Yeah, why doesn’t the Mail ask why Fumbles and Mumbles never get invited anywhere? The answer is so obvious — nobody wants them.
They don’t want anymore on air firings.
“Fumbles and Mumbles”
The Foreign Office daren’t send Kate anywhere on her own and William on his own is dull.
The tabloid press is under orders to concentrate on the top two and their respective wives. Charles and Camilla generally make for mildly interesting if unexciting copy. The Wales’s however are a disaster.
Sophie’s visit to Colombia was largely ignored by UK press. Her competence serves to highlight Kate’s incompetence.
That might explain why I only heard of it today.
Since none of the working royals are doing any tours, this trip to Columbia makes them look bad.
as did the Nigeria trip.
their loss, the Sussexes did offer half in
Yes, the real issue is the jealousy that governments of other countries want the Sussexes.
This was a problem when Harry and Meghan were working royals the British government was getting so many enquiries from countries that wanted visits from them. This did not go down well because Billy and Katie were supposed to be the popular ones but nobody was interested in seeing them.
Apparently Sophie went there last year, didn’t hear a dickybird about it. I wasn’t dangerous then either.
Colombia isn’t playing fast and loose with Harry and Meghan’s personal security during the visit and leaking, leaking, leakkng like a sieve after the visit. Willy, Camilla and Charles aren’t there, which makes Columbia and every other country they could be invited better. As an added bonus, Harry/Meghan getting positive attention annoys them and makes them tantrum, which results in them leaking the same predictable smears through the invisible contract. Surely the public will tire of the do not and will not left behinds eventually.
I do hope that proves to be the case and with a bold journalist pointing it out.
In the meantime, the UK’s new left wing government may be in the process of forcing W out to work to earn his £23m
““the palace” will leak the Sussexes’ whereabouts and go out of their way to put them in danger. ”
Media’s just about saying the quiet part out loud now, innit?
They’re mad that “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will head to South America on an undisclosed date after accepting an invitation from the country’s vice president Francia Márquez.”
It’s the Undisclosed Date thing that has them spinning. Recall how the Nigerian govt set it up so that by the time they announced the visit, it was impossible for Cluck and Cloppy’s press buzzards to get Visas to Nigeria? Rota was cheesed off for WEEKS about that.
And the palaces are burning mad that all these “sh-thole countries” (as the racists like to paint them) are deemed safer than their own, and how it shows the UK up as pariahs… Hard to cry “Harry and the kids won’t visit me” when it’s documented, in court records, that deliberate decisions were made by Charles through his palace lackeys to MAKE Harry/Meghan/the kids unsafe traveling in the UK.
the BRF/UK Press’ endless refrain: “They hate them, they don’t want them, why won’t they come?” First two statements answer the question.
Harry & Meghan are only going where they are wanted from now on.
If Charles et al keep refusing to apologize to Meghan and Harry for the abuse, and refuse to stop abusing them, Harry’s well within his rights to not show up at his father’s future funeral.
Excellent synopsis, Where’sMyTiara.
The British Press is also weird.
So weird! Why is the british media so weird about what other sovereign nations do? Sad! 😂
😂 I totally heard that in Smeagol voice!
Colombia isn’t even one of their colonies so they need to shut up about who Colombia invites to their country. I’m sure Colombia will have top notch security for Harry and Meghan
This. They are so weird and they keep on saying and doing weird shit!
I don’t recall Columbia’s journalists and press demanding that Meghan be stripped naked, paraded through the streets while people threw feces at her, and remind me again of when a Colombian personality stated that Archie should be thrown off a balcony.
Thank you! The way they act like we can’t see these hideous people for what they are and what they’ve done with Harry’s family’s blessing!
Nor did they compare Archie to an ape.
Wasn’t it a DailyFail writer joking about dangling little Archie off the palace balcony, and threaten the same to H-M?
I’m more worried about him visiting crime ridden Birmingham.
It’s sooo shameful. The uk refusing to give Harry’s family adequate security and then getting mad when other countries do. Nigeria and Colombia are putting the uk to shame.
Why? Because Colombia wants them and England doesn’t.
I can’t wait for this tour!
Any country that invites them and they accept that means they will be given top level security. The country itself knows how bad it would look if something happened and the part of why they were invited was to bring good press to their country.
So the British Media is now exactly at the point where they are saying “we don’t want them to have security when they visit other countries because WE don’t want to give them security”
Vile is their second name
They also continue to use their very limited frame of reference when referring to the tour, as if it is in the style of the other royals. H+M don’t do “this could have been an email” tours. They put in work. They meet with people, announce substantial partnerships and so speaking engagements. Why are they going there? They’re going there to work. And to make the world a better place, means going out in the world.
The UK government is embarrassed that foreign countries will not listen to its rhetoric that the Sussexes are irrelevant and it can’t control a country’s decisions. It’s also embarrassing that the UK won’t protect a prince of the blood and his family. The UK media is mad they will not get access to the events in Colombia and get sloppy seconds like they did for Nigeria.
This. It’s embarrassing that the uk won’t protect the king’s son and his family. Bc the king and his other son won’t let them.
Charles’ neverending tantrum throwing about the Sussexes is making his kingdom look like a pariah state.
Charles, William n the british media have to get use to it that the Sussexes overseas tours are here to stay.
Some of the best people I know come from Columbia.. Cartagena to be exact they visit often because her father still lives there. It is a huge tourist spot and gorgeous. (I have been there once) I am excited to see the country again with the Sussex’s. I’m also happy to see the online bullying/hate initiatives that Archewell is supporting will be highlighted. Platforms need to be held accountable especially with what is happening in the states and England with the right stoking the flames of violence based on misinformation and outright lies.
Something to laugh about, I actually heard the BRF and their rota are angry because the Sussex’s are working and disturbing the Leftovers summertime holiday peace and tranquility.🫣🙄
Overshadowing a holiday, now that’s something I’ve never heard before.
Hypocrisy, the brf and rota are aware of the fact that people all over the UK continue to work while the brf is on vacation, aren’t they? Guess what? The same is true of the people in the US.
I’ve often thought that the biggest problem with members of the brf is that they simply have too much time on their hands. If they were working–really working–on something (anything), they wouldn’t be so focused on what someone else is doing.
Lol, that is a top-tier combination of narcissism and laziness. You working is overshadowing me being on vacation. If they was just find something anything that actually interested them they could not focus all day on what people who are literally on other continents are doing. Because as of now this year they have been mad about them doing things in the US and Canada, Nigeria, and now South America.
And Düsseldorf. And if I remember right, in the week the queen died they were in Germany one year before Invictus. And the Luftwaffe flew them home. They were throwing tantrums then too.
The Rota’s palace regurgitations read like a gothic Dr. Seuss book
they’re not allowed to work when other “working royals” are (said to be) working
they’re not allowed to work when other “working royals” are on vacation
they’re not allowed in the UK
they’re not allowed to go to other countries w/o Cluck’s say so? GTFOH
Since when does the King of England, AKA Chucky the Clown, have dominion over Meghan, AN AMERICAN CITIZEN? Pretty sure we settled that ish back in 1781 when we took Cornwallis’ sword.
Not relevant but apparently we gave back Cornwallis’ sword, as was protocol at the time. One of Cornwallis’ descendants brought it to an Antique Roadshow.
Need these media people ask? So obvious an answer. William is always saying he won’t receive Harry, calls are for Harry to beg forgiveness, taking way Frogmore, etc etc.
I work in online harm reduction and I am delighted that they are highlighting work done in the global south, where there is a LOT of excellent work on online harm to women and girls that gets ignored. Think of keen and her early yaahhhs work which is surface level, and ignores all other work done around the world that is often more progressive and impactful.
Plus Colombia isn’t dangerous, my goodness,has the media seen the UK this week? And as far as i know, there is no well connected Piers M type writing endorsed articles about how meghan annoys him on a cellular level and he wants her hurt in the street. So I’d venture to suggest Columbia is safe, and also Meghan has lived experience to lend to the conversation. I’m also happy it will raise awareness of the Summit on online harm the month after.
Lucy, I’m happy that this Summit is getting more press. I wasn’t aware of it until the Sussexes were invited to Columbia. I’m looking forward to discovering what the Summit will result in for countries to do. i suspect with countries joining together they can make more of an impact.
I hope they can hold the companies responsible.
As was the case with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the king worries that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are becoming a rival court. But Harry and Meghan aren’t trying to establish a rival court, they are fulfilling their genuine desire to serve humanity. If the Royal Family are threatened by that, then they ought to bestir themselves to more—and more effective—work.
I think in the short term, the constant negative coverage of the Sussexes by the British media enables royal laziness. Long term, the Royal Family will suffer by comparison and British republicanism will be strengthened.
The British press are playing dumb.
So, the British government doesn’t offer protection to people who “keep going to dangerous places”? Make it make sense! And acting like the Sussexes would be in the same kind of danger as ordinary tourists wandering around an unfamiliar country by themselves really wins the prize for thinking we’re all as stupid as them.
Whether Harry and Meghan receive protection in the UK should have nothing to do with travels to other parts of the world.
But also……if we accept this premise that colombia is so dangerous and crime ridden and a hotbed of terrorism and drug cartels etc……..what does it say that H&M feel safe traveling to that country but not to the UK?
but of course we all know this has nothing to do with their safety. Rather, this is about the British press being denied access yet again and losing money.
It’s really sad to see how the trash gutter press in the UK, together with their “sources” inside the RF and the usual deranged suspects, have nothing better to do than to wait with bated breath until the Sussexes announce a project, release a trailer or, even worse, venture outside.
And how they always think, all of those above, that they know better than the Sussexes and the people on Team Archewell what is good for the Sussexes, what the Sussexes should do, and what the Sussexes should think on any given day.
As I said yesterday, the BBC and Amazon Prime are currently filming The Night Manager Seasons II and III with Hiddles and Olivia Colman among others, and they’re in Colombia right now, in and around Bogotá. They wouldn’t have taken cast and crew there if the situation was as dangerous as the BM wants us to believe.
Yes, parts of Colombia can be dangerous. Parts of the US can be dangerous. Parts of the UK can be dangerous. Parts of Jamaica can be dangerous…the left overs go there.
I’ve been to Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. I brought my young son. Obviously we didn’t have Harry and Meghan security (because I obviously don’t need that lol!). Most people in the world don’t need that, so what do we do? We don’t go to dangerous areas.
The US did issue a travel advisory. For some PARTS of the country, not the whole country! SWEDEN has an “exercise extreme caution” advisory. The UK has an “exercise extreme caution” advisory.
My son and I had a wonderful time on our “tour” of those countries. I was aware of our surroundings, we traveled with a friend I trusted. We left with wonderful memories and souvenirs. The Sussexes will have a great time. The BM can eat a bag of d!cks.
💯, well said, @heatherc.
Thank you @HeatherC. Pretty much almost any place has dangerous parts. If England/UK wasn’t dangerous with any crazies, why would any royals need protection? Oh, because they’re high profile, uhmm, so are H&M. It’s sounds naive-a simple argument.
The Bahamas have very dangerous areas. Where was the outcry with W&K’s flop tour? I only know this through a friend that is a traveling doctor. He was given a list of things to do or go.
And places and times to not got to and stay away from.
The UK is still reeling from young kids being stabbed to death at a kids dance class but the media wants to say Colombia is crime infested? Sure. Not racist at all.
The rota rats are going to lose what’s left of their minds when Meghan gives speeches in Spanish. How dare she speak in a language that the Brits don’t understand. Who does she think she is communicating in a secret language in public. This will be something to see.
How dare Meghan speak Spanish while Waity is poorly with cancer!
“These people are so stupid, it’s a wonder they can function in society without constantly falling into sewers”, given the headlines on the DM day after day I’m pretty sure they have been living in the sewers for quite some time already.
I predicted this strategy yesterday. No major feat, because the rota are so very predictable.
The British media should brace themselves for this to become a yearly event – Harry and Meghan are popular and in demand internationally and with so many countries vying for or considering Invictus, it’s going to be a regular thing. Meanwhile, nobody is inviting the leftovers unless it’s a chance to fire them live on TV😊.
The BM should consider this a gift, something to fill those column inches over the long months while the Wales are on vacation.
1). It is Bogota
2). It is Colombia with an O not a U
Thank you for this. Seeing all the “U’s” was driving me nuts!
Diana walked through a landmine field being cleared to bring awareness and visited an AIDS ward when it was wrongly considered to be one of the most dangerous places a person could go, precisely to disabuse folks of that notion. And, yes, her security went with her. Same as when leaders and protectees visit war zones in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Columbia is, of course, more dangerous for the average non-Hispanic/Latin American Spanish-speaking Brit without a managed schedule, vetted transportation, and dedicated protection, sure, but it’s not an open war zone. Neither is Nigeria. These people are decidedly unserious.
When Diana went through the landmines in Angola and Bosnia she didn’t have personal security anymore. She went with the red cross accompanied by Burrell, would be interesting to know if anybody gave her Security.
Divorce gave her 17 million pounds and the KP apartment. It left her without security and without a place to stay in the country with a minimum of privacy. Charles and his grey man knew what they were doing.
I hope Harry and Meghan are invited to all these countries the British media deems crime ridden at least 4 times every year from here on out. the british media can suck it. we the rest of the world can see your entire racist asses on full display.
What this boils down to is whining because the people the British media and royal family deemed “irrelevant” and “unworthy of protection” are seen worldwide, as incredibly relevant VIPs and as such, require VIP-level security and treatment. And as to why they won’t go to England, Harry just gave a whole ass interview was it last week where he clearly states why he won’t be Meghan to England. The British media likes to play in people’s faces too much. They also like to throw rocks and hide hands but that’s another issue.
Is there something in the water in Britain?
These folks are NUTS!
Maybe they SHOULD put something in the water…..
The issue is very simple, but the tabloids and the British press in general are afraid to admit it. Harry and Meghan are becoming a global brand almost as strong as the late Queen. No other member or even royal couple is having as much success as the Sussexes. Harry and Meghan have already surpassed Charles, William or any other member. They are amazing.
I went to Cartagena two years ago. Weather is great, nice people. Lots of begging though. They’ll have high level security, they’ll be fine. They are being obtuse. Other countries provide them VIP security, the UK won’t so they don’t go. Harry dashes in and out. They just won’t admit that jealous Charles and William don’t want them there so they won’t provide security. Well, that’s why you miss out….
Well, if Chuckles and Willy boy weren’t so jealous and petty and they’d have security. When will anyone admit that they really don’t want them there so they won’t provide security. Went to Cartegena two years ago, it was great. The begging is a little much but with VIP security, they’ll be just fine.
Slightly O/T, but did you know that VP Francia Márquez is a winner of a prestigious global environmental prize? That’s not Earthshot, BTW…
… Although the Earthshot Prize does have fellow Colombian Shakira as a council member. Woot.
Okay but it says something when COLOMBIA is safer for your family than England.
It defies logic as to why British media & public believe The Sussexes must obtain permission from anyone before traveling. KC3 and Prince William are disliked by these countries, so they attempt to suppress Harry & Meghan from visiting.