Last week, ITV’s Tabloids on Trial documentary aired, and it included an exclusive interview with Prince Harry. He spoke of how his tabloid lawsuits are connected to his fight for security in the UK, which is all connected to his relationship to his father and the institution of the monarchy. As in, the Windsors hate Harry’s crusade against the tabloids, because the Windsors feel that they need the tabloids on their side and the Windsors and the tabloids see each other as partners most of the time. Meaning, Harry’s lawsuits disturb the “delicate balance” of shenanigans and cooperation between the monarchy and media, and that is one of the biggest reasons why the Windsors AND the British media have spent years targeting the Sussexes. It goes even further than that – Byline’s reporting on this situation was very accurate, especially in regard to Christian Jones, the leaks to Dan Wootton and the nervousness within Charles’s camp.
What’s been interesting to watch this week is that the Sussex camp is really pushing back on the palace’s attempted “woe is me, Harry won’t bring his kids to the UK” narrative. Camp Sussex is driving this point home: Charles is a dogsh-t father and a liar. They’ve even got Tom Sykes at the Daily Beast writing exclusives with lots of Sussex-Camp-sourcing. Some highlights:
Harry’s holding pattern with RAVEC: Currently, to obtain security, Harry is required, like any other high-profile visitor seeking police protection, to give 28 days notice to the British security forces of his intention to visit the U.K., list locations he intends to visit, and present a detailed itinerary of his plans. He can use private security but private guards cannot be armed. He has offered to pay for the cost of police protection, but the offer was rebuffed by the British government, which said the police are not available for private hire. He took the matter to court and has repeatedly lost his cases, costing him in excess of a million dollars, but he has been granted one final appeal which will be heard later this year.
Charles is gaslighting the public: A royal source this week told The Daily Beast the current set-up suited the royals “down to the ground” as it prevented Harry from making regular visits—and setting up a rival royal court in the U.K. Harry’s camp accuse Charles’ team of gaslighting the public by saying on one hand that the king loves his son and wants to see more of him and his children, while at the same time denying him the police protection that would make such visits possible on a regular basis.
The Frogmore eviction: The source said: “The evidence is there, clearly, for everyone to see. He has been kicked out of the home that would have made it possible for him to come back on a regular basis.”
But America’s gun violence!! However, a source in Charles’ camp, apparently referring to the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, questioned “how the U.K. presents more of a threat to the duke’s security than the U.S., where even the best-protected individual in the land can still find themselves subject to attack from individuals using weapons that can be acquired over the counter.” But Harry’s ally told The Daily Beast: “The threat is very real. He needs protection. The idea that the security forces wouldn’t allow anything to happen is a very glib dismissal of the reality of the threat the family faces.”
Charles’s “woe is me” campaign: The source dismissed allegations made by friends of the king to The Daily Beast this week that Harry was using his kids to “emotionally blackmail” the king into intervening with RAVEC. The source said, “Why would he bring his wife and children back to the U.K. if they are not going to be protected? The duke needs protection, they need protection. The threat level hasn’t changed since he stepped back from the royal family, if anything it has got worse because of the tabloid campaign against him and his wife.” Asked why they thought Harry was being denied protection, which has the effect of restricting his ability to visit the UK, the source said: “It’s about control.”
Whether Charles could conceivably intervene: The Sussex source said: “The fact that there is even any debate around (Harry’s) security is unbelievable when you look at the situation. The late queen made it really clear [at the Sandringham summit] that she wanted him and his family protected. She intervened to allow Andrew to keep his protection. Why is it impossible for his dad not to do the same for Harry? If the king wanted, he could do this for his son.”
Not only did QEII intervene with RAVEC to ensure that Andrew kept his security, she picked up the costs herself. Guess what happened when QEII died? Charles assumed the same arrangement with Andrew, and since 2022, Andrew has received royal protection, the costs of which are assumed by the Duchy of Lancaster (the monarch’s “private funds”). And the Sussex source is 100% correct – this is about control. This is Charles and Camilla doing all they can to stop Harry from coming and going from the UK whenever he wants. This is about controlling Harry’s movements in and out of the country, but also controlling his movements within the country, and always having the option of leaking his location and itinerary to put Harry in mortal danger.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Ceremonial procession of the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall. Featuring: King Charless III, Prince William, Prince of Wales, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, England, United Kingdom When: 14 Sep 2022 Credit: PA Images/ Images **North America Rights Only**
- Ceremonial procession of the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall where Her Majesty will lie in state Featuring: Prince Harry, King Charles III Where: London, United Kingdom When: 14 Sep 2022 Credit: Cover Images
- State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II held at Westminster Abbey in London. Featuring: King Charles III, Camilla, Queen Consort, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, Princess Anne, Princess Royal, Prince Andrew, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, England, United Kingdom When: 19 Sep 2022 Credit: PA Images/ Images **North America Rights Only**
- King Charles III watches a display in the Castle Arena during day 3 of the Royal Windsor Horse Show in Windsor, Berkshire. day 3 of the Royal Windsor Horse Show in Windsor, Berkshire. Featuring: King Charles III Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 03 May 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Guests arrive to attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Prince Harry Duke of Sussex attending a St Paul’s Cathedral service to mark the Invictus Games’ tenth anniversary in London, UK. Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, London Featuring: King Charles III Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Jordan Pettitt/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Where’s the evidence that Sussex camp is talking to this KP toady?
What the source says in the above excerpt is similar to what commenters have said on this site. I guess Celebitchy commenters are now royal sources.
@SURE, I’m fairly confident I’ve read some of those “royal source” quotes/comments on Celebitchy or SS posts. Nothing new for the DB/BM. Resourcing or whatever. Lazy a$$ people. Like Mic Wright said, being a royalist “reporter” is a demonition.
The Sussex source could be H&M’s new British communications officer they hired earlier this year.
It probably is him.
But Sussex sources do not hide – they, like their principals, speak with their full chests, out in the open. If these quotes had come from their new UK communications officer, his name would have been stated. I agree that the “source” is quite possibly this very website, Celebitchy writers and commenters.
Im in favor of dragging charlie under the bus for putting every obstacle to stop the sussexes coming in the country. Petty, vile, jealous racist king.
He’s a horrid king but an even worse “father.” There is nothing I would not sacrifice or do to protect my kids, but this guy wants to play games with his son’s safety, and that of his DIL and grandkids. He’s a monster and his legacy is already tainted in so many ways.
Well, this is certainly interesting. Why is Sykes going after Charles?
Probably because it’s summer and the Royal rota and British media have had virtually nothing to cover except mystery cancer we still have no details about. The Sussex’s are literally the only ones doing anything beyond being a spectator at a sporting event.
I also think some publications (or the columnists) are getting tired of carrying water/writing fan fiction for the royals. What is it getting them in return? The Windsors aren’t doing anything interesting. It will be worse with William and Kate in charge as they are very privacy focussed and will give even less access (and do less). I mean Sykes is awful but at least he is putting out some very obvious counter points to the royal talking points. Maybe I’m just being optimistic lol?
I see this as one of the rota threatening the Royals by telling the truth for once and not running interference for them like they usually do.
The reporting is getting boring for the RRs. they want H&M making regular visits to the UK. I think they all see clearly that Charles is the one blocking it and my guess is some of them are trying to force the issue.
I mean, ok he needs to inform about the places he is gonna visit a month before his visit. Does that guarantee the protection? I don’t think so. Wasn’t it said before that the visit has to be an approved event? Like jubilee or funeral. They are gonna look at the purpose of the visit and decide if he needs security for that occasion. So, there is always a possibility, they are not gonna give him security if the visit is deemed not-necessary.
How can he give a month’s notice to go to a funeral, it doesn’t usually take that long after the death. Mind you it is nearly 20 years since I attended a funeral in Britain.
Yeah, I added funeral because they always cry for Harry anytime someone he is related to has a funeral. You can’t even give 1 month notice for some occasions. Even if he did, they can still decide that his visit isn’t necessary.
During the court case, it was revealed that Harry has asked for permission multiple times to get security for a visit. He asked the 28 days in advance, as required, and was still refused. So he really is being kept from entering the country. All while Charles’ sources claim he’s sad about not seeing his grandkids.
And that’s why the court cases continue. It gets on the record. Can’t imagine having such a weak willed jealous father being ridden hard by his horsey 2nd wife. (For whom Chuck used to arranged protection that he paid for before they married.)
If I were Harry, I’d go to the commonwealth countries a lot. Or Ireland. Close enough. Just to irritate Bad Pa.
Nope, it does not guarantee the protection. BP’s campaign is trying to act like they’re just being reasonable and following the standard procedure, but their PR blitz is leaving out that part – that it doesn’t guarantee protection.
This is exactly how it might have gone down. Except that I believe chucky added in even more requests, as in:
“I’m sick, come home and help me……you dont have to bring your family…..I’m sick come home and help me……..just come for 6 months in the first instance…..I’m sick, come home and help me…………..take on some assignments……….I’m sick come home and help me……and because Im sick with cancer and cant deal with any stress, just drop the lawsuits also…..I’m sick come home and help me.”
And, like you said, H’s response was:
“Yeah……. that’s not gonna happen and we both know why”
And then Charles stormily effed off to Sandringham via chopper to rage and sulk, and Harry returned to Heathrow – SANS security detail.
Charles can approve stuff at any time. Last February when he wanted sympathy for his cancer dx and no one gaf until he convinced Harry to come to London… full security given from Heathrow to Clarence House.
And I’ll bet you anything that their convo that day went something like this:
“So. Security provided. Thanks for that – wasn’t that hard, was it?”
“You can have security all the time if you drop the lawsuits”
“Yeah… that’s not gonna happen and we both know why”
And then Charles stormily effed off to Sandringham via chopper to rage and sulk, and Harry returned to Heathrow – SANS security detail.
Charles is a g-d clown, not a king.
Again it is told that Charles wants to see harry and the children no mention of meghan
Charles doesn’t want to see anbody 🙄 CHARLES IS A DEADBEAT DAD😒saying one thing but doing another.
Exactly. In his sick mind, those grandchildren have tainted blood. Camilla is also a big racist.
Wow. Harry knows exactly what a miserable family he has. I hope he continues his fight. People see what an ass his family is to him. They want what happened to Diana to happen to him in his country. Chuckles is the absolute worst!!
Tampon Charles is the worst father in the world. Thomas Markle comes in second, because he’s not putting his daughter in the same level of danger as Charles is, although he has contributed a lot of the hate against her.
In this case regardless of whose camp is telling on the other will charles ever come out of this looking good. he should have protected his son at all costs no questions, he didnt ask to born into that family. i guess he is to far down the road to turn around and make any changes. discuss that at your summit
If I say what I truly want about this man I would be banned from posting on here again.. let’s just say I wont be mourning his demise.
I wouldn’t mourn him either except then Willie-boy will be the king. He’s so filled with hate and jealousy that he would probably try to send assassins after H&M.
I wish Charles would get better simply to keep William out of the job.
I really believe that when Harry briefly visited Charles after his cancer diagnosis, he broached the topic of security again. That’s when Charles told his son he could have royal level security if he moved back to the UK and resumed his royal duties, in other words, resubmitted to abuse from his father and brother. Of course, Harry refused. And the meeting ended abruptly. I do wonder if Harry has thought about his father’s role in Diana’s death. It seems like he doesn’t really want to go there, though Charles keeps pushing him to go there. Yes, it’s always been about control with Charles.
I think Charles wanted him back and Harry said no.
I think Cluck is using the security issue as bargaining chip to get Harry to stop the lawsuits.
It’s backfiring b/c he doesn’t know his son at all. You don’t FA with Virgos. You just don’t. Meanwhile, every court date allows Harry to get more evidence into the record for posterity as to what an evil, heartless, backstabbing clown his father is.
Makes you wonder what crimes Charles could possibly have committed that he’d be willing to sell the safety of four members of his family away to protect himself from the consequences of his actions.
Yeah, it was obvious. Charles sent police security to the airport when Harry arrived, but he didn’t get security when leaving. Charles didn’t get what he wanted from him, so he didn’t even bother to provide him with security afterwards.
Cluck wants the lawsuits dropped in exchange for the security. Which he will also declare he’s free to revoke at his pleasure at any time b/c ‘they’re not working royals’.
It’s a sucker bet and Hazza’s not taking the bet. Because he has emotional intelligence to see through his father’s blackmail et al.
Diana is proud that her son is standing up for himself. And I think it’s wonderful that the Sussex’s are standing in their own truth in the world.
“Control” is the word. This family will do anything for its members as long as they submit fully to whomever the monarch is and their wishes for your housing, money, and general movements on a day to day basis. In exchange you get, what they believe, is the pinnacle of living – to be a member of their club.
Abusers want and need to control their victims. When the victim fights back, the abuser goes into attack mode.
Wasn’t Sykes the one who originally said Charles was gaslighting? Is he attributing his own words to Harry? Zero integrity with these people. JFC.
It’s definitely about control. Remember at some point – maybe after he took frogmore, or maybe after the Oprah interview – there was a narrative put out by BP that Harry didn’t need housing or security in the UK because he could just stay at Clarence House when he came to the UK and stay with Charles and Camilla and use their security teams!
That way Charles would have absolute control! Gee, who does that work out for?!?
No lies detected here.
Nothing like stating the obvious. How many years did it take?
Harry is not the first child of a monarch who has left their country to go live somewhere else. Why do the British RF have to make it so difficult. What a bunch of As. Bottom line is I don’t see how Harry would ever be safe in the UK under king Huevo. How the son of the current monarch doesn’t automatically get security is baffling.
Oh, it’s going to get even worse with Huevo. Harry will not be even be able to enter the country from any port. Like Napoleon, exiled to an island. But Huevo can have his Salty Island. Harry has the world. I hope one day Harry takes the fam to Ireland. Not the same, but close enough.
I hope huevo is the cause of a republic being formed. Not everyone likes a tyrannical petty monarch
F chuck and his poor poor suffering dad and grandpa act. He is a monster. He will die how he lived , rotting in the hell he created. He made Diana life hell and now he does the same to her son and grandchildren and daughter in law . May Charles’s never know a moment of peace for being an evil man.Also Harry children have a mother and Harry has a wife , so again f chuck, you not ever seeing my children without acknowledging their mother and my wife if I were Harry . The disrespect Meghan continues to be subjected to at the hands of the Windsors cult is f insane .
It’s insane. I can’t believe the hate on social media, many from bot accounts paid by this horrible family.