Justin Timberlake’s driver’s license was suspended & his lawyer was admonished

Justin Timberlake was arrested for a DWI in June, and everything has been a clownshow ever since. Justin doesn’t think he has a problem, so no rehab. He thinks this is all an issue with his image, so he hired a crisis manager and they proceeded to screw up so badly, everyone sided with Justin’s arresting officer. Justin’s lawyer also hasn’t been doing JT any favors. The guy is leaking all of this crazy sh-t to TMZ about how one of Justin’s friends was even more drunk than Justin, therefore Justin must be acquitted. Meanwhile, on Friday, Justin appeared virtually at a court hearing about his DWI case. The judge suspended Timberlake’s driver’s license, and the judge also hilariously admonished Timberlake’s idiot lawyer.

Justin Timberlake appeared virtually at a Friday hearing for his driving while intoxicated case, where the judge announced the pop star’s driver’s license would be suspended and admonished his lawyer over “irresponsible” comments. Timberlake, 43, wore a black collared shirt for his appearance via video conference from Antwerp, Belgium.

Sag Harbor Justice Carl Irace reprimanded the musician’s attorney, Edward Burke Jr., for “irresponsible” comments he made at the last court hearing, adding that it “comes off as an attempt to poison the case before it even begins.”

The judge even threatened to issue a gag order if the attorney continued to make such comments. It’s not clear which comments the judge was referring to.

After considering a motion to dismiss the case against Timberlake, the judge suspended the singer’s license in New York state because he refused to take a breathalyzer test on June 18 when he was pulled over. The license will be suspended for the pendency of the case, according to Burke Jr.

The hearing lasted roughly half an hour, ending with Irace again admonishing Burke, urging him to “raise the bar, not lower it.”

[From NBC News]

People Magazine notes that Burke withdrew his motion to dismiss the case, and part of the judge’s admonishment was that if Burke continued to run his mouth in the press, the judge would order Timberlake to appear in court. Which would totally “ruin the tour.” The next hearing is scheduled for the 9th, with a possible trial date of September 13th. It’s so funny to me that Justin really went out and grabbed the first local ambulance-chaser he could find and the guy is trying to make a name for himself with this one DWI case. Justin is getting what he deserves.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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38 Responses to “Justin Timberlake’s driver’s license was suspended & his lawyer was admonished”

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  1. Jan says:

    In NY if you refuse a breathalyzer it’s an automatic license suspension, I think.

    • Clove says:

      If you refuse A breathalyzer in Georgia, your license are automatically suspended. What I thought was crazy is that his attorney said he had one martini. If you look at his mugshot, his eyes are bloodshot. That’s not one Martini.

      • Anastasia says:

        It depends on the size of the martini and how dry it is really.

        Maybe it was a fishbowl martini, a very, very dry fishbowl martini

    • mycatlovestv says:

      Missouri, too, revokes your DL if you refuse a breathalyzer test. Makes sense, right? If you are sober, you don’t worry about taking the darn test.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      Justin Timberfake aka Timbersnake douchebagery caught up to him finally, halleluiah so sings the choir and the congregation. I’ll never forgive that coward for what he did to Janet Jackson, never. So judge…go get him; and get his real good. Lock him up x1000

    • Theresa says:

      In Ohio your DL is suspended for a full year if you refuse to blow

  2. Honey says:

    He definitely appears he is getting what he deserved. The way he handled it was with arrogance and condescension. He could have used this “crisis” and his crisis communications team to apologize humbly, learn a life lesson and encourage others to not drive under the influence. His image would have come off better and he could have done something of a public service.

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    He and his team are so bad at this. If JT had gone into immediate contrition mode (even if he stated he didn’t believe he was impaired but shouldn’t have driven after any drinking) and “treatment”, this would have blown over and been forgotten with a no jail plea agreement. Now it’s still national news. So much for crisis management.

    • NotTheOne says:

      There are ways to reduce attention and handle things quietly and then there are the “Trump” ways. Throw a big fit and act like an a**.

    • Ariel says:

      I love how as a society (mostly women) are pushing back on pr narratives of entitled white men.

      A few still have old school Hollywood pr success (ugh, Brad Pitt)
      But a lot of those pr narratives don’t hold up to any scrutiny, and we are starting to scrutinize.

      • Get Real says:

        We as a society are pushing back on rich entitled a$$holes. See Melania Trump, Lauren Sanchez, et al. It’s not gender specific.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And that’s what I don’t understand. JT is stinkin’ rich (isn’t he?); shouldn’t he be able to hire the very best advisors & very best lawyers? This was boneheaded start to … well, we’re not finished yet. Then again, you do need a client willing to listen to their team….

  4. Mrs. Smith says:

    What tour?

  5. Giddy says:

    I have zero sympathy for drunk drivers, especially ones who show absolutely no shame when caught. It’s too bad that his ego has kept him from apologizing to the court and to the officer involved.

    • JoanCallamezzo says:

      This 100%. Show remorse not arrogance. He could have killed someone my god.

    • Danbury says:

      Absolutely. There’s never an excuse, and in his case even less as he’s more than rich enough to hire a private car or take a cab to get his drunk ass home.

  6. ML says:

    Anyone know what the normal sentence is for regular people who get DUIs in NY? If they behave like JT, do the judges weigh harsher punishment?

    I wonder if he had difficulty finding a lawyer and I really, really want to see the video footage! He should have had to take a blood test when he refused the breathalyzer—I’m actually wondering if it was just alcohol at this point. He’s such a creep!

    • Jais says:

      After his people went after the arresting officer, I really want to see the video footage too. And now his lawyer is being threatened with a gag order. His pr moves are just really bad.

  7. BlueNailsBetty says:

    I love this for Justin and his idiot attorney. They deserve it.

    • North of Boston says:

      Yes! Exactly!

      I love this for both of them.

      Everything about this, from the moment he left that bar and choose to get behind the wheel to this ruling, all the details that have come out and everything about JT’s response, his lawyer’s actions, his team’s moves, … all of has made the whole mess of them come off like entitled, self-centered losers.

  8. wolfmamma says:

    Some justice for this ugly person. I’m glad your tour is going poorly.
    Life gave you a wake up call and you chose to spit on it.

  9. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Justin Timberlake needs to google Streisand Effect because this story would have blown over in a couple of days if he hadn’t declared war and launched a hate campaign to try to blame and dissemble against literally every single other person tangentially involved.

  10. Digital Unicorn says:

    I never really got his appeal – he can sing and dance but he stepped on others to get where he is, his solo success was purely down to the producers he worked with.

    I watched the Lou Pearlman documentary on Netflix and wow, that was an eye opener. Am glad the Backstreet Boys are still going strong, Nsync could have had that kind of longevity but Justin’s ego got in the way – once they hit big time he couldn’t dump the rest of the guys quick enough. I guess he learned how to use people from Pearlman – who ripped off thousands of people to fund his music mogul dream (as well as ripping off the bands as well).

  11. Demona says:

    Pretty sure the ‘comments’ were the lawyer having online articles show up with the misleading headlines that made it seem as if the case was over. I remember getting suggested news alerts that said
    then they took you to the actual article
    “…says his lawyer, Bob Loblaw.”

  12. Rnot says:

    He SHOULD be famous/rich/connected enough to have better advisors than this. He SHOULD be able to afford a driver and a top notch lawyer who could tell him to shut up and act contrite. I wonder if he’s managed to squander the bulk of his earnings. I wonder if he has a worse chemical dependency problem than this DUI suggests.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I said something similar above (I really should learn to read all comments before commenting). I think you may be onto something, maybe he doesn’t have the $$ we’re all assuming he does.

  13. pottymouth pup says:

    I have a question for the attorneys here

    if Bob Loblaw tried to use the excuse that Timberlake was not under the influence and the cop was just targeting him because he is by using the claim that the friend who offered to pick him up was visibly drunk and the cop let her drive away in court. What ramifications would/could there be for the friend? Would the friend be called to testify that Timberlake only had 1 drink and wasn’t intoxicated at all (not that alcohol is the only way to be intoxicated). Wouldn’t the DA just ask her if she was as intoxicated as Timberlake’s attorney claimed and drove under the influence, and if she said yes, would she be risking being charged for DWI since she’d be admitting under oath that she did drive under the influence?

  14. Flamingo says:

    The way his team went after the arresting officer really made me sick. I was never a fan of his. But I hope all the bad karma comes his way.

    I am so tired of him skating by throwing other people under the bus. For his bad behavior and Hollywood keeps rewarding him for it.

  15. Lau says:

    Maybe now he can get driven around like he should have been in the first place. Reckless idiot.

  16. Monc says:

    In FLA you refuse to blow … your license is revoked for 1 year….