Angelina Jolie: Brad Pitt tried to force me to sign an $8.5 million holdback NDA

As someone who has followed, for years, all of the ins and outs of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s lawsuits and legal issues, it’s stunning to me that the American courts have not thrown Pitt out on his ass. The big issue between Pitt and Jolie right now is his lawsuit against her and her countersuit, all about the sale of Nouvel, her half of the Chateau Miraval. He sued her because he claimed they had a secret, unwritten agreement that she would only sell Nouvel to him, and that he was blindsided when she sold Nouvel to Tenute del Mondo. Jolie’s countersuit is that Pitt has zero evidence of any of his claims, and that there’s actually a lengthy paper trail that she tried to sell Nouvel to him but he tried to make the sale contingent on Jolie signing an NDA about his parental and spousal abuse. Pitt, in turn, has claimed that the NDA he wanted (I thought he was blind-sided, remember?) was merely boilerplate and part of a business deal. Well, it’s long been rumored that Pitt attached a number to Angelina’s silence, and surprise, Angelina has receipts on that too:

Angelina Jolie is accusing Brad Pitt of trying to have her sign an $8.5 million non-disclosure agreement related to her allegations of abuse against her ex. In court documents filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Thursday, July 25 and obtained by PEOPLE, lawyers for Jolie, 49, argued in support of a recent motion to compel Pitt, 60, to disclose personal communications, which Pitt’s lawyers described as “wide-ranging and intrusive” in a separate filing.

In 2022, Pitt sued Jolie for selling her stake in Château Miraval, the winery they co-owned, alleging she violated a prior agreement that neither would do so unless the other person approved. The pair have also engaged in a separate legal battle related to the custody of their children, half of whom have now reached legal age: Maddox, 22, Pax, 20, Zahara, 19, Shiloh, 18, and 16-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

In the new court documents, Jolie’s attorneys said that Jolie “was not acting with malice and the intent to hurt Pitt in response to any custody ruling” when she sold her share of Miraval in 2021.

“Instead, it was Pitt who refused to buy her interest unless he received his newly expanded NDA, enforceable by an $8.5 million holdback specifically designed to force her silence about his abuse and cover-up,” the court documents read. PEOPLE has reached out to Jolie and Pitt’s representatives..

Jolie’s attorneys additionally said, “While Pitt advances what is effectively an outdated privacy-of-domestic-violence argument to shield his abuse, his argument is not the law, at least not in this century, and he cites no authority that would give him such unwarranted protections,” the court documents read. “In any event, he waived any privacy protections when he sued Jolie.”

In court documents obtained by PEOPLE on July 15, Pitt’s attorneys asked for Jolie’s motion to be denied. They alleged that Jolie wanted him to produce communications “about such sensitive issues as therapy he voluntarily undertook” in the wake of the 2016 family plane ride that led to their divorce, even after Pitt volunteered to produce “documents sufficient to show everything that occurred on the flight.”

Jolie’s attorneys noted in the July 25 court documents that Pitt “contends that he did not use the NDA to attempt to cover up any abuse,” and argued that the actor should be compelled to continue producing documents related to her allegations during discovery in their legal battle.

“Jolie has no desire to litigate these issues and for years never publicly discussed any of it. Rather than appreciate her discretion, Pitt sought to contractually mandate and enforce it,” the documents read. “Because she refused, he seeks to punish her, demanding $67 million plus punitive damages. In so doing, Pitt placed his conduct squarely at issue. While Jolie sincerely wishes Pitt would end this litigation and finally put their family on a clear path toward healing, that cannot happen while Pitt relentlessly pursues her.”

[From People]

“Rather than appreciate her discretion, Pitt sought to contractually mandate and enforce it.” Exactly. While some of Angelina’s side was bound to come out at some point, she really was being discreet for years, all while Pitt publicly maligned her, smeared her and tried to bribe a judge into giving him custody of the children he abused. When Pitt sued her over the sale of Nouvel, all bets were off. Her countersuit was the biggest FAFO moment of this whole long-running saga. Angelina has ample documentation to back up her side. Brad’s documentation will prove Angelina’s side too, which is why he’s in court, trying to argue that HIS conduct has nothing to do with why he wanted to force Angelina to sign an NDA with a seven-figure penalty (which he would hold back??).

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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37 Responses to “Angelina Jolie: Brad Pitt tried to force me to sign an $8.5 million holdback NDA”

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  1. K8erade says:

    What gets me is there are still people out there siding with Pitt and just think the absolute worst of Angelina Jolie even though she’s had proof all along that she was right. Guy’s been telling the world he’s a scumbag for years and people still love him. Just proves everything when it comes to domestic violence. He’s the definition of American Psycho.

    • Anna says:

      Your comment is so on point. “Nice guy” cannot be an abuser and as long as the woman is not a “perfect victim” she is no victim at all. I cannot stomach films with Pitt anymore and admire Angie for her restraint.

    • Delphine says:

      I’ve been grossed out by him since he played the greasy dude in Thelma and Louise. I know it was just a character but in my mind that’s who he really is.

    • Facts says:

      Pitt has used the court system to also smear Angie. Lest people forget he did the same to Aniston and she still lives with that narrative that she wouldn’t give him kids. Only because he wanted and lusted after Angie. It was so easy to put all of that scandal at Angie’s feet also.
      He is a nasty man and will do anything apparently to save his image just to wind up with abuser attached to his name no matter how he tries to wash it off with his facelifts and planted bots talking about his prettiness.
      His kids dislike him so much they cleaned his last name that speaks louder than anything Angie could say about him. He is an idiot and has always been pretentious and dumb. He did everything she said he did and probably more she won’t saying wouldn’t have labeled him a physically abusive man just an emotional and verbally one. But Angie was a game changer for him. I think he was obsessed with her and the level of fame he procured with her was astronomical. The whole big family facade which I don’t think her ever wanted. He just wanted to be with AJ. She talked a bit about how men just want to be with a woman as a token of pride, or like making love to her but won’t defend her. That stuck in my head because it was probably her life at the time.
      She has took a lot but it will soon be over and yes she had to defend herself by exposing what he did. If it was me I would have put his azz on blast day one! She what happens when u try to be nice.

  2. Lisa says:

    Can’t believe they gave this asshole an Oscar after this. Double f**k George Clooney too

    • Agnes says:

      Just here to say, “F*ck George Clooney.”

      • DK says:

        Has Amal Clooney ever come out in support of Angelina? It just doesn’t make sense to me that a human rights attorney would not have insisted her husband keep his mouth shut regarding supporting Pitt as a domestic- and child-abuser…

    • Mslove says:

      Same. Eff George Clooney.

  3. ML says:

    I’m glad AJ clarified BP’s NDA, which she refused to sign. I just don’t quite understand why she dropped the details now? It might have helped her years ago—unless something has happened or changed recently? The only thing I know of is that the twins are now old enough that they can choose not to see BP. Are there any new developments legally speaking?

    • Lucy says:

      Yes, Brad is suing her to continue his abuse of her. The article talks about things filed in the past two weeks in a several years long lawsuit that Brad filed without thinking through apparently. I don’t understand what’s confusing.

      • wolfmamma says:

        Honestly I’d rather both just stopped – all of it. Deal with it privately.
        Doesn’t help anyone anywhere.

      • Mireille says:

        He’s been suing, suing, suing, and filing motions when he loses on appeal for YEARS on her. And HE’s been taking all of this to the public with the help of Weinstein’s PR bitch Hiltzik to smear her reputation. She has kept silent in the beginning until he pushed her too far and won’t let go. What else is she supposed to do? Brad is a relentless, vengeful prick who’s using the legal system to punish her for leaving him.

        “Doesn’t help anyone anywhere.” True — Angie defending herself against these attacks doesn’t affect you, me, or the public. It’s very easy for ANY OF US to have a throw-away opinion on something that we have no personal stake in but Angie is fighting to defend her family, herself, and her assets. And that’s worth fighting for. I hope she wins and he goes down in bankruptcy. I am tired of mediocre men who terrorize their families, getting away with it.

        And quite frankly, I’m also tired of people thinking this ongoing lawsuit is something SHE wanted in the first place.

    • Erica says:

      Pitt lawsuits against Angelina is why this is coming out now. Many people said his recent BS lawsuit would backfire on him and it is.

      His most recent BS

    • fishface says:

      Perhaps someone can clarify Pitt’s position on the NDA. If, as his lawyers and he claim, his demand for an NDA was not about his behaviour, what was it about then? I don’t see any other rationale for an NDA given that all the details relating to Nouvel have now been in the public domain for years as part of court filings….
      Also, he is a huge POS. Go Angie.

  4. Anna Nonymous says:

    All.these.years. She must have wanted to shout from the roof tops about him but had to stay silent. She must feel like a tea kettle. Stay Strong Valiant Warrior Mom. This is so heartbreaking and tragic. What a self centered douche. This can never be undone. True beauty is in how you treat others. His actions paint an extremely petty, self centered, insensitive and yes even abusive. His actions of what he has done to the people he supposedly loved the most? I think we’ve all been there when we realize the cost of this person’s love is a price I’m no longer willing to pay. Even the most beautiful woman and the most handsome guy in the world still had problems. I support Angelina and her Kids wholeheartedly. What he did in that plane was monstrous. I have been in those situations and I can guarantee it that wasn’t the first time. You don’t poor your beer out all over your sleeping wife’s blanket as your first abusive act. This is clearly years of breaking down her boundaries and build up of knowing what she will accept. His clearly bankrupt heart and mind and acts are a tornado of human shit. It’s best to just run far and fast.

    • bananapanda says:

      Brad has had 10 yrs to get sober, repair his relationship with the kids (who were so young!), and better himself. Instead he’s done nothing but sue and countersue, alienate his kids and show himself as a man with control issues.

      • Justjj says:

        That’s what makes it doubly disgusting to me too… he has had allll this time to go to therapy and become some type of dad to the kids, which deserve to have, and instead he hasn’t done anything besides fume and complain and victim blame, and chase women half his age, and continue to harass his whole family by hurling lawsuits and motions at Angie every other month. Good for her for putting her foot down with the receipts.

  5. Lala11_7 says:

    I really didn’t think I could despise Pitt more…but to see he offered her UNDER $10M for destroying his family …does EXACTLY THAT😱! And btw…NO AMOUNT OF 💰 justifies what he’s doing…but to OFFER SUCH A LOW AMOUNT…just…sets me TF OFF…because I’ve SEEN this lowball BS too many times…with MOST of the Women I know just having to TAKE IT unless they get a decent Judge or live in a state that DON’T PLAY about child support & alimony😡

  6. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    What did the abuser said again that time when he wasn’t able to attend to receive an award and he said one of his kids was sick at the hospital? Made himself look like he was such a caring father? LOSER!

  7. Somebody Nobody says:

    I thought the allegation was the he had an unwritten agreed upon larger ownership interest, not that there was an unwritten agreed upon right of first refusal.

  8. Ale says:

    I know people that still, after all of this, write comments under his pics on FB like “he is still the sexier man alive!! He is so handsome!! There aren’t anymore actors like these!!”
    Now, it is true that i don’t know many people that speak or read english well enough to be able to follow the blogs or websites that covered this whole mess…but it is basically everywhere!!
    How is it possible to just see this man and ignore what kind of nightmare he is?
    It isn’t even gossip at this point, it is news.

    • Alla says:

      They call this pretty privilege. When people are pretty, many think they can’t be bad people. This applies to many people in the celebrity world. Angie is pretty too but she got the hate against her since she started dating Pitt because people were calling her the homewrecker when he was the one who cheated on his wife . But he never received the same amount of hate that she got and i think that this is the reason that she still gets the hate no matter what he does. It’s misogyny.

      • Ale says:

        I confess at the time i was one of them, judging her for putting herself in the middle of a marriage.
        But since then she showed the world who she really is, an amazing woman with a huge heart, and the same beauty outside and inside.
        Not that she had to do that to change my mind, she owe me nothing, but sometimes people are so clearly good that they open your eyes on things.
        While he keep getting worse and worse…

  9. Nanea says:

    We all knew BP is a gigantic POS, but it turns out he’s even worse.

    I really don’t get how people are still making excuses for DV and his abusing wife and kids, and ignoring everything he’s ever done, pretend it didn’t happen *and* have his projects be a part of e.g. the Venice Film Festival.

    Praying to the movie gods that everything he touches tanks, especially the one with smug George “let’s stab Joe in the back” Clooney. And while I like Lewis Hamilton, I don’t get why he and his team ever thought it would be a good idea to work with a violent drunk like BP. It’s not like there aren’t any other actors out there who know how to drive a fast car.

    • Lady D says:

      I was disappointed to see Lewis working with him too.

      • Danbury says:

        Yes considering he’s such an advocate on so many issues, Lewis working with him was a huge disapointment

    • Alla says:

      Just remember when cassie accused Diddy of DV. Many people said online that she did it to for money. Then the video came out and everybody was suddenly on cassies side and started to believe her. If a video would show up where Brad beat her or the kids, he would be done. That’s always the problem for DV victims. Look at what they did and still do to MeganThee Stallion. It’s pure misogyny. In every Family court where woman say they were abused, the judges say, the woman is a whitch or lying. Its a huge problem for many DV Victims.

    • Erica says:

      Clooney has been such a disappointment in the last couple of years, from working with Pitt to trying to sabotage he actor strike for his own ego and kissing studio butt, and the New York Times article.

  10. bisynaptic says:

    Slight tangent: what’s a holdback (NDA)?

    • Lady D says:

      He’s going to hang on to that amount of money subtracted from what he owes her, just in case she ever says anything about him or his cursed winery. She’ll never see that money is what it boils down to.

    • Fran says:

      I’m assuming that the holdback amount would have been part of the sum BP would have paid AJ for her share, only that this holdback amount would have been put in escrow to be released in case of NDA violations. A stand alone NDA can contain a penalty clause with a set sum to be paid in case of confidentiality breaches, the advantage being that it does away with the need to prove a damage.

  11. FYI says:

    Pitt’s lawyer said: “Brad has owned everything he’s responsible for from day one, unlike Angelina … ”

    Did I miss something? Did he admit that he hit her and the kids?

  12. Jais says:

    This got me a little confused. Is he suing her to get her miraval shares back or is he suing her for 67 million? Or both? That’s a lot of money, jeez. But I am now confused.

  13. therese says:

    I’m quite thrilled at the last paragraph you printed from People. Someone commented that Angelina had to be quiet, but I don’t actually believe that she did. She was just honorably trying not to ruin him, even though he did not act honorably.

  14. LM says:

    Her new legal strategy is gold. Staying silent hasn’t helped at all and the pushback is overdue.
    I do think her public silence had to do with custody issues and fears of doing something, anything that would lead to him getting more access to the kids. Another factor was the biased judge who refused to listen to the children. And now Pitt has idiotically forced her into speaking up by trying to terrorise her in court. What a giant narcissitic, abusive idiot.

  15. gucci says:

    BP always struck me as infinitely less interesting than the women he dated – Aniston and Jolie. They’re reduced to caricatures whilst he’s a man of infinite nuance…SNORE. Ditto for Beckham as well…I always found him utterly uncompelling but he’s capitalized on the fascination with his sports prowess AND his wife – her body, fashion, the kids, etc…all the things traditionally associated with a woman’s world but are indispensable for the status of prominent married men. BP’s good-looking, and on-screen has a charming facade. In a world and industry that protects men – ugly or not – because they make everyone else so much dosh, that so many are still seduced by his persona is no surprise. He comes across as delusional – but he also lives in a bubble where everyone kisses his ass and he likely genuinely believes he’s special. The ego on celebrities is amazing – they start off ‘appreciating’ their good fortune and over time, become parodies. I also find G.Clooney a pompous windbag at this point. His wife’s a total asset, and now he’s puffed himself up enough to write in the NYT (being GIVEN the luxury of doing so, of course) as if he’s some political and strategic master to piss all over Joe Biden…what a JOKE! Not enough to do it in private, eh? You need to show the world how brilliant you are and then demand something, as if you’re indispensable to the fate of the entire country…yikes. As for the women who marry these men, well, they’re pretty well stuck with them now, and there’s way too much intermingling of money, logistics, and kids of course. People change over time, and it either drives people apart or they live with the contradictions for a greater goal/gain (usually $$, status, prominence, etc. etc.). It’s a hard ask to give that all up for purity of principles, and we’re talking about actor/celebrities here, not people who’ve ever genuinely suffered or sacrificed or accomplished anything authentically noteworthy beyond being born handsome and lucking out in their chosen business (no matter how hard they’ve worked, yadda yadda yadda once they got a foothold). They all look pathetic and ridiculous when contrasted to political dissidents (Navalny) or all those academics or activists who toil in obscurity and do all the gruntwork to move things forward. BP’s a stupid, petty, emotionally stunted human being and will probably get away with it for the rest of his life…c’est comme ca. More power to his ex-wife (wives) and kids, though!!