People: Duchess Meghan will spend her big 43rd birthday ‘privately with family’

Today is the Duchess of Sussex’s birthday. She turns 43 years old today. She is a Leo, obviously. Prince Harry is a Virgo. I sometimes wonder if they have little annoyances involved with their astrological signs – I’m a Virgo too, and sometimes Leos are too much for me to handle. It goes the other way too – some Leos don’t want to be around Virgos. You might think this is silly, but I actually believe that there was something fated with Harry and Meghan, and while they might not make perfect sense astrologically, in real life, they seem to suit each other so well. Anyway, People Mag had a really vague story about what Meghan will do for her birthday:

Meghan Markle is marking another trip around the sun. The Duchess of Sussex turns 43 on Aug. 4 and is expected to spend it privately with family, as she has in the past, PEOPLE understands.

This year, Meghan’s birthday falls on the same day that her rare joint interview with Prince Harry, 39, will air on CBS Sunday Morning. In a preview clip released by the network on Aug. 1, the Duchess of Sussex spoke about her desire to protect her children from harmful online content.

[From People]

I’ll cover the CBS interview tomorrow, btw. I imagine Meghan will spend her birthday in Montecito, with Harry and the kids. Maybe go out to dinner? I hope they’re planning on being visible in the late summer and autumn. They’ll go to Colombia at some point, and Meghan will surely launch American Riviera Orchard at some point, please? One thing they’re absolutely not doing is visiting a drafty old castle in Scotland:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were snubbed of another invite to Balmoral Castle in Scotland. For years, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not been invited to the royal family’s summer gathering in the Scottish Highlands, sources tell PEOPLE in this week’s exclusive cover story. King Charles is continuing Queen Elizabeth’s tradition of heading to the Balmoral estate during the late summer, but the monarch hasn’t included Harry and his family this year.

While Prince Harry grew up going to Balmoral, it’s believed that Meghan has never visited the royal family’s Scottish castle.

The 50,000-acre estate, where Queen Elizabeth died in September 2022, serves as a yearly retreat for the royal family out of the public eye, where days are filled with outdoor activities like hunting, fishing and horseback riding.

[From People]

I thought Meghan did go to Balmoral once, maybe in 2019? There was some confusion about that, maybe I’m wrong. I guess they didn’t go in 2018 after their wedding? Hm. I’ve always sort of wondered if Harry disliked going to Balmoral because it reminded him of his mother’s death. Anyway, yes, as twenty million royal experts have said repeatedly, King Charles totally snubbed the Sussexes and refused to invite them! What goes unsaid is that the Sussexes wouldn’t have gone even if they were invited. Remember how Charles tried to trap Harry at Balmoral last year before Harry went to Germany for Invictus? Remember how Charles told Harry that Meghan wasn’t welcome in Scotland just hours after QEII died? The Windsors are very weird about Balmoral.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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71 Responses to “People: Duchess Meghan will spend her big 43rd birthday ‘privately with family’”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    Happy Birthday Meghan! I hope she has a wonderful day. And no Meghan has never been to Balmoral, she’s been to Castle Mey. I don’t get why the press, and I include People in this, expect Harry and Meghan to want to go to Balmoral. It was never a favourite place for Harry and he barely went there as an adult.

    • kirk says:

      Alternative reading:
      ‘Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were grateful to be spared the agony of responding to an invite to Balmoral Castle in Scotland. For years, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not been invited to the royal family’s summer gathering in the Scottish Highlands, per anonymous sources who gripe about the couple to PEOPLE, British tabloids and Faux media. We would like to sell this week’s cover story as ‘exclusive,’ but the anon sources talk to all the tabloids. King Charles is continuing Queen Elizabeth’s tradition of heading to the Balmoral estate during the late summer.

      While Prince Harry grew up going to Balmoral, it is forever associated with the death of his mother, Diana, since that is where he was when he learned of her death from his cold, unaffectionate father. The news of Diana’s death was covered over by Prince Philip, who attempted to distract Harry and his brother, Willy, with outdoor activities like hunting, fishing and horseback riding.

      The 50,000-acre estate, was where Queen Elizabeth died in September 2022. Harry was unable to see his beloved granny before she died. He was not included in the plane flight to Balmoral arranged by Willy for himself, two uncles, and one of the uncles’ wives. King Charles’ courtiers were adamant that Harry’s wife was unwelcome at Balmoral following Queen Elizabeth’s death, despite availability of 52 bedrooms.’

    • BeanieBean says:

      I don’t recall them ever being invited while they lived there, so I don’t see why they’d be invited now. Apparently, we’re going to get these yearly ‘snub’ stories. I mean c’mon, DM, give it a rest.

  2. Mil says:

    Oh, darn it Meg, now fail will be left to their imagination (as usual).
    Have a great one, away from the vultures🎉🎉🎉

    • the Robinsons says:

      Actually, HM astrological stories tie them together beautifully. They are true soulmates of one another. Here’s another little secret –those in the house of their enemies are slated for devastating as they pursue to try and hurt them. So they better think twice before engaging against them… that goes for the BRF, too.

  3. Tuesday says:

    Is 43 a “big” birthday, though? Lol. I’m sure she’ll have a lovely day.

    RE strange astrology matches, it can be done. I’m an Aries partnered with a Cancer. It’s tough, but worth it.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I’m Aries too
      My sis is virgo – I cant
      My brother is pisces – I cant
      My husband is Libra – love him to death forever and ever and over again, but I cant either LOL
      Geminis seems to be an easier fit?

      • HeatherC says:

        I’m a Gemini, my ex-husband is a Gemini, oooooh boy was that NOT a good fit (for a multitude of reasons). My kid is an Aries, I do believe my flexibility as a Gemini helped me to raise my now not so little fiery ram.

        My mom is a Pisces and we love each other but it can be tough.

        My dad was a Libra and we were two peas in a pod, I miss him.

        My brother is a Sag and we get along much better now that he lives several states away, now we enjoy our visits.

        My best friend is an Aquarius. (Best friend=self-explanatory)

        Astrology is weird (in a good non MAGA way) but fascinating.

      • MrsClincy says:

        The husband and I are both June Geminis. Oddly we make it work most of the time…today is not one of those days though. Today we are on each other’s last nerve and can not see eye to eye on anything.

        I also have a sister who is a May Gemini, a nephew who was born the day after mine, and my youngest is a May Gemini.

        Strangely we all get along mostly but when it’s bad it’s damn near homicidal.

      • StillHappyChildlessCatLady says:

        Aries here.

        Can’t abide my Virgo sister. It’s mutual we haven’t talked in 15 years. Yay!
        But I have to tolerate , and I do love my Virgo mother. Get along quite well with my Gemini father and adore my Pisces husband, although we have had ups and downs. After 25 years, I think we’re OK.

        Anyway, I think Harry and Meghan are in it for the long haul. They seem to be on the same page and it’s so lovely to see them doing the things that are important to them.

      • Meghan says:

        I am an Aries with a full-on hardcore Leo son and he SO MUCH!!!! Gigantic personality, little tiny actor/storyteller, all the Leo traits I’ve learned from various “your kids astrology traits!” books.

        I also hear we will be in for QUITE A TIME once he hits teenage years 🤣

    • Lorelei says:

      @Tuesday, I rolled my eyes so hard at that! In what universe is 43 considered a “big” or milestone birthday? They are so, so desperate for anything to fill column space.

      Also, lol at the astrology conversation! I’m a Gemini, and honestly, I wouldn’t wish my indecisive ass on anyone. I don’t know how my husband hasn’t fled for the hills yet!

    • Yvette says:

      It’s not just the Sun sign that determines compatibility. It’s the place of planet ruled signs are in your chart that determines a match.

      LOL! But it might be just as simple as Harry being a very masculine triple Earth sign energy man (Sun, Rising, and Moon–Capricorn and Taurus, but I don’t know which is the Rising and which is the Moon). And Meghan being a very feminine energy sign woman. What can I say? I watch too many Hallmark movies. 🙂

    • Boxy Lady says:

      @Tuesday Forty-three isn’t really a big birthday but it’s a prime number LOL. Only math enthusiasts are going to be into that!

      As for the astrology, I’ve seen Harry and Meghan’s birth charts and they match up in a lot of ways. One interesting way is that Harry’s rising sign is Capricorn which makes his descendant in Cancer. Meghan’s rising sign is Cancer and so her descendant is in Capricorn. In other words, astrologically, they are each the embodiment of what the other is looking for in a relationship.

    • BeanieBean says:

      My guess is the DM is characterizing it as a ‘big’ birthday so that they contrast it with how she’s actually spending it–at home, with family–as ‘small’. As in, nobody wants to throw her a birthday party! She ‘just’ has Harry & her kids!

      • osito says:

        @Beaniebean Your take is actually nicer than my cynical opinion. I think they’re being sarcastic and slipping in a popular internet phrase that comes from AAVE, referencing someone’s “big age,” and essentially calling her old. I’m close to her age and older than Harry, so I don’t think she’s old at all, but I immediately heard that dog whistle, but who knows with the Fail.

  4. Honey says:

    I also read the specific dates for the Colombia visit. That’s next week, folks!

  5. Amy Bee says:

    It’s at some point, at this stage. Harper’s Bazaar did say the trip was in August but they subsequently deleted the dates in their article. So we don’t actually know when they will be going to Colombia. It could be that the dates weren’t supposed to be published and that’s why Harper’s deleted it.

  6. Jan says:

    Later in the week People, will hear that Meghan had a birthday bash, LOL.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yeah, she’s celebrating it privately because People hasn’t heard anything otherwise.

  7. Agnes says:

    I’ve known so many Leos and have lots of thoughts about them. They are obviously all super-creative, and I’ve never met one who wasn’t a natural gourmet cook. Meghan has the innate self-confidence of a Leo, but she doesn’t suck all the shine out of a room into her own spotlight as SOME Leos I’ve known do. She must have a lot of more muted placements, because she’s not a drama queen. The whole rancid BRF drama was thrust upon her. I think I read her Venus was in Virgo so maybe that’s why she and Harry get along, astro-wise.

    • Mil says:

      Leos are not drama queens. My sister and close friend are typical loud, hard working, stubborn Leos with big hearts. I am not into astrology, but i seem to like Leos. They were born to hustle.
      And yes, both are great cooks. They are overspending on clothes, but can make a dinner for 6 with no fuss. That’s how I see MM, based on my limited knowledge.

      • Agnes says:

        JLo and Madonna are both Leos, and those two are the definition of Drama Queens. So as I said, SOME Leos ARE. Meghan is very muted compared to a lot of Leos I know.

      • Emme says:

        I’ve read about Leo’s being either the sleeping lion or the roaring lion. I’ve only ever known sleeping lions, no drama and easy going. I’ve never seen them riled though….!

    • Jaded says:

      I’ve known some Leos in my time and a few have been pretty self-obsessed show-offy drama queens, but they can be lovely people, kind smart and creative.

      • Jks says:

        First time reading that Leos are creative! It’s the only thing that fits with my highly artistic and creative daughter. But she hates cooking and she’s the opposite of bossy.

        My dad, on the other hand, is a very, very bossy Leo.

    • Andrea says:

      I married a Leo and only dated Leos. Best cook ever, boisterous laugh, life of the party!!

  8. Feeshalori says:

    This is the type of newspaper astrology that leads a lot of people to think certain signs are incompatible with each other. But there’s so much more to a person’s chart than their sun sign. On paper, Leo and Virgo may not be compatible, but there could be so many aspects of their birth chart that can have compatibility and strong ties in their other signs and astrological houses. Anyway, happy birthday to Meghan and the best gift she can give herself is to continue to stay away from that toxic, vile family.

    • North of Boston says:

      Great points. Plus people’s life experiences shape them too.

      I’m not super into it but have always noticed there’s something there, with people in my life and their signs.
      I’m Sagittarius and yes a lot of the stereotypical traits do fit, but it isn’t a perfect match.

      Then I found out I’ve got Gemini along with Sagittarius showing up again and again in my chart, read up on that and it clicked – yup that fits.

  9. Wagiman says:

    Shock, horror? I mean privately? (rolls eyes super hard)

    Meanwhile happy birthday, Meghan. You are what makes life better.

    • BeanieBean says:

      She’s just like Kate! Isn’t that how Kate spent her most-recent birthday, at home, with fam? 🙄🙄. Where’d my eyeballs get to….

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    Leo here with a family of Virgos, it’s an interesting life. As for Balmoral I love to imagine QE2 haunting all of left overs. I hope we see Meghan out for her birthday 🥳.. I would love the cake 🎂 details..

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I hope she dooms that spot so there’s no more edible mushrooms to forage for Charles!!!

  11. Jks says:

    Happy birthday to Meghan!!!

    My daughter and I are Leo and Virgo respectively but we are both extremely ‘watered down’. I’m water ox in Chinese horoscope. Apparently water signs are very ‘diluted’. Lol. As for my daughter, she just doesn’t seem anything like a Leo.

  12. Becks1 says:

    Happy birthday Meghan!!

    I’m sure they are heartbroken about spending it in Montecito (presumably) and not Balmoral 🙄

    • Lorelei says:

      The funny thing about them publishing that headline is that I feel like most people who read it completed the sentence in their heads with, “and they wouldn’t have gone anyway, even if they were invited.” It was certainly my first thought.

    • Nic919 says:

      Right now it’s probably safer for her not to be in the UK because she’s brown and the riots are targeting anyone who isn’t white. This is why Harry isn’t giving up the fight about security.

  13. I hope she has a Happy Birthday!! Who really cares about Balmoral. Chuckles doesn’t even stay there he stays at his place.

  14. Mina_Esq says:

    Oh no, it must be such torture being stuck in the beautiful sunny California! Since Meghan has lots of actual friends, I bet her quiet night in still involves dinner with friends and a birthday cake.

  15. aquarius64 says:

    Happy Birthday Meghan and I hope you have a wonderal day with family who truly care for you. Balmoral is a protocol nightmare so it would not sound like fun. The Windsors have made it be known they don’t want her around so why would a Balmoral “snub” be upsetting? This is to soothe Charles’ ego for Harry publicly rejecting him.

  16. Kokiri says:

    Today is my daughter’s 17th, my birthday is sept 13.
    We connect in a way I’ve never with another person.
    So our Virgo/Leo works lol

    Happy birthday to Meghan!

    • Kaiser says:

      I’m a Virgo daughter with a Leo mom. It’s… a lot, for both of us. The love is fierce but so is the frustration.

    • Jks says:

      Same here! I’m a Virgo mom with a Leo daughter. She’s just turned 22 and she’s the most laid back, easy going, placid, happy and lovable girl. Everything is so much easier with her than with my Libra mom.

      • Mayp says:

        Maybe it works best if the Virgo is the mother, lol! My Virgo mother had a clear favorite amongst the kids and it was my Leo brother. He, of course, loved the attention. 🙄. Even when he was a teen and then adult; he was her shining star and could do no wrong!

  17. Jais says:

    Happy Birthday to Meghan 🎂🥳🎉! Getting ready to watch cbs this morning❤️

  18. Libra says:

    On right now

  19. wolfmamma says:

    Happy New Year of Life, Duchess Meghan. May you have a lovely day of celebration including love, laughter and cake!

  20. Tessa says:

    Happy birthday Meghan

  21. Localady says:

    Happiest of 🎂 birthday wishes your way Fave Duchess 💗 🖖

  22. Lady Digby says:

    Happy Birthday Meghan! I just know that Harry is going to spoil his wife rotten today.

  23. Nanea says:

    Here’s hoping for Meghan to be able to celebrate her birthday however she sees fit, surrounded by the people who love her, support her and have her back.

    That said:
    “They’ll go to Colombia at some point”

    It was so good to see the *president* of 🇨🇴, Gustavo Petro Urrego, speak out against the British gutter press on Twitter, responding to a tweet by a Colombian radio station that mentioned how the UK press said that 🇨🇴 is one of the most dangerous countries on earth — by saying that the countries that are actually dangerous are those that produce too much carbon dioxide:

  24. Over it says:

    Happy birthday Madame Duchess. Hope you have the best day with your beautiful family. As for going to spend part of their summer with the left behind Windsors in a drafty , mouldy castle with spies everywhere and old leather face cowmilla and lobster hand chuck , it must be devastating. Meghan and Harry are crying ion their balcony as they watch the sunrise before going for a swim in that amazing California weather. What a shame they won’t be in sweats and a raincoat and rubbing their hands together to stay warm.

  25. sunnyside up says:

    Harry and Meghan were not snubbed over Balmoral, Harry said ages ago that he wasn’t bringing his wife to Britain until they had guaranteed security. Harry is the one who snubbed Balmoral.

  26. Lisa says:

    may The Riv one day do a copy of this black and white cape that continues to live rent free in my head

  27. Beverley says:

    Happy Born Day, Princess Meghan of Nigeria! May all your wishes come true. Thanks for being an example of grace under pressure, of loveliness in the face of racism and envy. History will be kind to you.

    Meanwhile enjoy your wonderful home and your beautiful family. God bless.

  28. kelleybelle says:

    People knew this, right? They just figured it was newsworthy? We know Meghan never talks to tabloids.

  29. pottymouth pup says:

    If you (or your source) has to make a statement that you “snubbed” someone by not inviting them to place in a country that the person has made multiple public statements indicating they will not bring their family to unless/until security risks are addressed, you haven’t actually snubbed them. You have, however, made it clear that you are a petty and jealous person that has a pathological need to rewrite events to fit your own immature need for self-aggrandizement

  30. Kingston says:

    Happiest of Birthday Wishes to a most blessed & highly favored woman, Meghan The Duchess of Sussex, love of her loving husband, Prince Harry’s life; perfect choice of a mother to 2 of the luckiest babies in the world – Prince Archie & Princess Lilibet; and perfect choice of a daughter to one of the proudest mothers in the world – Mama Doria.

    May every day of your life be the very best of days.

  31. Mslove says:

    Happy Birthday Duchess Meghan!

  32. Nerdista says:

    I think they work well together because astrology is BS 🤣

  33. Nic919 says:

    I know the interview will be discussed tomorrow, but Meghan launched an initiative on her birthday similar but more extensive than the 40 for 40.

    She has yet to provide the media with glamour shots to celebrate herself and yet so many still want to say she’s the narcissist.

  34. Mel says:

    One more time for those in the back, how can you snub someone when they aren’t paying you any attention? Yeah, they don’t want to go to dreary Balmoral with his emotionally feral family. Try again.

  35. blunt talker says:

    Happy birthday wishes to Meghan-may her day be a ray of sunshine with the love and support of her family-Harry, Archie, Lilbet,and her mom-God bless and keep the entire Sussex family safe and with God’s protection of love.

  36. Shoegirl77 says:

    Happy Birthday, Duchess Meghan! Hope you’ve had a day full of fun and love. And on a personal note, can’t wait to see if Harry gifts her something from Diana’s jewellery collection for the BM to cry and throw up about 🤣