People: Brad Pitt’s people now claim that Angelina Jolie ‘requested the NDA’

It’s slow-going, but for those of us who have followed the Jolie-Pitt saga for years, we’re watching the slow-motion implosion of Brad Pitt. Not just Pitt the man – we’re seeing an implosion of his entire image, and an implosion of years of lies and smears against Angelina Jolie. The biggest mistake was when Brad Pitt tried to bully Angelina yet again by suing her over her legal sale of Nouvel, her half of Chateau Miraval. She countersued Pitt and her legal team is vigorously defending Jolie and her actions with extensive documentation. One of Jolie’s latest moves was to reveal more information about the NDA Pitt tried to attach to Jolie’s sale of Nouvel to him. It was the NDA which made her walk away and sell to Tenute del Mondo. Jolie’s team reveal in court documents that Pitt demanded a “newly expanded NDA, enforceable by an $8.5 million holdback specifically designed to force her silence about his abuse and cover-up.” As we’ve said before, Jolie has extensive documentation of everything. So in lieu of actually going into court to push back on Jolie with his own (nonexistent) documentation, Brad’s team ran to People Magazine to whine.

A source close to Brad Pitt is responding to Angelina Jolie’s latest filing in her ongoing legal battle with her ex over Château Miraval, the French winery they previously co-owned together.

Jolie’s attorneys recently filed court documents arguing that Pitt tried to have Jolie sign a revised non-disclosure agreement “specifically designed to force her silence about his abuse and cover-up,” while arguing in support of a recent motion to compel Pitt to disclose personal communications.

“This was a simple business dispute, but sadly, this legal attack is just the latest example of them harming the entire family by making it personal,” the source says.

Pitt’s attorneys previously described Jolie’s motion “wide-ranging and intrusive.”

“The other side is desperately and repeatedly trying to do anything to distract from the fact that it was her — and not Brad — who requested an NDA about the divorce, a fact which completely undermines the legitimacy of their never-ending attacks,” the source close to Pitt says. “They don’t want anyone to focus on the fact that she deprived the kids of their inheritance of Miraval by breaching the agreement and selling it and taking the money.”

A source close to Jolie says, “Brad Pitt’s insistence on an NDA to cover up his criminal conduct is unconscionable, and no abuse survivor should be coerced and forced into silence. She never pressed charges, she left him all their properties, and she is the one who tried to sell him the business in the first place. Yet he was not satisfied and still he sued her and continues to attack her in the press today. All she wants is peace and the ability to heal their family.”

[From People]

“The other side is desperately and repeatedly trying to do anything to distract from the fact that it was her — and not Brad — who requested an NDA about the divorce.” O RLY?? Back it up. Show the receipts. A big part of the case hinges on the NDA, an NDA which Jolie found so offensive and harmful that she walked away from selling Nouvel to Pitt. Now Team Pitt is claiming – to People Magazine, not IN COURT – that Jolie was the one who “requested an NDA about the divorce.” That’s Pitt’s argument? That Jolie requested the NDA, then the second she saw it, she decided to walk away and never sell Nouvel to Pitt? And a year ago, Team Pitt’s argument was that Jolie blind-sided Pitt by not selling Nouvel to him… which was another lie.

“She never pressed charges, she left him all their properties, and she is the one who tried to sell him the business in the first place. Yet he was not satisfied and still he sued her and continues to attack her in the press today.” All of that… plus he wouldn’t even let their children move their stuff out of his homes. And she had to take him to court to get some financial support after years of Pitt not giving her any money beyond one “loan.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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21 Responses to “People: Brad Pitt’s people now claim that Angelina Jolie ‘requested the NDA’”

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  1. Indica says:

    Sometimes, no matter how the PR team tries, they just can’t hide the man behind the curtain, especially if he’s determined to keep changing the curtain’s design.
    Also, I bet Brad thinks he’s smarter than his PR advisors and is bound and determined to show the world how much of a jerk he is.

  2. Lau says:

    Ah we are back to the regular gaslighting I see. He’s the one who assaulted his ex-wife and children but sure, Jolie is the one who wanted the NDA.

  3. NotSoSocialB says:

    “They don’t want anyone to focus on the fact that she deprived the kids of their inheritance of Miraval by breaching the agreement and selling it and taking the money.” WTAF.

    He’s got plenty of cash if he is truly concerned about providing inheritance (clearly, he is not).
    Can’t wait for one or more of the adult kids to put their story to paper. I’d buy a copy *just* to spite this pos. Fkn swine.

    • Jais says:

      And didn’t he pour beer or wine on them while they tried to sleep? When he was abusing them on a plane. There’s a very good chance those kids will not want to share a winery business with their abuser.

  4. Fifi says:

    They leave out the very important fact the NDA was mentioned as a possible divorce settlement term almost a year after the sale was done. They never even discussed possible terms because he never responded.

    The part about taking the money is insane as well. Even if he accepted the deal she would have still “taken the money.” She doesn’t want to be in business with him. He obviously wanted her to stay in the business as a means of control.

    • Mia4s says:

      Yeah that’s the thing. And unfortunately it will escape people that the terms of an NDA can be negotiated and tailored to the parties. Even if she had requested an NDA for the transaction, well, that’s pretty normal. What she actually objected to were some very self-serving personal terms he tried to bring in that had no place in this. All to cover up abuse.

      And for the divorce? A couple with this level of fame and wealth would almost certainly have an NDA of some sort. I don’t care how amicable the split, any lawyer worth a damn will be putting that in place. But this is about the business transaction, and he has played some very nasty games.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This part right here should be plastered on his leathered face lifted face.
    He is a spiteful, self centered, egomaniac who hurts ever he comes in contact with eventually.
    And to think his fans lie about it just like him.

    “She never pressed charges, she left him all their properties, and she is the one who tried to sell him the business in the first place. Yet he was not satisfied and still he sued her and continues to attack her in the press today.” All of that… plus he wouldn’t even let their children move their stuff out of his homes. And she had to take him to court to get some financial support after years of Pitt not giving her any money beyond one “loan.”

  6. Facts says:

    “She never pressed charges, she left him all their properties, and she is the one who tried to sell him the business in the first place. Yet he was not satisfied and still he sued her and continues to attack her in the press today.” All of that… plus he wouldn’t even let their children move their stuff out of his homes. And she had to take him to court to get some financial support after years of Pitt not giving her any money beyond one “loan.”

    This should be plastered across his leather acne filled face. People ire about his looks but he is rotten on the inside and that doesn’t include the black lung from smoking and alcohol filled liver damage. He is spiteful, immature, egotistical and a maniac.
    Again he is poison and did the same thing to Paltrow and Aniston. And in their blind envy of Angie fell into his trap and coddled his azz when he needed them too.

  7. Jais says:

    Brad’s people, his sources and “friends,” can go to People and talk until they’re blue in the face. If he doesn’t have the receipts and evidence, then he’s going to lose in court. And then he’ll go to People and say how mean and unfair the judge was. I look forward to the day when AJ and her kids don’t have to deal with him anymore if they don’t want to.

    • Lauren says:

      This is not the first time he sued her over the sale; the other two cases were thrown out. I think the only reason why this judge is even giving him that time of day is because AJ’s lawyer is requesting that the case be settled with prejudice so he can no longer sue her over the sale again.

      Pitt has already tried to sue a judge. I do believe it was the judge that allowed AJ to sell her shares and the California supreme Court through his case.

      This is why Pitt is going overdrive because once it over he will no longer have any type of hold on her.

      • Golly Gee says:

        Where did you read that he tried to sue the judge? Very interesting!

        I’m glad to see her finally clapping back at him in the press. Her statements in the People article not only nullified everything he said, but reminded readers again about how petulant and abusive he is.

      • Lauren says:

        @ Golly Gee

        Court documents of his case being thrown out from back In July .

      • Golly Gee says:

        Thanks : )

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    I hope Angelina gets everything into court records and wipes the floor with him.. then maybe he will stop his continued abuse of the Jolie family through the courts.

  9. Ameerah M says:

    The more he leaks the more of an abusive loser he proves himself to be.

  10. Kadie says:

    If you can’t have a relationship with your children because of your YEARS multi category abuse, no glossy article is going to save you.
    This article continues to prove that at the end of everyday, Brad Pitt is a just a dumb LOSER!

  11. SarahCS says:

    Last night at the cinema they showed the trailer for his latest film with Clooney and even without the massive ICK it just did not look good. The core premise I think absolutely could have worked but their attempt at world weary dodgy clean-up guys just landed so flat like they didn’t have the energy to go through the motions.

    I wish Angelina every peace in her and her family’s life but I am also so glad this is finally coming out into the open in the courts. The actual version not the PR lies.

  12. therese says:

    I’m just glad that we’re at the point where Brad says something, and Angelina’s sharp attorneys answer back with the (damning) truth. I hope she wipes the floor with him.

  13. Serena says:

    What a disgusting vengeful manchild Pitt is.

  14. Noonefromnowhere says:

    “…deprived the kids of their inheritance of Miraval…” Um, is he not still their FATHER who owns half? He can’t leave it to them?