What pisses me off about Usha Vance is that she’s not a stupid woman. She graduated from Yale Law (where she met her husband JD Vance), she clerked for Brett Kavanaugh (pre-SCOTUS) and John Roberts (when he was Chief Justice). She’s clearly been with the Republican program for a while, and perhaps some Republican powers-that-be considered Usha to be one of their little side-projects (sidenote: I’ve long believed that Amy Coney Barrett was also an indoctrinated side-project). Usha is an educated lawyer, a photogenic Indian-American woman, a daughter of immigrants, married to a rising star in Republican politics. Somewhere, there might have even been a plan for Usha to run for office and become the next Nikki Haley. But that plan is over, and a new plan has commenced.
So, what’s the new plan? Somehow turn Usha Vance into the kind of Republican wife who can be an asset to her husband and to the Trump campaign. I still say that Trump’s people did next to no vetting on the Vance family and that Donald Trump was probably as surprised as his white supremacist base that JD Vance is married to an Indian-American woman. But instead of hiding her away and pretending like she doesn’t exist to placate the white supremacists, Usha is giving interviews. They’re using her – hilariously – to whitewash and backtrack on her husband’s selective obsession with “childless cat ladies.” That section is around the 6-minute mark.
She’s rather girlish, right? I wonder if that’s an affectation. A very girlish voice, youthful mannerisms. She’s 38 and she carries herself like someone more than a decade younger. The notable part of the interview came when Usha was asked about her husband’s repeated comments about “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.” He also said not having children “makes people more sociopathic” and he wants to “go to war” against childless people. But according to Usha, her husband was just talking about how hard it is to be a parent in America!
“I took a moment to look and actually see what he had said and tried to understand what the context was and all that, which is something that I really wish people would do a little bit more often. And the reality is, he made a quip in service of making a point that he wanted to make that was substantive and it had actual meaning. I just wish people sometimes would talk about those things and that we would spend a lot less time going through this three-word phrase or that three-word phrase because what he was really saying is that it can be really hard to be a parent in this country, and sometimes our policies are designed in a way that make it even harder. And we should be asking ourselves, why is that true? What is it about our leadership and the way they think about the world that makes it so hard for parents?”
Liar liar pantalones on fire. Again, JD Vance was not lamenting some imaginary policies which harm parents or families, other than the policies he wants to implement. Vance was fixated on women refusing to become breeders for the state. He equated childlessness with sociopathy. He projected his own misery as a parent onto childfree people.
When pressed about what she would say to the people who were hurt by her husband’s weird fixation with childfree people, Usha did a weird deflection and said “Well, I think I would say that… JD absolutely, at the time and today, would never, ever ever want to say something to someone who was trying to have a family and really struggling with that [and that’s] never, ever anything that anyone would want to mock or make fun of.” She then surprised me by acknowledging that some people simply don’t want to have kids, after which she then returned to her talking point, which is that her husband is some kind of hardcore advocate for parents (a lie).
Photos courtesy of Fox News, Cover Images, JD Vance’s IG.
- From left to right: former US President Donald J Trump, former first lady Melania Trump, United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio), the 2024 Republican nominee for Vice President of the US, and Usha Chilukuri Vance, wife of Senator JD Vance, on the stage after Former President Trump accepted his party’s nomination as President of the United States at day four of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Featuring: Donald J Trump, Melania Trump, Usha Chilukuri Vance, JD Vance Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 19 Jul 2024 Credit: Ron Sachs/CNP for NY Post/INSTARimages **NO Daily Mail. NO New York or New Jersey Newspapers.**
- From left to right: former US President Donald J Trump, former first lady Melania Trump, United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio), the 2024 Republican nominee for Vice President of the US, and Usha Chilukuri Vance, wife of Senator JD Vance, on the stage after Former President Trump accepted his party’s nomination as President of the United States at day four of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Featuring: Donald J Trump, Melania Trump, Usha Chilukuri Vance, JD Vance Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 19 Jul 2024 Credit: Ron Sachs/CNP for NY Post/INSTARimages **NO Daily Mail. NO New York or New Jersey Newspapers.**
Not familiar with the woman interviewing her but she doesn’t strike me as a hard core journalist – more like an entertainment reporter. The bit I listened to sounded like two friends talking not an interview
Well, it was Fox News, so….
IMHO the reason for Vance on the ticket is Peter Thiel.
Not sure Thiel has any plans for wives.
Usha must have missed the part where her husband said parents should get extra votes.
Peter Thiel doesn’t believe that women or poor people should vote.
Peter Thiel is a gay, woman-hating nutjob who just happens to be a billionaire and is funding Shady’s career. Shady realized some time ago that it’s not good to bite the hand that feeds him and ultimately feeds Trump. He’s become Thiel’s and Trump’s puppet and American women should be terrified of what’s going to happen if Trump wins. That Usha is still defending her husband is mind-boggling. Girl, run awayyyyy!!
Nah. I remember when people were thinking Melamia tRump was captive and urging her to freedom. Puhleeeze. Melamia concluded that transaction long ago.
Wow. She’s a terrible liar. She’s terrible at lying. I wonder if she feels terrible inside for having to lie.
All of that work and education and this is what her life boils down to — having to defend and explain the sociopath that she married. And why didn’t they ask her why her husband voted to track women’s menstrual cycles? This man is a dangerous weirdo, And that beard is doing nothing to erase the fact that he’s a soft, doughy boot-licker who worships a man who wears more make-up than most women I know.
Swimming in Peter Theil’s millions helps to lighting that burden for her, I’m sure.
I believe her long term ambition is to become the first Asian First Lady. She and Vance are just waiting for Trump to croak. She’s willing to set aside her integrity, happiness and say and do whatever is necessary to get there.
@Josephine, which beard? The one on his face, or the one on his arm?
It’s sad that she didn’t think she could do it on her own merits since she was the better student & earner than her husband. She didn’t want to be the next Kamala; she just wanted to pick china settings. I wonder what her parents think of her choice in mate since her family comes from a well to do, educated background.
Usha Vance is showing you WHO she is. Please believe her!
That’s it in a nutshell.
Thank you! Why is it so hard for folks to believe that women can be vile? That being part of a minority group in America doesn’t make someone automatically virtuous, or a victim? That lots of immigrants of color are very much anti-Black and racist and see the only way to succeed as a living themselves as closely as possible with whites and treating Black people and poor people like shit.
STOP making excuses for these odious women. They are right where they want to be.
And what about US policies is hard on parents? Some examples IF that was the point? Neither gave any examples, because it is a lie. You can get more help with tax breaks, tax returns (or tax money handed to you), insurance for children and while pregnant, food stamps are easier to obtain…
Hmm, US policies and life in general ARE hard on parents, I’m surprised that’s what you want to push back on. One obvious example is tiny maternity/parental leave, one of the worst in the world. I actually think “let’s look at how our policies make it hard to be parents” is a great statement. Only problem with it? Republicans are the ones who make it so! So even IF that’s what JD referred to (he did not), it’s pretty outrageous to act like the policies are just magically bad and white Republican males are here to fix it.
America is also just generally NOT a parent-friendly country. I used to fly with my kids a lot, and in other parts of the world, they often make extra effort to let parents with small children through lines faster. In the US, I was once on a very late flight when I literally happened to be the only one with a baby, it was midnight, the baby was tired, I asked to skip to the front of the line and was shut down very hard. School hours do not match work hours, after school activities are insanely expensive with poor quality, I can go on and on. I have friends in Europe and even though they make a lot less $, they probably actually come ahead of us in disposable income just because they spend so little on health, extracurriculars, and college.
Your counter-examples of how it’s NOT bad are not that compelling. Not sure what you meant by tax breaks AND tax returns, aren’t those the same? Yes, people with children get those, but those are peanuts compared to the expense of raising children, so are we really going to begrudge parents for that? Not sure how insurance for children is “help”, we pay for insurance, and paying for 1-2 will always be cheaper than paying for 3+. Food stamps being easier to obtain for pregnant people – well, I hope we won’t become like Republicans, begrudging poor pregnant women that.
Tax breaks are obvious. Returns are getting money you didn’t pay in because you are a parent. And some things are also rough on the elderly and single people who get less help. And some insurance is not paid by the recipient. The point isn’t begrudging the pregnant, it is begrudging others because they aren’t parents. And the R’s would even take away the social security that some people paid in their whole lives to earn.
Biden started a temporary child credit which helped a lot of families get out of poverty. Not one Republican voted to extend it and make it permanent. They don’t actually care about making things easier for families.
You didn’t ask “how is life in the US hard for various groups?”, you asked “how is it hard on parents, some examples”. I provided an example, and you are now saying “but other groups are struggling too”. Well, of course, but I thought we were discussing parents, not holding misery Olympics? Doesn’t mean I don’t see that other groups have issues, too. They just don’t have them because they are parents. And parents eventually become elderly, and also pay into Social Security, and some parents become single, etc., so it’s not like they are magically exempt from other troubles by becoming parents.
I already agreed that Republicans are the problem, for all of these groups, not the solution. And THAT is the outrageous story here, that she can sit there with a straight face and claim that her husband just wants to talk about fixing something that his party has been intent on not fixing for decades. Yeah, it’s the single cat ladies who are the reason we don’t have decent maternity leave, not the fact that the only group represented in our politics for most of our history was white older dudes, but sure, let’s call out both cat ladies for not fixing everything.
“They don’t actually care about making things easier for families” – As I have acknowledged in my very first paragraph and pointed out that THIS is the real travesty and outrageous lie here.
@jesse-Exactly, it’s the party of “family values” that want every woman to be a brood mare that has made it harder and harder on families to get by with their policies unless you are in the 1%. Also, children are the future of the country and even if you don’t have any you still benefit from them. They will eventually be paying into social security and taxes to maintain your community. They are the future doctors and nurses that we are all going to need when we get older, people who I want to have a good education for when I need them and that’s another thing that republicans are chipping away at.
@Ciotog – Biden didn’t start a new tax credit, it was the same child tax credit that has been a part of the tax code for years. He did change the way it was paid out – monthly rather than as part of your annual tax filing/potential return. The more precise we are with how it actually worked, the more effective to debunk MAGA’s lies and show that it really all comes down to political will.
“quip in service of making a point that he wanted to make that was substantive and it had actual meaning.”
Oh, it was just a quip y’all! WE misinterpreted her husband’s . Not his poor communications skills, or her husbands *checks notes* being a complete asshole, who’s obsessive remarks about the bodies and lives of single childless/childfree people have come back to bite him.
Gaslight much Usha?
Maybe part of her training is how to speak using Dump word salad
Like every republicant, she loves to play the victim. We just don’t understand her hubby’s very direct and clear words, everyone! Her poor, poor white privileged hubby!!
Funny though, even though Usha, Usha, Usha is talking in circles, she defends her husband’s rubbish with more determination than he ever defended her again right-wing nutjobs.
She’s suitably bland and inoffensive as a right wing lady should be. Just don’t look too deeply into her comments or think too deeply about their meaning. Let them be the airy fluff they’re meant to be (as she answers for her dumbass husband’s remarks like she’s responsible for making them).
I’m more curious about the behind the scenes discussions the white handlers around them had that resulted in her being interviewed (after some prep work, obvs). It’s very much giving “We have an Indian too!” energy.
To all the sellouts satisfied with being tokenized in exchange for power, all I have to say is that you will live long enough to regret the day you were born. Because your masters will dispose of you as soon as they can and your communities will want nothing to do with you.
She doesn’t think leopards would ever eat HER face.
Did the leopards get the memo?
They are both clueless loser/users. “Imaginary policies which harm parents or families” is right. The GOP is the evil party in that regard. What will parents do when there are no more schools for their kids to go to after Project 2025 abolishes the Department of Education. Usha seems very squirrelly and unhappy. She locked into “Vance” when she had kids with him. That’s the really hard part of her being a parent.
First off. I haven’t needed to listen to Fox in years: they still use the same music and sounds and it’s giving me flashbacks. Next, Usha’s voice reminds me of Insurrection Barbie.
Finally, can we mention how deeply weird and concerning it is that her husband, JD Vance, is going to be following Kamala Harris around this week and campaign in the same places on the same days?? It’s a weird, grim version of Trump standing behind Hillary Clinton during that debate.
To hear the way republicans talk about Nikki Haley, makes wonder how that woman ever became governor of a southern state. These American South Asian conservatives don’t get it. Y’all can cape all you want, but they don’t see you any differently than they see black Americans. You are profiting from the blood sweat and tears of people whom you think you are helping to push down. Little do you know. I’ll leave it at that.
@ProudMary I think they, and other minorities, are slowly realizing that racists have no problem letting you know who is and isn’t white. They don’t understand the “one drop rule” that was used against biracial American Blacks is still prevalent in racists’ minds except now it extends to everyone with a biracial identity. Its the foundation of the right wing’s idiotic great replacement theory. What these minorities refuse to accept are the terrible ramifications that the MAGA mindset, actions and policies will have for their kids and future generations.
Usha needs to run, not walk, to the nearest divorce attorney bc JD seems like the type who would totally blame her for destroying his political career, instead of self reflecting. He doesn’t even defend her like most husbands would defend their wives/families. The irony is that like Nikki, they probably would have had better success in the Democratic Party.
is that even her real voice or is this her version of an Ivanka baby whisper?
She sounds like Katie Britt. I’ve heard it called “the Fundie Voice,” because Christian fundalmentalist “Trad Wifes” use it to make their husbands feel like they are married to submissive pre-pubescents.
Those women are married to the least masculine, least secure men that exist so they know they can’t speak too loudly or have too deep a voice lest they spook the little snowflakes. Imagine being married to someone who is scared by your very existence.
She might speak with a girly voice, but she actually looks older than her age. Her interview with Fox demonstrates that she is very used to the sort of soft-focus gaslighting and the smooth spewing of comforting palaver. She and her husband are clearly keeping their eyes on the prize, which is ultimate power, rather than any particular principle or ideology. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, she is a smart, articulate woman who is married to—at best —an ambitious, but mediocre man, who is very politically awkward, and might be an even bigger liability, than we know of. They backed the wrong horse. There, but for the grace of patriarchy…
I wonder what his relationship with Thiel is? He’s backed some anti-trust measures, which would, theoretically, put him at odds, with Thiel.
I don’t understand why she’s assumed to be smart. I mean, she married him, so I think something has to be wrong with her.
She could be like Kushner — someone who comes from a privileged background who was able to go to the best schools. If she sounds articulate, I think that’s because she lies so well. I don’t see any evidence of higher innate intelligence though. I see someone who went to a good law school, but that’s it.
She’s smart, in the way that people who get good grades in school and can string two sentences together are smart. By all accounts, she did very well in law school, and the fact that she is articulate is on display, in this interview. But there is definitely something wrong with her, in that she has allied herself to this very problematic man, who is currently an albatross around Trump’s neck. Is she perhaps herself closeted? Who knows? She definitely likes proximity to power.
@Bisnaptic I’m glad I scrolled down because what you said is how I felt, exactly—I was surprised she was only 38! I’m older, by one year, and still get IDed with some frequency, but I’ve found it to be quite true in general that Millennials are “aging” very well. We are not trying to talk like 20somethings…that’s literally how many of us elder millennials talk. It’s just jarring on her because she looks much older than her years, but it wouldn’t be if she matched her “peers” (think Anne Hathaway, Kirsten Dunst, Constance Wu etc…all of whom are actually much older than 38).
As for the things coming out of her mouth, everyone else has got that covered…she reminds me of a smarter Ivanka—thinking this is a great platform/opportunity but not actually aware it’ll be the ship that sinks her forever.
So he sent in his wife to TRY and clean up his mess. Typical. But she didn’t because he said what he said.
Hey, Usha, I haven’t noticed your husband or his running mate with any policies to make parenting easier
I did notice that people like Vance like to call childless people selfish and unwilling to sacrifice. That’s quite a weird, blanket statement. You aren’t selfless because you brought a kid into the world and what sacrifice are you making if raising kids is so fulfilling and the only thing that matters, as you claim? You all come across as miserable with the choices you want to force on others
She knows her target audience is dumb and that she can get away with not answering the questions. She just has to speak some words in a childish voice and keep up the appearance of a submissive wife.
Well, someone sure went to the Paris Hilton School of Baby Voice and then graduated magna cum Kim K Vocal Fry.
Women like this sicken me to the core. All that intelligence put to such evil actions. There are no excuses to be a woman on this planet (much less a woman of colour) and politically and socially and economically side with people like Vance, Trump, etc. All it makes me think is that she’s just as evil and deranged as her husband, for goodness knows what reasons.
Women like this are _way_ more dangerous than their horrible husbands. Their job is to deliver fascism with a sweet smile and baby-vocal-fry.
The host asked her about her husband’s comments about never Trump etc. I’m really surprised she asked that rather hard-hitting question. Usha’s answer that completely evaded the question was clearly a sound byte she has practiced. She’s not a great liar, and I mean that as a compliment since I hate lying.
The didn’t put her on to answer any questions. They put her on to “reassure” Fox viewers of her “American-ness.” ‘Guys, listen to how she talks! Look at what she’s wearing! She’s American – like you, only with a tan!!’
From Erin:
“Also, children are the future of the country and even if you don’t have any you still benefit from them. They will eventually be paying into social security and taxes to maintain your community. They are the future doctors and nurses that we are all going to need when we get older, people who I want to have a good education for when I need them and that’s another thing that republicans are chipping away at.”
THIS!!! Republicans have lost the ability to look down the road. It’s all me me me me me. There is no thought of future generations. Their only policies are to benefit the wealthy and powerful. They want uneducated masses whose only job prospects are to stuff boxes or do menial labor for billionaires.
She is another Handmaid to fascism and thinks she will be treated better but she never will.
Yes she is. And she is scum.
Even Melania doesn’t seem to be required to lie this much. This is yikes.
Melania can go into hiding if she wants to, it seems.
I liked it better when Insurrectionist Barbie was only available in one skin tone.