Will Prince William & Kate travel to Paris for the final days of the Olympics?

The Paris Olympics are sadly almost over. I’ve really enjoyed the Olympics this year! It is because Paris is a time zone which makes it easy for Americans to watch events live. I don’t begrudge Asian countries for hosting various Olympic games in years past, but g–damn, the time difference makes it really difficult for normal North American people with jobs to enjoy the games. Anyway, the games will be over on Sunday, but there are still many exciting events left in track-and-field, football, volleyball, beach volleyball and more. We also know that Prince William and Kate enjoy “sporty” events, where they get to “work” by simply attending a tennis match or the EUROs. So there’s been a lot of speculation in recent days that William and Kate might make an appearance in Paris. I wasn’t even going to write about the speculation, but then People Magazine did a story about it:

Some are speculating that Kate Middleton and Prince William will take a trip across the English Channel for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The Prince and Princess of Wales, both 42, have been out of the public eye in recent weeks as they privately spend the summer with their three children. However, it’s possible that they will pop up in Paris this week before the end of the Olympics.

Princess Kate’s attendance may depend on how she’s feeling amid her ongoing cancer treatment. She shared via a personal message in June that she experiences “good days and bad days” but expressed hope to join “a few public engagements over the summer, but equally knowing I am not out of the woods yet.”

It also remains unclear if any of their kids — Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6 — would make the trip to France.

[From People]

Considering that very weird confirmation that Kate will “join the royal family in Balmoral,” I would say that no, it’s very unlikely that Kate will pop over to Paris unannounced. Kate would have to organize a photoshoot and a press release before she ever deigned to travel to Paris for the Olympics. I’m more iffy about William – it feels like there would have been a decent chance that he would go over if there was a British athlete or a British team in one of the big finals. Is there? I’m looking…no British teams in football, but there are sailing events…track cycling…lots of track and field stuff left with potential medals for British athletes. Tennis is over, swimming is over, gymnastics is over. Some diving events, maybe? British athletes have already won some significant medals and William hasn’t done sh-t, he hasn’t even congratulated any of the British Olympians. So… no, it’s pretty unlikely that Will and Kate could ever be torn away from their summer holiday.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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57 Responses to “Will Prince William & Kate travel to Paris for the final days of the Olympics?”

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  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    Sure, everyone wants to see William making an ass of himself in the stands. 😆

    My main takeaway from these Games is I can’t believe they made people swim in the Seine.🥴🤢 Even if you don’t win a medal, you’ll have a nice case of e coli to remember the experience.

    • I don’t think they will go to the Olympics together but maybe he or she would go separately.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      E. coli on top of Covid. The Paris Plague-lympics.

      It’s the athletes I feel sorry for. Their careers are basically ruined.
      Remember all the other contestants being upset that China was winning so much?
      They claimed it was “doping”. Nah. They had 3yrs of Zero Covid because their country followed the Precautionary Principle, instead of letting everyone rawdog a BSL-3 pathogen that causes multisystem organ damage and a permanent disabling of the immune system, leading to an acquired immune deficiency syndrome (Long Covid).

      If a Chinese olympian has had Covid 1, 2 times since they dropped Zero Covid over there, and the corresponding US olympian has had Covid 7-9 times since the start of the pandemic (about average for the population now), which is going to perform better?

      • Kane says:

        Add to this a lot of athletes use some form of enhancers. Take a lung that’s had covid 7 times and then expose it to high doses of testosterone or hgh. They are depleted before they got to paris.

  2. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    At this point, aren’t they just talking about how she could or might pop up just so that nobody forgets about her. We can all see that their stupid strategy to make the press feel bad about speculation about her disappearance/cancer reveal, only made her more obviously forgettable.

    • The Duchess says:

      But the thing is, these stories aren’t even gaining traction. They can’t even whip up interest with the fantasy they write. They need to wake up and smell the coffee. Nobody is interested in Kitty. Cancer or no cancer.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        She gives herself too much credit: you’re right, nobody cares about kitty kate’s outings. This is only to keep her name around and also possibly because she really wants to go to the olympics and needs to see the people’s reactions prior to going. She also needs to increase her work time: 2 days of work this year up to now.

  3. equality says:

    Does anyone really care enough to make this topic worth an entire article in People? I wonder if the point is more to make it seem like they are actually still a couple. It would be interesting if PW were to pop over with one or more of the children and no Kate. Is that why they keep emphasizing the treatment and her having bad days in order to keep PW from having to do things with her?

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I made this comment a month ago but I will make it again:

      At this point does anyone really care what Wiggington & Peggington do or do not do?

      I wish Kate a complete recovery and a long healthy life but I really do not think it matters what engagements she performs or does not perform.

  4. Tessa says:

    The good days included her chance to go to wimbledon.

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    Given that Anne and Sophie are there they won’t turn up – I wonder if Anne will attend the closing ceremony and attend some of the Paralympic events (we know a certain other couple will never – they went on holiday to the south of France during the London Paralympic games).

    This is a bad bad look for them – if the King and QC continue to work during his cancer treatment these 2 lazy fkers can as well.

    The more it gets reported about their ‘vacations’ the more people will start to disbelieve/question the cancer story.

  6. Jay says:

    There have been so many great team GB performances that they could have gone to see – so many British swimmers, the women’s gymnastics team, and Tom Daley (who competed in London, 2012). Not to mention tennis, rugby, and football! I think if they didn’t do those events, they are unlikely to go over now.

  7. Becks1 says:

    i can see it going either way – William and Kate making an appearance in a very “dont forget about meeeeee kind of way” or william and kate refusing to take a break from their vacation schedules to bother with the olympics.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Given the Sussex’s upcoming visit to Columbia am surprised we haven’t seen hide nor wiglet from these 2, normally when H&M make an announcement like this they are all over the news cycle with THEIR events.

      I know we got Peggy and his Earthshot visit to NYC but my money’s on them doing a big tour later in the year as well – can’t have his brother and SIL taking all the press attention away from the Wails now can we.

      • Becks1 says:

        The actual Earthshot ceremony is in South Africa so it will be interesting to see if Kate makes the trip. She’s never been to Africa in any kind of official capacity (I don’t think William has either….)

        I think we are def going to get some kind of pap shot of them at Balmoral going to church or something, thinking it will sting the Sussexes that they are at Balmoral and the Sussexes weren’t invited….and instead H&M are going to be making headlines in Colombia.

      • Nic919 says:

        George or Charlotte will have an exam to study for when Earthshot happens in South Africa. No way William wants Kate there with him.

    • Convict says:

      They won’t be attending the Paralympics, fools that they are. It would be a PR dream. They might go to David Linley’s French chateau with the publicly viewable balcony *ahem*

  8. L says:

    With the civil unrest in the UK it would be a bad look for them to go have fun at the Olympics while people are being stabbed and robbed…. So you know, exactly their MO.

  9. CJW says:

    Shouldn’t they be addressing their violent citizens attacking innocent people in the streets, in their homes etc…

    • Chrissy says:

      Unfortunately, they would probably deem that as a “too political” to say anything and besides, they’re on their vacation so there will probably be radio silence from Britain’s biggest scroungers! (snark)

  10. Jais says:

    Honestly, it bothers me that they didn’t show up once to the Olympics. Aren’t they the head of state? Technically Charles is, I guess. But still. Sending Anne and Sophie just isn’t the same. Paris is right next door and it’s their freaking job to do this type of thing. They’re arrogance is really something.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate is no head of state. Neither is William though he wants to be the great statesman

    • Inge says:

      Sophie? I’ve seen pics of Anne but Sophie?

    • Convict says:

      Kate can never be head of state, constitutionally. That is reserved for born-royals only. She may be regent, but not regnant.

      • Nic919 says:

        Under the regency act she can’t be regent. At best she can be on the committee to pick the regent but even that isn’t a guarantee.

        Harry is the next adult in line and possible regent. Then it would be Andrew, Beatrice and Eugenie and then Edward.

    • Jais says:

      I know Kate is not the head of state😂. But Charles is and William is next in line. One of them should have gone. If Charles is too sick then William should have gone. I’d assume Kate would be too sick. Although she did go to Wimbledon so🤷‍♀️. It’s more that you see the Spanish royals and the Dutch royals out there with their wives Letizia and Maxima. They are out there celebrating their country’s athletes. Why can’t the British royals go? Charles or if he’s under the weather then William. Why can’t they do that? I get that Anne has a history with the Olympics but I still think it’s a bad look that Charles or William did not go from the beginning.

      • booboocita says:

        Seeing Dr Jill Biden in the stands at the opening ceremonies, cheering for Team USA, and King Willem-Alexander celebrating with Dutch athletes, was a joy. I missed King Felipe and Letizia, but I’m sure they were gracious and supportive — they always are. The fact that no royal was in the stands, and that Sophie and Anne made short, perfunctory visitis, and head of state Chucky Boy and his heir were nowhere to be seen, is just heinous, and disgusting.

  11. Inge says:

    Probably saw the other royals getting in the news.

    And after the Olympics the Paralympics are coming up! You know the event the Cambridges left early in London 2012 ‘to prepare for a tour” only for them to be photographed sunning on a balcony in france(the famous topless pics)

    • Jay says:

      Lots of European royalty have been seen cheering on their country’s athletes, yes! If it were me and I were just a channel crossing away, you couldn’t keep me out! But I don’t think the British royals get along that well with their Euro cousins. If William were to go, he would just want to be seen with Tom Cruise!

    • Jaded says:

      Ahhh yessss. The infamous “beej” photo, I’d forgotten all about that!

  12. Tessa says:

    William would not want to go with keen. He would want the eldest children sitting between them to be with her there.

  13. Normades says:

    So many other Euro royals are there I can see William popping up because he’s always late to a party (in a bad way).
    Anne has been looking like a badass. She’s been wearing the coolest stuff she’s ever worn

  14. Proud Mary says:

    I have the feeling that this is what the Balmoral Summit is about: negotiating a deal for Kittykat to agree to appear in public with her used-to-be husband.

  15. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. The Wails can’t even tell the employees running their social media to congratulate the UK/Commonwealth medal winners? No mention of Andy’s last match? Why do they need so many staff again? Do most of their staff also get 6+ months off a year?

    • Becks1 says:

      Remember what Omid said about their staff and the complaints re: Meghan? Basically something like “when you go from one meeting a month to a meeting multiple times a week, you’re going to feel like you’re being overworked.” Their staff is as lazy as they are.

  16. Cerys says:

    I doubt that they will interrupt their much-needed (ahem) break to attend anything even an all-expenses paid trip to the Olympics. Also, the fact that not one Royal has visited the families of the deceased children or the survivors in hospital from the Southport incident is disgraceful.

    • Convict says:

      Makes you wonder what the point of their existence is in public life. They cost way too much and give little in return.

      • zinjazin says:

        They are making themselves redundant and also losing power and respect withing the establishment they are supposed to represent.
        They risk becomung abolished since they lose contacts and popularity and visibility.
        Astrorurfing isnt gonna keep them afloat.

  17. Liz -L says:

    Not one of them have commented on the riots here or the little girls who were killed at a Taylor Swift dance class in Southport.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    This was my comment.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    Sophie is already there representing the Royal Family so I doubt William and Kate will be going to Paris.

  20. Lau says:

    Why do I feel like this kind of statement was given just because we’ve seen other European royals going to various events for the past two weeks ? But yeah, they sent Edward, Sophie and Anne and thought “this is more than enough, we’re on holidays !”
    Ps : I know the Olympics will be over soon but can we not forget that the Paralympics are happening right after ? It’s an important competition as well.

  21. The Duchess says:

    Willy does not want to spend a single second of his time in Kitty’s company, unless he drags one of the kids along with him. These two wouldn’t dare part with their precious holiday time. They skipped the Paralympics in 2012 to jet off to sunnier climates…

  22. Kelly says:

    He’s such a pathetic Prince of Wales. Even Charles, fusty fuddy duddy that he is, put the work in.
    W reminds me of Prinny. The country couldn’t stand him either.

  23. Libra says:

    Why would Kate leave Anmer? She is living out my dream; getting up in the morning knowing you have absolutely nothing on your to do list. A fully staffed home to do all the grunt work, no money worries, just lazy days with the children and planning fun things to do. Access to the best possible health care without concern about cost and ability to say when she may or may not feel like working. No Paris for this Princess!

  24. Andromeda says:

    Sorry if this is a duplicate post but I don’t see the original…I apologize for threadjacking.

    For those Olympics junkies like myself, subscribe to the Peacock streaming service if you can. All coverage (except I think the Olympics Gold highlight specials) will be available there through the end of the year, albeit with international announcer feeds (which I actually find I prefer!). Olympics Gold & the events w/American announcer feeds willl be on the NBCSports app (not sure if it’s completely free or how long stuff will be there). The international announcers have commented on various royals & celebrities in the crowds.

  25. Lulu says:

    I don’t think anyone cares except the bm and they can praise her as being so much better than ‘lessor mortals’ who also have cancer but cannot go to the Paris Olympics.

  26. kelleybelle says:

    The derangers love to say Kate is so beautiful, blah blah blah, but I don’t find one single thing pretty about this woman. In some shots she looks downright ugly. She wouldn’t break a camera but ‘beautiful’ is a huge stretch. Given her personality and what we’ve recently found out, my opinion has only been reinforced.

  27. Cinder says:

    It’s just such a red flag that BP and KP haven’t been able to get William to go to the Olympics so far. I mean it’s basically free publicity. It’s a no brainer and every other royal family in Europe sees it but not William. And for their kids who apparently looovve sports? Why wouldn’t they want to go to the freaking Olympics when it’s so conveniently timed during their vacation? It seems to point to much larger issues with William himself.

    And it’s a little too late now, isn’t it. Now if he wants to go to Paris, he really needs to go to Southport first.

  28. AC says:

    Well I guess he rather go to a Taylor Swift concert or hang out with Tom Cruise than support Team Britain. I mean Paris is not that far. Or, if one just wants to be lazy- a Twitter congratulations post for their own team who has already won medals.

    “The Paris Olympics are sadly almost over and I really enjoyed the Olympics this year”
    I also agree – I actually enjoyed watching the Paris Olympics. The US team is actually doing well- boo to the naysayers who said they weren’t doing well early last week- when the Olympics just freaking started 🙄 – They were just proven so wrong.
    I’m excited to see the LA handoff during the closing 😊

  29. Cottage Cat says:

    I think Kate is mad-keen for William’s father to step aside in favour of the mediocre, ordinary, “greatness foisted upon hìm” William. She sulked her way through the Coronation and made darn sure they held up “the Monarch” so she and William would enter behind him. Carole and Kate’s vision is of her and William sitting side-by-side on “thrones”. Nothing else matters to them. Obscene.