Simone Biles got Botox and hated that it made her eyebrow go up

My family has been so into watching the Olympics this year! My kids are finally both old enough to appreciate it, and my younger son has been mesmerized by both the men and women’s gymnastics competitions. We’ve been so happy and impressed by all of the performances, especially by the women’s gymnastics team, led by the incomparable Simone Biles. We’ve also been taken by Brazil’s Rebeca Andrade. It’s been nice to have something that all four of us agree on watching and sharing together.

Last Friday, Simone posted a TikTok in which she shared that for her 27th birthday in March, she decided to try Botox. She got the injection in her T-Zone, but did not like the results at all. As it turns out, poor Simone’s eyebrow took on a mind of its own. According to Simone, at any given time, her eyebrow would start to go up on its own and stay there for about 20 seconds before sliding itself right on back down. Needless to say, that was Simone’s one and only experiment with Botox.

Simone Biles revealed that she recently dabbled in injectibles, but admitted that she wasn’t happy with the results.

“For my 27th birthday, I got Botox — baby Botox — just right here in my T-Zone,” the gymnast, 27, said in a “Get Ready With Me” TikTok video posted last Friday, referring to a very conservative dose of the toxin. “I did not like it, so I haven’t got it again,” she added while prepping her makeup for the 2024 Paris Olympics all-around finals.

The 10-time Olympic medalist explained that the cosmetic procedure left her unable to control her facial expressions.

“It’s because I would be, like, standing at practice and then my eyebrow would slowly be going up,” Biles said. “[One of my teammates] would be like, ‘Simone, your eyebrow’s going up again.’ I was like, ‘I feel it and I couldn’t get it back down.’”

Biles said that her eyebrow would eventually “go back down” after about 20 seconds but it would keep “randomly” happening.

“So, now I can do all the facials,” Biles said. “Not doing that again.”

Fans of the athlete flooded the comments section to weigh in on her beauty routine transparency.

“You are so real being open about Botox,” one person cheered, adding, “we heart you GOAT! 🐐.”

“Believe in your self Simone, you are beautiful from inside, out. And you do not need Botox, you are so beautiful, just the way you are. I envy your skin face, you don’t have any wrinkles!!!” a second person wrote.

“Your skin tone and texture is UH-MAY-ZING! Great skin care routine and the makeup always looks very natural … Proud of u, Queen!” a third fan said.

“No Botox , you are so beautiful as is!” another person wrote.

Others were impressed that Biles was doing her own glam before her Olympic competition.

“I actually thought you girls have makeup artists doing your face! It looks so professional!” one supporter commented.

“And she does her own makeup?! Oh yeah, goated🔥,” a netizen gushed.

“Girl your makeup has been STUNNING all week I’m obsessed every time you come on screen,” a third said.

[From Page Six]

Oh my goodness, that sounds so awkward and embarrassing. Those kinds of random side-effects are what everyone has nightmares about happening! Just like with a bad haircut, what else can you do but make do and deal with it using humor? That happened to my bestie, actually, and she also just kinda laughed it off with a “Yup, this sucks but it’ll go away eventually!” (It also did not discourage her from doing it again, as she’s been doing it for years and it was her one and only negative reaction.)

I am all for women making their own beauty decisions on what makes them feel happy in their own skin. I love that Simone was so open about her experience. That said, I totally agree with those who are saying that she is absolutely gorgeous and doesn’t need any kind of Botox or other enhancement! I think she would have mentioned it if she got it for medical reasons, so I hope she didn’t try it out for any reason other than curiosity. Anyway, she’s so funny and charming. I’m really happy that after a tough time, she seems to have her groove back. What a joy and privilege it is to be able to watch Simone doing her thing. She’s so inspiring.

@simonebilesowens get ready with meeee for all around finals @ the olympics 😱🥹 #olympics #gymnastics #usa #paris ♬ original sound – Simone Biles

Photos credit: IMAGO/Jari Pestelacci/Steffie Wunderl/Daniela Porcelli/Avalon, and via TikTok and Instagram

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21 Responses to “Simone Biles got Botox and hated that it made her eyebrow go up”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    I’m 56 and I love when it raises my eyebrows 😅😊😉

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      😆 i wanna try but my little inside voice keep telling me noooooo

    • Lau says:

      I think her problem was that it was affecting only one eybrow, maybe it’s not as bad when it’s both of them ? With just one eyebrow living its own life you’re left looking puzzled several times a day ahah. Does it take time for that reaction to stop happening though ?

    • Kitten says:

      I HATE how it looks the first week or two–I feel like my face looks so tight and weird but once it settles, I love it.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        I love days 5-7.. I don’t get it often but i do treat myself on special occasion. I personally have never had the wonky eyebrow experience.

  2. Chantal1 says:

    I never understood why anyone that young, including actresses, would get botox. Simone definitely didn’t need it and she’s gorgeous enough without it. And unless its really in your face, I don’t pay much attention to athletes’ makeup. So I too thought gymnastics Team USA had a professional makeup artist and wondered who was doing Simone’s makeup bc it has been on point. Well done Simone! I love her sense of humor and honesty. GOAT indeed!

  3. Truthiness says:

    It’s great for her to be honest, instead of press prying into her life rudely. Sharing it on her terms.

    Now that her event is over she was wearing a walking boot for her calf injury, what a warrior queen.

    • Caribbean says:

      I wasn’t going to say this, but because you said ‘queen’ my mind went to UK Future queen (see, this is not my fault at all) and now realize why her brown is sometimes way up there!

  4. M says:

    Sounds like her doctor injected it too close to a nerve. I’ve never had issues with my brows going rogue lol

  5. Jks says:

    That explains Kate Middleton’s eyebrow situation!

  6. Giddy says:

    Simone is a queen. She and Jordan Chiles made me so proud when they bowed down to Rebecca Andrade on the medal stand in a picture that went viral. It was such a generous and genuine gesture as were the hugs they all shared. I well remember the cold, unspeaking relations in past Olympics between our team and the Russians. All the gymnasts have been very warm towards each other.

  7. KASalvy says:

    Why is a 27 year old getting botox?! I’m in my early 40s and still shudder at the idea of injecting a toxin into my face just so I don’t have forehead lines? She took it with a sense of humor, but all i feel is that here’s this amazing athlete who’s inspirational for so many girls, but you need botox in your 20s to be successful and beautiful.

  8. Mina_Esq says:

    I’m aware of these types of side-effects, but I’m not gonna lie – I can’t wait to try Botox. I had scheduled a consultation shortly before I found out I was pregnant and had to cancel. I was surprised when I found out that women in their 20s were having Botox parties, but they have made me more open to it. It’s cosmetic, makes us feel good, and it should not be used to put down women.

  9. Dani says:

    I didn’t get botox until this year (42 yo) and I love it!

  10. Rosie says:

    I didn’t put this in the post, but I’m considering getting fillers under my eyes. Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, I would love to hear about it! My dermatologist recommended someone good in the area, I just am trying to decide whether or not to call to get the consult.

    • mdub says:

      I got the devajerm (sp?) filler under my eyes and love it! I already have sunken in & heavy lidded eyes, and it made me feel like I look much better

      It’s also lasted a lot longer than it’s “supposed” too and is only now starting to become undone. (because you don’t really move that part of your face to ‘wear it out’ as quickly) I did have a little bruising under my eyes for 3-4 days, so don’t do it right before getting a photo taken

      • Rosie says:

        Thank you!! I have a “fancy” event at the end of September that I’m really trying to look my best for because there will be a lot of pictures. It’s the main thing driving me wanting to get them done. I’ll look into what you did!

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’ve got some excess bags I could lend you. Shoot, you could have ’em for free! 😉

  11. Abby says:

    AHAH I love that she told this story. I am 40, and I want to get botox in my forehead horizontal lines, but I worry so much that it will affect my eyebrows. So, I’m trying medical tape to see if that will help. So far, no change. Maybe I need to try Frownies.

  12. L4Frimaire says:

    Why would someone in their 20s want Botox? Isn’t it for lines and wrinkles? That is one weird side effect.

  13. Cath says:

    I have no idea why not more people are worried about botox impacting interpersonal communication because micro-expressions suffer?

    Also from New Scientist:
    “After having Botox injections in the forehead, people’s brains respond in a different way when they see images of faces showing emotion. This may mean they find it harder to interpret other people’s emotions because of disrupted signalling between their facial muscles and their brains.”

    So it goes both ways too. It spooks me enough to refrain from it. We value the wrong things…