Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota’s Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate

Quick question: does anyone else think that Tim Walz looks like a jolly, fulfilled version of Dick Cheney? Walz really has some Cheney angles. Anyway, congrats to all of us, because Kamala Harris has chosen Tim Walz as her running mate. He’s a two-term governor of Minnesota, a former Congressman and a former public school teacher. He and his wife Gwen have two children, Hope and Gus, and they have one cat and one dog. Which reminds me… if Kamala wins, do you think she and Doug will get a dog or cat? They better. Here’s how WaPo announced Harris’s selection:

Vice President Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, opting for a former high school teacher and Midwestern Democrat to complete a newly assembled presidential ticket, according to three people familiar with the pick, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a decision that is not yet public.

The choice of Walz, 60, creates a ticket that many Democrats have said would be politically beneficial. Harris, 59, who is Black and Indian American and spent much of her career in deep-blue California, chose from a list of finalists populated by White men, including Walz, who have represented more competitive swaths of the country.

The selection culminates an increasingly intensive process in recent days, as the Harris team narrowed down the prospects and various factions of the Democratic Party lobbied for their favorites. On the weekend, Harris interviewed three finalists: Walz, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly.

Compared with some of the other prospects who Harris considered as potential running mates, Walz is less well-known and has faced less scrutiny on the national stage.

A second-term governor and chair of the Democratic Governors Association, Walz does not hail from a traditional battleground state — Minnesota has supported a Republican presidential candidate only once since 1960. But Walz’s credentials as a military veteran and gun owner who previously represented a Republican-leaning, rural part of Minnesota in Congress could help Harris appeal to working-class White voters who have turned away from Democrats and helped fuel Donald Trump’s political rise.

[From WaPo]

WaPo mentions several times that Walz isn’t widely known outside of Minnesota, but the selection of Walz shows that he was more than willing to introduce himself on a national stage and to do so on his terms. Out of all of the men on Harris’s shortlist, Walz did the most to publicly audition for Harris and the party, repeatedly appearing on cable news shows and playing up his happy-warrior Democratic credentials and making Democratic Party arguments in a folksy, regular-guy way. Notably – for Washington – Walz is not a product of elite Ivy League schools either. He went to state schools and public schools. Walz is going to do very well on the national campaign trail, and his selection is very popular with unions too.

Photos courtesy of Tim Walz’s Instagram.

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121 Responses to “Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota’s Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate”

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  1. phlyfiremama says:

    There were no bad choices for running mate.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      No there weren’t.. now on to the convention🗳️💙🪷🎉

    • Amy Bee says:

      Shapiro would have been terrible.

      • Jaded says:

        Agree, too much baggage for sure.

      • Lady Esther says:

        Disagree, Shapiro would have been excellent in many respects but maybe better at Treasury. Kelly for Defense and Whitmer for State.

      • Kittenmom says:

        We need those amazing folks right where they are, in Senate and governorships.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Lady Esther, Walz was a military officer and Kelly doesn’t back unions.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        Pete for SoS. He’s so rational, but also relatable and very diplomatic in his verbal presentation.

      • Jaded says:

        @Lady Esther — Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania is facing renewed criticism for his handling of a sexual harassment complaint against a longtime top aide.

        The state agreed to pay $295,000 last September to settle the complaint against Michael A. Vereb, then Mr. Shapiro’s head of legislative affairs and one of his closest advisers. An employee had accused Mr. Vereb of making repeated and graphic sexual overtures and then criticizing her job performance after she refused him. She resigned rather than continue to work for him.

        Shapiro wrote in an opinion article “peace will never come” to the Middle East and described Palestinians as “battle-minded.” His position has changed since then, per his spokesperson Manuel Bonder, who pointed to his support for a two-state solution. Too little too late, the cat’s out of the bag. This is what I mean about baggage.

      • H says:

        Shapiro would have been awesome.
        That said, I like Walz.

  2. Oh come on. says:

    Woohoo! With Kamala, Dems just keep winning 🎉🥳🎉

    Have heard Walz interviewed several times now. Super smart, progressive, likable guy with a great track record and a plain-speaking, sensible, funny Midwestern dad energy. Love this for us!

    • Mil says:

      No nonsense guy. I think Walz is a good answer to disturbed creature who’s obsessed with childfree people.
      No baggage, animal lover, not a lawyer but teacher, and respected by his peers.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Governor Walz is a great choice because he is in so many ways a regular guy. But he cares about the fundamental rights of ALL people just like Vice President Harris does. I am excited about this winning ticket and look forward to working even harder to help propel them to victory.

  4. Oh I do love that she picked him!! Balls to the Walz!! I think this is a very good combo!

  5. Amber says:

    I am obsessed! He is the wholesome American Dad we all need. Not long ago when a rich conservative state next to his voted down to allot money to feed low income hungry School children, Tim not only voted to feed school children who couldn’t pay, but to support every child in getting their school lunch needs met .

    • SarahCS says:

      I don’t know if it was in relation to that exactly but I saw some extracts from an interview where he was asked about something in this vein and he responded along the line of ‘I want to feed kids, what a monster!’

      • Feeshalori says:

        I saw that MSNBC clip earlier on YouTube, what a great response. He really gives off good vibes.
        Walz to the win!

      • Becks1 says:

        This is what I love about him as a vP candidate – he is able to boil down policy to quippy remarks like that. and if the R response is “its parents responsibility to feed their children” – well okay, have you seen grocery prices lately?

        We can afford to feed our children and I LOVED when lunch and breakfasts were free during/after COVID because of federal funding. It just made everything so much easier.

        But that aside….I just think he is able to put Dem policies in very short soundbites which we need. We don’t need to explain in long winded terms why we are funding X project in X city. Say “our neighbors need help and we will help them.” Say “we feed children.” Say “we support women.”

      • North of Boston says:

        Boiling it down to the basics is a great approach, because the appeal to voters is right there.

        Plus the entire GOP platform collapses on itself

        D’s – we feed children
        > R’s it’s the parents’ personal responsibility to feed their own children

        D’s – have you seen grocery prices lately? we’ll help parents feed their children
        > R’s It’s not our job to feed other people’s kids. if they couldn’t afford it they shouldn’t have had kids

        D’s – then we will make sure that birth control and abortion and reproductive care and sex education are all legal, affordable and available to all so people can make informed personal choices about having kids

        > R’s uh umm but … umm … cat ladies are EEvil

      • TQ says:

        @Becks1 – 100% agree. His ability to take key policy positions and boil them down to quippy soundbites is really good and will be effective. That’s what Dems need — no need to get into the weed of policy. Keep it simple and straightforward. Love him on the ticket!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        VP nominee Walz employs the KISS method effectively and humorously. Love.

  6. Redheadwriter says:

    As a Minnesotan, I am sad to be losing Walz but so happy to share him with everyone!

    • Bananie says:

      YES! Fellow Minnesotan! We are happy to share! Especially because it means Peggy Flanagan steps up to become the first Native American governor! Flanagan is a member of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe! EVERYONE KEEPS WINNING!

      • kirk says:

        Well that’s good news. Don’t know anything about Peggy Flanagan, but I’ve loooved Joe Biden for his strong support of indigenous communities (Deb Haaland, tribal nations summit, Executive Order 14053, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, proposal to limit gas and oil development near Chaco Canyon, etc., etc., etc.) Good for Tim Walz for feeding children. Noticed this message from Hillary the other day about feeding children, and found out about the Stateline Newsroom project which seems to have strong local support; hope it lasts longer than the Messenger. https://x.com/HillaryClinton/status/1818678422861701220

    • ML says:

      RedheadWriter, Thanks to you Minnesotans, we have a great VP candidate! He’s been delightful and I am looking forward to seeing them campaign together: LFG Harris-Walz!

      I looked up your lieutenant governor, Peggy Flanagan and got an intro on America’s first Native American governor: https://walzflanagan.org/peggy/

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        You’re welcome, ML. Just saw an interview with a very happy Amy Klobuchar a little while ago. If they win, Tim Walz will become the third Minnesota veep. Humphrey and Mondale were the others. Amy pointed out that we are the only state where parents bounce their small children on their knees while telling them, “You too can grow up to be vice president!” 😀

  7. Digital Unicorn says:

    Am happy for him – he comes across very well and has a ‘likeable Pappa’ vibe to him that am sure people will react well to. Mayor Pete will get his chance and am sure he’ll get a good position in her gov come November.

    As little as I know about American politics (am a Brit) even I feel positive about this ticket and would vote for them if I could.

  8. LarkspurLM says:


    Anyone else think that there should be a mandatory only 100 days campaign for President? This is fast, furious and fantastic!

    PS: love the dog and cat! xo

    • Glamarazzi says:

      I vote YES to mandatory 100-days-only campaigning. Other countries do it and it does help to focus the mind on the issues/comparisons, rather than dragging it out for a year and resulting in voter fatigue.

      • kirk says:

        What? You want to limit NYT, WaPo and every other profit seeking publication to only 100 days of the horse race and reporting on polls-du-jour. However will they make money? Oh, yeah, I remember now — tRump’s belligerent babblings, plus they’ll prepay Peter Schweizer for ‘Clinton Cash’ excerpts, or equivalent.

    • Kirsten says:

      Totally agree with this. There’s no reason these campaigns have to extend years. I also think it means we lose some really excellent candidates because they can’t afford to campaign for so long.

    • Chantal1 says:

      I vote YES as well, not just for the presidency but for Congress as well. Congress could get a lot more work done if they didn’t have to spend so much time campaigning!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      LarkspurLM, Yes! I want to see campaign funding reform and if campaigns were only 100 days, that would fit.

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        Yes! Thanks for mentioning campaign funding reform. I like the idea of publicly funded elections.

  9. Agnes says:

    As a Midwesterner, I approve this choice. He really has that archetypal whitebread can-do handyman appeal. Google “Tim Walz Hot Dish” for a recipe that reflects all the best and wurst of this country.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      LOL! I see what you did there @Agnes. I’m in Wisconsin. Wurst state. He’s won competitions with his hot dish. My recommendations to update his recipe: cut out the water, change the beer to PBR, add in diced onion & carrots and fresh corn. No garlic powder. Fresh garlic and a couple of bay leaves & a small diced onion to the all PBR liquid. A tik tok of him with PBR could be epic. just saying. PBR is very relevant to regular Wisconsinites.imo FYI, don’t believe Walz is a consumer of alcohol anymore. Boiling brats in beer is a different thing.

      I was confused by this article. It said he put peas in his hot dish, yet, his recipe doesn’t call for them.

      I would love if someone started a hashtag #TimWalzHotDish.

  10. SarahCS says:

    I saw somewhere else (Pajiba?) someone saying their friend was ready to make ‘Ballz to the Walz’ t-shirts if he was selected and that’s just one of the many things I’ve read in relation to this guy that I absolutely love. He also got the ball rolling on the ‘they’re weird’ thing which is absolutely nailing it.

  11. Bean says:

    I like it. Let’s go!

  12. Lucy2 says:

    I hadn’t even heard of the guy before last week, but the response to him is overwhelmingly positive. he seems to have a very relatable and straightforward personality, not intimidated by the national stage, and quite comfortable making digs at the GOP.
    Kamala really had some excellent choices.

  13. Jais says:

    I really like this pick. LFG💙

  14. A Guest says:

    There’s a picture floating around on Twitter of him doing a “listening tour” after being elected governor. The man is standing there PETTING A CAT while listening. If I’m the Harris – Walz SM team, I’m “meming” the hell of out that picture and beating JD Vance over the head with it.

  15. Chantal1 says:

    I’ve really liked what I’ve seen and heard about Governor Walz so far so
    Harris/Walz let’s goooo!!!

  16. cabooklover says:

    I consider myself someone who pays attention and stays informed and I’d never even heard of this guy until he got mentioned as a possible VP pick. For now, I’m underwhelmed.

    • Agnes says:

      You may consider yourself well-informed, but if you haven’t heard of Tim Walz after the past week you must not have a TV antennae or Wi-Fi.

      • Jesse says:

        cabooklover clearly said”until he got mentioned as a possible VP pick”, which means before past week.

      • Agnes says:

        Yes. It’s dismissive to be uninformed about a man who has been quietly and effectively running his state for two terms as a Democratic Governor. I’m sure Walz would be underwhelmed by cabooklover.

      • Kitten says:

        What Agnes said.
        He hasn’t been out there trying to make a name for himself because he’s not that type of a politician and I love him for it. He’s just a good f*cking legislator who works for The People and is in politics for all the right reasons.

    • swaz says:

      I’ve only known him for two weeks too, but love him😍 so so charming, gives great interviews and gets straight to the heart of things 😍 Great Ticket 😍

    • Jaded says:

      I’m Canadian and have been all over Walz for the last month or so. He was MY pick for Veep, and even though I don’t have a dog in this race I’m happy Harris picked him. Maybe you should save your “underwhelm” feelz and do some reading up about him. He has been a great governor, and is a wonderful human being to boot.

    • Traveller says:

      A decent man doing a decent job for which he was voted into office to do is the exact opposite of underwhelming.

    • JoanCallamezzo says:

      He’s a former public school teacher, congressman, and a governor who-full stop-provides free lunches to kids. He is a fantastic messenger like Congresswoman AOC. You can be underwhelmed but the rest of us are pumped! If future President Harris chooses Pete Buttigieg for Sec of State I’ll be ecstatic! Feeling good about our odds now. Thank you President Biden. LFG!

      • Christine says:

        This is exactly what I hope happens. Eight years as an effective SoS and far fewer people will still care he is gay and we can get President Buttigieg!


    • Jais says:

      Lucky you. Now you can find out about him which would be a lot of fun. There’s a lot out there. I’m looking forward to more interviews being done. Seeing him at the democratic convention. Seeing him debate Vance. People are going to find out about him and I can’t wait.

      • cabooklover says:

        @JAIS I’m enjoying getting to know him. I’m a public school teacher, so I’m excited he has that background and is such a proponent of public education! I vote blue no matter who, but I was excited from the get-go to vote for Harris.

  17. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I was super excited to vote Harris in November and I’m super excited to vote Harris-Walz in November!!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Great choice, I love the ticket 😍 Tim Walz is so charming 😍

  19. Truthiness says:

    Another benefit: Walz is ‘pro woman’ in general and he walks the walk. He just appointed another woman justice to the state supreme court and their MN chief justice is a black woman. He likened the Trump Vance ticket to a “He-Man Woman Haters Club.” In a time where women’s rights are being taken away, we need pro-women fighters.

  20. Whyforthelove says:

    I am so excited that he is a former teacher!!! And he he will wipe the floor with JD …someone buy JD Vance a fainting couch…oh wait

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Kitten says:

      Between my husband and I we have four teachers in our immediate and small families. I have been saying forever that we need more teachers in politics.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        That was another point in Tim’s favor. Shapiro is another lawyer. Democrats have long suffered from the Too Many Lawyers syndrome. It’s part of the reason they can’t talk like real people to voters.

      • Whyforthelove says:

        Crazy Rebel as a former teacher turned lawyer I 💯 agree we need more teachers and we have PLENTY of lawyers lol

      • Kittenmom says:

        And i believe that Shapiro was in favor of vouchers/charter schools. Much better to have someone invested in the health of our public schools.

    • Christine says:


  21. Bamaborn says:

    Congrats to everyone that picked Walz as her running mate. When I heard she’d narrowed down to 2 choices and 1 was Shapiro, I was confident it would be Walz also.

  22. Duch says:

    I love that I got introduced to Walz here – back a couple weeks ago someone said in comments “don’t sleep on Walz” and do I checked him out. He’s going to be great for campaign.

  23. tealily says:

    I think this is a great pic! He’s done a lot of great progressive work, but he’s able to talk about it in a way that is very common sense and not scary to more moderate voters. He made it through 2020 in Minneapolis without making a complete ass of himself. Apparently he was the LGBTQ+ club liaison for the school he worked at when he was a teacher. He’s folksy in the right way. He’s positive. America’s new favorite uncle!

  24. NotSoSocialB says:

    This is gonna be a fkn landslide if we all do our civic duty and VOTE!!

    I cannot wait to participate in this monumentous and historical election. I’m 58, and I don’t think I have ever been this thrilled to cast my vote than I am now (and I cried when we elected Barack)!! Onward to the America we all deserve!

  25. Kjodz says:

    Walz was born and raised in Nebraska. This is where I am from and he has been all over the local news the last couple of weeks. So excited to vote for Kamala/Walz!!

  26. MsDarcy says:

    While I’ll still do everything in my power to support the Harris ticket, I’m iffy on this choice. I get that he went viral for calling Trump and Vance “weird,” but I think that minimalizes the danger that they pose and tries to turn it into something funny. Trump is responsible for killing the judicial system as we know it and the overturning of Roe is just the beginning of the havoc these Courts are going to cause. Trump isn’t weird – he’s evil incarnate.

    • tealily says:

      I don’t think it minimizes it at all, I think it defangs it and is actually great strategy. They have no idea how to respond on it. As he put it, “’The fascists depend on us going back, but we’re not afraid of weird people,’ Mr. Walz said during an event organized by the Harris campaign.”

    • ArtFossil says:

      Walz used a tested strategy: ridicule. As Saul Alinsky, in Rules for Radicals*, wrote:
      “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

      (*which, by the way, is how to successfully run a movement for change”)

    • Jaded says:

      Look at how the word “weird” has taken off. It’s instantly become the go-to insult for Trump and Vance. To belittle them with one simple word is brilliant because it sticks in people’s minds instead of some long, bloviating word salad and armchair psychoanalysis.

      • Barb Mill says:

        It’d brilliant because when you call him a bully it make you look weak. trump likes being a bully he can’t stand being called weird.

    • Truthiness says:

      MsDarcy, I agree that Trump is evil and Walz agrees. He absolutely does say we’re going to lose democracy if Trump wins. His funnier moments just travel. He cloaks his Democratic ideals with non-threatening language.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Walz can run on his progressive administration, and his compassion.

      Ag worker, teacher, coach, army national guard vet, state rep in a red district multiple times, wildly popular and successful governor. Feeding school kids two meals daily, top five states for business, lgbtq+ protections, codified women’s reproductive rights, recreational mj, ranked third happiest state in the nation.

      Did you know any of this about him?

  27. bisynaptic says:

    #HarrisWalz2024 !

  28. Amy Bee says:

    This is such a great choice.

    • WaterDragon says:

      I am beyond thrilled with this choice, especially that he is pro-union. Go Unions!

  29. TwiceShyNan says:

    On my morning hike here in western wisconsin, everybody and their dog (literally) were on their phones or chatting excitedly with their walking buddies—about Walz! Me? I was doing the happy walk 2.

    • Kitten says:

      I know anecdotal evidence isn’t real evidence but I’m really hoping that what you describe here plays out in a LOT of midwest states. My Iowan husband seems very confident that Walz will be quite popular..not sure if that will translate into votes but I sure hope so.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I think KH saw his obvious appeal across the upper Midwest and western Pennsylvania.

    • Jaded says:

      I hope Harris/Walz win in Wisconsin, I see Harris and Trump are running neck and neck and Walz’s Midwest folksiness and experience can win the Trumpistas over.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      The rally in Eau Claire Wisconsin is going to a banger with Walz on the ticket. LET’S GOOOOO!!!!

  30. Ali says:

    Congrats America, the rest of the world support this ticket ☘️🇮🇪🇺🇸🥰

  31. AmyB says:

    For those not so familiar with Tim Walz – Walz has done a ton in his state with only a one-seat majority. He got universal free school meals (breakfast and lunch), legalized weed, tax rebates for the working class up to $1300, 12 weeks sick and paid family leave, banned gay conversion therapy, did red flag and universal background checks for guns, free public college if you make under $80,000/year – that is just some of what he has done. Plus, he has been destroying Trump/Vance in his interviews, which can never be undermined.

    I am so happy and thrilled Kamala chose him as her VP!

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Love to see how he’s uniting the party! “Representative Dean Phillips, the Minnesota Democrat who waged a futile challenge against President Biden earlier in the Democratic primaries, praised the selection of his state’s governor to the ticket. “Tim Walz can fix a lawnmower, fire a cannon, and fiercely protect women’s freedoms. All in one day,” he said.”

  32. Tarte Au Citron says:

    Aw cool, I like the sound of this guy. He seems to be the closest you have to our President, who is a massive dog lover & a poet 🙂

  33. Flamingo says:

    I love that Obama learned from his last stumble waiting too long to endorse Kamala Harris. He had his endorsement ready to go!

  34. Lee says:

    The sheer excitement in this comment thread has me so pumped! Minnesotan here, and I am beyond excited about this ticket. i would also be delighted to have the amazing Peggy Flanagan as our Governor!

  35. L4Frimaire says:

    I think he is a great choice. I think we all knew it was gonna be a white guy but he has to respect her and her decisions as POTUS. I liked him and Beshear. Also he sounds very practical, great speaker, relatable. Very good interview of him on the Ezra Klein show podcast. This guy knows policy and not afraid of his progressive legislation. I think how he came out for Harris is also a deciding factor and a good partnership. She had a lot of good choices and this process showcased it. It shows that the party can move forward and they have strong picks for the next generation of leaders. There is no other choice but Harris for me but this definitely helps.

  36. Kitten says:

    Before I sign off I just wanted to say that I’m absolutely loving all the enthusiasm for Walz among my fellow Celebitches. The political posts have been a bit divisive and tense around here lately…it’s so great to see everyone so excited and united. ♥

    Now let’s fucking GO!!!

  37. AC says:

    After reading more about Walz, I have to agree. And I really do enjoy watching his interviews esp speaking against Vance . “Vance knows nothing about small town America”- that’s the right quote !

  38. Proud Mary says:

    YeaaaaaaaaaH!! F, yeah!

  39. Ann says:

    I’m a registered Democrat who grew up in MI and lived in MN for years. I’m now an “East Coast Liberal.” Tim Walz is the real deal. He’s fantastic. This is how people talk and think from the midwest whether R or D. He is going to attract people that didn’t connect with Obama (“elitist”) or Hilary (they just didn’t “like” her.) Team Kamala and Tim are chef’s kiss. I think my favorite quip from him is calling Republicans the “He Man Woman Hater’s Club.” And he comes up with this on the spot during an interview. Love him! Thank you, Kamala!

  40. Aidee Kay says:

    I donated the day Biden stepped down and Harris stepped up as the nominee, and I donated today in honor of the VP pick. He wasn’t my first choice — Buttegieg was — but I’m very happy with him as the Veep nominee. Harris/Walz 2024!!

  41. J.Mo says:

    I want to thank everyone here again for helping me, a Canadian, understand what’s been going on. Your insight has been so helpful and given me hope. Last January my 81 yr old mother had a single mastectomy and we had to cancel plans to be in New Orleans for New Years Eve. This year she’s totally healthy but my 21 yr old transgender daughter decided that Louisiana is a state she doesn’t feel safe visiting. She doesn’t drink and is very introverted so I’ve pointed out she’d be in no danger touring New Orleans with her mother and grandmother. I’m rambling, but just know that we care about your rights, freedoms and safety. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but Walz reminds me of my imaginary grandpa Jimmy Carter.

    • Vernie says:

      J.Mo, sending lots of good vibes northward to you and your family. I hope your mom continues to thrive and your daughter feels safe and supported everywhere. Love our Canadian Celebitches!

  42. Flamingo says:

    I am watching the rally on CNN and can we have two Veeps Josh Shapiro is a barnburner. And Tim is a firecracker.

    I cannot wait to vote and be part of the tapestry of history that FINALLY votes the first woman as President into office.

  43. Normades says:

    I read that he crushed all their personal interviews and now seeing him stump for her at the rally..,she really did make the right choice. She looked so proud and pleased during his speech.

  44. Duchess of Kirkaldy says:

    This was a brilliant choice, and I think Walz will play well in battleground areas. I am really happy! And, selfishly, I am glad my Governor, Josh Shapiro, will stay here in PA. This state leans red, so he has been a great counterbalance to that. Vote blue and we can send Vincent van Heelspurs to prison, where he belongs! 🌊🌊🌊

  45. ElleE says:

    Got a text from Kamala as she was introducing TWalz. It was sassy and she asked for $30.

    Bars on tonight’s speech, I like Walz and the policies he endorses so I clicked the link. $30 wasn’t even an option unless you hit “other”?

    I haven’t donated anything in a while, but it feels like paying for a performance based on what you think it’s worth, after seeing it?

    anyway I ended up giving $50

  46. Mcmmom says:

    I watched his speech last night and I really like the guy. I *love* that he’s made weird into a thing – telling people that Trump is a threat to the Republic gets you nowhere. Making Trump and Vance seem like freaks starts to break the spell. Gloom and doom only works with some people – for the dispassionate middle, I wonder if the scare tactics actually turn them OFF.