This situation has now become insanely complicated, so I’m just going to do a broad-strokes summary of how we got here. MyKayla Skinner was an Olympic gymnast who won a silver medal in Tokyo. She’s now retired and having babies, and she’s also a self-styled influencer type with a very glossy social media. Before the Paris Olympics – and after she watched the US Olympic trials – she decided to chime in on the current state of Team USA’s gymnastics squad. She said sh-t like “Besides Simone [Biles], I feel like the talent and the depth just isn’t like what it used to be…A lot of girls don’t work as hard….The girls just don’t have the work ethic.” She also made some disgusting comments about why “the girls” don’t have a work ethic – she thinks it’s because the coaches can’t be mean and aggressive towards girls and women anymore, thanks to… safety measures put into place after Larry Nassar and all of the horrendous sh-t that went down at the Karolyi Ranch.
The thing is, Simone Biles has spent years, alongside Nassar’s hundreds of victims, trying to get accountability and huge changes from US Gymnastics. It’s worked too, and there have been huge changes and Simone deserves a lot of credit. After MyKayla’s bonkers YouTube video, she got a ton of backlash and she ended up deleting the video and she made an apology. Simone and some of the other gymnasts took a couple of minor swipes at her and then they headed to Paris, where Team USA won gold in the team competition. Afterwards, Simone posted a photo with the team and wrote “lack of talent, lazy, olympic champions.” A pitch-perfect subtweet, she didn’t even mention MyKayla’s name or tag her.
Well, guess who’s in her feelings and begging Simone Biles to stop cyberbullying?? This is one of the most thin-skinned Karen things I’ve ever f–king seen in my life. While death threats and threats of harm are always unacceptable, in the immortal words of Katt Williams, you shouldn’t have been talking sh-t. Simone had every right to clapback on MyKayla. Simone had every right to go even further – what MyKayla said and suggested about the coaches needing to be more “aggressive” with little girls and young women was despicable. It went against everything that Simone and the Nassar survivors have been painstakingly removing from the sport. And to address Simone personally? GMAFB.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, MyKayla’s IG.
- Simone Biles (usa) dans les tribunes apres avoir declare forfait,Image: 624124103, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: JB Autissier / Panoramic / Avalon
- Simone Biles (usa) dans les tribunes apres avoir declare forfait,Image: 624124221, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: JB Autissier / Panoramic / Avalon
- FRA, Paris, Olympischen Spiele Paris 2024, 30.07.2024, Geräteturnen Damen Team Finale, Bercy Arena Simone Biles USA *** FRA, Paris, Olympic Games Paris 2024, 30 07 2024, Apparatus Gymnastics Womens Team Final, Bercy Arena Simone Biles USA Copyright:,Image: 894285232, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: imago is entitled to issue a simple usage license at the time of provision. Personality and trademark rights as well as copyright laws regarding art-works shown must be observed. Commercial use at your own risk., Model Release: no, Credit line: IMAGO/Steffie Wunderl / Avalon
- Simone Biles USA führt Team USA zu Gold, Team-Wettbewerb Turnen Frauen, Mannschaftsfinale Geräteturnen Frauen, von links: Jordan Chiles, Hezly Rivera, Simone Biles, Jade Carey, Sunisa Lee, Paris 2024, Olympic Games, Olympische Spiele, Olympia, OS Paris 2024, Olympic Games 2024, 30.07.2024, – *** Simone Biles USA leads Team USA to gold, womens gymnastics team competition, womens apparatus gymnastics team final, from left Jordan Chiles, Hezly Rivera, Simone Biles, Jade Carey, Sunisa Lee, Paris 2024, Olympic Games Paris 2024, Olympic Games 2024, 30 07 2024,,Image: 894292480, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: imago is entitled to issue a simple usage license at the time of provision. Personality and trademark rights as well as copyright laws regarding art-works shown must be observed. Commercial use at your own risk., Model Release: no, Credit line: IMAGO/FRANK HEINEN/rscp-photo / Avalon
- Paris, France. 30th Jul 2024. Simone Biles USA Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Olympische Spiele, Olympia, OS Artistic Gymnastics Women s Team Final Olympische Spiele 30.07.2024 *** Paris, France 30th Jul 2024 Simone Biles USA Paris 2024 Olympic Games Artistic Gymnastics Women s Team Final Olympic Games 30 07 2024,Image: 894316706, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: imago is entitled to issue a simple usage license at the time of provision. Personality and trademark rights as well as copyright laws regarding art-works shown must be observed. Commercial use at your own risk., Model Release: no, Credit line: IMAGO/Moritz Mueller / Avalon
- PARIS, FRANCE – AUGUST 1: Simone Biles of United States poses with her gold medal after her victory during the Women s All-Around Final on day six of the Olympic Games, Olympische Spiele, Olympia, OS Paris 2024 at Bercy Arena on August 1, 2024 in Paris, France. Paris Bercy Arena France *** PARIS, FRANCE AUGUST 1 Simone Biles of United States poses with her gold medal after her victory during the Women s All Around Final on day six of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Bercy Arena on August 1, 2024 in Paris, France Paris Bercy Arena France Copyright: jp-en-EuSpIm-20240801-_DP16156,Image: 895013826, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: imago is entitled to issue a simple usage license at the time of provision. Personality and trademark rights as well as copyright laws regarding art-works shown must be observed. Commercial use at your own risk., Model Release: no, Credit line: IMAGO/Daniela Porcelli / Avalon
- Simone Biles ( USA ) celebrates with her medal during the 2024 Artistic Gymnastics Olympics Games at Arena Bercy on August 01, 2024 in Paris, France. ( Photo by federico pestellini / DPPI / Panoramic ) -,Image: 895029949, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Federico Pestellini / Panoramic / Avalon
- 01 August 2024, France, Paris: Olympics, Paris 2024, gymnastics, all-around, women, final, Simone Biles (l) and Sunisa Lee from the USA celebrate gold and bronze.,Image: 895031589, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Sina Schuldt/dpa / DPA Picture Alliance / Avalon
- 01 August 2024, France, Paris: Olympics, Paris 2024, gymnastics, all-around, women, final, Simone Biles from the USA in action on the floor.,Image: 895031971, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Sina Schuldt/dpa / DPA Picture Alliance / Avalon
Oh shut it. You started it. And Simone did not even name you.
Sit down.
She did start this with her comments about this Olympics gymnastics team. Simone only pointed out her comments by saying “ not talented , lazy Olympic champions “. I thought that was pure gold pun intended. If you can’t take the heat then she should have kept her mouth shut and said nothing about this gymnastics team. When you put out shi*t it will come back at you. Simone didn’t bully her she just used her words against her.
yeah, someone responding to negative comments you made after that person just proved you very wrong – with a great clapback that didn’t even name you – is not cyberbullying.
Simone Biles didn’t even quote her when she made her tweet about having been blocked lol.
Lol. All of you, including Kaiser’s take, gave me a smile. How can I tag you to stop it when I’m blocked? Feels more like an “I need more attention” moment. Trying to pull focus from all the amazing victories and medals 🥇nope.
The comments on her IG are literally blaming Simone for what this woman started? You can’t make it up.
Skinner made a rude and inaccurate comment that absolutely tore down all the gymnasts on the team except Biles and she has the audacity to say that Biles was tearing her down. I’m saying this as a white woman: this is typical white woman don’t be mean to me tears after she went on the offensive against a bunch of WOC and couldn’t handle that everyone let her know how wrong she was
I think everyone is also forgetting that Nassar was helped in his disgusting power by coach John Geddert. He was cruel and physically/mentally abusive to young girls and women in the name of winning. This team has proven you don’t need cruelty to earn medals.
Don’t cry when you pick an unnecessary fight and lose .
The weaponization of white woman tears against a woman of color.
It makes my blood boil.
She made the comments.
Now she did a half-a** apology where i was sympathetic, where she said she maybe had not processed what she had been through.
But um, if you know that much, get off social media and go to therapy.
But this next step of woe is me!! everyone is being mean to me!!!
The black woman needs to make it stop- poor white girl is crying!!
That sh*t makes me sick.
It’s very throwing rocks and hiding hands. I hope Twitter eats her alive after kindly showing her all the ways in which she has effed around and found out.
And as a person of color in America, I am painfully aware the accusations “lazy” via terms like “not hard working” and “no work ethic” have a very specific racist history in our country.
So when McKayla said that about a new team that was, for the first time, 80% women of color (mostly Black, one Asian, with only one woman who looked like McKayla and most of her generation), I gasped. But I tried to give her grace.
Unfortunately, the crocodile tears and victim blaming are right in line with that playbook, so thay grace is gone.
@OkMario. As a woman who (mostly) presents as white, I agree 100% with you, and it infuriates me that white women know their selfish tears will be supported by a lot of people who don’t want anyone that doesn’t look like them to succeed or do better than they did. It’s the same BS trump used when addressing the room of Black journalists – “you weren’t ready, you were late… ” VILE.
…as woman possessing two passports and ethnicities- one from Brasil, one from the U.S., the last few days have been win-win and full of joy – I couldn’t have been more proud than I was with three extraordinary women of color on the podium giving each other respect and love. I cried a lot of tears – just not the kind Makayla did.
….as a survivor of sexual and domestic violence, I could not be MORE disappointed with Makayla. If your kids want to go into gymnastics, you better give Simone and all the other courageous survivors a deep bow of respect and appreciation because they made it safer for your kids. It takes the kind of guts that rivals any Olympic vault routine. Edit: Just realized is misspelled her name all over the place. IDK so I’m not correcting.
@OkMario Exactly. The “…A lot of girls don’t work as hard….The girls just don’t have the work ethic.” was absolutely said with a “hard R”.
She wasn’t even clever enough to hide her dogwhistle.
She fafo’d and now she has to deal with the repercussions. Zero sympathy for this jerk.
Make no mistake about it, MyKayla is a racist and everyone in the gymnastics community knows it (even if some people look the other way). I don’t believe she has any awareness of it, and she seems to be one of those “but I have Black Friends” types. Her actions consistently reveal the truth. From her monkey retweets when she was mad at Gabby Douglas to calling the most diverse team in US history “lazy” and plenty in between, MyKayla is the entitled white woman we all know – and she is expecting Simone to clean up HER mess.
She is a lightning rod in the gym community. We all know the power of white woman tears. Everyone is willing to crucify Gabby Douglas, and Simone as well, over imaginary slights, but MyKayla gets a pass from many of the same people.
And also her giving her two cents about coaches not being mean and agressive enough when she benefitted from the fact that there have been some major changes in the sport against that, please.
She could have just said “congratulations !” and be done with it but no.
I do think she is brainwashed to an extent. MyKayla was a major contributor to the Utah gymnastics team. Her coach had at least two formal investigations against him for being verbally and emotionally abusive. Multiple teammates revealed that he played favorites and scapegoated people. Those who still liked him (the team faves) said he was “tough but passionate.” MyKayla, as one of the favorites, is not the only one to think she owes her success to “tough coaching” because she wasn’t on the receiving end of it when it became grossly abusive.
MyKayla is a dumb, sheltered, self-centered woman child. I’ve been waiting for her to grow up for YEARS. Hopefully, she will drop off the USA Gymnastics radar for good – cause I don’t think literally anybody will welcome her back. (She is retired, but Olympian reunions are common.)
Clout. Chasing.
Your 2-word comment sums up this entire situation: Clout chasing is what this is all about. This bitch made sure she did her hair and makeup before her phony crying session. Simone Biles can easily stop this girl’s foolishness by doing one thing: Do NOT respond. Responding puts a spotlight on both of them.. Unfortunately, Biles has a habit of responding to BS, letting haters know she’s bothered. Please, SB, do not respond.
Well if she didn’t like the backlash to her first video I don’ t think she’ll be a fan of what’s coming her way now.
I made it about 45 seconds into the video. Since when does someone saying they’re proud you admitted you said something spiteful prohibit them from ever mentioning your spiteful comment again?
FAFO plain and simple.
This all day long. Thank god we are at a time where people can recognize it. How many times do people need to be reminded not to poke a bear?
Agreed. Not very smart is she?
Apparently Skinner has been a mean girl for years. So stop playing the victim.
Yep, she was a racist mean girl to Gabby Douglas when she felt Gabby was picked or Rio Games over her. Gabby was the reigning All around champion but sure, this nobody thought she was robbed.
“Wah, wah, wah, I’m so misunderstood. I wasn’t talking about the women competing in the Olympic trials, while I was commenting on the Olympic trials. I was talking about some other women somewhere else, at some other time, on some another planet.”
Don’t start none, won’t be none. It was a dumb thing for her to say in the first place.
Say it again for the ones in the back!!!
Haha 💯
This has always been my favorite phrase/warning. Play at your own risk is the other and should be plastered all over sm.
In the immortal words of, well, anyone who’s ever had to deal with a Karen: Don’t start none — won’t be none. Gosh! I guess this is getting her LOTS of page views and attention. Am I cynical for wondering if she’s planning to come out with a line of cake mixes or customized day planners or something soon? As long as she’s trying to deflect attention from Simone and the incredibly accomplished women’s gymnastics team, she might as well monetize those tears for fun and profit.
not cynical. it’s the way of the world now. if you are a pretty white girl, pick a fight and then blame wokeness or minorities for your own failings, gaslight everyone, and start a fund for your white girl tears, or try to get the white supremists to somehow back you.
Yeah, we knew the white lady tears would come, but I don’t think it’s going to work this time.
She decided to talk sh@t on YT and didn’t expect it to go viral. People were also posting screenshots of her saying problematic racist things. Now she’s in her feelings because she is dealing with the consequences of her words and expects this black woman to be her mule and do the work in telling everyone to leave her alone. She also blocked Simone so what exactly is she supposed to do? I hope Simone ignores her and continues to be the icon that she is while this girl fades into obscurity.
Simone announced that this woman blocked her, so why is Simone’s name in her mouth? Now she is trying to pressure her to come to her rescue? Skinner is a weirdo.
She asked Simone to directly when that crocodile tears having Karen blocked her on social! This is the Find out portion of when you F!ck around MyKaykay! She should personally sit down and write apology notes to the women of the gymnastics team and send them. She disparaged those Olympic champions knowing how hard it is to win! She has no shame for her behavior only for the consequences of her actions. Very KKKate like behavior in my opinion.
Yes! Why is she trying to get Simone’s help when she blocked her on social media? It was wise of Biles to say that she got blocked. She knew that this weirdo would twist the situation.
McKayla is having trouble taking the L.
What a way to remind people you still exist!
MyKayla needn’t have come back to this. But she did, and now she doesn’t want to live with the comments.
Entitled white Karen with questionable opinions doesn’t even begin to describe her.
Meanwhile Paris2024 had the first ever all-Black podium in gymnastics, what a joy to behold!
Jelousy and white woman tears.
The picture of Simone and Jordan bowing to the world champion on the podium was just great. It really made me laugh.
OT: watching all the women gymnasts cheering and hugging their competition really made me happy. I loved the sportsmanship they all displayed.
How long until she’s a co-host on The View or has some other media gig as a right wing pretty blonde?
I don’t even know who this person is except that she’s trying to talk sh-t about indisputably one of the greatest gymnasts to ever live and the whole USA team. Just let them have it. Nobody cares what you think. We barely know who you are.
Ask anyone who follows gymnastics, and they’ll tell you that MyKaren has always been an insufferable, self-absorbed little brat. And the way she often tries to call out Simone in particular, well, you can add “racist” to the mix, too.
It is not hyperbole to say that Simone and every one of the other Nassar survivors have literally saved American gymnastics. The changes they’ve demanded to protect young athletes have spread to other sports, and even other countries, leading to investigations that have weeded out abusive trainers and fellow athletes. There’s still a long way to go, but none of this could’ve happened without the Nassar survivors having the courage to speak up. That’s part of their legacy. What’s MyKayla Skinner’s legacy? She’s talked so much shit that it’s probably all she’ll ever be remembered for.
Her legacy is being an olympian with the worst form ever.
Drawing monkey emojis over Gabby Douglas’s face when Gabby made Olympic team over her
Having a huge attitude problem
Being too dumb to realize her actions and think people will believer her BS apologies.
Maria Paseka would like a word about bad form lmao but yes, this Mediocre White Woman has such an inferiority complex.
No sympathy for her. She should’ve kept quiet about the team.
She also made rude comments about Suni’s body, and pretended not to know how to pronounce Hezly’s name in the original video.
I remember what she did to Gabby Douglas way back when so she’s continue to reap what she’s sowed.
F*ck around and find out.
I saw somewhere she had hoped to be a commentator and that’s why she’s being trying to be noticed and build her “brand.” She definitely has . . . .
NBC Sports is certainly not going to hire her now, but Fox News or News Max is probably foaming at the mouth to secure a commentator deal with her. Pretty blonde Karen whining about the more successful Black woman.
This is where our society has gone to – pulling down others so your star can rise. She sees it works in politics so why not try it here.
I read this yesterday and my eyes rolled so hard. Simone should ignore her pleas and let the pieces fall where they may.
This proves that she is WAY out of her league here.
Well she really messed that up! Good. We don’t need women like her getting elevated.
It’s fascinating to me she complained about the work ethic of everyone but Simone, and yet the US women’s team dominated every single podium, with Jade, Simone, Suni, and Jordan all winning individual medals in addition to the team gold. Looks like they’re doing something right and this whiny Karen doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
I think Simone’s minimalist response to this was perfect.
The irony is, MyKayla is an extremely talented gymnast, but she would have been so much better if she had actually had the work ethic to fix her mechanical problems. She is well known for having some of the worst basics in elite gymnastics. She wouldn’t even put in the work to develop her own talent, and then calls other people lazy. It’s wild.
Since the “hater” comments also act as clicks to monetize, the best thing people can do is ignore this little gnat so she goes away – Whether something goes viral for love or hate doesn’t matter – it’s the “clicks”, so her crybaby posts may be very calculated for the “dog whistle” sympathy card from those people. She needs ignoring.
@Cheshire Sass:
Exactly this, thank you! Let her flounder unrescued and ignored in a lake of her own racist, entitled, mediocre white-woman tears. As a white woman myself, people like her make me so ashamed of us.
This is why I have refused since 2015 to ever type the name of The Felon on any social media anywhere for any reason. I don’t want him and his ugly, destructive, traitorous grift machine to get even one drop of monetization or click-clout from me, ever. Even though I’m nobody and no one cares what I think or say.
How long before she’s standing on the podium next to Trump and Vance? She’s their girl alright.
I didn’t see this comment before I posted mine because I brought up what great role models we have in politics so the shit rolls down hill.
Maybe she could just apologize more. And take Simone’s name outta her mouth.
Seems she forgot the immutable law of the universe…
“Don’t start none, won’t be none.”
Her privileged mug tells on her.
No words or explanations needed.
I’ve seen this face for years and it is always the same.
Ahhh yes…the weaponzing of white woman tears in order to vilify a Black woman. That train is NEVER late.
Yep … oldest play in the book.
But this time — hopefully — it won’t land with anyone but the vilest racists. Simone is a queen, and Suni and Jordan are adored.
They’re definitely out there, pathetic as always. I triggered a bunch of internet bros the other day calling Simone Biles a GOAT and got a good laugh out of the pile on. Somebody tried to wade in and argue with them, and I’m like girl…don’t even waste your time. Her record speaks for itself. Like she cares what a bunch of men on the internet have to say about her. Half of them probably can’t even climb their stairs without losing their breath.
This chick is just crying to get more attention so she can attract more followers for her fake, botoxed, overfilled IG life. And jealousy that she’s not a gymnast anymore, just basic.
My first thought too – jealous and bitter she’s not getting the attention of an Olympic athlete anymore
McKayla started this whole thing, so I have zero empathy for any pushback she is getting. The gymnastics world was ROCKED by the Larry Nassar scandal and even more so by the level of enabling that allowed that pedophile to abuse hundreds and hundreds of victims!! How she does not understand this is beyond comprehension. FAFO!
White woman starts shit with Black woman.
Among millions of others, Black woman notices.
Black woman responds mildly.
White woman holds Black woman responsible for all reactions.
Black woman–who was minding her own business and continues to do so–is supposed to clean up everyone’s mess.
Do I have that right?
Isn’t that white former gymnast the one who was a jerk during the medal ceremony because she didn’t win gold?
you got everything right on MyKayla Skinner.
She is NOT McKayla Maroney. Maroney would never. I wish people would stop bringing up her face at the Olympics, because she has been extremely harshly judged for having a fleeting visible reaction to losing a virtually guaranteed vault gold. She was also being heavily abused by Nassar at the time, more so than anybody else. Cut her some slack. She is a cool person.
McKayla M is ok with the memes. She’s spoken about it, and when she got to go to the White House and meet Obama, there’s a hilarious photo of the two of them standing together making the “not impressed” face.
She wasn’t expecting to become a meme, but it’s a cool meme and at this point, she’s fine with it.
I know, and I am really glad she found the humor in a sad situation. But with Skinner coming back into public attention with this crap, lots of people are bringing up “the face” again and saying she is a horrible, bratty person. McKayla doesn’t deserve that.
White women tears!
Somebody call the waaaaahhhmbulance for this pathetic troll. The twisted logic of making a national team’s accomplishment into a slight against her. She’s regretting her life choices and wishes she was still in the spotlight.
The Cult of MAGA needs a constant stream of enemies to keep the machine going. But it’s still astonishing to watch in real time the minions of Vlad–both those who know what they are doing and those who are being manipulated by their own greed and narcissism–try to turn Americans against their own Olympic teams and champions (Women’s rugby use getting it, too).
Simone, Jordan, Jade & Helzy aside, all I can think of is calling a young woman, Suni, who has battled kidney disease and was bedridden lazy is just despicable. May this Skinner twat continue to have good health and not face a potentially life limiting disease.
She also said Suni “doesn’t have a gymnast’s body” (whatever the hell that means) and couldn’t be bothered to pronounce Hezly’s name correctly (even after her husband told her how to say it). 🙄
If you haven’t been offered a Fox News gig by now you never will.
Weaponized white woman tears right there, from a bleach- bag dog whistler. She deserves everything coming her way.
White women tears are detestable. She is disgusting. Signed a white woman.
Poor Mykayla Maroney. She joked that she felt like she had to apologize on behalf of Mykaylas everywhere. M Skinner is the mean one. M Maroney is the one with the unimpressed-face meme. It’s way too easy to confuse the two.
I know! She’s a completely different MyKayla. Or is she McKayla?
McKayla Maroney was from the 2012 London team. She is the vault specialist (and a favorite victim of Nassar) who blew everyone’s minds on vault and fell on event finals. If she had hit, she would have easily gotten the gold medal. That’s why she made “the face” that launched a thousand memes.
MyKayla Skinner, OTOH, is a basic white girl princess who has never gotten along with her teammates. She has a bad attitude as a young elite and then in college. Before this, she has attacked other Black women on the US gymnastics team, because she felt like she deserved to go to the Olympics more than the reigning all around gold medalist who had the bars set the US needed at the time. She has always been entitled and whiny. The US ladies do not like her.
She is known in my circle as “YOUR Kayla” cause we don’t claim her. Lol
This “apology” is as genuine as a 4 dollar bill:) Those tears were generated by her bank account balance. Remember, just because you have a platform doesn’t mean you’re using it correctly.
This girl is too stupid for her own good.
The way she has been racist towards Gabby Douglas and didn’t apologize, and then she attacked Team USA, who is also mostly minorities…..
Let’s not forget the stereotypes she called them: Lazy, not good, couldn’t remember Hazley’s name. She didn’t say anything negative about Simone. Simone was not having it, and I don’t blame her because I would have done the same thing. Plus, you blocked Simone. No one asked her for her comments on the gymnastics. I listened to Aly Raisman and Mckayla Maroney, who said she was there to snatch her first name back.
Despite her opinion, they won gold, so have a seat. She didn’t get the responses she expected. Girl, save your tears. You could have been respectful and said NOTHING!
Why doesn’t she just deactivate her social media for a month or two? That would give the drama time to blow over, and then she could come back when everybody’s attention was elsewhere. I guess that wouldn’t get that sweet sponsor money and boundless attention, though.
I guess she though Suni Lee missing training to get kidney care was a sign of laziness and not remaining alive? 🙊
I was gonna leave this comment on her Insta but shocker, she has limited the comment so it’s all just people kissing her ass:
“Hey, fellow white lady here. You do NOT get to do this to a Black woman when YOU are the one who started the damn mess in the first place.”
Oh lord…like I used to tell my 4th grade students: don’t start none, won’t be none.
The audacity on this one. She tore those girls down and now she wants everyone to build each other up!? She didn’t like that this team was heavily non-white and decided to start shit with her karen like comments and now she can’t handle the backlash. People want to say shit on the internet without any consequences. I don’t feel even a tiny bit sorry for her. Her true colours were shown.