Creepy weirdo JD Vance is stalking Kamala Harris across the country

Last week, Kamala Harris’s campaign announced that they would confirm their running mate choice by Tuesday and that once the announcement was made, Harris and her running mate would go on a multi-state tour, doing rallies in key swing states. All of that is happening as we speak – Harris chose Tim Walz, and they did a huge rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday, they were in Wisconsin. They got a huge turnout, literally thousands of normal Wisconsin folks came out to support Harris and Walz.

I bring up the fact that the Harris campaign made those announcements for a reason. They were obviously not trying to keep it a secret and they wanted people to get hyped and show up for the rallies. But by announcing Harris’s schedule, that gave JD Vance a chance to lean into his “creepy weirdo stalker” energy. Vance is now making a point to do “MAGA counterprogramming” events close to wherever Harris and Walz are campaigning. Which means that Vance arrived at the Wisconsin airport shortly after Harris and Walz. Vance absolutely decided to be a giant f–king weirdo about it.

J.D. Vance briskly marched up to Air Force 2, Kamala Harris’ plane, planning to give political reporters a show as he confronted the vice president uninvited on Wednesday. His power play dreams, like most of his chaotic veep run, were immediately thwarted once he realized Harris was not present.

“I just wanted to check out my future plane,” Vance told campaign reporters gathered on the tarmac in Wisconsin. He didn’t get the chance to face Harris but said that he “wanted to go say hello to the vice president and ask her why does she refuse to answer questions.”

It’s unclear what questions Vance was referring to, as Harris has repeatedly pressed for Donald Trump to attend a September 10 debate that he already agreed to appear at when he was running against President Joe Biden. Vance told a Philadelphia rally on Tuesday that he would “absolutely” want to debate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, if given the chance.

Harris and Vance are hosting dueling campaign stops throughout this week, as he follows her across the country in a not-at-all weird way.

[From The Daily Beast]

Just so we’re clear, both Harris and Walz have leaned in hard to branding the MAGA cult a bunch of weird creeps. That branding has landed beautifully, and now the “f–k your feelings” people are crying constantly about being called “weird.” Those same people are now in charge of the Trump-Vance campaign, and they thought it was a brilliant idea for Vance to pathetically stalk Kamala Harris across the country. Not only that, but Vance attempted to get in the sitting vice president’s face ON HER PLANE.

What’s also funny/ridiculous about Vance’s public stalking is that there’s an abundance of bad staff work across the board. The advisors who cooked up Vance’s “stalking tour” are clearly crackheads. But the people putting together Vance’s actual counterprogramming events are terrible at their jobs too – he’s giving aggrieved-white-douche speeches to dozens of bored people (if that) while Harris and Walz are packing arenas and airport hangars with thousands of enthusiastic supporters. That’s the side-by-side comparison Vance is forcing by stalking Harris and Walz around the country. Makes me wonder if this is less about messaging and more about Vance explicitly threatening VP Harris and trying to be so creepy and weird that she’s genuinely unsettled.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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117 Responses to “Creepy weirdo JD Vance is stalking Kamala Harris across the country”

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  1. Neners says:

    He’s like a vulture picking over the scraps of meat the main event left behind. Creepy, skulking, weird.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      He is stalking her campaigning in real time and holding press conferences. It is beyond creepy.. also the ambush on the tarmac was extremely triggering, not a good look at all it screamed abusive bullying behavior.. women and victims of abuse and bullying recognize that immediately this man is literally a walking red flag 🚩

      • Chrissy says:

        Her Secret Service people need to get on this.
        He should be getting nowhere near AF2!
        He’s coming across as a desperate freak trying anything to stay on the Orange Shit’s ticket!

  2. Hopefully the security around the AF2 plane won’t let that happen again! He is a really sick individual just like orange one!

    • Kelly says:

      I was wondering that too. VP candidate or not, why is someone unauthorized allowed to approach her plane? That’s incredibly lax security.

      • Megan says:

        I’m deeply concerned about the state of the secret service. He shouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near AF2.

      • Gabby says:

        Doesn’t Vance have his own SS protection as a VP candidate? If he stormed over there with his own SS guys, who may have been recognized by Future President Kamala’s SS guys, it may have not alerted them to “threat” mode.

    • DK says:

      I do not understand this! How does anyone – *anyone* at all – who has not been previously authorized by the VP or her personal security detail, gone through a metal detector and/or pat down, etc., get close to the sitting VP’s plane?!

  3. BlueSky says:

    It’s giving ex boyfriend who won’t except it’s over vibes.

    • ML says:

      Yes, it is giving stalker ex vibes. And it’s weirdly giving Trump’s behavior during his debate with Hillary Clinton back in 2016.

      Thankfully, it makes him less and less appealing to most voters. (I can’t believe I feel the need to write this.)

      • lucy2 says:

        It made me think of that as well. Two rotten peas in a rotten pod, those men are, trying to physically intimidate their opponents like that. It’s pathetic and creepy, and WEIRD.

    • Megan says:

      He is a truly unhealthy individual. I hope his wife and kids are safe.

    • Truthiness says:

      Yes, or the guy who won’t accept “no” at the bar who then tries to roofie you and forcibly get in your car.

  4. FancyPants says:

    You know he’s practicing those “gotcha” lines in the mirror and he’s still stumbling over them. I guess he’s gotta do all the hustling though because DonOLD is MIA while his meds get recalibrated.

    • Jks says:

      Exactly 💯

      He’s also practising his ‘Ah ha ha ha, I love you guys’ to an unenthusiastic audience of 12 in an empty parking lot.

      He reminds me so much of Baldilocks.

      • BlueSky says:

        Someone on Twitter said he can’t even stunt queen right

      • MerlinsMom1018 says:

        I saw one of those “rallies”
        Supposedly in a manufacturing plant. 4 people behind him, 3 of which looked bored to death and checking their phone.
        I suppose after the election there will be another “press conference” at the 4 Seasons 😎

        Also Ben @ Meidas Touch says there’s more reporters than people following creepy stalker douchebag

      • Megan says:

        Vance is clearly someone who uses coercive control to get what he wants. It won’t work on VP Harris and he is undoubtedly mad as hell about it.

    • Just Jade says:

      If the VP did what that sycophant did yesterday , I believe people around the country would have a different tune. We just past weirdville these creeps are becoming dangerous.

    • lisa says:

      the family annihilator version of travis bickle

  5. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Vance/Trump should not be allowed to approach. We never know what those weirdos can do. Security should stop as they should anybody else. Creeps me out100%.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    Don’t let the creepy weirdo near the vice president’s plane! She may need a restraining order.

  7. Lisa says:

    lol you have one VP and her running mate saying what they want to do to unf*** the situation and this knuckle dragging loser saying he wants a free plane

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      It’s all about him. He’s not interested in making people’s lives better, or, God forbid!, making progress. To him, it just means a shiny new plane to ride in while he goes, vroom, vroom!

    • Debbie says:

      Whoever approved of this plan for DJ Vance, the Bearded Palin, was surely desperate because this just shows that the Trump campaign is out of ideas, so they just decided to copy the moves of the Harris/Walz campaign.

      Secondly, the idea of the Bearded Palin anywhere close to upholstery that belongs to the American public makes me very nervous.

  8. TeamAwesome says:

    Where’s the red flag guy from Tik Tok when you need him? Can HE follow Vance around?

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Excellent idea!! We should call him up to report!! At least then JD will have a warm body next to him as he stalking Kamala. So creepy and weird….what a creep!

      • Debbie says:

        Frankly, the thought of Vance following Kamala around is reminiscent of Trump following Hillary around on the debate stage in 2016.

    • NotTheOne says:

      This! I need this.

  9. Nanea says:

    This stalking of Harris and Walz is creepy, frightening and weird.

    At the same time it shows the disrespect JD Bowman Hamel Vance has for women (in power).

    That said, AF2 will never be “his” plane, or belong to any individual — it’s “owned” by the American tax-paying public, as is AF1. Something he should know.

    • FYI says:

      omg, we should totally start calling him “JD Bowman Hamel Vance.” If they can add Obama’s middle name when they mention him, then we can add all of JD’s names, right?

      • Enza says:

        @FYI Isn’t it James Donald Etc (Aloicious Bennett Reginald von Creepy)…so many names.

      • Nanea says:

        @Enza (can’t reply to you somehow)

        JD was born James Donald Bowman. He was the adopted by his mother’s third husband, and called James David Hamel.

        Shortly before graduating/marrying, he changed his last name to Vance, after his maternal grandmother, who raised him.

        When he run for Senate, he dropped the sots, going by JD now.

        Hence it’s an aquired taste when JD calls Kamala phony because she seemingly only became Black, according to DonOLD, shortly before she became Madam VP.

        Which, as we all know, is BS.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        Please make is James DONALD Bowman Hamel Vance. (when he changed his last name to Vance, he changed his middle name to David)

  10. Jais says:

    Creepy stalking behavior. Security needs to block him hard. And he should be getting called out for this behavior by the MSM. But oh yeah they’re too busy letting Vance claim stolen valor for walz🙄

  11. Jks says:

    He’s giving strong incel/MGTOW creepy loser vibes. Deeply insecure in his masculinity, was probably mocked as a child, massive chip on his shoulder, desperate to be seen as macho, delusions of grandeur, spends all his time plotting revenge and punishing women.

  12. Giddy says:

    I’m a lot more concerned about the lack of security than I am about Vance. No matter who he is, his little gang should never have been allowed to get so close to Kamala’s plane. He is giving the country a good look at a man with no vision or plans of his own. He has to follow her around like a weird stalker. Also, does he have tattooed eyeliner? Weirdo.

  13. Agnes says:

    Yeah, I doubt that little sh*t is unsettling her. He drew about 5 people to his whatever outside the police station, and most of those were reporters. Poor dorky James Hamel never got over having a mother who stole pain meds from her patients. Go back to your couch, creepo.

    • Jks says:

      If he actually dared to face Kamala, she would totally give him *that* stare down she did to the hecklers yesterday.

    • FYI says:

      He’s LUCKY she had already left. She would have laid him out so hard, he’d be blubbering even more than he usually does.

      • Jks says:

        Yes, I think he’s got serious mommy issues. A lot of pent up anger that’s spilling over. But I think that he would actually freeze in front of Kamala.

  14. Noor says:

    Calling Trump and Vance weird is not enough . Must add some adverb depending on the context . Some examples …
    Dangerously weird for project 2025.
    Ludicrously weird for comments on childless cat leaders
    Some other phrases alarmingly weird, harmfully weird etc

    • mdub says:

      I think they get off on being “dangerous,” so I wouldn’t use that one. Any synonym for ‘weird’ or outside social norms is perfect though!

    • Pork Belly says:

      I like “weirdo” and “circus freak “. I mean the RNC was one big parade of weirdos, heavily botoxed and made up clowns and assorted carny folk.

    • Anna Nonymous says:

      Childless Cat Leaders for the win!

  15. Becks1 says:

    He posted something about how he’s the next cast of Entourage or something and…….I mean he’s just so WEIRD.

    It’s all just WEIRD. It’s CREEPY. And the clincher I think is that its STUPID. I think that’s why it feels like the Trump campaign is flailing right now. As soon as Walz called them out for being weird, its like the air went out of the balloon or something. this is clearly vance trying to appear like a MAN or whatever and instead he just looks……foolish and dumb. Trump looks weak and Vance looks weak. It doesn’t project strength to stalk your competitor across the country. It projects weakness.

    It’s really something how badly they’ve messed up the last 3 weeks. I mean its a glorious something, lol, but its something.

    • Agnes says:

      The word that most perfectly describes him is CRINGE. Creepy and weird and stupid and weak and foolish and dumb work too of course lolz

      • Becks1 says:

        YES!!! I cringed when I saw this yesterday. I was *almost* embarrassed on his behalf (but not quite, because like I said, its been glorious, lol.) But how are his supporters not cringing at these antics??

      • Giddy says:

        Good call. He’s just an empty suit and if I liked him at all I’d feel a bit sorry for him, but nope! Cringey creep!

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @Becks1 The Trump/Vance supporters are stalkers themselves so they probably this Vance stalking VP is hilarious.

    • Kitten says:

      They’re so determined to lose the woman vote it’s unreal. Like, who thinks this shit is cute?
      Oh and that Entourage tweet was SO cringe. Vance is proving to be politically toxic and ya love to see it.

      • FYI says:

        Re: The Entourage tweet
        They still don’t get that this ISN’T A JOKE. And it’s not about your personal celebrity or power or chance to be on teevee! Also, it’s not YOUR plane, jackass. Never will be. Not only because you’re going to lose, but because it belongs to the American people.

        We want people who take government seriously. We don’t want Entourage or the Apprentice, for chrissakes.

    • Agnes says:

      Becks, I don’t think he really has any supporters other than that cokehead Don Jr, dumbo Eric and scary shiny red man Peter Thiel. He was shoved down Trump’s throat, and it’s not going well.

    • Ponchorella says:

      Seriously. It is insane how fast everything flipped. I mean, a month ago (after Trump got “shot”) I was eating Talenti tubs for dinner on multiple nights attempting to accept the fate of the nation. Now we’re ballz to the Walls, while couch fucker weirdo tags along with zero interest. It’s incredible.

      • K-Peace says:

        Ponchorellla- You mean we’re ballz to the WALZ. (Sorry lame joke.)

        I agree. I was feeling hopeless a month ago. It’s amazing and glorious how quickly everything completely changed. I’m ecstatic about it. But, i’m more than a little worried that the reason Trump appears to have basically given up on his campaign, is because he’s planning on just cheating & stealing the election. He has installed MAGA people in a lot of important positions related to the election. I’m afraid of what plans he has cooked up.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        K-Peace, I think it means there will be a lot of lawsuits AGAIN. We’ve been through that once and we’ll handle it a second time. In fact, there are criminal actions against fake electors in 4 states if I remember correctly. I’m hoping that any fake electors that they drum up will be able to see what their future holds.

        Don’t let fear take over–that’s what fascists want. Calling them weird makes them laughingstocks. They only think they have the election locked down, but they don’t. I honestly believe that Harris/Walz is going to win BIG. We all have to do our part by voting.

      • Anna Nonymous says:

        Same Sister! I was so sad and now I’m crying happy tears! Listening to his acceptance speech and her introduction of him were soo real, so beautiful, so heartfelt and reminded me of Obama’s meteoric rise and election. Queen Kamala and Tim Walz are looking like shooting stars lighting up a dark night. Well guess what ladies and gentlemen, the dawn is coming and we will close this dark chapter of our country. We will come together with one voice, to unify under one flag, for the one country we all love and say no to the past, no to bigotry, racism, sexism and to restore a woman’s rights to her own body!!! vote!! vote!!vote!!! Go Kamala and Tim!!!!

  16. Sigmund says:

    God, weird really is accurate. The showing up on the plane thing is the cringiest part to me. What did he even think was going to happen?

    • Anna Nonymous says:

      I will never understand this. Creepy,desperate,odd, cringey, wtf. What was he expecting? So grasping and pathetic. Don’t the Republicans have anything to stand for? Or is it all just maga racism and lazy hatred of women, others, poors and brown folk? Trump’s whiny, nasally, obnoxious, shallow, negative, b.s is just painfully transparent. Like a wet paper tiger. He’s done. All washed up. He’s even boring to his own people, JD too. There’s nothing worse to Trump than boring and that’s what he is now. We’ve all been shocked, appalled and horrified by his words on a daily basis for so many years now the shock value has worn off. It’s like the difference in attention that the class clown gets on the first day versus six months into the school year. It’s old. It’s annoying. It’s grasping and pathetic.

  17. seraphina says:

    I think he was trying to use the crowds that came for Kamala/Harris to his benefit – alter the narrative they were for him. And all kidding aside, this is dangerous behavior. It is aggressive in nature – very much bully behavior. I would love to have seen him on the ground spread eagle and being frisked for approaching the VPOTUS’ plane making antagonistic remarks.

    • Kateee says:

      You know he waited until she cleared out to even stage this pretend confrontation. This dude is a wuss of the highest magnitude. How about his army of middle aged short-n-pudgies behind him? SO MUCH ALPHA. We all know that couch didn’t feel a thing.

      Also sucking up to the media is…. not the MAGA choice. He will be sent for reeducation soon.

  18. NotOscarW says:

    Bullying and “manspreading.” How could he not see that this would make him look bad? Oh, right. The blinding sun of white male privilege and arrogance. He watches to much “Yellowstone.”

  19. Kateee says:

    He looks like an alien wearing JD Vance’s body as an Edgar suit. That goofy walk. The ill fitting clothes. The absolute void of charm or warmth. Only the vaguest human vibes about him.

    • NotTheOne says:

      Someone called him “inauthentic” and said voters can smell it a mile away. And that fits with what everyone has mentioned. Call it “weird” or “creepy” or whatever, this person is playing a role and failing badly.

      • Chrissy says:

        Yes, his smile and actions seem inauthentic and he comes across as very desperate like he can’t believe he’s in the running for VP. How dare he approach the VP’s plane! That, to me, is threatening behaviour, if she’s in the vicinity or not!

  20. HeatherC says:

    I hope when Harris and Walz win, Walz offers Vance a tour of Walz’s new (to him) plane. Vance is super creepy and super bad weird. ,

    I also have this dream that he gets too close to AF2 and gets tased.

  21. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. Just when you think the magats can’t get weirder, they manage. Ick. The elderly orange menace is not able to campaign daily and this is apparently the solution. Weird.

    • seraphina says:

      RIGHT! Just when you think you have seen or heard it all, they continue to lower the bar. It’s almost like they strategize for this. Like do they have a Weirdo Workgroup??? If they do, my hats off to them because they have a great thinktank on how to keep getting weirder.

  22. Amy Bee says:

    Who thought this was a good idea? This only confirms that he’s a weirdo.

  23. Kitten says:

    The plane comment was so arrogant but this really seems to be Vance’s play here–to make himself look as weird and creepy as possible.

    And that’s the thing about Vance–he’s just so awkward. Like, he has the arrogance and hatefulness of Trump but without his humor and charm. Can you imagine this guy hugging a flag? IDK …I don’t ever see Trump’s base gravitating towards Vance because everything he does feels so performative and unnatural. He’s a fake and they know it.

  24. Blithe says:

    Umm, shouldn’t he have been shot on sight — or at least arrested — for approaching AF2? I get that there’s not much of a precedent for this, but whatever Vance thought he was doing is exactly why Harris has Secret Service protection.

    Like @Debbie said, this reminds me of Trump stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage during one of their debates. If this was Trump’s idea and Vance took it and toddled with it, that’s bizarre, but it’s even more bizarre if Vance, on his own, with his staffers, somehow spontaneously imagined that this was a good (Alpha male?) look and effective campaigning. This man was supposedly once a well-trained Marine, working in public affairs. smh.

    I’ve said this about Trump, and I’ll extend this to Vance: Extreme and noxious politics aside, people with this level of poor judgement, inadequate social skills, and obvious impairments shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the responsibilities and powers of the Oval Office. These kinds of behaviors should prompt a 72 hour hold, psychiatric assessments, and appropriate interventions — for their own protection as well as for the safety of the public.

  25. North of Boston says:

    JD ya creep, it is FAR more likely that Gov Walz is going to get to use the US VPOTUS podium he was speaking from with VP Harris the other night in PA …
    on his own and for 4 long years, than it is you will EVER board AF2.

    Deal with that you faker putz!

  26. Sue says:

    Stalking/intent to threaten a woman. This is exactly what Trump’s boil on the butt of America base likes to see. Never forget Trump literally stalking Hillary around the stage at their town hall debate. Never forget the scum of the earth insurrectionists breaking into Nancy Pelosi’s office with intent to harm her.
    Like he would even be able to walk up to the plane without Secret Service blocking him – notice the black car and the agent right in front of the stairway.

  27. Digital Unicorn says:

    This is very dangerous incel behaviour – what would he have done if she was there, he would have pulled some nasty sh!t am sure. He needs to be kept away from her at ALL COSTS. Am confident Walz will hand him his ass at the debate if it actually happens – am not convinced any debates will happen. Dump is in Mar a lago going through a whole warehouse of Depends at the thought of debating her and as for JV Vance, he’s also bricking it hence why he’s pulling stunts like this.

    • Jks says:

      He wouldn’t have been allowed to get too close to her and she would have given him that scary Asian mom, FAFO I’m gonna whoop your ass stare which would have brought up all his dysfunctional, hillbilly mommy issues. I think he’s terrified and angry at mother figures and women in general.

      He’s acting like an insecure teenager who is desperately trying to convince anyone who would listen that he’s tough.

      Thankfully, Walz probably has a lot of experience dealing with mouthy teenagers, shutting them down fast using his sharp wit and ridicule. He’ll deal with Vance masterfully, I think.

  28. SIde Eye says:

    I just want to say that tweet “on their way to a 15 year old’s OB GYN appointment” is everything.

  29. Back again says:

    It’s absolutely weird incel behavior. but he and the people around him are so enmeshed in that right wing white male echo chamber that this is normal to them. I truly don’t think Vance can even appreciate how viscerally offputting this is, because all he can see are the bitter podcast dudebros high-fiving each other (and sniffing chairs – for real, look up Adin Ross who just ‘’interviewed’ Trump.)

    He’s not just abnormal… he’s lost any compass for what normal is in his quest for validation from toxic dudes. Gross, gross, gross.

    • Truthiness says:

      I remember Adin Ross looking up to Andrew Tate so he can sit aaaalllllllll the way down. KaiCenat should do a Kamala/Walz stream in response.

  30. Lau says:

    That header photo is hilarious, I can’t. What is he even trying to mimic ? A heart ? Because that’s not it. The flying baloon currently carrying the Olympic torch over Paris ? Maybe. Who knows !What we do know though is that he looks like the massive idiotic weirdo that he is.

  31. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    B*tch, that plane belongs to the American people. Your plane in a few months? F you. Just like Tr*mp. Everything is mine, mine, mine. They don’t care about this country, just themselves.

  32. LightPurple says:

    Are we supposed to not notice that the only women in his stalking Entourage are one Secret Service agent and his wife who remains more than 3 paces behind the group of white men at all times? Like that’s going to really going to encourage women to vote for his rapist boss?

    • SueinOrleans says:

      Thank you for identifying the two women, I wondered about that. It looked creepy as hell that this almost all male goon squad was marching across the tarmac but even creepier when you notice the head goon isn’t even walking beside his wife. Ugh.

  33. anon says:

    The secret service is suspiciously lax, it is probably time for the sitting Pres & VP to have private security details. Bring back Major & Commander too. How did that mob of white males march right up to her plane like that?

  34. mimic says:

    I absolutely agree with how creepy and weird this stalker-y behavior is. Coupled with his relentless and doubled-down comments on women without children. It’s as if they don’t care about winning the votes of women.

    But, more importantly, it’s as if they don’t care about winning at all (with orange turd being MIA). So, can we focus on that curious fact and realize that they don’t care about winning because they are directing all their efforts to STEALING the election. The news from not only the GA election Board, but alo shenanigans in other swing states, has me terrified. I really hope we are prepared as a country to fight that!

  35. Aimee says:

    He comes off like a smug, little prick.

  36. Jay says:

    Yikes. What exactly was he planning to do if VP Harris was still on that plane? Yell at her? Physically block her from disembarking? Heckle her? Either way, he looks pathetic. It is interesting that he perceives his target as Harris and not Walz, who he is supposed to debate. No doubt he’s terrified of Coach Walz, but it makes both him and the boss who sent him on this stalking errand on his behalf look weak, don’t you think?

  37. Dorianne says:

    So while the big orange stain remains ensconced in his cave at Mar-a-Lago, only appearing once a week for a rally, his creepy veep choice shadows VP Harris and runs circles around her plane parked on the tarmac. That’s the GOP’s winning plan? Love it. Keep up the good work.

  38. Lizzie says:

    This is exactly what a weirdo does. What a creep. No one is there for him unless it’s their job, secret service, paid staff and reporters. He’s doesn’t have a squad following him.

  39. Lizzie says:

    What weirdo changes his name as many times as vance. Tim Walz has had one name his whole life. Did vance do his military service under another name?

  40. Gabby says:

    What were you THINKING, Ohio? How in the world did this guy get you to send him to the senate?

  41. Kelly says:

    It’s like a high school stunt before the big game. Is he going to TP the plane, steal a wheel? What an immature idiot.

  42. Kaye says:

    Kudos to every commenter on this thread. I’ve never read so many hilarious put-downs in my life.

  43. T says:

    Just a reminder that both of Biden’s dogs were aggressive towards certain secret service agents. Secret Service agents deleted their texts concerning January 6th. MAGA supporting agents are still employed as secret service agents which is the reason why President Biden requested only certain agents on his , his family, and the VP’s detail.

    We’ll need more than decade’s worth of a blue wave to remove the stench of the MAGA movement from all areas of our government. The previous president tainted every corner of the political and legal process.

    Vance’s secret service detail probably supports that behavior. Anyone that wants to work for that party has to bend the knee to that man who I will not name.

  44. Normades says:

    He literally makes my skin crawl. Creepy stalker syndrome fer sure.

  45. Sarah says:

    Everything about him and this campaign is gross and creepy, but I also don’t get the strategy.

    I saw a report that Kamala is currently getting 46% of the white vote do you know the last Democrat that got that number? Jimmy Carter, Obama only got 43% and it was historic. So if they keep this up and she does actually get 46% of the white vote it’s over.

    But every choice they make is just antagonizing women- attacking them about whether they have children, mocking them for needing period products, then stalking the female candidate, oh and not getting her name correct. Like what is the strategy? Other then being creepy and vile.

  46. Normades says:

    JD you in danger cringe boy! Trump makes you stump without him so he can blame his future loss on your sorry ass. Those crazy cult Trumpers will turn on you faster than Mike Pence.

  47. Luna says:

    A walking bouquet of red flags.
    Can’t imagine the depth of brainwashing needed to be married to him.
    Stockholm syndrome, possibly?

  48. Saucy&Sassy says:

    This appears to be a Secret Service issue. They should have shoved him in the vehicle and left and not let him approach Airforce 2. There are some serious issues with the SS–I suggest they work on their shortcomings.

    • Juls says:

      Yeah, the head of SS resigned after dumpty’s ear had a period. There are serious issues that need to be fixed.

  49. Mrs. Smith says:

    Someone on Reddit called JD “Sofa King Weird” hahahahah

  50. olliesmom says:

    Trump stalked Hillary and now he’s stalking VP Harris. Yuck.

    I get that he’s a senator (that makes me sick to type – how in the hell is he a senator?!) but he should be no where near that plane. He needs to mind his own damn business.

  51. Mina_Esq says:

    Future VP Coach Taylor needs to come out and label JD “creepy stalker”.

  52. Linney says:

    I watched that video of JD and his White Supremacist Gang strutting around the tarmac, and I thought it was absolutely horrifying. I mean, really scary. I felt as if I was watching a horror film. Something about this guy is so beyond creepy. He makes my skin crawl.