Kamala Harris’s polling numbers are looking great, even if I still believe that the traditional polling systems are fundamentally broken. While there is still tons of work to be done and an enormous GOTV effort being planned, I absolutely feel confident that the Harris-Walz team is doing all of the right things and that they will be victorious in November. While we have to plan and prepare for all of that without ever feeling complacent, we also have to prepare for what happens if Kamala Harris does win the election. As in, what happens with Donald Trump? You know that even if Harris has an electoral blowout, that ridiculous fascist piece of sh-t won’t concede. He’ll say it’s all rigged, he’ll start suing and ratf–king and he’ll probably send that crazy old ghoul Rudy Giuliani out there to fart his way to the Supreme Court. Well, President Biden is also concerned about what happens after the election:
“If Trump loses, I’m not confident at all,” and he points to Trump’s recent “bloodbath” comments: “He means it, all the stuff about if we lose there’ll be a bloodbath, You can’t love your country only when you win.” I mean… Trump doesn’t love the country. He doesn’t love America, win or lose. He roots for America to fail. His idea of America is that it’s already a dystopian sh-thole. And yeah, Trump does mean all of the “bloodbath” comments. The only thing I’m counting on is that if, God willing, Kamala Harris wins the election and Trump tries to incite another civil war, the Biden administration and the Garland DOJ will have it fully covered.
This whole conversation is terrifying.
They used it to buy state and local Boards of Elections, so they can foul up vote certification.
— Warren Bowman 🎈 (@warrenbowman) August 7, 2024
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, screengrab courtesy of CBS.
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- United States President Joe Biden addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, about his decision to drop his Democratic presidential reelection bid. Featuring: Joe Biden Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 24 Jul 2024 Credit: POOL via CNP/INSTARimages.com
- United States President Joe Biden addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, about his decision to drop his Democratic presidential reelection bid. Featuring: Joe Biden Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 24 Jul 2024 Credit: POOL via CNP/INSTARimages.com
Garland will have it covered. He would only need a few years though.
Exactly. I wouldn’t count on the slowpoke DOJ. Marc Elias is doing a lot shine a light. He just put out a warning that the Georgia Board of Elections has 3 Trumpers (out of 5!) set to delay certifications in that state. Trump is trying to destroy this country at the behest of his pal Putin, and we should all prepare for a giant clusterf*ck in November, even though Harris and Walz are going to get more popular votes.
Trump plans to “win” by a technicality/technicalities “resolved” by Congress and/or SCOTUS.
Georgia is not the only state with tRump azzkissing election officials. I’m definitely donating to Democracy Docket even though there’s no tax deduction. (And yeah, I read that Politico “conflict” story about how Biden was distancing himself from Elias.) The left coast went all vote by mail years ago. The practice has been slowly creeping to other western states, but there’s tRump resistance.
It is truly frightening!! I hope that she does win! Presidents have been given immunity by the supreme courts recently so Joe can do what needs to be done. That immunity might just bite the orange one in the a**.
Exactly Susan Collins! You nailed it. The Supreme Court literally gave you the power to show us Dark Brandon when this trashcan does not concede and he tries any of his crack shenanigans. They better be prepared on Jan. 6th. There’s a sitting Democratic President this time – not some sh*tshow who is going to Tweet the whole time trying to get his VP killed and wait wait wait until it’s clear everyone got to safety and he can’t get to them, to call the National Guard.
Those people named at the GA rally that Trump assured would rig the election in their favor need to be removed! Period! It’s the appearance of impropriety.
Absolutely hoping Biden leans into that immunity if Trump loses but does not concede.
(NGL, also kind of hoping he leans into it and initiates investigations into all the deals the Trump kids made while Trump was in office, especially the Kushners since they were actively employed by the White House. And I hope he goes after it with the fervor for which Team Trump and the MAGAs in Congress went after private citizen Hunter Biden.)
@Susan Collins … LOL! A content creator calls Trump ‘Duck l’orange’. I just love that. 🙂
I have seen a tweet with a picture of a bat and it says “ bats are now using the term trumpshit crazy “🤪
I’m confident that Kamala is going to win and I’m also sure that Biden has plans that he has not revealed yet. He will outmanoeuvre Trump.
I agree that the Biden Admin will have plans to put in place as soon as Harris wins. But how sickening is it that we have sunk so low that the current president has to spend his final few months in office preparing for the coup that one of the candidates for his job is most likely planning
Exactly. If we’re all talking about it, there are plans in place to deal with it.
Fair elections are a must, and we can’t let some orange turd destroy our country just because he can’t handle losing.
Interesting about the lack of ads. I see Kamala Harris ads everywhere. I’m hoping and praying for a massive blue wave, and not just for the White House. Enough is enough with the GOP.
He’s absolutely correct that people aren’t taking this seriously. Trump does not have the discipline to keep his horrendous desires under lock and key. What he says is what he means. And he means if he doesn’t get what he wants and what he needs to stay out of jail, there will be a bloodbath. He has hyped up an entire swath of people to believe that the only fair result is a result when they win. And what we have learned I hope in the last 10 years is that we can’t trust our institutions to be some sort of bukwark against fascism. We have to make sure that we force it ourselves. Work to get out the vote, and volunteer yourself as a poll worker or as a poll observer if you can.
The Democrats need to play dirty sometimes too. And I hope they’ve spent the last 4 years preparing for another Presidential win and how to handle it because the Republicans will want another January 6th, only worse. This time their hero lost to a Black woman.
Oh absolutely! Drumpf could never accept being beat by a woman, and a black woman at that will certainly take him into a deeper and desperate state of mind to go totally crazy!!! Biden is smart and fully understands the enemy that Drumpf and his cronies are capable of doing. And yet the Repugnant party is sitting back and doing nothing which will destroy their party as it implodes!!
The Republican Party is already destroyed. If Cheeto Pendejo loses, he can’t come back even if he does instigate riots (and I’m guessing Biden will call out the National Guard and shut that down with a quickness). He’ll be too old to run against Harris in four years — and I sincerely believe his cognitive decline will be too advanced by then, anyways. He put his daughter-in-law in charge of the Republican Party, but she has neither the strength of character, nor the political savvy, to hang on to her position once Cheeto is done. And he’s emptied the party infrastructure of those with the skills needed to actually run a party and build a platform. All that’s left are the crazies devoted to Cheeto.
After the election, if Cheeto loses, one of two things will happen: 1. People waiting in the wings to take over (JD Vance, maybe?) will step up and double down on Cheeto’s craziness in an effort to “out-Trump” him and become leaders of the party, or 2. The entire mess implodes. The crazy Trumpers wander off to find a new idol and the base dissolves, perhaps even making room for a whole new party, or we get a de facto one-party political system (Dem). I’m guessing and hoping for #2, with the rise of a whole new party based on somewhat more sane principles.
I’m glad Biden and team are all on alert for whatever stupid sh*t Trump will try when he loses. The best news here is, unlike last time, he is not also the sitting president. He is a citizen this time around. I’m sure he will do his best to thwart certification and will tie up every channel he can. My hope is Harris wins a landslide victory so there is no doubt who is the next president.
It is very scary, you know they have learned lessons from the last time and have spent the last 4 years plotting to stop vote certification as well as tamper with votes. He’s been telling us that he’s got it rigged – the normal Republicans needs to understand that if he against tries a violent coup it will destroy their party forever, so they should stop if even if its a self preservation move otherwise they are ALL traitors to the country.
It sounds as if Biden has plans in place to combat it.
I truly hope that Biden’s sole focus right now is putting as many systems in place as possible for keeping the election process safe and making sure that he has a plan for every potential attempt to tamper with or delay the results.
I share your hope @Justjj.
I’ll go beyond that though. I hope that the process of holding and implementing the results of our elections goes smoothly. But, if it doesn’t, now that the POTUS has been gifted all kinds of immunities and powers by the craven members of the current Supreme Court, I think that in the event of Trump-encouraged unrest, Dark Brandon should just refuse to leave. His able VP Kamala Harris and her team can continue to support the President throughout the emergency period, using all of the powers that the President can access to quell unrest — by any means necessary— for as long as it takes.
I hope that nothing close to this ever happens. I also hope that Biden’s teams are prepared for all of the chaos that Trump, his handlers, and their supporters have been promoting and promising for years.
I wonder if Trump has read his favorite book thoroughly enough to get to that “live by the sword— die by the sword” part?
Dark Brandon keeping stuff very very close to his chest and while the maggots keep crowing about bloodbaths and non certification of the election, he’s just sitting there behind his desk like Odin, and gathering information from his very own Huginn and Muninn to use at exactly the right moment.
As we have seen, he is a patient man and plays the long game very well
“Oh? Republicant’s convention done? okey doke. I have an announcement” and chaos reigns
Indeed, he pulled the rug out from under them before and he is planning to do it again.
Indeed, Merlin’s Mom.
And not to sound too much like a broken record, but I still think Biden had handing the candidacy to Harris in mind all along. He didn’t want six months of divisive primaries; beating Trump is too important. The Clooneys & Pelosis of the party were unknowingly playing their expected roles. Finally the timing was right. All hail, Dark Brandon!
I don’t think he has the supporters for a huge bloodbath. Look at his rallies. All those insurrectionists who went to jail aren’t coming back. That said, a small number of violent people still cause a lot of problems.
Guess it depends where you live. I am near the border of Idaho and I am very concerned.
I live one block from the DC boundary line — and I am extremely concerned also.
I wouldn’t assume that it would look like it did the last time. It could be as simple as Republicans not voting to certify the election results.
What is going on in Britain isn’t by accident.. I just hope the current government is prepared here for something similar only far worse because we have virtually no gun laws here. It is terrifying.
Oh and as the most F*CK YOU parting shot ever?
Pardon Hunter. 10 minutes before he walks out the door on his way to Kamala’s inauguration.
Yes! According to the Supreme Court, presidents can do whatever the fuck they want, so pardon Hunter of all current and future crimes. And pardon himself and any other family member they may try to come after.
I’ve always been one to say if Hunter truly did a crime then he should do the time, unlike the GOP we are not a cult following Biden and I have no issue with people being held accountable, but…with everything that has gone down, and the sacrifices Biden has made for the nation, he absolutely should pardon Hunter.
His crime was buying a gun while being an addict. The law itself is unconstitutional IMO so yeah, I hope he snags a pardon.
Biden will never do that. What I hope he does is encourage that Alito, Thomas, Kavenaugh, Gorsuch, Roberts and Barrett are all looked at for income tax evasion. Were any of the gifts, etc., disclosed in their income tax? If they can go after Hunter Biden after he paid the taxes penalties and interest, then we should go after Justices of SCOTUS for never claiming the ‘gifts’. I hope it bankrupts them.
I read this after Vance was selected. It’s been giving me nightmares. I wish I had noted the source but I didn’t.
Republican official introducing JD Vance at Trump rally: “If we lose this election, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country.”
A civil war fought by who….basement dwellers, grandparents, and out of shape losers🤣
A civil war fought by people who have all the guns.
There isn’t going to be a civil war. There could be a few places where violence happens, but I just don’t think people want to end up in jail/prison. They saw what happened to the insurrectionists.
I think, too, what people tend to forget is that there are plenty of non-Republicans who own guns.
There are A LOT of dems that own guns.
I’m in Southern California and every democrat/non republican I know has guns
And knows how to use them.
Once again, the mainstream media is normalizing Trump. It’s the same on all mainstream platforms. They have to give “both sides” to every discussion so we get the same “balanced” panel debates. But there’s no balance when one side sticks to facts and the other side lies wildly all the time. Then, there’s the false equivalency. The media mostly goes along with the Republican framing of the Democratic ticket as a couple of wild eyed, lefty radicals to balance the fact that the Republicans really are extreme and pose an extreme threat to everyone’s freedoms and safety. With friends like the American media, democracy will never need enemies. And yet, we have them anyway.
Man I am SO sick of both sideserism. MSM loves whitewashing the GOP.
Trump is not only a rageaholic narcissist, he’s also Putin’s useful idiot. Win or lose, his goal is to destroy the US as we know it.
You have Fox News right now saying that the recent poll numbers (that have Harris beating Trump even on the National level) are fake. Even if Harris/Walz wins in a landslide, that orange menace will scream the election was rigged. He just needs to be put in a jail cell already!!
AmyB, if they do scream that it’s rigged, who are they going to blame? They know not to go anywhere voting machines.
Dominican got over 3/4 $billion in a settlement. I read not too long ago that Smartmatic didn’t have the money to continue to trial and guess what? A very wealthy person ponied up the funds probably as an investment, but also to go after Fox.
I think they’ll have to be VERY careful if they want to go that route.
Trump no longer controls the Pentagon or the National Guards or the military. Anyone who supports him as a military or public official will be subjecting himself to serious disciplinary action. So there’s that.
On the other hand, the mass weaponry in this country will make the 2024 Trump attempted insurrection bloody.
But I suspect that the Biden administration has done tabletop exercises about this and that this interview is part of the proactive signaling measures.
To be “fair,” if you’re capable of reading and/or listening to the whole speech, what Trump was actually talking about is an economic bloodbath. Specifically about a Chinese takeover of the auto industry. Really people. You may hate him but the least you can do is quote him verbatim rather than making stuff up or just reading and reporting other’s talking points. Due diligence people–it’s important.
Anonymous, well, here’s the problem. His base sees or hears and reads ‘bloodbath’ and I assure you they’re not thinking about economics. If you believe they are, you haven’t paid attention.
Exactly Saucy&Sassy, trumps base will not be thinking “economic bloodbath “ they are thinking another insurrection/civil war.
Even if Trump did mean it economically ( he did not) he knows his people will be thinking physical violence
My parents will be voting for trump, but they will behave otherwise because they like that my husband and I do all the shopping and cooking, and my kids cleaning the cat boxes.
I’m hoping that is true for the majority
I’m extremely worried for Harris’s safety. Like, her actual, physical safety. Very, very extremely worried.