Harrison Butker on his misogyny: ‘In terms of what I said, I’ve prayed about it’

In May, Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker gave a wildly misogynistic commencement address at a college’s graduation ceremony. He told the young women at their graduation ceremony that they should be ashamed to have personal or professional aspirations outside of getting married and starting a family. He also took some homophobic swipes at the LGBTQ community, and basically sounded like a completely average Fox News culture warrior dipsh-t. People were like “wtf dude” and he was widely criticized and mocked. Serena Williams, Venus and Quinta Brunson even made an excellent joke about Butker at the ESPYs, and Butker whined about it in a public statement. He was so mad that three women spoke without his permission! Well, now that NFL training camp has started, Butker is obviously fielding a lot of questions from the sports media:

Harrison Butker is standing by the comments he made during his controversial Benedictine College commencement speech in May. The Kansas City Chiefs kicker, 29, spoke to the local media at training camp on Wednesday, telling reporters that his words came from “a place of love.”

After admitting that he “respected all the viewpoints” of people who spoke out about his speech — which suggested women should embrace the term “homemaker” — Butker explained, “In terms of what I said, I’ve prayed about it, and thought about it and I was really intentional behind what I said.”

Butker further told reporters that he talked about his speech with some of his teammates which led to “tons of conversations in the locker room.”

He said it also allowed the group to connect more and “understand each other.”

“I really believe if people knew me as a person, and understood that it was coming from a place of love, and not a place of trying to attract or put people down,” Butker added. “I only want the best for people, that’s what I was trying to say there. I think the people that were in that gymnasium all understood what I was saying.”

In his May speech — which has since been condemned by many celebrities and several advocacy organizations including GLAAD — Butker addressed the women in the graduating class, telling them they should aspire to be “homemakers,” wives and mothers.

“Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world,” he told the crowd at the time. He also called Pride Month one of “the deadly sins” and defined abortion, IVF, and surrogacy as products of “disorders.”

[From Page Six]

“In terms of what I said, I’ve prayed about it, and thought about it and I was really intentional behind what I said.” Yeah, I don’t disagree – he said that sh-t with his whole chest, he did not back down and he means what he said 100%. That was literally never in question. To Butker: we aren’t bothered by the idea that you said something you didn’t mean or understand. We’re bothered by the fact that you told young women to aspire to be nothing but homemakers at their college graduation. We’re bothered by what you said and stand by. He’s such a f–king douche. Has the right-wing media embraced him and offered him guest appearances yet? Since that was obviously the goal here.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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25 Responses to “Harrison Butker on his misogyny: ‘In terms of what I said, I’ve prayed about it’”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    Yes, of course – because the ideal place to have informative conversations about women’s rights is in a football locker room.

  2. goofpuff says:

    I hope he continues to get peppered by journalists for his awful comments. Yeah, everyone did understand what you were saying, dude. That is why they are all pissed.

  3. ariel says:

    This is a minor thing- but it really bothered me.
    He name checked his “teammate’s girlfriend” – to get attention.
    but the lyric he used, while it is a lyric, is not an original thought. It is a commonly used saying- “familiarity breeds contempt”
    So name checking her for those words was just plain clout chasing.

    In the grand scheme of what an insecure, fragile “man” he is- that is just a tiny thing.
    But it irritates me.
    Also- i hope every woman who graduated that day and was forced to listen to his crap washes her hands of that institution and never donates a dime.

  4. Agnes says:

    Why do so many right-wing men who have questions about their own sexuality (Harrison Butker, his bosom beau Josh Hawley, JD “Guyliner” Vance) feel the need to dicktate to women about what is best for women? The Democrats could win on the “Mind Your Own Damn Business” slogan alone.

    • wolfmamma says:


    • Alaqaday says:

      That got me too.

      The massively grand irony that if he didn’t have the Taylor Swift connection, his speech would never have made international news – his new notoriety is due entirely to the massively successful career of a childless woman in an extra-marital relationship with his much more famous and successful colleague, who’s a dude who actually does the cliché ‘manly’ stuff, facing down 300 pound guys every game, while Butker runs from tackles.

      And not only could this dude not refer to her by name, just in reference to her man, but he also quoted a lyric where she herself is quoting a very common turn of phrase.

      Like – dude, you’re showcasing how dumb you are already and you’re highlighting you don’t know she didn’t write this?

    • bisynaptic says:

      It’s their way of feeling properly (ie, heteronormatively) manly.

  5. tealily says:


  6. Bra one boob at a time says:

    In the words of an idol, I hope he kicks rocks with flip flops on

  7. C says:

    The fact that the Benedictine nuns at the Catholic college he addressed pushed back on what he said and issued a statement about it should clue everyone in that his speech was not “traditional values” but misogyny and hatred.

  8. Meredith says:

    I guess this is sort of like (almost EXACTLY like) the admonition when any tragic event or disaster occurs which is to Send Thoughts & Prayers. I refer him to Mothers for Democracy’s awesome video on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M876_FfJ3MQ
    If the link doesn’t come through properly or whatever, just search for Thoughts and Prayers drowning video…

  9. Louise177 says:

    I wish people like Butker were asked why women need to be mothers, homemakers, and stand by your man. but men are never told to reciprocate. It’s as long as the man is working, that’s all that matters.

    • Kitten says:

      Imagine if his speech was about fathers being more present in their kids’ lives, given absentee fathers are practically an epidemic in this country? What if he gave a speech eschewing toxic masculinity and telling young male graduates that accepting their kids for who they are is more important than imposing societal or religious-based norms? He would never.

  10. Nano says:

    These hypocrite bible thumpers ALWAYS justify their putrid words/actions by hiding behind their religion. They don’t know how to live and let live, they shove their ugly religion on others and try to force others to believe what they believe. And their religion is one of hate and intolerance.

  11. Kitten says:

    You will never, ever convince me that our society becoming progressively more secular every year isn’t a good thing.

  12. Flamingo says:

    Of course he is going to double down on it. He was preaching to the choir at the Christian conservative university. The Chiefs owners are in lock step with his ideology. And he surrounds himself in a bubble of Stepford Wives and toxic masculinity. It didn’t even occur to him what he was saying would be perceived in a negative light.

    He’s the worst.

    • C says:

      No, he knew. The faculty probably didn’t care but a number of female students and nuns took objection to this. He didn’t and doesn’t give a shit, lol.

  13. Bklne says:

    “I’ve prayed about it” = “I’ve created God in my image”

    There, fixed it for you.

  14. Vixxo says:

    Ughh this is so Mona Lisa Smile. Women going to college to get married

  15. Franklin B says:

    Are you there god? It’s me Harrison…


    Don’t they vet a person’s speech at an event like this? If so, then I’m pissed that he was allowed to make this speech. How disrespectful to all the women in this crowd, students and staff.