Donald Trump had a meltdown at his presser & Republicans are panicking?

It’s become a thing this week, where the mainstream political press has suddenly decided that it’s okay to write about how Donald Trump is flailing around and Republicans don’t know what to do. Maybe it started with Trump’s racist tirade at the NABJ conference last week, when he claimed that Kamala Harris “turned Black” all of a sudden for a political advantage (??). Maybe it was the fact that Trump spent ten days in a blind, pants-sh-tting panic in Mar-a-Lago instead of campaigning with less than 100 days until the election. Maybe it was Trump test-driving childish new nicknames for Harris on his Nazi social media. Whatever it is, there are suddenly so many articles devoted to “wow, Republicans wish Donald Trump would get it together and stop being such a deranged weirdo.” Some highlights from a NYT piece:

It’s almost as if the Times is providing Trump with a roadmap: The way Republicans see it, it should not be hard for Mr. Trump to pivot from President Biden to this new Democratic ticket. All he has to do is hammer Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz for things they have said and done, to paint them as out-of-step from most Americans, on everything including policing, immigration and transgender policies. But lately Mr. Trump keeps getting tangled up in distractions of his own making. He has gone on tangents about Ms. Harris’s biracial identity. He has picked fights with fellow Republicans. He has fantasized that Mr. Biden might somehow snatch back the nomination. Many in Mr. Trump’s party find this all to be counterproductive, to say the least.

LMAO: “The Harris-Walz ticket is the furthest left ticket in American history. They are a target-rich environment,” said Ben Shapiro, the right-wing media warrior. “All he has to do is focus the attack, to dump the war chest he’s accrued on this extremist ticket, to stick to a simple point: You were better off in 2019 than you are in 2024.”

Trump can’t move on from Biden: At times, it seems as though Mr. Trump has not even accepted his new political reality — that he is no longer in a race against Mr. Biden. On Tuesday, Mr. Trump wondered aloud in a post on Truth Social if there were any chance that Mr. Biden “CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination.” “He spent four years preparing for a run against Joe Biden,” Mr. Newhouse said, “and it’s naturally tough to regain your footing.” He said that Mr. Trump was now trying to do so “on the fly, with less than a hundred days left, and that’s an extraordinarily challenging effort.”

The nickname: Adding to the sense that Mr. Trump is flailing about, this week he has been testing out a new mocking nickname for his opponent, referring to Ms. Harris as “Kamabla.” It is a departure from the previous epithet he had chosen (“Laffin’ Kamala”), and nobody seems quite sure how to decipher it. Asked if he understood what Mr. Trump meant by “Kamabla,” Mr. Kingston replied, “No.” As for the attacks on her racial identity? “I would stick to the price of groceries,” he said.

Ann Coulter speaks: “All Trump has to do is talk about his positions, like he did in 2016,” said Ann Coulter, the conservative commentator who broke with Mr. Trump some years back, largely because of his inability to focus on the issues she cared about. “But, no, he’s going to spend the first 20 minutes of every rally attacking the popular Republican governor of Georgia or trying out stupid nicknames for Kamala.” Ms. Coulter added that “Republicans who expected Trump to run a smart, disciplined campaign are going to be sorely disappointed.”

[From The New York Times]

Trump is doing so poorly that the New York Times is basically giving him a list and blatantly telling him: just repeat all of this and we’ll amplify for the next three months, don’t worry, hang in there, Nazi kitten! Anyway, I don’t really care what part of this is performative pearl-clutching from the face-eating leopard party and what part of this is a streak of genuine panic from Republicans. I find it notable that all of the party elders have been culled by Trump and his supporters – there’s no John Boehner to step in and clean up Trump’s mess. There’s no George W. Bush to remind everyone that they’re all loyal Republicans. There is Mitch McConnell, but he keeps having mini-strokes whenever he’s on camera. So… it’s the party of Trump. I hope they all go down with the ship.

Speaking of, Trump was seen yesterday at MAL. He threw a deranged press conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, his first in weeks, timed specifically for 8/8 (you know what that means). He ranted and raved about Kamala Harris, he said he agreed to three debates, he said he’s more than open to banning mifepristone, he said the everyone wanted to see Roe overturned, he refused to say whether or not he would peacefully concede the election if he lost, and of course, he ranted about crowd size. He claimed that his crowd sizes were bigger than Martin Luther King Jr.’s crowds.

Screengrabs courtesy of MSNBC, The Times.

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112 Responses to “Donald Trump had a meltdown at his presser & Republicans are panicking?”

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  1. Indica says:

    The apwire finally FINALLY … did a fact check of his rambling speech. It was beautiful. (The fat check, not the speech!)

    • Indica says:

      Yep, that’s a typo but I’m sticking with it as the speech was full of fat…

    • the Robinsons says:

      TicToc Mr. Trump, Karma or Kamala turned its face against you back in November 2020. The Universe judged you and you were found lacking… Therefore all you have to look to, in 2025 are court appearances, begging for money from the magaheads, and your promise to return to the presidency in 3028, when you have served time for all of your indictments, and all the indictments waiting in the wings. Maybe we’ll find out whomurderedJEpstein,in the process.
      “KARMA is Kamala”!

    • Jan90067 says:

      Did you happen to see Lawrence O’ Donnell’s show yesterday? His opening was 🔥🔥🔥🔥. THIS is the type of journalist we need on EVERY network. He called them ALL out (incl. MSNBC) and held their feet to the fire. It was a thing of beauty!!

      If you didn’t catch it, here’s a link to watch it:

      It’s definitely worth the 5 min. to watch/listen to him!

      • bisynaptic says:


      • Wendy says:

        Yes I saw it and it was AMAZING! He is so correct. All of them showed his stupid most deranged speech and ignored one of Madame VP best speech a the UAW. It was very moving. I hope she incorporates more of that in her rallies as well. I LOVE LAWRENCE!!

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Wow. I do hope American news media sits with that critique and takes it seriously. I’m grateful this man used his time to call them out.

      • Diamond Rottweiler says:

        I am grateful that Lawrence called this out on his huge platform. BUT he kept using the word “mistake” and suggested the lemming like response to Grandpa Racist from reporters is motivated by stupidity. It is most definitely not. It’s the sleazy game of access journalism and they’ve allowed Grandpa to set the terms. In my former life, I was the spokesperson for a large national feminist organization and I was shocked by how quickly I came to have nothing but contempt for 99% of the “journalists” I had to deal with. Their corporate overlords tell them what the narrative is for the week/month, then they come to the interview having already written whatever angle they pre-decided and try to manipulate you into giving them a couple quotes to plug into their “reporting.” Reporters know Grandpa will ban them if they push back on *anything* he says. So he gets to lie non stop for free on every major channel. No one is more complicit in forcing this vicious, fascist turd on us than U.S. mainstream media. And they hounded President Biden out because he doesn’t do access. I hope Vice President Harris has a game plan for dealing with this.

      • Truthiness says:

        Lawrence O Donnell’s speech was a thing of beauty. He was also one of the only people still riding with Biden until Kamala moved to the top of the ticket.

        We need fact checking in real time for this one man crime wave!

      • Magdalena says:

        Thank you for this. However, I do disagree with his assessment that the reporters are too stupid to know that they are Trump is lying to them and that they are too stupid to realise that they are lying to their audiences when they claim that Trump has answered their questions when he never does. I think the reporters are truly venal and know EXACTLY what they are doing. They are willing to f*** the country over in the name of ratings and the almighty clicks and whatever other backhanders and “access” they might be getting from their paymasters and yes – including some in the Trump campaign. THAT is what O’Donnell shoujld have said. But has had made a good start in pointing out the behaviour of those media cretins in running the 2016 playbook all over again.

        So this is why Vance has been stalking her: to cement the narrative that she “refuses to talk to reporters” so that when Trump openly lies to them they can claim that HE spoke to reporters and answered their questions. In this, they are no different from the royal reporters in the UK. They don’t care that they are lied to or that they are held in contempt by the royals and the handlers who lie to them. They just want to feel that they were noticed and therefore that they somehow matter.

      • BeanieBean says:


      • Luna says:

        Thank you for sharing. I reposted and will share. Would writing to news networks help?

      • jellitate says:

        🙏🏽 was definitely worth it!

      • Gabby says:

        Thank you so much for posting that Jan90067. It was chilling when O’Donnell said “we just went back today”. Terrifying.

        As long as news is a business, free airtime for sociopaths who garner ratings and clicks is what we are going to get.

      • Fergus says:

        Yes!!! Let’s keep amplifying that link!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Thank you so much for that share @Jan90067. I rarely watch much of a number of stations. I’m glad someone finally said the thing. So many great quotes/facts from O’Donnell. Can’t quote all. Paraphrasing, the one about checking all of the Orange stain’s lies is impossible.

        So tired of irresponsible journalism. I feel like the US is quite often becoming the British Media and that’s NOT a good thing.

        As a cleanser:

    • Isabella says:

      NPR did too and found over 100 lies.

      People seem to forget that Trump lost the last election. His abortion policies alone will sink him, and Vance is a liability, he is a big loser.

      Really hate the NYT.

  2. This is what happens when a narcissist knows he is losing. He comes out and makes it 10,20,30 times worse.

    • Kokiri says:

      The narcissistic rage is frightening to behold & experience.
      I’d feel for those around him but nah.
      It’s so good to see the Harris campaign fighting.
      They are going so high while still leaving a huge mark on trump. It gives me hope which is something I never thought I’d feel again.

    • Megan says:

      He’s an old man with dementia who is so hated by everyone around him they constantly let him go out and humiliate himself.

  3. Avonan says:

    “… the New York Times is basically giving him a list and blatantly telling him: just repeat all of this and we’ll amplify for the next three months, don’t worry, hang in there, Nazi kitten!”

    🎯…& 🤣

  4. Kitten says:

    Comparing his crowd size on Jan 6th to MLK’s “I have a Dream” crowd was really…something.

    It’s so insane that anyone can watch this man drone on and on about crowd size–not a single word about his vision for America– and think that he’ll do anything to make their lives better. And that’s all his supporters are to him–faceless, nameless numbers in a crowd all meant to boost his ego. All Trump will ever care about is himself.

    • Lau says:

      He really is this close to just say that he wrote the “I have a Dream” speech himself. Give him a few days.

    • Giddy says:

      He also put up a picture in the WH of the huge crowd at Obama’s initiation and claimed it was his!

    • CC says:

      Forget Martin Luther King, Martin Luther probably drew bigger crowds than Trump in plague-riddled Europe.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Kinda like Kate thinking the Wimbledon crowd was for her.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It sounds like he’s admitting his party(himself) to being responsible for the insurrection on Jan. 6th.

      As if, it was his own personal rally.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    That press conference, if you can call it that, was very Fidel Castro-like, with the almost 2 hours of rambling. But even Fidel had the good sense not to compare himself to MLK, Jr. That was strange, even for wierdo dTrump. I mean, the guy’s jealous of MLK’s crowd at the IHD speech. This buffoon was the leader of the so-called free world folks. Let that sink in. The good news is that the whole thing reeked of fear. He’s scare shitless, y’all. He was crying for Joe Biden. The man he labeled sleepy Joe. It was, in a way, quite funny to see the Republican party on it’s way down, holding on to Trumps tattered coattails.

    • seraphina says:

      Someone on SM was stating that this “press conference” is just free advertising because it’s not a PC. I have to agree.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And all that BS about how he was so prepared to fight Biden it’s hard for him to pivot to Kamala. Piffle.

      • SarahCS says:

        How much of every 24 hours do you think he legitimately knows he’s now up against her?

  6. Lau says:

    Sorry but which day of the week is Trump NOT having a meltdown exactly ?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly! I don’t understand why his family hasn’t had him found mentally incompetent to stand trial at this point and put him in a 24 hour lockdown care facility for dementia or Neurosyphilis.. at the rate he’s going it’s the only way he is going to avoid prison.. 🤞🏼his sentencing in September fits the crimes and instead of the White House he is sent to the big house.

      • lucy2 says:

        He doesn’t have a normal family. His children only want the money and connections. Wife #3 hates him. None of them seem to actually care about each other.

      • Louisa says:

        His children allowed their mother to be buried in a corner of his golf course. His wife only cares that the money is hitting her bank account. This is not a normal loving caring family.

      • Lau says:

        Hey ! Don’t give them ideas that they can just say that he is mentally incompetent to stand trial. He’ll go away kicking and screaming though because he does want people with special needs to just die.

  7. Jais says:

    Lawrence O’Donnell went off on this and how the journalists just respectfully nod their heads as trump lies. There’s no follow-ups or attempts to counter his lies. He juxtaposed it with they way they’ve aggressively questioned Biden and her press secretary. Don’t get me wrong, trump saying ridiculous things might hurt his campaign but it’s not gonna hurt him that much if he’s being treated with kid gloves.

    • Sheri says:

      I was so relieved when Lawrence O’Donnell stood up and cried foul on the so-called journalists at this press conference. I was stunned that not one of these people called him out on his lies or asked questions that he had to actually answer. This was a ninety minutes rambling of a lunatic and the media should have never allowed that to go on. Cut the cameras, cut the mikes, game over. Only O’Donnell had the guts to call it what it was.

      • Anonymous says:

        I mean we’ve all seen what he does to journalists when they confront him. He calls them nasty and never answers any questions. They’re afraid of his orange ass.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Sheri, I posted basically the same thing above, before seeing your comment, (I incl. a link to the opening). O’Donnell was AMAZING!! He made such a great point of how all the news networks gave The Molding Orange what amounted to an ad free campaign rally, while only giving a few min. to Kamala’s (even though all the networks KNEW IN ADVANCE the time of hers). He then played hers in its entirety.

        THIS man should be the one everyone takes their news from.

    • Kitten says:

      I mean, yes it is undeniably journalists’ jobs to fact-check him and not doing so is an abdication of duty IMO. That being said, I’m not sure fact-checking even matters in terms of his support. Like, all of us who hate Trump know that he’s a compulsive liar and all the folks who love him don’t care. Those same people also seem highly impervious to facts and science so I don’t think it moves the needle in either direction, really. It’s a very sad indictment of American society.

      • Giddy says:

        I agree wholeheartedly that Trump’s supporters don’t give a damn about his lies. They just want his lying fat ass back in the White House. Please God, we don’t deserve to live through what that heinous man would do . The only “policy” he is interested in is punishing his enemies and meting out retribution.

      • salmonpuff says:

        I agree with you, but I still think the fact-checking is important to show that society has standards and he is not meeting them. It’s not to change anyone’s mind.

        Narcissists create their own reality. The more we capitulate and let him set the agenda, the more we allow his reality to intrude on actual reality.

      • IFoxi says:

        I agree it won’t affect his base, but we need to get back to fact-checking all of these televised speeches, debates, etc. For everything, both sides! This country has to fight back against the propaganda, the acceptance of “fake news”. I think reestablishing the importance of fact checking is an important step.

      • Kitten says:

        Right and I totally agree with you guys: we should fact-check because that’s the media’s freaking responsibility and it always has been until we got Trump. But I wonder if the lethargy is due to journalists feeling that it doesn’t matter anymore because his supporters don’t care about facts. It really is crazy how much damage Trump and Trumpism have wreaked on institutional norms.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Fact-check, yes, but also press him on never actually answering a question. Do you have a plan for x, y, z is always answered with a we have a plan, a beautiful plan, the best plan ever, you’re going to love it, and you’ll hear about it soon. Why would you vote for that???

      • Magdalena says:

        Whether fact-checking matters or not, journalists still need to do their damn jobs and report the truth without fear or favour; pointing out lies to their readers and listeners and viewers is the basic requirement of the job. Real journalists do not sanitise lies or repackage word salads into coherent sentences. They do not indulge in “both sides” false equivalencies. And they certainly don’t give over an hour of free advertising to a lying grifter who incited a deadly riot the last time he lost an election. They report the facts. This craven lot don’t care what is at stake. They WANT the horse race. And all the while American democracy risks going to hell in a handbasket, and the fate of the world with it.

        And they should NEVER have gone en masse to camp out on the man’s private property to give him a platform to lie to their audiences.

      • Bad Janet says:

        It’s so obnoxious because speaking truth about Trump is ALWAYS played off by him, his cronies, and his followers as “fake news” and “liberal media.”

        But it still matters. Lies should be called lies.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Agree @Bad Janet others above. Lies should be called lies and absolutely called out by responsible journalism. Sadly, responsible journalism is declining.

        Throwback to the past that impacted a number of men’s future. Trump lies.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      He was absolutely brilliant and correct.. glad to see a journalist with integrity and a backbone 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    • Wendy says:

      He is 100% Correct. OMF I LOVED that he called them out and I hope that segment goes viral.

    • Little Red says:

      But those “independent” and swing voters do need to hear the constant drumbeat that Trump is a liar.

  8. K says:

    He sounds like a broken Chucky.

  9. Tursitops says:

    I repeat: Dems should hammer the point that Humpty Dumpty didn’t pull off ANY substantial policies when he controlled the country, so why believe a convicted felon that he will do it this time? Regular people, also known as voters, don’t want abortion debates, tax reforms that benefit billionaires and gender wars. They want jobs, health care, to be able to walk the streets safely, get their kids educated without getting shot, and have a little money left over to go on the occasional vacation.

    • lucy2 says:

      Biden did that pretty well, when trump complained that he could have done the prisoner swap, Biden flat out said “Then why didn’t he?”

      Totally agree about what most voters want, and I too hope the Democrats keep aiming for that, and continue to point out the trump did nothing to help anyone when in office before, and has absolutely no plans no. Nothing, other than “give me power”.

    • mander says:

      I might use your paragraph. Spot on.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      Exactly. He keeps saying “her policies,” but neither he, nor anyone in his campaign, have defined his own freaking platform! What are his policies?? He doesn’t even know!

      I live in a very red area, so I rarely talk about politics outside of my friend group, but the other day, someone made a comment about how they don’t like Kamala’s policies. They like Trump’s policies better. I asked what policies. What policies? They couldn’t answer the question. It was a bunch of obfuscation. They’re all just parroting him and thinking they sound so smart because they’re talking about “policies,” without even realizing they can’t name a single policy stance on either side.

      • lucy2 says:

        I see a lot of videos of people going to trump rallies like Jordan Klepper, and asking his supporters for specific examples of what he did that helped people, what their favorite policies are, how he made their life better, and they CAN’T ANSWER.
        Because it’s a cult.

      • LBB says:

        But we do know his policies, there is a 900 page book called Project 2025 that outlines exactly in great detail what his polices are going to be implemented.

        But I agree, Trump just shit talks America.

      • North of Boston says:

        Ask him to describe his plans, his policies using only nouns, pronouns and verbs.

        I will do xyz

        No “it’ll be so beautiful” “it’ll be the best ever” “my crowds were so big” no puffery, no bigly adjectives, no tooting his own tin horn.

      • Golly Gee says:

        @lucy2, I just spent half an hour trying to find something similar which was either on Kimmel or the daily show. They went out on the street and talked to Trump supporters and I can’t remember the exact reference, but they would say for example: ‘did you know that Joe Biden sexually harassed a woman?’ In response, the Trump supporter would go to town criticizing Biden. Then the interviewer would say she got mixed up and it was actually Donald Trump who sexually harassed a woman. Every single person completely ignored that and just started to praise Trump. It was almost as if they didn’t hear it in both cases. She only had to name Biden or Trump and the prepared mental tape would roll off their tongues.

  10. AmyB says:

    Seeing Trump meltdown like this is a glorious thing to behold!

  11. Skyblue says:

    We get Trump today in Bozeman. I’m still seeing a few trump flags when I’m out and about, but nothing like before.

    • hikesandhoney says:

      How lucky are we? Barf. The capacity at the Brick is less than 9,000. Let’s see if he can fill it.

      • BeanieBean says:

        He’ll say he had 25,000 anyway with 25,000 waiting outside. That’s his favorite number right now & he keeps repeating it.

    • lucy2 says:

      I don’t as many here either. I’m in a red county in blue NJ, and in 2020 3 of my 4 immediate neighbors had trump shit outside. Nothing now. It’s still early, and knowing them they will probably still vote for him , but the loud and proud support seems way down.

    • Kitten says:

      I envy you guys. There are way more Trump flags in my town than I’m comfortable with and our house is only 7 miles from my old neighborhood in Boston, where there wasn’t a single one..
      One of the flags I keep seeing is this incredibly fashy black and red one with Take America Back on it. It’s really so gross and likely a violation of *flag code*, something I never wanted to know about but now do because my weird-ass town is dominated by Boomers who are obsessed with flags.

      • Contrary rose says:

        I have to second what Kitten said. I’m in Boston, and we see way too many Trump bumper stickers and even some flags when we are out and about now. Never saw even a single one before. I used to feel so safe in our blue area, but more and more people are showing us what we they think. We even had to talk to our elementary school admin because one of the mom’s had really foul mouthed stickers all over her car.

      • Kitten says:

        And don’t forget the Trump boats. We kayaked Boston harbor a couple weeks ago and there were waaaaay too many boats with Trump flags. We always hug the shoreline to stay out of boats’ way but these Trump boats LOVE getting as close as possible to the people along the harbor walk so everyone can see their dumb flag. I’ve never seen other boats do that before.

        I always look the other way–I refuse to give them the attention they’re so desperate for.

    • TN Democrat says:

      I live in a dark red rural area near several Metropolitan areas. I am not seeing anywhere near the level of magat gear as I have in the past elections. Unfortunately, one county has replaced tRump gear with billboards/signage with bible verses that don’t actually mention magat, which is more chilling. The orange menace becoming a messiah to the evangelicals is just beyond belief. He looks like an incoherent old man. Magat really is a cult. The journalists don’t question him for the same reason the royal family never get called out. The billionaires controlling the media have a vested interest in getting him elected. Allowing media consolidation was an epic error.

  12. Lightpurple says:

    Ben Shapiro is positively frantic and seems to be one or two tweets from announcing a sabbatical to spend more time with his family.

    It has been a joy to watch

    • Agnes says:

      The Lincoln Project just posted a video of head groyper Nick Fuentes saying the Trump movement is DEAD. Rats are definitely abandoning ship.

  13. Lindsay says:

    He could be vented on life support in a CC room and his supporters would cheer him on.
    Because he represents their death march, fascist ideology, political violence and dark history.
    Again, I’ll not understand their black hearts in my lifetime
    So vile. Some live around me and I sense their contempt and gawd do I inwardly seethe with disgust.
    It’s funny how they sense those like me. You can see them recognizing it.
    Kamala and Walz are fresh, hopeful and engaged with humanity.
    I have hope again 💙

  14. Paulkid says:

    I always knew him to be Velveeta. When did he decide to be bubble gum?

  15. A Guest says:

    Word on the streets is that the internal numbers are in a free fall. VP Harris is either ahead or tied in all swing states. And his campaign is virtually broke.

    He’s counting on the state and local election boards to not certify if she wins. So be prepared for the storm.

    • lucy2 says:

      I saw something yesterday that the campaign doesn’t even have field offices, and there are hardly any ads or anything. It’s just him, syphoning all the money, and all the oxygen in the room. I’m hoping he ends up dragging a lot of other GOP down with him – senate, house, state and local elections, all of it.
      And yes, prepare. He’s a lunatic, and deeply stupid, and that kind of person backed into a corner isn’t never good.

    • Kitten says:

      Lazy entitled asshole who’s failed up his whole life suddenly realizes he’s not gonna just cruise to the White House and actually has to put in some work on the campaign trail.

      This is definitely not how he planned things. And yes, what a difference three weeks makes 🙂

      • pottymouth pup says:

        I think the plans are to hope it’s close enough that they can use the House of Representatives (under GOP control) to delay ratification of the election so that the election is decided by the house instead of the voters. They’ve also spent the past few years working out plans for lawsuits to cause confusion and delays knowing that they have SCOTUS in the bag.

        They really don’t need too many ads from the campaign because their PACs and JFK Jr’s packs are doing the lifting on that while the media pretty much works overtime to make every outlandish thing he says seem valid or reasonable, as well as still working to undermine any achievement by democrats. Biden actually accomplished a lot more than you’d think based on news reports and some of that stuff was progressive so it’s frustrating that younger progressives think he’s done nothing at all (and some zoomers actually blame him, not Trump or the GOP, for Dobbs)

      • Jaded says:

        @pottymouth — exactly, plus stuffing election offices with MAGA staff determined to destroy and deny votes for Dems.

      • Kitten says:

        Bernie Sanders was on the Run-Up touting Biden’s accomplishments so hopefully young progressives tune in. But he also had the criticism that Biden himself hasn’t done a great job of tooting his own horn which I 100% agree with. I’m not trying to pick on poor Joe–I have a lot of affection for him after he conceded power for the good of the country. But Biden was always doing a lot of “I’m the guy–” then mentioning something that nobody really cares about. I don’t even know if I heard him say Build Back Better once in his last debate and that policy was BY FAR the most ambitious infrastructure bill I’ve seen in my lifetime–truly a crowning achievement in every possible way.

        And I agree with you about the Republicans’ strategy. On a post yesterday a lot of people were saying that Jan 6th won’t happen this time because we’re better prepared for it. I made the point that we shouldn’t expect election theft to look the same way it did 4 years ago. The GOP are thugs of the highest order and we should anticipate them trying to use any means possible to thwart democracy.

      • LBB says:

        Don’t forget though that Kamala presides over the vote in the house. I think it will happen on state level.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        @LBB Harris may preside over the vote but she only gets to vote herself if there is a tie

  16. bisynaptic says:

    “It’s almost as if the Times is providing Trump with a roadmap: The way Republicans see it, it should not be hard for Mr. Trump to pivot from President Biden to this new Democratic ticket. All he has to do is hammer Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz for things they have said and done, to paint them as out-of-step from most Americans, on everything including policing, immigration and transgender policies.“
    —The problem is that Harris and Walz AREN’T out of step with most Americans, on these issues; Trump and Vance are. And the gaslighting and shit-flooding and bamboozling only work for so long.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The New York Times was integral in pushing the idea Trump got shot in the ear with no journalistic inquiry -they were working hand in hand in real time to make that situation seem legitimate instead of the intricate scam that cost actual lives that day it was. They hectored Biden as being “too old” over far less than Trump exhibits over and over and ignored the Trump campaign placing people coated in makeup to pretend he has black supporters on camera behind him at a recent rally. Why should the Harris/Walz campaign believe they would get fair treatment from an outlet who have shown themselves to be putting they thumb on the scale for Trump?

      • Agnes says:

        100% the NYT is Pro-Trump. I’ve never liked that paper, but always thought of it as “liberal.” But now realize they’ve always been GOP in sheep’s clothing.

      • fwiw says:

        Interested Gawker, standing behind Trump at televised rallies & being or looking Black–those are the paid “black jobs” Trump has created.

  17. Dorianne says:

    It’s not JUST about the lies, now. It’s the fact that he keeps repeating himself AND he’s clueless to the fact that he just told that same lie 5 minutes earlier. It’s time for “that” conversation, GOP. You know, the one where the kids discuss taking Grandpa’s car keys.

    • Jaded says:

      Yeah, the repetitive phrases, the inability to remember simple words (orange for origin, hummus for Hamas, Nambia for Namibia…the list goes on) all point towards some significant cognitive decline. He’s gonna start drooling soon…

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yes! What was this business about ‘Kamabla’ being trump’s new nickname for Kamala??? He’s losing his marbles, plain & simple.

  18. Ameerah M says:

    He’s looking extra terrible lately. I’m loving that HE now comes off as the old infirm dude in the race. Because he is.

    • Boo says:

      He looks SO PALE here! well, he looks vaguely normal, someone must’ve made a decision to tone down the Cheeto makeup.
      But it DOESN’T look good, he looks ill, old and frail!

      • Meredith says:

        His hair looks less wacky too— maybe the “weird” comments prompted a makeover. Now he just needs a personality makeover.

      • fwiw says:

        Hair less wacky but more color. Shall we call him Old Yeller?

  19. Beech says:

    I didn’t know about 8/8! I posted it to FB. Sickened.

    • Christine says:

      I’ve never heard of it before either. JFC, how long has that been a thing?

      • Agnes says:

        Forever. Trump supporters actually are deplorable. The Q weirdos are just diversionary window dressing so the general public doesn’t hear the evil dogwhistles. How the 88 crowd laughs at pussy hats and joyful warriors and other happy hippy stuff. They are out to control, period.

  20. Jaded says:

    Kamala Harris
    You’re our Lady!
    Wipe the floor with
    Trump and Shady!!

  21. Kari says:

    What’s ridiculous is the media is still giving him primetime coverage and free PR. Every network covered this wackadoo press conference as “breaking news” but none of them have covered Harris’ speeches on the campaign trail. I’ve had to go to YouTube to watch them. The media needs to stop giving this guy so much attention!!! And if they insist on doing it they need to give equal time to the Harris-Walz campaign.

    • Barb Mill says:

      The only good thing about every network covering it is that republicans that don’t pay attention to politics and independants can see how unhinged he is.

  22. olliesmom says:

    Old grandpa sundowning in the afternoon. What’s he like at 5 pm?

    I watched it live on Scripps News and they fact checked live the stock market and the poll numbers right on a split screen next to him.

    • SueinOrleans says:

      I didn’t see that but I am definitely seeing a lot more on the spot fact checking going on in the mainstream news. I mean they did always do this, even if it didn’t always seem like it, but it does seem like the tide has turned.

  23. Jennifer says:

    Former journalist here – what we’re seeing with mainstream media is what happens when a handful of media companies buy up the majority of news outlets. Then they get to dictate what gets covered and how (and it’s always important to follow the money in those cases). Journalism has never been a good paying career, but staffing has been cut over and over again since 2008 and everyone has to wear multiple hats (writing, editing, taking photos, creating videos, etc). A lot of good people, who were trained in true journalism ethics, left the industry for jobs that paid a living wage. So now we’re also left with journalists who are closer to “content creators” than reporters. It’s all about getting clicks and views to keep their jobs, not about impartially reporting what is actually important.

    • Agnes says:


    • Aidee Kay says:

      Thank you for your perspective, @Jennifer. This feels like the truth.

    • fwiw says:

      @Jennifer. Yes, writing for clicks. Reminds me of journalists seeming to encourage wars because being a war correspondent was a route to being noticed, or stretching truth for scandal because scandal made the Watergate guys household names.

  24. NotSoSocialB says:

    All he has to do is hammer Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz for things they have said and done, to paint them as out-of-step from most Americans, on everything including policing, immigration and transgender policies.

    Do they have any idea of the loon they are talking about, my gaia.

    • Barb Mill says:

      This is so absurd. Most americans support the policies Harris/Walz are talking about. People are sick of the non-parisian, chaotic, division, drama.

  25. Grant says:

    It’s insane to me that people are still supporting this human skin-tag.