Cele|bitchy | Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes were at same Globes pre-party as Chris Klein

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes were at same Globes pre-party as Chris Klein

Golden Globes party hosted by T Magazine and Dom Perignon - Los Angeles

Here are photos of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes at a pre-Golden Globes party, sponsored by the New York Times Style Magazine, held at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles. The party got an interesting group of attendees – in addition to Tom and Katie, there was Ben Stiller, Chloe Sevigny, Chace Crawford, Adam Lambert, Woody Harrelson and… Katie’s ex-boyfriend/fiancée Chris Klein! As many remember, Katie and Chris split sometime in early 2005, then she maybe dated a couple of other people, then she was sort of instantly with Tom Cruise and pregnant with Suri. Yes, there are other versions and theories about the timeline, but let’s not go there right at this moment. I’ll just say that Suri takes after her father, whomever he may be. There’s no word on whether Katie and Chris spoke to each other or ignored each other. Hopefully, they just ignored each other. Chris seems like an a–hole.

Golden Globes party hosted by T Magazine and Dom Perignon - Los Angeles

It not like Tom or Katie are nominated for any awards this year, or that they had any big films to promote right at this very moment, so I suspect they either came out to see and support their friends, like Ben Stiller (who Tom looks like he’s groping in some of these photos), or maybe Woody Harrelson, although I didn’t know Woody and Tom were friends? So maybe Katie just wanted a night out.

Golden Globes party hosted by T Magazine and Dom Perignon - Los Angeles

I do think Katie looks really cute here. The dress is “meh” (open-weave, black, and totally ‘80s), but her hair and makeup look nice. She looks healthier than she did last month. Tom looks… okay, I guess. His whole face perked up when he talks to Ben Stiller, but he just looks like “whatever” when he’s standing next to Katie.

Golden Globes party hosted by T Magazine and Dom Perignon - Los Angeles

Golden Globes party hosted by T Magazine and Dom Perignon - Los Angeles

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26 Responses to “Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes were at same Globes pre-party as Chris Klein”

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  1. bo says:

    Chris Klein does seem like an a-hole. I used to be into his look (he seems to have gotten it back… hair transplants?) until I heard some nasty rumors about him from ‘people who knew people who knew’ Katie.

    She always looks hot but something’s wrong. Did she tweeze the inside line of her eyebrows and thin them out everywhere else?

  2. Lisa says:

    Ben Stiller looks like he is totally into that Scientology crap. Katie Holmes has that usual frozen expression in her eyes, and Chris Klein is not aging well.

  3. Dorothy says:

    I am happily married and I am sure my face perks up whenever i am out with friends!!!

  4. Nony says:

    Katie looks… weird and frozen. Botox?

    Tom just looks normal… you know, like he wants to eat your eyeballs.

  5. bella says:

    I really, really, really don’t care, but if you’ve read interviews with Chris Klein, he is most definitely an asshole.

  6. Firestarter says:

    Katie looks nice for a change.

  7. Maritza says:

    Well I don’t care what people think about Tom Cruise but I believe Kate made an upgrade when she married Tom. They seem very happy.

  8. multikultiMe says:

    Katie looks more and more like a boy, and Tom is forever stuck in the 80’s: when Black&Denim was all that it was in LA, at least.

  9. Goddess711 says:

    She looks like she wants to leave. It’s a room full of manic circus freaks, I’d be wanting outta there too!

  10. Phowie says:

    I think Tom is all over Ben because he was so thrilled to have been given that part in ‘Tropic Thunder’. It did better than any other recent movies that he’s been in and it seems that there was even some talk about Cruise and Stiller teaming up for a comedy film. But Stiller is a nice Jewish boy and if he was going to join a cult it would probably be Kabbalah, not Scientology.

  11. elvisgrace says:

    Tom looks so manic in those photos with Ben, who seems to have this “calm down, Shirley” expression on his face. Tom looks like Jerry O’Connell in the parody video he made of Tom’s doing $cientology propaganda. The man is turning into a caricature of himself. It’s nice to see Katie looking less zombie-fied, though.

  12. Tanked says:

    Katie, Tom and Chris all have those down-turned eyes like Suri….hmmm. Just wondering.

  13. Goddess711 says:

    Woody Harrelson looks like Freddie Krueger. I’m just sayin.

  14. manda says:

    Can someone post some details into the “chris klein is an a-hole” thing. I feel like I haven’t heard anything about him since the stories that he was suri’s real father, and even then I don’t recall “a-hole” details. And then before that…american pie? he always struck me as blah.

  15. manda says:

    ok, re: c. klein, i looked into it. my goodness! what a jerk!


  16. Birdie says:

    Maybe Katie wanted to show the real baby-daddy a photo of his offspring.

  17. danielle says:

    Klein got gross. I like Katie better with longer hair, I think the short hair aged her. Some people look great with short hair, I just don’t think she’s one of those people.

  18. crash2GO2 says:

    I agree, I like Katie SO much better with her hair like this. She looks younger by far, and it shows off her great cheek bones. I honestly thought at first that these were photos from when they starting dating.

  19. gg says:

    Katie’s got that awkward growing her bangs out look going on. I think she looks way better with layered hair framing her face, but she never took care of it so it just turned into a mop. And either she is bored rigid or got botox on her forehead because it’s looking very waxen in these shots.

    She needs to pluck her shapeless brows too.

  20. clare says:

    The Tom-Katie thing looks so fake. No chemistry between them at all.
    Tom definitely looks more at ease in the company of men.
    So did Ben Stiller’s wife divorce him? What’s up with that?

  21. Kevin says:

    Manda, thanks for the link. I had forgotten all about that post. What a jerk wipe.

  22. Kylie says:

    Katie looks so pretty!!! Absolutely gorgeous!

  23. blinditemreader says:

    My friend worked on a film set with Klein and said he was psycho and an alcoholic.

  24. Nobody's Fool says:

    Don’t you just love sincere and authentic couples like Cruise and Holmes? They’re so unpretentious and soooo much in love. I love how Cruise is never ostentatious. You just know that he has no ambition in Hollywood. I love how REAL he is!

  25. Dannni says:

    She was dating Josh Hartnett for 4 months before Tom.

  26. They’re both really weird