Oh, Nancy Pelosi is mad that Kamala Harris never kissed her ring in California

Every Democratic voter is 100% on board with Kamala Harris. That’s not a debate, and we’re all going to work like crazy to make sure she’s elected. But it’s a “yes and” conversation – we can focus on multiple things at once. Yes, we’re totally behind the Harris-Walz ticket. And we’re also still dealing with the fallout from how we got here and how a group of elected Democrats and big-money donors decided to organize a coup, a coup which involved publicly knifing Joe Biden in the back and trying to throw Kamala Harris out at the same time. The half-assed plan was “convince President Biden to drop out of the race” and then… something something open mini-primary and a contested Democratic convention in Chicago in August. I still find it notable that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did that Instagram Live, where she was basically like… certain Democrats are going to f–k this up. She really raised the alarm that they were trying to toss VP Harris out too.

Speaking of, Nancy Pelosi is currently on a poorly timed and poorly received book tour. Most of the questions she’s been asked are about her falling out with President Biden after she publicly and privately knifed him in the back and repeatedly advocated for Kamala Harris to be tossed aside. I’m not trying to be melodramatic, but this book tour might represent the last gasp of her career. She’s already belittled the Biden-Harris political machine. Now she’s making it clear that she’s not happy that Biden outmaneuvered her by endorsing VP Harris. Apparently, her beef with Harris goes way back. To the point where I’m now more convinced than ever that Pelosi was doing the most to kneecap the Biden-Harris ticket and ensure that Harris would never be the consensus candidate. Here are some highlights from Pelosi’s interview with the New York Times:

On San Francisco politics: “When it comes to the politics, it’s a network of allegiances, and it’s not easy. It’s competitive, and there are loyalties. And so you have to get through all of that. And look at Kamala. She ran against the incumbent [Terence Hallinan, the San Francisco district attorney]. I was actually for him, because he was for me. And his family, the Hallinan family, was a major Democratic progressive family. And she ran against him. She won. So she had courage to go forward. And then when she ran for state attorney general, it was a very tough race. But she figured out a way. So when people talk about her, I say: “You know what? She’s not only a person of deep faith, which I personally admire in her — and her commitment to public service. She knows what she cares about, and she fights for it. And politically she’s astute, but you don’t realize it.” And then she got to be vice president. And as soon as there was an opportunity — we thought there could be an open opportunity if people wanted to run, and they could have — but she locked it down right away.”

How Kamala Harris coalesced the party so quickly: “None of us had any idea Biden would announce his withdrawal that Sunday. Well, I didn’t have any idea. Most people didn’t. So when he did that, the thought was everybody wanted an open process. Let’s see the bench of the Democrats and let them compete and see what they can attract. But when he endorsed her, then it was, are you with Kamala or not? And she moved quickly — again, a sign of her adroitness, in terms of being politically astute.

Pelosi really wanted an open primary in July/August: “Our goal is to make sure that Donald Trump never sets foot in the White House. Because he’s beyond weird. I won’t go into all the adjectives. When you make a decision about your goal, you have to make every decision in favor of reaching that goal. But the most important part of the decision is the candidate and the campaign. And it didn’t seem as if there was a campaign in place, and it was discouraging to people. So when an opportunity presented itself, people grasped it because it was, well, I’d like to see an open thing. But then when it got in, we’re running with the ball. I always say to them, I have the three M’s, but we have the three No’s — no wasted time, no underutilized resources and no regrets the day after the election. So that decision about the campaign or, per se, the person, was the critical thing. And when that changed, the people who had been discouraged were overwhelmingly [energetic]…It’s beautiful to behold. Volunteers, small-donor contributions, just a whole different thing. Now we have to sustain it.”

Why she publicly knifed Biden on Morning Joe two days after his letter to Democrats, a letter in which he told them he was running & he had the delegates: “Well, I wanted to see a campaign that could win. Because I had made a decision that I stayed in Congress to defeat what’s his name, because I think he is a danger to our country. It’s not like a Bob Dole or a George Bush or something like that, where you have a difference of opinion. It’s patriotism — or autocracy or democracy. It’s a different thing….I didn’t accept the letter as anything but a letter. I mean, there are some people who are unhappy with the letter. Let me say it differently. Some said that some people were unhappy with the letter. I’ll put it in somebody else’s mouth. It didn’t sound like Joe Biden to me. It really didn’t.

[From The New York Times]

“And politically she’s astute, but you don’t realize it.” Pelosi is f–king pissed that Kamala didn’t kiss her ring in San Francisco, and that Kamala never needed the Pelosi machinery in the state. Pelosi underestimated Kamala and thought everyone else would too. “So when he did that, the thought was everybody wanted an open process…” The only people who wanted an “open process” were ratf–kers like Pelosi and George Clooney. The immediate outpouring of support AND MONEY for Harris was proof that actually, no one wanted a fakakta mini-primary this late in the election season, and that the majority of Democrats supported President Biden and HIS vice president. Pelosi is basically making a full confession here of just how thoroughly she tried to ratf–k both Biden and Harris.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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105 Responses to “Oh, Nancy Pelosi is mad that Kamala Harris never kissed her ring in California”

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  1. Dude says:

    Joe Biden payed Pelosi back ten-fold with not telling anyone he was dropping out of the race then endorsing Kamala Harris. His family and VP Harris probably knew. But none of those money/power-grubbing coup players knew. And it has made them look worse. Kudos President Biden!

    • Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Christine says:

      I’m never getting over President Biden’s brilliance and heroism. Not ever. The more we hear about what was going on behind the scenes, the more impressive his maneuvering. MVP grabbed the ball and ran with it.

      Nancy Pelosi, on the flip side, is likely ending a storied career with a coup attempt that wasn’t remotely well planned. FFS, at least have the broad strokes mapped out. Hold a mini- primary isn’t even a strategy.

      It’s unbelievable how many venerated politicians, on both sides!, have tanked their legacies in the fall-out from Trump’s mere existence.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        What a patriot he is. I cry every time I think about it. He came out of retirement in 2020 to save us. Then he did again, not just with handing things over to Kamala, but with how he protected her candidacy. God bless that man. What a hero.

      • Tate says:

        I feel the same. He didn’t run for president out of ego. He ran because he saw the country he loved being destroyed by a fascist piece of trash and his followers. He protected us then and he protected us last month when he outmaneuvered Pelosi and the others and passed the torch to Kamala.

        Joe Biden is an American hero and will be remembered as such.

      • Mina_Esq says:

        When I hear about his involvement in the prisoner exchange, and see how ready to go VP was, I am now convinced that this was Joe and Kamala’s plan all along. I think the president is well aware of the vipers and figured out a way to ensure Kamala was at the top of that ticket. He was already setting up his final big legacy act with the prisoner exchange. I hope he loves to 100 and gets to tell us the full story one day, hopefully after 8 successful years of Harris administration.

      • Jaded says:

        @Mina_Esq — spot on. Joe and Kamala managed to get the pre-planning done and the whole thing was kept absolutely air-tight. Clearly Pelosi is butt-hurt that this landed fully formed without her having a clue, she thought she was holding the control stick but she wasn’t.

      • Shim says:

        I think the Clintons were read in, based on how quickly they came out to endorse VP Harris.

      • Christine says:

        I think the Clintons were the only power players that were read in on any of this, which is fascinating in and of itself.

      • Janet says:

        ^^^^^ THIS

        Plus he was working on freeing all those people from Russia. Biden is my kind of person. He doesn’t take action for glory. He works for the greater good!

    • Tanya says:

      He’s not a stubborn man. I 100% believe the delay was him getting his ducks in a row to prevent chaos.

    • Fabiola says:

      Good on Biden for flipping the switch on them. They didn’t see it coming

    • Lexie says:


  2. seaflower says:

    Nancy as done amazing things in her career, but she’s failed to read the public sentiment, and failed to realise her grip on the party started waning when she moved aside for HJ. The new generation is flexing it’s muscle. Biden knew that when he made his decision, and he positioned it to give KH and the new generation room to move. NP was out played.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Yeah – I get the impression she fancies herself as a kingmaker of sorts or she’s just butt hurt that she never got the chance to get on a ticket.

      She’s coming across as one very bitter betty.

      • alexc says:

        I’m from San Francisco and she’s been the kingmaker for a long time. She controls all of the machinery – inherited from the Burton era – and she has direct access to all of the big donors. She doesn’t like anyone going around her.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        My guess is she made assurances to donors that Harris could never win (which her special insider knowledge allowed her to know) and is super embarrassed by the immediate support and donations. The national mood makes the concept of an open convention seem absurd.

        She’s been made to look like a fool in certain circles. Pretty unforgivable for a major ego.

      • Agnes says:

        Snaggletooth, Major Ego is exactly what all this is outing: hers, George Clooney’s, the Big Donors. Haha, f them all. That “And politically she’s astute, but you don’t realize it,” line really showed Pelosi’s ass. She obviously can’t see people with out a special filter, one where the prism is HER. I like Kamala more and more when I read stories like this, there’s so much going on between the lines.

    • B says:

      I agree Nancy did amazing things in her career especially taking on DonOld when we needed her to. But the way she and the cowards DEMS stab Biden will not be forgotten. Vote blue up and down the ballot because, we need the house and senate. After that we need to get other DEMS in when the backstabbers are up for re-election.
      We need to get money out of politics from the celebrity donors and big corporations.
      We the people can get the candidates we want in power.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I used to have a great deal of respect for Pelosi but what she’s pretty much admitting to doing and how they wanted to go about it was dangerous. Biden threw his hat in for 2020 because there were too many dems running and it was clear the damage they’d do to each other during the primaries would have made them a weakened competitor against Trump when the dems needed a consensus candidate. People got in line because they knew how dangerous a situation we were in. Biden has been more effective than anyone could have dreamed of considering what he inherited and the continued breakdown of political norms. If they wanted Biden to be a 1 term candidate (and I think they did), the party should have either building up Harris and a few other people to be her VP or they should have started the machinations to build up whoever she wanted to crown years ago so they could step in to be a consensus candidate instead of someone battered by the primary process. Having an open convention, this close to an election, when it wasn’t a case of very good but essentially equal options, was sure to fail and continue to play into the wildest dreams of the GOP.

      Unlike Joe Biden, Pelosi’s ego put us in even more danger than we were already in. I can’t forgive that and she can’t retire soon enough,

      • Sophie says:

        Well said. 👏🏻

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:


      • Christine says:


      • Snaggletooth says:

        Late in the day, but just IMAGINE where we would be in the open convention timeline. We still would have nothing to root for at a party. It would be arguing and recriminations and panic all day. We would all be crying. The dems in disarray headlines would write themselves. It is the bad place and I don’t want to even think about it anymore no thanks Nancy

  3. Lolagirl says:

    People need to call her office and tell her people to let her know to knock this shit off. We don’t care what or who SHE wanted in the job. This was always Joe’s
    choice and the choice of the people
    who supported Biden/Harris. Either support Harris or get out of the way.
    “MOVE PELOSI, Get out of the way”- as the chant goes- we’re trying to save Democracy and you’re trying to sell a book.

  4. lucy2 says:

    I appreciate the way Nancy has gotten votes through in the past, and she was a very effective Speaker, but maybe now is a good time for her to start taking a step back in party leadership, and at least until this election is done, stop stirring up controversy.

    • ML says:

      Great comment, Lucy2. I admire many of NP’s political accomplishments, and to get TFG out of politics and away from power… take a step back and listen instead of speak.

    • NotTheOne says:

      100% this. She was a strong Speaker. But now she needs to put the country first, like Biden did. The big question is, will her ego allow her to do that?

  5. Allyn says:

    I am fascinated by Pelosi’s ire at Biden outflanking her. I suspect she wanted Gavin Newsom to emerge from Democratic Thunderdome, and she completely misjudged Biden’s loyalty to Harris.

    The mistake Pelosi made is that she didn’t understand why Harris was on the ticket in 2020 in the first place. She assumed, as many did, that Biden was pandering — put a black woman on the ticket — but didn’t recognize that Harris and Biden’s late son Beau had a close friendship dating back to when they were Attorneys General of their respective states.

    I often think Biden tries to be the president Beau would have been, and I think that Beau’s memory is the last person in the room with him when he makes a decision. Harris, I contend, would have been Beau’s choice for Vice President — Biden said in 2019 and 2020 he was running for president because Beau could not — and Biden would not betray the memory of his late son that way.

    • LBB says:

      That is really beautiful Allyn.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Biden adores Kamala and vice versa. She was 10 toes down for him and he for her and the fact they were going to push them both out, which I have been saying for weeks here and now Nancy has confirmed just shows what a snake she was.

      It’s gross that Nancy though the Black woman would need to “earn” it.

    • sunny says:

      Well said.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Thank you so much for that. It’s beautiful, moving, and there is so much truth. Beau was a special guy who could have been a great President and Joe feels his loss daily, but he is always trying to build a better world for those who come after him. The world only spins forward.

      And, yeah, he had to have vibed with Harris. “Friend of Beau’s” was absolutely a big selling point. I will also note that Joe Biden is a lot less racist than a lot of his contemporaries and successfully worked for a Black boss. He seems to be successfully mentoring a Black woman as she tries making the next step up.

      • Christine says:

        Truth. I still have to stop and shake my head at how Obama had to be led by the hand to a table where there was any equality for LGBTQIA+. I suspect that was entirely Biden’s influence.

        Honest question, does anyone know of any time in his career where Biden was bigot? None are coming to me.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      I suspect you’re probably right. Most people, myself included, thought Harris got on the VP radar because of Obama, but it seems her strong, genuine friendship with Beau was more important in Biden’s decision o choose her as his VP.

      I loved Pelosi for her take no prisoners attitude while Speaker. She controlled our caucus and got votes when needed. But…she has seriously overreached. She tried to take down the President/Vice President. People that were admired and beloved. There’s no coming back from this.

    • Glossop says:

      A very insightful comment Allyn. I think you might be right!

    • kirk says:

      Pelosi was promoting a black woman, Karen Bass, back in 2020. Relationship-focused Joe barely knew her. There were plenty of influential black women urging him to select a black woman in 2020, through all means, including an open letter that got published in The Hill, and a WaPo op-ed. He’d already committed to selecting a woman as Veep.

  6. bisynaptic says:

    I don’t know whether it’s the way she’s being quoted, but half of what she said sounds like word salad, to me.

  7. Kokiri says:

    This all proves how important term limits are.
    If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always had.

    Pelosi represents old school politics, & this is not the past. The Harris campaign is excelling because they are just getting it done.
    No this & that, no what ifs, no let’s see what happens, no wait & see.
    Forward movement so fast Republicans can’t keep up.

    It’s time for a heartfelt “thank you for everything especially Jan6” & now let go Nancy. It’s time for you, just like it was time for Joe.

    • Christine says:

      I agree, and if we are making age an issue for the presidency, it needs to keep rolling to the House, Senate, and Supreme Court.

    • Sarah says:

      Yeah her time has come and gone and she needs to gracefully retire. I saw her on morning Joe about walz and she seems to struggle and it’s clear she’s just aged. You know like she said about Biden, though unlike him I’m not confident she can do the job anymore considering how wrong she is getting everything this last few months.

  8. Jais says:

    Sounds like pelosi was caught off guard by the grassroots support for Harris, the amount of money raised and especially the amount of small first-time -donors. She says Harris moved quickly, which is true, but even more, the people moved quickly for Harris and she wasn’t expecting that. At all.

  9. Miranda says:

    SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Oh my God, she’s having a Trump-level meltdown.

    I think the best thing we can do is just ignore her. Just…don’t acknowledge her at all. KH and TW are thankfully now somewhat insulated by a staggering amount of public support, to the extent that they don’t need her endorsement. People are finally recognizing that it’s time for the next generation to take charge, so NP should soon be irrelevant, anyway. She should take a cue from her “dear friend” Biden and bow out gracefully.

    • lucy2 says:

      She’s not having a trump-level meltdown.

      I just listened to her on Lawrence O’Donnell from a day or so ago, and she basically said the same things she did in the NYT interview, and she definitely came off more supportive. I do think she is a bit out of touch and I do think she was caught off guard by the Kamala support, and was instrumental in pushing Biden, but in the interview I listened to she was clear in her Harris /Walz support and also used the opportunity to knock trump/vance down quite a bit too.

      • kt says:

        thank you. we are spending way too much energy raging against these folks, and not focusing where we have to be focusing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Spot on this is a trump level meltdown! She’s been left behind, she doesn’t understand the world and the way the majority think anymore and can’t force her will just like trump so she’s having a tantrum.

  10. michel says:

    I always loved Joe Biden’s loyalty. He was an excellent VP and a great president but his clever endorsement of Harris was so classy. He made sure she got it. I love that about him.

  11. Veronica S. says:

    Really disappointing to see her doing this to her own legacy. Like, girl, c’mon. We haven’t even won the election yet. Let’s keep our disagreements within the party to ourselves until the worst is over. Then we can nitpick the shit out of one another.

  12. Nanea says:

    Reading all these thoughts NP feels entitled to share with the public proves once again that Kamala’s “We’re not going back” is not only aimed at those guys from the other party stuck in the last millennium, young and old alike, but also at all the Dems who used to do things differently, who used to have a hierarchy and held courts behind closed doors to determine candidates and policies.


  13. Amy Bee says:

    Obama wanted an open convention too. I’m just glad Biden saw the wisdom in stepping aside and Nancy should go too. She also should take some of the blame for Trump winning in the first place as coalescing around Hillary was just bad politics.

    • Aidee Kay says:

      Coalescing around Hillary was *not* “bad politics.” #WithHerForever

      • Pajala says:

        I personally love Hillary Clinton, but she was the wrong candidate in 2016: elitist, surrounded by scandals, and part of the old-school Democratic machinery that ultimately delivered Trump to the White House. I’m cancelling my membership in the Democratic Party even though I’ll always vote Dem, because wonderful Joe Biden for the past 2 years was clearly too incapacitated to be this year’s candidate. The Dems effed up big time.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Aidee Kay: Hillary shouldn’t have been the candidate. She wrong for a number of reasons and then she ran a bad campaign.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        Hillary should have won, but a certain demographic chose their husbands’ politics over their own best interests. #WithHerForever

        And…the fact she & Bill stood ten toes down for Biden & Kamala puts her legacy in a better light than Pelosi’s.

      • C says:

        I didn’t care for Hillary for certain reasons but I absolutely voted for her and I think people are forgetting the trajectory before the November 2016 election was decent until the James Comey disaster 11 days before.

      • Joy says:

        Reminder, Hillary did actually win – she won the popular vote. And that orange thing cheated and we all know this; there was Russian interference beyond the shadow of any doubt.

      • Sarah says:

        I think considering the man bill is and the actions we know he’s committed against women and who too is allegedly involved with we should not glorify him.

    • Sarah says:

      There is literally no proof Obama did all we know and have seen from him is he is super supportive of Joe and Kamala. Hell Kamala hired some of Obama’s key people.

      • Amy Bee says:

        In his statement after Biden stepped aside, Obama didn’t immediately endorse Kamala and said “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.” That says he wanted an open convention.

      • Sarah says:

        That doesn’t mean he wanted an open convention, it means he trusted the process and was focusing on Biden. This need to make him the bad guy who betrayed them when we have no real evidence and lots of the opposite is odd to me.

  14. A Guest says:

    Oh, there’s a lot more to this story which is too long to get into in this post. And it all goes back to the days of Wllie Brown, the former Speaker of the CA Assembly and then Mayor of SF. He wasn’t Governor but he ran the state even when the GOP held the mansion.

    Harris is too closely associated with Brown for Pelosi’s liking.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      I’d been thinking recently this sounded like an intra-SF beef between rival machine camps, or “outsider takes on the machine”. Thanks for that info.

      For non Californians, Willie Brown is why we have such restrictive term limits in our state house. It was passed by proposition to finally get him out of his very safe seat (he always brought the bacon home) and out of his leadership position.

  15. Nicole says:

    I’m not sure about the conclusion. She may have underestimated Kamala and wanted and open primary but she’s done a lot with Kamala. She and Kamala created Emerge which is solely dedicated to growing and grooming female candidates. Let’s face it she’s still a Baltimore and San Francisco elite. She probably didn’t want her for a whole host of reasons. Number one that she’s a black woman.

  16. H says:

    I think it’s a little naive to call Biden stepping down a “coup” and actually kinda ignorant considering there was an actual attempted coup towards Biden, when he took the presidency.

  17. TigerMcQueen says:

    Well Nancy, of course you were wrong, but then you were out of touch enough to gauge the temperature by listening to George Effing Clooney instead of the actual base of the party.

    Also, Nancy, stop saying it was Biden’s decision and you would respect it, because he told you his decision and you ignored it over and over and over again. Stop pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining.

    I hope the people who insisted that Harris was always the plan if Biden stepped down realize how wrong they were. This is why many people were outraged when the Bro and corporate contingent of the party started their push to oust Biden from the ticket. We knew they wanted a political-ball fantasy primary (they said out loud ffs) in which Harris was invited but not really because lookit all these white men candidates! We knew they didn’t want her, we knew there wasn’t a real post-Biden plan, AOC warned there wasn’t a plan and yet…once Biden stepped down and all the wind was at Harris’s back, we were told over and over that Biden didn’t outmaneuver anyone and that Harris was always the plan and how silly of us to have been upset.

    It’s obvious most grassroots orgs were planning on backing Harris if/when Biden made that decision, thank heavens. But it’s also obvious now that much of the party’s inept old school leadership didn’t back her and were caught flat footed when everyone coalesced around Harris so quickly.

    • Christine says:

      AOC is truly coming out of this looking like she has the political instincts of a future leader of the Democratic party.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Applause! And honestly that is what it was. AOC, Jasmine Crockett, John Fetterman all warned what the heck was really going on behind the scenes. People keep acting like this was about Biden, but nope they wanted any reason to push Biden and Harris out so that the donors could get their moderate white Dems in there. There’s a a reason why Manchin was an initial go on Monday morning and then realized oh crap, there’s no way and quickly backed out.

      • Christine says:

        I forgot about Jasmine Crockett! She’s also been on fire. I obviously need to start paying attention to John Fetterman, because I know nothing about him at all.

      • CatMum says:

        Fetterman is the dude who wears carhartts instead of suits. Along with Katie Price from the OC, he is one of my favorite congress members.

      • kirk says:

        CatMum – Katie Price? or Katie Porter?

  18. Angelica Schuyler says:

    Nancy needs to retire quietly while she still has a shred of dignity left. Many of us will never forgive her for stabbing Biden in the back and trying to push Harris aside. Nancy underestimated Joe and misread the room entirely about support for Harris. Now her ego is bruised. She should nurse her wounds privately, not on her book tour.

    The old guard, including Clooney and Obama and Schumer still think it’s 2008. The climate is different. Gen Z can vote, and Roe v. Wade has already been overturned. They are using an old playbook. Add Bernie Sanders to this somewhat as well. He was withholding his endorsement of Harris until she kissed his ring. But she has so much public support, he needed to put that hand back in his pocket, because she didn’t need his endorsement to further her cause.
    The old folks need to catch up to where the rest of us are, or have several seats. We’re not going to have a repeat of what happened to Hilary.

    They not like us.
    We’re NOT going back.

    • A Guest says:

      Not that I’ve ever given AF what Bernie Sanders thinks but he’s happy or what goes for happy with him for the Walz pick.

  19. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. This is orange menance levels of word salad from NP. She will be pissy into eternity because Biden outmaneuvered her and didn’t let the Democrats fall into complete chaos because of her scheming behind the scenes. She seems more upset that she didn’t get to handpick a pair of white dude candidates and control the purse strings than delighted that the party has been re-energized and has a solid chance of winning now. Younger Democrats need to take the lead. Term limits and supreme court reform need to be top priorities.

  20. girl_ninja says:

    She’s fucking nuts and absolutely ungrateful for the democrats base and our support of her. But we supported her because we thought she supported President Obama and by proxy President Biden. She’s mad that PJB got the drop on her with his backing Veep Harris for presidential nominee. She really underestimated his savvy and brilliance. I’ll be honest, after she endorsed that Kennedy kid over Ed Markley for senate I have been side eyeing her traitorous ass.

    But THIS? This shit is next level. Shhe has torched her legacy and I’ll be happy to see her gone.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      I forgot about the Ed Markey thing! That was wild and so freaking stupid. I recall going there’s no way that he’s going to win.

      • North of Boston says:

        I had forgotten about that too!
        I remember I was so pissed JK was trying to primary Markey in the first place. It was *not* the time, not because anyone has to ‘wait their turn’ but because in that moment Dems needed all hands on deck, holding on to their Congressional seats and campaigning like our all lives depended on it (because turns out, for hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, they did)
        He wasted democratic money, airtime, capital on friendly fire, a intraparty race and tying up both himself and Sen Markey when the nation would have been better served by them both being out campaigning for other Democratic candidates.

  21. MsIam says:

    Nancy needs to realize that the more she keeps talking, the bigger fool she looks. I think she, Obama and the rest of the bros got the rug pulled out from under whether they want to admit it or not. Look at all the bros like James Carville who are whining because no one is listening to them anymore. They better get with the program or get out of the way.

  22. Virginia Observer says:

    @Dear_White_Staffers IG posted the Friday before the announcement that Joe Biden would step down and endorse Kamala Harris as nominee, so yeah, people knew. Just not Nancy Pelosi. I’m a D.C. area native and the way this came about has been a big disappointment. I think in the end, this was the right move, but one of the most progressive Presidents in recent history deserved more than a public back-stabbing.

  23. SpankyB says:

    I wondered if she was hoping Gavin Newsom would be the winner in all of this. He was suspiciously quiet when all of this was going down.

    Poor Nancy, she’s in the FO stage of FA.

    • Anna Luc says:

      I still haven’t figured out who the NP wanted to get the nomination, but I don’t believe it was Gavin Newsom. He has some negatives. On the top of the list is an ex-wife named Kimberly Guilfoyle—yeah, that one. As an ex-wife, she could say anything about him, and he could not refute it in a 100-day campaign. So, whoever the NP clique was backing, I don’t think it was Newsom.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      FWIW, Gavin and Harris get along very well and he was not one of the pols backstabbing Biden during the transition period.

    • Kay says:

      Gavin Newsome is fiercely loyal to Biden and Harris, he spoke up for Biden many times after the debate. It’s been reported he turned down the request from Nancy and Co.
      Many of the Dems asking for Biden to step down were from California, i.e., Adam Shifty.

    • Christine says:

      I don’t think Gavin Newsom wanted in on this election cycle, and that was wise. Imagine the shit show if he was on the ticket against Trump with his ex-wife likely giving DT blow jobs every night before he drinks his Milk of Magnesia and lumbers off to bed. SNL would have loved it, though.

      • Agnes says:

        OMG. What a nightmare scenario. Yes, that’s the kind of drama the Dems don’t need now. Newsom is an excellent communicator, and running California is like running a whole country. I wonder where he’ll go long term? I’m glad he supports Harris-Walz.

  24. Giddy says:

    Nancy’s failure ro read the room on this is amazing since that was supposed to be one of her super powers. It’s time for her to go. .

  25. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Oh, this says a lot to me. Nancy is p!ssed that Joe outmaneuvered everyone. I suspect that there were many things that he did behind the curtain. I suspect ducks were in a row when he issued his statement stepping down. Thirty minutes later he endorses Kamala Harris. Oh, yes, he pulled many levers, and Harris started immediately getting delegates for her nomination. She inherited Biden’s campaign apparatus and made what changes she wanted. They make a hell of a team.

    So, Nancy, you’re two years older than Joe. How is your mental acuity? I believe that Joe just checkmated you.

  26. Sarah says:

    Personally I am glad Kamala didn’t go through Nancy and her network because now she isn’t beholden to any of the people that frankly are the root cause of most San Fran’s issues. So yeah I am glad she was like nope I’ll stay away from those jerks and Nancy can stay mad.

  27. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Like I have said before and will say again.
    Dark Brandon kept his cards close to his chest and waited and watched and listened until the time was right to drop that announcement. I agree with those who have said that stepping aside was most likely his plan all along and I will never be convinced that he didn’t know EXACTLY who was saying what, for and against. He hasn’t survived in politics for all these years by keeping his head in the sand. I am forever grateful for this man and his steady as he goes attitude.

    Also. I have always admired NP, especially her standing up to the orange douche, but she’s done her job and done it well and needs to step aside

  28. LOLikes says:

    Thank you Kaiser (Celebitchy) for continuing this rhetoric regarding Pelosi/Obama/Schumer/Clooney “convention.” Yes, we can “walk and chew gum at the same time.” I have always side eyed Pelosi when she didn’t exactly welcome the squad. I think she’s having a problem with the younger generation coming in with political acuity and more in tune with the American public.

    Regarding the Obama/Biden relationship, you might want to check out Biden’s Decision (full documentary) | FRONTLINE. It really kind of explains why I think Kaiser has been continuing these conversations about Obama stating in his response to Biden dropping out of the presidential race “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August.” IOW not VP Harris as the presidential candidate.

    The Biden/Obama relationship has not always been kumbaya?with? (if ever.)


    • Glossop says:

      Agreed lolikes.

      Voted for Obama twice but have never cared for him. Sorry but I have always felt that he has a hard time with trust and collaboration and for those reasons I don’t think he’s a particularly good politician. While I think Biden has always been loyal to him, I don’t think that’s been mutual. I feel for Biden. The folks have been loyal to him are the Clintons and AOC. And that says a lot. I trust AOC and that video of hers tells us everything we need to know about what the establishment wanted. They did not want Kamala.

    • Emmitt says:

      Pelosi was correct not to welcome The Squad because the vast majority of them are grandstanding attention seeking idiots. Which is why they’re beginning to drop like dominoes. AOC is the smartest one, because she’s at least willing to listen, learn and course correct.

  29. LOLikes says:

    Delete “with” in last sentence.

  30. Bugsmom says:

    I am grateful for President Biden but I am relieved, beyond relieved, that he withdrew whether pressured by Pelosi or not. Fair or not, he did not have the momentum to beat 45. I think she did the right thing and I’m grateful.

  31. Snerak says:

    Pelosi and other old guard insider stock trading Democrat leader have pushed the part so far to the right that it is indistinguishable from the Reagan era Republicans. Younger and more progressive Democrat leaders are working with all of their might to bring the focus of the party back to making government work for we the people instead of only the obscenely wealthy who are obsessed with holding power.

  32. Plums says:

    idk if I agree with this speculation. the support behind Harris was so quick to coalesce and so unanimous- literally the only person outside the GOP in congress who made noises about an open primary after Biden stepped down and endorsed her was Joe Manchin inviting himself onto all the morning shows to cry about it because he’s probably been entirely excluded since he left the party from any of the backroom conversations about this. But the transition of the campaign was so seamless and so quickly embraced, and no one stepped forward to challenge her as the nominee- it was just a cascade of endorsements from those probable people instead, that I felt it had to have been planned in advance behind the scenes by everyone high up in the party, including Nancy Pelosi, and they didn’t move forward until 1) after the RNC, 2) after they felt they had unanimity and 3) were convinced Kamala could pull it off if they pulled that trigger. I feel like President Biden was holding out until he became convinced she would have a better chance than he would- he was only running for a second term at all because Trump decided to run again, and maybe he was the last domino to fall, but I don’t view it as like a political ides of march in the democratic party with Nancy as Brutus or whatever- I think they were all talking with each other seriously about this move behind the scenes since the debate, at the latest. It didn’t feel like anyone was blindsided who you’d expect to be in-the-know. Just the public and the media and the other side.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Plums, I think those who wanted an open convention were taken by surprise when Biden endorsed Harris 30 minutes after withdrawing for the race. I think they were taken by surprise when it took Harris 24 hours (if that long) to get enough delegates to get the nomination. I think they were taken by surprise when donations began pouring in from regular people–not the wealthy, but regular people. I believe AOC’s video when she said they wanted Biden AND Harris out and they didn’t have a plan.

      The wealthy donors (and pelosi, etc.) thought they would get to pick the candidate. The regular people just said, ‘hold my beer’ and proved that Harris didn’t need them. After 40-48 hours they had no choice than to back Harris. She is who the voters want. Let them go pout.

  33. Emmitt says:

    Obama, Pelosi, Schumer & Jeffries thought there would be many challengers to Harris and an open convention/mini primary and Obama would come be this “unifying figure”. Democratic leadership wasn’t trying to get rid of just Biden, they wanted Biden AND Harris ushered off the stage and a fresh younger white ticket in their place. Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, Democratic Strategists and the media were shocked at how fast everyone mobilized behind Harris (and that doesn’t happen without Biden and the Clintons’ immediate endorsements). Obama absolutely was involved in ushering Biden off the stage, otherwise he wouldn’t have been gossiping with Pelosi about Biden’s “condition.” He’s going to do whatever he can to get Harris across the finish line but he reportedly wanted Mark Kelly to be the new nominee.

    • Amanda says:

      Omg mark Kelly? Look he’s a good guy and a benefit to Arizona and the democrats but… he spoke at the Arizona rally- I am so thankful he is not the vp candidate. He is not a great speaker- he was constantly looking down at his notes. He said all the right stuff but he doesn’t have the folksy quality of Tim walz nor his polite pit bull nature (all the zingers!!).

      I was one of the democrats furious that the party was pushing Biden out and I donated twice within 24 hours once he endorsed her. I suspect the rapid response by regular democrats sunk any plot for an “open convention “. It just became too dangerous for democrat politicians to openly go against the party rank and file when we voted with our wallets within a day.

      I’m so excited about our team and within 1 week of Harris being the formal nominee, Trump is already throwing tantrums!