King Charles has no plans to make visits or statements about all of the riots

Buckingham Palace’s courtiers had to cut their vacations short just to give a few briefings to news outlets about the white nationalist riots in England. After ignoring the riots for more than a week – a week in which Charles was seen enjoying the Highland Games without a care in the world – the courtiers finally sent some emails to friendly media outlets saying that of course Charles has “asked for daily updates” on all of the riots and hate crimes. So, we know Charles is being kept informed of targeted hate crimes against people of color, immigrants and anyone who stands up for them. But please don’t expect Charles to do anything other than stay informed.

King Charles is not currently expected to make visits or official statements about the wave of rioting, at least until after the the initial days of unrest have calmed down. According to royal sources, he is being kept updated daily about the public disorder. But a royal intervention is so far not imminent, with a response to the protests being left to the government, rather than a monarch who is expected to stay out of politics.

It follows the precedent of the late Queen Elizabeth who did not send any messages during the rioting of 2011. In such previous cases, royal visits to trouble spots have tended to follow after the wave of unrest and violence has settled.

However, the lack of an immediate public response to the riots from the King has been criticised as a “cowardly absence” by the anti-monarchy group, Republic.

“We’re told the monarch is supposed to be a figurehead who unites the nation, yet when the nation is in crisis he’s nowhere to be seen,” said its leader, Graham Smith.

That was rejected by historian and author Sir Anthony Seldon, who said: “Now is not the right time for the King to become involved. He is head of state, and it’s appropriate that while the crisis is going on, the head of government, the prime minister, handles the crisis management and says what is needed to be said. The time for the King to speak, if at all, is when everything has calmed down again. The issues that have led the riots are not going to go away quickly. We need to hear his considered thoughts then about societal harmony,” Sir Anthony told the BBC.

Historian Kate Williams, on Times Radio, said the King should speak out now to promote community cohesion. “This would be a moment for the King to talk about multiculturalism, the Commonwealth, people coming together, and I think that if I were advising him I would suggest making that statement sooner rather than later,” she said.

But constitutional expert Craig Prescott, in a social media post, said it would be “problematic” for the King to intervene now. “In general, the monarchy does not comment on current political events,” he said, suggesting any visits should come later, helping with efforts to rebuild community relations.

[From The BBC]

The truth is, if Charles wanted to speak up or do some in-person community outreach or even meet with the families of the murdered girls, he would. He would go there or make a statement encouraging peaceful multicultural unity and the courtiers, government and media would find a way to justify it and explain why it was fine/bold/smart in this case. But because Charles doesn’t want to get involved, this is all moot. For all of this talk about Charles doing things his way and waving away the advice of his mother’s counsellors, Charles would rather dither and fuss over Camilla.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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30 Responses to “King Charles has no plans to make visits or statements about all of the riots”

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  1. Of course not he is enjoying what is happening !!

  2. Lau says:

    Yikes. This is beyond embarrassing for him and this entire family but let’s be honest, it’s not surprising at all.

    • Mika says:

      Say what you will about QEII. After tragedies, she visited the victims. She did the hospital rounds. She travelled to where people were grieving.

      • Nic919 says:

        She only did that later on. When there was a mining disaster in Aberfoyth she did not go there until much later.

      • Joy says:

        First, it’s Aberfan. Second, she waited 8 days. In the meantime, Lord Snowden and Prince Philip both went. The collapse was on 10/21/66 and she went there on 10/29/66.

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    Of course he can’t be bothered to make a statement like “violence is bad :(“. He’s busy on vacation! Mushrooms don’t forage themselves you know, even when your mother is dying.

    BP also couldn’t be bothered to congratulate any of the GB olympians of color but did get out there right quick to congratulate their wealthy white equestrian team.

  4. Lindsay says:

    This is all I see – 🤡

  5. ariel says:

    Charles may be low key about it, but the whole british empire is based in white supremacy, and charles is a white supremacist, in his personal life, and his country.
    He is unfailingly polite, as he was bred to be.
    But, like his quietly pro-brexit mother before him, he is the king of white supremacy.

    He does not disagree with the rioting white supremacists.

    British are so polite they talk about being anti immigration- but what they mean is anti-brown people.

    Charles does not care about any of his 5 grandchildren- except maybe the heir. But he is appalled he has grandchildren with even one drop of non-white blood in them. He has made sure they cannot come into his kingdom with any protection, he actively is against keeping them safe.

    Abolish the monarchy.

  6. Saucy&Sassy says:

    They’re going to go with what was done historically? That’s the way to modernize the Monarchy. Not.

    • Gill says:

      The 2011 riots came in the wake of the police shooting so I can kind of see why they didn’t speak up then but this is different and needs leadership from the top…also the queen visited Hillsborough, Dunblane, Grenfell and the Manchester victims within days of the tragedies, one unsigned ‘official’ statement from the top and a twitter post from pegs for the Southport victims is disgusting IMO particularly when the 🐳 are unable to do any work so that they can prioritise their own children

  7. TN Democrat says:

    He literally cannot say anything meaningful on the topic without upsetting his Tory handlers/rota buddies who encourage white nationalist poison or having sane people point out he has no authority to speak about race after how he treated Meghan/Harry/Lili/Archie and how his family have benefitted from racism for centuries. Rome is burning and Nero is wearing a kilt in Scotland. At least Baldimort is contained and not adding fuel to the fire with his boredom with racism and ineptitude, but give him time.

    • Interested Gawker says:


      CIII hasn’t a leg to stand on in this situation.

    • Lise says:

      Agreed. This is all giving very 1789 French Revolution vibes – Louis XVI marking “rien” or nothing in his diary while the Bastille is being torn apart stone by stone.

    • Rnot says:

      Side note: I’ve read that Nero was a victim of a smear campaign kinda like Richard III and that many citizens of Rome had taken refuge from the fires at the Imperial palace so that he played music to soothe and calm the frightened crowd. I don’t know if we’ll ever know for sure millennia later, but it’s fascinating to realize that most of written history is really just preserved celebrity gossip.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    According to the DM, he’s frustrated at his inability to get involved in this issue. No, he’s just a racist and a coward who’s afraid to lose support from his white nationalist base. But perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by his inaction because he was upset that Harry spoke up against racism towards his girlfriend and did or said nothing when Meghan was continuously attacked by the press and her life was threatened by white supremacists. In fact he didn’t even want Meghan and Harry’s children to have titles.

  9. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    So many Celebitchies on 🎯 and the world’s corporate headquarters for colonialism/racism carries on with Chuck setting the standard and getting his ring kissed.

  10. Monc says:

    He’s a waste of space… can’t even use his platform for anything outwards of him… pathetic…

  11. ShazBot says:

    “ We need to hear his considered thoughts then about societal harmony,” Sir Anthony told the BBC.

    Ok, SIR Anthony, is that all we expect from a head of state? Considered thoughts about societal harmony after the fact? No action, no guidance? WHAT IS THE POINT OF THEM?

  12. Libra says:

    I love the word “dither” to describe Charles. Didn’t the queen (The real one) say that Charles dithers?

  13. GMH says:

    One of the high points of QE2’s reigh aas her address to the nation during the Covid lockdown. The riots are as consequential but the soverign is not doing his duty of bringing the country together and providing reassurance and continuity. The king has very few substantive responsibilities and he gets a “F” on this one. And yet, he gladly takes hundreds of millions from the taxpayer. What a shame. History will not be kind.

    • Rnot says:

      Agreed. That was one of her best moments during my lifetime. There had been such a lack of leadership at that moment in time. There was so much fear and uncertainty. She was able to reassure people that we’d get through this together. Having survived WWII and the blitz, that message had so much more emotional credibility than anything the government could have mustered.

      The monarch is supposed to be the personification of Britain. He’s the head of the church. It’s 100% in his lane to speak to the nation directly about values, not policies. He should be able to deliver a powerful “this is not who we are” message and direct attention to the peaceful counter-protests. But that’s not who Charles is, and he doesn’t have any advisors with the sense to recognize that this is a crisitunity.

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    A pay raise of £45M, the British people are being robbed in broad daylight. That family, especially the King and his consort, are a national embarrassment and disgrace. This man runs a racist hate campaign through the British media against his own grandchildren and their Parents of course he isn’t condemning the riots he isn’t any better than they are. I imagine his temper tantrums are pretty similar to the destructive rioting.

    • GMH says:

      I actually think all of this is what really frightens the king. He is afraid to take a high moral position on this because he does not want to draw the anger of the white nationalusts. Ironically, that is why his younger son is living in the US. And more ironically, the king’s unwillingness to acknowledge the fact that people are in prison now for putting his son and family in jeopardy is why is press coverage is so horrible.

  15. Nic919 says:

    Harry called out the racism of the media in 2016, which has helped foment the racism that erupted into riots. He and Meghan were gaslight and still to this day most Britons deny that what was done to Meghan (and Archie) was racist.

    Charles can’t speak to the people because he was a much of a problem as the rest.

    No one is expecting him to be in the middle of the protests, but staying quiet about it is not what a head of state does in any other country. They are pretending like Starmer could really stop Charles from speaking if that’s what he really wanted to do. But he does not really care.

  16. 809Matriarch says:

    I suppose with one foot tipping into Hades, he’s just gonna eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow…

  17. Mayp says:

    “….it would be “problematic” for the King to intervene now. “In general, the monarchy does not comment on current political events”.

    Since when would decrying the violence and hatred directed at a group or groups of people be “political”? Is domestic terrorism simply something that can be debated, like when Trump said there are good people on both sides?! As though burning, looting and violence are legitimate political beliefs.

    This is just an excuse so that Charles doesn’t have to speak out against his base or look like he is doing something in support of the current Labour government in the UK.

    They pulled this on Diana too. Outright beefing against her expressing “political” views because she cared about bringing attention to things like AIDS patients and clearing landmines.

    Yes, something can become a political issue when it comes to funding which needs to be appropriated by their Parliament.

    However, merely calling out against violence and for unity and for others’ human and civil rights to be observed is absolutely apolitical. Charles, again, is on the wrong side of history here.

  18. Interested Gawker says:

    Misan Harriman and the Runnymede Trust have been far more more proactive making a direct link between the demonizing language and attitude of government and media bad actors in Britain through their Instagram video than the royals could ever hope to do. King Charles knows full well Camilla and William’s media pals work hand in hand with that lot in their ongoing anti H&M campaign. The woman arrested for first announcing the fake name of the Southport suspect on social media had been on Dan Wootton’s GBN tv show at least once -that’s beyond ‘seven degrees of separation’, these are the Same. Exact. People. encouraging these racist yobs and going after the Sussexes, using the Heritage Foundation in the States too. All these conservative types are obsessed with authoritarian/fascist politics and are bound up together internationally; in Russian kompromat, Epstein blackmail, Murdoch/British media, Thiel&Musk, Project 2025 it is ALL interconnected.