Cele|bitchy | Oh no, Canada picked up some security costs around the Sussexes’ visit

Oh no, Canada picked up some security costs around the Sussexes’ visit

There’s nothing quite like it, when the British media believes they have some kind of smoking gun, or some kind of big “gotcha” moment for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Back in February, Harry and Meghan traveled to Whistler and Vancouver for the “one year to go” events for the Invictus Games. The Sussexes were in Canada for four days or so, and they made multiple public appearances, highlighting the 2025 games (the first winter-sports games in Invictus’s history) and also highlighting Invictus’s partnership with the First Nations community in Whistler and Vancouver. There was a lot of soft diplomacy involved and coordination with the Canadian government AND the First Nations. Well, the British media are now screaming, crying and throwing up about how Vancouver police were on hand and it cost Canadian taxpayers £25,436 in police overtime to vaguely ensure that everyone in the general vicinity was safe.

Canada paid for a police presence while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the Invictus Games, despite the couple saying they would not use taxpayer money for their security once they stopped being working royals. Vancouver police spent C$44,555 (£25,436) on security-related overtime during the Sussexes’ short visit to the city in February, CTV news has reported.

The 390.5 hours of police overtime was not specifically for Prince Harry and Meghan but to maintain public security near to Invictus events while unrelated protests happened in the city. The Sussexes’ personal security was paid for by private donors, a representative for the Invictus Games said.

The Duke and Duchess spent three days in Vancouver and Whistler in February, at a “one year to go” event promoting the winter games. The Invictus Games paid $10,221 of the $44,555 security bill through cost recovery, with Canadian taxpayers left with $34,333 in overtime. The figures were revealed in a freedom of information request filed by CTV News.

“We didn’t specifically provide security for them,” a Vancouver police department spokesman told the outlet. “But we had officers in the area they were in [in] case any issues arose due to the ongoing protests in the city.” Protests involved rallies in support of Palestinians and Sikh independence.

Doug Maynard, director of security for Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025, added: “Taxpayers did not fund the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s security during their visit last February; their private security detail was paid by individual donations directed by the donors for that purpose. Public safety was ensured by Vancouver police resources in the area should issues have arisen due to protests in the city at that time.”

[From The Telegraph]

“…Despite the couple saying they would not use taxpayer money for their security once they stopped being working royals.” Canada pleaded with Invictus to stage another Invictus games in the country, and Harry and Meghan both bring a lot of attention, goodwill and free media to any country they visit. Even if Canada had paid for their security the entire way through, it would have made perfect sense. They are VIPs – not because of their royal status, but because of Invictus. You know, why they were there in the first place. I’m glad that the Telegraph is suddenly very interested in security costs though – surely they’ll investigate how much it costs to keep Kate wherever she’s being hidden? What about Prince Andrew’s security costs as he lounges about in Royal Lodge? Who was paying for Sophie’s security at the Olympics? Apply the same energy towards those questions!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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32 Responses to “Oh no, Canada picked up some security costs around the Sussexes’ visit”

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  1. equality says:

    So they start with a lie and refute it before the end of the story. I wonder how many people read their articles to the end and not just the headlines and first paragraph or so.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Vancouverites will pay for any of the Vancouver Police Departments over time, not the entire country. The British media doesn’t know how to read a map. Shocking! Likely, it was the RCMP (no, they don’t ride horses any more, either) that would’ve protected the Sussesfuls during their Whistler visit. The RCMP is Canada’s police agency, with some provinces (Ontario and Newfoundland) and some cities and municipalities throughout the country having their own police departments. I’d happily pay for police protection for the Sussexfuls anytime they are in Canada.

    • kirk says:

      Watched some kind of ‘expert’ proclaim the other day that young people only read headlines, then head straight for the comments. Sounds like an utterly worthless exercise. Would hope that anyone who’s even mildly interested in M-H, would have improved their critical reading skills since 2018. Speaking of worthless headlines, how about this one from the so called paper of record, NYT: “Biden Promised Peace, but Will Leave His Successor a Nation Consumed by War.” Sound like somebodys over there are totally in the tank for tRump?

    • Yvette says:

      @equality … Yes, because they know their readers only read the Headlines of articles. It’s a sly underhanded trick the British media uses that wouldn’t make it past Editors in most U.S. news outlets.

  2. Krista says:

    They do the “GOTCHA” in the first paragraph, then completely debunk themselves in the second paragraph. How is anyone supposed to take this seriously??

  3. MsIam says:

    It literally says the security was not specifically for the Sussexes but for the entire event. When Taylor Swift came to town I’m sure there was police security provided around the venue, if not specifically for her. How is this different other than its Harry and Meghan? Those mofos should be worried about what’s going on in their own riot plagued country, not in somewhere else. Geez the right wing is the absolute worst.

    • Christine says:

      It feels like a harbinger of doom. We are going to watch the media relentlessly break down the secret service costs for MVP, and then once she’s President, and claim they are wildly more than any other presidential candidate has ever had. This is unbelievable to watch. They are literally cutting and pasting their two names into nearly identical “articles”.

  4. Afken says:

    “Despite the couple saying….” This is so STUPID. Canada BID for the games! Invictus didn’t impose themselves upon Vancouver! So of course security is going to come into it, they have a high profile patron!

  5. Libra says:

    They are counting on people to only read the first paragraph. The last paragraph,” taxpayers did not fund” would escape the attention of those just scanning the article. What a scam they continue to perpetrate on their readership.

  6. Oh come on. says:

    So … like any police department, the Vancouver Police Department assigned a police presence to ensure order at a high-profile public event.

    That’s not “Canada paid for it”, which makes it sound like some kind of diplomatic visit. It’s the municipality paying to maintain public order, as per normal.

    Anything to outrage their British readers, I guess? I have to doubt even the most Sussex-hating British reader can muster much genuine concern about the use of taxpayer dollars in Vancouver, BC.

    Nice try, tho.

    • Christine says:

      Exactly! This is the exact same scenario as the Worldwide Federation of Dentists (not a real thing) holding a convention at the Marriott by the airport. Security is obviously attached to any large event.

  7. What’s the use of a gotcha if they are going to say it really isn’t a problem at the end? I think they have gone completely insane.

  8. Jay says:

    And? Given the value that the Sussexes and Invictus as a whole add, I think that’s a great deal.
    The Canadian taxpayers are stuck paying for any leftover royals that deign to come, and they barely make the local news (literally – I learned about Sophie’s last Toronto visit from celebitchy!). If the BM wants to go there and pull up some side-by-side comparisons of how much a royal visit costs Canadians, by all means – but they might regret stirring the pot.

    • Joanne says:

      I’d much rather pay for the security for the Invictus Games then I would for the visit from Chuck and his side mare, They came and no one cared until they laughed and disrespected the Inuit throat singers. They were beyond rude. Give me the Duke and Duchess of Sussex any day.

  9. Lau says:

    They really want to talk about the Suxesses supposedly using taxpayer money when they an entire family of lazy useless leeches back at home uh ?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      They obviously feel the need to complain because the French complained loudly about the half a million pound lobster dinner served for Chuck.. if Canada, Nigeria and Colombia won’t complain leave it to the British tabloid media to do it for them🙄.. such a horrible look now they are pocketbooking foreign governments.

  10. Noor says:

    The Telegraph just cannot help itself but spit venom when it comes to reporting about the Sussexes.

  11. Dee(2) says:

    Police presence is always going to be more, and you’re going to see an increase in overtime if there is a dignitary in town or if there is even a concert going on. When the Era’s tour or Megan the Stallion or Morgan Wallen was in my city you saw CPD everywhere. It’s just the cost of business in a large town or city. And it sounds like the extra police presence was because of potential protests not because they were following them around solely. Protesters also use dignitaries being in town to highlight eyes and attention on their causes. I swear it’s like the British media just loses all common sense when it comes to somehow needling Harry and Meghan.

  12. Nic919 says:

    Cops get paid very well so $44k of overtime isn’t that much.

  13. Jais says:

    They’re gotcha moment has all the energy of a deflated balloon.

  14. Juliette says:

    Pretty rich for them to complain about the security costs but crickets about how Vancouver city council spent almost triple that for a wine & cheese event in Toronto that was really just an excuse to get drunk and eat on the taxpayers dime. I’d rather pay for their security, at least they actually do something and bring attention to causes. The total bill for food and alcohol at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference networking event last year was $64.620.94.

  15. Thea says:

    That’s it? All this pearl clutching over only £25,436? Compare that to the cost last time Kkkate and William came to our country and it’s clear the Sussexes are a better value for our money. This Canadian thinks we the good taxpaying people of Canada should bill the British Royal Family and their Royal Rota for all security costs we have to bear for hosting the Sussexes in our country since those racists morons were the ones who created and continue to actively fuel the hate against them. In our news, Canadians are too busy focusing on our record performance in the Paris Olympics (which sadly just ended) and eyeing the presidential campaign in the US (I’m hoping for a Harris-Walz victory dance in Nov and another Four Seasons news conference from that orange rapist dictator).

    Meghan has a lot of good will from her days living in Toronto while filming “Suits”. The British media should give up on the gaslighting cuz we knew her for years before they did and she never made a fuss or put on diva demands during her time here. And it speaks volumes that she and Harry were able to develop their relationship here in Toronto under the radar until they were ready to announce it. Canadians aren’t and won’t be fussed about hating this couple like the British media and RF wants us to be.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    The Telegraph tried but this is not the gotcha they think it is. No country in the world would refuse to provide security for Harry and Meghan on official visits because they wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them while they’re were on their soil.

  17. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It seems that there is a lot happening the in the UK that the bm could be reporting on. Why don’t they talk about the increased costs of police presence/protection during the race riots? It seems the British people should know what hate is costing them.

  18. tamsin says:

    The Telegraph story itself proves beyond a doubt that they write misleading headlines. How is that a good thing if you want to be respected and credible journalists. The Tory rag has slid into the gutter with the tabloids. There really is a tabloid culture that defines the British press.

    I don’t think Canada “begged” Invictus to have a second games. An original proposal for hybrid games was submitted and accepted. Having hosted a winter Olympics, Canada already had the infrastructure.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    Maybe the British newspapers ought to report on how much extra security is needed for the Sussexes because of their vile reporting.

    Do the cost analysis of that.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      @QuiteContrary excellent point. With British “journalism” they put people in danger. Especially those already facing disparities in unreasonable hate and violence.

    • sunnyside up says:

      But being un nice to Harry and Meghan pays well and it keeps them on the RR

  20. Lavendel says:

    These right-wing publications only want to stir up people’s hatred against Harry and Meghan. All the costs that should actually be directed against the Windsors are served up to the people for Harry and Meghan. All the injustice and selfishness of a class and caste society is not reflected, but is instead pushed onto the liberal and democratic forces in a right-wing radical manner. None of this godless agitation is worth considering. This agitation should only be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

  21. Mina_Esq says:

    Even if this was specifically incurred to protect H and M, it’s not in relation to their roles as former royals. It’s in their capacity as VIP’s linked to a huge upcoming event that will bring money to the region. Any person with common sense knows that it’d be really bad PR for Canada if their VIP visitors were to get hurt on their watch. The deranged desire the British press has to see H and M get hurt is truly disgusting.

  22. Beverley says:

    Oh man, the British media really wants the Sussexes to be denied security wherever they go. At best, the RR hopes that with less security, they might gain access. More likely the media and the Left-Behinds are actively wishing for harm to come to H&M. It’s outrageous and shameful no matter which is their agenda.