Celine Dion isn’t happy about Donald Trump using ‘My Heart Will Go On’ at his rally

President Biden dropped out of his reelection campaign and endorsed Kamala Harris on July 21. Within 48 hours, VP Harris had raised $250 million and locked down enough delegates to become the Democratic nominee. Hilariously, one of the first things the new Harris campaign did was lock down Beyonce’s “Freedom” as their go-to campaign song for rallies and ads. Beyonce personally authorized VP Harris the use of the song and we should absolutely take that as Beyonce endorsing VP Harris. The campaign has also already gotten Bon Iver to perform at a rally, and Tim Walz apparently loves Bruce Springsteen, so his rally song is “Born to Run.” I assume the Boss authorized that as well.

What’s also hilarious is that no artist wants their music played at Donald Trump’s rallies. At all. This was an issue in 2016 and 2020. Even Adele – an artist beloved by Trump – had to come out and say, absolutely not, stop using my music at your rallies. Well, the latest artist to send a cease & desist is Celine Dion. First, please enjoy the Trump campaign using “My Heart Will Go On” at their Montana rally on Friday:

The Trump Titanic, sinking into the icy waters, hypothermia setting in, with all of the fascists going down with the ship. “My Heart Will Go On” is Celine Dion’s biggest song, it won an Oscar and sold millions. Celine was not happy, and her team released this statement:

LMAO. I was going to say “Celine should come to the DNC” but I looked it up and apparently Celine never became a naturalized American citizen. So probably not. She’s just a Canadian horrified by Trump.

Speaking of the DNC and big-name celebrities… there are rumors that Beyonce will attend and perform at the Democratic National Convention. I mean… she performed at President Obama’s inauguration ball. And Beyonce does seem to be big on reclaiming everything Americana these days. The more I think about it… the more I believe that Beyonce might actually do this. Oh, and the Daily Beast claims that John Legend, Kerry Washington and several other celebrities will attend the DNC. I’ve also heard that rumor that Trump is terrified that Taylor Swift will attend some Harris rallies and he’s considering bringing out Kid Rock to combat the Swifties and Beyhive.

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57 Responses to “Celine Dion isn’t happy about Donald Trump using ‘My Heart Will Go On’ at his rally”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Very odd choice for Trump using that choice in many ways.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      Because of your comment, I also realized there is another reason why this is not a great choice.

      I was just thinking about the sinking ship that is his campaign.

      • Nanea says:

        It’s not only the sinking ship context, but also that it’s so often used for funerals that makes DonOLD’s campaign using it more than strange.

    • Debbie says:

      Let’s all hope that choice of songs is prophetic. I know I do.

  2. ML says:

    Well, if Trump’s campaign sinks, MY heart will still go on.

    “…he’s considering bringing out Kid Rock to combat the Swifties and Beyhive.”

    Hahaha, Kid Rock to combat Swifties and the Beyhive?!?! Hahahahahahaha!!!

  3. Amy says:

    Walz used John Mellencamp’s Small Town yesterday or the day before.

    • Ciotog says:

      Mellencamp is or at least was a Dem, so I’ll bet he’d approve that.

    • liz says:

      Walz was seen at the State Fair wearing a Springsteen concert t-shirt (he and his daughter were riding some insane spinning/dropping thing). But Mellencamp’s “Small Town” would be a good choice for him (and probably be OK with Mellencamp}.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Mellencamp is a very vocal and proud Democrat

  4. Caitlin says:

    Bravo Celine!!!! Although his campaign seems to be a sinking ship, unauthorized use of someone’s music is bad form (but not surprising for Trump).

    PS I was surprised to learn Celine did not become an American citizen! Most entertainers who leave Canada and relocate to the US have become US citizens – Justin Beiber, Michael J Fox, too many to list!!!!!

  5. Libra says:

    Titanic. No explanations necessary.

  6. TeamAwesome says:

    The comments under that post were a cesspool. The irony of shut up and do what you’re paid for is completely lost on these idiots when in normal use she *would* have been paid for it and they cheated in that as they do all things.

  7. Lightpurple says:

    John Legend performed at the 2020 convention. Kerry Washington was a featured speaker at the 2020 DNC convention along with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tracey Ellis-Ross, Eva Longoria, America Ferrara, and Elizabeth Banks. I expect all of them will show up again

  8. Digital Unicorn says:

    The shade – someone is going to start crying again!!! I saw the clip of him looking at the crowd size and his voice squeaking, he was soo trying not to cry.

  9. Hypocrisy says:

    Kid Rock barely draws a crowd in his home state of Michigan.. I have had the great misfortune of having to be at events and social gatherings with him he is even worse in real life. He is perfect for the gop, raised in suburbs by wealthy parents and crying about being the victim seems to be the foundation of the GOP. I still have questions about the death on his property in Tennessee of his assistant. Trump can keep him. I think our side wins the singing competition especially with the fan bases.

    • Jaded says:

      This is what Kid Rock said about Bey and black women in general:

      “Kid Rock incurred the wrath of the infamous and relentless BeyHive after the 90s rocker-rapper went off on an unprovoked vulgar tirade against Beyonce in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. In the latest issue, the singer explains why he’s “flabbergasted” by Beyoncé’s vast international fandom.

      “Beyoncé, to me, doesn’t have a f—— ‘Purple Rain,’ but she’s the biggest thing on Earth,” he said. “How can you be that big without at least one ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ or ‘Old Time Rock & Roll’?” That was dastardly enough, to fire shots on an unsuspecting target without provocation or sound rationale. But then Kid Rock went all perverted on us and told Rolling Stone that he doesn’t find “Dangerously in Love” singer, or any black woman for that matter, attractive. Of course, Rock was linked to a number of black women during his heyday 20 years ago, but we won’t go there.

      “People are like, ‘Beyoncé’s hot. Got a nice f—— a–.’ I’m like ‘Cool, I like skinny white chicks with big tits.’ Doesn’t really f—— do much for me.”

      SMH in utter disgust.

  10. BW says:

    Why doesn’t Drumpf use Kid Rock songs? (Goes and googles titles of Kid Rock songs.). BWA-HAHAHAHHHAA. OK, that’s why.

  11. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    Ah yes… bringing out Kid Rock to combat the popularity of Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. Even if this was the year 2000, I think this would be a struggle.

  12. Jay says:

    “and really, that song?” Haha, Celine and her team being savage, I love it.

    He’s such a creep!

    • Lucy2 says:

      That’s my favorite part two, the “really?!“

      I am hoping Beyoncé performs, and really, really hoping there is a whole chorus of famous singers backing her up!

  13. Jais says:

    Every single time Kamala Harris walks out to Beyoncé’s Freedom, I get chills. Every time. The song fits perfectly.

  14. Brassy Rebel says:

    If anyone has not yet seen Bon Iver’s performance of “The Battle Cry of Freedom” at the Wisconsin rally, I highly recommend. It’s available on YouTube. And it’s amazingly relevant to our current situation even though it was written in 1862. Talk about chills!

    • Bklne says:

      Just watched it, and LOVE the song! Here are the (real, non-parody) lyrics:

      Yes we’ll rally round the flag y’all, rally once again,
      Shouting the battle cry of freedom,
      We will rally from the hillside, rally from the plain,
      Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

      The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
      Down with the traitors, and up with the stars;
      While we rally round the flag y’all, rally once again,
      Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

      We will welcome to our number the loyal, true and brave,
      Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
      And although he may be poor, not a man shall be a slave,
      Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

      The Union forever! The boys, hurrah, hurrah!
      And down with the traitors, and up with the stars;
      While we rally round the flag y’all, rally once again,
      Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
      Shouting the battle cry of freedom!


    • JanetDR says:

      When I get discouraged driving by confederate and Trump flags, I sing the Battle Cry of Freedom to pump myself up!

  15. amadabasura says:

    Kid Rock? More like Grandpa Gravel. Sure, add some to the sinking ship.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Grandpa Gravel needs to become his new name every where now🤣👏🏼.. thank you for that.

  16. Giddy says:

    I’m praying that Beyoncé and Taylor Swift attend the convention. Not only would that help lock up a huge portion of the younger vote, but it might cause a certain orange one to implode.

  17. Margarita says:

    That’s weird he can’t even get the Dlisters who worship him online to show up at his rallies. I’m sure they’re big names who are Trumpers but they would never admit publicly, like known animal abuser Chris Pratt.

  18. Bklne says:

    (This is just a first pass, but this whole scenario is just BEGGING for a parody …)

    🎼 Every day on my screen
    I see you, I hear you
    That is how I know you go on🎵

    No matter how much distance
    And space I put between us
    You still want to show you go on🎶

    Near, far, wherever you are
    I believe that the shitstorm goes on
    West, South, you open that mouth
    And I sigh, roll my eyes,
    And your raging goes on and on ..,

    🎶Grift can touch us one time
    And last for a lifetime
    And never let go ’til he’s gone

    🎵Children locked in cages,
    Their families separated
    In their lives the trauma goes on

    Near, far, wherever you are
    I believe that the shitstorm goes on
    West, South, you open that mouth
    And I sigh, roll my eyes,
    And your raging goes on and on …

    🎶 Still here, but less now to fear
    And I know that the rage will go on

    He’ll stay forever that way
    But there’s hope in my heart
    Harris-Walz will go on and on …

  19. bisynaptic says:

    I don’t understand why he does this. He has Kid Rock and Ted Nugent on board, why not use their songs?
    Does he have a compulsive need for rejection?

    • Ameerah M says:

      Because he doesn’t actually like them. And he knows they are Dlist artists. Trump has ALWAYS been concerned with proximity to popularity. He wants to be with the cools kids. But no one wants or likes him.

  20. Aurora says:

    … Because he’s sinking like Titanic?

  21. Marley says:

    Not sure if I can post a link, but check out mermaidmamamaggie. She has a hilarious take on this and all things Trump. I especially like the one where she is a Secret Service agent warning Harris about someone with code name Maybeline 860 approaching her plane.

  22. CLOVE says:

    A Sirius XM (Tom Hartman) also posted that they played “Send in the Clowns.” That sent me over the edge

  23. Lau says:

    Get him, Céline ! Also him thinking he can avoid sinking by countering Swift and a literal army of swifties with Kid Rock, lol.

  24. Lady Rae says:

    I doubt beyoncé will show up for the DNC. She may have sung at the inauguration but that’s definitely more prestigious than a conference. Also very unlikely Taylor swift will make an appearance. She hasn’t even publicly announced she’s voting for yet.

    • Libra says:

      Taylor doesn’t need to publicly announce. Like me and many of my friends and family, the vote goes to whoever is not named Trump.

  25. bren says:

    50 cent probably wont have a problem with him using “many men”.

  26. Roo says:

    OMG. I would have loved to hear that meeting.

    “Oh no, they’ve got Beyoncé and Swift! We need big stars, too! Who do we have?””

    “Umm, well we have Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and Scott Baio.”

    “…umm, anyone famous in the last ten years?”
