JD Vance did drag at least once at Yale Law School, when he was 28 years old

JD Vance genuinely might go down as the worst running mate of all time. At this point, I actually think he is a worse pick than Sarah Palin, and I’m not even joking. At least Palin brought some “excitement” to John McCain’s candidacy and she helped him raise money. Vance brings nothing positive to the table – he’s just a hypocrite who will adopt any position he’s paid to adopt. He has no charisma, he’s creepy, he’s weird, he’s a stalker and he’s constantly in women’s business. Currently, Republicans are still trying to make their transphobia into a major culture war. It’s not just transphobia – they hate everything about and around drag, cross-dressing or people not adhering to binary “gender roles.” Well, when JD Vance was at Yale Law, he did drag at least once:

Well well well. Many people experiment in college, or in Vance’s case, experiment when they were a 28-year-old law student. The Trump-Vance campaign won’t confirm that this is actually Vance in the photo, but notably, the campaign isn’t denying it either.

An image of JD Vance allegedly dressed as a woman and wearing a blonde wig was posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sunday. The unconfirmed image quickly picked up steam and began trending under the hashtag #SofaLoren, a reference to the iconic Italian actress Sophia Loren and false claims that the Republican senator had sex with a couch.

A spokesperson for the Republican vice presidential pick did not deny the photo’s authenticity when approached by the Daily Beast, and did not offer any further comment.

The source who surfaced the alleged photo, Travis Whitfill, says the picture was taken by a fellow Yale classmate in 2012, when Vance was attending law school at the university, and sent to him by another friend. Whitfill then sent it to podcast host Matt Bernstein, who posted it to X.

“It’s from a group chat of Vance’s fellow classmates and is from a friend of a friend,” he told the Daily Beast. “I believe it was grabbed from Facebook and was taken at a Halloween party.”

Whitfill also posted about his role in bringing the photo to light, sharing screenshots of the text conversation in which he first received the photo. “I didn’t know him,” Whitfill wrote, “from all the sources I’ve heard, JD was actually a good guy in law school. Not sure what happened after though…Doing my part for democracy,” he added in another post.

Many commenters online connected Vance’s alleged history of cross-dressing with his legislative history—which has long been a point of concern for LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. The Ohio senator introduced the “Protect Children’s Innocence Act,” which aims to criminalize medical institutions that provide gender-affirming care to minors. The Republican vice presidential pick also supports measures to limit classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity, and labeled critics of so-called “don’t say gay” legislation “groomers.”

[From The Daily Beast]

Looking at Vance’s long history of saying offensive sh-t about “childless cat ladies” and how it’s “sociopathic” for people to be childless… I do think there’s a huge internal struggle there. My armchair psychology is that Vance feels like he played by “the rules” and mostly refused to “give in” to his urges, and he’s mad that other people – especially women – didn’t do the same. He would love to be queening it up, childless and free. Also? I haven’t mentioned this before, but there’s a whole thing about whether Vance wears eyeliner. I’ve looked through a lot of photos of Vance in recent weeks and I’ve studied the closeups… and he does. He wears eyeliner, especially on his lower lid. Maybe that’s his little protest against himself, in a sad way – he will play by the rules 99% of the time but he will do so with eyeliner on.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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40 Responses to “JD Vance did drag at least once at Yale Law School, when he was 28 years old”

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  1. ML says:

    This weirdo is so incredibly annoying. This leaked photo better not lead to even more isht against the LBGTQ+ community!

  2. Tennyson says:

    Where’s the photo with the wig?

  3. Agnes says:

    He looks much happier as a woman. He should just come out and leave us women TF alone. He makes Ron “Puddin’ Fingers” DeSantis seem normal.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    He most certainly wears eyeliner, which I would like to not stigmatize but should be so abhorrent to the toxic masculinity he-men women-haters he is courting. Sadly, there is no consistency or reasoning in the MAGA horde. As long as their hate is fed, they will accept complete hypocrisy.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      All their attacks are actually projection.

      • Mil says:

        And confession.
        Also, low effort on his part. He needs some real drag queen/king to teach him a thing or two.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Sometimes the over exertion of masculinity is an attempt to hide something. I’m not a biologist, but at least I know that all men have one X and one Y Chromosome. Which makes me think that there’s no such thing as a man in the way that the right wing want folks to believe. It’s why they were all so shocked to learn that Rock Hudson was gay. I mean, how can it be, they shreaked. He’s so manly, they exclaimed. I’m not saying that all men have biological gay proclivities, but it’s just that the whole idea of men being to extremely masculine is problematic for these right wingers, because even the tiniest appearance of femininity must be quashed. Setting that aside, I do believe that Vance is most likely not heterosexual.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Vance is about as transparent as damaged men come. He’s another example of childhood trauma manifesting as unstable identity and ideological, structural conservatism. He flits from one father figure to the next, whoever will give him a sense of stability, and he longs for the rigid social structures of conservatism because they’re a sharp contrast to the instability of his youth. He hates women because he can’t acknowledge his own resentment and anger at his mother, the parent who was a continuous presence in his life, because that would mean admitting even she couldn’t put him before drugs, money, or shitty men.

      You can see it in the multiple name changes, the ideological flip flops, the constant awkwardness. He’s always trying on a new persona, trying to shed the version of himself that was helpless and in pain, trying to find one that makes him feel confident and important.

      I have no sympathy for adult JD Vance. He has the money for therapy if he bothered to pursue it. Young Vance, however, had a million steps along the way where somebody could have reached out a hand and helped him. That’s who deserved empathy, if any.

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    No self respecting drag artist/cross dresser would be caught dead looking like that – he needs a Queen to show him the way!

    Any yeah – its him alright. If the MAGATs hated him before its gonna get worse for him and Dump.

    • SarahLee says:

      My kiddo does drag and said the same thing. “I don’t know what that is, Mama, but that ain’t drag.” LOL!

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I’m pretty sure that is a cheesy, half baked Halloween costume.

      However, considering his writing about feeling gay (in his book), his guyliner, the sad, cold way he talks about his wife, and the horrifying way he talks about women at large, it wouldn’t surprise me if he secretly thinks he made a good looking woman that night.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    And he has the nerve to call Kamala a”chameleon” and a phony. Who’s the phony now? This does tend to explain the eyeliner though. He’s probably wearing lingerie under his suit which would be perfectly fine if he wasn’t such a hypocrite.

    • Lulu says:

      Oh please, Kamala has had one name her whole life, wonder which of his names Vance was using when this pic was taken.

  7. ML says:

    Out of curiosity, might this explain the “hack?” This picture is not compatible with his reputation as a part of Project 2025.

  8. equality says:

    Noticed how they label the couch claims as “false”. If it had been other people involved they likely would have reported “claims” and left off the “false”.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I loved that they not only referenced it but explained it! Make me laugh! Keep repeating it, true or no, and people will believe! This is his butter emails.

  9. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    He’s so far in the closet he’s part of the drywall.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    So he was allowed to express his feminine side and explore his sexuality but now that he found god and procreated he gets to control women’s bodies and monitor young girls menstrual cycles. He is the worst kind of human being.

  11. CC says:

    Doesn’t drag take effort? This is just what happened after he was creeping around a strip club and snuck backstage to steal wigs.

  12. Lindsay says:

    Here we are again at the intersection of extreme, outward conservatism and ‘kinky’ sexual practices.
    I would support his eyeliner wear and same sex escapades if he wasn’t such a selfish hypocrite.
    As usual, I’m stunned co-citizens tolerate this hateful, opportunistic tellatuby.

  13. Giddy says:

    That’s either eyeliner or permanent makeup via tattoos. He couldn’t be more of a hypocrite, but he’s the running mate of an octogenarian who wears pancake makeup, so I guess they are a perfect couple.

  14. Margarita says:

    I think so as well. He’s miserable and just going through the motions of life, getting married and having kids…..sorta like a serial killer.

    • BeanieBean says:

      He is absolutely miserable about his life choices & determined to take it out on the rest of us.

  15. LolaB says:

    Drag name: Jennifer Convertibles

  16. fwiw says:

    “Sofa Loren” is hilarious, and JD is hypocritical if he now condemns drag, but his 2012 party costume does not suggest he’s a closeted gay.

    This is an Ivy League male thing. Harvard’s Hasty Pudding does its drag thing every year, famous actors join the parade as honorees, the national press covers it, & it is deemed to be fun, not a political statement or a group of closeted gays. I suspect JD’s hetero male friends at Yale just told him to get a better wig.

    • Jum says:

      I’m surprised they let him stay to take a picture. lol. That whole outfit he has on is a co out. Look like he just grabbed anything and threw it all. At least he is wearing a necklace.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      I agree, fwiw, before the conservatives freaked out guys dressing up as women was kind of a regular thing (I was in HS in the 90s and remember it happening for rallies and the powderpuff game — when women played football and guys dressed up as cheerleaders. It was kind of a carnivalesque behavior — but that was also when no one at my school was openly out, so lots of things have changed). But the biggest issue here is the hypocrisy.

    • Proud Mary says:

      No, but I think his believing at one time that he was gay, makes it at least questionable.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @f@wiw, it might be time Ivy League or any schools stop this. @alarmjaguar, the powderpuff games happened in the 80s too. Looking back, mixed feelings. At the time, it was fun & games. Ignorance. Later on, I heard/learned how some classmates had to hide their feelings about so many things. This, right now isn’t about them.

      It’s about Vance’s hypocrisy.

  17. slippers4life says:

    RuPaul wouldn’t let Sofa Loren past the 1st round of Drag Race auditions with that janky wig game!

  18. CLOVE says:

    The things that they say about the trans and drag queen population are ridiculous, and he spews hate as much as MTG.

    The Lincoln Project just posted one with him lying on a couch.


  19. TN Democrat says:

    In the year 2024 a human who identifies as male can wear eyeliner if he choses. But. A man who preaches hate towards people in the LBGTQ community, women, minorities and poor people who wears eyeliner is WEIRD and totally out of touch with the reality of his words. If Walz regularly wore eyeliner, the Republikkkans would never stop screaming and trying to label him as a pedo@#$%@. The megats are so weird.

  20. lizbert says:

    Remember when Rudy Giuliani dressed in drag and Traitor Tot motorboated his fake t!ts? The hypocrisy is so, so tiresome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Guve7Y856kY

  21. Kitten says:

    I cannot stand this piece of human excrement but the comments about him being a closeted gay because he wears eyeliner and wore a wig once are just not it, guys. Come TF on and let’s do better. No self-respecting REAL gay man would call this drag.

  22. Proud Mary says:

    Of course it doesn’t matter, in general, if someone wears drag: the issue is the hypocrisy. Also, I we sure it’s only once that he’s warn women’s clothes? Again, I don’t think it matters if he’s gay
    JD, long before he became Peter Thei’s rightwing boy toy, believed himself to be gay. But he became “heterosexual” because a pastor told him he’ll go to hell for being gay. Now he’s become a champion of those who hate some of the most venerable people in this country. So yeh, it matters that he wears women’s makeup and women’s clothes.

  23. Spike says:

    I’m very surprised that no one has underearthed 2000 clip of Trump and Rudy meeting in a department store. Rudy is in full drag. Trump flirts with Rudy, kisses him and gets to 2nd base.