President Biden gave his first sit-down interview since dropping his reelection bid to CBS Sunday Morning. We discussed a previously released clip, which was President Biden talking about his lack of confidence that Donald Trump will peacefully concede the election if (and hopefully when) Trump loses. The interview is below – it aired on Sunday, obviously. Biden spoke about Beau, he spoke about why he left the race, and he spoke about Trump and the white supremacists who support Trump.
When asked what went into his decision to step aside, Biden said: “What happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic — you’d be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say… and I thought it’d be a real distraction.” Right now, Biden is keeping things above-board but I think it’s notable that Pelosi is who got name-checked. Biden heard from many people in those chaotic weeks after the debate – reportedly, Chuck Schumer went to Delaware in person to talk things over with Pres. Biden, and yet we haven’t heard anything from the Biden team that Schumer is persona non grata. Probably because Schumer kept his f–king mouth shut publicly and Schumer hasn’t gone on a f–king book tour like Pelosi.
Biden told CBS that he decided to run for president again after the 2017 Nazi rally in Charlottesville, and he drew the direct link between Donald Trump, the neo-Nazis and the January 6th insurrection: “Every other time the Ku Klux Klan has been involved, they wore hoods so they’re not identified. Under his presidency, they came out of those woods with no hoods, knowing they had an ally. That’s how I read it. They knew they had an ally in the White House. And he stepped up for them.”
Biden also spoke about his belief, in 2020, that he would be a transition president but “things got moving so quickly, it didn’t happen.” He also confirmed that he would campaign for Kamala Harris, and promised to make some stops in Pennsylvania, where he was born. He really is Scranton Joe – they love him in Pennsylvania and it’s a state we simply have to win. Biden said: “I’m gonna do whatever Kamala thinks I can do to help most.”
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, screencaps courtesy of CBS.
- United States President Joe Biden greets Paul Whelan as vice President Kamala Harris looks on following his release as part of a 24-person prisoner swap between Russia and the United States, at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland Featuring: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Paul Whelan Where: Camp Springs, Maryland, United States When: 01 Aug 2024 Credit: POOL via CNP/
- United States President Joe Biden and United States Vice President Kamala Harris greet released Russian prisoner Paul Whelan, who was among those traded during a prisoner swap with Russia, at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland Featuring: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Paul Whelan Where: Camp Springs, Maryland, United States When: 01 Aug 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- United States Vice President Kamala Harris and United States President Joe Biden are seen at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland as they greet recently released prisoners from Russia Featuring: Kamala Harris, Joe Biden Where: Camp Springs, Maryland, United States When: 02 Aug 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- United States President Joe Biden speaks to a group of reporters as US Vice President Kamala Harris looks on after greeting reporters Evan Gershkovich, Alsu Kurmasheva and Paul Whelan following their release as part of a 24-person prisoner swap between Russia and the United States, at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland Featuring: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Where: Camp Springs, Maryland, United States When: 01 Aug 2024 Credit: POOL via CNP/
I’m so grateful–I love President Biden. I believe he would have won, and am not surprised that he stepped aside when he judged that the drumbeat for him to resign would never stop, and that drumbeat would endanger Dems. His handling of his announcement and fast endorsement of MVP–along with continuing with the work of the Presidency–demonstrates to me without any doubt that he is cognitively all there. More, he’s both wise and experienced, and we will continue to reap the benefits of his amazing four years for decades to come…if we do our jobs and VOTE.
America and by extension, the world has a debt of gratitude to this lovely man. Joe Biden has flaws like everybody, but he tries, gives his best, and is not selfish.
I’m still so angry how they did him wrong but on the upside he did what he thought was right for the country and it is proving to be correct. We are feeling energized with this new ticket which is just killing it. We must remain vigilant and make sure that we get to the voting poll because that’s really the only poll that counts!!
Agree 100% with you
He makes me a little weepy.
He deserved so much more than this.
Not a second term, Kamala is the one.
But this is hard to take, & I’m Canadian!
I can only imagine what it feels like for you guys.
Whatever his past, he stepped into The horribleness, his family paid a huge price for it, & his fellow long time democrats treated him, him personally: not the office or presidency, but his person, with such disrespect & disregard.
Then here he is STILL doing what’s right, & his blatant full support of what Kamala thinks is best.
What a president.
I’m Canadian as well and feel the same. 🤟🏻
You’ve summed it up pretty perfectly!
Schumer and Biden served in the Senate together. They are long-time friends. He was able to have the conversation with Biden that others couldn’t.
Not only did he keep his mouth shut, but he immediately endorsed VP Harris. As did House Minority Leader Jefferies.
Both Schumer and Jefferies are from Brooklyn, they won’t stab you in the back, they’ll come right for your heart. And Schumer, for his part, wasn’t about to let anyone jump over VP Harris, a former Senator herself.
Pelosi and the “Judas Caucus” forgot who they were dealing with.
They did him wrong. I will love him always. Of course he has made mistakes. It’s the most important job in the world and we are human. Well most of us. Joe…💙💙💙
He is the definition of a gentleman–truly a gentle man. I, too, think he would’ve won. I, for one, would’ve voted for Biden’s corpse over trump and I know many others felt the same. But I’m glad Mamala has energized the ticket so much.
In retrospect, there probably were too many of those, “I’d vote for his head in a jar” comments going around, though many would have. His age was a real issue. He was doing a great job, and it wouldn’t have been an issue if you could discount the insane clown horror show threat of Trump. But we can’t. That kind of threat requires the energy and vigor Harris and Walz are currently bringing.
Yeah, too many people on the left were not feeling it.
The “too old and frail” had taken hold of too many people.
The “both sides suck” crowd was growing bigger and bigger.
With Harris/Walz the Democrats are finally on the offense instead of defense, probably the first time since Obama got re-elected in 2012.
The commentary on the news is now saying that this election could be determined by only a few 100 000 votes. If that’s the case, I tend to think that Biden probably could have stayed on since Kamala Harris was his VP anyway and she could taken over if he got incapacitated.
Not sure if the plan was to have an entirely new ticket though. And perhaps that plan got foiled by Biden immediately endorsing Kamala and enabling her to get support immediately though. Since Biden endorsed Kamala immediately and has allowed her to gain momentum maybe his political instincts and managerial skills are stronger than others (Pelosi?) might realize.
I like how Kamala surrounds herself with the very best white men available: Biden, Walz, Emhoff. I saw some Pelosi interviews and she’s definitely past it. But my MIL couldn’t even get out of a chair by herself at that age, much less give semi-garbled interviews. Joe Biden is the better person, is fully lucid, saw what needed to be done and did it.
“It’s not WHAT YOU DO…BUT HOW YOU DO IT!” 🤬 And the way Nancy Pelosi et al…and YES…IT WAS HER…handled this situation AND TRIED TO NEGATE VP Kamala Harris was DISRESPECTFUL AF!😡
Just THINK how this SAME OUTCOME WOULD HAVE HAPPENED…if they kept their MOUTHS CLOSED to the Press…while bringing the TRUTH about polling & OPTICS to POTUS Joe Biden along with plans to ELEVATE VP Kamala Harris to the top of the ticket…because THAT is why POTUS Joe Biden was digging in…because they wanted to NEGATE THE WILL OF THE DEMOCRATIC BASE that got HIM in office! Again…not ONE of the Dem leaders who was busy stabbing Joe Biden in the back AND front said ANYTHING about Joe Biden’s wishes which was for KAMALA TO RUN FOR POTUS NEXT…during that hellscape.
Not. ONE🤬
Nancy is proving she just like most politicians, it’s not about the Country, it is their Egos and pocketbooks.
Biden had the last laugh and sabotage their plans for an open Convention.
I’m waiting for the moment MVP is elected President and to hear the the call to Joe Biden “we did it Joe”! President Biden has done an amazing job during his term and the US are fortunate to have him clean up after the orange mess. He is always the bigger man and does the right thing by putting the best interest of the country over his personal interest. Nancy Pelosi played herself by exposing herself as a crass opportunist. Her remarks about MVP Harris not kissing her ring were petty and malicious. I’ve always admired her but this was a low move to prove her power. President Biden got the last laugh and outplayed her.
I hope we get that moment too, I have to think the first call will be to Biden. They are a great team. Ultimately I want Biden to feel like he made the right decision, for the country and for himself, and to get to relax a bit and enjoy his family, knowing he passed the baton to a truly remarkable leader.
The funny thing is the candidate Nancy Pelosi didn’t want is actually great branding for Harris, especially in swing states.
I’ve been writing a story (it’s been in my head FOREVER & it’s time to set it free lol) where the main character receives the Medal of Honor from the President. Wouldn’t you know, the writer’s block for that actual scene evaporated as soon as it became President Biden in office? And that ain’t changing no matter who wins next. (The ceremony by necessity is is a hospital room & I think I’m going to have MVP attending as well.)
In all this chaos I thought the Clinton’s were also very supportive of Joe. They were open about supporting him and they supported Kamala within an hour of Joe throwing his support on her.
Agreed. They have been very supportive of Joe and Kamala. They are flawed but both have also been about service, especially her.
I admire President Biden so much. He is a sincerely good and honest man. I love how he outmaneuvered the vipers. It speaks volumes that the rising stars of the party (Buttigieg, Newsom, Whitmer, AOC, etc.) never wavered in their support for him. He is probably out there mentoring the “kids”.