Elle King: toxic dad Rob Schneider forgot every birthday, sent me to fat camp

Most of you probably know singer Elle King as Rob Schneider’s daughter and the singer behind the hit song “Ex’s & Oh’s” back in 2015. Or, you may remember her from her unfortunate drunken tribute performance for Dolly Parton at the Grand Ole Opry earlier this year. On that subject, Elle has had a tumultuous few years, and has been very open about her struggles. Circa 2016-2017, she was in an abusive marriage and suffered from PTSD and depression. She’s also been open about her struggles with drug and alcohol abuse. After her son Lucky was born in September 2021, she worked to overcome postpartum depression.

It sounds like Elle also had a terrible childhood at the hands of her sh-tty father. We all know Schneider as a terrible actor and proud antivax MAGA, but it’s so much worse. During an interview with Bunnie Xo for the “Dumb Blonde” podcast, Elle talked about just how horrible her father treated her growing up, and still treats her to this day. She shared that Schneider sent her to “fat camp,” forgot all of her birthdays, goes “four or five years” without talking to her, and would yell at and forget about her while she was on movie sets with him as a child.

Elle King is spilling the tea on the strained relationship with her dad Rob Schneider, recalling times throughout her life when he sent her to “fat camp,” how he never remembered her birthday, and how they go years without talking.

King sat down with Bunnie Xo for her Dumb Blonde podcast, and in a preview for the episode debuting Monday, King doesn’t hold back on skewing her quasi-famous father.

“I was, like, a really, really heavy child. My dad sent me to fat camp,” King says. “And then I got in trouble one year because I sprained my ankle and I didn’t lose any weight … Very toxic and very silly.”

King explains that she goes “four or five years” without talking to Schneider but when she started making a name for herself in music, her father called her up to tell her “don’t f—ing talk about me in the press.” Advice she’s clearly ignored.

The “Ex’s and Oh’s” singer also explains that Schneider never tried to help her with her career and she never wanted his help, noting that he doesn’t have “a good reputation” in Hollywood. King goes on to recall that Schneider always forgot her birthday and that if she ever spent a summer with her dad, it would be on a movie set, where she would get “lost in the shuffle.”

“If I ever messed up a shot, if I ever was talking, I would get in f—ing trouble,” she says.

Reps for Rob Schneider declined to comment.

The singer claims she’s tried different ways to mend the relationship with her father, but to no avail. King also took the time to distance herself from her dad’s controversial comments, adding, she disagrees “with a lot of the things that he says.”

“You’re talking out of your a– and you’re talking s— about drag and, you know, anti-gay rights and it’s like get f—ed,” King says about Schneider. “He’s just talking out of his a– and I want to use this opportunity to say that I disagree! I do not agree with what he says!”

[From Entertainment Weekly]

Ugh, what a POS. I’m really sorry that Elle grew up with such a crap father. My heart breaks for what she went through. If he resented having her around that much, he should have just disappeared from her life for good and sent a check once a month instead of making her feel like she was worthless and a nuisance. And how cruel to send her to “fat camp.” Where was her mother while this was happening? I hope Elle is taking the time now to really unpack her trauma and work towards healing. I like that she acknowledged that he has a bad rep in Hollywood and that she doesn’t agree with any of his horrible beliefs. Good for her for speaking out, especially since he told her not to do so. FAFO, Rob.

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20 Responses to “Elle King: toxic dad Rob Schneider forgot every birthday, sent me to fat camp”

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  1. Kitten says:

    He’s exactly the kind of father I thought he’d be, once again confirming that MAGA is pure shit.

  2. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    I saw Elle King perform on her tour supporting her debut album. It was a fabulous show. Her energy was positive and fun, the songs were great, and she basically did a stand up comedy act in between each song. She’s funnier than her dad, a witty song writer, and I hope she comes fully out from under the shadow he clearly cast on her life.

  3. Asdf says:

    She went to a fat camp because her mother and father sent her there. Dont blame this all on him.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I get your point. But one has to wonder, if, in such a family, the mother had any say at all: Especially if he had all the money, and therefore all the power.

      • Miranda says:

        I think it’s also possible that her mother (if she was allowed any say-so in the first place) was more contrite about the role she played, and they were able to make reconcile.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Proud Mary: Agreed

      • SarahLee says:

        We always have a say. Whether or not we choose to use it (and there are many reasons why women may not use it), is another matter. And I had no idea that Elle was Schneider’s daughter until today.

      • Megan says:

        I thought fat camp died in the 1980s. I have friends who were sent to fat camp and came home with eating disorders some still struggle with. It’s physical and psychological abuse.

    • Mika says:

      I think if Elle felt the need to lay blame on her mother, she would have. This is her experience, she is allowed to share exactly what she wants.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    I hope she’s able to overcome her trauma and she’s better off with having a relationship with him.

  5. LBB says:

    She looks healthy and like she is doing well. I really love the darker hair. I hope she is able to find peace with her past, it can be so hard.

  6. Flamingo says:

    He seems the type that is probably wonderful to his two children from his current marriage. And pretended Elle didn’t exist until she got famous in her own right. She is the anti Nepo Baby.

    No more wire hangers, Rob?

  7. Mika says:

    I have always loved her music (that song she did with Miranda Lambert is a shower favourite) and was bummed when I found out she is related to that MAGA shit. But now I know she is willing to tell her Dad to fuck off, I love her again.

  8. lucy2 says:

    She looks like she’s doing well, I hope so. I like her voice a lot, and enjoyed the album Xs and Os was on.
    I’m not at all surprised by this news about her dad.

  9. Mireille says:

    She doesn’t need him in her life. She’s better off. It’s sad to see that she at least tried to work things out with her father but to no avail. What is it with some of these SNL alum that go hard core MAGA or right-wing? Schneider, Dennis Miller, Victoria Jackson. The 3 of them — so angry, bitter, and resentful.

  10. Schrodinger's Kate says:

    I jumped on here to try and refresh my memory on who the heck Rob Schneider is. The name and face look vaguely familiar but I can’t place him. SNL right? I can’t remember any particular characters or skits he was associated with. I don’t know what movies or TV shows he has been in. He’s no Eddie Murphy or Mike Meyers in terms of name recognition that’s for sure.

    I did know Elle King. I didn’t realize that snoozefest was her dad.

  11. Emmy Rae says:

    I love that they refer to Schneider as “quasi-famous”. LOL!

  12. mycatlovestv says:

    I loved Elle King when she was a guest sidekick with Nev Schulman on Catfish. Her personality was bright and full of fun…like the kind of girl you’d like to hang out with. None of us get to choose our parents. But she can choose not to have a dogs*** father in her life.