Katie Holmes: ‘Fashion is really big, and it didn’t used to be’

Katie Holmes covers the September issue of Town & Country. An odd choice overall, but it doesn’t matter. Katie is promoting her return to Broadway in Kenny Leon’s revival of Our Town. Her daughter Suri is heading off to college and Katie already seems booked and busy. There’s an undercurrent of Katie trying to keep herself busy too, like she knows that being an empty-nester will hit her hard so she’s booking as much stuff as possible. But mostly, Katie has that je ne sais quoi quality of Xennials… the IDGAF attitude of a Gen Xer mixed with some older-Millennial quirks. Some highlights from Town & Country:

An empty-nester: Holmes has thrown herself into creative pursuits including dance classes (“I love a dance studio because every time you enter, you’re starting from the beginning, and that’s a good, meditative way to approach the day”), painting (“I like abstract and took a class right here”), and even a book club (“You learn so much about each other—it’s a chance for everybody to share what moves them”). She’s a great reader; her group, which meets about five times a year, recently discussed Abraham Verghese’s The Covenant of Water.

How she prepares for a role: “I read a lot to calm my mind down, and then I play. We all live at this fast pace, and I know sometimes I need to calm down.”

Choosing her work: “Do I have 20 scripts at my door, all with the green light? No. Would that make life easier? Yes. Is that unrealistic? Yes. Everybody has to find their interesting story, try to put it together, and make poetry out of things. There’s a lot of thought that goes into the projects I work on, but at the end of the day you still want to create something that people will respond to. You’re always at the whim of someone.”

On why she is writing a love-story trilogy: “I was drawn to create a love story, because I think that that never goes out of style. We all want to escape into that.”

On being a fashion icon: “This is where we are right now. Fashion is really big, and it didn’t used to be. As an actor, you weren’t necessarily photographed all the time on the street. It’s different now, and it’s flattering, but it doesn’t change how I live or dress. I’m adamant about having a life and not letting this industry dictate decisions as simple as what I wear or as complicated as what I do. You don’t want to be afraid of anything, right?”

On her daughter, Suri, heading to college: “I’m proud of my daughter. Of course, I will miss the close proximity, but I’m really proud of her and I’m happy. I remember being this age, this time of beginnings. It’s exciting to learn about yourself, and I loved that time, so it makes me happy to think about it like that.”

[From Town & Country]

We don’t know much about Suri, but from what we can see, she seems like a perfectly well-adjusted kid who grew up in New York. She has friends, she got into a good college (Carnegie Mellon) and she’ll come home to visit her mom when she can. I bet Katie starts working more now too, not just on Broadway. I imagine she’ll say “yes” to more stuff where she would have to travel or be on location outside of NYC. Anyway, I still root for Katie. I hope she’s doing well and I hope she stays busy with all of her projects and hobbies.

Photos courtesy of Ruven Afanador for Town and Country, sent via promotional Town & Country email. Additional photos courtesy of Cover Images and Backgrid.

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20 Responses to “Katie Holmes: ‘Fashion is really big, and it didn’t used to be’”

  1. LadyE says:

    Katie Holmes is one of those people who did one thing and has my admiration forever because of it lol. I kind of felt bad for her (craziness during engagement/marriage to Tom, especially the yikes CoS handler who was her “best friend”), but also couldn’t tell if she was actually into her situation. Until her gangster divorce and mama bear protector performance! That was a truly iconic set of moves she made. I will always have a big soft spot for her because of that and it really made me think that she must be a much more interesting person than she’s shown of herself in public. I’m not sure I can really say that about any other celebrity (I don’t think I would say I’m always pro-so and so because of this *one* thing…), but with Katie, it’s like yeah it was 15 years ago, but still a total badass move. Always a Katie fan and want her and Suri to live their best lives!

    • Eowyn says:

      Yup, kudos to her for getting out of an insane situation and raising a kid whose on their way to post-secondary.

      • Barrett says:

        It seems like as opposed to Cruise she came from a good solid family from mid-west. And her dad’s a lawyer. Cruise’s dad was totally off too…

    • Tarte Au Citron says:

      I’ll never forget it. It was a real badass execution, beautiful.

    • Val says:

      oh yes! Totally agree! I love how ninja Katie was in full effect and she beat Tom. I also second that on how she’s probably alot more interesting than she lets on in public. Don’t sleep on Katie!

    • kelleybelle says:

      I love her too. She’s a very underrated actress …and she has a fantastic bag collection! I also love the Holmes & Yang creations. Good them.

  2. Josephine says:

    She’s a pretty woman and that picture is so blah. I’m a bangs apologist and usually into the 60s look but it’s not working here. They could have styled her in a so many different ways that would have looked better.

    And I still 100% do not get “fashion” anything from her and never have.

  3. Jackson says:

    I will always <3 Katie! I’d love to see her on the screen more often. And CMU is a great school, so congrats to Suri!

  4. Eleonor says:

    A fashion icon???

  5. Andrea says:

    So Katie and I were born the same month and same year so I’ve always felt a kinship. Also of course a Dawson Creek fan. That said, I remember watching Tom jumping on the couch and I was shocked. I think we were in our mid 20s and I remember thinking he was totally over the top and she didn’t seem that into it. It was super creepy. And she went ahead and married him?! So confused. Glad she got out but also confused as to why she got in, in the first place.

  6. NikkiK says:

    Katie Holmes, fashion icon? LOL. She also clearly knows little about fashion, what does she mean fashion used to not be big? Certain actors, musicians, and well known people have always been fashion icons and have always had their sartorial choices closely followed and copied – she has never been one of them though.

  7. FYI says:

    What in the world is she talking about?! Has she never seen fashion from the 1920s? The 1960s? The 1980s? Hell, every decade has signature fashion. If she is talking about street fashion, she needs to see images from 1960s London. If she is talking about paparazzi, she needs to look at Elizabeth Taylor or Sinatra. Seriously, it’s such an ignorant thing for a supposed “fashion icon” to say.

    • Erica says:

      Yes, Katie always seemed like someone who likes fashion, not someone who influences fashion like Zendaya, Tilda Swinton, Jackie Kennedy, Grace Kelly, Diana, and more . Her fashion line with her stylist was a total copy of stuff other people have been doing for decades in boring colors and no twist.

      It always stuck out to me that Katie herself never wore her own brand, like Donna Karen, Ralph Lauren ,Victoria Beckham, etc. are always in their own clothing, while Katie was always wearing other brands

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