Royalist: Duchess Meghan is ‘biding her time’ until she finally writes a memoir?

Yes, we are in the midst of the Royal Silly Season, when the left-behind royals are on their summer holidays and royal reporters don’t have anything to do either. Last summer, the British media manufactured an entire storyline about Prince Harry and Meghan’s “rocky marriage” and something about how Harry was sleeping in hotels? It was completely made up by randos at the Telegraph and Sun. This summer, the royalists are in an even worse position because there’s so much strange stuff happening with the left-behinds and everyone is trying to ignore all of that. Which is why royal reporters are beefing with each other on Twitter over who got the best Sussex exclusive over a staffing change that has absolutely nothing to do with anything in the UK. But I digress… all in all, this piece is a perfect Royal Silly Season story: yet another wishful tabloid report about the Duchess of Sussex’s nonexistent memoir.

There has been renewed speculation that Meghan Markle could be planning to write a bombshell memoir, along the lines of her husband Prince Harry’s hit book, Spare. A new report in the U.K. magazine Closer said that Meghan’s willingness to discuss her mental health struggles and suicidal feelings when she was a royal in her latest TV interview has triggered fresh speculation about a Meghan memoir.

A source told the magazine: “Eventually Meghan is going to want to write her memoir, Harry is going to want to update Spare, and they are going to want to sit down and promote themselves on TV. They will not shy away from answering questions about the royals. For now, they’re biding their time.”

The reports feed into long-standing speculation that the duchess could indeed pen a memoir. Meghan herself is the energizing force behind the most credible of these stories, having frequently hinted, or indeed said directly, that she has more to say on the matter of her departure from the British royal family. For example, in her high-profile interview with The Cut, part of New York magazine, in August 2022, Meghan made several statements that were widely interpreted as signaling that she has plans for a memoir.

Speculation about Meghan writing a memoir is closely tied to the publishing deal that she and Harry signed with Penguin Random House. Reports indicate that this deal is for four books. Two of these have already been published: Meghan’s children’s book, The Bench (2021), and Harry’s memoir, Spare (2023). This leaves two more books under the contract, and it is widely rumored that one of these could potentially be Meghan’s own memoir.

Of course, it’s not just Meghan who could write another book; Harry’s publishers would be keen for him to go again after the staggering success of Spare. And Harry has explicitly said that he has “enough material” for another book.

Ultimately, another dishy, gossipy book would probably hurt Harry and Meghan’s longer-term attempts to reinvent themselves and move beyond the narrative of recrimination. But given the reported $20 million that Harry earned from the Spare deal, it would be foolish to discount the possibility of another blockbuster book.

[From The Daily Beast]

“Another dishy, gossipy book would probably hurt Harry and Meghan’s longer-term attempts to reinvent themselves and move beyond the narrative of recrimination.” I’m surprised there wasn’t a stronger argument made of “if Meghan writes a memoir, the Windsors will never forgive her and there’s no coming back!” Which is reason enough to write a memoir at this point – the Windsors have run out of punishments and threats, so now they just curl into a ball and scream “we’ll never let the Sussexes come back!!” As for yet more speculation about Meghan writing a memoir… I’ve said this a million times now, but it’s not happening. I truly wanted it to happen and I thought it would happen circa 2021-22. But now I know it won’t. Meghan’s “memoir” was the Netflix docuseries and her interviews and the Oprah interview. That’s where she got her side of things on the record. Beyond that, Meghan is just raising her kids and moving forward. It’s all of these pearl-clutching royalist vultures who really want Meghan’s memoir.

Photos courtesy of Instar.

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46 Responses to “Royalist: Duchess Meghan is ‘biding her time’ until she finally writes a memoir?”

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  1. Tessa says:

    This is a bogus story and it was published before, like the stories of Meghan “running for President.” But it gets the click bait.

    • Krista says:

      I think at this point M should sue for a cut of the money these clowns make off her….LOL

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        You know they’re only being salty about her not writing a memoir, because they want to be able to tear her apart for writing one, like they did Harry.

        Meghan is reclaiming her time and sashaying away from these salty tabloid bishes, and she stays winning.

        They desperately want to drag her into their abusive narratives and she’s giving them zero to work with. Zero time of day. Left on ignore. Showing the palaces and the press in the UK how irrelevant they really are. Which of course is why they can’t stop moaning. Love that for them.

    • Wagiman says:

      Right? Every week Meghan is running for president, threatening to kill Kate, writing a memoir, bullying staff..

      My big take away this week was : a royal staffer, a palace worker tax paid called a duchess ‘dog food’ . That’s massive to me. I don’t get why that’s not more the story.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The courtiers who did that should be named and shamed globally. Like, someone actually find out who really said that b/c I want to put that racist pos on blast.

  2. Tina says:

    I do think Meghan will write more books they just won’t be about the royals or the UK. I agree with Kaiser that the docuseries was her opportunity to tell their love story and her side of her time in the UK. Now she’s done with those subjects. I’ve followed Meghan since her Tig days so I know she’s got more to say about lots of interesting topics.

    • I think Meg will write a book but it will be far into the future. She is busy raising her children and doing other things right now.

      • Millennial says:

        This is what I think. She will write a memoir, but it won’t be until her 60s or 70s.

        I think they are doing fine financially, but they also have a lot of expenses. I could see her doing it to make sure the kids and grandkids have a nice nest egg and enough money to pay for security in perpetuity.

  3. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I believe that Meghan’s next book will be a cookbook/lifestyle book, with proceeds going to a charity or initiative supporting girls/women/mental health/etc.

    • Kingston says:

      @Harla A Brazen Hussy says:
      “I believe that Meghan’s next book will be a cookbook/lifestyle book……………with proceeds going to a charity or initiative supporting girls/women/mental health/etc.”

      I only partially agree with this comment. Because its very annoying that folks believe everything M does has to be about charity. Let the woman build her billion dollar brand FFS!

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    She’s publishing her memoir right before she announces her candidacy for President.

  5. Noor says:

    sshh.. Meghan has already written her memoir and it in a secret vault somewhere biding its time for release

  6. Tessa says:

    This is so dumb. What could she possibly have left to say about the less than 3 months she spent somewhere 5 years ago???

  7. Dee(2) says:

    I’m not sure why memoir is where they went since they have two more books on the publishing deal, given the upcoming ARO launch. Cookbook/travel guide would seem more likely to me. Something highlighting recipes and the regions they originate from? I just don’t see her wanting to get into the back and forth with the BM again and if she does write a memoir I think it’ll be in about 15/20 years.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It would be hilarious if she’s waiting for Huevo to take the throne before publishing.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    Agree with Kaiser. Meghan is looking forward, it is the Windsor’s who did her dirty who are looking back. Probably looking back and regretting not having finished the job of getting her to commit suicide or as quoted, “getting the Sussexes to heel.”

    Looking at an employee who was probably in a 3 month trail period and both parties realizing this was not the best use of that person’s talent or the person was not a great fit for their organization had those folks huffing and puffing as though they had solved the Middle East crisis. Those gutter rats have centered the Sussexes in Harry’s birth family drama as if their survival depends on the success or failure of the Sussexes. Interestingly enough, they have to write as though the Sussexes are failing to prop up the failing royals in the U.K. Anyone with common sense see what they are doing and it is not a favor to those they claim to support.

  9. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    I think Meghan will publish a cookbook before she publishes a memoir, probably tied in to the Netflix show and American Orchard.

  10. MrsFonzieFace says:

    I agree, she won’t publish a memoir about her time in the UK, for many reasons. Why would she open herself up to all the punishment that would doubtlessly come? Sure doesn’t owe anybody anything, least of all those vulnerable moments. She’s protecting her own peace by not doing that.

    I would be so interested in a book on the time after that, how she set about healing and rebuilding herself and her life. I would love to know how she manages to look to serene in you situations, like that church service at the jubilee, or that infamous common wealth service.

    But a travel/cookbook would also be awesome!!

  11. Ameerah M says:

    She probably will write a book – but it will be for ARO. A cooking/lifestyle/entertaining book similar to content she used to create for The Tig. And it will be a huge bestseller.

  12. M says:

    If she ever writes a memoir, it will be years from now, and it will be about her charitable works, not those losers on Salt Island.

  13. Proud Mary says:

    The crown must have done some pretty horrendous things to Meghan for them to be this worried about her memoir. My only comment is that she shouldn’t write it, if she doesn’t intend to tell the full story. I don’t care for Harry deciding to hold pages back. The fact is, William and Charles are so evil and so petty that the word “grace” is not in their vocabulary. Tell it all or tell nothing at all. Charles has done enough to make it clear he doesn’t want her or her children alive, so, what punishment is left?

  14. Cathy says:

    Meghan: I’m going to buy a bottle of milk

    British tabloid 1: See! Told you she’s running for President. You have to read between the lines
    British tabloid 2: Buying milk is code for she’s writing her book of her time in the UK


    • Anna says:

      They just want it so much and are dying for some material to be covered in their stupid articles for next 5 years.

  15. Eurydice says:

    It would be interesting if she collected recipes from wherever she and Harry have traveled.

    The memoir thing is funny – the press is begging, “Please, somebody write something, say something, do something, we’re dying here!”

  16. Renae says:

    Way to make my day! (Not).
    Writing A book in 15-20years will do me no good. I’m so old I will be either rotting in my grave or wandering about babbling nonsense about Hitler/Nazis/ Trump / or OJ Simpson.
    I need it NOW……please?

  17. Julie says:

    Wouldn’t it be fun if a credible rumor coming from the States was about her writing about how bad was her experience with the rota? The we can all sit down and watch these clowns eat each other.

  18. Jais says:

    Do I want Meghan to write a burn book where she documents in detail every damn thing that was done to her by those depraved people? Yes, yes I do. Do I expect her to? No, no I don’t. Meghan’s vibe is healing and cooking and being surrounded by friends and family. And good for her. Can’t wait for ARO.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, selfishly, I want to know all the details – but, for inflicting maximum pain on the RF, I think “biding her time” is the best strategy. They can wake up every morning worrying if today is the day Meghan stops “biding.”

  19. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah, Meghan’s not writing a memoir. A cookbook, most definitely.

  20. Izzy says:

    At this point the BM is just projecting both the royal family’s and their own deepest fears – they know she’s kept receipts and if she writes a book with them, they’re completely screwed.

  21. Nic919 says:

    This always comes up because the rota know how poorly Meghan was treated along with all the other messiness that has gone on in the last six months. They want Meghan to write a memoir to expose that family because they are too cowardly to do their jobs as alleged reporters.

    Everyone can see for themselves how awful that family has been toward Meghan. Writing a tell all would just bring more hate on her and she gets enough of it as it is. She’s not going to do that when she is working on ARO and production work. That would just add a level of toxicity that she doesn’t need since the royalists are cultists as deranged as MAGA and the UK media is corrupted and beholden to that cult as well.

  22. Saucy&Sassy says:

    We are being told once again that there was a 4 book deal? This was made up by the bm. I wonder how many years it will take before they finally realize that regurgitating the same story every so many months will not cut it anymore? They’re getting rather boring.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    I’m glad they finally acknowledged that “Spare” was a “staggering success.”

    And I’d love it if Meghan burned down the monarchy in a memoir, but that’s not her style. Be more petty, Meghan, LOL!

  24. therese says:

    Oh, don’t I wish. I wish so much Meghan would take off the gloves and burn the house down. I just think she is processing as well as healing. I also wonder if her ignoring and not going near the Royals is a big burn to them as well. As in: no, you idiots, you are not interesting. I am done with you. I am going forward with my life as I would have lived it before you all let your wicked and criminal selves become known to the world. I think she is a sweet-hearted and open-hearted girl who was in love, and whichthat is how she was able to be so wounded in the first place. Her heart was open and they stabbed her in it. I still think she is a sweet girl, but I saw the look on her face when she and PFH were interviewed by Jane Pauley. I don’t think she will EVER let them harm her again. They will have to set their alarms and get up very early in the morning before they will ever catch her in one of their traps again. I think she may in the future write the truth, but I want it now. I wish she and Hare would publish together and mow them down. Fucking criminals who should be held accountable. Ok, I’ll stop.

  25. Unblinkered says:

    The memoir they need to worry about isn’t Meghan’s, it’s Carol Middleton’s.

  26. phlyfiremama says:

    I’m guessing she will write that memoir STAT if their titles get taken away!! 🤣