JD Vance: Raising grandchildren is ‘the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female’

There had not been a big eruption from JD Vance in days. Of course, there were those drag photos from Vance’s days as a Yale Law student. On Tuesday, he also made an appearance at the tennis tournament in Mason, Ohio, which is close to where he grew up (and it’s not anywhere near Appalachia). But it’s been several days since we’ve had a big headline about Vance saying something really toxic and awful about women. Most of “childless cat lady” sh-t came from interviews he did circa 2020-21. Well, here’s something spicy from that same era. Vance was really feeling himself and trying to create a conservative-coded socioeconomic model based on the unpaid labor of women.

Vance is saying that one of his sons, either Ewan or Vivek, loves being around his grandparents and “it makes him a much better human being, to have exposure to his grandparents… and the evidence on this is super-clear, and that’s the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female.” Hear that, ladies? Once we hit menopause, our whole purpose is doing unpaid labor for our adult children and grandchildren. Vance is so utterly creepy – it wasn’t “oh, my son loves his grandma and she adores him.” No, he had to say that his mother-in-law’s whole purpose, as a postmenopausal woman, was to care for her grandchildren.

Then he talks about how Usha’s mother, a PhD and professor, took a year sabbatical from work to help Usha right after Usha gave birth to Ewan (the oldest Vance child). Instead of saying: “hey, I helped out too, I am a hands-on father and I knew how much Usha’s clerkship meant so I took time off to be with our son while Usha clerked,” Vance goes into another weird, creepy direction. He says that Usha’s mother lived with them for a year to help them with the first kid and it was a “weird, unadvertised feature of marrying an Indian woman.” I am so utterly disgusted by all of it, including his belief that he can create some kind of POLICY or political ideology out of “my mother-in-law hit pause on her career and moved in to help out because I’m too stupid and misogynistic to take care of a baby.”

Vance’s ideology is so popular, he literally brings dozens of people to his rallies. Specifically, two dozen.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images, Instagram.

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166 Responses to “JD Vance: Raising grandchildren is ‘the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female’”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    The more Vance talks, the weirder and creepier he is. He’s the perfect running mate for Trump.

    • Megan says:

      I’m actually surprised 24 people took the time to hear what this creep has to say. Maybe it was on the way to the grocery store and they stopped out of curiosity.

      • olliesmom says:

        That would be me! There is a group of people gathering. Are they giving away something for free?

      • Smart&Messy says:

        I bet half of them are staff at the venue and they took a breather before hauling the chairs back to storage.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        He must have been offering free doughnuts and coffee. Ah, maybe not. If he had, more people would have shown up!

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Absolutely agree!

      Also, I guess his comment about postmenopausal women doesn’t include childless cat-owning ones and female couches 😂

      • Snarkle says:

        “ Also, I guess his comment about postmenopausal women doesn’t include childless cat-owning ones and female couches 😂”

        Well, to be fair, he does have a plan for all of us 🙄

      • schmootc says:

        I think I hit the trifecta: postmenopausal, cat-owning AND childless!

      • Dee says:

        @Schmoot: it’s Soylent green for you!/s

    • Jan90067 says:

      He literally is campaigning on his Mommy Issues. He is so clearly craving “being taken care of” it radiates in every utterance. Why do I have a feeling this guy’s “kink” is getting dressed in a diaper and paying someone to hold and bottle feed him?

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        LOL. My mind flashbacked to the CSI Vegas episode King Baby. Casino owner whose fetish was diapers.

    • Anon says:

      It doesn’t take a top political strategist to realize if it’s at all possible, Trump should tell this guy “You’re fired!” and replace him, probably with Nikki.

      • Oh come on. says:

        No, he should most definitely stick with this f*ckup. I don’t want this wolf shopping around for any sheep’s clothing.

      • deering24 says:

        Nope–Haley would be a real problem…even if Trump could stand being upstaged by a woman.

  2. Izzy says:

    I mean, thank you, JD Vance, for helping out the Harris-Walz campaign so much, I guess? The jokes literally write themselves, and several of them do find their way onto the H/W social media.

    • Debbie says:

      I keep thinking about JV Vance’s position as 2nd in line and, if we all don’t vote and (ugh!) Trump gets into power again, then Vance the Bearded Palin would be one cheeseburger away from becoming president. Yeah. The joke would be on us, if that happened.

  3. equality says:

    So what’s the purpose of retired men?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      That was my question.

    • Agnes says:

      Duh! Cleaning gutters.

      • Kelly says:

        It’s weird how so many of these conservatives look down on single black women raising kids because they claim those kids will never grow up normal without a stable father figure. But then you have Vance in the traditional, socially acceptable family with both parents and the grandparents active and yet the men are doing precisely nil in the raising of those children. Just because you’re physically present doesn’t mean you’re actually having an impact on those kids lives, aside from passing on the misogyny. I’d rather have an absent father than one like Vance.

      • Agnes says:

        You could also argue that JD Vance turned out so horribly because he had an emotionally absent, drug addict mother who stole pain medicines from her patients. Good people generally raise good kids, it doesn’t matter if they are single, gay, or whatever, they just need to be present and caring.

    • SarahCS says:

      I guess they realise that in their world men are often the creeps who need to be kept away from children.

    • Mimi says:

      Shirley, you jest. Men never retire, they keep getting married and having children with younger and younger women. duh!

    • Kitten says:

      Does Trump know his running mate said old men are obsolete?

    • JW says:

      Scouting their retirement wives.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      To be pampered and taken care of by their wifes who pull double duty with the grand kids and hubby. Which is fine, because whatever else would women do.

    • TN Democrat says:

      Sitting on their asses, watching FoxNews/engaging in conspiracy theory content that paints them as victims while being waited on and fed by unpaid labor (women). The Republican version of the ideal marriage really makes marriage and motherhood unappealing for women. Who really wants to be stuck with a manchild?

  4. Amy T. says:

    This post-menopausal female with a job is really happy that none of her daughters married JD Vance. I think of myself as the Fairy Grandmother, because I basically pop in and out of their daily lives and always bring the sparkle.

    • Roo says:

      Amy T, I love, love the way you wrote this – I will forever consider myself as bringing the sparkle if/when I become the grandmother! What a great way to describe love, compassion, empathy and positive energy.

      Also, it’s incredibly weird and tiresome that this man’s clear, overwhelming mommy issues are the lynchpin to his social and political strategies. Weirdo.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Amazing post Amy!! 👏👏👏

    • Giddy says:

      I love this! From now on I will think of myself as a Fairy Grandmother! This is a fun week for me because I get to take each of my grandchildren on a shopping trip for a special back to school outfit. We shop, go to lunch, and I treasure the time with them. It’s my pleasure to do so, not my whole purpose in life. Vance can kiss my post-menopausal ass.

    • Eden75 says:


      I live in a different city from my grandkids and when I show up, I am full of love, presents, cupcakes and fun. I enjoy my time with them and then I leave. They are still little (under 5) and we facetime A LOT but I am the special g-ma because I am not always around. I have raised my children and will always be there for them and my g-kids, but this is me and my hubby’s time. JD can kiss my big G-Ma behind as I ride away on my motorcycle.

      What a tool.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Loving the Fairy Grandmother who brings the sparkle!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I’m postmenopausal, cat owner and most likely will not be a grandma. We have always supported our daughter’s decisions regarding HER REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS.

        Her life, her choices. We have beautiful grandfurchildren. Yes, cats.

  5. Jay says:

    In JD Vance’s world, “females” can either be a baby incubator or baby handler, or I guess a helpful political prop. But a young one, obviously – because if JD doesn’t think you’re f**kable anymore, you’re worthless.

    I hope Harris/Walz makes this into a targeted ad for any of the suburban white women who are still considering voting for the orange menace.

    • Megan says:

      I wish men like Vance would figure out that we don’t care if they consider us unf*ckable because they are profoundly unattractive to all women.

      • Meghan says:

        I was about to say, in this scenario I am PROUD to be worthless to the likes of Vance. Bring. It. On.

    • Kitten says:

      It’s really wild how much he unapologetically despises women.
      Harrison Butker vibes for sure.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        The way he phrases it is so dehumanizing.

        Like it’s a new model of a car, “the whole point of the new shocks is to provide…”, but he’s talking about HUMAN BEINGS.

        I’m so tired of conservative men trying to assert power over what our “point” is. Do that with your own life fools.

      • Megan says:

        He gives off serial killer vibes. Did anyone check his basement as part of the vetting process?

  6. Laura says:

    Just to be clear, the podcast host is the one who was saying those creepy quotes. Vance did not say them. He just went along with it though and agreed.

    The next few months are going to be full of misinformation, and it helps no one to spread it.

    • Sophie says:

      Yes, he didn’t say those awful things, the host did. I’m no fan at all but we need to be accurate. And he went along with the host, which is odious in itself.

      • Mil says:

        It is not like he protested.
        Let’s be honest. Kamala can make campaign out of the other side’s idiocracy, but she is still presenting actual solutions.

      • Megan says:

        JD Vance chose to be a guest on a podcast with a host is a terrible person who says terrible things. He could have simply declined the invitation, but he didn’t.

    • seraphina says:

      Correct. We need to be as honest as possible and not sink into the mud of misinformation. Now, he did agree to the statement. And while I too sometimes nod my head in conversation while not agreeing so that the conversation can move on – the VP nominee cannot afford to do that. He should have stopped him and negated the comment BUT HE DID NOT – the VP nominee agreed. Which makes me wonder – what else he may agree to while he is out performing his duties.


    • Roo says:

      Laura, he had the chance to disagree, but he did not. He could make a statement now, but he has not. And his support of Project 2025 certainly shows his thoughts on the role of women in society. Let’s keep in mind the totality of his actions and words.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        The proper response was, “Post menopausal women are human beings with a lot of life experience. They should be respected in what ever they choose to do.”

    • AMB says:

      That seems to be Vance’s MO – he’ll go along with whatever the current thing is in order to further his career. He used to be very liberal – in fact Kara Swisher has said she thought he was TOO liberal (if you’re familiar with her you’ll understand). Now it suits his ambition to be … whatever he is.

      Pas bon.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah but it feels like a distinction without difference, given everything that Vance has said about women in the past. Like, if the comments didn’t completely jive with his world view I could maybe give him the benefit of the doubt that he was just being polite or whatever, but that’s not the case here.

    • JW says:

      I had no problem understanding this from where the sequence of the conversation clearly appeared in the article.

    • Nic919 says:

      Unless he responded to it with “well that’s weird and I am ending this interview now” he is agreeing with that nonsense. This isn’t misinformation.

    • Debbie says:

      Actually, Vance willingly agreed and said “yes.” He actually agreed with the host about the post-menopausal women remark. So, he wasn’t just passively standing around so please stop trying to distance Vance from the comments. Furthermore, Vance also cosigned the framing of his mother-in-law’s role in a dehumanizing way as opposed to a grandparent lending a hand.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, c’mon, you’re going to nitpick on this? THIS is not misinformation; attributing these quotes to Vance instead of the podcast host is in NO WAY the equivalent to the crap spewed by trump et al.

  7. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    I wonder if his ass is jealous of all the shit that comes out of his mouth…

  8. HuffnPuff says:

    The host pronounced it incorrectly too: postmonopausal. What is that?? Proving every day that men should have no say in what women can do with their bodies. I doubt those guys even knows what menopause is.

    Everything this man says about women and families is gross. He needs to keep his opinions to himself.

    • Blithe says:

      Actually I’m glad that he’s putting it out there — for all of us potential voters to see.

      I wonder who his mother-in-law will be voting for?

    • Miranda says:

      Early on in my teaching career, I was substituting at a high school and had to supervise a study hall every day. A couple of girls would use the time to sew reusable pads for dignity kits to be donated to homeless girls and women, and one day I got into a discussion with them about period poverty. One of them said that she thought that menstrual products should be provided at school for free, and suddenly this really obnoxious boy decided to butt in. Free pads and tampons wouldn’t be fair, he said, because guys don’t get anything for free, and besides, girls can just wait until they get home to take care of it. The girls and I were like, “huh? What do you mean they could ‘just wait’?” And he proceeded to explain that it was a matter of willpower. Girls could just hold their periods in. Yeah, he apparently genuinely believed that periods were like pee, and we can just hold it in if we really want to. We laughed in his face.

      I think of that boy every time the Republicans talk about wanting to monitor women’s periods, or try to make “Tampon Tim” a thing, and now this. They don’t know shit about our bodies, but they sure do want to govern them.

      • bisynaptic says:


      • Jay says:

        What a great story, @Miranda! At least that was a student, hopefully he has since learned how bonkers that is. Hopefully! But with him spouting off that old chestnut about “fairness” meaning that women shouldn’t get period products for free probably indicates otherwise…

        A few years ago, I had a full grown man tell me that no, I couldn’t help him lift a desk because “my uterus might fall out”! Like onto the floor, I guess? 😂

      • Oh come on. says:

        Exactly. Repubs were saying this about girls who get their period in elementary school, too. They don’t want fourth graders to learn about periods. Because girls “want to grow up too fast these days.” As if 9yos start menstruating because they want to!

        People who think people should “just hold” their periods are regulating our reproductive health 🤬

      • Miranda says:

        @Jay – Unfortunately, I doubt he ever learned. According to my friend who taught him in US Gov and History, he was pretty much your stereotypical Young Republican. Total contrarian, spent the previous summer reading Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead and wouldn’t STFU about Ayn Rand, defended McCarthyism in class, Reagan fetish…the whole lot. And this was in 2018, when the Republicans had already begun to show their whole neofascist asses, and he was supposedly a smart kid in other ways, so I don’t think he could plead “typical” teenaged ignorance (I use the quotes there because I don’t think the average teenager these days is ignorant at all. I love that so many of them are politically engaged even before they’re eligible to vote!).

    • Eden75 says:

      Monopausal is after we are cured of Mono, because hey, aren’t we all Loose Women of Questionable Virtue?

  9. lanne says:

    He mut have read Handmaids Tale and took it as a manifesto. He’s basically saying that older women should be Marthas. What’s next? Teenaged girls as Handmaids? Econowives for poor men?

    I wonder sometimes how highly educated people can be so incredibly stupid. Vance and Ron DeSantis both fit this mold–they aren’t stupid like George W Bush, whose ivy league education came from nepotism alone. My guess is that some people develop a monstrous vanity that overwhelms their ability to reason, think critically, and problem solve. Perhaps it’s a variation of “I went to HARVARD so I’m special!”, and expecting that fact alone to validate every dumb decision they make. Both Vance and DeSantis strike me as remarkably short sighted, petty, whiny, and entitled. They wilt in the face of challenges, and have the cowardice of all bullies: they can’t take what they dish out. Both of them must be insufferable to be around, and neither of them are qualified for any sort of leadership. (Meritocracy in America is mythology with very little basis in fact.)

  10. ML says:

    Clearly, the Rs don’t believe that enough women intend to vote for Kamala Harris.

    Personally, I’m pretty sure that Trump and Vance are betting on their base and the corrupted courts. The amount of more-normal-seeming Republiscums screaming at them to talk about other stuff that’s being ignored by this duo is crazy. You don’t do that when you’re behind unless you believe that it’s going to help you.

    Make sure you are registered to vote because some people have been tossed off the register!!! Check!

    • Jan90067 says:

      Yes, ML! Happened to me, in Deep Blue CA. I’ve been registered since I was 18, and NEVER had a problem with voting, so we’re talking DECADES lol. A couple of weeks ago I went to check, and I was NOT registered anymore! So I re-registered and just got the postcard in the mail as proof.

      Do NOT take it for granted people. Go online to your state gov page and CHECK!

  11. Tessa says:

    Granddads can take care of grandchildren too.

    • HeatherC says:

      My dad was super tight with my son, from the moment my son was born. He loved every aspect (okay, except diapers, but if he was in my dad’s care, my dad changed them lol). He was more hands on with his grandson than my mom was! (she was active as well). When my dad passed, it crushed my son their bond was so profound. I wonder what Vance’s father in law does for his kids.

    • Lucy says:

      My husbands uncle retired right before his daughter (who lived next door) had her kids. He was the free childcare until they were prek age (I think 3?). I’ve always been so impressed by that- he was in his mid 60s, from a conservative family and still did that. His wife is still working, and now that the kids are school age he’s working at a golf course for fun.

      I guess I’m saying, Vance is an a hole and is useless.

  12. Noor says:

    Disgusting. I wonder what turns Vance into a complete idiot. His worldview is beyond toxic.

    • AMB says:

      Not to be a one-note canary here, but:
      Ambition. He’s turned himself inside out ideologically in his pursuit for power.

  13. Donna says:

    How about parents raise the children they have. The post-menopausal women already raised their own children.

    • Jais says:

      Right? Grandparents do not have to raise their grandchildren. If they do and help out extensively, it’s still a choice. And the parents should be grateful and thanking their parents for helping out. It’s not their job. It’s the lack of gratitude towards the grandparents that’s making me mad. It’s the expectation. No, it’s a gift if someone is fortunate to have grandparents nearby that are capable of helping. Treat it as such. Grandparent should be offended as JD Vance just insulted another demographic.

      • Jaded says:

        Shady came from a broken family, his parents divorced, his father basically f*cked off and abdicated his duty as a parent, and his mother was a drug addict and alcoholic. He was pretty much raised by his grandparents and I think this has left a legacy of twisted beliefs about how women and grandmothers must be the cornerstone of child rearing. He should have been in therapy from the time he was a kid because he clearly has a lot of early childhood trauma. However I’m not giving him any kind of pass because of this because he’s clearly a horrible misogynistic, shape-shifting hypocrite who doesn’t have a good grasp of his own identity, he simply gloms onto whatever and whoever can give him power.

    • Kitten says:

      Ugh exactly. I mean, it takes a village and all that and some people genuinely DO need the help. But this broad expectation that every grandparent should give up their lives for their grandkids is just not it.

  14. Miranda says:

    I had a rant building up inside me as I read this, but then I got to that photo of his attempted rally and laughed so hard that I forgot what I was going to say. Oh my God. People need to meme the f–k out of that photo. It should be the new version of the ball pit at DashCon (there’s a deep dive!).

  15. Lau says:

    What about people who have early menopause and so can’t have children or grandchildren ? Are they to be left on the side of the road ?
    I’m really losing all respect for women in his life who think that these are normal statements instead of just hitting him over the head and tell him to shut the hell up if he can’t find anything better to say.

    • Anna says:

      What about them? They don’t exist in his narrow little mind. He exists in the 50ties when everyone had a house with white fence, wives stayed home, husbands worked in the city (and had fun there) and all neighbors were white and straight.

      • Giddy says:

        Or…the wife works all day, then comes home to clean the house and make a perfect dinner in between dropping a baby or two.

  16. Jks says:

    Postmenopausal women for Harris!!!

    Is this guy deliberately trying to lose votes???

    • Anna says:

      He just keeps adding voters groups
      for Harris/Walz team. Perfect. Is he really that stupid or that cynical to think that saying
      such crap will appeal to republicans? How is his wife tolerating that? He insults her and her mother every time he opens his mouth.
      If Usha’s mom had to move in that means he was doing absolutely nothing. When my daughter was born, my husband, young doctor at the time, was working 60h/week and we did fine because once he was home, he did all he could for our family. He acted like a parent and fully participated. He couldn’t breastfeed so was cooking in bulk for us, doing shopping, laundry, changing, bathing the baby, all of it. Grandma could help but she didn’t have to move in…we wanted to be the ones raising our girl.

    • Blithe says:

      Lol: Beyond losing votes, I’m thinking that holidays with the in-laws might be a little strained from here on out.

      • lucy2 says:

        I’m kind of dying to know what his PhD professor mother in law thinks of all this. Even if she’s nice to his face, I bet she’s pulling the Harris/Walz lever.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And it apparently never even occurred to him that the reason his PhD holding, professor MIL was able to take a year off because of her education & financial status.

  17. slippers4life says:

    JFC these people really read “A Handmaid’s Tail” and saw it as a how to manual. For the love of everything on this planet and the wider universe, please keep these weirdo couch f@#$ers out of the Whitehouse.

  18. TN Democrat says:

    The learned helplessness of the magat male is weird.

  19. Tessa says:

    Weren’t there studies about males going through life changes as they age

  20. JD says:

    These men (the interviewer, JD Vance and their ilk) have so many issues to unpack it’s not even funny.
    Can we tear the patriarchy down already? It’s not working anymore for anyone.

  21. PunkyMomma says:

    Vance is such an odious cretin. (During his pitiful press stop in Michigan yesterday, misidentified the current Secretary of Agriculture as Jennifer Granholm (a former two term governor of Michigan). Granholm is the Energy Secretary).

    On the up side, as a woman I am thrilled that there is a national discourse on menstruation and menopause The only Red Wave that is coming November is going to wipe out Mango and Maybelline, and I am here for it.

  22. Truthiness says:

    This kind of isht is why we’d choose the bear.

  23. Agnes says:

    I don’t understand how he became prominent, he’s such a chipmunk. He doesn’t know anything about anything. His mother stole pain meds from her patients, so that fact alone shows he wasn’t raised right. Why on Earth would a woman with an above average IQ marry him and breed with him. He really does have even less charisma than Ron DeSantis.

    • AMB says:

      He became prominent because he’s Peter Thiel’s anointed protege – he owes his entire career to Thiel.

    • Jenn says:

      I haven’t read his hit memoir (or watched the movie), but it’s about rural, working-class Americans with generational trauma. His grandmother raised him, nobly “sacrificed all,” and iirc was a victim of abuse. Gran handed that generational trauma down to his birth mother, who was nonfunctional, incredibly emotionally dysregulated, and inadequate as a parent. I’ve gotten the impression that his memoir is a “bootstraps” narrative in which he “overcomes” the traumatized women in his life, whom he sees as obstacles to his own ambition and potential.

      In other words, he is filled with unprocessed rage toward women — and that rage is the source of his grandiosity. He needs a therapist.

  24. Mimsy383 says:

    He’s really lucky his mother-in-law could get approval for a paid ( at least half pay, maybe even fully paid) sabbatical from a university to come take care of his child for a year. I teach at a university, and in my ( just submitted ) sabbatical application it has to be tied to a research project.

    He isn’t wrong that grandmothers have an evolutionary rule to play in raising their grandchildren, it’s just said in the most unappealing, creepy, coded way.

    And the article correctly highlights that so much of the whole project 2025 program and the conservative approach to the family involves unpaid labor done by women.

  25. Chantal1 says:

    This guy is a far bigger threat than the guy who’s azz he’s kissing bc he is the puppet the Repubs wanted to replace Trump with if Trump got elected. Correction: one of the guys – the other being Peter Thiel, the billionaire who funded his Senate campaign and firmly believes that giving women the right to vote was a huge mistake.

    J’ll bet this clown sleeps with The Handmaid’s Tale on his night stand and keeps rereading it for ideas. The more the press digs into his past and unearths his numerous and terrible misogynistic comments, the better. His true and hideous personality is being exposed and is dragging down the Repub ticket. I think Trump is seriously looking for a way to dump him. Oh well…

    • AMB says:

      Thiel has outright stated he doesn’t believe in democracy. Period.

      Thiel and his tech-billionaire buddies would like nothing more than oligarchy so they can pursue their dreams of avarice unfettered by laws or consequences.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Fully agree with @Chantal except I bet JD has never read a book by a woman except Ayn Rand.

  26. Barbara says:

    Gosh, I wonder what my purpose is as a post menopausal woman whose son and DIL don’t plan on having kids. I guess my life is over, huh.

    • HeatherC says:

      I’m a post menopausal woman with no grandkids as well Guess I should just go back to bed lol

      • lucy2 says:

        I am post-menopausal thanks to an emergency hysterectomy, have no kids, AND have 2 cats.
        This turd would burn me at the stake if given the opportunity.

  27. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Vance is a turd that needs to be flushed.

    Anyone remember the Helen Reddy song “I Am Woman” from the 70’s: “I am woman hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore” https://youtu.be/ZrVLL7soS1U?si=bx9VsJc4qfb7OEeN

    Women are about to claim their power in this election.


    • CLOVE says:

      @Midnight@theOasis We sure are going to claim our power!


  28. Hypocrisy says:

    What a vile and horrible human being.. well this menopausal woman will not be voting for him. His crowd in the heart of the GOP area in Michigan was laughable, I’ve seen more people show up for little league games.

  29. Ali says:

    How the heck would a trump/ Vance economy allow post menopausal women give up work to look after grandchildren.. I’m not post menopausal I’m peri but there’s no way I could give up work to care for my grandchild nor will I be able to in a decade. I’ll be post menopausal in my mid fifties. Retirement age in Ireland is 67 and my granddaughter will be in her very early 20s by then and I bet there are many young grandma’s like me in America.

  30. Somebody Nobody says:

    Just when you think you couldn’t possibly dislike someone more.

  31. K says:

    I have never seen anyone try this hard to lose. But did we really expect anything different from him. He saves his passion for over stuffed chintz sofas. Females serve one purpose…having children.

  32. Monlette says:

    Like he would ever leave his children alone with his biological mother. He is so fake.

  33. manda says:

    Her mother WANTED to do that, and I’m sure she had the type of job where it was possible to leave and then come back, which of course isn’t the case with most people. And that’s because of her success, which they of course don’t really emphasize. I wonder what his in-laws think of him and their daughter.

  34. MaisiesMom says:

    This narrative the older people (and specifically older women) should be raising their grandchildren seems to have been building for a while. It really, really steams me!

    I’ve seen it here and there from Millenial and Gen Z users on TikTok and Twitter. One guy said his mother was being selfish for not wanting to be the nanny to his daughter while he worked. I was stunned by how many people piled on agreeing with him. A woman said her parents had both worked and she had been in day care, a situation she described as them having “no interest in raising her.” So she was staying home with her own children and cutting off her parents’ access to them entirely.

    Now, it might be that the latter’s parents really were cold and distant, in which case, fair enough. But the only thing she mentioned was that she had been in day care because they worked. Is that bad parenting now? God forbid parents need to earn a living and need two incomes to do it. I worked when mine were little. Almost all of my free time was spent with them.

    I don’t have grandkids yet, but odds are I will have them in the next 5 years or so. Of course I want to help with them! I will babysit to give the parents a respite, buy a crib, be another source of love and attention for them. But I am not going to be a full time care-giver. I’ve done that already. It was hard but fulfilling. I wouldn’t trade those years for anything, but I have no interest in re-living them.

    • RRN says:

      I am of Indian ethnicity. So the concept of our parents helping us out when we have kids is extremely common…its literally a thing amongst us. I was talking to my mom the other day and told her that if and when I get married and have kids, I would obviously want her to help me out initially. She said I didnt even have to ask/mention because its obvious she is going to help me. And it is something i can expect from my in-laws too, because, like i said, its a thing amongst Indians.

      That said, Vance is a douchebag and needs to shut up. Just because parents help us out that doesnt mean its their only job. Their lives are much more than nannying (idk if thats a word). If my parents or in-laws cant/wont help, my husband and I will need to deal with it.

      • MaisiesMom says:

        I understand. My sister’s husband is Indian. His mother is based in Delhi and when their son was born, she offered to come to the US and stay with them for 6 months to help. My sister gets along very well with her mother-in-law (whose name is also Usha, coincidentally) and would have been happy for the help! But her husband said no thank you, lol. I think he just wanted to set boundaries.

        It’s common in a lot of cultures. My brother is married to a woman from Latvia and her mother actually did stay with them for more than a year and continued to be their full time child care until the youngest went to school. I just think it should be a choice, and parents shouldn’t be guilted for not wanting to do it. So, we seem to be in agreement.

  35. Sue says:

    That rally looks like it was held at Four Seasons Landscaping again.

    • lucy2 says:

      I was thinking the same thing! They couldn’t find a better spot? It looks like they just randomly pulled over on the side of the road in an industrial park.

  36. seraphina says:

    I don’t know how or why this video popped up on my youtube feed and I don’t want to know. Enjoy CBers – the comments are good too.


  37. @debbye says:

    From an old lady, I am insulted by this cave man and someone needs to slap some sense in him. I volunteer

  38. Kateee says:

    This is a settled topic among a subset of white, libertarian, paleo boys: women live longer than men because they have a function within the family unit to raise grandchildren even after fertility ends, whereas men don’t have any reason to actually raise children and so there is no reason for them to live long lives.

    This is a group in which I expect Vance fits nicely: stunted wannabe cavemen.

    • BeanieBean says:

      There’s really nothing in the archaeological record to suggest men were in charge in those caves; it’s just a pleasant fantasy they tell themselves.

  39. Lindsay says:

    He’s been reduced to character who is forced to make outrageous remarks so the maggots cheer and the press prints.
    Like that Simpson’s clip when Lois Simpson verbalizes ‘9/11’ to the crowd.

  40. girl_ninja says:

    Pete Buttigieg has been a fantastic surrogate for the Biden-Harris administration and now for the Harris-Walz ticket. He has been clocking Vance for the fool that he and it has been glorious. We don’t love up on Pete enough in my opinion.

  41. H says:

    This guy truly is a freak and the GOP is about to get slaughtered in November.

  42. girl_ninja says:

    The reality is that when Donald and Vance lose, he will still hold a Senate seat, subjecting us to his ignorant, misogynistic, and regressive thinking. We are fighting for our lives here folks. Although he may be foolish, his backers are cunning and ruthless. The Peter Theil’s of the world want to subjugate women to breeders and have poor people living in camps. This is not hyperbole – their goals are sinister and very real.

  43. Nina says:

    As a child-free post-menopausal woman, I guess I’ll need to go out and find some random grandchildren to raise.

    That you, JD, for telling me what I need to be doing to give my life meaning. Phew! What a helpful guy!

  44. BlueNailsBetty says:

    I look forward to the memoir his daughter will write in approx. 20 years.

  45. pottymouth pup says:

    This is telling “it makes him a much better human being, to have exposure to his grandparents… ”

    If his child needs exposure to his grandparents (you know, those Brown immigrant in-laws he has), it tells me that being around JD and Usha isn’t enough to make the Vance children good human beings because they’re not learning to be good human beings from their parents

  46. Localady says:

    Dude. Where’s my couch

  47. seriouslywhat? says:

    Here’s a thought, JD. Maybe instead of relying on your mother-in-law to give up her job for a year (and wasn’t it lucky that she was in a position to do that?) to become an unpaid nanny for you, why don’t you work to introduce decent f***ing parental leave in your country? It is WILD to me that your wife went back to work (as a Supreme Court law clerk, is that right?) before your child was two months old. And yes, I know that’s not unusual in the US, but that doesn’t make it right or a good thing.

    As for the rest of his explanation about “liberal” economics: word salad. And utter balls.

  48. tamsin says:

    How can anyone live with someone with such ideas in their head? What spawned such a mentality? He is the culmination of every cultural misogynistic and sexist belief. And such apparent complete lack of self-awareness?

  49. Debbie says:

    This Beardo Weirdo does have quite a gift for perverting every matter-of-fact incident into some liberal attack or anti-woman harangue.

  50. Linney says:

    I am still confused as to why Vance is such a bust with so many Trump followers. You would think they would love his insanity. Any thoughts as to why no one seems to like him?

  51. Sass says:

    Wait, I’m confused. I thought as a mother I’m not supposed to work, I’m supposed to stay home taking care of the kids. Isn’t that what they want? This is why men shouldn’t be in charge of anything, they can’t keep anything straight.

  52. Saucy&Sassy says:

    He has an interesting world view if he thinks that grandparents don’t need to work to pay the bills. He’s saying that economics don’t matter–grandmothers should do what’s needed to help raise the grandchildren. So, he’s also suggesting that grandmothers would send money instead of going themselves? How many grandmothers can afford to do that? His entire reasoning isn’t logical. I don’t have children, so I don’t have any grandchildren, however, I could not have left work to become a nanny. Exactly, who was going to support me when I was no longer needed as a nanny?

    This man is an idiot and a fool. If it wasn’t for the working stiffs there would be no GDP and he and his wealthy cohorts would NOT be happy.

    • mightymolly says:

      This is where I stand. The average age of menopause is 51. The retirement age (e.g. when one becomes eligible for social security) is 67. What will it take to a get a report to ask him his plan to reconcile that gap. Will there be government funding for grandmas who *want* to retire early to care for grandchildren?

  53. Veronica S. says:

    Fun fact: JD and Usha met through his Yale professor, who is none other than the Tiger Mom herself, Amy Chua. That could tell you plenty about the kind of people he was hanging around.

    • deering24 says:

      Eeeeeuuuuuuuuuwwww! Sweet Jesus. Was hoping to never hear about that awful person again.

  54. Brynne says:

    Another fun fact: Tiger Mom Amy Chua and her husband both had multiple allegations of inappropriate behavior regarding students. Her husband was suspended for sexual misconduct allegations and she was repeatedly alleged to have behaved inappropriately with students at their house. Both eere involved in grooming female students for clerkships with Brett “The Boof” Kavanaugh.

  55. Rnot says:

    Note that these brilliant minds never mention the gay uncle theory when they spout off about the grandmother hypothesis. The reason we still have gay uncles, even though they should theoretically reproduce in lower numbers, is that their presence increases the chances that their niblings will survive long enough to reproduce the family DNA. In other words, grandmothers and gay uncles ARE the village. Kids do better with extended support networks. Sounds pretty woke, huh?

  56. Franklin B says:

    Ugh. Republican cis men. Obsessed with vaginas and uteruses. Just… STOP.

    • Anna says:

      They are fighting hard to get woment back to domestic duties and hard, unpaid labor while men “work” and occasionally “babysit” their own kids when asked nicely. Caring for children, elderly and household work are worth thousands monthly, and if you try to outsource it you’ll end up paying a lot. So why do it when you have a wife and other females at your disposal?

      Again, I would feel bad for Usha and her family but I believe their politics are not so different and they might be as cynical as couch shagger, thinking that they are rich enough to live as they wish and the masses need to be controlled so say whatever needs to be said to achieve your goal. Usha has her own money and her parents are also successful so if she needed to get away from this ahole there is nothing stopping her. I will save my pity for women who are financially stuck with abusers and have a hard time untangling themselves.

  57. East Villager says:

    The purpose of the post-menopausal female is to SLAY ON VACATIONS TO EUROPE.