Mail: Princess Kate ‘had actually been unwell for some time’ before her surgery

I wondered if and when we would get one of these pieces, and I thought it would come later in the summer, like at the end of August or early September. I wonder if the timeline was moved up for some reason (ah, I just got it – the Sussexes’ trip to Colombia, that’s why). Traditionally, Kensington Palace offers these “what the future will bring for Princess Kate” briefings a few times a year. In years past, the briefings are often “she’s keen to do more but you should not expect her to do anything, it’s not like she’s queen!” This season’s briefing is more fraught – obviously, it’s been a crazy year for Kate conspiracies and obviously, something fundamental has changed and shifted with Kate’s position in the family. The palace has made it perfectly clear that no one should expect Kate to do anything anytime soon, so this new Rebecca English piece is just filling out all of that. Plus, English says that Kate’s health was suffering last year too, that she has been sick for a lot longer than people realize. Some highlights from this new Mail exclusive:

Kate’s treatment: Her preventative chemotherapy treatment continues over the summer – and possibly even beyond – while her recovery will be ongoing for many months to come once even this is concluded, I understand. She will continue to work privately, and engage publicly as and when she can. Kensington Palace hope to provide guidance at some point in the future about what a return to ‘a more regular workload’ might look like. But it is important to stress that they are absolutely ‘not at that stage yet’, according to one royal insider.

No return to royal duties: Asked if the Princess’ fourth public appearance (in person and on video) of the year signalled a return to royal duties, a source said firmly: ‘We are not there yet. When we last heard from her ahead of Trooping the Colour, she said her treatment was going on into the summer and that’s what’s happening. It’s been a rough, rough time, a really difficult year for the entire family. And as she herself said, she is not out of the woods yet. The direction is positive [but] there will not be great change [in terms of her public profile] after Sunday night and no one is giving a timescale for her return.’

Internet trolls: In the fetid depths of social media, you will always find someone with an unkind opinion on the matter, despite Catherine’s quite unprecedented levels of openness about her condition. Within hours of her appearance at Wimbledon in July, for example, trolls were already disgracefully picking apart her rosy-cheeked appearance, even casting aspersions on how ill she has really been. While we mustn’t give these individuals the oxygen of publicity they clearly crave, it is important to highlight just how rancid the internet has been this year when it comes to the Royal Family – William and Catherine in particular. While the couple try to ignore such conjecture, the sad truth is that it has added an unbearable layer of strain to their lives, one that has proved to be downright distressing at times.

Kate was sick last year: What most will not appreciate is that Catherine had actually been unwell for some time in the run up to her initial abdominal surgery in January (further details of which have not been made public yet by Kensington Palace). It was only after that ‘planned’ operation, of course, which left her in hospital for two weeks, that her cancer was discovered. As always she hid her suffering well, but those who know her are keen to emphasise just what a tough time it has been. ‘I don’t think people realise how much she has gone through behind the scenes and for how long, far longer than anyone actually appreciates,’ says one. ‘She’s an incredibly strong woman, but she really has been through the wars. Her treatment and recovery is still a priority and will be ongoing for some time to come.’

A slow-build for Kate’s schedule: This means that far from hitting the ground running in the autumn, as some might have hoped after her glowing appearance at the weekend, it will continue to be a ‘slow build’ for the princess, taking on things as and when she feels physically – and, no doubt, mentally – strong enough. She is likely to continue to attend keynote national events, such as Remembrance Sunday.

A fabulous summer vacation: However, I am told things are finally ‘moving in the right direction‘ and the couple and their young family have enjoyed a ‘fabulous’ summer so far in Norfolk, living at Anmer Hall, their home and sanctuary on the monarch’s Sandringham estate. Spending time outdoors – cycling, sailing, and hanging out with family and friends – has put colour back in all their cheeks. ‘They made a clear and conscious decision to take time out as a family this summer. Seeing them both looking so happy and relaxed with each other and so comfortable in each other’s company tells you a lot about where they are,’ one insider remarks, suggesting that old adage ‘what doesn’t break you, makes you stronger’ is as true for the royals as it is for the rest of us.

Bearded Huevo: William has even cut loose and grown some stubble – his summer ‘dad beard’ – which has gone down so well on social media that some in his circle are jokingly advising him to keep it come the autumn. ‘It’s his “Hot Dad Summer”, laughs one, a play on the “Hot Girl Summer” trend so loved by Gen Z. Not that William, 42, planned to take the internet by storm. ‘We thought that having [the notorious rapper] Snoop Dogg in the video [to congratulate Great Britain’s Olympic team] would be what caught everyone’s eye. Instead all people are talking about is the beard! Everyone finds it very funny,’ I’m told.

[From The Daily Mail]

A few more notes – English says that William will return to work when the kids go back to school, and his schedule will be fuller (fuller than Kate’s, in any case). English also indicated that the Wales family has not gone to Scotland yet, but they’ll try to go towards the end of August. The broad strokes… Kate won’t be seen much this fall. Her next appearance will probably be on Remembrance Day in November. She will not work at all for a very long time. I also find it curious that they’re now admitting that Kate – who looked completely awful last fall – was in poor health back then and no one had any idea. If only a princess could use her huge international platform to simply tell people that she was in poor health and educate people on her (still mysterious) condition? At some point, the palace and the press have to admit that William and Kate’s privacy obsession and general incompetence at maintaining that privacy is what led to so many of the issues they faced this year.

The stuff about internet trolls… like, even if you’re buying everything that the palace is putting out about Kate, it seems pretty rich to blast “the fetid depths of social media” when it came to people trying to figure out why Kensington Palace was lying and why William threw his sick wife under the bus over a manipulated photo. It’s also pretty rich to act snotty about “people speculating on the internet” when William and Kate were far from open and honest about WTF was going on for months and months. Not to mention that the Mail’s royal reporters never had that kind of smoke for all of the cruel, vile, hateful and racist sh-t being said about Meghan online and in the tabloids when the poor woman was pregnant.

Photos courtesy of KensingtonRoyal’s Twitter, Cover Images and Avalon Red.

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138 Responses to “Mail: Princess Kate ‘had actually been unwell for some time’ before her surgery”

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  1. equality says:

    Will really is still trying to get people to think he’s hot?

    • Julia says:

      Apart from a few Royal sycophants I have not seen anyone who likes the beard. I have only seen comments that say he looks like a homeless man. They are really trying to gaslight us. Even many of their fans hated the beard.

    • So they are still trying to sell the preventive chemo. Now she was sick before the surgery. She may have be sick but I believe it was a mental breakdown. The end was near for her and Peg and she was called a racist. I think they are running with this because whatever she holds over Pegs head has her doing what she want and that is doing none of her royal duties. So they must come up with an excuse for her being missing far into the future.

      • Nano says:

        I totally agree with you. She’s prob gonna be on this ghost chemo for years to come.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        So, the chemo is a preventative measure, but then the article says she has cancer…? A person of her royal status, with her keenery, and with her ready-made platform, should come right out and say what she is dealing with and here is where you can donate to help fight the good fight. Come on, this is a children’s book waiting to happen (written by the Princess responsible for telling Britians that the early childhood years are important, duh): How To Tell Your Children You Have Cancer.

    • Shoesies says:

      WTF is up with his morphing face. OMG, I would laugh him into the next century his arrogant ass try to act cute with me. He is lacking in empathy, intellect and usefulness. People should just walk by him and avert their heads.

    • curious says:

      KKKK stalked W like a predator for 10+ years. Has refused to work over the years unless it is a photo opportunity focussing on her. Fakes victimhood when the opposite is true. Forced her grifter family on the public. Can someone tell me how this very determined mean spirited person is supposed to be a delicate vulnerable doormat. W has a temper, but supposedly she gives as good as she gets, any stories like this are removed quickly. KKKK seems to have a direct line to tabloid media and manipulates stories to feed her jealousy and her self appointed superiority. Not a royalist but “the one bad apple destroys the whole lot” seems to apply. The BRF are now like a low level soap opera.

  2. Tessa says:

    The hot single dad beard stubble. He might wear it on those school runs. No Kate has not been open about what’s going on.

    • Dee says:

      As a doc, preventive chemo does not go on for months and months. Prolonged chemo is for treating. So that is not honest on KPs part.

      • Mayp says:

        Agreed, @dee, either her health situation is more serious or the chemo has been used as an excuse. I tend to believe the latter and think that there may be a huge mental health component to her absences. And, as others have noted here, she became “ill” (conveniently) after the revelations in the draft copy of Endgame.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        🤷🏼‍♀️ My mom has been on an aromatse inhibitor for ten years post lumpectomy and chemo – that is preventative. That said, KP is being entirely opaque about this whole situation.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Adjuvant chemo is usually 6 months so if the reported March start date is correct, her chemo will be ending in Sept.

      • Lily says:

        And preventative chemo is not something a person gets when she has cancer she only gets it if she is high risk of getting, or had multiple people in family and it takes max 6 months . The treathment stand out of medication, vitamins and supliments not that kind of chemo a patient gets when she/he has real cancer like Charles who at 75 still working and has cancer

      • K says:

        Sometime preventative or adjuvant chemo can be 6 months of some GI cancers or now we sometimes do immunotherapy for up to 1 year

      • Marigold says:

        I took adjuvant targeted therapy (chemo) for a full year. My therapist (who has metastasized cancer) has taken it for about 6 years. Also, I took it when I actively had cancer. I get people have issues with Kate but let’s not spread misinformation.

    • Normal Islander says:

      He’s probably babystalking MILFs on the school run: “Hey Louis, I think that lady over there wants to tell you how cute you are!”

  3. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    The only other reason for the beard besides copying harry is that he might be getting a rounder face from a year long vacation. Which also explains the apparent filter on his face.

    Kate felt bad before the “planned” surgery because end game was out and so was her being exposed as one of the 2 racists in the family. She had her xmas show 2 days after being outed

    • Christine says:

      I think we can narrow down the health issues to after “the hardest thing I ever had to do was a walkabout with Meghan after QEII died” articles. I can’t remember when those were floated, and honestly, Kate was desperately lazy at her peak physical health, so I don’t care enough to look it up.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    ‘It’s his “Hot Dad Summer”, laughs one, a play on the “Hot Girl Summer” trend so loved by Gen Z. LOL. They sound like Steve Buscemi.” How do you do, fellow kids!” But yeah I think it was pretty obvious to plenty around here that she started looking a little disheveled this time last year, and the wigs started getting really bad and doll like. Whatever is truly going on with her I can buy that they either were trying to downplay and ignore, or didn’t think it was going to become as serious as it was.

  5. Tessa says:

    William looked like he has been out on the sun for months . He never looked pale

  6. lanne says:

    So…she’s getting put out to pasture. She can’t hack it as a royal–she’s completely incapable of doing royal duties. She never has been capable of doing royal duties. I believe her physical health has likely been poor for a long time, and her mental health as well. She’s the perfect example of “be careful what you wish for.” I believe her dreams took her to the altar and not one step further. Neither her nor her husbands vanity could countenance Harry and Meghan actually doing a better job at the job than they could do. I think both the Wales hate the job, hate the life, and in consequence, seem to hate each other.

    I think it’s fitting that they are stuck in a miserable situation of their own creation. I’m just sorry the kids will have to face the same generational traumas.

    • seaflower says:

      The kids will be put to work asap to cover for Kate.

      If she’s seriously still getting “preventative chemo” then I’m not sure how it can be called preventative any more. To go on this long doesn’t make sense. That is if she really is still getting it and the tabloids aren’t just still saying she is because they don’t know.

      • Smegmoria says:

        That has been my question. How long does preventative chemotherapy go on for? Does anyone have any knowledge about this?

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        Same. At some point, it isn’t preventative and becomes regular chemo treatment for cancer. Not that I believe she had cancer anymore. Abdominal issues? Sure. Plastic surgery to fix whatever happened to her left eye? Yep. Depressed about a divorce? Yep.

        Smegmoria, I had preventative treatment and it was 3 months. 6 treatments every 21 days. My cancer was found very early, but the cells were multiplying rapidly, so extra strength chemo.

      • Megan says:

        The janky wigs last year suggested she was having pre-op chemo to try to shrink a tumor or tumors. The length of the post-surgery chemo suggests to me she is not in remission and will be living ongoing chemo indefinitely. The visible grey hair in the Olympics video suggests she has had a massive change in priorities.

      • Magdalena says:

        @Megan: massive change in priorities, or more likely a massive reduction in her beautification funding? William is now in charge of the purse strings for his family and he is a notorious tightwad. Her lack of access to what had previously been a massive pool of funds to spend on identical ugly coat dresses became apparent shortly after that first major benching incident.

      • Kit says:

        Yes, poor Kate has been receiving and will continue to receive ongoing chemo treatment for cancer that can now be revealed, ongoing since the last 7 years…or more. Kate has always been a work shy royal through her royal life and will continue to be indefinitely. The reason why can now be revealed…due to her ongoing chemo treatment that can last indefinitely. We get it.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Adjuvant chemo is usually six months but some patients have three or four cycles. Reportedly her chemo started in March (which makes sense with a Jan surgery date) so it actually does make sense that her chemo is still ongoing.

        But, the idea that this is preventative chemo contradicts all the “not out of the woods yet” stuff.

        I don’t believe they’ve been honest about anything but the timeline does fit for this form of chemo.

      • C says:

        I have no comment on her health. But I will say she has had many moments where she’s had a little bit of roots growing in, for public events too, so I wouldn’t read too much into that.

    • Renae says:

      @Lanne : Kate could have faked infertility as good as she’s faking “cancer”.

    • Brandy_Alexander says:

      I’m sorry – you think being sick with cancer is a misery of their own creating? Jesus, I hope you are living the epitome of perfection (something tells me you’re not with these gross mean girl statements) lest your words and actions manifest in some terrible debilitating disease of your own making.

      And if Kate is on poor mental health, why is that a case of “careful what you wish for” but Meghan’s suicidal ideation something to be pitied? And for the record, I do pity Meghan’s struggles. But I also pity Kate’s struggles with cancer. I have had 2 very close family members die of cancer and acting like she is faking it for a vacation is gross.

      • Mean girl is Can’t. There have been so very many lies that come from Kensington Palace that whatever comes out of their mouths is usually a lie even cancer. I have never seen you on this site before which leads me to believe you are a troll and a Can’t fan girl.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Brandy_Alexander: it’s her life with William that’s a misery of her own making. She’s stuck.

      • lanne says:

        The misery of their own creation is their unwillingness and inability to do the job they are paid to do by the public. Kate’s lack of work ethic predates her cancer by more than a decade, and it’s given her an out to continue to get public money to do nothing. The British media often called her Duchess Doolittle, and a charity called her out publically by saying she hadn’t visited or communicated with them for 8 years.

        Irrespective of cancer, the Wales want to get all the perks of royalty without doing anything to earn them. The job is public service, and Kate has shown zero inclination to do any. Cancer doesn’t change her history, nor does it excuse her history. But it’s now become an excuse for her completely bailing on public service, as superficial as public service is in her situation (all she has to do is show up, smile and wave, for heavens sake–she’s not making or carrying out policy). That’s quite frankly insulting to all the people who face cancer and must find a way to continue living their lives to the extent they are able. Cancer for Kate has simply become an excuse to hide. If the King can carry on to the best of his ability, she should be able to do the same thing. The bar has always been so, so low for her, and she still can’t manage it. So out to pasture she goes.

      • Convict says:

        @BA: what has your personal family situation got to do with the veracity of KP statements as to Kate’s diagnosis?

    • aftershocks says:

      Thank you @Lanne. 💯 I think you have summed up WanK quite accurately in a nutshell!

  7. Fastgran says:

    Isn’t a bit coincidental that this story appears just as Harry and Meghan’s Columbian visit kicks off. People’s sympathy for Kate is running dry half of the people don’t think she is ill at all

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    Yes, she often looked rough last year. Now she looks quite well. Apparently, the preventative chemo is a permanent feature of her life. She can quiet quit if she wants. I won’t miss her.

  9. Carol Mengel says:

    Poor, poor Kate. Dealing with so much. But it won’t keep her from her 3 months vacation will it?

  10. JD says:

    “As always she hid her suffering well” – what suffering? And always? What does the writer allude to here?

    • Chrissy says:

      I’m thinking a cold, cheating husband?

    • HappyMomredux says:

      If she was sick enough to have abdominal surgery that kept her in the hospital for 2 weeks then yes, I guarantee she was suffering for a while.

      • Mayp says:

        If you believe that she had abdominal surgery, that is, @happymom. And not, say, a mental breakdown.

  11. Miranda says:

    “…despite Catherine’s quite unprecedented levels of openness about her condition”


    “Seeing them both looking so happy and relaxed with each other and so comfortable in each other’s company…”


    Just…no. I don’t think I need to say any more than that. Well, i guess I could add “stop”.

    • Ginger says:

      Yeah, Kate hasn’t been open AT ALL about her condition. We have no idea what symptoms she had, what kind of abdominal surgery she had OR what kind of cancer she has. She has been incredibly vague about everything. You would think she would want to help people but nope.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Miranda, exactly! 💯 ‘No,’ and ‘Stop,’ by this point has to suffice for all the neverending rota nonsense embiggening of WanK! 🤪😵‍💫

    • Jais says:

      A frankenphoto was put out to hide her health issues so yeah it’s a no. They were secretive and lying as opposed to being open. I don’t t believe anything they say or anything Becky English says. Wish a healthy recovery but think they’re all very well-funded liars.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Well, exactly! And I would add, what ‘recent appearance over the weekend’? That video with Snoop Dogg? That’s not an ‘appearance & who knows when it was actually filmed.

      And how can she hide her suffering as usual AND be open about her illness? How do you do those two at the same time?

  12. Tessa says:

    I don’t think he and Kate are vacationing together

  13. s808 says:

    Still think she had a mental breakdown last year. As someone above mentioned she’s being “put out to pasture”.

    • Julia says:

      This reminds me of the Duchess of Kent who disappeared from public life after having mental health issues. Of course she was not as high profile as Kate so her disappearance didn’t cause as much attention. She would sometimes come out for big royal events and then disappear again for months.

      • Tessa says:

        The duchess of Kent and her husband became estranged and live separate lives. I always saw her as a nice person who worked for charities. She was a lot more popular than Kate at Wimbledon as I recall.

      • Tessa says:

        The duchess of Kent was popular there were many stories about her in majesty magazine. Marina duchess of Kent was a beloved figure at Wimbledon then her daughter in law succeeded her.

  14. Lau says:

    Well William’s favorite football team (Aston Villa) is in the Champions League this season so he’s probably already cleared his schedule to go around Europe to see them play. It’s literally the only “job” he’s willing to do.

  15. HeatherC says:

    I’m a nurse with an oncology background AND a cancer patient (recurrence, dammit). “Preventative” chemotherapy IS a thing, usually called adjunct chemotherapy. But it’s for a SET time, like 3 cycles, 8 cycles, etc. If it is extended beyond that it is no longer “preventative” but is treating something. (Though some cancers, like breast cancer, can have *maintenance* chemotherapy for years….but by then you know how your body will react and side effects aren’t quite so all encompassing)

    They’re shoving the Cancer Card in everyone’s faces to try and make her immune from any criticism (she’s got CANCER, poor dear. How dare you!). That offends me deeply on a visceral level, it really does.

    Though many of us going through treatment will require some accommodations in our daily lives (maybe a shortened work schedule, more telecommuting, staying away from crowds) we do strive to try to claim our normal lives as much as we can.

    Then again, being lazy as all get out and being praised for it is her normal.

    • equality says:

      It also doesn’t make sense when you have Charles undergoing treatment and still “working”.

      • SURE says:

        @equality Yeah, that’s the contradiction the rota never address in their PR write ups.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        It makes sense when you consider that Kate is the laziest human being alive, and that the tabloid-reading British public are extremely gullible.

      • IdlesAtCranky says:

        First, I am in NO WAY making excuses for any of the BRF here, certainly not “Distressed” Princess Kate.

        I have no idea, nor do any of the public, what is actually going on with her health, because she hasn’t chosen to share that except in the most vague way, and that’s been totally undercut by the stream of lies put out by Kensington Palace.

        Personally, I think she has been sick for awhile, probably with symptoms induced by years of an eating disorder. But who knows? Not us.

        That said, what I never see anyone say about Not My King (thank goodness) is that he most likely has prostate cancer.

        It’s extremely common for men of his age, and in most cases it’s slow-growing and treated with targeted radiation “seeds” injected at the affected area. That’s not fun, and it can be a bit debilitating for awhile, especially if it’s initially accompanied by some chemo.

        But those who say Charles is still working don’t seem to realize that if this is the case, he’s likely not nearly as debilitated as most people being treated for more aggressive cancers.

        Most older men diagnosed with prostate cancer die of other causes, like heart disease, long before the cancer ever becomes life-threatening.

      • Convict says:

        Re prostate cancer: that is patently not true. It is an extremely lethal cancer in men. If caught early, there are good outcomes, as with most cancers. However, many men neglect banal symptoms that they attribute to something benign, such as frequent urination.

        What we can assume with KCIII is that he has the very best medical treatment at his disposal and that he likely had regular and thorough screening, unlike the majority of men.

    • Jaded and HeatherC. I wish you good luck with your continuing cancer treatments. I am a survivor of breast cancer with her2. I caught mine early and was treated quickly with 12 weeks of chemo and a year of an infusion for the her2. I can’t remember the name of the drug other than it has a long name. I too find her vague information about what she has to be in my opinion just a lie to cover for her being called a racist and probably covering for some DV and a mental breakdown all of which if are true that is nothing to be ashamed of. What is shameful is using cancer to cover for other things.

    • Herceptin is the infusion I was talking about with the chemo.

  16. TN Democrat says:

    The rota is getting restless and are beginning to nip, nip, nip. Keener and Will-not are not going to be able to hide behind faux Meghan/Harry controversies forever without a Tory controlled government. The rota are really dying to spill the beans. If it becomes clear that she is only going to appear at major family events like trooping, the press will spill the beans by next summer.

  17. Bluj1515 says:

    The ongoing insistence that both she and Charles have been open about their conditions while the public remains in the dark about even the type of cancer and where in the body it is truly is abysmal reporting.

    • sunnyside up says:

      It’s what the palace wants, Fergie was so much better at helping people by actually being open. She has gone up in my estimation.

  18. Hypocrisy says:

    Well 🦴 preventative chemo seems to be a lot longer than my sisters who actually had cancer. I don’t believe anything coming out of KP especially if it’s written by this propagandist. Funny how they emphasized how her summer is full of activities but she is far too ill to consider cutting a ribbon and clapping. Pregnant suicidal Meghan was not offered treatment, she received no protection or privacy so I have zero empathy or sympathy for anything 🦴 is dealing with. I’m also sure it isn’t nearly as awful as they want the public to think.

  19. Cj says:

    Is 6 months of preventative chemotherapy normal? They’ve been saying she’s in active chemo since mid-Jan and now we’re almost at September…. Surely that many rounds of it means it’s something more serious than they’ve let on or it’s less preventative and more of an active treatment?

    • HeatherC says:

      It can be. My first bout with bladder cancer they removed the tumor with clean margins, I still underwent treatment (6 weeks a cycle with 2 week break for 6 cycles). For breast cancers, preventative chemotherapy can then turn into maintenance chemotherapy which can last year. But I doubt it’s the case with Kate. Something is going on with her, but it’s not what they’re saying.

    • Sunny says:

      Sounds terminal to me .

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      6 months is pretty standard. All reports say the chemo started in March (it certainly wouldn’t have started in Jan as she would have needed to recover from the surgery first) which puts things on track to end in September.

      The test will be what happens in the months after September.

    • Talie says:

      Since I read this article – my own minor conspiracy is that she probably got a cancer diagnosis last year. Did treatment, then had the surgery, but the surgery was not a success – so it’s back to treatment. I think she and The King are not in good shape, but I would hope they would be more honest because a double blow like that would shock the public. And that’s how cancer is – it’s not always long and drawn out. It can be fast when everything goes to hell.

    • Shoesies says:

      IDK I had experimental chemo from Europe for a year for chronic active epstein barr. 15 years later back in tx in a bad way. Only tx they recommend is stem cell transplant – doc says that will kill me but I have beaten the odds before and will again. Waiting PT for 7 compound fractures of the spine – stuck in bed can’t walk or stand yet. Life can hand you some ish but it gave me the miraculous gift of an amazing loving man who feeds me, bathes me, entertains me to keep my mind off the pain, brushes my hair every night, sings to me and holds me day and night. KKKATE will never have that. I don’t agree with her behavior, integrity or character but I believe every human deserves love and every woman deserves the love of a good man. I haven’t seen any good men in the Brit establishment.

      • IdlesAtCranky says:

        Sending you love, light, healing…

        And please tell your partner that a random internet stranger thanks him for being the best kind of human.

        Blessings to you both. 💚💚💚🌿

      • Tashiro says:

        Keeping you in prayer and everyone else who is facing this battle ❤️

  20. aquarius64 says:

    English, on orders from KP, is lobbing this BS because KP’s reputation is still damaged by Kate’s photo stunt and William’s under the bus throwing of his wife. Appearances at Trooping and Wimbledon are making the cancer diagnosis is fake conspiracy stick. The clout chasing of American Snoop Dogg for the celeb packed congrats Team GB for their Olympic triumphs confirm the Wales come out only for fun things. Ditto for the Taylor Swift concert. William and Kate want the perks and not put in the work required of their positions. The UK riots prove in times of national crisis they are useless; and they will be useless when it’s William’s turn on the throne.

  21. Digital Unicorn says:

    So they are gonna keep pushing this preventative chemo excuse to hide that she’s lazy and/or is being pushed out of public life completely. Its offensive to everyone who’s actually had cancer – I know someone who has stage 4 cancer and his initial treatment lasted about 6 weeks and there was then a break before deciding on the next course of treatment.

    I agree with others that she had a mental health breakdown, I’d also say that she’s been having issues from a long term ED which could have caused the surgery.

    Nothing about this passes the smell test.

    • Nic919 says:

      Becky English is a court stenographer so all we can determine from this is that this is the story KP wants out there. Whether any of it is true is another story. So the reference to being ill before the surgery was put out there now for a reason. Why this wasn’t originally mentioned is odd, just like the whole Franken photo mess.

      Now why they were briefing about trips to Italy and elsewhere before the “planned” surgery and her illness not being an issue remains a mystery.

      • First comment says:

        Weren’t there many articles after Kate’s surgery where it was stated that everyone was surprised and flabbergasted by it? If she had health problems, wouldn’t their staff be informed? I don’t doubt that Kate suffered from something during the last year…her appearance was often haggard and most of her engagements were strictly controlled by the palace and not mentioned in CC. I believe that it was more mental than physical. In fact, I would say that she seemed to have problems long before last year, I would say since the lock down during covid19. There were several signs during zooms…her situation obviously deteriorated last, no, I don’t think her health problem was cancer related as many tried to convince us due to the constant use of wiglets.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Forgot about that, and apparently the rota rats did, too. The surgery, etc. was a surprise! A surprise, they say!

    • Sunny says:

      I have cancer and I’m not offended . Why should I care what they say . Who can be bothered to be offended by that nonsense. I think she’s terminal . She does not look good .

  22. Lili says:

    No sh*t Shelock! we could all see it, from being terribly thin to the plastered fingers, we knew she was going through some things, but now she wants to ride the Meghan and Harry train by centering herself as per usual. Thete put on a great performance for trooping and wimbledon so the Hashtag “Where is Kate?” has stopped trending, are they trying to start it up again. Since she looks so well one can say better than her normal self.

  23. Steph says:

    I can’t believe she’s trying to say this all with a straight face. Kate can go sailing but waving and posing for pictures is too much. Hot dad beard while pegs looks like a ball sack. English sounds crazy!

    • ohwell says:

      Well, she has cancer. So sailing, tennis, vacationing are all she can do because she has cancer.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Right, standard stuff. 🙄

      • Chrissy says:

        Heaven forbid, she tweet out some support to one of her charities. She wouldn’t even need to leave her house to do that or maybe she forgot her job is to show support for the same. SMH

  24. Tursitops says:

    She was also a nasty piece of business for a long time before whatever health problems she now claims to have. Two things can be simultaneously true.

  25. Neners says:

    Has she been sick for 20 years? Because that’s how long she’s been not working.

  26. Lady Digby says:

    The briefing on Kate should concede her privilege in managing cancer. Being rich or in the public eye does not exempt you from getting cancer and the emotional and physical impact that has on you during treatment or your family. However, she has many significant advantages denied to the average person who worries about their job security , future earning capacity , child care, waiting for NHS treatment, transport to and from hospitals etc., State that she is aware of that access to the best and immediate private health care, that she has an army of staff to buy, prepare and serve food, run errands, nanny for the kids and no worries about money or job security. All this wrap around care is hers because she is married the heir to the throne and she is very fortunate indeed to just be able to focus on a full recovery. It would be a better approach to own this privilege because that does not negate her medical treatment this year just puts it in context and shows awareness that many people navigate a lot more financial and work stress going through their lengthy treatment for cancer than Kate will ever experience, She is a mum of 3 so I wish her a full recovery and that is my wish for all cancer sufferers, many of whom contribute to this forum and also deserve the best medical treatment and outcome.

    • Nic919 says:

      That’s she hasn’t even bothered to visit cancer patients but she is able to go sailing or cycling really shows how much she doesn’t care anything unrelated to her.

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        It shows a lot about her character.

      • Christine says:

        It is the only really illuminating part of Kate’s 2024. There is no defense for her utter inability to care about anyone else, ever. It’s her ACTUAL JOB, and one she could easily do on Zoom.

    • bisynaptic says:


  27. Amy Bee says:

    If what Becky is saying is true, it would explain why Kate was wearing those wigs last year. It means that she probably started chemo last year rather than in January.

  28. ohwell says:

    KP is finally doing what I said they should do with Kate. Let her be a stay at home mom. She can show up for major events but it is clear she has no interest in opening shelters. Wimbledon, balcony posing are her bread and butter events.

    It is beyond nasty that they used cancer as the reason for her absence.

    • The Duchess says:

      All of this mess could have been avoided if they were realistic about Kitty’s own abilities. Look bone-idle up in the dictionary and her face would be preening underneath.

      I still think the cancer explanation was used in a panic by KP. They were backed into a corner after the photoshop drama and it’s not like they could be honest about the real reason Kitty was incapacitated. No matter how irrelevant she is to the public gaze, I don’t think anybody would have taken kindly to another married-in suffering from mental health issues.

  29. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I’ve been saying all along that Kate won’t “work” this year and probably won’t going forward either. I’ve also been saying “who cares?”, does she really bring anything to the table? Does her “work” make any tangible difference to anyone? Now, of course since her lifestyle is taxpayer funded she should be out there doing “work” for the people of the UK, I’d be furious if my hard earned money was funding someone else’s lavish lifestyle. I wonder if Kate’s “stepping back” from royal duties will start opening eyes to how useless the entire premise of monarchy and entitlement really is? Fingers crossed!

  30. Trix says:

    Like AS IF they are still pumping her full of “preventative” toxic chemicals if there is no cancer present. AS IF. And how come she’s OK to turn out for marquee sporting events, the Trooping, etc.?

    This story is just chockful of utter bullshit. The only thing I don’t doubt is there have been issues for years, whether health-related or something else, before the “planned” surgery that just happened to conflict with various events on her calendar because, you know, it was so planned.

  31. JJP says:

    I keep going back and forth on this because my sister in law was actually diagnosed with a very aggressive ovarian cancer at 42, she looked very normal/ healthy for a few years. She also had good/bad weeks and had a few abdominal surgeries as her tumors started appearing. She ultimately passed at 47. I hope that’s not the case here, but it in entirely possible that she’s making the most of her time with her kids and keeping the nature of her illness private because going public with some cancers can basically mean going public with a death sentence and I would understand wanting to keep that from her kids.

    • Blujfly says:

      I truly hope it isn’t that, but I think you both make good points. If that’s the case, this steady drip drip drip of information is not useful to her or the public. They need to confide in a very trusted PR person that briefs the media in a way that they get it and stop. But they won’t and so this will continue.

    • Sunny says:

      I agree . I think she’s terminal and she just wants to spend the time she has left with her kids. I hope she gets 5 years .

      • ohwell says:

        Will is a cold man. If Kate is terminal and he blamed her for the photo manipulating, as well as not supporting her while she explained her absence???!!

        Then Will is a straight psychopath!

        I don’t think she is terminal, but I also do not believe she has cancer.

    • Chaine says:

      I swing wildly back and forth on what I think is going on, but right now what you are saying makes sense. It also explains why they are not giving any more specifics, because once they divulge the type of cancer, the media is going to want to know what exact treatment she is having, what stage is she at, etc. and it won’t tamp down the speculation at all, will only make it more wild. If she is really dealing with something terminal and just in the type of treatment meant to try to prolong life, the family (certainly she herself) will not want that to be the tabloid headlines for the children to see and learn about.

  32. Jais says:

    Becky English works for the daily mail tabloid so she has no stones to throw at vile social media. She is the vile.

  33. Bettina says:

    We saw her with swollen ankles for the first time in the summer 2023, so her problems are not just abdominal.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      When was this? I believe you, I just don’t remember it and wanted to look up the pics

  34. Hypocrisy says:

    Esophageal issues definitely go hand in hand with eating disorders.. so maybe her abdominal surgery was a gastrostomy tube (also called a G-tube).

  35. Interested Gawker says:

    “unprecedented levels of openness about her condition”


    Rebecca English was the journalist running about like a blue asred fly telling LIE AFTER LIE about WanK and this entire situation to keep whatever truth KP are hiding from being known, supported their deceptions with the Frankenphoto and even defended it as ‘touch ups’ after it got busted by the news wires. Defended their other, later photos that were just as bad but didn’t get busted too.

    We all could see something was off about Kate last year and now they have the nerve to address this? Were we ‘conspiracy theorists’ then too? I love how they lie and blame and shame the public for not believing them!

  36. MaisiesMom says:

    She can spare us all the pearl-clutching over people speculating on the internet. We were speculating because they were being obtuse and hinky AF about the whole thing, releasing doctored pics and videos (or just fake ones), not specifying what was wrong with her. I don’t even like the woman and for a while there I was truly, genuinely concerned that she might be in a coma and possibly near death as the result of domestic violence.

    For the life of me I don’t understand why they won’t tell the public what illness she has or had. Including if it is included an ED. She could do so much good by talking about it, bringing attention to it, providing solidarity for other sufferers. I understand the desire for privacy but this is 2024. Public figures discuss these things openly now. She wouldn’t have to share all of the details! She could be discreet but honest. The shadowy secret Monarchy should be a thing of the past.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      I totally agree they’ve bungled all of this spectacularly, but I am starting to think that Kate is far far sicker than we originally thought. There was a Twitter leak an hour before her announcement saying she was about to make a cancer announcement, and it was stage 4. Initially it was leaked to be gynecological but then changed to colon. I do think it has some credence bc the account was a random account and then shut down. I think she has been to MD Anderson and is undergoing rigorous treatment.

      I am a little surprised it’s coming out now that she’s been sick for awhile. I’m not surprised she was actually sick, but surprised they are admitting it. She looked incredibly rough last year, especially after August. Plus she got the “I’m hiding something” fringe. Anyone who mentioned she looked less than perfect was vilified as a hater, when surprise surprise we were right. KP is full of gaslighters.

  37. Libra says:

    Uterine fibroids cause pain, bloating and heavy bleeding. You can look well on good days but feel like cr*p other days. This may be the planned abdominal surgery where some cancer cells were found when the tissues were examined post op. Did her medical team then do a complete body scan to check for any metastasis? There’s so much more to this story and it would help a lot of women if she could be more open, but then the future queen would never allow her uterus to be discussed I guess.

  38. M W says:

    They are being very, very vague on what is actually going on with her, but I don’t necessarily disbelieve she is having preventive chemo. I also had preventive chemo and it took months to get through. I looked healthy so people told me how great I was doing all the time, even though I felt bad almost every day. Again, not sure what the story is exactly, but I can see some of the tireness in her eyes that I also experienced. She also has the luxury of not having a full time job and a lot of support to available to her that other people don’t have. Will be interesting to see if she has any growth in her public role after this.

  39. Henny Penny says:

    It all sounds so desperate.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It’s absolutely desperate. They longer the KP/BM continue to lie and kick over the traces of whatever has been going on with WanK the more damning it will be when the truth is revealed.

      The BM can call us ‘head bangers’, ‘conspiracy theorists’, ‘haters’, ‘SM trolls’, the lot,


      WanK has been lying to, gaslighting and scamming the public over Kate’s health, the Walses marriage, William’s entanglement with BM and whatever kompromat is keeping him up at night and driving him to be so vicious towards H&M.

  40. Rnot says:

    Yeah I’m getting a strong stage IV vibe.

  41. one of the marys says:

    The second paragraph about trolling is astonishing for its sympathy to Kate. Replace Kate with Meghan and it describes the same experience

    • equality says:

      Actually, not the same experience. Meghan was also being lied about and abused by the tabloids and courtiers.

      • one of the marys says:

        I was thinking about her disclosing her suicidal ideation. I agree with your point that Meghan had an overall different experience. But that one paragraph shocked me for it’s contrast of the online bullying and speculation

  42. QuiteContrary says:

    Does Becky English think her nonsense is going to help Kate?

    Writing of Kate’s “quite unprecedented levels of openness”?

    Mentioning “cycling, sailing, and hanging out with family and friends,” when most cancer patients have to work during treatment?

    Pretending that William is, in any way, hot?
    All this tripe does is to convince people that English is making sh*t up.

  43. Jay says:

    I think the only interesting nugget here is Becky English admitting what all of our eyes have been telling us since last fall: Kate has been unwell for sometime. It was particularly noticeable last fall: the janky hairpieces, weight loss, lack of colour, lack of energy, and even fewer appearances. As you might expect for someone in an ongoing health crisis.

    But this is the first time anyone from the rota that I’m aware of has onfirmed it. Previously, the stories about her surgery and cancer diagnosis have repeated that it was sudden, unexpected, something that just popped up in a routine procedure. Nothing about her brave, silent suffering until now!

    English (who unofficially heads up the royal reporters and gives talking points) likely has KP’s blessing to try this angle out and see what sticks. Their base desperately needs some red meat, especially with the Sussexes due to make headlines over the next few days.

    How much you want to bet that we’ll be hearing from some “close friends of Kate” about how strong and brave she was and is, and how Meghan is flaunting her good health (and happy marriage) in Colombia as a slap in the face to Kate?

    • Nic919 says:

      Becky also made sure to say it wasn’t cancer when the news of the surgery first came out in January. So this article is likely repayment for having fed her that.

      The weird part here has been how the Middletons have been more interested in being seen at rich aristo events than being public about their support for their daughter. While Becky paints this as kate having suffered for months before the surgery, the actions of the Middletons say otherwise, especially post surgery. Or maybe they are the heartless grifters and not the loving family they pretend to be.

  44. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Rebecca English should know all about trolls…she and her cohorts are master class trolls when it’s about Harry or Meghan.

    The paragraph about how happy, etc., they are playing in the sunshine: Did you notice that info wasn’t attributed to anyone?

  45. Murphy says:

    I’m still wary of the whole true story of what’s going on with her but one thing is clear– Charles coming out with having cancer also really bogged down her cancer roll out and execution.

  46. Normal Islander says:

    William looked good with a beard once, but that was before he lost his hair. Now he looks like more like he’s going for the upside-down head look. Maybe we’ll end up with a king who looks like Michael Eavis.

  47. Over it says:

    She has strength to sail and bike but yet, can’t sit on a couch for 20 minutes to zoom with any of her charities? This is the part that pisses me off the most . And they always do nothing all summer, well all year but I am trying to be gracious.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      This disparity is what kills me. They keep painting her like she’s the picture of health, well on her way to recovery doing all of these things. It’s okay if she really is sick. Being active is great for her health. But if she can do all the things, she can do her duty, too. It seems like it’s never been about the British people and has just always been about the perks and lifestyle.

  48. AC says:

    It’s Pretty much Excuse after excuse for these incompetent people.

  49. sunnyside up says:

    Unless they had actually found the cancer had spread there would be no need to change the treatment.

  50. Blujfly says:

    Another exclusive for the Daily Mail, the paper that coined “waity Katie” and “wisteria sisters”; that wrote the article titled “a very savvy lady” in 2006 that suggested Kate loved the press attention and revealed stories from st Andrew’s; that was Camilla’s main hater for the 90s; that coined “air miles Andy” and printed the stolen photos of pippa and James Middleton.

  51. curious says:

    KKKK’s attention seeking is relentless. Never too sick for a photo opportunity. Disappearing did not get her undying love from the world. So much fakery, so many lies, totally over it. One question though, are full facelifts and new teeth included in every cancer treatment now ??

  52. Popsicle says:

    Does anyone subscribe to Dan Wootton’s site? He’s tweeted out today that she’s seriously ill and won’t return to full time work. I can’t access the article but that’s what the tweets said.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      I read it on Substack. Essentially it’s about how Kate has significantly shifted her priorities, and she likely won’t be back for quite awhile if at all and will only be at the big things so she can focus on her family. Also about how the rest of the RF doesn’t have a say because they have to do it her way. Basically, everything we’ve been hearing about her not wanting to work anymore and how her role as POW isn’t a priority.

  53. Cottage Cat says:

    What we need to acknowledge is a person, “beloved” by royalists, who used Philip’s funeral as her own photo shoot; who used the vigil of a woman who was raped and murdered, to get herself headlines; who bullied Harry’s wife out when she panicked at how popular, accomplished and good with people she was. Couldn’t deal with the State visit from South Korea so hoiked her god-awful ensemble up around her thighs to stop another woman getting any attention. Just diabolical. “Royalty”, such as it used to mean, died with Elizabeth II.