The Windsors will discuss removing the Sussexes’ titles at the Balmoral summit

Several weeks ago, the British papers previewed the Windsors’ summer plans. King Charles is already in Scotland, spending time at Castle Mey and he’s probably already at Balmoral and Birkhall. The other left-behind Windsors have already joined him or they soon will. Reportedly, Prince William and Kate will make the trek to Balmoral next week or the week after. But we can trust that the singular focus is, as always, on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. As I said, this was previewed weeks ago, the idea that the Charles is going to host a What Do We Do About The Sussexes summit in Scotland. Now the Daily Express says that there’s something big on the summit’s agenda: yanking Harry and Meghan’s titles.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s titles are up for discussion at Balmoral next week when the Royal Family meet for their annual summer holiday, has learned. According to our extremely well-placed source, one point of discussion at what has been dubbed a “royal family summit” will be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and how they will fit in with the Royal Family over the next decade.

“The Royal Family are meeting at Balmoral to discuss a number of different things, but one of them will be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex,” said the source. “What people don’t realise is that the Balmoral gathering isn’t just a summer holiday. The family also participates in pre-arranged meetings where they discuss the family’s current position and how they can best prepare for the future. Last year was very much about honouring the Queen as it was the King’s first time hosting the gathering since her death, but this will be about how the family can best move forward without the Sussexes.

“Not only will Harry and Meghan’s tours and upcoming trip to Canada be on the agenda, but also their titles and peerages will be up for discussion.”

[From The Daily Express]

Their titles are the last thing. That’s the only thing left which Charles hasn’t “taken away” as punishment. The Sussexes have believed for some time that the ducal title would not be removed. That’s why their new website is, because they’re convinced that Charles can’t or won’t do anything about the Sussex title. It’s sort of confusing to figure out what could be done, honestly – while I think Charles could likely do *something* about the ducal title, Prince Harry is always going to be Prince Harry. If you take away Meghan’s Sussex title, she’s just going to be Princess Meghan. I mean, that’s what people will call her, because technically she’ll be Princess Henry in the UK, and she’s now Princess Meghan in Nigeria. Anyway, this is just the Windsors trying to get attention in the same week that the Sussexes arrive in Colombia.

Photos/screencaps courtesy of Save the Children, CBS, Archewell and Avalon Red.

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117 Responses to “The Windsors will discuss removing the Sussexes’ titles at the Balmoral summit”

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  1. HeatherC says:

    All these years later and they still haven’t figured out how to move forward without the Sussexes? These are not serious people.

    I kinda dare them to. They might find those 400 pages in print sooner than they think. (Never underestimate a ginger’s ability to bring the petty when needed, says this ginger).

    The Sussexes still have the Leftovers by the short and curlies, and the Sussexes don’t even think about them.

    Also, starting to yank titles….that’s going to open up a can of worms they really don’t want (Hi Andrew.)

    • Megan says:

      I assumed the queen didn’t yank the Sussexes titles because of the Andrew situation. Charles knows he can’t revoke their titles for the same messy reason.

      • I agree. They also have a new parliament that isn’t run by their favorite tories.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        But will they talk about if william should shave his beard or not? They should also address if kkkhate is allowed to wear diana’s ring if she’s not working anymore or if isnt living with william anymore.

    • Shoesies says:

      Not just the pedo but there are articles that Mountbussy Peggers has stated he feels his papa the Tampon Kang is not ruling effectively nor well.

      They would open the door to insecurities of all their positions but I love it for them if they keep it up.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Never mind where my tiara is… where’s my popcorn because that’s a scandal I’d love to watch unfold.

        Press seems to forget that Cluck can’t just snap his fingers and bing! the titles are revoked. That’s not how it works, it requires an Act of Parliament. Do they really think Keir Starmer and even the House of Lords will sign on to that? It would put the whole House of Lords under threat, never mind Andrew…

        The thing is, Harry has already said he dgaf about whether he keeps the title. If they wanna take it, let them take it. They want to take his medals away? That’s fine – he knows the truth: a soldier’s medals are but bookmarks on the pages of a life bravely lived. Cluck/Huevo can take all the medals and titles away they want; *Harry will still be the book.* Harry’s deeds, his achievements, and his worth aren’t courtesies from the Crown. Unlike the Stale Ben Affleck Wanna Be Brother, Harry earned his real, demonstrable achievements, and everyone globally knows his true worth as a human being, just as they did with his mother.

        I say if it’s the last thing they can harangue him with, let them take it. Then they literally have zero shit to legitimately cry about. Then the “working royals” will realize what “Zero control and zero contact” really means for them.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Am I wrong to think it would take a parliamentary act to remove Harry’s titles? Chuckles may think he has the power to do so, but I don’t think he can do more than what he’s already done. Chuckles is a terrible father and equally terrible at being king. Instead of getting on with the job, Chuckles is still obsessing over Harry’s titles instead of trying to understand why his son left. No country needs a man-baby pretending to be in power when they are clearly not, regardless of how long-held a tradition may be. What a waste of British taxpayers’ money Chuckles, his side-chick, and the rest of the left behind royals are.

      • equality says:

        You are right. Makes the article and the supposed discussion ridiculous and pointless.

      • Jaded says:

        You are right. And if the new gov’t agrees with Charles to remove the Duke/Duchess titles, that will create a huge problem for the other non-working royal, Andrew, whose sins far outweigh any of the Sussex’s alleged transgressions.

      • J McGraw says:

        You are. It’s ridiculous. Harry is and will always be the son of the King of England, which makes him a prince. And if you strip him of his title it will remind the UK that the BRF doesn’t actually have magic blood—they’re just Mr. and Mrs. Windsor-Mountbatten. It’s just saber-rattling and threats from a bored press to gin up more hate for clicks.

      • Gabby says:

        Yep. And does it matter? Here in Kamala’s America, M&H can just head down to the Santa Barbara courthouse and change their last name to whatever they damn well please – Sussex. Ragland. Spencer. King (hahahaha). And then go about their business and live their best lives.

        When Chuckles dies (probably next year), I hope Harry doesn’t waste his time and energy walking in the funeral procession. It’s an honor his “father” does not deserve. Let Peg go it alone, and Harry can sit in the audience section with other global statespeople.

      • Convict says:

        Harry is a prince by birthright, that can never be removed. His father is the King of the UK and all Commonwealth Realms.

    • Lulu says:

      Charles can remove the HRH titles. QEII asked H&M not to uses hRH in business and they have not.

      • Chloe says:

        Charles can in fact NOT remove harry’s HRH titles without an act of parliament. The only thing he could do is demand that the ducal title of Sussex reverts back to the crown upon Harry’s death. In which case Archie will never become the duke of sussex. In fact, i think it will leave archie untitled

      • Jais says:

        Archie would be untitled as duke if that happened. Wouldn’t he still be prince Archie though? As he’s a grandchild of the monarch, born to a son of the monarch. But yeah, nothing would be passed down in that case.

      • Jaded says:

        @Chloe — yes Charles can remove the HRH title, which he has done and the Sussexes have agreed to not use it. He can also demand that the Ducal titles be removed, but that would take an act of parliament, and as a result there would be a demand for Andrew’s ducal title to be removed as well. What Charles cannot do is remove the titles Prince and Princess, so if the Sussex titles are removed Harry and Meghan would automatically be referred to as Prince and Princess Henry.

      • Convict says:

        The royal style of HRH can indeed be removed by the monarch by Letters Patent, which is sort of the law of royal decree. The Prince title and the Dukedom can’t be removed by the King.

      • robem07 says:

        Charles may WANT to remove them but he cannot do so unilaterally. An act of parliament is required to remove peerage titles (eg: Duke). I doubt that will happen but should it…then they will be known as Prince Henry/ Harry and Princess Henry

  2. Meredith says:

    These royals are so dumb. Removing your son’s title because you are feeling hurt that he called you out on your racist bullshit (but called it “unconscious bias” because he didn’t even WANT to hurt your feelings) is not good publicity for a family/firm that wants to continue as head of state in the diverse U.K. AND the commonwealth countries full of people to whom they feel racially superior.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The whole article has the vibe of Cluck screaming from the battlements of Castle Mey/Balmoral/where-TF-ever “Why don’t they love *ME*? Why do they love *HIM*? HE’S not the King, *I am*!! Why don’t they love ME??? Why did he have to be like his mother?”

      Because this is basically at the heart of everything, what every single tantrum from BP & KP is about. If it isn’t Cluck saying it, it’s Huevo saying it. They bray like effing donkeys in turns, istg… and then you have the Concubine Cam Girl flouncing around in punchbowl tiaras pretending to feel wounded on Cluck’s behalf and basically acting like Cluck’s emotional caretaker… honestly, Cheese Toast CarolE could take lessons…

      I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if the Rota is using AI to write their articles now, because it’s the same exact sh-t every 2 months, no variation. British media is stale, stupid, and thoroughly compromised.

  3. Meredith says:

    That being said, being a Duke and Duchess has no meaning in the U.S. so I’d drop the titles if I were H & M, and in so doing, emphasize how social and economic stratifications like that are outdated and inherently patriarchal and racist.

    • GoodWitchGlenda says:

      I think the titles are their legal names, but I see what you’re saying and agree. I may have just gone by Harry and Meghan Windsor or something like that publicly.

      • swaz says:

        This is funny, because the next article will be “Charles wants to remove the Windsor title” 🤣🤣🤣

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        100% but you know what, honestly? I would LOVE for them to change their names to Harry and Meghan Markle. Can you imagine the meltdown on Salt Isle?😂

      • Laminal says:

        They can legally change their last name to any name they choose. So they can change it to Sussex, and there’s nothing they can do about it. They don’t need to have the Duke or Duchess. Or they can drop the Windsor name and take up the Spencer name.

    • Kingston says:

      H&M did not give themselves those titles.

      So they have no obligation to “drop” them for the convenience of those who are too fucking cowardly to come and TAKE them if they feel that will give them the succour they seek in the face of the Sussexes GLOBAL SUCCESS despite the efforts of those lizards back on Shithole Isle to unalive them.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        I don’t think Meredith or I are saying they’re under any obligation to do anything, or that they are at fault for anything. All we’re saying is aristocracy is a classist, racist relic of times past, and it would have been *our choice* to stop using them once we set up shop in America.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      Sussex is NOW their legal surname, it’s not a title to them. It’s the surname Prince Harry was given once he “became of age” and married Meghan. Their children are known as Prince Archie of Sussex and Princess Lilibeth of Sussex. That’s their surname. I know people mean well but this is getting ridiculous. Please stop trying to tell the Sussexes to give up their surname and have none. Everyone else in the world has a surname, lets please stop doing this.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        Speaking for myself, again, all Im saying that’s what *I* would do. I’m not telling them to do anything.

        Secondly, people go by names different from their legal names in public literally all the time, every day. Women keep their maiden names in business while changing their legal names for example. Actors go by different last names. Why are people acting like it’s literally impossible without a legal name change….?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        It was my understanding that the surname was officially “Mountbatten-Windsor”…?

    • MrsClincy says:

      I think what the other posters are trying to point out is why should they have to drop something or change something just to get the left behinds to leave them alone. Though whole mentality of the persons that are being bullied, harassed, etc giving in to end the abuse needs to stop. Even if they were to drop their titles or change their surname their abusers are still going to abuse them. They well just find some other reason to attack for some other slight they feel that H&M did to them.

      I understand you guys were speaking hypothetically on what you would do in their position and you are entitled to your opinion. I think for the others they were trying to relay their opinions as well and like myself do not mean to come off as if we are attacking either of you for voicing your opinions.

      I just wanted to bring to light and add to your hypothetical situation. Giving in to the abuse is not going to stop the abuse. Once you take away the current ‘reason’ they will find other one. The cycle doesn’t end and in most cases gets more dangerous.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        I see what you’re saying absolutely….but you’re arguing against a point that Im not making.

        Let me be 100% clear: if H&M want to keep using their titles, I want them to if for no other reason than to stick it to the BRF. I don’t think they should have to give them up, nor am I dumb enough to think that doing so would stop the harassment.

        I would, personally, want to put as much space between me and a racist, classist institution as I could. Therefor I would go by something else. That’s it. That’s all I’m saying. Please do not put words in my mouth.

  4. Shanta says:

    Honestly….. They can take those flipping titles and be done with it. I wish that they would have given them up when they initially left shutter Island….. By hindsight is always 20-20.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Harry offered to give up the titles and the Royal Family said no.

      • Mel says:

        I think Harry said this in an interview, right? That they offered to give the titles back? Honestly, I wish they would. They do not need titles. If I was them I wouldn’t even reference them at all in their statements or anything else. Just use Meghan and Harry. I would officially give up them up though before William becomes king.

      • Jais says:

        Harry said this in an interview and maybe even in spare. They offered to give up the titles in either a letter or an email. Meaning there’s evidence that they offered to do so.

    • Sam says:

      @ shanta 100%!
      Harry and Meghan don’t need the titles. The less they are identified with the monarchy, the better.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Sam: Even if he gives up the titles, which he tried to do, he’s still going to be Prince Harry, son of Princess Diana and King Charles, brother of the Prince of Wales and a member of the British Royal Family. There will be no getting away from the monarchy and he says he still believes in that system.

      • Jay says:

        Harry has also talked about the title as something bestowed on him and Meghan by his grandmother. He has already been stripped of the military honours she gave him and the house she “gifted” their little family to live in. Why should he give up the name she bestowed on him if he doesn’t want to? Why should Meghan go by her maiden name instead of her married name if that’s what she wants to do?
        True, you or I might make a different choice! It’s impossible to know without being in their shoes.

        The funny thing is, American media has already gotten used to “Duchess Meghan” or “Princess Meghan”, and even if the titles were taken or given away, my bet is that most of the articles would continue to use that name anyways, same as they did with “Princess Di”.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      The Sussex title is now their surname. Prince Harry might have offered to give up their surname while he was still very upset 4 years ago but that doesn’t mean they feel the same way right now. People do and say a lot of things while in a moment of anger but once they sit down and think rationally, they may realize that what they said or did was not a logical thing to do. Sussex is no longer a title but their family name, thus them referring to their children as Prince Archie of Sussex and Princess Lilibet of Sussex. This is the family name now regardless of what Prince Harry offered 4 years ago. And remember that the Duchess of Sussex was not in the room, so this was a offer Prince Harry made on his own while he was very angry with his parent family (or whatever those people are to Harry). And I’m sure the adult in the room knew he was just speaking in anger and expected that once he sits with his wife and they have the necessary family discussions he’ll feel differently. That’s why the adult in the room at that time (the queen honestly was the only adult in the room at that time IMVHO) refused to accept his offer. This is just my belief, not saying its exactly what happened at that meeting. And IMHO, the only thing the Windsors can do is yank the “duke” and/or “duchess”. The name Sussex in and of its own doesn’t belong to the Windsors in any way shape or form.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    As soon as Colombia was confirmed I was waiting for this threat to cycle around again.. imagine dying from cancer and this is what you choose to leave the world doing. Your country is having riots and children being knifed at parties and in the streets, but let’s strip the Sussex’s of the final gift they have left from Harrys beloved grandmother.

    • Shoesies says:

      Those britroyals care f-all for the human citizens of their own country or others. They serve satan and will cause as much human suffering as possible.

  6. MrsBanjo says:

    Charles can’t do anything about the ducal title. That’s why Harry was able to call their bluff years ago when he and Meghan offered to give up the titles. Parliament has to remove them and they won’t because it would open a can of worms that would affect everyone titled. All these schmucks can do is bloviate.

    • The Marchioness of Blorf says:

      This. Why is it that every one of those sh*tweasels in the British media forget to mention that it would take an act of parliament to remove the Sussexes’ titles?

      I love it for King Chuck that he can’t do it.

    • garrity says:

      Precisely this. If titles become a thing the monarch can revoke at will, the entire House of Lords is suddenly at the mercy of the monarch – when, functionally, it’s far more often the reverse. The same Aristos who cheerfully punished Kate are absolutely not going to act, as a body, to help Charles out to their own detriment. I suppose the crown might revoke the HRHs, as happened to Diana – but the Sussexes are already foregoing the use of the HRH style so it would be a limp sort of gesture at best. And meanwhile, all of this would once again raise questions about Andrew.

      I wonder how much of this is a deliberate signal to H, via the press, to “behave himself” (by their standards) in Colombia.

      • Cee says:

        Diana was not born a HRH that’s why they could remove it from her. Harry IS a born prince so good luck legally removing the HRH he was born with.

      • Tessa says:

        Meghan automatically got the hrh when she married harry. Harry and meghan are married. Diana upon divorce lost the hrh.

      • Kingston says:

        “I wonder how much of this is a deliberate signal to H, via the press, to “behave himself” (by their standards) in Colombia.”

        FFS Which sentient human being even conceives of a concept such as this, with reference to an autonomous, self-actualized human being, then proceeds to put it in writing? JFC!

      • Convict says:

        Any new law would only affect royal titles because royals are in public office. Random titled aristos lead private lives and can’t be disturbed.

      • Convict says:

        Just to add, it won’t be Charles removing titles. It will still be a matter for parliament. It would only be royal titles and likely something to do with living abroad and not working as a royal. Charles will not do it to his younger son. I think it’s William.

    • Jay says:

      Yeah, we’ve seen this movie before! Charles and the senior royals can bluster and whine about “taking back the Sussex titles” all they want, but it would require an act of parliament, which is a can of worms that they do. not. want. to open, especially in this particular political climate. It would have been a high risk maneuver when the queen was alive with a Tory majority, but with unpopular Charles? In a new, labour government?

      Given people’s frustrations about the monarchy, inequality, and rampant civil unrest, I would say Chuck should lay low and maintain the status quo.

  7. Wagiman says:

    You know in*still * have a fb page. I don’t use it but it’s there. I did for the first time in maybe a year post an M and H support post, and I lost 3 fb ‘friends’ because of it.. All British between say 40 and 65. Fascinating!

  8. Cee says:

    Please, please, please remove the titles with no reason at all!!! I want to be alive to see how they burn their own house from the inside when the aristocracy realises the Windsors are stripping hereditary titles for no reason at all. No one will be safe, especially the Windsors themselves.

    Harry and Meghan will be fine without those titles because their brand is HARRY AND MEGHAN.
    And I’ll start referring to Meghan as Princess Meghan from now on.

  9. Wagiman says:

    Anyway, what can they do about titles? The lords will never agree. The usual bluster and nonsense

    • Kit says:

      A couple of things.

      1) Brits have a lot of sh*t to deal with right now. The economy. The fact that the Tories pretty much left the country bankrupt. The economy. Wages not keeping up to daily living cost. NHS stripped to bare bone service. The economy. Lack of affordable housing. The economy.

      2) Ultra nationalists and racists have been burning, looting and assaulting people with conservative and right wing politicians’ and right wing UK news media laying the groundwork to this very predictable mob violence and chaos.

      3) The riots showed the world UK has a serious home grown, violent, race relation problem.

      4)The royals are seen to live way too well off of many, many tax payer paid benefits. They get security while the people see their stores looted, libraries burned, NHS staff assaulted for being brown or black.

      5) Comparing to the many issues common people are facing, the biggest royal priority Chuck and D*ckhead have is to get parliament to remove the Sussexes’ titles?

      That’s going to look swell to the people and the world. Yeah, have at it.

  10. Ginger says:

    They take the titles and then what? Remove his Prince title? Remove him from the line of succession? Have him get a blood transfusion to get rid of his Royal “blue blood”? It’s getting ridiculous. You can’t unroyal a Royal. He is still the son of a king.

    • Jais says:

      Get a blood transfusion to remove the royal blood😂. Lol, you know if they could they would.

    • Convict says:

      Charles has no say and no standing as to the line of succession. There are another 14 sovereign Realms that won’t be dictated to, either.

  11. aquarius64 says:

    Sure, Charles. Open that Pandora’s Box and request the new Labour Government in Parliament to begin the process to remove the Sussex titles. (You’d had a better chance when the Tories were in charge.) One the Windsors have no real grounds. The last time titles were stripped was during World War I where members of the British aristocracy activity colluded with the Germany. Two, Edward8, Duke of Windsor, should have had his royal status taken away because he was cozy with the Nazis. (Side note: Why was Philip allowed to marry Elizabeth given his sisters married Nazis?

    • Shoesies says:

      Because the whole family were Nazis. Eddy was the one who colluded with Hitler about the war and got caught.

    • Tessa says:

      Philips sisters were more or less hidden away post war.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Because the rules are different for “royalty“.

    • Lara (the other) says:

      Prince Philipp fought against the Nazis on the British side.
      His family was not the only one who was torn appart between the supporters of the nazis and those against them. And he was not responsible for his sisters marriages.
      His casual racisicm was the norm for upper class white society at that time.

      • Henny Penny says:

        I appreciate being reminded of this. MAGA has torn families apart just the same. I’d hate to be held responsible for my dumb ass brother someday in the far off future.

  12. slippers4life says:

    chirpin charles trying to stay relevant. This will only amplify Meghan and Harry while you look like a spiteful old boring ass prick. Just do it already.

  13. Morning says:

    I think Harry and Meghan are demonstrating that a part time royal role is feasible. I do wonder what they will do if Trump takes the election since he has said he would boot Harry out of the U.S.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Trump has no power to boot out Harry and my guess is if he wins the election nothing will change for Harry and Meghan. They’ll still leave in the US.

    • lanne says:

      They live in California and Trump wouldn’t be elected King. They might decide to get the hell out if Trump wins, but I might do so too because I don’t want to live in a Trump led USA. But what they won’t do is go crawling back to the UK. There are 196 countries on earth. They can exist just fine wherever they feel the most safe.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        A lot of countries would love to have them. They can go to France which is close, or Ireland, or Spain, Italy, Portugal like Eugenie, Australia, Canada…so many possibilities.

  14. SueinOrleans says:

    i was surprised to learn that apparently a title like Duke and Duchess is somehow more important that Prince and Princess. Or at least that’s what these kinds of stories have led me to believe anyway. What may come as a surprise to Chuckles and the rest of the BRF is that the rest of the world, if they care at all about royal titles, will always feel that being a Prince or Princess is way more “important” than being Duke/Duchess. Do they really want Megan to start styling herself as Princess Meghan? Or even if she doesn’t do this herself that’s what she’s going to be called. Idiots.

    • Chaine says:

      That’s what I always wonder about you. I mean, Disney movies have Disney princesses not Disney Duchesses. Little girls want princess dresses and princess parties, not duchess dresses or Duchess parties. The fairytale is about a princess and a pea, not a Dutchess and a pea. No one is going to care if Megan is not a Duchess anymore except the sad, pathetic members of that archaic family.

    • Cee says:

      That’s because a ducal title is part of the peerage and an aristocratic title whereas Prince/ess is not.
      In fact, only the person who holds the title is a peer, not even his children.

  15. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    I wish he would, honestly. Andrew would still have his and everyone can see plainly how ridiculous it all is.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    Charles will have to go to parliament to take away Harry’s title. He’s unlikely to do that. I don’t believe they’re going to have a pow wow about Harry’s title. Charles still believes Harry will come to his senses, leave Meghan and the children and return to the Royal fold.

    • Angied says:

      Then he really is nuts. That man was kissing and loving on her when they were in Nigeria for the world to see. He has the family he’s always dreamed about a boy and a girl how lucky is he. He is so deeply in love with her and his little family. The Windsor’s need to move on and let them be.

    • Gabby says:

      Even if the Sussex marriage went south, Harry would not leave his kids to return to the UK. Frankly, I don’t think he would leave In-N-Out Burger either. I think he’ll become a US citizen.

  17. wolfmamma says:

    Honestly Charles if you do that after everything else you and William have supported and done, you will lose what credibility you have now. Your former mistress as Queen, your pervy brother, your less than useful heir… give it a break Charles while you still can.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles mentors have also been commented on through social media. there will be more talk about Charles flaws if he tries to remove titles.

  18. Tessa says:

    Charles ignores the trouble of his lazy heir, William. Charles will open up a huge can of worms if he tries to take Harry’s title. Backlash from those who wonder why Andrew gets to keep his. And also wonder why there is no republic yet.

  19. JENNIFER says:

    Well, I think this is just the Palace and Express needing to fill pages. If they wanted to remove the titles, they should’ve supported that Torie MP who wanted them removed. The Labour Party will not do it.
    In any case, funny Andrew’s titles aren’t up for discussion.

  20. Libra says:

    2 comments; this ” news” is from a British newspaper, (read tabloid?) I would not believe a thing they write. They make up this sh*t for page clicks. Also. Charles resembles Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones.

  21. Mads says:

    Tinkering with hereditary titles and the Line of Succession is a very slippery slope; I think Charles likes to sabre rattle about it (let’s not forget Harry said himself that he was willing to relinquish the Sussex Dukedom but the Queen never considered it because she knew the danger it posed) and I could see him changing it from a hereditary to lifetime ducal title as he did with the Edinburgh peerage to stop Archie automatically inheriting it. If Charles does nothing William will because of his pathological hatred of Harry, Meghan and their children; I could easily see him stripping them of the Sussex title and changing the George V Convention to strip Archie and Lilibet being titled Prince and Princess – even if it would also apply to Beatrice and Eugenie.

    • Convict says:

      The King has no say nor standing as to the line of succession. That is a matter for all 15 Realms and those parliaments. This is why there was a constitutional crisis upon Edward VIII’s abdication.

  22. Nic919 says:

    When there have been literal race riots going on and yet they obsess over a title, they are asking for their own extinction for total irrelevance.

  23. Eurydice says:

    It’s wishful thinking to imagine Harry and Meghan are a major problem facing the royal family and that removing their titles would solve anything, even if it were possible.

    Charles has cancer – we don’t know the stage, we don’t know the prognosis and we don’t know how long he’ll live. Camilla will be out of the picture as soon as Charles kicks it. Kate has cancer – again, stage, prognosis, longevity. She’s never been a hard worker and now she’s pretty much out of the picture, too. William is a lazy idiot and a buffoon – he’ll be worthless as a king and as a PR rep for the UK. The children are too young to be useful. And nobody cares what Anne, Edward and Sophie are doing.

    This is what the next 10 years will look like. My bet is that the summit will be about bringing younger royals into the fold.

    • Blujfly says:

      Yes. The only justification for even bringing up the Sussexes is a pathetic attempt to look strong when they aren’t.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Bringing younger royals in to carry out public duties, possibly. But, if such a summit is even true in the first place, top of their agenda has to be KM.

  24. Pebbles says:

    The real problem is that H&M are cleaning their clock in terms of worldwide relevance. It is impossible not to notice. They need H&M more and their hands are pretty much tied in terms of what to do because at the core it’s family issues of their own making that drive them away.

  25. bisynaptic says:

    If they yank the Sussex titles, people will start calling them Prince Harry and Princess Meghan.
    Or, even better, Princess Meghan and Prince Harry.
    — And they might, very well, switch their family name to Sussex, because that’s easier to do in the USA.

  26. Mayp says:

    So, they will be discussing their upcoming trips to Columbia and …. Canada? Do they mean the one for the Invictus Games? Will they plan on snubbing the Games participants again? Do they view the Games as problematic because Harry is attached to them?

    Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past them to try to figure out how to either yank the Games away from Harry or stop his being able to enter the UK for the Birmingham Games.

  27. Isabella says:

    They want to appear to be working while always on vacation. This requires no interaction with public or public benefit.

    Harry hate is the only work Will and Kate do.

  28. Katie B says:

    People will rightly start to wonder that if you can give and take away the titles of Duke and Duchess at will, then why can’t you give and take away the titles of King and Queen at will.

    Also – are they quite, quite sure that William won’t abdicate in the next 5 years?

    As Eurydice notes above, the RF have deeper existential problems facing them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the meeting wasn’t about bringing them back into the fold.

  29. Kelly says:

    If the BRF didn’t strip Edward when he abdicated then a lot of explaining will be needed to Parliament to support stripping Harry. I’m petty and jealous of his popularity like I was his mom isn’t going to cut it.

    • Convict says:

      Edward was King though, so vastly different to Harry’s situation.

      • Tessa says:

        Wallis duchess of Windsor should have had the hrh. The future queen mother resented Wallis so king george issued letters patent to keep Wallis from being hrh.

      • Convict says:

        Since Edward VIII abdicated, Wallis did not have any right to HRH, which is the orthodox view, but for the Letters Patent commanding the monarch’s royal prerogative, to which he was not minded. It was petty for sure, but I don’t think the Parliamentary Counsel would have accepted Wallis holding HRH. George VI would have been advised against this move, had he been so inclined.

        George VI conferred the Dukedom for political reasons to contain his wayward brother in the royal fold. Issuing Letters Patent is vastly different to removing a royal dukedom because it is simply the monarch’s royal prerogative, which has no general application at law.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I can’t see how they can take away the late Queen’s wedding gift to her grandson, it would be insulting her judgement, and they would need to take away Andrew’s first, otherwise it will be seen as racist. If there is a conference it will be more likely to be about how to run the RF when the King has cancer and Kate isn’t planning to work when her chemo is over, she must know what the plans for her chemo are, unless of course she does still have cancer.

  30. Henny Penny says:

    Once they take Harry’s titles away, it’ll be way easier to take away all the others.

  31. bisynaptic says:

    If they yank the Sussex titles, people will start calling them Prince Harry and Princess Meghan.

    • Mayp says:

      Maybe not in the UK. The British tabloid press has almost uniformly been referring to the couple as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

      • sunnyside up says:

        They still often refer to Kate using her maiden name although not as often as they do with Meghan.

  32. Izzy says:

    GOOD. Then we can have a real conversation about removing Pedo Andrew’s titles.

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    Yes, Charles, excellent idea! Try to figure out a way to keep your grandchildren of color from being titled! This will really convince people that you’re not a racist!

  34. sunnyside up says:

    According to his birth certificate Harry’s name is His Royal Highness Prince Henry etc, he has three or four other names. You can change your name by deed poll, I doubt that the King can do that, only Harry if he wants to, . I understand it would take an act of Parliament to take away the Sussex title. The wedding gift from the late Queen to Harry and Meghan. If the royals need to use a surname for any reason Philip’s descendents use Mountbatten-Windsor, People like the Duke of Kent and Gloucester use Windsor as they are descended from George V. Of course if the King or William do that without taking Andrew’s they will be seen by the world as the racists that they are. Andrew is less popular than Harry.

  35. Katya says:

    LMFAO!!! What they can discuss at Balmoral is Charles going to Keir Starmer and trying to get him on board with stripping a blood Prince of the realm of his Ducal title that Queen Elizabeth II bestowed on him for doing absolutely nothing. The “royals” have no power to do that on their own.

    Do Edward and Andrew get a vote? Harry will still be PRINCE Harry an Meghan will be Princess Harry. is that better?

  36. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The bm have nothing to write about, so this old chestnut is aired out AGAIN. I’m sure they’re chomping on the bit for the Sussexes to going to event in Columbia. It’ll be fresh fodder for them.

    The are going to have to come up with something else, because reprinting the same stuff year in and year out is getting pretty old. This type of article isn’t going to save the newspapers. Maybe they ought to report on the problems that have been created by the Tories. That would be new.

  37. Kay says:

    The “take the titles away” from Harry and Meghan have cropped up again. This time, while the couple are visiting Columbia. You can almost predict when these stories will come back around. Charles, Camilla, William, and Kate NEED to put Harry and Meghan down in order to elevate themselves. The media leads the way with, “Royal sources.” So you don’t want the Duke and Duchess of Sussex? Why, allow me to introduce you to, Prince Henry and his wife, Princess Henry.

  38. JenCF says:

    Ooooh, this is giving serious misdirection energy. The more pressing issue for the RF is what to do with Kate and her disappearing duties, how to proceed into late 2024/early 2025 with her continued MIA status, as well as Charles’ limited capacity. How to convince Wm to step up without stumbling and if they need to officially deputize Bea and Eugenie for royal duty and how that would affect Andrew and their quest to evict him. Let everyone puzzle over H&M’s titles while the RF tries to solve their various self-inflicted predicaments.

  39. Proud Mary says:

    What a yawn. Go ahead, make our day already, losers. The fact that they get this worked up every time the Sussexes are out doing good work, makes it clear that the whole royal family “work” or “service” is just PR and has nothing to do with charity.

  40. crazyoldlady says:

    removing their titles – does not change who they are – the rest of the world does not sit around calculating the grades of royal relevance – Yorks vs Sussex versus Wales or Cambridge. We don’t care. Harry is the son of our beloved Diana and King Charles. HIs grandmother was the Queen for decades. He grew up in palaces, met the most famous people in the world, and plays a leading role in current history and pop culture. Call him Sussex or don’t — its not relevant to who he is or why people care about him.

  41. Blujfly says:

    Neither Charles nor Kate have revealed the type and where of their cancer diagnoses. William could be facing the death of both her father and wife before their time. He will be alone on the world stage as the adult in the immediate Royal Family. And yet he wants his brother stripped of his title and to further punished and destroy his brother and his sister in law and their 2 children.

    • Cassie says:

      That is a very insightful comment .
      My goodness what a mess they will be in if that actually happened .
      I guess William would have to find himself a new queen .

      • Convict says:

        William’s title, future status, massive wealth and privilege ensures that he never has to worry about being alone.