Telegraph: The Sussexes are being ‘manipulated’ by the Colombian government!

Archewell’s comms has finally confirmed the timeline of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s trip to Colombia this week. Harry and Meghan will arrive in Bogotá, Colombia today and spend today and tomorrow in the capital. They will then travel to Cartagena and Cali over the weekend. One of their first events in the country will be an Insight Session at a school, followed by “a summit gathering experts, activists and community members working to create more positive online environments.” On Friday, there will be an event for Colombia’s Invictus competitors, as Colombia was the first South American country to join Invictus.

All of this sounds above-board to me – the Sussexes are working on the issues they care about, this tour was designed in collaboration with the Colombian government, and there will be a small traveling “press corps” with the Sussexes. But the British media has been freaking the f–k out all g–damn week. Here’s one Telegraph piece which I found sooo rich.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are being “manipulated” as their tour of Colombia this week will be used to divert attention away from political scandals, it has been alleged. Prince Harry and Meghan will arrive in the South American country on Thursday for a four-day tour at the invitation of Francia Márquez, the vice-president.

They will “engage with leaders, youth, and women who embody the aspirations and voices of Colombians committed to progress” as well as enjoying the “vibrant locations” of the capital Bogotá, Cartagena and Cali, the authorities have said. But residents warned that the pair are being used as “political pawns” by the Left-wing government which has been dogged by corruption scandals.

One prominent lawyer based in Bogota told the Mail on Sunday: “I’m sure Meghan and Harry mean well, but everyone here is talking about how obviously they are being manipulated. Of course, their star power will be used to bring attention to poor people and certain areas of culture in Colombia but the reality is the Colombian government has been drowning in scandal since it came in two years ago. They need something to appease people at home and make them look good abroad.”

The Sussexes’ trip to the crime-ridden country was announced by Ms Márquez just days after the Duke said it was too dangerous to bring his wife to Britain.

[From The Telegraph]

“The crime-ridden country” like England didn’t descend into violent, fiery, white nationalist riots just this month. Like there weren’t thousands of hate crimes committed in England in August. As for the wails about the Sussexes being used as a distraction from a corrupt government’s shenanigans… the Telegraph is reporting this with a straight face, with no wink or nudge. For years, they were legitimately mad that the Sussexes weren’t in England so they could be used as a distraction for all of the Tory Party’s disasters. I remember Boris Johnson’s government and all of the completely wild scandals. I also remember how often the Sussexes were put on tabloids’ covers whenever a BoJo scandal erupted.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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33 Responses to “Telegraph: The Sussexes are being ‘manipulated’ by the Colombian government!”

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  1. JanetDR says:

    I wish them a very safe and successful trip! I can’t wait for photos 💗

  2. Julia says:

    Oh no Harry and Meghan’s visit is being used as good PR by the Colombian government! The visit will highlight charitable causes! Isn’t this what all governments do, PR to show the country in a good light? Not sure how Harry and Meghan are being manipulated here? They are not there to advocate for a political party. They want to promote charities and good causes and it looks like the visit will do that. This article is a reach!

    • Mil says:

      MH can decide if they want to be ‘used.’ And, no i do not think that’s the case, but even if it was, not dailyfail’s business.

      • Man the daily fail sure are angry and they are pointing that anger at Meg and Harry as usual. Their real problem is that their leftovers are lazy and not well liked so no one wants to see them. They invited themselves to places and then get fired on tv. The daily fail should direct their anger where it belongs and that is their lazy leftovers.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It’s not that H&M can’t be used as a distraction for govt… the UK press is salty that H&M won’t allow themselves to be used BY CLUCK, HUEVO, AND THE UK GOVT as a distraction!

      That’s what the Salty Moans are about. Well, that and the fact that the the Left Behinds have gone to ground and the Rota Rats find it physically impossible to keep H&M’s names out of their mouths. Maybe if the Rota went to Essex they could find a gentle plastic surgeon to sew the press’ (trout pout) lips shut…

  3. TN Democrat says:

    In one weekend Harry and Meghan will complete more meaningful, international, gaffe free pr events than the future king has managed to complete in the last 5 years. Harry and Meghan left and are never coming back. The Tories and Tory stooges left behind made them leave. The weird rota focus needs to flip back towards Will-not’s general incompetence and workshy ways like it was prior to Harry/Meghan’s relationship. The public needs to question why and how the Windsors managed this change in coverage into constant, biased attacks against Harry/Meghan and also scrubs the net of unfavorable coverage about them.

    • Christine says:

      Right?! It’s absurd, every fucking last bit of this. Harry and Meghan’s LIVES were ruined, they lost a baby, and continue to be in danger from the crazies the British media and British royals whipped up against them, even though they fled to another continent entirely. People in England want to hurt THEIR CHILDREN.

      But sure. Colombia is “manipulating” things.

  4. JayBlue says:

    How dare the Colombian government try to use royal media attention to make themselves look better and distract the multitude! That’s our thing!

  5. Cassie says:

    Do good and stay safe dear Harry and Meghan x

    • lanne says:

      They’ll be safer in Colombia than in the UK. More welcome, too. That’s what chaps the asses of the ratchets and royals.

      Honestly, toyal propaganda has been so focused over the past 8 years that if I read someone say they’re a royalist, I assume that person is a racist and a misogynist (anglophones, I mean). That person has bought all the tabloid messaging and all that messaging openly states.

      British Royalist=racist.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        Completely agree. I see from their profiles on Twitter. They’re monarchists and Tories and Brexiteers.

  6. Dee(2) says:

    I love when prominent unnamed people tell us about how ” everyone ” is talking about something. Very Trump and ” they said sir…..” Also deciding to describe the country as crime ridden is definitely not going to win over any fans for the British media. I don’t know what it is about this tour but it is freaking them out. Is it because they know they won’t see any of the BRF to compare them against, or is it because these invites this year solidified the lack of influence the BM/BRF has now? And they can’t explain Nigeria as a one off? Like I said earlier this week, a very distinct desperation around the reporting. Harry needs to apologize for trying one line of coke, 20 years ago? They are going to be lost without the chief of staff who has hired three months ago? Now they are babes in the woods being taken advantage of?

  7. Jay says:

    Yes, I’m interested to see the photos of the Sussexes doing their thing and highlighting good projects in Colombia. But I have to admit, the petty side of me also can’t wait for the British media to make fools of themselves screeching and crying bitter tears. My guess is that Meghan will speak Spanish while there and there’ll be two days of stories about her “showing off” and how dare she but also did you know Kate got her nanny to teach the Wales children Spanish?

    • Beverley says:

      Yep. They are furious that – once again – Princess Meghan’s poise and skills will highlight Kate’s incompetence. Kate has no initiatives (the Aarrrly Yarrs initiative is dead in the water) and she can barely speak English. Kate has no talent for speeches and no talent for meaningfully engaging with others. She’s lazy AND inept.

      Let’s talk the plain truth. The rota, their readers, and the Left Behinds are fit to be tied that a remarkable biracial American continues to show up their “perfect” white English Rose.

  8. Lau says:

    Soon William will tell them to write that the Sussexes are being manipulated by the ghost of Pablo Escobar or he’ll just forget he’s dead and say that he’s manipulating them himself.

  9. Tennyson says:

    Sophie was in Colombia last November 2023.
    Was she also manipulated by the Colombian Gov?

  10. Noor says:

    Their latest salvo from media and royalists is that the Sussexes are being manipulated. and are being made use of by the countries that invite them to visit.

    Good try but it wont work. They are after all private individuals . Instead the media should worry for Prince William being made use of. For eg his visit to Israel when his grandmother Queen Elizabeth had not visited even though she had been to countless countries round the world.

  11. Jais says:

    Aw, I lived and worked in Bogota 20 years ago so this whole trip is going to be nostalgic. Lived in the candelaria. I’m for real going to want to go again. Hit up the coast for the winter. It’s been too long.

  12. Angied says:

    So if the right-wing government was so great why did the people kick them out? Sounds like sour grapes to me. The royals are jealous because none of them could do a good tour of a foreign country if their lives depended upon it. A lot of Harry and Meghan’s tour seems to evolve around their charitable organization Archewell and an excellent way to do a tour. Harry said he wanted to meet the people and get involved. The royals are just mad noboby is asking for them. By the way Sophie went to Colombia and no mention of her being not safe and used by a foreign government.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    I wish the British press would just admit that they’re upset that Harry and Meghan are doing their own thing and that they have no control over or access to them.

  14. Eurydice says:

    Lol, the BM are always assuming that H&M work the same way W&K do – that is, wander into a country entirely unprepared. Archewell is already involved, so homework was done there. Colombia is already participating in the Invictus Games, so more homework there. And, given what they’ve experienced inside the RF, H&M know manipulation when they see it.

  15. Nic919 says:

    The racism in that article. Calling any country crime ridden when race riots have been going on all over the country just in the last few weeks is crazy.

    And the whole thing about government using them for PR… I mean the entire purpose of the BRF is. to promote the UK. They are just mad that their best representatives don’t work for them anymore.

  16. MikeB says:

    The UK just threw out a scandalous Tory government that had lasted for thirteen years. No matter how bad it was the UK press always supported the government. When quoting a source one should understand what axe they have to grind against the present government in Columbia because their statements have little validation.

  17. Saucy&Sassy says:

    There are layers to this article. Obviously, Sophie CANNOT be manipulated. We know this because she was in Colombia in November 2023, and the bm said nothing about this. Well, I guess I need to ask if the bm reported on her trip? Maybe they mentioned it, but that was it.

    The brf isn’t drawing the crowds they once did–certainly before QE2 died. They still have all of the pomp, but nothing else draws people. That’s what this ‘summit’ this Summer should be centered around. It doesn’t matter where any of them go, they simply don’t interest people much.

    There’s another interesting aspect and that is when the brf has a state visit, I don’t think it draws much attention. Some people might know someone is visiting, but that’s about it. It’s possible that King Snubby might finally have figured out that he and his family simply isn’t all of that and a cup of tea. People have moved on. He needs to course correct, but I would be astonished if he did. Instead, we end up with articles like this.

    It wasn’t enough for the UK to show disrespect to Nigeria, now they are going to double down. I wonder if anyone in the brf will be invited to Colombia in future?

  18. bisynaptic says:

    Oh, noes…s….s..!!

  19. westcoastgal says:

    ALERT: British citizens being manipulated by rabid British media and toxic royal rota!

  20. Maremotrice says:

    Miracle of miracles – the Telegraph has published an article presenting the Sussexes’ visit to Colombia in a positive light. Admittedly this presumably appeared in the travel supplement as opposed to the main news section but even so… Here’s hoping this doesn’t get hidden by a paywall: