JD Vance: Suburban women don’t care about abortion, they care about ‘normal things’

I will keep hammering away at this through November: this election is about abortion. This election is about women’s rights and reproduction rights. While many people are capable of caring about many issues all at once, the 2022 Dobbs decision (which overturned Roe) changed American politics in a fundamental way. I think a lot about Hillary Clinton repeatedly warning, in 2016, that no one should feel any kind of complacency about reproductive rights, that Roe is not guaranteed. She was right and now everyone sees that. But it’s August and the Trump-Vance campaign clearly doesn’t understand that their extremist, Handmaid’s Tale-esque positions on reproductive rights are the “thing” which will ensure their loss. Speaking of, JD Vance did an interview this week on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show. Ingraham asked him about whether suburban women care about reproductive rights. His answer was bonkers.

Sen. JD Vance, who has been dragged for his controversial comments about women ever since Donald Trump selected him as his running mate, added to the list Wednesday by suggesting that it isn’t “normal” for women to care about abortion rights. In a post-Roe v. Wade country where Republican lawmakers have restricted that right for millions of women in dozens of states, Vance didn’t seem to understand why that might be a key issue in the upcoming election when asked by Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

“One of my dear friends said to me tonight that all these suburban women—all they care about is abortion, and they don’t understand the decision is with the states now. It’s not banned nationally, even if some people want it to be banned nationally,” she said. “What do you say to suburban women out there who are marinating in this propaganda?”

Vance promptly suggested that such concerns were abnormal. “Well, first of all, I don’t buy that, Laura. I think most suburban women care about the normal things that most Americans care about, right?” he replied. “They care about inflation, they care about the price of groceries, they care about public safety in the streets where their kids play.”

Vance maintained that Trump, whose three Supreme Court nominees each voted to overturn Roe v. Wade and who suggested last week that he would ban abortion pill mifepristone, has “charted a very reasonable course for the American people” on the abortion issue.

[From The Daily Beast]

Ingraham’s question is hilariously panicked because she’s trying to let Vance know: you guys need to figure out a way to talk about this sh-t in a way that doesn’t alienate white suburban women. And Vance was like, I know, I’ll just say that those girls shouldn’t worry their pretty little heads over it, it’s NOT NORMAL for women to care about their bodily autonomy! One side is saying “stay out of women’s business” and the other side is saying “ladies, don’t even pay attention when we say that your wombs belong to the state.”

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red.

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76 Responses to “JD Vance: Suburban women don’t care about abortion, they care about ‘normal things’”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    This man is the blueprint of the project 2025 man that will control every aspect of a women’s life if they win.. shame on everyone that doesn’t 🗳️ vote blue straight down the ticket.

    • Giddy says:

      Absolutely! He is frighteningly stupid and misinformed, while believing that he has the answers to all women’s health issues. He needs to shut up and sit down, but he won’t, so we need to take care of it for him. Vote Blue!

    • Traveller says:

      This is exactly what’s at stake .
      Authoritarian control across the board in it’s most negative manifestation for women, minorities, the environment, the middle-class, and poor.

    • Fergus says:

      I mean look how he supports that awful book Unhumans. Basically calling for and approving of Pinochet tactics of killing and torturing their political enemies, including women who voted for the opposing party. It’s a super gross book claiming we are not humans and deserve brutality and death, with endorsements from these weirdos.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “One of my dear friends said to me tonight that all these suburban women—all they care about is abortion, and they don’t understand the decision is with the states now. It’s not banned nationally, even if some people want it to be banned nationally,” she said. “What do you say to suburban women out there who are marinating in this propaganda?”

    The way this is phrased enrages me. DON’T UNDERSTAND? We understand and we are watching red state after red state take it away. OMG I hate these people.

    • Henny Penny says:

      If you’re a suburban woman in Texas with four kids, a medical condition where you might die if you get pregnant again, and no contraception, I doubt you’re thinking, “Thank God this is now a States’ Rights issue!”

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Trump keeps insisting that it’s a state issue so everything is fine. Even if it were true that Republicans won’t enact a national ban, how does fifty different abortion policies even make sense, much less help a woman who needs an abortion in a state where it is effectively banned? Yet, I have yet to see a reporter or cable news commentator point out that it’s a nightmare for women not to have their reproductive health care guaranteed in every state rather than the patchwork Trump is touting.

      • Darlington says:

        @Anonymous. Or, as Vance would have it: “Public safety in our streets!” Among the many, many things they can’t seem to understand is that women can ruminate on more than one topic. Inflation is a concern. Our bodily autonomy is a concern. We’re also able to rank concerns in order of dire importance, immediate affects, societal impact (health, economics, inequality, human rights), and will vote accordingly. Whenever I hear him speak it’s like it’s 1950 and he’s patting wifey on the head with a jolly, “Don’t you worry about anything. Now, where’s that pie?” How do men like this still exist? What did his accomplished, professional, well-educated wife and bearer of his children think when she accepted all of that into her life? It’s mystifying. I hope he keeps granting these interviews right up until November.

    • Kitten says:

      LOL it is effectively banned, even if it’s not formally banned on a federal level. She’s trying to be cute here.

      And yeah everything she said is so fucking patronizing and gross.

      • NikkiK says:

        Exactly. Also, the whole states rights thing is highly damaging to the United States as a whole. It’s supposed to be one country and having such vast differences in social policy from state to state does little to make people feel like a united group of people. It does not work. We can’t continue to exist as a country with people having vastly difference experiences, outcomes, and opportunities based on social policy and restrictive laws in what state they live in.

        You want people to see themselves as Americans first. Not Californians, not Texans, or Floridians, etc. This is also contributing to the polarization we have been witnessing since the 60s thanks to the nefarious southern strategy.

        There are certain things that should absolutely be blanket across the nation laws.

    • Anna Nonymous says:

      Exactly this! Marinating? Oh we’re marinating alright because we’re getting ready to grill Donald and JD in November! We don’t care about abortion? It is literally a life and death issue. How can the Republicans be so out of touch? Overturning Roe and sending it back to the states has resulted in many states outlawing all abortion in every case, even with a child being raped by their own father. That child has to birth the result of their fathers rape? How is this okay? How can we not care? The mind boggles at this fresh slap to the face that is happening every time Donald and JD talk these days. Oh I care motherf-er I care quite a bit, and so do my Sisters across the country, we care, we are paying attention and we are going to vote you right back to whatever sad little cage you are kept in.

    • LBB says:

      I was livid last night by her phrasing of Suburban women “marinating” in abortion. Seriously, am I a chicken?!

      • one of the marys says:

        And she says it’s all propaganda! So does saying it’s a state’s decision and not a national decision make abortion more available or less? Women are worried about the consequences

    • harpervalleypta says:

      If I was still involved in college course development, her question would be a wonderful/wonderfully bad example of various communication styles: leading questions, framing the question, inherent bias, etc etc etc.

      She’s not acting like a classic journalist, she’s acting as an operative to elect the GOP and it’s totally obvious…. if you look at it in any kind of critical way.

    • Bad Janet says:

      It’s gaslighting. Period. We understand exactly what’s happening and what is at stake.

    • JRT says:

      The word everyone should be worried about In Ingraham’s question is ‘propaganda’ regarding the status of abortion in the US. It is not biased information (propaganda) that the Republicans want to ban all abortions nationally, it’s just easier to pass abortion ban laws in each state than trying to get a bill through that bans abortions for the whole country. If the Republicans get power in the House of Representatives and Senate it’s game over for safe abortion access anywhere in the US!

  3. Brynne says:

    Jfc he can’t even talk about women like we’re humans and not some inferior alien species.

    • Shoesies says:

      This is some crazy making bullshyte and I am marinating in an intelligent mind what the exact hell satan is trying to do? Damn post menopausal women only have one use to raise grandchildren! What in the Holy flip is this evil man saying. I would brain him one upside the head and debate his satanic misogyny and his hatred of women. He is a little little man with limited intelligence and I would love the opportunity to wipe the floor with his a**. The horrible choices we must make now reflect what will happen to our union. With men like this (most of our elected officials on both sides feel this way) in authority we are all in great danger – especially women. I am more than concerned, I am afraid for us and our options are limited.

  4. Nanea says:

    So JD, a man, knows better than women what women care about.

    Has he asked suburban men yet what they think about guyliner and menscara?

    Just keep talking, JD. Until Roevember.

    We’re not going back.

    • Mil says:

      Omg 😂😂😂
      Mic drop
      Menscara had me spitting my coffee.
      But srsly, can this guyliner dude just take his bs and shove it back where it belongs, to his behind?
      After ages of oppression, women are not going back.

    • lamejudi says:

      And sofas?

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Right @ Henny Penny! It’s baffling. Life is odd. Over the past two years, I’ve heard two stories-from suburban R women about abortions. One became pregnant through an affair, the other, was detrimental to their own health giving birth/carrying a child. It’s a strange position to be in when you are trying to be neutral/sympathetic to women in need of someone to talk to when you disagree with their politics. Have a pat response with some intelligence. That might make them THINK. Like, it’s absurd for women being put in these positions. I’m not for the NO CHOICE ALLOWED VOTE!

      My mind is saying, “You want to vote for who?”.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Thank you! @Nanea.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    My colleague, a white suburban woman with one child, cared very much about abortion when she miscarried one of very much wanted twins at the beginning of her third trimester but the other baby blocked it, and everything went septic very quickly. She cared very much about the abortion that saved her life and allowed her to return home to her 3 year old.

    It’s as if these people like Vance came from another planet and never met any actual humans.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      That’s actually terrifying.

      Those people know nothing of real life experiences. I wonder if there’s a special hell for right wing loonies.

      • Bad Janet says:

        part of what makes it so infuriating is that many of them DO know about these experiences. Look at Jessa Duggar! She needed a medical abortion! And she got one. Id also be willing to bet money that Trump has paid for a couple abortions. They KNOW IT and they don’t care because they know they can get what they want, regardless.

        What I think they don’t understand is that when these rights are taken away, they will be just as f***Ed as the rest of us unless they can leave the country. They are absolutely taking for granted that they can get medical care if they need it. Even if they don’t understand the reality of getting elective abortions, they are ALL going to understand if we reach a crisis point from abortion being outlawed nationwide. Dead mothers can’t support their families.

        I am absolutely willing to go to jail over this issue and have no issue suing my state if I ever need to. But that’s coming from a position of privilege. Those of us who have it must be willing to fight for us all.

    • Blithe says:

      It’s as if they don’t realize that empathy is actually a survival skill.

    • LisaN says:

      My Husband and I were just talking about this last night at dinner, as our miserable Lt Governor in NC is campaigning for Governor. he is on video railing about women wanting abortions, that they should never be allowed, and how women just cant keep their skirts down. Surprise surprise, suddenly they now released an performative add, explaining that he and his wife had an abortion 30 years ago. hmm, and only wants to limit ‘cruel late term abortions’

      the reality is that late term abortions are usually only performed when either the fetus or the mother are in danger. I dont know any mother who get to their 3rd trimester and suddenly said, you know what? i dont want to do this anymore.

      I do have family member whos baby died in utero and dealt with the impact afterwards.

  6. He hasn’t a clue what women want but he will find out in November.

  7. JustMe says:

    JD is right we want normal and Trump and Vance aren’t normal. That is why we are voting Harris/Walz. Keep talking JD, keep talking trump to keep red turning blue.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    This is just a stupid and tone-deaf response. What about the suburban woman who can’t afford to take care of another child or who’s pregnant and finds out that her life is at threat if she carries a baby to term?

  9. tealily says:

    A lot of suburban women are now dealing with the healthcare ramifications of these state abortion bans, and I think they care a LOT about that. Every state where a right to abortion has been put on the ballot has passed it. They can pretend people don’t care about this, but it’s not going to work out well for them.

    Trump’s lead with non-college educated white men in several swing states has already been cut in half, presumably because of his anti-union stance. And yet they aren’t even trying to court the suburban white women who made up the other segment of the population who elected him (get your sh-t together, ladies. Jesus). Doesn’t bode well for him.

  10. megs283 says:

    Setting aside most everything, he’s either calling Laura a liar, or her “dear friend” a liar. He has a way of insulting his allies and his enemies.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you!! It’s maddening.

      A woman is telling you that her dear suburban woman friend TOLD HER THIS, and then you are in turn telling those women that you “don’t buy” WHAT THEY ARE TELLING YOU.

      This f-ing guy.

  11. Snarkle says:

    I hope every interviewer keeps asking him what women think. He can’t stop himself from telling us and showing us who he is and what he thinks of women.

  12. Lulu says:

    He should consider joining the taliban, I think he would be right at home with their beliefs.

    • ML says:

      Yeah, he spent time in the armed forces in Afghanistan as a correspondent. Who knew that this would become his template for US society.

    • TybeeLucille says:

      I concur.

      It is dangerous to entertain men with these thought patterns. They are trying to change the construct of our society and denigrate women as less than.

      Get a grip men, not a one of you would walk this earth without a woman birthing you. There would be no society without women.

      We are powerful creatures we women and we can adapt and overcome!!

  13. ML says:

    We want Freedom. The freedom to vote. The freedom to choose. The freedom of access to healthcare. The freedom to be or not to be a parent. The freedom over our economic choices. JD Vance can stuff it. VOTE🪷💙

  14. Agnes says:

    Every woman who has ever had sex with a man and subsequently had a late period cares about reproductive rights, and has asked herself, was his pleasure worth her possible responsibility for the care and feeding and education of another human being for at least the next 19 years? SO many men who impregnate women are feckless deadbeats who don’t stay around to support that pregnancy. No matter how safe “suburban women” feel with whatever lives they’ve grown into, the vast majority of them remember the panic of being young and stupid about a hook-up. You are a chubby-cheeked dunce JD Vance. (I have no words for the traitor-to-her-sex Frau Ingraham.)

    • seriouslywhat? says:

      This is what always strikes me about the Republicans: to them, every pregnancy is sacred, to the point where it matters more than the wellbeing or even life of the person carrying that pregnancy. But once that baby is born, especially if the mother is poor, a person of colour, unmarried, etc etc, then it’s on its own. They want to force you to carry a baby to term but won’t do a damn thing to make sure that child is well-fed, well-educated and safe. It’s this incredibly odd mixture of sanctifying pregnancy but also seeing it as a punishment.

      • Agnes says:

        They just want to make sure Jesus II gets through so they can experience The Rapture? Or something. I don’t get it either.

      • Nic says:

        The best bumper sticker I’ve ever seen was: “Republicans love you. Until you are born.”

        Might be a good time to revive that .

  15. Kitten says:

    Did anybody listen to The Daily interview with Sofia, a trans woman and former friend of Vance’s at Yale law school? It’s pretty eye-opening.
    It does seem like Vance has changed quite a bit and I have to wonder if no longer having any woman friends is part of that. He just seems so utterly disconnected from how women really feel but maybe that’s more symptomatic of being your standard-fair MAGAt.

  16. Veronica S. says:

    Considering women’s autonomy is intrinsically linked to economic status, any woman should be concerned about the direction we are going. All of these conservative women in these states that banned it may be pleased with it now, but they’ll be less so as healthcare workers leave and new residents hesitate to enter. New Mexico is doing an aggressive campaign to lure Texas doctors to them, which, frankly, all blue states should be doing. Bleed them dry and make them heel. It’s the only way to undermine their influence.

  17. HeatherC says:

    Hi JD. Suburban woman here. Also post-menopausal without grandkids to raise so I suppose I may not matter much lol. Luckily I live in a very safe state for reproductive rights. However, my niece does not. And the thought that my 3 year old niece will be raised in a society where she has less rights than her mother and I were raised in chills me to the bone. To the point where I’ll have a small emergency fund in case she needs to go camping in New York in the future (IYKYK).

  18. Bad Janet says:

    Calling the attack on our bodily autonomy – and not just for elective abortions, but also for medically necessary ones, IVF, etc. – “propaganda” is absolutely gaslighting, and so f***ing on brand for MAGA Republicans.

  19. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Guys, I don’t see the big deal. It’s a scientific fact that when you move to the suburbs, you no longer are subject to ectopic pregnancy or miscarriages! /s

  20. Mcmmom says:

    I don’t find this outrageous at all – I think it’s *great* that he thinks suburban women don’t care about reproductive rights (and it’s much broader than abortion – it’s about women’s health and access to medical care). Yes, please keep believing that – and please talk about it as often as you can, JD. Let there be no question about exactly where you stand on this issue.

  21. Tursitops says:

    Should we anticipate that Ms. Ingraham will shoplift mifepristone if she doesn’t have legal access to it? Perhaps Mr. Vance will hoard it in his couch, to be doled out only when HE deems is necessary (which will be never).

    • HeatherC says:

      At 61 she probably doesn’t have to worry about that. However, she is a single mother of 3 adopted children. She didn’t biologically birth any of them. I wonder if she has cats. JD Vance doesn’t consider her a parent or a person and she’s too MAGA to care.

    • TybeeLucille says:

      I would lay good money that Vance has paid for an abortion in his life. THIS is about control – over women, in every way. This is just the beginning.

  22. Miranda says:

    My dad has been breeding Irish Wolfhounds for nearly 60 years, and when I still lived at home, I would often handle communications, scheduling, and the like, as well as sometimes offering advice to people who were dealing with a dog’s pregnancy and whelping for the first time. After reading about Vance’s views on postmenopausal women this morning (along with all the other vile shit he’s spouted), my dad sent me a text pointing out that the language we would use in our communications about DOGS was more sensitive and respectful than the way Vance routinely talks about actual human women. Pathetic, grasping, WEIRD little man.

  23. girl_ninja says:

    I cannot even with this fool, this man is so disgusting. The reality is that when Donald and Vance lose, he will still hold a Senate seat, subjecting us to his ignorant, misogynistic, and regressive thinking. We are fighting for our lives here folks. Although he may be foolish, his backers are cunning and ruthless. The Peter Theil’s of the world want to subjugate women to breeders and have poor people living in camps. This is not hyperbole – their goals are sinister and very real.

    • TybeeLucille says:

      You are absolutely right! These are the beginnings of the assault on free peoples lives, women first as they see us as less than.

      I wonder what these men’s lives would be like if every woman on the planet ignored them as if they did not exist. Refuse to copulate, reproduce, support, protect, defend or acknowledge them. How do you like women now you wussy bitch men.

  24. Azblue says:

    I’m in my late 30s and a lot of women in my friend group have had a miscarriage. These men just don’t even care to understand that an abortion is medical treatment for a miscarriage.

    My friends husband worked for the trump administration and a right wing think tank. They had a medical abortion when their baby had an unsurvivable genetic disorder. Guess who still advocates for states rights on abortion?!

  25. Anonymous says:

    “they care about public safety in the streets where their kids play.”

    This is a weird things to say I feel like. I can’t quite put my finger on what annoys me about this …It feels very 1990’s (“kids playing in the streets” — do kids still play in the streets? Is that a thing still?) and out-of-touch, maybe? Like, we have bigger worries for our kids now my dude (see: school shootings).

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Anonymous, I found that troubling, too. It sounds like a belittling of suburban Moms because their kids have to play in the street. That’s the feeling it gave me. Maybe I’m insulted because this sounds condescending to me. Did he just pat them on the head?

  26. TigerMcQueen says:

    Vladimir Futon is a weird, weird man who has fucked around and will soon find out.

  27. bisynaptic says:

    Keep going, JD.

  28. seriouslywhat? says:

    Vance has turned out to be a major liability for the Trump campaign – you love to see it.

    One of the things that makes me especially gleeful about this is that I read that Don Jr really encouraged his dad to select Vance; I bet he felt so proud of himself when his dad took his advice, and I bet he’s getting So. Much. Sh*t for it now.

  29. ag says:

    “Normal things” like healthcare – of which abortion is a part.

  30. mightymolly says:

    Didn’t it used to be harder to hear dog whistles?

    • deering24 says:

      Hey, these creeps figure they are within striking distance of a three-branch government takeover, so they’ve let their masks slip.

  31. Debbie says:

    Republicans are so concerned about women’s bodies and wanting to control it at every level of development. Yet they simply cannot understand that abortion, like other health or physical issues, should be reserved for the women and their physicians or primary care teams. How is it that Republicans still don’t get the fact abortions can also be considered in cases where the life/health of the mother is at risk like in ectopic pregnancies, for example. A politician is just not qualified to get involved in such matters. Mind your own damn business. Period.

  32. Saucy&Sassy says:

    You know the best thing about Vance being the VP pick? He’s laying out Project 2025 and people HATE it. I guess the very wealthy people behind it is finding out just how very UNpopular it is. Did they honestly think people were going to jump aboard in droves?

    Pay attention wealthy people: We won’t go back.

  33. LaurenAPMT says:

    Suburban woman here… I very much care about women’s reproductive rights and access to methods of abortion. I recognize that I am privileged in having a home and health insurance. I’m privileged in knowing that I can feed my family and we’re not at risk of running out of food. That privilege doesn’t mean I don’t care about how others are faring or that I don’t care about other women who are struggling, or that I’m not aware of how desperately things need to change.

    • mightymolly says:

      These people are such fools. By “suburban women” they mean fictional tv housewives not actual living, breathing complex human beings.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Like Donnie Dump cares about what he considers normal things🤣That orange dingus doesn’t even know what inflammation is.

  35. Sasha says:

    What is the appeal of a man like him to a highly educated woman like Usha?

  36. Cat Attack says:

    I moved from amazing, miss-it-every-day Los Angeles, a place that Republicans like to think of as a “hellhole” because there’s homeless people? anyway, i moved to a super conservative suburb in Maricopa County, that is pristinely fascist and really air conditioned. so pleased that my one vote of UTTER RAGE makes a difference now. don’t they remember that the Women’s March was millions of women wearing pink CAT ear beanies?