Robert Kennedy Jr. wants Kamala Harris to give him a cabinet position if he drops out

Throughout the year, political analysts have struggled to figure out if Robert Kennedy Jr’s quixotic, worm-brained presidential candidacy was hurting the Democratic ticket or the Republican ticket. Kennedy is only polling at 1% in most states, 3% at most (within the margin of error). Earlier on, there was the belief that Kennedy hurt the then-Biden-Harris ticket more, that Kennedy was pulling Democratic-leaning swing voters. But throughout the year, it’s felt more like Kennedy is actually pulling votes away from the Trump campaign – voters whose identity-politics are wrapped up in being anti-vaccine and pandemic conspiracists. All of which to say, Kennedy’s campaign probably started as a way for Republicans to ratf–k the election, but now that we’re entering the final stretch, a lot of powerful people are trying to usher Kennedy off the stage. Speaking of:

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sought a meeting last week with Democratic nominee Kamala Harris to discuss the possibility of serving in her administration, perhaps as a Cabinet secretary, if he throws his support behind her campaign and she wins, according to Kennedy campaign officials.

Harris and her advisers have not responded with an offer to meet or shown interest in the proposal, say people familiar with the conversations.

The Kennedy outreach, made through intermediaries, follows a meeting in Milwaukee last month between Kennedy and Republican nominee Donald Trump to discuss a similar policy role and endorsement that resulted in no agreement. In those discussions, Kennedy spoke about advising Trump in a second term on health and medical issues.

The independent candidate and namesake of the most famous American political dynasty is exploring multiple options for the future of his presidential effort, which has seen a decline in national polling since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race. His campaign has produced polling, which it has tried to share with Democrats, that it claims shows both Harris and Trump would get a boost in their public support across 31 states if either candidate announced publicly that Kennedy would have a Cabinet role in their administration.

[From WaPo]

The Harris campaign refusing to engage with Kennedy tells me a lot about what their internal polls are saying. There has likely been a significant shift in recent months, where Kennedy is hurting Trump more than he’s hurting the Democrats. Plus, Kamala Harris and her people simply want no part of the brain worms or dead-bear-transport. If Harris and Walz pay any attention to Kennedy, that will hurt them more than help them. I also expect the larger Kennedy family to make some moves in the final months of the election cycle – my guess is that Caroline Kennedy will probably have a very prominent speaking role at the DNC next week.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “Robert Kennedy Jr. wants Kamala Harris to give him a cabinet position if he drops out”

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  1. Kateee says:

    Sorry there are currently no positions available for dangerous kooks and sellouts. Check with the other guy.

    • Emcee3 says:

      I read he did reach out to the other guy.
      “No one has any intention of negotiating with a MAGA-funded fringe candidate who has sought out a job with Donald Trump in exchange for an endorsement,” DNC spokesperson Matt Corridoni said Wednesday in a statement to CNN.

    • And people in hell want ice water. She won’t even meet with him and nobody in her circle will either.

    • tealily says:

      He’s tried so hard to get on board with Trump, why would he think his endorsement for Harris would even be helpful? He can keep his 4% of the nation’s looney tunes vote.

  2. chill says:

    LOL, LOL, LOL!! Maybe he can be in charge of worms in the brain!

  3. The Marchioness of Blorf says:

    It’s good to want, mfer!

    This dude makes me sick.

  4. ML says:

    This comes after Worm-Brain inquired about job opportunities for Trump. VP Harris should continue to ignore him.

  5. lucy2 says:

    He’s definitely pulling vote from trump, especially with idiots like Joe Rogan endorsing him.

  6. Maida says:

    This is giving me Rod Blagojevich vibes — just as he wanted to sell Obama’s Senate seat, RFK Jr. wants to sell his dropping out of the race. What a slimy move, and from someone who touts himself as an “alternative” to traditional politicians. The sooner this joker is off the political scene the better.

    • Emcee3 says:

      If you watch the John Oliver segment on RFK Jr [taped before the CentralPark BearDump confession in Roseanne’s kitchen] the writers found archival footage during the 2000 presidential election where Jr saying/warning the 3rd party Ralph Nader campaign was a danger to the election. I kid you not.

      • lucy2 says:

        He also used to do good environmental work. He’s not who he used to be at all, which is scary, and he should be kept away from power, and many other things.

      • Emcee3 says:

        And John Oliver opened w/ his history of good works & laudable accomplishments. It’s really perplexing how he morphed into the man who has said on camera: I have so many skeletons in my closet that, if they all voted for me, I could be president.

      • Rnot says:

        There’s a really frightening correlation between brain damage and turning right wing. If you dig into the background of someone famous who used to be cool but turned MAGA, you’ll find strokes, aneurysms, head injuries, and brain eating worms, over and over again. I wish I was joking.

      • Sid says:

        Emcee, back in the 00s there used to be a left-leaning radio station called Air America Radio. It was great, filled with lots of progressive hosts. RFK Jr. had his own show on the weekends. Remembering him from back then and comparing it to him now is like night and day. Can’t believe it is the same guy.

  7. K says:

    Secretary of Parasites Of The Interior.

  8. Agnes says:

    Why do people like his wife, who theoretically does not have a brain worm, enable this pitiful lunatic? He’s been demonstrably insane since his heroin addict days.

    • Emcee3 says:

      I was shocked to read marriage #3 has lasted nearly a decade. The other 2 did not.

    • Bev says:

      I wonder if Cheryl is regretting her choice. It’s unlikely she will ever work in Hollywood again.

      • Gabby says:

        Too bad Curb Your Enthusiam is over. This guy would provide fodder for an entire season.

        I think the worm that ate his brain is more qualified for a cabinet position than RFK Jr.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        Who knows. I doubt this was something he successfully hid all these years. It’s possible she’s just as doolally, but her cognition is still good enough to hide it from people on the outside. I never thought she was that great an actress. She might well be perfectly happy to live off whatever money he has while “serving the cause” alongside him. I’ve never thought that any serious couple ever really differed too much in their mindset, overall. Deep down, you’d have to agree with your partners views to even a tiny degree to decide you want to endure them for the rest of your life.

  9. lisa says:

    I’d choose the bear over him

  10. LightPurple says:

    I can feel the eyeroll cousin Ambassador Caroline must be giving over this. Of anyone in that family, she is most likely to land a Cabinet position, depending on her relationship with Kamala Harris, having served as US ambassador to Japan under Obama and US ambassador to Australia under Biden. Two other members of the family are currently working in the Biden administration – Vickie Reggie Kennedy is ambassador to Austria and Joe Kennedy 3 is special envoy to Northern Ireland. Several of the Shrivers and RFK Jr’s siblings are working in programs connected to the Biden administration. That he would think the VP or any of his own family members would see him as fit to work on healthcare policy is ludicrous.

    • Emcee3 says:

      But also back in 2014, Tatiana Schlossberg was the NYTimes journalist who covered the mysterious bear & bicycle dump in Central Park! I’m trying to imagine the conversation Caroline had w/ her daughter once that bizarre kitchen confession went viral.

    • Agnes says:

      I wonder why RFK Jr., out of all the Kennedy offspring, has turned out so horribly? Of all of the clan, he seems to buy the “legend” more than the others, and desperately wants to live up to that myth. But all he had was good looks and a name, not brains or character. Sad.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Wasn’t he trying to be Trump’s VP pick last month?

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’ll endorse you for a Cabinet position could be construed as soliciting a bribe. Trump was open to it. Kamala told him to take his brain worm and roadkill diet elsewhere. The media should be reporting it this way. But, of course, they’re not.

    • Lindsay says:

      Great point, Brassy Rebel.
      And I wish she would send him a memo she doesn’t negotiate with domestic terrorists.

  13. TheOriginalMia says:

    Bless his heart. I’m sure Kamala had the same reaction I did which was to LOL. He’s ridiculous. Wasn’t it revealed he was conspiring with Trump against Biden when he was still in the race? Go somewhere!

  14. Eowyn says:

    This creep would be hilarious if there weren’t a million and one grave issues at play in US politics that affect all of us within and outside of the United States.

    • North of Boston says:

      … or a million and one actual *graves* in the US from people who died of COVID-19.

      (Literally, 1.1 million COVID deaths.)
      Antivaxxers have no place in a sane POTUS administration and RFK Jr can see himself out, no parting gifts required.

  15. Lindsay says:

    Defcon 1 campaign hemorrhage.
    I can just hear that infamous Kamala laugh 🤭

  16. Dorianne says:

    I am in the midst of such an eye roll, right now, that I can actually see the inside of the back of my head. What a maroon.

    • GoldenMom says:

      Bugs Bunny references in CB comments are the highlight of my interweb time.

      And the eye roll comment is a bonus.

      Thanks Dorianne!!

  17. Digital Unicorn says:

    I don’t know anything about him other than he’s part of the Kennedy family – man he is really desperate to cash in on his family name, his entitlement is off the scale. He really thinks he has some sort of political power – from what I can tell he’s the family joke.

  18. Localady says:

    The line starts behind Hillary dudebro

  19. Grant says:

    I bet she could find a spot for him as a member of the janitorial staff — but he’s kind of underqualified IMO.

  20. pottymouth pup says:

    It’s very clear from the comments on the story about this posted by NY Post that the only people buying this are the low info people who wouldn’t vote for Harris. Kennedy’s campaign has never been a serious one. His own staff were caught admitting it was a ploy to help Trump by trying to pull voters from Biden (now Harris). This is really just a publicity stunt to try, again, to make it look like Kennedy is a liberal (one of the PACs was running ads in swing states to make it look like Kennedy was being “smeared” as a liberal extremist) with a goal of driving Trump voters away and attract libs. The people who but this are the same people who describe themselves as “independent” or “libertarian” while claiming there’s no difference between the parties and their platforms

  21. MsDarcy says:

    The fact that he thinks that his dropping out helps Harris shows just how worm-addled his brain actually is. Trump is the one he needs to be negotiating with. But this guy… I swear, he was watching ‘Succession’ and saw Connor Roy running for president out of the blue, and he also thought, hey, I can do that, too! I don’t need qualifications, just a great last name and a lot of money!

  22. Giddy says:

    I don’t know if it was the brain worm, or drugs, or eating roadkill that changed this man, but he used to be a normal guy who did good work on environmental issues. Now he in no way can be considered normal, and it’s sad, but also irritating because he seems to believe that he has important things to say. He doesn’t, and Kamala doesn’t need him.

  23. JoanCallamezzo says:

    To Cheryl and Usha blink twice if you need help.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      Cheryl Hines knew exactly who she married, she must be as bad a person as he is

      • KitKat says:

        This! She married him and brought her young daughter along for the ride. That dude is an absolute disaster and she exposes her child to that mess. It has to be for the money, privilege, and cocaine. What else could it be?

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        That’s my exact thought. Never cared for her as an actress before. Care less now.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        @KitKat- She has a daughter?! Uh oh. Poor girl. I hope she comes out of this life with them ok.

  24. Izzy says:

    ABSOLUTELY NOT. Temper tantrums should not be rewarded.

  25. Boxy Lady says:

    I would pick JFK Jr for a cabinet position before I would even consider RFK Jr.

    And if you’re thinking, “Wait, isn’t JFK Jr dead?”, my answer to that question would be, “Yes, that’s exactly my point.”

  26. Rnot says:

    How about Secretary of Keeping It Real?