Kim Kardashian is single, but her kids want her to date someone famous

Have I gotten really good at ignoring Kim Kardashian or has she been relatively quiet for months? She appeared at the Met Gala in May, she went to a wedding in India and… like, there’s been no real news or gossip about her in a while? Minus the gossip about how she sliced the top of her finger off. All of which to say, Kim has been out and about in New York this week and it feels like we haven’t seen her in months.

She wore a Miu Miu ensemble out to the Polo Bar (yellow sleeveless top and brown pants). North West is also with her on this trip, as is their dog…? Let me look this up… North West has two Pomeranians, Sushi and Sake. I hope North is taking good care of those dogs because Kim has a terrible track record with pets (RIP Mercy Kardashian-West). Kim was also spotted around 30 Rock, and she turned up on the Tonight Show on Wednesday:

People really do love SKIMS. Even people who dislike Kim sort of begrudgingly admit that SKIMS has some good stuff. Kim also talked about her new Ryan Murphy series, but the big headline is about her love life. She says she’s single and her kids are ready for her to date and they keep trying to set her up with people. Like, they’re creating lists of “dream boyfriends for mom.” I like that Kim isn’t ready to jump into anything though. I do wonder who she’ll date next… my assumption has always been that her endgame-partner would be a lawyer or someone who reminds her of her dad.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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12 Responses to “Kim Kardashian is single, but her kids want her to date someone famous”

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  1. Supersoft says:

    Her face looks different. Again. And the very small waist isn’t a good look either.
    She doesn’t look happy in these photos.
    So I think a missing boyfriend is not her biggest problem? And I find it creepy that her kids come up with boyfriend lists.
    Like, does she discuss this with her kids? I don’t find that an age appropriate topic for young kids? Isn’t this something what girlfriends are for?

    • Arizona says:

      it’s pretty normal for kids to do that – my sister and I talked to my mom about it because she was a single mom as well. it’s not inappropriate to talk about dating with your kids? North is like eleven. it’s not the same as discussing your sex life.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      No subject should be taboo if the intentions are good and the words are well chosen and adapted for the people you’re discussing with.

    • Blithe says:

      Really? The kids probably enjoyed their relationships with Pete Davidson — just as an example — when their mother was dating him. They obviously will be impacted to some extent by the people that their parents choose to date. Of course they’re going to talk about it — especially when there’s a very real possibility that their parents could potentially actually bring home one of their childhood heros.

  2. Elle says:

    I don’t see a well respected high powered defense attorney wanting to date Kim. Not necessarily because of her per se, but because of the press. There would be pushback from the judges, unnecessary press for the clients, etc. “Kim is seriously dating Bob Smith, a partner at X law firm. This firm currently represents these clients.”

    Now, a plaintiffs attorney? Yes. Dating Kim would be the romantic equivalent of having a billboard on the interstate times a million. I don’t mean that meanly to Kim, only that it would be free advertising.

    But I think she would find more happiness with a business executive! Like the CFO or CMO of a successful company. They would have more in common.

    Think about Juliana Marguiles and her super attractive husband who is an attorney. Think of how little press she does, only when actively promoting something, and how he is rarely even seen then. Obviously her level of fame doesn’t compare to Kim’s, but I feel like they are really private in part due to his job. He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page (I checked). He easily could have one. I know it’s apples and oranges comparing the two, but it was the first example that came to mind.

    Hope Kim finds a hot executive, if she wants, where they have a mutually beneficial business relationship as well.

  3. Ali says:

    she was out and about last week dining with Ivanka and Jared 🤢🤮

  4. Neeve says:

    I dont think Kim cares much about men as weird is it sounds,all the partners she had were a stepping stone to something. She is always happiest around her family and girlfriends.

    • Lucy says:

      I’ve seen lots of people say she doesn’t seem sexy or seem interested in sex, her vibes are more like a mannequin (I’ve never watched her show or watched more than 2 seconds of her talking though).

      I think staying single fora while would honestly be the best thing for just about all those women, if only to show their daughters/nieces that being single is ok.

  5. Swack says:

    What happened to her becoming a lawyer?

  6. TurbanMa says:

    They have had those dogs for years. 6 or 7 years I’m pretty sure. One was North’s and one was one of Kourtney’s kids. There was an episode of KUWTK when they got them.

    • DK says:

      So North was even younger when they named the dogs? Because a child naming a pet “Sake” – essentially the equivalent of naming a pet “Vodka” or “Tequila” – seems disturbing to me.
      Far more disturbing than discussing who your mom should date…