Duchess Meghan wore a lovely Johanna Ortiz dress on Day 1 of the Colombia tour

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Here are some photos of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their Colombian Tour Day #1. This was their second outfit of the day – Meghan switched it up with a lovely Johanna Ortiz dress in a rosy print. She wore her hair down and her makeup was flawless. Ortiz was born and raised in Colombia and then she went to fashion school in America and she launched her fashion line in America. Meghan has worn Ortiz dresses before, notably during the Nigerian tour. I love when Meghan honors the country she’s visiting by wearing a native-to-the-country designer. Other royal women would have simply asked Erdem to make a coatdress in the colors of Colombia’s flag and called it a day.

After the Sussexes met with VP Francia Marquez, Marquez then escorted Harry and Meghan to the National Center for the Arts in Bogota. They watched a performance of The Hummingbird’s Kiss, and then after the show, the Sussexes took part in a summit on internet safety and tech accountability.

I’m not going to give a ton of energy to the British media’s coverage of this tour but it does appear like some British outlets have slightly more access during this trip than the trip to Nigeria. I would imagine the Colombian government simply credentialed more international photographers than Nigeria. All of which to say, the Mail seems desperate to find some negative angle, so they’re saying that some of the kids looked “bored” during this theater performance. That’s all they’ve got??

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Photos courtesy of Getty and Abaca Press/INSTARimages

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60 Responses to “Duchess Meghan wore a lovely Johanna Ortiz dress on Day 1 of the Colombia tour”

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  1. seaflower says:


  2. Hypocrisy says:

    I loved it, the costumes were amazing.. the photos are gorgeous and the colors just spectacular. I am glad you are muting the British tabloids coverage which from what little I’ve seen is absolutely insulting and rude. I’m excited to see them again today🤗..and tomorrow 😉

    • Jais says:

      The colors of the costumes were gorgeous! The feathers and the costumes from the Bogota center for for the arts were dazzling.

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    Loved this dress on Meghan as well. The rich colors and the fit. I have noticed how Meghan embraces her body, regardless to her size. And for women this is important. As she navigated the different sizes she was after giving birth to her children, she was not shy in the way she dressed while embracing her then current size while out and about. And most importantly, she allowed her body to heal as it changed. Since her size seems to have settled to her pre mother weight, she is embracing it well.

    • Debbie says:

      That’s an important point to make.

    • Jc says:

      Those were my thoughts as well. No matter what her size pre and post births, she remained elegant and did not try to hide, cover up, disguise or explain her body. Duchess, elegance, and class, all the way.

      • aftershocks says:

        Yep, Meghan always dresses so well for the body she inhabits at every given point in time. Even during her pregnancies, she rocked her style moxie to the max! 🤌🏽 The voluptuous curves she gained after giving birth to her babies, she fully embraced and still A-T-E with style! 🍴🍹

        Memorable cases in point: The gorgeous, sexy red gown with the voluptuous bodice, crisscrossed straps on back and an elegant train that Meghan wore to the 2021 Intrepid Awards! 🥰 Boy did she embrace her curvy bust with luxe, luscious fun! Also, the black pants, leather belt and white shirt with rolled-up sleeves that Meghan wore to the 2019 Smart Set launch for Smart Works! Those pants (which were part of the Smart Set design ensemble) hugged Meghan’s ample hips like chocolate sauce on ice cream, like frosting on cake, like bees on honey! Chile! 😋

  4. s808 says:

    This is a beautiful dress!

    • Sara says:

      “I love when Meghan honors the country she’s visiting by wearing a native-to-the-country designer.”
      💯 agree with this comment. It is so thoughtful of her and she looks amazing in that dress.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    Not sure how the kids looking bored at a theater performance has anything to do with Harry and Meghan, but ok BM. I’m really liking Johanna Ortiz’s dresses, I really liked the dress Meghan wore in Nigeria too. If it’s not bank breaking I’ll have to check her out, and I do appreciate how she Meghan highlights smaller and local designers. If you’re going to spend more than normal, I’d prefer to do it with a smaller brand than a huge conglomerate.

  6. Neeve says:

    The kids looked bored??? Can they stoop any lower?

    • Anna says:

      Nope. It’s right in “I don’t like Kamala because of her laugh” territory.

    • Giddy says:

      Right. Nice way to insult the actors from the National Center for the Arts.

    • Jais says:

      So when I taught high school in Bklyn we took a group of kids to one of the afternoon student showings of Hamilton. And guess what? Some of them got bored. Mostly during the second act. I couldn’t believe it😂! So some kids getting bored at a theater show is not terribly surprising. I’m sure there were other kids that were enthralled.

      • Neeve says:

        That’s true,I remember once on a school trip we went to see Cats and we actually had the stage seats but we were all so exhausted from jet lag that we fell asleep right in front of everyone. But we know why it was mentioned here.

    • Jay says:

      Sure, it’s not like children ever seem bored or disinterested when Kate and William visit…

    • aftershocks says:

      Those kids in Colombia were clearly NOT bored! They were obviously trying to be polite in public while containing their excitement and enthusiasm. In fact, H&M had already met and spent time with the children prior to the public theatre performance. 👌🏽

  7. Wagiman says:

    I absolutely adore this dress.. I think it’s called Navajo. ITS SO appropriate without actually theme dressing! Because the style is a throw back to the gold NYC dress, I felt like this was full circle. As someone whose had many traumas, sometimes repeating something is closure. Though I’m likely reading way too much but that was my first thought. Closure from that episode. I often wondered about what she did with the gold dress because I had to literally burn some clothes from a very traumatic near death event so I guess that’s why I went there.

    Anyway, she looks stunning and free. I can’t get over how beautiful that dress is on her.

    • Steph says:

      I don’t know about the cost aspect but I immediately thought of the gold dress too.

      • Steph says:

        *closure* aspect. Not cost. Sorry.

      • Wagiman says:

        Steph, I think I’m projecting. I just remember how I felt about what I’d been wearing after a life threatening situation. Why I burned them. Not saying she would. Clothes remind me viscerally of events.

      • tamsin says:

        I think Meghan wore an Ortiz dress in Nigeria as well, so I think this is her third dress in this silhouette. Love the material of each of them, and it’s a beautiful design.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Wagiman, that’s an interesting take. I believe Meghan and Harry took a lot of time out after that May 2023 event to decompress, to heal, and to work with their security on ensuring that extra protective measures would be in place for all future public events, especially in New York City. It is not the gold dress that Meghan would be triggered by or feel unease over. She looked like a million dollars in that dress, and the event had gone extremely well. The aftermath car chase precipitated by paps and vindictive parties, I think H&M would have been able to separate from the otherwise lovely evening they shared with Doria and close friends.

        Plus, Meghan wore the similarly designed striped animal print Johanna Ortiz dress in Nigeria exactly one year later, this past May (prior to this colorful new version in Colombia, that has very different colors and pattern). If full-circle closure was needed, Princess Ada Mazi Meghan already got it in Nigeria. 🇳🇬 ✊🏽✌🏽

    • Mil says:

      It is the same cut. Different fabric and pattern. It looks lovely on M, you can that she feels comfortable in it.
      I wish I did this. Buy cuts I love in all colors.

  8. Steph says:

    I love this dress!

  9. Pix says:

    Gosh she looks gorgeous. I don’t even see Harry in these pics because she’s so beautiful. Yes, salty island will be salty about how she keeps winning.

    • sunny says:

      A woman whose face card has never been declined! She looks amazing and I hope they have a terrific trip.

  10. Tessa says:

    Harry carries off the casual look. He looks handsome and fabulous. Meghan s outfit is perfection

  11. Jay says:

    I commented on Meghan’s clothing earlier, so let’s turn to Harry’s cool summer suit with no socks – no surprise he wears it well! Not everyone can pull off the white/beige suit without it veering into Miami vice territory.

  12. Chaine says:

    She looks lovely, glowing as usual. I wasn’t sure I cared for this pattern when I saw it in the articles last night, but now I’ve come around to it. Good to see her in some COLOR too! I do think the slit is either too high or placed wrongly, because you can tell she is uncomfortable and struggling with it when seated.

    Harry looks like a snack in that light colored business casual. He needs to come up with a new solution for his hair, though. Entering severe combover territory ….

  13. jo73c says:

    Hair and make-up look great, especially with a beautiful smile. Not sure about the dress. The pattern and detail is lovely, but the mix of colours don’t flatter her. The bust is overdesigned and poorly fitting, leaving the neckline looking really wide and low. A chunkier necklace or pendant would have offset that.

  14. Miranda says:

    The beige-y pink and burgundy is so stunning with her skintone. I know Meghan loves her neutrals, and of course she should always wear whatever makes her feel beautiful and confident, but damn, when she treats us to a more colorful dress or ensemble, she knocks it out of the park every time!

  15. She looked lovely and Harry was looking good too.

  16. SAS says:

    Holy. Moly. This look is stunning.

    I’m glad for your independent coverage rather than giving air to the pathetic tabloid coverage.

    I will say though, HILARIOUS that they would bring attention to children appearing unimpressed during a royal visit considering the noticeable disgust we’ve witnessed from children in W&K’s presence!

  17. Roo says:

    Lovely to see them look happy and relaxed. They being such warmth and ease to their visits, and you can tell their hosts enjoy their company.

  18. aquarius64 says:

    This is so far one of my favorite looks on Meghan. I love this dress. Kate could not pull this off if she tried. The BM I’d trashing this trip because Charles, Anne and recently Sophie didn’t this level of rollout and press for their trips to Colombia, plus this is a direct invite and not a request from the Foreign Office.

  19. aquarius64 says:

    This is so far one of my favorite looks on Meghan. I love this dress. Kate could not pull this off if she tried. The BM I’d trashing this trip because Charles, Anne and recently Sophie didn’t this level of rollout and press for their trips to Colombia, plus this is a direct invite and no a request from the Foreign Office.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Chuckles and co will be gnashing their teeth about the enthusiastic reception Harry and Meghan are getting here at the next Windsor summit!

      • Unblinkered says:

        What an incalculable loss to the UK, unbelievable really letting these two leave.
        If only The Queen and Philip had been 15 years younger at the time, they’d have stopped it.

  20. Amy T says:

    They both look relaxed and fabulous and the dress is 🔥.

  21. ohwell says:

    Lovely dress. I really like the pattern.

  22. Jais says:

    The color! The print! Repping a designer from the country she’s visiting!

  23. Liz -L says:

    They have such a cool vibe together – youthful vitality. Both looking great and Meghan is a wow in that dress.

  24. swaz says:

    She looks absolutely gorgeous 😍 the color is so rich and glamorous, Harry so handsome too😍

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    Look at her posture!!

    She somehow manages to look elegant and accessible to the people around her — not an easy feat.

  26. L4Frimaire says:

    The dress is a pretty pattern but I really like the kitten heeled shoes. It makes the look more relaxed. Loved the colors and costumes of the performance.

  27. Amy Bee says:


  28. Robin Samuels says:

    Harry and Megan were really made to be even their name clicks well. I believe that dress is the same as the gold one she wore in New York except the gold dress didn’t have straps. Harry’s fashion has come a long way and I’m loving it . No more uniforms, medals, and dark blue suits. He’s ready for GQ for sure even though I think he’s been there before.

  29. AC says:

    M looked so stunning in that summer dress. Those who hate her can’t deny how beautiful she looks with that dress(and if they did are lying through their teeth).
    Prob someone is having tantrums and kicking stuff on the other side of the pond. 😀

  30. Flying fish says:

    Need I say more.