Kamala Harris: ‘I’m the first vice president, I believe, who has ever grown chili peppers’

The Beltway and national media is still super-salty about the fact that Kamala Harris has not given an interview since President Biden dropped out of the race. It hasn’t become a huge deal yet, I think because Harris is talking to the traveling press corps on her plane every so often. So, not a press conference or a sit-down interview, but she allows them to pepper her with questions and she gives them limited access. I bring up the no-interviews-yet thing because the Harris-Walz campaign had the brilliant idea of putting the charismatic and memeable VP Harris and Gov. Walz in the same room and they just filmed them shooting the sh-t and getting to know one another. This one 10-minute video has already led to tons of attention on social media and beyond.

Walz: “I have White Guy Tacos.” Kamala, annoyed: “What does that mean? Like mayonnaise and tuna, what are you doing?” LMAO. And “do you put any flavor in it?” Walz: “No.” Kamala: “OoooOooh.” I wish this was ten minutes of them talking about food and cooking. Kamala did those kinds of videos when she was running in 2019-20 – she would go into someone’s home and cook with them and talk in a relaxed way. The Mindy Kaling video is a classic.

Speaking of food, not even one minute into the video, Kamala said something “controversial.” “I’m the first vice president, I believe, who has ever grown chili peppers.” This has American History Twitter all abuzz. Is it true? Not according to Neckbeard Von Continental Congress – apparently, Thomas Jefferson (who served as VP from 1801-09) grew chili peppers in Monticello. But, as many people pointed out… it’s not like Ol’ TJ was tilling his chili fields all by himself. The man owned hundreds of slaves over the course of his life. So maybe VP Harris technically is the first VP to grow (with her own two hands) her own chili peppers? Someone else dug up more details on Harris’s chili garden – apparently, she grows scotch bonnet peppers, jalapenos, Thai chili peppers and more.

PS… I just have to post this again. Bring this Cooking With Kamala series back!!!

Here’s an explainer for White Guy Tacos.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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76 Responses to “Kamala Harris: ‘I’m the first vice president, I believe, who has ever grown chili peppers’”

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  1. Jenny says:

    The more correct phrasing is probably that Thomas Jefferson had chili peppers grown at Monticello. I would guess Kamala is the first VP actually doing the work themselves.

  2. ML says:

    If that Instagram is accurate, white guy tacos are absolutely horrifying!

    VP Harris is definitely going to have interviews down the line. I understand people are getting impatient, but she’s essentially putting together a condensed campaign. Biden had negative numbers that she’s turning around. She needs to reintroduce herself and thread the needle of being VP with being someone new. She needs people to associate her and her VP positively (and the Republican’s are attacking both of them in the crudest of ways). The so-called “beer test” is a thing, and she needs to get that vibe as early as she can. This does that. Everyone eats, and this message speaks subtly to how we flavor our food. Love this!

    • CJW says:

      Those tacos in a bag are standard at rural area events, fairs, high school sports etc. Gross but portable which is great for parents with little ones.

      • ML says:

        CJW and WaterDragon, thanks for the explanation.

      • heather p says:

        We call ’em “walking tacos” and people go crazy over ’em.

        I’m breaking midwesterner protocol and I’ve never had one but like CJW said- absolute staple at every event once the weather turns cool.

      • Luna says:

        Horrible for microplastic consumption. Now we know microplastics accumulate in our organs and arteries, even testicles and penis in those who have those organs. NOW it’s a national emergency!

    • WaterDragon says:

      This sounds more like a Frito Pie to me, a Texas fast food original. Slit open a Frito bag, add beef chili, minced onions, and grated cheddar cheese. Stir and eat. This works equally well in a bowl. FYI, Wick Fowler’s 2-Alarm Chili Mix is the best, IMHO. I always won the work chili cook-offs with it. Start with the package instructions and doctor from there.

      • Lucy says:

        Yes, this looks like Frito pie but with none of the actual flavor. I just shivered when he described white guy tacos. I grew up in south Texas and thought “white people don’t season their food” was a myth until I met my husband and his family. They’re from Maine and literally salt and pepper is too spicy and ruins it for them.

      • Arhus says:

        You can zip up taco in a bag just like you can zip up tacos on top of fritos. Please, it is just about toppings and seasonings/sauces, not about who makes it or in what state.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Thank you @WaterDragon! The taco in a bag came from Texas and football games. I’m in Wisconsin. It’s never been a thing. First learned about it as a teen that read a romance novel between a Texas football player and a high school swimmer. 40 plus years ago.

        Confused by white man’s tacos. Not a political point. Curious. I prefer authentic tacos with onion & cilantro. DH prefers my spicy taco meat with lettuce, onions and sour cream. Don’t even get me going on quesabirria tacos. Yum.

    • Ameerah M says:

      As someone who has actually had a taco in a bag…they are freaking delicious! Had them at a work event and a few time since then. They are ground beef, tomatoes, onions, cheddar cheese and sour cream. The “taco” part are the corn chips – you can usually have Fritos or Doritos. Do these actually qualify as tacos? Of course not. But they ARE tasty.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I was gonna say, they look good to me!

      • Normades says:

        I have so many questions… how do you close the bag? are the ingredients still hot when you eat them? don’t the chips get soggy???

      • Arhus says:

        Yes, never had taco in a bag until meeting my hubby from North Dakota. They are also fiends for jalapeños and tabasco sauce. Tis delicious and little cleanup. Why any worse than a tostada in crunched up form? Just because where it is made?

      • Jenny says:

        Yeah, not even going to feel guilty for loving these. Favorite horse show food. Usually someone has a crockpot of chili, a scoop gets dumped on Doritos/Fritos, and you add whatever salsa, cheese, sour cream, etc you want. Eat out of bag with spoon.

      • MotherOfPugs says:

        I’m from the Central Valley (aka the Midwest of CA). We called them Frito boats and they’re delish! Served out of the mini Frito bag cut longways or in one of those little paper boats. You can spice up the chili, add jalapeños, nacho cheese, hot sauce, sour cream, etc. It’s more like ballpark food not fine dining. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Also “white guy” tacos are unseasoned tacos that use ketchup instead of salsa. It’s as terrible as it sounds.

      • Christine says:

        We had Frito chili pie where I grew up, but we didn’t eat it out of the bag, it was served in those little paper boats. Isn’t the chili too hot to hold with nothing but a chip bag between it and your hand?

      • Mayp says:

        Thank you, @ameerah. I was looking at the “taco in a bag” picture and thought it looks good!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @CJW, standard where? I’m in WI (missed some state fairs), tacos in a bag isn’t a thing that I’m aware of here. This year. Yes. Tacos in a bag is not a thing in my city. We’re more burgers & brats.

        Love the video interview between Harris &

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Lol @Ameerah M. y Three times a month I make a “healthy” taco salad for DH. He calls it healthy because it contains lettuce and onions, For Dh to eat it, cheese and sour cream need to be present too. fun times

        The video between Harris & Walz is so enjoyable. I need this for at least the next 4 years. Seriously. Kamala & Walz are people you would welcome to your living room or patio. One of my challenges to either of them would be Euchre or Sheepshead? And a Cincinnati chili contest. Vance would be like, whaaaaaa, I have to remove myself from the couch!!!! Awesome tasty stuff.https://www.browneyedbaker.com/cincinnati-chili/

      • Jeni says:

        We used to have them for school lunches. “walking tacos”

    • Drea says:

      I’ve only ever heard it called a “walking taco” and it’s literally only done at state fairs, much like deep-fried twinkies. It’s a novelty, not standard dinner fare.

  3. Jay says:

    Oooooh please go on Hot Ones, Kamala! Do it!

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    I’ve made so many “white man tacos” (hard shell, unseasoned meat and cheese) for my family members that suffer from spice sweats.. yes even taco seasoning is too much for them. So I loved this, and agree I could have listened to ten minutes just on the food discussions. I love spicy foods and lots of hot sauce so I’m always looking for new recipes just for me. (Still laughing about the tuna and mayo response 🤣..)

    • Lucy says:

      I lold at the tuna guess. I think it’s fair 😂

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Kamala was probably remembering talking Mark Warner through his attempt to make tuna melts during the pandemic. That was hysterical. And, btw, spice sweats is a real thing. I can see trying to avoid that.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        the right is soooo pissed at her response to white guy tacos and saying it’s racist & hypocritical of libs not to call it racist

      • Christine says:

        Right, just like they call out all of themselves for their hilarious watermelon references.

        They seriously do not see themselves with any lens resembling reality.

    • Giddy says:

      Texan here, and we love our spicy food. I do however have a sister in law from Iowa who can’t even eat Doritos because she thinks they are too spicy. Her idea of spaghetti( nightmare time) is to cook noodles and pour over tomato soup. My brother in law just keeps Tabasco sauce and Pace’s salsa ready to douse her cooking.

  5. Rapunzel says:

    She said, “I believe” which means she admitted she wasn’t sure. Tempest in a teapot.

    • SarahCS says:

      Her very existence threatens these guys so whatever she says will have them screaming and finding fault.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Right! These folks don’t listen! She was guessing she was the first, not making a declarative statement, like trump’s ‘I have the biggest crowds ever!’

  6. Jks says:

    The video was so lovely. It’s nice to see them talk about normal stuff. Music, food, and about relatable stories about themselves.
    I’ve grown ornamental chilli peppers that look like Christmas lights and mini bell peppers. They are so easy to grow and adds so much colour to the garden.

  7. seaflower says:

    Love this video of the two of them chatting. So relatable.

  8. PC says:

    Ol’ Ben is getting his ass handed to him in the comments. LOL!!!

    • Mia4s says:

      Walked into a self-own sponsored by Hamilton the Musical there Ben!

      Yeah keep ranting, we know who was really doing the planting. 😒

      • Emcee3 says:

        I miss having casual access to viewing the comments w/o an account, but I refuse to sign up. Hopefully he’s getting properly ratioed & there’s a version of my thoughts in the replies:
        Credit Jefferson with owning the land as well as the folks who actually grew the peppers on said land.

  9. Nanea says:

    I love how the usual suspects on Black Twitter came for Ben Jacobs, with their quotes getting up to a hundred thousand likes, e.g. reminding people that TJ enslaved not only Sally Heming’s sister — but his own children with her.

    Why do white people feel so threatened by Kamala? It’s *weird*.

    Loved the video of K&T, have already watched it several times with different people, and the general mood is happy and cheerful.

    • Blithe says:

      It IS weird. I guess it’s because Kamala’s realness, competence, and joyful dignity — despite all that has been thrown her way — somehow threatens the way some of them see themselves.
      The first thing I read today was a comment by politician Nancy Mace saying that: Kamala Harris “doesn’t know what a woman is”— as Mace belligerently proclaimed her own right to mispronounce Kamala’s name. The second thing I read was this post, with these awesome videos. That’s what this election is about, for me: The twisted reality of white supremacy— vs the relatability of Harris and Walz, supporting the cultural mosaic of the American people, with hot sauce on the side.

  10. sunny says:

    This video is so charming! A great move by her campaign team- warm, relatable, hopeful. Love it! Also Kamala’s love of music has been a thing since the first time she ran. I LOVE them talking about Prince.

    Campaigns are always about contrasts and this video does it so well. Compare this to the other side’s mess.

  11. Jais says:


  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    I know this is probably impossible but I do wish Tim could bring her to the State Fair which starts next week. Every kind of food imaginable, not just white guy food. Most of it comes on a stick. And then he could take her to Paisley Park! Well, I can dream. Maybe they can save this for when she is president. 🙏

    • KC says:

      I would absolutely watch videos of the two of them at the Minnesota State Fair. I told my beloved the other day I wish they could do a tour of state fairs, but I’m a big state fair nerd.

    • Rnot says:

      It starts on the 22nd, which is the last day of the DNC convention, and runs through Labor Day. It’d be campaign gold, but I’m not sure if it’d be too much of a security nightmare.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Yeah, in order to insure proper security, they would have to inconvenience too many fairgoers. It’s always jam packed, especially on nice days. But I bet he’s dying to take her because he knows she would love it. I doubt the Secret Service would let them ride The Slingshot together. That would be a blast! 💥🔥

    • Christine says:

      My father’s side of the family is all in Minnesota, and that state fair is the most epic one in the entire country, IMO. I lived in Dallas right after college, and the Texas state fair doesn’t touch Minnesota. I could go on forever, but I will leave it at the Butter Princess. Minnesota also has an epic Ren Faire, I don’t understand what it is about Minnesotans that makes you epic at anything involving fried food and general frivolity. I highly recommend!

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I think it’s the long winters, Christine. We call it the Renaissance Festival. I hadn’t realized ours was any better than anyone else’s, but I’ll take your word. It’s the only one I’ve been to. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

      • Christine says:

        That’s it! My brother and SIL met in college in California, and found out that both of their grandpas were in the farm implements game, and were competitors living in neighboring towns so small even people who grew up in Minnesota haven’t heard of them (Wheaton, on my side).

        They got married in Minnesota during the Renaissance Festival, because they knew there would be zero people unhappy with having to travel to a wedding, and they were exactly right! They actually planned their wedding with avoiding snow and mosquitoes, and embracing festivals at the top of their list.

  13. Oodles says:

    Those Doritos/Fritos bags are “walking tacos”. They are for events when you have to eat your tacos on the move 😂. You’ll never hear them called “tacos in a bag” in the Midwest.

    “White people tacos” are lightly seasoned beef (like half the packet of seasoning you can buy on the shelf) on a hard shell or flour tortilla with lettuce, tomato, sour cream, Ortega taco sauce or Pace salsa, and sometimes sliced black olives. When you need to eat them on the go you make the same fillings as “walking tacos”.

    I grew up in rural MN and am certain this is is what he’s referring to.

    • AMB says:

      I grew up in the Cities – whoa, Oodles, you guys got all fancy there with the sour cream and olives! But the iceberg lettuce shreds and CUB-special tomatoes are definitely basic equipment. And mild salsa, which might actually look like ketchup but it says “salsa” right on the jar, so.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s exactly what I ate growing up, except for the olives. And my mom used fresh corn tortillas (i.e., soft).

  14. Agnes says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if she wrote the first cookbook a POTUS has ever written? With chapters amping up according to spice level. BTW on our third date my Midwestern husband accidentally bit into a jalapeno in his nachos and had to drink a whole pitcher of water to cool down. Hahahaha.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Is it so hard to remember that most of the founding fathers were slave owners?

    • Christine says:

      It’s truly shocking how many times this has come up with regards to Kamala. “Donald Trump is the only former president whose family has never owned slaves, Kamala is the ACTUAL racist!”

  16. girl_ninja says:

    Her face when he said no spice made me cackle! 😆😆 They’re already such a great team and they will be good for this country when they are elected in November.

    If you can phone bank, post campaign, canvass, donate. And vote. Vote early if you can.

    Check your registration folks.

  17. Coco Bean says:

    I was dying during the music discussion when she said Doug is a Depeche Mode fan. Did not have that on my bingo card but love it!

  18. Kitten says:

    Yes Walz is a very relatable, lovable guy and one of the most effective communicators the Dem party has seen in quite some time (more so than beloved Buttegieg IMO) but you can see exactly why he was chosen when these two interact. There is just so much chemistry there. The ease and comfort between them is so fun, relaxing and refreshing to watch, especially when contrasted against the angry, mean, and hateful awkwardness of the Trump/Vance ticket.

  19. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    I’m guessing the media also forgets that VP Harris STILL has a day job. Just because the orange douche is available and willing 24/7 doesn’t mean she is.

  20. tealily says:

    I loved this! It felt like one of those Hollywood Reporter roundtables.

    As for a lack of interviews, it’s only been a couple weeks and she has a very tight schedule. I’m sure all of that will come after the convention, when she’s fully articulated her platform. By the way, I keep seeing people ranting and raving about how we have no idea what her platform is… we have a pretty good idea and she’s been talking about her priorities in almost daily rallies. It’s not like she isn’t communicating. Again, the conference is in a few days.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      She’s laying out her economic program this afternoon in a big speech in Raleigh. Sounds very populist and positive, as opposed to Trump’s right wing populism based on anger, fear, and hate. I’m so looking forward to this.

      • tealily says:

        AND I imagine it’ll be more than a table full of groceries and saying “it’s too high, we’re gonna bring it down” like [ahem] OTHER candidates.

  21. Sarah says:

    This video is charming, and they really do come across like normal people. I mean it was not the most normal conversation because obviously they were hitting points. But it was very well done and you can see they like each other and have a nice chemistry.

    The first part about food had me cracking up.

    With all the whining about an interview I really want her to go on Hot Ones, he does do the best interviews in the business.

  22. Pamspam says:

    How do I say this without sounding creepy? They just feel so good! How does anyone choose gloom and doom and chaos over this??! I love them. 💙

  23. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I hope she puts off interviews until the first of September. She doesn’t need to do an interview before then. Frankly, it just gives msm more opportunity to pick apart anything she says to make it negative. Why would she start that now? I’m hoping she does an interview with media that sticks to the truth. I would love to see her interview by the 19th. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

  24. Robert says:

    Jefferson was not the VP when he grew his in 1767. He was VP in 1797, so she is absolutely correct if she was growing them as VP.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      And, as others have said, Jefferson wasn’t tending his gardens. His slaves were.

  25. Little Red says:

    One thing, Jefferson was POTUS from 1801 to 1809 not VPOTUS. He was Adams’ Veep from 1797 to 1801.

    Sorry, I couldn’t let that error stand.

  26. Oh come on. says:

    I do love the unanimous ratio on Professor Neckbeard’s tweet, tho. Black Twitter came for him, and so did everybody else.

    Gotta love crediting TJ with enslaved Africans’ forced labor—to fact-check the Black woman running for President. Ugh