The Sussexes talk about false information spreading like wildfire on the internet

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Here are more photos from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s first day in Colombia – these pics are for Meghan’s third look of the day, a chocolate brown/bronze ensemble. Her blouse is Victoria Beckham, her trousers are from La Ligne (one of her favorite labels), and her heels are Aquazzura. It’s interesting, gossip-wise, that Meghan made a point of wearing a piece from Victoria Beckham’s label. The British tabloids have been screaming for several years now that David Beckham and Prince Harry had a falling out, and that the Beckhams have chosen Team William/Team Windsor in the larger royal “war.” I wonder if this is a signal from Meghan that they’re still friendly with the Beckhams?

Anyway, these photos were taken at the digital-tech summit in Bogota. The conversations were about internet ethics, digital harm, cyberbullying, social media, etc. Prince Harry said something interesting, according to the Mail:

Prince Harry appeared to criticise the recent far-right riots in the UK during a visit to Colombia with his wife Meghan on Thursday, as he told teenagers. After visiting a local school, the Colegio Cultura Popular, Harry told a summit on digital responsibility: ‘What happens online within a matter of minutes transfers to the streets. People are acting on information that isn’t true.’

It comes after riots across England and Belfast following the fatal stabbing attack on a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport, which killed Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine.

The couple spoke to children in a session where the class talked about their favourite and least favourite parts of social media, technology and dealing with life on the internet.

Later at the conference, the prince addressed the rise of AI as he said ‘education and awareness’ would be vital in tackling misinformation in a discussion with around 20 students aged 12 to 18.

‘It comes down to all of us to be able to spot the true from the fake,’ he said. ‘In an ideal world those with positions of influence would take more responsibility. We are no longer debating facts. For as long as people are allowed to spread lies, abuse, harass, then social cohesion as we know it has completely broken down.’

[From The Daily Mail]

“It comes down to all of us to be able to spot the true from the fake.” I would go even farther – people need to be able to analyze and consume media with an eye towards understanding when and where they are being manipulated. Manipulated on a smaller level, like an influencer not disclosing the reason why she’s recommending this or that, and manipulated on a larger level, like January 6th, 2021, or the riots in England this month (which have been stoked and manipulated online). It’s all part of the same conversation.

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62 Responses to “The Sussexes talk about false information spreading like wildfire on the internet”

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  1. equality says:

    The blouse is supposedly a rewear from the 2020 video where she encouraged voting. One example of lies being spread is that PH is dumb. A lot of people despite all his work and how intelligent he sounds on various subjects still want to spread that.

    • Wagiman says:

      ‘fans’ say he’s dumb and M saved him etc. Fans infantilse him as much as haters. Both H and M have disabused this.. So ‘fans’ can be as bad.. You see it here all the time.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        I’m confused, Sussex fans say Prince Harry is dumb? That’s a first for me. Saying Duchess Meghan saved him doesn’t mean people are saying Prince Harry is dumb so I’m not quite sure where this is being derived from and/or for what reason. A lot of people have said here that Duchess Meghan saved Prince Harry in that him seeing what his wife was being subjected to by the BRF together with the BM gave him the push that he needed to make the decision to up and finally walk away from the BRF. People are saying Duchess Meghan gave him the push because he had always said, even way before he met his wife, that he wanted to leave the BRF and move to the US. Saying the Duchess gave him a reason to do something is not the same as saying Prince Harry is dumb or even any close to infantilizing the man. There’s a difference between people saying: “his wife gave him a reason to finally decide to leave’ and people outright saying: “Harry is the dumb one between him and William” or “Harry has never been the sharpest knife…..” blah blah blah.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        He delivered some nice broadsides to the UK press with just a few simple sentences. Harry is a warrior still, even after his bitchy fam forced him to give up his military career. He’s taken his warrior spirit into other lanes and is fighting the good fight for all of us.

        Diana told no lies when she said Harry would make the better King. Better than his father, better than his brother.

    • aftershocks says:

      @Equality, the blouse IS the same one that Meghan wore for the voting advocacy video which was shown during the Time100 television special in September 2020. Meghan wore this same VB blouse design in a beige color when she appeared remotely on America’s Got Talent to praise one of the contestants (also in September 2020).

    • Barb Mill says:

      I just looked at that tweet and over 90% of the replies were about Harry being stupid, Harry is the biggest liar, they are hypocrites, what about the sussex squad. It felt good to just block user after user. I don’t need to see that.

  2. ohwell says:

    3 outfits in one day!
    This one looks like the outfit she wore to Canada House.

  3. Nanea says:

    Don’t want to threadjack, but — Nobel prize winner Maria Ressa was there too.

    Way to show how far the Sussexes and their foundation have come. People seriously engage with them and seem to be glad for their (financial) support of projects.

    Only the Left-Behinds and the Deranged Deplorables still seem to find fault with the Sussex’s initiatives…

    • bisynaptic says:

      Maria Ressa ❤️

    • Jais says:

      Maria Ressa!

    • Smices says:

      I recall Harry interviewed Maria Ressa for an article and i think Archwell donated money to her endeavors?

      • aftershocks says:

        Harry interviewed Maria Ressa during the Fall 2020 virtual Times100 Talks event, which H&M co-hosted with featured guests, including Ressa, Alexis Ohanian, Tristan Harris of the Center for Humane Technology, et al.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Was glad to see Maria Ressa on the panel. Harry is absolutely right on this. Those riots were the result of misinformation. Also look at the furor surrounding boxer Imane Khalif and how people like JKT were harassing her and spreading these false rumors. The Sussexes take this seriously and agree its also about recognizing the misinformation and being smarter about it.

      • Gail Hirst says:

        I am ashamed to admit I fell for the misinformation regarding Imane Khalif. My Twitter Tribe set me right very quickly; I am forever grateful to the Women on Twitter who have allowed me to follow/engage and who call me out when I deserve it. I learn and am a better person for them.

  4. SAS says:

    Ok, back to her California luxe signature style. Classic, gorgeous, love the rich colour and fabrics and loveeeee the juste un clou necklace (DM calculators in meltdown I’m sure).

  5. Yes there is a lot of disinformation out there and people like Musk and other social media sites seem to allow it. I believe those sites need to have some form of being held accountable for allowing the disinformation. Maybe it should be up to the government to put something in place to help stop the flow of disinformation.

    • JustStop says:

      Musk doesn’t just allow it, he personally is a top spreader of disinformation both in the US and in Great Britain.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        and the worst part is that he’s doing this to appeal to people who don’t want to spot fake news. those right-wing folks out there rioting are happily looking to Nigel Farage and other racist AHs to specifically give them excuses to act out violently. None of them care if there’s any truth behind the information or not

  6. Lau says:

    “This is going ruin the knighthood campaign”, David Beckham probably.

    • Chaine says:

      lol that’s what I was just thinking – – what desperate bootlicking action will he take now to counteract the impact of Megan having worn his wife’s blouse.

      • aftershocks says:

        Umm, please keep in mind that Meg’s Victoria Beckham designs are mostly go-tos in her closet dating from her ‘working royal’ time in England. I do not think Meg has worn anything new from VB recently, at least that I can recall. That said I doubt there is any real negativity existing between the Beckhams and the Sussexes. They were simply never close friends.

        Meghan has worn a small set of memorable VB clothing items, including the aforementioned beige and bronze shirts; the white long-sleeved dress with gray-blue chain links 🤔, worn with the white coat and nurse-like white pillbox hat to 2019 Commonwealth Day Service during the height of H&M’s bts royal firm abuse, Meg’s pregnancy, and their struggle to separate from KP household; the black coat with satin-trimmed collar; the ‘Rise’ knee-high boots; blue satin pumps; sunglasses and small tote bags; the engagement photo’s white cashmere jumper; and the cool turquoise zippered back, hip-hugging dress (from the iconic umbrella & diamond-like raindrops photo) worn during H&M’s fab colorful final return to royal events in March 2020.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Anna says:

      Not the right context, but all I could think about re Beckham is “this is going to ruin the tour”😂

    • Neeve says:

      I am surprised no one In his circle has told him to tone down his Knighthood thirst,its embarrassing to watch.

      • Wagiman says:

        It’s as entertaining as f#. I can’t believe they don’t know how laughable it is and how pathetic he looks!

      • Lau says:

        Honestly I hope the Windsors drag this knighthood business for as long as possible because this is very entertaining to witness.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        How important is a ‘Knighthood” when a zillion people get one???? What is the value of an award when they are handed out like a “free gift with purchase” at a cosmetic counter?

        Thinking of the USA “Presidential Medal of Freedom”, you have to be Jonas Salk, Rosa Parks or Bob Dylan to get it. Also, Bob Dylan received his “Presidential Medal of Freedom” AFTER he received the Nobel Prize for literature.

        Jonas Salk did not receive his “Presidential Medal of Freedom” until 1977. He got this award from Jimmy Carter “because of Doctor Jonas E. Salk, our country is free from the cruel epidemics of poliomyelitis that once struck almost yearly. Because of his tireless work, untold hundreds of thousands who might have been crippled are sound in body today. These are Doctor Salk’s true honors, and there is no way to add to them. This Medal of Freedom can only express our gratitude, and our deepest thanks.”

        Who would, in their right state of mind, “go after” an award a zillion people have and can be bought with bags of cash?

  7. Maxine Branch says:

    Meghan wears jewel tones well. Happy to see her wearing some on this trip. She looks incredible. I do not know anyone who wears a better pony tail than she does.

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    I absolutely loved what both Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had to say on the panel, this trip was timed perfectly for this subject to become a world wide conversation. Why I highly doubt Harry’s words were for the current situation in England (they were about his own personal experience) it’s funny how timing wise it could not have been planned better..

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah I didn’t get that he was speaking on what was happening specifically in England, while I’m sure it has been on his mind. I think that that’s just the press trying to find some way to tie him and the attention of the tour to them, since he doesn’t come to the country often, nor Meghan at all, and isn’t doing these meetings and conferences on the BRFs behalf.

    • Laminal says:

      I’m sure that the Imane Kalef situation was also on their mind as they spoke.

  9. ML says:

    The misuse of AI is a huge problem. It can be difficult to spot, shoots right into your brain, and first impressions can leave lasting damage. I’m glad that the Sussexes have a world audience for this, because AI is not going away.

    This is my favorite look for meghan so far. It’s a great cut and color choice.

    I wonder given the Franken photo (and ensuing Getty kerfuffle) and the clearly “edited” Cancer Bench video how the UK royals are going to react to this. They use filters, excessive editing and AI in their interactions with the internet and public. Bruised feelings ahead?

  10. Anna says:

    I love that they’ve made this one of the platforms they support; AI, social media and media manipulation is so incredibly relevant. Technology has a way of outpacing itself, the more people who engage in and discuss these issues the better.

  11. Jais says:

    Love the rich brown. It’s one of my favorite colors on Meghan. And I’m kind of mad at her. Bc I want to wear a ponytail that looks like that😂 I love love when she does this ponytail. The discussion was really good and as for what Harry said. It could apply to Southport but it could also apply to many things that have happened in the world.

  12. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    While I will defend Meghan’s California Sad Beige (TM) till I die, I do love the colors she’s been wearing!

    But onto to the actual purpose of their visit…The lack of media literacy, especially in conservatives, has done untold damage to this world. It’s truly a national security risk and it’s horrifying that there isn’t more being done about it.

  13. Eurydice says:

    I think there are 3 states in the US that require media literacy education in schools. I remember a conversation with an engineering professor who said they’ll teach kids how to make a volcano, but not how the technology works that they use every day.

    Anyway, again I’m impressed by H&M’s preparation and hard work.

  14. swaz says:

    If there’s two people that should know a thing or two about false information on the internet is Meghan and Harry. They’re such a beautiful looking couple 😍

  15. Ameerah M says:

    The blouse is a rewear so it may just be that it went nicely with the pants.

  16. Lara (the other) says:

    The daily fails dogwhistling towards the far right ist disgusting.
    Seems to criticise? It sounds as if they consider it debateable if the riots are wrong. But I’m sure it’s their readers who are rioting or support the riots.

  17. catherine says:

    Meghan has actually worn VB several times in the years since The Mail and Bower claim they had a falling out. Most notably the turqouise dress in the “umbrella” photo that went viral during their “farewell” tour. I have never believed the narrative that they were close friends. I put this falling out narrative in the same category as the Meghan made Kate cry story. Something happened. But it is being twisted to blame Meghan. Interestingly, Meghan also wore that incredible Emilia Wickstead cape dress during that trip. Wickstead made those incredibly ugly comments about her. Meghan attended a Katy Perry concert even though Katy made those ugly comments.

  18. Fastgran says:

    I love Harry’s voice. It’s very reassuring. W&K always used to joke Harry was a clown and a bit of a thicko. But when you hear him speak and watch him he seems to be the intelligent one. W&K always felt they were superior to Harry because they went to University. I think Harry and Meghan were both too intelligent for that family.

    • Eurydice says:

      There’s a fellow from the UK in one of my book groups – his voice sounds just like Harry’s. I have the hardest time concentrating when he speaks – my brain only thinks, “I don’t care what you’re saying, just keep talking.”

    • Nic919 says:

      William was given a degree because it would look bad if a royal failed out at St Andrews. He’s shown nothing since then to exhibit some intellectual rigour. Kate was known to copy off her classmates at Dt Andrews and she can barely string a sentence of any sort as she has amply demonstrated in the last decade. Rich people getting degrees doesn’t exemplify intelligence, I mean even orange Cheeto has a degree.

  19. Chantale says:

    When you are living your life on your own terms you do not give a thought about people you have fallen out with or not fallen out., she does not care. She wears what she likes and the designers she likes. You do not thread on Meghan. If she was petty and keeping scores, she would not have worn Emilia Wicksteasd or gone to that Katy Perry concert. She is on my path and does not see or hear the naysayers.

    • Chantale says:

      * correction: Her path

    • Mayp says:

      My thinking was always that Meghan only wore a couple Emelia Meghan Does Not Look Royal Wickstead designs because she had them already made up before her wedding. I don’t think she wore any when she went to New Zealand, which would have had to have been new because of her pregnancy. I don’t think not wearing a designer because they’ve trashed you in the Press is being “petty.” Nor do I think that wearing a designer piece you have had hanging in your closet necessarily shows support of that designer.

      • aftershocks says:

        During the South Pacific tour, Meghan wore an Emilia Wickstead black dress. It was a military-style short-sleeved maxi-dress with white buttons all the way down the center. It beautifully matched Harry’s military uniform (white jacket & black pants with red side stripes). Meghan wore it to an outdoor Anzac Day military event in Australia. Most likely, Meghan had pre-ordered that custom-made dress for the SP tour. She didn’t wear any Wickstead attire in New Zealand likely because she hadn’t planned on doing so.

        The other memorable Wickstead pieces Meghan has worn: Before she married Harry, Meg had worn for Anzac Day service at Westminster Abbey, an Emilia Wickstead quilted-look maxi suit (with A-line skirt). Coming full circle at Westminster Abbey, Meg wore the famous Emilia Wickstead kelly green cape dress to her final day’s royal farewell wrap-up for Commonwealth Day Service in March 2020.

        Another Wickstead black dress Meg wore during a much earlier Ireland trip, was a sleeveless style sundress with short wide shoulder straps, accented by a wide black belt with silver fastening holes. Perhaps those black outfits had been pre-odered prior to the royal wedding, but the kelly green cape dress seemingly was purchased much later, well after Wickstead’s ill-advised remarks about Meghan’s wedding dress.

      • Mayp says:

        I assumed that any of the outfits from Wickstead that Meghan wore when she was in the UK had been pre-ordered. I mentioned New Zealand specifically because that is where Wickstead is originally from. Is she not pretty much, currently, the biggest fashion designer out of New Zealand?

        I would think that if Meghan had a good relationship with the designer, or there were no hard feelings, she would have had her make something, to accommodate her pregnancy, for the New Zealand leg of the trip. That was a signal to me that she wasn’t going to get any new clothes from Wickstead.

  20. SueinOrleans says:

    Ironically I read this article just after checking my FB where that malicious false story about Meghan faking her pregnancies popped up. Again. I delete these as soon as they appear but they’re just relentless.

    • sunnyside up says:

      It seems such a silly story to keep on bringing up, nobody actually believes it surely.

      • SueinOrleans says:

        What was insane was in this version they showed Meghan holding Archie at that garden party and claiming he was a doll of some kind. First of all – for gods sake. But second of all like not one single person at the get together would have noticed??? But the stupid runs deep with some people and they eat up the false news because it’s exactly what they want to believe.

      • TN Democrat says:

        If it appears on any screen, some people will believe it regardless of facts.

      • aftershocks says:

        Meghan was holding baby Archie in late May or early June of 2019 at a polo event, not a garden party. Tensions were high, as reportedly Willy had argued with Harry before they left for the polo match.

    • Mayp says:

      Wow, the derangers really do have a hard time with the notion that Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet are royals.

    • Tessa says:

      It is just vicious the things derangers say about those children. Grandpa Charles never complains to the media about it.

    • Anna says:

      This is insane on so many levels but she was sooo obviously pregnant, it showed in every part of her body and she looked like many postpartum mums for some time. I would rather argue that certain princes showing up in full glam couple of hours after deliver was not really pregnant – that was much more unrealistic.

  21. otaku fairy says:

    “For as long as people are allowed to spread lies, abuse, harass, then social cohesion as we know it has completely broken down.” This is so true. Times of violence and mental health crisis can’t be the only situations where it’s ok to take these behaviors seriously, We don’t always know what’s really going on in other people’s lives, and even if they’re safe and managing the attitude shouldn’t be “Let’s wait until someone from this group of people or that group of people actually gets hurt in a way that we can see.” Certain behaviors need to be taken seriously as they are happening.

  22. Shanta says:

    She’s wearing color…… beige in site😜😜😜..Love it💚

  23. Amy Bee says:

    Media literacy is so important and should be taught in all schools.