JD Vance brought his dog Atlas to an event & looked like he’d never held a leash

J.D. Vance is making history. This creepy weirdo is historically unpopular. As I’ve been saying, there’s a Sarah Palin-esque vibe with Vance in that both Vance and Palin were awful running mate choices which reflected the unsuitability of John McCain and Donald Trump for the highest office in the land. But at least Palin was popular with the Republican base. At least she had some positive likeability ratings. Vance has none of that – even Republicans think he’s a weirdo. Even Republicans despise him. When you’re being compared to Palin and people are arguing that the comparison is UNFAIR TO SARAH PALIN, you know it’s bad.

I bring all of this up because it’s clear that Vance and his people understand that he comes across like a dystopian villain who would rather f–k a couch than allow women to have rights. I don’t even think this is about Donald Trump and Trump’s people trying to change up the narrative about Vance, I think Vance and his merry band of inner-sanctum weirdos have decided to fight back. I was not personally expecting the introduction of a dog though, nor did I think that JD Vance would look so completely uncomfortable trying to hold a dog’s leash.

Yes, the dog’s name is Atlas. As in, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. This poor dog. I mean, we should absolutely make fun of JD Vance because this is completely pathetic, but I also just feel sorry for Atlas Vance. Atlas is being used as a political prop for a weird creep’s political campaign. Atlas does not want to be on the campaign trail. I’m also curious… did they, like, rent a dog? Did they just adopt him? Is this the first time Vance has ever held a dog leash? While I was trying to find the answers to those questions, I came across this interesting piece in Salon about Vance writing the foreword to Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America by Kevin Roberts. That’s like the “airport book” version of the Project 2025 manifesto. Roberts apparently hates dogs and dog parks.

…But while Vance views our feline friends as a medieval witch-hunter would — as a sign that a woman is dangerously independent and therefore evil — dog owners should not feel safe from the ire of Vance and his friends in the uterus-obsessed MAGA movement. Vance wrote the forward to “Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America” by Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation. Roberts is one of the leaders of Project 2025, which was developed to build Trump’s policy agenda without the larger public finding out about it. (That failed, and now the campaign is pretending to reject Project 2025.) “Dawn’s Early Light” was meant to be an airport book version of Project 2025, a snappy and readable volume that nonetheless displays the granular level of control MAGA Republicans want to assert over the choices of Americans in how to worship, whether to have kids and who they’ll marry.

Like Vance, Roberts is outraged that women have goals and interests outside of making babies early and often. The book has been delayed until after the election, but Media Matters has a galley copy, which features Roberts raving about the evils of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, and yes, even pets. Roberts laments that they allow women to feel that “having a child seem(s) like an optional and not natural result of having sex.” In the book, Roberts spits venom at dog parks, which he sees as a decadent concession to those he believes won’t “give up childish things, and live in the real world” by having kids. Dog parks are a result of “the antifamily culture shaping legislation, regulation, and enforcement throughout our sprawling government,” he snarls.

[From Salon]

First JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for cat ladies, and I said “f–k that guy.” Then JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for menopausal women and I said “Jesus Christ, this guy is the f–king worst.” And then JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for dogs and dog moms and I laughed, knowing that no animal lover will ever vote for this f–king psychopath.

Oh and he also talked sh-t about Irish-Americans.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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86 Responses to “JD Vance brought his dog Atlas to an event & looked like he’d never held a leash”

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  1. equality says:

    I hold onto a leash more tightly, especially if a dog is in an unfamiliar situation. The dog’s harness looks uncomfortable and like it is limiting its movement.

    • Debbie says:

      I suspect that’s why the dog finally said, “Oh, forget it, I’ll lead!” at which point the Beardo Weirdo dutifully followed the dog into the plane, the plane.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I suspect the dog is never on a leash and now poor thing has to. Last video i’ve seen, the dog was out on the tarmac unleashed.

      Vance is still an idiot

    • Megan says:

      So much to unpack here. Has Kevin Roberts ever been to a dog park? Obviously not or he would know that many families frequent them.

      Vance is worse than Sarah Pailin because Palin never pretended to be anything other than what she was: a hillbilly who really wanted to be famous.

      Gangs of New York is about an ultra-nationalist fighting Irish immigrants. If I was speaking to a room full of cops, this is the last reference I would make.

  2. ML says:

    I think this man, who is a walking, talking advertisement for sofa slipcovers, named his (???) dog Atlas after the god who carries the world on his back. After all, Vance has seen his world cave in recently.

    I feel for that dog—it doesn’t really interact like part of the furniture menace’s family.

    • ML says:

      Before I go, I just need to mention that making fun of this creepy weirdo is cathartic, but it’s important to continue to point out his hypocrisy on changing his names, his mind, and his stances every few years. Right now, he’s a right-wing politician who wrote a foreword in Project 2025’s manifesto. He’s Peter Thiel’s minion and has ties to the crypto industry. He went to Yale, yet this millionaire wants us to believe he’s salt of the earth. This correspondent for the marines is mocking his opponent’s military service and slandering him. He’s called VP Harris’s ethnicity into question, but is the father of mixed-race kids and is married to a POC. He’s possibly a heart attack away from becoming the president.
      It’s important to note the social awkwardness and the deeply dangerous political positions.

      • JanetDR says:


      • Nic919 says:

        He became a venture capitalist after Yale and never practiced law either. This guy is a chameleon willing to take any position that benefits him most. Changing his name multiple times is just weird too. Normally only criminals do this. There has never been a candidate with these kinds of identity issues before. In the past, only candidates who were adopted as a kid had a different surname from the time they were born. This guy has done it twice. And yet he dares profit from his family history despite being too ashamed to carry their name.

        The Peter Thiel connection is worth repeating because Thiel got Gawker shut down and will do far worse with a minion like Vance to do what he wants.

      • Catherinski says:


    • Robert says:

      About that slipcover, let’s make sure it’s one of those plastic ones…

  3. Miranda says:

    As a matter of fact, I did see Gangs of New York. I’m also a lifelong New Yorker who is familiar with the real story, too. In both fact and fiction, the “real” Americans, the Know-Nothings (such an apt name, then and now), were the ones instigating shit. Has VANCE seen the movie? Read the history? Read ANY fucking book except the one that, given his stupidity, I am increasingly skeptical that he wrote himself?

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      Yes, the Nativists were totally anti-immigrants, and there have been ethnic enclaves in this country since the beginning. It’s nothing new.

    • Megan says:

      Let’s not forget he was sh*t talking Irish immigrants to a room full of cops. Maybe he is a double agent because no one could be that stupid.

  4. Sarah says:

    Disgusting. What a sell out. What a slap in the face to his grandma and every human in history. He whines about being poor and he is willing to sell his soul for money.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Sellout indeed. Even his support of Trump’s utterly disgusting comments regarding the medal of honor.
      Lots of veterans are now making Tiktok movies calling Trump out for it. It’s glorious.

      Just ten years ago Trump’s comments would have ended his political career immediately. At least it is diminishing his chances because many people are furious.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I just read what he said, as I missed it somehow. Revolting, just revolting. JD Vance’s attempt to prettify that garbage ain’t working.

  5. manda says:

    It looks like the harness was on wrong and the leash was hooked to the side of the harness? What a weirdo

    • Swack says:

      Was thinking the same thing. It’s too loose and is hooked in the neck area underneath (most harnesses have 2 places to hook the leash).

    • Nanea says:

      Yes, the harness was upside down.

      So the leash was clipped to a place somewhere in the general area of the dog’s chest/belly.

      And to me it seemed like the dog felt uncomfortable despite very clearly being the alpha in the Vance household — the way he stormed ahead to the plane and inside, without making sure where his person was.

      Oh, to have a wet dog in an enclosed space, e.g. a plane!

      • samipup says:

        Actually Easy Pull harnesses are designed that way with the leash clipping onto the front. Source: have had Samoyed “sled” dogs for + 20 years and have been confused by them, with being a dog sled at times! Ice is fun, ( if you’re well padded), I recommend LL bean’s Ice Stabilicers. Saves some hard falls when they see a deer or bird or leaf and my two take off like Santa’s reindeer and me tethered and sliding unwittingly along behind them. they chase and don’t look back, lol.

      • Bumblebee says:

        Agree, Samipup, harness is on correct. If leash is clipped the back, you now have a sled dog! It’s also supposed to prevent pulling, while training a dog. Nothing wrong with the harness or how it’s on the dog. Just being used incorrectly by the person. I teach dog training classes and deal with this problem all the time!

    • BeanieBean says:

      It looks like it was on upside down.

  6. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Not buying that’s his dog. Probably a Secret Service dog he’s using as a prop. Vance is weird but that guy Roberts and the Heritage Foundation are a danger to democracy. I just don’t understand how more people don’t see the crazy dystopian future they want to inflict on all of us.


    • Twin Falls says:

      Totally looks like he borrowed a secret service dog.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I sincerely hope that the Secret Service would not let a maroon like JD Vance handle one of their highly trained animals. But, these days, who knows? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • pottymouth pup says:

      One of his neighbors posted on Twitter that Vance has lived on his block for over a year and he has never seen Vance or anyone else in his family with a dog

      My guess is that Vance is doing the same thing that Rick Scott did (Scott got a dog and took it on the campaign trail with him then returned the dog to a shelter/rescue the day after he was sworn in)

    • Anna Nonymous says:

      Thank you Midnight at The Oasis! Bravo! 👏 I have been watching politics for many years now and I remember The Heritage Foundation as being a highly involved super conservative creepy presence. The fact that these sick folk are actively taking away our rights, already have taken away our rights and set us back a hundred years is horrifying to many Americans. Let’s get out there and vote vote vote! Blue all the way Baby! I’ve been waiting for years for the frankly backward racist right wing generation to give way to the clearly thinking progressive Liberal equality generation. We have to demand our rights back! They’re never going to just give us anything. They’ve even taken them in our lifetimes. We MUST fight back at the ballot box!

    • BeanieBean says:

      I had no idea anybody thought dog parks were a bad thing! I mean, really bad, for society as a whole! These people are NUTS.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    This creepy dude. The Gangs of New York remark proves he never saw the movie because he totally missed the point that early Irish immigrants were violently attacked by nationalists. Pretty much the same thing that is happening now to immigrants. Instead, Vance blames the Irish immigrants for the violence: “Ethnic enclaves cause violence.”

    The standards used to judge the two campaigns are so different. Trump keeps appearing in public and acting totally unhinged, not campaigning in any traditional sense or even offering policy prescriptions, just ad hominem attacks. Vance has now offended women, pet owners, and Irish people. Meanwhile, I just came from a Politico article and a BBC article, both of which basically warn that Kamala Harris better continue to be perfect or she is toast. Trump and Vance are so far from perfect it makes your head spin. Suzy Buell, the Democratic donor, told Kamala last week at the big San Francisco fundraiser, “You better fasten your seat belt.” She told the BBC that Kamala replied, “I was born with a seat belt.” With her seeing what can be, unbothered by what has been, I still like our chances.

    • Swack says:

      “Etnic enclaves cause violence”. Haven’t seen Gangs of New York, but here in St. Louis, we have The Hill (Italian enclave), Dog Town (Irish enclave) and the Bevo area (originally German enclave). No, violence, lots of celebrations though.

      • Natalie_K says:

        Fellow St. Louisan–The Bevo neighborhood was an enclave for Bosnian refugees in the ’90s as well!

    • pottymouth pup says:

      he’s the kind of guy that talks about historic “race riots” in the US while conveniently leaving out that it was white people (LEO in the KKK) that attacked communities of Black people

  8. Jais says:

    Medieval witch-hunter is the exact vibe.

  9. Jay says:

    Oh, this is a last ditch attempt to try to humanize him – give him a doggo as a prop!

    He’s not even looking at “his” dog or checking to see how Atlas is reacting to strangers/ crowds. So, if that is his dog, that would tell me that definitely is not the one who takes care of Atlas.

    About J.D.’s insult tour – he’s really trying to hit allllll of the groups he would need to vote for him, huh? Women ( ahem, sorry, “females”), cat owners, and now Irish Americans?

  10. Libra says:

    Both graduates of Yale, which skews mostly liberal.

    • Midnight@theOasis says:

      I don’t think Ivy League schools are as liberal as people believe. As elsewhere, right wing ideology also walks the Ivy halls.

    • Lucy says:

      And yet Bush, Trump and just about every Republican politician of the past fifty years went to Ivy League schools. How are they so liberal and keep turning out republican politicians? It’s almost like indoctrination only works if it’s a tv channel.

    • Nic919 says:

      Ivy League skews rich and corporate. There are tons of politicians from either party who have attended because of status.

      Oh well except for Cheeto since he was too dumb and had to legacy his way into Wharton and still was known as incredibly stupid.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Democrats usually have at least one Ivy Leaguer on the ticket. It hurts Dem candidates more than Republicans because Republicans like to label Democrats as “coastal elites”. This is one reason why I’m glad Tim Walz is on the ticket and neither he nor Kamala is from an “elite” Ivy League school. Tim went to a small state school in Nebraska and Kamala went to an HBCU. And, while the right wing will keep calling her a San Francisco liberal, Kamala Harris is actually from Oakland which is about as working class as it gets.

  11. Happyoften says:

    On the one hand, trying g to navigate in the rain, holding an umbrella, with a German Shepard pulling you along can be difficult. Probably I, too, would look like an idiot.

    That said… Gangs of New York? That’s your go to reference
    ? Between this and Trumps buddy Hannibal Lechter i gotta wonder what the hell is going on at MAGA hq. Do they all think movies are real, or is it just the two yahoos leading the ticket? Weirdos.

    And aside, whomever created the “redacted” couch scene deserves a Nobel prize. Honestly. JD just screams couch f***er, but it’s like on a different frequency. Once pointed out, though, it totally makes sense. He’s going to be remembered as a molester of sofas, and it could not happen to a nicer guy.

  12. Jks says:

    He talks weirdly about his dog like it’s a novelty. I doubt it’s his dog.
    Someone on twitter who claims to be his neighbour said he’s never seen him with a dog before.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I’ve seen two people post that he has never owned a dog in his entire life. One was from a woman who has known him for decades and the other from a man who says he’s lives near him and has never seen a dog at his property or with his family and he walks his dog regularly past their property. So I’m going with that poor dog being a pr stunt, I just hope it is treated ok. We all know how JD wants women treated, I have concerns.

      • Giddy says:

        So the Rent-a-dog business bites the dust.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        @Giddy it sure looks that way.. especially since it was two separate accounts each saying the same things but with very different details, not like the auto generated bots I’ve seen.

  13. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    If he were capable of shame he would be embarrassed to bring up a freaking movie in an immigration policy conversation. How absolutely out of his depth he is…it’s staggering.

    • FYI says:

      Exactly! What is this? TCM? He can’t even speak intelligently on the topic.

    • BeanieBean says:

      He’d be better off watching Ken Burns’ The Irish in America. Oh, wait, that was on PBS; I’m guessing those Project 25 people want to do away with PBS.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    This just shows how desperate the campaign is that he has to bring his dog on the road and I noticed he went up the steps first instead of letting his wife go before him. Plus does his wife agree with what he says about immigration?

  15. FYI says:

    The original title for Kevin Roberts’ Project 2025 book was “Dawn’s Early Light: BURNING DOWN Washington to Save America.” Roberts has openly said that the Project 2025 team is not at all fazed by Trump’s disavowal of their work. “No hard feelings from any of us at Project 2025 about [Trump’s] statement, because we understand he’s making a political tactical decision there.”

    In other words, Trump WOULD institute the absolutely deranged Project 2025, no problem.

    It’s pure cowardice and dishonesty. They won’t own their sh1t. That’s why they won’t publish that garbage before the election, because they know Americans don’t. want. it.

  16. FYI says:

    Re: the dog video

    Notice how Vance leaves Usha completely in the dust (er, rain). A gentleman would let her go up the slippery stairs first. He doesn’t even look at her.

    • Mina_Esq says:

      I noted that too. And this guy had the nerve to criticize Coach Tim for jokingly giving his wife the midwestern handshake before pulling her in for a hug a few weeks ago. This guy’s body language signals that he is uncomfortable around both his wife and his alleged dog.

  17. dawnchild says:

    Even the dog’s trying to get away from him.
    Also, he looks afraid of the dog… who’s walking who, here?

  18. Giddy says:

    i will be so grateful ifTrump and Vance continue to reveal their true selves. Remember Maya Angelou and believe that this is who they really are.

  19. Jks says:

    The way he talked about dog poop and his security detail seems like he wasn’t sure whether he should pick up the dog poop himself or the agent would do it for him and then she reacted surprised, he backtracked pretending he was joking. I don’t think he has picked up dog poop in his life.

  20. paintergal says:

    That dog has never seen him before and the harness is backwards.

  21. Flowerlake says:

    The difference between Palin and Vance is that she brought the loonies in.
    Trump already has the loonies. He should have gotten a semi-normal seeming person to bring in more people from the middle.

    Loonies are going to vote for him anyway, so what is Vance good for?

    • Barb Mill says:

      Vance has money from his mentor billionaire Peter Thiel. Thiel took Vance to Mar A Lago and introduced him to trump.

  22. Debbie says:

    On the other hand, I would love to know what that uppermost photo was all about! Why is this grown man spelling out YMCA on any political stage? Keep the awkwardness coming though, Vance.

    • Noo says:

      @debbie that is my question too! It’s like an NFL safety call meshed with the I’m a little teapot dance. It’s so appropriate for a weirdo like JD Vance because what is he trying to communicate???

    • FYI says:

      No shade to the Village People, but this is the most cheesy, antiquated, uncool, old man song they could possibly play. It’s for people who have no idea what fun is. And Trump plays it all. the. time. — I’m sure never realizing that it’s about being gay.

      Then there’s Kamala’s soundtrack — Beyoncé. 💜

  23. Dani says:

    JDV weird and gross and terrible. But the dog looks fine and doesn’t appear to be in distress. Although it’s easy walk harness is definitely backwards (the tan colored part should be in the front of the chest). I don’t know if he actually owns the dog, but there is nothing abnormal about how the dog is let out of the car and walked up the plane.

  24. Bumblebee says:

    The way Atlas jumped out of the car, ran right past Vance and Usha, and led them up the stairs into the plane, we know who is in charge at that house. It’s not the humans. What a good boy! /s

  25. Agnes says:

    That dog was trained specifically to enter a plane, and Vance has never been near a dog in his life until this photo-op. Please make these people crawl back into their 4Chan holes.

  26. NotSoSocialB says:

    He has zero relationship with that dog. And not much of one with his own wife.

    • Veronica S. says:

      She has to be with him for the money, right? Otherwise, I’m just embarrassed for her. I already am, since no amount of money would convince me to let him crawl on top of me.

      • Oh come on. says:

        When she married him, he was a law student from a poor family. He was headed toward a wealthy life just like she and all the other Yale law students were. Idk what she sees in him, but it wasn’t money—my guess is, she likes him and shares his world view.

  27. Slippers4life says:

    That’s either not their dog or the dog is not trained and runs that household. The kind of folks who buy a puppy and don’t get training and then, all of a sudden the dog is huge and running the household. He seemed nervous on the runway and the way he ran up those stairs I wonder if there was someone on the plane with a treat trying to get the dog to follow. Overall, whether this was their dog or not, it seemed like a stunt. What is the goal of bringing a dog whose never seen an airplane or a runway on this flight like that? Where did the poor thing sit? What did he do on the plane? How old is this dog? So silly. The poor animal. He doesn’t like it. Google the Irish president’s Burmese mountain dogs if you want to see a dog loving political figure. That is adorable!

  28. Kadie says:

    My absolute loathing for this soulless bone bag solidified during the “menopausal women’s” worth interview when Shadee Vance said “My wife had this kid”…..WTF! That is his life manifesto summed up in one line.
    Thiel’s tool boi weirdo loser.

  29. Veronica S. says:

    Damn, the right better watch it with this rhetoric given the Noemi situation. The right may hate women, but every red-blooded America loves, or at least likes, dogs. Some people would sell their children before they gave up Rover.

  30. Joanna says:

    I thought maybe the author was being dramatic with this headline. But watching that clip, he looks like he’s never held a leash or walked a dog. Is this even his dog? Sure doesn’t look like it.

    Also from a menopausal cat lady, he can go f himself

  31. Anonymous says:

    And it’s Irish Fest in MKE this weekend, too🤣

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      I’m happy to have read through the comments to yours @Anonymous. JD Vance, ignorant sl*t, made his comments during Irish Fest in Milwaukee. One of the biggest festivals celebrating Irish Heritage. They also celebrate Scottish heritage. Attended many years.

      Couch f*cker said these words in Milwaukee. (like other major cities) Milwaukee does have and was founded on ‘ethnic enclaves’. There’s a reason why Milwaukee (other cities too) have festivals celebrating different ethnicities. Milwaukee has German Fest, Festa Italiana, Irish Fest, Mexican Fiesta, Indian Summer Festival and more.

      • Blithe says:

        “Ethnic enclaves”? There’s a lot that I could say about this, but I’ll contain myself to wondering what’s NOT an “ethnic enclave” in his mind? He could mean a joyful diverse community that simultaneously celebrates multiple ethnicities and backgrounds — or he could mean some sort of melting pot where only his preferred type of ethnicity prevails. Hmmmm. Which could it be?

        I get why the dog wanted to establish dominance.

  32. BeanieBean says:

    So, it’s raining, and he & his wife are both carrying umbrellas–and he goes up the plane stairs (with the dog) first? Really? ‘But he loves her anyway’, I guess. 😏

  33. bisynaptic says:

    This Kevin Roberts guy is deeply f—d up.

  34. Megs283 says:

    I’m thrilled to report that my brother, who fairly often falls on the repub side of things, said he didn’t like that Vance has a german shepherd, as they require a lot of training and attention. I celebrated on the inside, a tiny win for me!