Prince Harry & Meghan’s Colombian tour has left the Windsors ‘bewildered’

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Everyone hoped that some kind of Invictus event would be part of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s agenda in Colombia, and it happened. On Friday, Harry and Meghan visited a training session for Colombia’s Invictus team. The visit was to Centro de Rehabilitación Inclusiva (the Inclusive Center for Rehabilitation) in Bogota. Fashion notes for Meghan: she wore a crisp white blouse by Giuliva Heritage and a skirt by Juan D. Dios (a Colombian designer!) plus Jimmy Choo sandals and of course her Cartier bracelet. She looks amazing and I love that she came with Harry for this Invictus event. She’s been such a big supporter for Invictus since 2017! Those veterans love to see her too. Speaking of, the idea of Harry and Meghan traveling the world and focusing on the issues they care about deeply has left the Windsors and their aides in a state of “bewilderment.”

Royal author Tom Quinn told the Mirror : “News that Harry and Meghan have accepted an invitation to tour Colombia has caused bewilderment, concern and some irritation among senior royals in the UK. The view is that Meghan and Harry are now so desperate to maintain their brand and stop the slide in their relevance that they are recklessly prepared to visit one of the most dangerous countries in the world – in 2023 Colombia had the third highest murder rate in South America.”

Colombia is notorious for its ‘high terrorist threat’, as well as skyrocketing rates of abduction incidents. Shocking Defence Ministry figures show that, from January to October 2022, at least 287 people were kidnapped by bandits, marking an alarming 73 per cent surge from the previous year. The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office has warned Brits to ‘reconsider’ travelling to the country unless absolutely essential.

According to Quinn, the author of Scandals of the Royal Palaces: An Intimate Memoir of Royals Behaving Badly, there have also been ‘grumbles’ amongst members of staff. He continued: “One or two palace officials have grumbled that Colombia is pretty much the only country that would have Meghan and Harry. And there is no doubt that senior Royals in the UK would have declined an invitation to visit a country where any kind of security is difficult to maintain. They are also worried that the Firm will be blamed for not trying to stop the tour should anything happen to Meghan and Harry while they are in Colombia.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

“There is no doubt that senior Royals in the UK would have declined an invitation to visit a country where any kind of security is difficult to maintain…” The Duchess of Edinburgh was literally in Bogota, Colombia last fall. She even did a photo-op with VP Francia Marquez, the same woman who invited the Sussexes. Why is Sophie catching strays in the Windsors’ jingoistic need to denigrate a whole-ass country? Also: “Colombia is pretty much the only country that would have Meghan and Harry…” I mean, except for Nigeria, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, the United States and basically every country which competes in Invictus. Like, all of the countries with Invictus teams want to do what Nigeria did: bring the Sussexes over for some sparkle, and to bring attention to their own veterans’ programs and wounded-warrior programs.

“They are also worried that the Firm will be blamed for not trying to stop the tour should anything happen to Meghan and Harry while they are in Colombia…” So you’re admitting that the Windsors are morally responsible for ensuring the Sussexes’ safety? If the Windsors were so worried about “how it would look” if something happened to Harry and Meghan, the Windsors would have behaved very differently for the past six years.

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148 Responses to “Prince Harry & Meghan’s Colombian tour has left the Windsors ‘bewildered’”

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  1. Libra says:

    Grown man and his wife go on business trip and a whole country freaks out because he didn’t ask their permission.

    • The firm is jealous of Harry and all that he does receives great praise and honors. They don’t understand why that isn’t them . The reason it isn’t them is because one they are lazy and two when they do stuff it is for their PR and not really helping anyone.

    • Noor says:

      They are drowning in their bewilderment and Tom Quinn is just throwing off random criticisms and see whether any stick

      • aftershocks says:

        Obviously, nothing the wretched rota ratchets and left-behind royals have to spew about H&M makes any sense at all. Just a ton of desperate projecting! It is these ‘salty ones’ who are “sliding in relevance” while continuing to ‘recklessly’ make bitter, vindictive, erroneous claims about the Sussexes.

        Meanwhile, passionate, caring, and deeply engaged Meghan & Harry are bountifully giving back and living their best lives! 🥹 👏🏽

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        Imagine being told your entire life that “one day you will be king.” When you finally become king you’re old, ill and some people refuse to bow to you because they’re too busy shouting: “not my king.” Chuckle’s bewilderment is real because he’s viewed his life through his perceived legacy. That legacy is a man consumed by selfishness, greed, jealousy, indifference, pretentiousness, and an inability to live in the current century. His inability to see and understand the “more” offered by H&M will be Chuckle’s biggest downfall. Being a true leader is not about titles, homes, tiaras, invites to Scotland or outdated ceremonies honouring oneself. Egg Head won’t get it either.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      When will “the Concerned Courtiers” realize that

      1. When Cluck withdrew the support and security, he withdraw the right of anyone in the palaces to complain about how the Sussexes’ affairs are conducted. Period, end of.

      2. The “Sussex brand” will never slink into irrelevance precisely because the BRF is petty AF, and their sycophantic British press can’t keep H&M’s names out of their mouths for five minutes, let alone a day. The manufactured palace-media outrage over every little thing they do keeps the brand going, cupcakes, it doesn’t take an IQ of 184 to figure it out.

      3. Tom Quinn and the courtiers, and Certain Senior Members of The Firm are really wilding out here, telegraphing that they’re well mad that Harry & Meghan are not in more danger than they clearly want them to be. They’re mad b/c no other country seems motivated to “Diana” the couple. Spoiler alert for the palaces: that’s because of all the royals in the UK, those two are the most loved. For the most hated, look closer to the throne.

    • Mel says:

      Not only that but Charles and Camilla also went to Colombia back in 2014 or 2015. Whoever is “speaking up” sure forgot to check their own records.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I wonder if there are pictures? Bet they looked hideous and uncomfortable, acting like arses and treating their hosts like “primitive native people”.

        That is, after all, Cluck & Cloppy’s brand. See also: every interaction with Canada’s indigenous peoples, esp. that horrid vid of them in Iqaluit, Nunavut… and didn’t they insult the Maori in NZ and that’s one of the reasons Cluck is afraid to go back there (he dropped them off the Samoa-Australia-NZ itinerary for September)?

  2. Eurydice says:

    Well, I’m bewildered, too. At this point, the BM seem to be using a random word generator – none of this makes any sense.

    As for the Windsors, bewilderment is kind of their trademark.

    • Libra says:

      Crossword question; answer was , Eurydice was married to Orpheus. Just throwing that out on a Sunday morning. I had to look up the answer. Fascinating story.

      • aftershocks says:

        Hey @Libra, yes indeed, a fascinating love story. If you’d like to check out a visually and musically stunning version of the ancient Greek love story between Eurydice and Orpheus, try to find a DVD to purchase/ borrow, or a streaming platform that offers the 1959 Brazilian film, ‘Black Orpheus’ (Orfeu Negro). You won’t regret viewing this unforgettable film. 🌟

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      The Windsor’s are constantly bewildered and blindsided. Either they have horrible advisors or, far more likely, they don’t listen to their advisors. For a 1000 year old institution, to always be bewildered and blindsided is such a terrible look.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        After the tour that they organized for WanK in the Caribbean Countries I have to say that they are horrible at their jobs. The Sussex’s Archewell team is far better at organizing respectful and well planned out business and or philanthropic trips than the firm which very obviously lacks the professionalism to accomplish this.

      • eos says:

        Ofcourse the Windsors are bewildered. Detached and protected from experiences that would develop their intellectual curiosity and emotional intelligence any and all challenges to their cloistered life is confusing and frightening. Poor left behinds, so scared they’ve made hiding their main option.

    • ML says:

      “ The view is that Meghan and Harry are now so desperate to maintain their brand and stop the slide in their relevance that they are recklessly prepared to visit one of the most dangerous countries in the world – in 2023 Colombia had the third…”

      Right-wing talking points. I think it’s a racist, xenophobic dog whistle, because one of the Tory/ Brexit talking points is the invasion of the UK by criminal, brown-skinned immigrants. I don’t think that they really care about the royals freaking out as much as making a veiled political statement.

      • Eurydice says:

        Racism is pretty much standard procedure for the tabloids. Even as racism goes, this doesn’t make sense, considering that Sophie was just there last year.

      • ML says:

        Eurydice, it’s really similar language about foreigners that the right wing rioters recently have been using and the British government under Sunak and Patel. Trump uses this language about our Southern border as well. Right now Starmer and Labour are dealing with the aftermath of the riots—I think that’s part of what TQ is alluding to here, under the general H&M bashing that’s par for the course.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yes! All of this. And I wonder if any of the DMs readers are pointing out the Sophie visit FROM JUST LAST YEAR.

      • eos says:

        “The view is that Meghan and Harry are now so desperate to maintain their brand and stop the slide in their relevance…”
        Oh, the projection! Does the RF and media colluders think people shouting “Not my King” , “Down with the Crown” and “Abolish the Monarchy ” sentiments that demonstrate continuous relevance? The RF and their handlers should worry about the British Monarchy’s own future.

    • GrnieWnie says:

      It’s so bewildering when the entire world doesn’t bow to our whims. Bewildering. Don’t they know we’re royalty? Just baffling.

  3. Aimee says:

    A co-worker of mine recently returned from a trip to Columbia for a wedding and guess what? No one was kidnapped or murdered! She said it was a lovely country.

    • Sherri says:

      My best friend’s daughter visited, fell in love, married and now lives there. It’s a beautiful country!

    • CatMum says:

      It’s a gorgeous country. One of my best friends lives there.

      The leftovers are constantly telling on themselves.

      And, yes, apparently they are responsible for H&M’s security.


  4. Chloe says:

    The real issue is which country is willing to have the Wales’. Because last time they proclaimed their wish to visit Australia, the Australians told them to stay home. And since that atrocious Caribbean tour, i can’t recall them going on another tour.

    • Lauren says:

      I did wonder if part of what’s driving William and the Palaces unhinged anger is that no countries want to invite the Wales

    • Jais says:

      They technically had that Italian tour planned. Which I actually think could have gone okay. William is going to south Africa for earth shot. But as a couple, yeah, I think the Caribbean disaster tour was the last. Some of the rota really love when they travel bc it’s a paid trip for them and they get included in all the vip moments and get to ride on the plane. So yeah the lack of tours being done by the wales and Charles and Camilla has to leave a bitterness. Especially as the Sussexes go on these trips.

    • Jaded says:

      Canada doesn’t want them either. Princess Anne had to cancel a planned second trip here due to her head injury (the first one here on Vancouver Island having garnered a bare minimum of press coverage, all she did was travel on a boat overnight to the Esquimalt CFB on a boat, shake a few hands and eff off). Since TQ died the royal family’s relevance has gone off a cliff and they have become a giant, money-sucking yawn. It’s Harry and Meghan who are relevant now because they do some actual great work and philanthropy. Quinn can go suck sour eggs.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      And it’s no wonder the royals aren’t welcomed anywhere — they are so desperate to criticize Harry and Meghand that they trash an entire country in the press. Every country that has a sizeable non-white population notices the racism, and why would they want racists to visit? They royals can play up to their aging racist base, but it hurts them with all other populations.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    This trip has really messed with their heads. Way more than Nigeria or any of the Invictus Games did. So now the breathless reporting is because they’re mocking them? But if everyone is bored of them and they’re so irrelevant, who would even pay attention to something mocking them? It’s like if the Washington Post had a live feed of everything Scott Baio said and did. You can keep saying how much no one likes them, everyone makes fun of them, he’s so stupid and she’s so conniving, but it’s just not being reflected and how they are welcomed. It’s going to be 2030 and they’re going to be talking about how Harry is moving back to the UK in the next two years, A listers are snubbing Meghan, and Archie wants to move to England to go to Eton on YouTube because half the newspapers will have gone under due to lack of serious reporting.

    • Julia says:

      Harry and Meghan have got 5 front pages in the UK so far for this trip so much for irrelevancy!

  6. Jay says:

    That’s a cute skirt! You know that someone is going to dig up that photo of Keen wearing head to toe Alessandra Rich polkadots and pretending that Meghan is “copying” her. When really it’s just another example of Meghan having good personal style, while Keen dons full on 80’s cosplay without any sense of restraint or fun – she’s deadly serious about polka dots!

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      I totally believe that Kate’s in Norfolk furiously creating wardrobe boards based off of Meghan’s Colombia style. I could see Kate going back to “work” just to be able to copy Meghan’s style in public. Lol

    • Brit says:

      The funny thing about that polkadot dress is that Abigail Spencer wore it first (and better) at H&M’s wedding!

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        As someone who was a slip of a girl during the 70s, that dress reads more 70s to me. I did get more than a whiff of Karen Carpenter seeing Kate in that very 70s collar.

      • aftershocks says:

        If you look closely @Jay, the Juan De Dios wrap skirt has a print design that features a plant or a flower. The round objects are not polka dots.

        Also note for @Kaiser: The designer brand name is Juan De Dios as spelled out, despite the appearance of the middle letter ‘Ð’ in the website logo. This does not refer to an eponymous head designer apparently. It is the chosen name of the brand, which specializes in resort wear. The designer brand name is inspired by “the beauty of the pacific Colombian bay, Playa Juan De Dios.”

    • Nic919 says:

      Meghan seems to incorporate designers from the country she visits instead of sad designs from hack British designer like Catherine Walker and wickstead. I don’t think Kate would even have the range attempt to copy this outfit.

      • Jais says:

        Yes! This. I’ve always been shocked that Kate has never incorporated more local designers from the countries she visits. It’s such an easy thing to do and shows such respect to the host country. So far, Meghan has worn 3 or 4 things from different Colombian designers.
        The Julia Ortiz dress
        The wrap skirt from Juan De Dios
        The white hat from Hania Char
        And possibly a pair of earrings
        Meghan remains very demure and mindful😂

      • aftershocks says:

        Well, @Nic919, Diana PoW used to regularly wear lots of flattering Catherine Walker designs back-in-the-day. Plus, Meghan has shown off some memorable Wickstead designs, including a lovely black midi sundress w/ wide shoulder straps and a belted waist (worn to an evening garden party in London); plus, another black midi dress in military style w/ short sleeves and buttons down the front (worn for an Anzac Day event in Australia); as well as the unforgettable kelly green cape dress (worn during H&M’s final senior royal appearance at Westminster Abbey for the notably snub-filled Commonwealth Day Service).

        Of course, fashion has evolved since Diana wore her famous Catherine Walker outfits. But there’s no need to refer to either Walker or Wickstead design houses as ‘hack.’ I get your comparison between Meghan’s savvier, classier, cool and elegant style aesthetic, with sweet fashion nods to the countries she visits, as opposed to Kate’s bland cosplaying and lack of style or creativity.

  7. Kokiri says:

    Does the RF even get invited though? Don’t they just announce they are going?

    Doesn’t matter. What matters is H&M have it. Whatever that star power is, that charismatic way, it’s them. They shine, almost literally.

    The queen had it a bit. That unknown quality that makes people want to look & be with you. Just a little tho, & the rest of that firm have less than zero. They know it, too.

    • Giddy says:

      This is so true. H&M shine so brightly. They are interesting and sincerely interested in others. Their whole world view is about helping others, whether it’s wounded vets or bullied children. The left-behinds are dull, dull, dull and show no true interest in anything. They are a charisma vacuum. For Chuck to be so jealous of his own son’s diplomatic prowess is incredible to me. Doesn’t he know that if he was supportive and proud of Harry that some of that shine would extend to him?

      • Eurydice says:

        You’d think, wouldn’t you? But somehow the royal narrative has become William is Charles’ son and Harry is Diana’s – and Charles’ jealousy of Diana has extended to Harry. And the truly weird thing for me is that this runs counter to his own concept of “the institution comes first” because all this personal squabbling is only diminishing the institution.

  8. Jan says:

    LOL, Chucky and Cowmilla visited Colombia a few years ago, and the Colombians smashed the Plague, Chucky unveiled, can’t remember who it offended.

    • MDZ says:

      It offended the Columbians. The plaque was honoring fallen British soldiers who killed locals to try and colonize them.

      • Avonan says:

        Wow! I hadn’t realized Chuck and Camz went to Colombia in 2014 and offended the country with that plaque (thereby showing that WanK are chips off the ol’ blockhead with their equally clueless Caribbean tour in 2022). But sure enough, here’s the evidence:

      • BeanieBean says:

        I did not know of this–neither the Charles trip nor the actual historical event–but what a bone-headed idea to put a plaque commemorating your country’s attempted invasion of another! On their soil!

      • Christine says:

        WHAT?! This is CRAZY! Wow, the courtiers and royals are completely unserious people, who bumble around offending everyone.

        I can’t believe Chuck brought a plaque to honor British soldiers who died trying to colonize Colombia. That has officially blown my mind.

      • Nanea says:

        Thanks for sharing that link.

        I remembered there was some sort of controversy, but I had completely forgotten what it was about.

        A memorial to honor colonial slaughter, no less. How utterly digusting and tone-deaf, but totally on brand for the RF.

      • Jais says:

        Wooow. So interesting that the BM isn’t mentioning the last time Charles and Camilla were in Colombia. And I can see why they aren’t 😂. Omg. Thx for the link! What fools they were for treating Meghan so poorly in front of the world.
        Insulated, entitled bafoons.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I highkey love it that it only took a week for Colombians to rip that down and tell Cluck to feck off. And that he was so shocked they weren’t falling at his feet after that offensive offering, that he hasn’t set foot in that country since.

  9. EmpressCakey says:

    “Royals in the UK would have declined an invitation to visit a country where any kind of security is difficult to maintain.”
    Yes. This is exactly why Harry and Meghan don’t go to the UK – their security has been “difficult to maintain.” Columbia is much, much safer for them and their security needs are prioritized and respected.

    • Julia says:

      Except Sophie went in December and Charles visited in 2014 when the drug were still going on in the country.

      • kirk says:

        Sophie was asked to go to Colombia by the British Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. What were they thinking exposing her to all that danger?

    • Christine says:

      This. Can none of these people really see this situation with any kind of accuracy? The only place that is unsafe for the Sussexes is the U.K., and Harry’s father and brother are why.

  10. OriginalMich says:

    “Colombia is pretty much the only country that would have Meghan and Harry…” You mean aside from the UK hosting the next Invictus Games?

    Honestly, the Royals and their adjacent are so effing clueless and out of touch.

  11. aquarius64 says:

    The bewilderment is the BRF sanctioned BM hit pieces on the Sussexes didn’t them into global pariahs as they hoped. Tom Quinn is a joke given Sophie, Anne, Charles and Camilla went to Colombia. It’s really the royals mad they didn’t get a big rollout on their visits. Their meet and greets were more prefunctionery than warm. Part of the invisible contract is soothing Windsor egos in the media.

  12. Jan says:

    The Vice President of Colombia did a great job, organizing this trip, Security and the places they visited.
    The BM could not bribe the Colombians, and had to use second hand info and hide in the bushes, surprisingly they didn’t get kidnapped or murdered, what a waste.

  13. Pebbles says:

    I have to imagine that some people the UK government and foreign office are very irritated with the Windsors for this family rift because THE family with their backdealings with the press is the cause of driving away the best ambassadors for the country. Britain could really really use the Sussex’s right now to give them a boost on the world stage. Now they have to sit and watch them do the work that they excel at globally but their hands are tied because the old King is a shit father who is mad his son called out his mistress queen (who no one genuinely likes) and the heir prince is a dumb jealous bully. I wonder if they think Jason Knaulf and the other palace idiots were worth the sacrifice. Willy really fucked everyone over just to save his own ass.

    Oh well. UK’s loss. I think all this press attacking him in Britain will only make it easier for Harry to get at least partial citizenship to the US. The US government would love to use them as ambassadors.

    • s808 says:

      I know someone from the foreign got on the phone and was like “So….tell me again. Explain it to me like I’m 5….why can’t the Prince of Wales at least do a tour?”

    • aftershocks says:

      @Pebbles: “The U.S. government would love to use them as ambassadors.”

      @Pebbles, of course H&M are respected and admired by many other equally responsible leaders and movers-and-shakers in the U.S. and around the world. However, the Sussexes are not involved in politics, nor are they going to become part of any U.S. government administration. For sure, H&M are ambassadors for goodwill. But note that they are ‘independently’ promoting good causes and beneficial projects on behalf of Invictus and their Archewell Foundation, in collaboration with other philanthropic entities.

  14. Ginger says:

    I love how bitter and jealous the RF and British press are. Harry and Meghan have shown that these kind of visits are not exclusive to the RF. Meghan has been doing them for years before Harry. H&M are showing that it is possible to live outside of that institution/cult and thrive.

  15. Miranda says:

    The BRF are that guy who relentlessly hits on you, then calls you an ugly bitch when you turn him down.

  16. lanne says:

    The royals are destroying their own global brand to try to destroy the Sussexes. Will they ever be invited to Nigeria or Colombia again? Will they disparage every country the Sussexes visit, as they are free citizens? You would think the British royal family is North Korea the way they operate. In fact North Korea is absolutely the right analogy. They don’t dare take one step out of line to their tabloid dictators. The children will suffer for the sins of the parents.

    They are hell bent on destroying any sense of awe or grandeur they have left. They are becoming a joke and a laughingstock. The only people left to admire them are right wing racists and fascists for whom their cruelty is catnip. Soon the royals will be viewed like the Trumps outside the UK. Maybe David Beckham will pole dance for a knighthood, but will British high profile folks view knighthood the way many in the US felt about honors during the Trump administration? They had to remove the Trumps from the Kennedy Center Honors to keep celebrities from rejecting the awards outright. Will knighthoods get divorced from the royal family?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      They have already been tarnished beyond repair outside of the tabloid media.. I’m seeing more news organizations from multiple countries that point it out. This trip there have been quite a few push backs and truthful snide comments about the tabloid media and left overs. Even an article that says that more people associate the Sussex’s with America than Britain. I guess the tabloid media screaming all the time that, “they are not Royals” wasn’t a great strategy. Prince Harry and Princess Meghan are a soft power goldmine that America will gladly accept. Best article I’ve read in awhile 👇🏼

      • Eurydice says:

        Very interesting article. The RF’s collaboration with the BM hasn’t done them any good, just exposed their weaknesses.

      • CreoleTomato says:

        @Hypocrisy – Fantastic article. Thank you!

      • Babz says:

        Wonderful article! Finally! Someone gets it. If you don’t mind, I bookmarked it to share on X. Squaddies will appreciate it.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Brilliant article, The British tabloid press disgrace us all. Unfortunately they are also the best selling newspapers, a sad reflection.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Hypocrisy, what an interesting perspective. I hadn’t thought of the reflection on the US of H&M’s philanthropy. They think globally and put into action what helps literally everyone.

        We’ve been saying for years that the bm was harming the UK’s reputation worldwide. What’s the most interesting to me is that petty vendettas are more important to the brf (and bm) than the Country. I don’t think they know how to change that or that they want to.

    • Unblinkered says:

      @Lanne – spot on: the BRF absolutely is destroying their own brand in their attempt to destroy the Sussexes. Directly and indirectly via connivance with the UK media.
      Time it stopped.

  17. sunnyside up says:

    I was really amused that Columbia was safe when Sophie went there but it isn’t safe for Harry and Meghan, Quinn needs to engage his brain cell before typing.

  18. Tessa says:

    The Windsor s are sliding fast into irrelevance.

  19. Fastgran says:

    The aides are just fuming because Harry and Meghan tours are so successful .Charles will be stamping up and down in his palace, shouting at Camilla saying our tour of Australia will be more successful.He also believes he will a big cheese at the summit in Samoa. Of course Wills will be a bit hit in South Africa. He is thinking of talking the children. The royals get more pathetic each day that passes.

    • Tessa says:

      It could be spoiled even more for Charles if people in Australia tell him how they remember Diana visited in 1983

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, they are not bewildered. They are mad and fuming. Although bewildered as to why everyone doesn’t hate the Sussexes as much as they do might be correct.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Jais, I think the bewilderment is because they truly believe that they are a force globally–yes, I’m talking about the brf. What they fail to realize is that the empire is dead. Brexit helped lower how they are viewed globally and the brf and bm seem determined to finish off whatever positive reputation they have left.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        @Saucy&Sassy – Elizabeth had that global reputation and clout but her successors have squandered the goodwill.

      • Jais says:

        Agree with y’all. The delusion is real. And they squandered what good will was left. It’s shocking to watch as family drama has ruined them and revealed their true selves. Jealous. Racist. Supremacist. They could’ve tried to be better but they just did not.

  20. Cj says:

    I was in the middle of thinking “don’t the royals have anything better to do than be bewildered” and then I remembered the problem is their FK&Q are quite literally not doing anything right now, so there’s nothing else for anyone to talk about. Oh well. If only my tax dollars got me summers off like it does them.

  21. Lady Digby says:

    Meghan and Harry showing them how it should be done whist Will, the heir, continues to let everybody down. Windsor Summit needs to focus on galvanizing the heir into showing up more and being a lot more dutiful rather than swaying in the breeze and downing another drink! Growing a scraggly beard does not constitute work William!

    • Christine says:

      Yeah, if this vile family is truly holding a summit to freak out about how successful the Sussexes are, it’s time to take the keys away. FFS, how about holding a summit about your whole ass lazy heir who is RIGHT THERE doing nothing at all?

      They keep bleating about Harry and Meghan, when it’s obvious to everyone that the monarchy’s biggest problem is the Wales branch.

  22. koko says:

    I just love that Meghan is kneeling or perhaps sitting on the floor next to the disabled man, in the one photo. I don’t like to compare her to Diana, but it seems like something she would do. I don’t see Keen doing that.

    • Meredith says:

      Kate is big on squatting to be at eye level. I imagine she was trained to do that for better photographs (William and Harry do it too).

      • Nic919 says:

        She only started to do that when Meghan was seen doing it. There are photos showing that she would previously stand in her sky high heels and bend down a bit.

      • Christine says:

        Truth, NIc. It’s one of the first examples of her CopyKeening. Previous to Meghan, the question of why Kate always wears sky high heels to hang out with little kids was always asked in the comment section.

  23. Amy Bee says:

    Oh no, not Tom Quinn again. Somebody has to explain to me why it was okay for Sophie to go to Colombia and not Harry and Meghan. I saw a clip of Roya Nikkhah acting all concerned because they didn’t have somebody from the foreign office to advise and go with them like when royals go on tour and she feared that things could go wrong because of that. So why did it go so wrong for William and Kate and Sophie and Edward when they visited Caribbean in 2022?

    • Pebbles says:

      They only want someone from the foreign office or the palace to be their spy or allow them access. They have nothing now. Always on the backfoot. Look how baffled they are about H&M’s meticulously organized and very well promoted tours. No to mention the extreme security countries are willing to provide. They had no insight of all the planning and they don’t know where they’re going next or who else has offered. It makes all their other articles about ‘sources’ look ridiculous and lies because if they had any real sources close to them they would have had knowledge of the trip(s).

      • Proud Mary says:

        “It makes all their other articles about ‘sources’ look ridiculous . . . .” Bingo!

    • Debbie says:

      Oh, my God! No one to advise the Sussexes of what picture of themselves to present as a gift to their host in the country? No one from the foreign office to advise them of which chain linked fence to use to control Columbian children? No drinks called “crack babies”? Whatever will they do without such stellar advice?

      • SueinOrleans says:

        A drink called “crack babies”??? What on earth was that about?

      • Jaded says:

        @SueinOrleans — Kate’s preferred tipple is a drink called a Crack Baby, a mix of vodka, champagne, and passion fruit juice. Whoever named it should be shot.

      • Christine says:

        SueinOrleans, on the disastrous Caribbean tour, one of the fluffiest of the fluffy articles the British media produced was about the mini-vaca they took in the middle to scuba dive, and apparently partake in Kate’s favorite cocktail…the crack baby.

        I had never heard of it before, and it was such an appalling detail that was given BY THEIR PEOPLE to the media. They actually went to the media and said something like, “Hey, it’s super cool that Kate is getting to have her favorite crack baby cocktail on this tour!”

        Queen of Arly Years seriously publicized that she not only knows there is a cocktail called a crack baby, it’s her very favorite. As you can tell, I’m still completely bewildered by the fact that ANYONE would think it was a good look. Even for the Windsors, it was bad, and they are awful already.

      • Jais says:

        Iirc, there was also reporting that they swerved this drink at their wedding reception? I feel like I read that but don’t quote me on that.

      • Christine says:

        You did, I saw it in my re-read of the comments on Kaiser’s original post.

      • Iolanthe says:

        If her brains were already addled with foul sounding cocktails , she had no business popping out real babies . .forget preaching on ” early years “

  24. Swaz says:

    That sounds like an AI generated article, I’m so bewildered 🤣🤣🙃

  25. Lavendel says:

    I have been following this journey for a while and am excited about the Vice President of Colombia – a lawyer who feels deeply connected to the goals of Prince Harry and Meghan. As expected, the right-wing media have once again spewed out all their poison to squeeze every last dollar out of their readers with their sensationalist, divisive hatred. Reflecting on these headlines – an example below – in depth reveals an abyss of malice, inhumanity and lack of knowledge that could not be deeper or darker “Charles must stop these pound-shop royals trashing the Monarchy’s brand”. God protect Prince Harry and Meghan and all who love them from the truly evil energy of these people. His father, the King, sadly will not do it.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Sarah Vine, author of the article in the Sunday Mail, can’t have so short a memory, can she?
      She may not like H&M, but this – successful – Colombian tour in no way can be said to reflect badly on the UK, to suggest otherwise is just daft.

      The only BRF disastrous tour in living memory was W&K’s 2022 Caribbean tour: is that what you were thinking of, Sarah?

  26. Meredith says:

    Meghan is the world champion at styling a white button down! And I love how good these two are at their world tours. Never a misstep.

  27. Nanea says:

    I love how well VP Francia Márquez did the Invictus colors theme dressing, down to yellow pants and black shirt. She put so much thought into organising this trip, and it looks like she has become good friends with Meghan.

    One of the Nigerian Squaddies noticed how similar FMM’s top looked to the aso ebi the Naija Squaddies wore for that Invictus event where they all ended up stanning David Wiseman and Derek Cobbinah — besides the Sussexes.

    I am so happy for Colombia to be able to showcase this beautiful country, and the lovely, cheerful people who live there.

    (and as I said before — Cartagena is one of my favorite cities in the Caribbean)

    • Jais says:

      VP Francis Marquez really planned a fantastic trip. 3 cities and locations take a lot of planning.

    • kirk says:

      I loved VP Marquez dressing in Invictus colors!!! Reminded me of the Nigeria trip when a lot of women showed up in vibrant geometric prints with Invictus coloring. It was interesting the way VP Marquez was showing important cultural aspects of Colombia influenced by the African diaspora.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed, she arranged a wonderful trip and I hope this is the start of a trend of Invictus countries, and countries that are considering forming Invictus teams, inviting Harry and Meghan to visit. It’s a win-win, the definition of a no-brainer. Nigeria and Colombia have perfectly illustrated the positive press and worldwide attention that accompanies the Sussexes wherever they go.

      The royals and British media can tank their own brand all the way into obscurity.

  28. Lady Digby says:

    After the disastrous 2022 tour does anybody think that Will and Kate are “keen” to visit another Commonwealth country any time soon? Foreign Office ahem, field invitations from countries for Official Fully Authorized for RF Tours: what can their tour requirements be? in exchange for the
    guaranteed photo in frame of visiting royal for your mantelpiece with said royal wearing jewels looted from your country in the good old days.Please note ceremonial chairs and native porters should be provided as His Nibs and Memsahib EXPECT to be carried everywhere. Also there can never be too much alcohol to fortify them after say two events for 3 days and then 4 days downtime and then another rousing two events for another 3 days and then 4 days downtime to give them time to relax some more at your expense? We did mention that you are paying for everything but you do get to keep that framed photo which could be signed if you bung us a considerable donations in an ecofriendly bag?

    • antipodean says:

      Spot on @Lady Digby. The entitlement and arrogance is mind numbingly oblivious.

    • Christine says:

      Well said, Lady Digby!

      “Please note ceremonial chairs and native porters should be provided as His Nibs and Memsahib EXPECT to be carried everywhere.”

      You killed me dead with this sentence!

  29. Meghan says:

    I can’t finish the article because I NEED THAT SKIRT RIGHT NOW.

  30. Agnes says:

    Did I miss something here? Last I heard, Harry and Meghan had divorced the Windsors and were living their own best lives a whole ocean and continent away from that evil clan of ranting nonentities. Find someone else to stalk.

  31. Anna says:

    So, to get this straight:
    1. BRF are pissed because Sussexes get invited for tours and BRF needs to impose their precious royals on various countries, and some of them plainly refuse.
    2. They need to show their ass every time they comment on H&M: here that H&M security is important at least as PR for BRF but they still will block them when they try to get security in UK.
    3. Are they really going to insult every country Sussexes go in a silly attempt to attack them??? Is there really nobody with enough brain cells to stop them?

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      They really are going to show their colonialist, jingoist asses whenever Harry and Meghan are out.

  32. Jaded says:

    The Windsors are fast losing their relevance with the military, all due to their bitterness and jealousy over Harry’s military tours and devotion to honouring veterans through IG. Both Charles and William, as titular Commander-in-Chief and head of the British military, are nothing more than paper cutout figures with fakakta medals and ribbons given to themselves for nothing. In light of Trump’s ongoing insults to the military and veterans (they’re “suckers and losers”; he insulted McCain and George HR Bush because they were shot down; he won’t visit with vets because they’re injured; he gives out a Presidential Medal of Freedom to some rich bastard’s wife because she’s pretty and not all shot up and coincidentally donated $100 million to the Rethugs). THIS is why the role of the Sussexes in the US and worldwide has gotten so much traction because they are doing what the royal family should be doing, not just marching around looking like tinpot dictators inspecting troops.

  33. crazyoldlady says:

    If I’m Columbia – I’m not taking that ill-informed racist crap-talk about my country lying down.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I think Columbia need not dignify childish tantrums with a modicum of attention. That’s how all good parents handle toddlers rolling on the floor, because mommy said, “You can’t have for ice cream for dinner.”

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I have to wonder if the ambassador to the UK will have a meeting with FO staff to express “disappointment” in the press coverage.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I agree with Berkeley, I think the Columbian government ought to complain to the British government about the way the British press have liabled Columbia. They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it, and if there is a formal complaint at least it will get a mention in the non right wing press.

  34. Slippers4life says:

    Something interesting when I search for this article on Google, and anything related to the Columbia tour, on Google news in Canada, this article and anything else favorable about the tour from people, harpers bazaar, Hello, etc. Is relegated to the 3rd and 4th page of Google news search. At the bottom of each page it reads, “some articles have been delisted due to laws in your region”. I know we are fighting back against a lot of disinformation in Canada. However, I also know that we are technically still a commonwealth country. Just wondering if the BRF has any pull to delist anything not negative or relegate the articles to the 3rd and 4th page in Canada pertaining to positive coverage of the Sussex’s Columbia tour? Seems sus to me.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Interesting. I just did a google search for ‘Duke and Duchess of Sussex tour of Colombia’ and got everything on the first page–including Hello, Harper’s, People, etc. Same with I click on the News tab. Not sure why it’s different where you live (I’m in the US).

      • sunnyside up says:

        Just had a look, first article on Hello site, but not on Harper’s or People, but not difficult to find. I’m in France.

    • C says:

      I’m not trying to be snarky; the spelling might be part of it. Even here, people keep referring to Columbia, not Colombia.

    • JudyB says:

      This is double interesting. It sounds like we, in all countries, are being fed only the news that others think we should have. This is very scary and 1984ish.

      And is it people within our own countries doing this, or are people in other countries controlling what we see?

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    The British really, really blew it with H&M. They could have been the recipients of their star power and their ease with people in other countries, but petulant William couldn’t hack the attention given to Harry’s superior accomplishments and racist Kate couldn’t bear Meghan’s style, grace, intelligence, work ethic and genuine interest in others.

    • Iolanthe says:

      Well said ..the British RF totally blew their one chance of staying relevant by driving away the only people who made any sense . Harry and Meghan also have the old fashioned virtues of duty , honour , service that the Queen lived by . It is also Diana’s legacy . The wrong son is heir in waiting and we hope he doesn’t make it anywhere near the throne .

    • AC says:

      They blew it with a lot of things.

  36. Oh come on. says:

    Wait, are we saying a system that picks who will represent the UK and the Commonwealth by a system of inherited descent, regardless of merit, ended up with a set of inbred colonizers who can’t be arsed to earn their keep?

    Strange how such a system would yield that result.

  37. Murphy says:

    Yeah bc the UK is such a peaceful happy place right now /s

  38. Cassie says:

    Made the mistake of trying to read one of Daniela Elsers columns yesterday .
    My god it was awful , deliberately putting them down in all their projects as failed, a shocking year for them , blah blah , blah .
    This woman writes her unhinged comments everyday for Australians to read .
    The smear campaign continues in this country .

  39. TN Democrat says:

    I am bewildered that the taxpayers in the UK/Commonwealth aren’t protesting funding the Windsor’s lavish lifestyle while also giving them massive tax breaks. The bar is just set so incredibly low for Keener and Will-not.

  40. Wesley says:

    “And there is no doubt that senior Royals in the UK would have declined an invitation to visit a country where any kind of security is difficult to maintain.”
    If that isn’t a direct insult to the Duchess of Edinburgh I don’t know what is. Her visit wasn’t well covered, it seems,in Britain, but surely those “Palace sources” who Quinn has quoted, would be aware of her visit. Sloppy journalism – when you make up stories & attribute them to “sources” at least check there’s no glaringly obvious contradictions, like a visit by a senior Royal less than 12 months earlier.

  41. JudyB says:

    I read all this earlier in the day, but had to drive so did not have time to respond, but I have been thinking, and something has been bothering me.

    Can any of you on this discussion who are British, or even Canadian or Australian, explain to me why countries that have been so badly treated during royal visits not just completely ditch being part of the British “Empire” or whatever of it is still around? Are they getting something from their relationship with the UK? Exactly what are they getting, and is it really worth the irritation and frustration from royals who give them photos of themselves or plaques that rub in how they were invaded and taken over???

    We Americans got tired of being bossed around by a country who saw us only as servants and our country as just another place to make money for the royal coffers. Why haven’t more countries done the same??? Thanks

    • sunnyside up says:

      Wiki has an explanation but I don’t know how true it is, Google Commonwealth of Nations, I’m hoping that when they next need a head of the Commonwealth they elect Harry, it would be a really amusing twist as the present head is the King, Mind you I doubt that Harry would actually want it.

  42. L4Frimaire says:

    I am enjoying this tour immensely. I especially like how it’s focused on arts and Afro-Columbian culture. It really is positive exposure for the country. This trip is definitely focused on Meghan, Archewell initiatives that emphasize women’s inclusion and social emotional learning in children’s education. I’m glad they also spent time with Colombia’s veterans for Invictus but that wasn’t the main reason for the trip. She is absolutely thriving and in her element. Definitely a more relaxed vibe.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Also I love what she’s wearing on this trip. Definitely more colorful but a lot of her familiar silhouettes.

  43. AC says:

    According to the BM, that country hates HM – but still follow them and stalk them around. Too bad they’re still in denial that they were so stupid to let go their best assets. They want to take away their titles, go ahead, let’s see how that works when they shine even more than their left overs.