King Charles only met with Prince Harry for 30 minutes because of infection fears

Back in March and April, King Charles was severely limiting his schedule because of his cancer and cancer treatments. That shifted in May and June – suddenly, he was much more visible and he went to France for the D-Day commemoration, he was hosting garden parties and attending Ascot. He still looked deathly ill, but it felt like it was a good sign that he was out and about so much. In April, the Daily Beast reported that there were some quiet conversations happening in royal circles, people theorizing that Charles is much sicker than anyone knows and that he doesn’t want to reveal his actual diagnosis. Of course, none of that is being reported in the British media. One journalist told the Daily Beast: “Even if you had it copper-bottomed that he had bladder cancer, you couldn’t run it.” From that moment on, I’ve believed that Charles does have bladder cancer and he’s been receiving a very specialized treatment for it. That’s just my theory, I don’t have any insider knowledge. I suspect that the Daily Mail has insider knowledge, but right now they’re just publishing whatever Buckingham Palace wants them to publish. Speaking of, here are some highlights from the Mail’s “Inside King Charles’ cancer battle” piece:

The sun is shining: In a sign of hope – as well as an insight into the trials Charles has been through over the past months – it was reported today that a source close to the monarch said: ‘The sun wasn’t shining in February, but it is shining now’.

He won’t reveal what kind of cancer he has: The King was diagnosed with cancer after first attending hospital in January to receive treatment for an enlarged prostate. While he has been open about his prostate problem, it is unlikely he will reveal what type of cancer he has, The Sun reports today, citing a source. This is as he aims to ‘reach out and embrace as many people as he can impacted by cancer,’ they claimed. ‘The more specific you are the fewer people you are able to engage and support.’

No hair loss: It has been widely noted that he has not suffered any hair loss from his treatment, which was said to have been a natural concern for the King. Thankfully, he has also not experience any debilitating side effects from the treatment, details of which have not been disclosed. A source told The Sun of his treatment that it is ‘not pioneering in any way as it’s available for any cancer patient. The treatments are highly evolved and sophisticated in ways previous treatments were not,’ they added.

Diminished immune response: Rather than his ill health stopping him from carrying out his public duties, it has been claimed the decision to postpone his public facing role was made as a ‘precautionary measure’ because of the King’s diminished immune response to other diseases. During his 103 days away from public duties, Covid-style tiers were in place and he was restricted to the amount of people he could be with. He was planned to have weekly treatment in London and factor in vital periods of rest time at Sandringham, Highgrove and Windsor.

Harry’s visit in February: This was reportedly thrown into chaos early on in his treatment when his son, Prince Harry, announced he would fly in from Los Angeles to see his father. The King delayed his helicopter flight to Sandringham, and Harry was given just 30 minutes of his company at Clarence House, due to plans which were put in place to avoid the King contacting a secondary infection.

Charles has to rest a lot & eat lunch: One source explained: ‘Rest and recovery has to be taken as seriously a priority as duty, public duty, so we build in rest periods and try to limit the number of hours a day that are public-facing duties.’ The King is also said to have been forced to eat at least a light snack at lunchtimes after skipping the meal his whole life.

[From The Daily Mail]

I’ve mentioned before that we’ve always these “State of Kate” pieces every four-to-six months about the Princess of Wales and what she’s up to (being keen, eventually). This is in the same vein – six months after Charles’s diagnosis, what is the state of the king? From what I’ve heard of the treatments for bladder cancer, they can really localize it, which is another reason why I believe that Charles has bladder cancer. At this point, I do sort of hope that he talks about it more, but I also agree that he probably will not. As for the Harry stuff… once again, contradictory information coming out of palace briefings, months after the fact. Back in February, we heard that Charles only gave Harry thirty minutes because of Camilla, or because Charles was still mad about blah blah. Now the short meeting was about infections? Sure.

A few things don’t add up though – if there’s such an emphasis on the king’s immune system, why was he unmasked and around huge crowds at Ascot, Normandy, state dinners, Order of the Garter, Order of the Thistle, etc? And the stuff about his treatment – “not pioneering in any way as it’s available for any cancer patient. The treatments are highly evolved and sophisticated in ways previous treatments were not.” What??

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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54 Responses to “King Charles only met with Prince Harry for 30 minutes because of infection fears”

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  1. Lady Esther says:

    There’s a lot of cleanup on aisle 5 coming out of BP these days…I guess the courtiers had to be given something to do during the long summer holiday for the Royals!

    (waits patiently for Kaiser to cover the story about Charles finally yanking Andrew’s security…)

    • So he was afraid of infection but at Easter he was out shaking hands and no wearing a mask. I have had cancer and I wore my mask and I lost my hair due to chemo. I still wear my mask in crowded places. I wonder what weird treatment he is seeking for the cancer he doesn’t name what it is that he has.

    • Kathleen says:

      You’re right. Now that the consensus is that Charles is a lousy father for giving Harry only 30 mins after he had flown 10 hours to see Papa, they are cleaning up their act. They are also saying that Harry was offered accommodation at the palace which he refused. After gloating at Harry’s snubbing by Charles for months, the stories are changing. The Firm is in full clean up mode.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Joke’s on The Firm, then: there is no cleaning up the stains Cluck leaves when he attacks his own kin. The world has the receipts and that stain is indelible.

        The gaslighting attempts from the palaces would probably have hit their mark even with the gullible elements of the British public had it not taken the courtiers six entire months to flip to a rebuttal of their own prior narrative.

        So slow. Have the courtiers been laid out in a coma these last 6 months too? Or have they all had so many bouts of Covid from partying with the Tories that their executive function is in complete disarray?

  2. Tessa says:

    Something off about this.

    • Sunshine says:

      What’s off is neither of them have cancer.
      Think of anyone you know who has had it. No matter how minor and how much money they have, this is not how it plays out.

      • Missy says:

        I’ve suspected this about one of them more than the other fora while, esp with the timing of the “Royal racist” reveal and garnering as much sympathy as possible….

      • Gtwiecz says:

        That’s my thought too. It’s the best pity card you can find.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        I don’t put anything past their propaganda machine at this point, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the racist accusations. I’m not British or American, but to me it seems like being credibly accused as racist is a bigger problem in the US than in the UK. The BRF fanbase are racists themselves so they don’t give a shit. The rest know that KC, Keen and all the rwst are racist, but don’t care. I just don’t think they would put so.much effort into a decoy plot for the racist stuff. If they lied about cancer, which I can believe, it’s for a different reason.

    • Yvette says:

      @Tessa … It sounds to me like there may be some pushback from the public about the King’s treatment of his son. It was blatantly obvious that Charles didn’t have a darn thing on his calendar until ‘after’ Harry firmly confirmed his attendance at the 10th year Invictus Games anniversary at St. Paul’s. Then all of a sudden there was an announcement about a Garden Party at–what a coincidence–the same time as the event at St. Paul’s. Then Harry’s Office made a formal statement about Prince Harry not being able to spend time with his father during his May visit due to the King’s busy schedule, and all heck broke out. The British media and Buckingham Palace were extremely defensive at Harry’s statement.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        British media and BP were extremely defensive b/c Hazza took the wind out of the sails of their narrative and put them in their place. He had good PR coaching there, no two ways about it.

        The Left Behinds lost their sh-t b/c Harry didn’t wait for them to deploy their predictable hate narrative and cut it off at the pass.

  3. Koko says:

    Can you imagine if their noses grew everytime they lied.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    Not one mention of remission 🤨.. I have believed for a while he is much worse than they are releasing.. my father died from bladder cancer, the treatment goes right in the bladder it is a very localized cancer treatment.

    • Jaded says:

      Treatment depends on the invasiveness of the cancer. I have muscle invasive bladder cancer so localized, in-bladder treatment is useless. I’m undergoing 3 rounds of chemo, infusion and oral, and it’s tough but fortunately you don’t lose your hair with the drugs I’m taking.

      • Teddy says:

        I’m so sorry you have such personal understanding of this cancer. Even the newer, targeted treatments can be rough. I wish you the best outcome and lifelong remission.

      • therese says:

        Jaded, my thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless you and stay strong. I hope for an excellent prognosis at the end of your tough treatment.

      • LRB says:

        Wishing you all the best in your continued recovery @Jaded. And thank you for sharing your personal experience.

  5. seaflower says:

    I wonder if he’s had Immunotherapy, less negative side effects than chemo or radiation therapy but very effective.

    • EPLFan says:

      That and it would also explain some of the timings and concerns. If he’s doing something like rituximab every Monday, he’s OK by about Thursday.

  6. EasternViolet says:

    When I had chemo for breast cancer, my doctor also told me about how far treatment has come in treating specific cancers with less debilitating side effects… so that part of the article was the LEAST suss for me. Sounds like Chaz is done the first round of treatment and only time will tell how aggressive it is if there will be a recurrence.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Yes, I think that line was meant to downplay any “special treatment” he might be getting.

      • EasternViolet says:

        Yes… like the kind of chemo that give you a fresh look like a facelift! I didn’t get THAT chemo 😉

      • Shanta says:

        @EASTERNVIOLET…….oooh…shade for breakfast.. Love it😜

      • Becks1 says:

        yeah I thought that line made sense too. It was saying Charles is getting advanced treatment but that’s because cancer treatment has come a long way and they are able to target the cancer in a way they maybe couldn’t have 10, 20 years ago. But hes not getting “special” treatment.

      • HeatherC says:

        @EasternViolet: I’ve unfortunately had a recurrence of bladder cancer and I asked my doc for the mommy make over chemo and he laughed.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @HeatherC: I was getting some tests done at the Mayo Clinic, and one was essentially a mini-liposuction in the abdominal area. I told the technician to feel free to take a little more just to be sure!

  7. Amy Bee says:

    BP knows Charles made a misstep by only seeing Harry for 30 minutes. That’s why we keep getting different explanations. It’s very interesting that we’re getting this “update” now. I wonder why that is?

    • Tina says:

      The Well Child awards are likely next month and I’m guessing Harry is coming over again. Do the courtiers know that Charles will snub Harry again and trying to put a less negative spin on the spring visit? It will be the third opportunity this year to see his son and he’s spurned him twice already. Surely there must be one or two courtiers who can see the bigger picture and how awful Charles looks.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think its interesting that we keep getting different explanations because it tells us that SOMEONE knows how bad it looks that Charles only saw him for 30 minutes and then hopped in his helicopter to go to Sandringham. So I think this is a lot of “trying to see what sticks” in terms of explanations.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I like the whole ‘he held his helicopter for 30 minutes for Harry’, as though they had NO IDEA that Harry was even in country until that point.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @BeanieBean right? Cluck even gave Harry “official police protection” on the way in from Heathrow – but not on the way out.

        At the time it felt like Cluck was “granting a concession” to Harry on the security on arrival in order to negotiate/get something from Harry. I really wonder if Cluck asked Harry to drop the media lawsuits, Harry said something to the effect of “not bloody likely”, and Cluck got hopping mad, threw a pen, told Harry he could find his own way home and stormed off to Camilla, who then calmed the rageoholic manbaby down enough to put him in his car for the ride to the helipad.

  8. aquarius64 says:

    So a new story about the 30 minutes “visit” with Harry? Apparently the BP comes teams are seeing the online comments that Charles is a scummy father because Harry flew across an ocean to see him when the diagnosis was announced and could have it done on a Zoom call.

    • SURE says:

      AND the second time H flew across an ocean his cancer stricken father couldn’t/wouldn’t find the time to see him.

  9. equality says:

    Get a shovel for this load. Cam was out and about all the time around crowds with no mask and then returning to be around Charles. Charles was flying off that very day to be at a different residence with different staff. How long was he in the helicopter with a pilot?

    • Bad Janet says:

      Adding on to that point, they have no shame about it because there is zero accountability. They can print whatever trash they want to fit their agenda and people still take it as real information. Meanwhile, as was said, even hard evidence which doesn’t fit the narrative the palace wants to push gets pushed out. What a great free press!

  10. Jay says:

    All this really tells us is that the palace has decided to try and change the story about Harry’s visit because what they were peddling before was not sticking.

    First, the king could barely find time to meet his son, then he could only meet him for a few minutes because he had a helicopter waiting to go off to one of his other estates. Not to mention that he AND Camilla have been going around unmasked and unbothered. Charles may have been somewhat cautious in February, but I distinctly recall that his consort was out and about, with the tabloids getting exclusives about how she was the workhorse of the family or something.

    Harry acted like a son who cares about his remaining parent despite the fact that he is unlikely to get the relationship reciprocated. Despite all of the tabloid trash, I think a lot of people were looking at the king and being like “What a weirdo, why don’t you just see your son who came all this way? What’s wrong with you??” This is typical of the palace comms, though – they’re not bothered or embarrassed by doing an about face or trying to start a new narrative six months later!

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      What’s hilarious about the six month timing on the rewriting history schtick – and absolutely not their first goat rodeo doing this, they’ve been pulling stunts like this since the 80s at least – is that they *still* don’t think people keep receipts about what they said before. These chumps really think the phrase “the internet is forever” doesn’t apply to them. Like, you can scrub it off your websites or whatever, but it’s guaranteed that dated screenshots are still stored on people’s laptops at home and they can post those to social media any time the palaces want to get squirrelly with the truth.

  11. Nanea says:

    I don’t get why people everywhere seem to think that masks are the enemy.

    Not only is there a constant risk of getting (re-) infected with COVID-19 – and ending up with Long Covid because of it – but also with (bird) flu, and even the Mpox virus can be airborne.

    But hey, Chucky’s favorite doctor for decades was also a homeopath, besides being an MD, propagating esoteric quackery for all kinds of ailments.

    The RF could be a role model for public health and science communication, but I guess they’d much rather not.

    That said, it’s too funny how they feel the need to change their stories re Harry every few weeks.

  12. Eurydice says:

    Oh nonsense. Once again, they’re pretending that Charles isn’t the king. They make it sound like Harry just showed up unannounced at the palace doorstep. Charles had to have agreed to see Harry for Harry to even make the trip. And with the 28-day notice rule, Charles had to have officially authorized the trip. And if infection protocols were already in place, why would anything be in disarray? Father and son wear masks and they meet, what’s so shocking about that?

  13. Islandgirl says:

    The BRF continues to be an undisciplined and unserious bunch of people.
    Their staff continue to let the most ridiculous stories reach the public and then have to find a gazillion ways to make their words and actions palatable to normal people outside of the UK.
    I said outside the UK because their citizens seem to accept any rubbish printed by the tabloids and the totally opposite stories which come later.
    How they could possibly think that making Harry only seeing his father for 30 minutes the result of snubbing and the various other stories would be seen as acceptable is beyond me..

  14. Dropbear says:

    Well well…what’s that saying? That’s right, an a$$hole with cancer is still an a$$hole

  15. The Duchess says:

    Infection fears? Pull the other leg. Chucky is greeting crowds of unmasked people and he’s still here to tell the tale. Just admit you’re a deadbeat and let’s be done with this charade.

  16. Nerd says:

    Since when do doctors put a time limit of how long you can meet with people when you are going through chemo? And if this was the case, why didn’t he say that at the time when the media and haters were attacking him by saying that his father snubbed him? And why doesn’t he or his DIL wear masks when in public spaces?

    • BeanieBean says:

      And I don’t recall anything about limiting time during the pandemic years–distance, yes, masking, yes, but time? No.

  17. Jais says:

    I’m trying to remember. Wasn’t the immediate leaking about how cam wasn’t allowed in the room? She was prob at the door with a timer and a bell signaling the end of the mtg.

  18. Lau says:

    I highly doubt that his treatment is “available for any cancer patient” as in England the waiting lists to get treated for cancer are massive and most common people have to wait years to actually get treated. But sure. They really need to stop lying and pretenting that him and Kate are being treating like “any cancer patient”.

  19. BeanieBean says:

    Mmhmm. I’m sure every cancer patient in England gets treatment that is ‘are highly evolved and sophisticated’, ’cause that’s the standard. 🙄

  20. therese says:

    I’m wondering, based on whatever Charles’ real condition is, if he is wanting to clean up his image while he is still around.

  21. Cate says:

    The RF changes the narrative all the time. First, Harry was offered a suite at Buckhouse, now Charles only met with Harry who flew at least 12 hours for 30 minutes? For infection fears? I’m certain Charles has his full quote of servants daily, shook hands at Easter etc. Why does Charles refuse Harry’s calls? What excuse this time?

  22. L4Frimaire says:

    What even is the point of this whingy article about something that happened months ago and was reported way differently from this nonsense?