Duchess Meghan wore a fantastic Johanna Ortiz ensemble in Cartagena

Here are some photos from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s visit to Colombia. These pics are from Day 3, where they traveled to Cartagena. Am I the only warped Xennial who associates Cartagena with Romancing the Stone? That movie made me sort of obsessed with Colombia, I’m just now realizing. I’m also realizing – for the first time – that Cartagena is a UNESCO World Heritage site because of its walled city. Amazing.

In Cartagena, Harry and Meghan visited the Escuela Tambores de Cabildo and San Basilio de Palenque. The photos are amazing, although the pics of Harry and Meghan playing the bongo drums reminded me of those “iconic” pics of Prince William and Kate making asses out of themselves in Jamaica, right before they were fired by Prime Minister Andrew Holness. Yet another side-by-side comparison for how Meg & Harry do it better.

Fashion notes: Meghan’s black-patterned dress is actually a two-piece from Johanna Ortiz, a Colombian-born designer and seemingly one of Meghan’s favorites. I looked at the photos from Ortiz’s 2025 Resort Collection and I would not have thought that the ensemble would look this good in person or in motion, but it looks amazing on Meghan. Like, one of my favorite things she’s ever worn. The two piece look costs around $2100 (sob). Meghan’s white ensemble is another two-piece, this time from Argent. People Magazine wrote about the Sussexes’ trip to Escuela Tambores de Cabildo, the drum school, including the connection to Colombia’s African heritage:

As a gift, one student gave the Duke and Duchess of Sussex a small wooden boat, a tribute to the coastal city and its beaches.

Prince Harry and Meghan then joined a student-led drum lesson with Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez and her husband, Rafael Yerney Pinillo. The jam session was followed by a performance from some of the locals, which brought Meghan and Márquez to their feet.

Commenting on the Duchess of Sussex’s reactions to the performances, Ramos said in Spanish, “I love seeing Meghan’s big, big smile. I can tell she’s excited!”

After the performances, Márquez gave a passionate speech about the importance of tradition in preserving Colombian heritage. The vice president touched on how cities like Cartagena epitomize Colombian culture, and how the art form of drumming in particular is a symbol of freedom for Black communities around the world. Márquez also said that part of her inspiration to invite Prince Harry and Meghan to Colombia was because she views them as key voices against injustice.

“The Duke and Duchess came to Colombia… this is Colombia. This is where the roots of our ancestors and our forefathers are from,” the vice president told the crowd that included members of her own family, who she brought along for the events. “A community like this cannot be displaced.”

[From People]

“This is where the roots of our ancestors and our forefathers are from.” I’ve been so moved by VP Marquez’s embrace of Harry and Meghan, especially Meghan. They are both Black women who have been attacked and slandered because of their race. It was important for Marquez to bring the Sussexes to an area which embraced the African influences on Colombian culture. It was also important to show the Colombian people that Harry & Meghan have a great deal of respect for all aspects of their culture. This is how to do a royal tour, you know?

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37 Responses to “Duchess Meghan wore a fantastic Johanna Ortiz ensemble in Cartagena”

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  1. Jais says:

    Ha! Yes, Romancing the Stone. The whole time they have to get to Cartagena. Which sadly I don’t think they even filmed that in Colombia but somewhere else. And yes, VP Francia Marquez has outdone herself. What a beautiful trip. The 2 piece set by Johanna Ortiz is such a good look. I’ve loved seeingMeghan wearing Colombian designers throughout the trip.

    • Anna says:

      Meghan somehow always lookes polished, but approachable – even when her clothes are on a pricier side she doesn’t look like the rich lady wrapped in Dior graving the peasants with her presence. I could recreate similar looks with my own wardrobe.

      • Lalala says:

        Polished but approachable…hits the nail right on the head! Queen Letizia of Spain (maybe my favorite European monarch) is expert at this as well.

    • Barb Mill says:

      I loved that movie and always wanted to go to Cartagena. Mostly because I love the way it sounds when I say Cartagena.

      • Bean says:

        Now I want to watch Romancing the Stone with my 14 year old! He wil probably roll his eyes but it was SO GOOD!

    • Monc says:

      It was Ecuador

  2. ML says:

    Meghan and Harry definitely have “soft” diplomacy down to an art and they aren’t even part of government. I’m enjoying this tour.

  3. Lala11_7 says:

    The JOY 😊 that’s been showcased with this visit is WONDERFUL ❣️

    • Jensies says:

      YES. Looking at her playing the drums there, I was struck by the thought that this is what Meghan wanted all along and thought she’d be able to do in her royal life. Being able to do tours and be around regular people and uplift.

      I’m just so glad she’s getting a chance to live what she wanted for her life. It looks good on her.

  4. Cel2495 says:

    I love everything Meghan has wore for this trip. The green floral dress is beautiful too! Just love everything.

    Colombia is amazing too and Cartagena is one of my favorite cities . The streets the food and the people are great. Cartagena has lots of history and it makes sense to bring them there to show the country’s African roots … that’s where the enslaved ships docked. It was a major port for enslaved Africans back in the 16th century. I am glad they show them their beautiful country.

    • aftershocks says:

      True. However, let’s also recognize that ancient independent African explorers sailed on ships to South America and to North America prior to the Columbus New World ‘discovery.’ Read historian Ivan van Sertima’s book, ‘They Came Before Columbus’ (1976).

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    I have enjoyed this trip immensely. The photos are absolutely amazing, but the best part is seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces. With the hate campaign that has no ending in sight the British royal family and their racist rota and media may play well for the locals, but off the shores they have made Meghan a symbol of vulnerability, grace and strength. Compassionate people feel to protective of Meghan, I got that feeling from the VP and her husband. Anyone struggling with bullying, racism, depression, suicidal ideation or just have truly 💩 in-laws all admire her strength. This tiny American woman has been attacked unmercifully by the country she isn’t even a citizen of for far too long. It is only natural others will take comfort and guidance from her if they are experiencing any of those things. I am in awe of her inner strength, can’t wait for more of these business trips for Archewell and Invictus. (I refuse to refer to them as tours, it’s just another way for the rota and BRF to latch onto and bash the Sussex’s)

    • Judy says:

      Well said Hypocrisy. Anyone with a bit of compassion has to feel protective of both Meghan and Harry. I am so tired of the continual bashing that little island continues to do to this day. Enough!! Stop with the hate campaign RF and BM!!

    • CreoleTomato says:

      @Hypocrisy -That was beautiful. The hate is smothering our humanity.

    • Jasper says:

      So, so very true.

    • Carrie says:

      Very, very well said @Hypocrisy. Thank you.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    The visit was great and Meghan looked fabulous.

  7. Criti Calthinking says:

    After seeing coverage of this tour, the Nigerian tour, learning more about the Invictus Games (after the ESPN drama) and visiting their Archewell website, where they do other good work that doesn’t get publicity, calling them royalty seems too small and limiting. Yes, technically they are royalty but more so, they are international philanthropists. Philanthropy isn’t always just about giving a monetary donation. Sometimes it’s about using your personal/social capital to bring awareness to causes, people and organizations doing good work. This is what Harry and Meghan are really about, not their genetic/marital attachment to pomp and pageantry.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Criti Calthinking, I agree. H&M have been very good at getting the focus on the charities and projects that help so many people. When people are aware of, e.g., Chef Jose and all that he does it results in more donations for his organization.

      I have hope now that there will be strategies to end the online bullying and hate. The more people working on that the better it will be for all of us.

    • aftershocks says:

      Oh for sure, Harry & Meghan will always be royal, but first and foremost they are philanthropists and caring humanitarians. I disagree in part with the recent WordPress article linked in a different thread in which the unidentified author tried to characterize H&M as ‘soft power influencers for the U.S.’ That would only be true in connection with the U.K., if H&M were still senior royals repping the monarchy and the British government. It is most definitely the monarchy’s and the entire U.K.’s loss that H&M were bullied to the point where they had to leave in order to protect their children and their sanity.

      As a caring, hardworking, purpose-driven couple with tremendous charisma, H&M are indeed an asset. But at this point, they are repping their own charitable organizations, not the U.S. government. The Sussexes are independent global ambassadors. As H&M testified many moons ago, #ServiceIsUniversal.

  8. Wagiman says:

    Honestly, I hope (and am pretty sure) her wardrobe choices will give these brands an even bigger boost. Especially the smaller brands she wore. Everything was stunning. Absolutely flawless.

    How she and Harry uplifts and adds to everything rather than taking, which is all the other mob do – that’s diplomacy.

  9. Tessa says:

    Love her outfit.

  10. Inge says:

    They are beaming in this pic and then yesterday the salsa & the kiss… love the Joy that others have mentioned!

  11. Neeve says:

    Am I right in thinking that this tour seems a little bit less coveraged than the Nigerian one? The press seem to be burying it,even with the usual suspects,maybe they are finally letting them get on with it .

    • Julia says:

      It’s because they didn’t have access so were left begging for scraps, interviewing taxi drivers or hairdressers. There were no scandals, even though the press tried to manufacture them. By the time they got the info from the pool reporters it was old news. Also the language barrier meant they couldn’t just take stuff from social media or local press like they would normally do. Therefore most of the reporting that got attention was factual. Having said that trip got a front page photo in at least one British newspaper every day of the trip (they are still obsessed, they just didn’t have access.)

    • Carrie says:

      Daily Fail had daily coverage – front page and multiple articles, some were even complimentary in parts!!!!!

      • kirk says:

        Is that the same DailyFail that Meghan sued? The DailyFail that dragged out Meghan’s lawsuit? Is that the DailyFail that Harry blames for the loss of their unborn child? The same DailyFail that lies daily? Why click on DailyFail with Nigerian publications available? DailyFail has never offered to pay me to click on their bilious barf. If they ever do offer to pay me, I might click on one of their garbage headlines, but only after assured confirmation of $$$$$$ receipt.

    • Barb Mill says:

      That trip had a BBC reporter and someone from People Mag. Misan Harriman was also there. I think a lot of the Nigerian squaddies also attended many events and were able to post stuff on x.

  12. Digital Unicorn says:

    Hahaha yeah I also thought Romancing the Stone when I saw which city – made me think of the alligator scene at the end. I can imagine Harry doing that for Meghan.

    They both looked engaged and happy to be there – another successful ‘tour’.

  13. BeyondTheFringe says:

    You are not alone in your fascination with Romancing the Stone–Xennial here and I. Was. Obsessed. I thought of it immediately when I read about H&M’s tour stops.

    Jack T. Colton/Michael Douglas was my first “man” crush, not boy crush, when I was young.

    Also, I quote him saying, “Lady, you are HELL AND GONE from Cartagena!!!” when we are lost or things are going badly lmao

  14. Harla says:

    I ordered the boater hat that Meghan wore, I hope that it looks as good on me as it does on her!

  15. one of the marys says:

    Fashion wise I have noticed on Instagram that ‘demure’ is being used to describe Meghan, it’s everywhere I go all of a sudden. Does anyone have any insight to that?

    • Smices says:

      Its from a TikTok that went viral. A makeup influencer described her makeup still as “very cutesy, very demure, very mindful.” It caught on and now everywhere you turn people are using those phrases in their descriptions.