Times: Prince Harry won’t be invited to his brother’s coronation, you guys

For the Windsors’ “big birthdays,” they usually organize authorized articles and interviews with their friends and advisors, all to describe how wonderful the birthday boy or birthday girl is. I’m still haunted by Princess Kate’s 40th birthday keenery in 2022, she went way overboard and it was like we got a glimpse at Kate’s juvenile quest to be seen as perfect, untouchable, brilliant and yet completely normal. Well, Prince Harry – a Virgo King – will turn 40 in September. Harry is obviously not part of the catastrophe that is the Windsor clan these days, but that didn’t stop Roya Nikkhah at the Sunday Times from writing a birthday piece about Harry. 80% of this piece is just Nikkhah regurgitating every stupid talking point from the British media, with bonus new quotes from people cut off from Harry years ago, including Prince William. Nikkhah did seem to speak to a couple of people who genuinely like Harry, but she drowns them out in her negativity and concludes the piece with: “As he prepares to turn 40, in his quest to stay relevant, Harry will hope his once captive audience doesn’t tune out.” My sister in royal gossip, you just devoted 10,000 words to someone you claim is barely relevant. Anyway, some highlights:

Harry at a crossroads: Those closest to him say he is at a crossroads. After laying his soul bare last year with Spare, the fastest-selling non-fiction book in history, he seems torn between battling old demons and getting on with his life. “All he does is spend time looking back,” says one former adviser to Harry. “If only he could wrench his neck around and look forwards.”

Harry is clearly yearning for something more: Some who have known him since his army days — the time in his life that seemed to give him his strongest sense of self, and inspired him to launch the Invictus Games for injured veterans in 2014 — think he is grappling with a key unanswered question: “What is the purpose of Prince Harry and what is Prince Harry’s purpose?”, as one of his former aides puts it. “He loved the army and was very good at his job. The work with Invictus is great and fatherhood was the role he most wanted, so perhaps those are enough for him. But everything else is a bit woolly. I always thought he wanted more from life. I can’t help but think he must be wondering, ‘Where do I go from here?’”

Why doesn’t Harry want to fall out of pubs anymore?? “I know how important it is for him to have a happy, settled family life, but you need to do more than that if you’re him,” says a source who has known Harry since his teenage years. “He has ended up isolated from his family and most of his old mates, in an environment where your friendships are not like the ones you forged as a young man. He used to love a night out in the pub and hanging out in the country with friends. Maybe he has grown into a different person, but do I think he’d really suit the Californian lifestyle? No. Now we’ve seen it all play out, what has that left him with? On the surface, an enviable lifestyle — but for the Harry I know, I can’t imagine that gilded exile in California is where he wanted to end up.”

How dare Harry tell his story & not let his family smear him: Many cannot forgive Harry’s decision to air the family laundry. After Spare was published, one of his closest friends, who has faithfully kept Harry’s secrets, told me, “I can’t believe he’d stoop so low. It’s outrageously disloyal. Oprah, Netflix and then the book? Three strikes and you’re out.” Another friend of William and Harry’s says, “Harry and Meghan could have left with dignity and decency and not trashed the institution. The conclusion is they’ve made money from trashing his family.”

Angry Harry: One of Harry’s oldest friends says they are among the few who get “the odd WhatsApp from him”, adding, “He’s an angry boy. Things haven’t turned out how he wanted. I think he misses being over here [in Britain] desperately and wants to be admired more. Anyone who knows him feels he’d rather be top of the pops here with everyone loving him, as they do with William and Kate.”

How King Charles treated Harry after QEII’s death: The Sussexes also understood they would be at Buckingham Palace on the eve of the funeral alongside the rest of the royal family, when Charles and Camilla hosted a reception for foreign heads of state. They were initially asked to the event but their invitations were later “rescinded”, with the Palace clarifying the event was for “working members of the royal family” only. A friend of Harry’s tells me this had difficult repercussions for the Duke of Sussex, who missed an important family briefing on the funeral as a result. “The King made some really bad decisions — it was conveyed that he didn’t want them there. For f***’s sake, this was a global reception for his grandmother, and as her grandson, he should have been there. There was a funeral briefing for the whole family at the palace just before the reception, which would have meant Harry and Meghan going to the briefing then having to leave the palace as all the guests were arriving and other family members were staying. So in the end, they didn’t go. The briefing notes didn’t arrive [via email] for them until around 11pm.” Such decisions understandably wounded Harry.

Charles might show up to the Invictus Games in 2027: One arena for a public rapprochement between father and son could be the Invictus Games, which is next staged in Canada in February and returns to the UK in 2027 in Birmingham. Some close to the King think he will want to support his son there. A friend of Charles says, “I think he would acknowledge it would be a good thing to go to. He would not want to look punitive.” Charles attended the inaugural Invictus Games in 2014 — as did William, who is not expected to go again.

LOL, Harry needs William?? The permafrost between heir and spare seems unlikely to thaw. A friend of both concedes, “I always said the brothers would be there for each other at the end of the day, and that’s been proven wrong so far.” Another close friend says, “Harry simply cannot do without his brother.” But William appears committed to making do without his sibling. For now, he has written Harry out of his script. The brothers are understood not to have spoken since the Queen’s funeral, when they “barely exchanged a word”, Harry wrote in Spare.

Willy won’t invite Harry to his coronation: In the aftermath of the King’s coronation last year, William let it be known that he wanted his own crowning to “look and feel different”. One difference could be the absence of Harry. Friends of William say that as things stand he would not want his brother at his coronation, whenever that time comes. One of the brothers’ closest friends says, “They are estranged, which is dreadfully sad.”

The Sussexes are not super-famous in LA? A friend and adviser to the royal family, who once worked closely with Harry, feels he has work to do to make his mark Stateside. “What they haven’t been able to do is create a public presence that’s respected and popular. I was in LA recently and was struck by how they’re not the topic of conversation. Everyone wanted to know about the King and Kate’s health. Harry and Meghan have dropped out of the conversation.”

[From The Times]

LMAO at so much of this – it’s not “here’s what’s really going on in Harry’s life,” it’s “here are a bunch of people who haven’t spoken to Harry in years, bitching about how he left them.” They (William) can barely conceal their seething rage that Harry isn’t their scapegoat, that they (William) can’t order him around and smear him at will. I think the purpose of this was not even “Harry’s turning 40” but rather “William still hates Harry and won’t invite him to his coronation!!!” The sh-t about the Sussexes not being the topic of conversation in LA… that’s because the Brits can’t shut up about Harry & Meghan and the Brits think that everyone else is obsessed with them too. They cannot comprehend the fact that most Americans treat the Sussexes like any other celebrity couple. It’s been over five years of this from the lunatic asylum masquerading as a national press and royal family.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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140 Responses to “Times: Prince Harry won’t be invited to his brother’s coronation, you guys”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Peg is the one looking back not forward. So harry should hang out in pubs now so he would see his friends. What a weird article. Peg is trying to stay relevant.

    • equality says:

      Ironic that the “friends” go on about looking back when they are the ones doing it. Most married people turning 40 and with children don’t spend all their time in pubs.

      • Inge says:

        The ones that like their wives…

      • SussexWatcher says:

        And well-adjusted 40 yos don’t even spend all their time pining for those pub years. They’ve moved on, grown up, and value different things. It’s so clear this is all from the jealous Other Brother because I seriously doubt even Harry’s old friends are this traumatized by him growing up and having a life. Pegs just can.not move on.

      • Dee(2) says:

        Yeah. There’s always someone in these articles talking about how much Harry has changed, and I’m sure he has. For the better. On the flip side of these people longing for, falling out of pubs Harry, we all know and have those friends and family members that have never progressed past that stage. And they think that we’re the ones that are not fun, or have changed in a negative way because we’re like why is this still the stuff that appeals to you? I enjoy a glass of wine on a rooftop deck like anyone else but I can’t tell you the last time I went to an actual club. My life has changed in the past two decades as it has for a lot of my friends and family. The only people that are longing for the past are the ones still in line at the club every weekend in their early 40s. Sounds like that’s where these people are.

      • Rnot says:

        Most people turning 40 have cut back on the drinking because you don’t bounce back from a night out like you used to. Once the hangovers start to last longer than the morning after, the appeal of excess fades. The people who are still able to drink like they’re in their 20s are the people who practice everyday. You almost have to have a drinking problem for the alcohol to drown out the damage at that age.

    • I’m sure Harry doesn’t give two f**ks. Harry is looking forwards not backwards like his idiot brother.

      • Drama llama says:

        Most people with little kids and being 40.. don’t want to be out or sore in the mornings cause little kids don’t do hang overs. Obviously this assumes they actually live with their kids and don’t have all the nannies all the time.

      • Kathleen says:

        Willy is hustling Charles into an early grave so that he can get his petty revenge on Harry. If the #Notmyking people have anything to say about, Willy may be counting his eggs before they are hatched.

    • Carol says:

      The Windsors are petty and cruel. Prince Harry’s treatment around his grandmother’s death and funeral was appalling. It’s a bad look for the toxic Royal Family. They just don’t know it or maybe they don’t care.

  2. chill says:

    The Windsors are just weird.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Not invited the coronation???

      Harry probably did not want to go anyway to a coronation that may not ever happen and this saves Harry the effort of having to RSVP his regrets!

      • Jais says:

        Right? Missing out on a boring and antiquated ceremony. Oh darn. It’ll be an added seat for some aristo who really cares.

      • Kelly says:

        I’m sure he has no interest in going to the coronation. What I’m more interested in is if he will be allowed to go to his father’s funeral, or if Egg will be petty enough to bar him from that.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        What coronation? Egg Head is doing his very best to prove the monarchy is needless. Chuckles proved long ago he isn’t fit to lead anything. The left-behind royals don’t even make good tourist attractions anymore, given they’re perpetually on holiday. Get rid of these cling-on royals, open the palaces/castles to the public and use the money to help Britians in need (no, Chuckle’s, you don’t get the cash–you’ve taken enough). End this archaic nonsense when this current fool of a king dies.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        This is all Peggy he’s the old friend and source he just can’t handle that Harry is doing extremely well and is very happy away from there. I’m sure Harry knows it his brother still feeding the racist hateful beast that is the Rota. Pegs person seems to be a lot like Trumps.. he can’t get over stuff, rants incessantly, thinks the world revolves around him and if stupid as f*ck. I really wish Meghan and Harry were petty enough to give the go ahead for the other 400+ pages along with Meghan’s memoir on the day before Peggys stolen hat day.

      • MelodyM says:

        Not invited to the coronation..so, Egg has decided his will be a small, private ceremony with no crowds? 🙂

      • Debbie says:

        I know right? The part about not being invited to some coronation that no one is thinking about is rather odd. I wonder, do the kids still say, “Don’t threaten me with a good time?” Because that’s what that is seriously.

  3. fishface says:

    As usual, all the old “a former friend”, “a former advisor” blah. Hell hath no fury like a journalist scorned.

  4. Where'sMyTiara says:

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, because clearly the Salty denziens of Salt Island need to hear things on repeat before they sink in:

    Diana told no lies when she said Harry would make the better King.
    Better than his father, better than his brother.

    Cluck, Huevo, and all their sycophantic courtiers and press loonies know this, too. They feel their inadequacy in comparison to him. It’s why they attack. It’s why they obsess. It’s why they can’t keep his name out of their mouths for even a second. They try to tie themselves to his charisma even as they attack him.

    The left behinds, press, courtiers and royals all, are a pile of unhinged hatewankers who need to get a damn grip, get some therapy, and move on.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    So I guess Chuck isn’t doing well, because Peggy is making out the guest list for his coronation already.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Huevo was making out his coronation plans before Lizzie was planted. The articles that kept coming out between the funeral and the Con-a-nation… that could only have come from KP… they were really trying to push for passing over Cluck. Huevo really thought he could make fetch happen. But then Huevo has always been a ninny.

    • Moondust says:

      He’s been talking about his coronation even before his father had his own. But when he was supposed to step up as Charles was diagnosed with cancer he just went AWOL.

      I have no doubt that he won’t invite his brother for his coronation. And guess what would be talked about most? Harry, his absence and not William’s coronation.

      • Christine says:

        This. Harry and his hanger are the only memorable thing about Chuck’s coronation. His absence will be the only memorable thing about William’s.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Then Chucky better be sleeping with one eye open…😳😉 @where’smytiara and @moondust

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Remember in 2017, Tim Pigott-Smith (in one of his last roles) played Charles III?
        Well they were right about the chaotic riots and the family scheming against him… “power hungry Kate” is a bit hilarious, day-to-day her ambitions have about the same strength as wet kleenex.


        “A speculative, fictional “what if” scenario based on the controversial play of the same name in which Prince Charles becomes King Charles III following the Queen’s death. His scandal-prone family schemes against him, as his controversial political decisions cause constitutional crisis and lead to chaotic riots and army in the streets. Some of the most shocking moments in the story include power-hungry Kate planning to take Charles down, Harry’s relationship with a black Republican girlfriend, Camilla slapping her stepson and the ghost of Charles’ late wife Princess Diana appearing to her children to give them counsel.”

    • I guess Peg saw how Chuckles handled his mother QEII so he is handling Chuckles with the same I don’t care about you attitude. Like father like son.

    • Gabby says:

      No Chuckles isn’t doing well. His face is deathly gray, and recent articles have pointedly said the cancer isn’t gone. I don’t think they expect him to beat it.

      I cannot believe the prospect of him attending the 2027 Invictus Games in B’ham is even being discussed. The Tooth Fairy is more likely to attend than Chuckles.

  6. Tessa says:

    Peg is the angry one. Harry is not longing to go back to the UK

    • Neeve says:

      Peg will look like an absolute FOOL if he doesnt invite his own brother. William has actually shown that unlike Charles he can be civil to Harry in public(the funeral walk about,Diana statue),when was Charles last seen engaging with Harry ?So i actually think he will invite him if only to stick it to him and appear Kingly.

  7. HeatherC says:

    William has written Harry out of his script? For William, Harry IS the script. He HAS to react to everything Harry does, says, or may do…. up to and including his attempts at a “beard war.” William at times seems paralyzed, waiting for Harry to do something so he can react to it. It’s very sad but it is ALL on William. And yeah, I can see him not inviting Harry to the coronation. Or even his father’s funeral.

    • Steph says:

      This makes me laugh bc nothing Harry has ever said in the past five years leads me to believe he wants anything to do with pegs. Harry may not be running to the press every five minutes about how much he hates his brother, but he does not like that man. At all. Hearing he won’t be expected at the coronation is probably a joy for him.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Nailed it. I think it would be a sad time for Harry if he wasn’t able to get that closure on his relationship w/ his dad that the funeral would provide… and I think William is that much of a vicious little bitca to deliberately deny his brother that closure.

      Charles likes to think he’s Machiavelli and play power games w/ Harry, even though he’s too stupid to realize that when you take away everything from your target, you take away any power to negotiate your target’s capitulation…

      Charles threw away his position as Paterfamilias to the Sussexes when he took their security and financial support while they were in Canada, and lost all hold on Harry forever when he demanded the return of the keys to Frogmore, without reimbursing them for the money they spent, which should have been spent by the Crown Estates to upgrade the dilapidated shithole cottage that was given to them. Because let’s be clear here. That was mostly Meghan’s money Charles stole in that transaction.

      William by contrast, holds no pretense to subtlety. William is the human equivalent of a brick through a plate glass window. He continue will use family events, even shared family grief, to attack Harry. William is not right in the head and is frankly a danger to the future of the monarchy, and more of the press need to be talking about that, both on Salt Island and beyond.

      • SURE says:

        @wheresmytiara When you travel from California to London and request a visit with your cancer stricken father and receive a “sorry no time” reply THEN that’s CLOSURE.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Not inviting Harry to his own father’s funeral will make William look terrible, not inviting him to his coronation will only make William look petty. And that cap will certainly fit perfectly.

      • Jais says:

        So while I agree that William not inviting Harry will look petty, I also think it’s kind of fine? They publicly don’t speak. The people paying attention know that William planted negative stories about Harry and Meghan and actively sent Jason Knauf to the courts to tank Meghan’s case against the DM. But even for the people out there who know the bare minimum, it’s clear they don’t talk or even like each other. So in that context, not inviting Harry makes sense. Idk, if he did invite Harry, wouldn’t it feel fake? I guess William as king is supposed to be magnanimous but that’s just not the case. William’s brand is petty and angry. Keeping it real and not inviting his brother who he hates seems logical. It’s William’s special hat day so he can invite who he wants😂

    • Becks1 says:

      Right?? Literally, when Harry was asked about William, he said his relationship was SPACE.

      that doesn’t sound like someone who is dying to get back into William’s good graces because he can’t function without him or whatever.

  8. Steph says:

    The part about Harry not being able to get on without pegs is fucking hilarious. He’s doing better than all of them put together.

  9. Lynwall says:

    I am sure there are friends in the UK that Harry misses.
    However, the documentary showed me that Harry had a friends and family circle outside the BRF and his aristocratic friends and I am sure he is still in contact with them..
    He has a job and I am sure he has made friends in Montecito.
    It is William who has a closed circle and would not be able to survive outside of it.
    Wishing Harry and Meghan continued joy and peace in their new life.

    • Julia says:

      Harry is a people person like his mother. Able to make friends wherever he goes. He’s better off without toxic friends who just want to hang out at the pub and go hunting and shooting. He is a family man now. I’m sorry he’s very happy in beautiful Montecito.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly, Lynwall. Plus, we know Harry still sees his true UK friends (the photos of him and a friend out biking).

      It’s hilarious that they really believe Harry is sad and desperate to return to his old life of holey shoes and clothes in plastic bins and playing third wheel to W&K while he does all the actual work. Harry, a man who has never looked more happy and healthy! A man who is living a fun, fabulous, meaningful, busy life in Montecito with the woman he adores and his beloved children. He’s never coming back, William. Move on.

    • Becks1 says:

      Harry seems to have many friends all over the world. I’m sure he is happy and social in California.

      and honestly – the part about how he should be falling out of pubs – I think Harry is beyond that but if he wants to go out and get drunk in Montecito, Santa Barbara or even LA……ummmm there are countless places where he can do that. Does this person think Harry is just spending his time locked up in his mansion?? Does this person not realize that celebrities go out in LA/etc ALL THE TIME and just because they aren’t papped doesnt mean its not happening?

  10. Tessa says:

    I guess roya wants harry to be in a time warp going to pubs. And not be a husband and father

    • Moniquep says:

      Well, we’ve seen how many of these talking heads, rota rats and so-called royal experts have called for Harry to dump his wife and children and come back to them. So yeah, this is what they want for him.

  11. girl_ninja says:

    Yawn. Meghan and Harry are living their best lives and the Windsor’s, especially Willy are living in the past, steeped in misery and anger.

  12. equality says:

    PH can’t get by without PW? He started and is continuing IG without PW’s input. He has several jobs and projects that don’t involve PW. HE isn’t the one putting out serious PR constantly about PW.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Every accusation is a confession. It’s the exact opposite – the Egg can’t get by without Harry. He always expected to have Harry as his sidekick and behind the curtain king and knows deep down he can’t manage on his own. Egg knows he’s not up to the actual task and would just prefer to be off pruning rose bushes. He still cannot believe Harry left him.

  13. Inge says:

    How many of these ‘former friends’ are actually W’s friends mostly?

    W’s the one still spotted in pubs.

    H has chosen a different life.

  14. Tessa says:

    So harry needs William more than his wife and children. These sycophantic writers are off the wall.

  15. kirk says:

    Since Royah Nikkah has studiously avoided using any names when supposedly attributing cherry-picked quotes to them, it’s safe to say that she’s merely talking to her former Britmedia 🤮 pals and quoting them since they’re the ones who are most upset that Harry no longer performs like a monkey for them. This American woman who is happy to have Meghan with her family back home, has this to say about Royal Nikkah and her ilk trying to make their mark Stateside: “What they haven’t been able to do is create a public presence that’s respected and popular.” Go home and cover Kitty & Klan, stupida.

  16. ShazBot says:

    It’s pretty weird that William wants to be the main character without actually doing anything that would make him the main character. And talking about the actual main character isn’t going to make you the main character.

  17. Wagiman says:

    There’s so much to be offended by in that screed but the ‘things haven’t turned out how he wanted’ and the ‘he’s an angry BOY’ was the most egregious. I thought. How pathetic. There’s only one angry boy and he’s the one who had bruises around his neck and hits people. We all know that’s no actual friend of any sort. Or if it is a former friend, we know why he’s former.

    The funniest bit was Harry needs his brother. Dream on!

    • Jais says:

      Ooh, yeah, that’s true. The angry boy is William. By far. Throwing his brother to the floor bc…he won’t leave his wife bc his brother says so? Omg. So listen, if my family ever treated me the way Harry’s has, yeah, I’d be angry about it in the moment but that doesn’t mean he’s angry all the time. I didn’t realize Harry was cut out of a family meeting when he was disinvited from that reception at the queens funeral. What a dickish move from Charles. The time has passed for Charles not to be seen as punitive. He’s punitive. But even with that, I don’t think Harry is wallowing in anger by any means. When I look at his life in montecito with his family, I don’t see a man struggling as nikkkah and her sources do🙄.

      • Wagiman says:

        Jais, it’s always projection! Every few months they run a Harry is disappointed in his life and angry. Where we know factually Willy is angry and Willy is disappointed in his life – they’ve said it a hundred times!

      • Jais says:

        Yes, it’s really true that if you switch the names and a few details, they could be writing about William.

      • Gabby says:

        I do like that Roya brought up Chuckles’ behavior surrounding QE2’s funeral. The uniform, the cipher and the unintiving to the reception. That was shitty fathering, even by Windsor standards.

        That won’t be an issue at KC3’s funeral, because no one cares. His funeral won’t have the significance or the guestlist that QE2’s had.

        And when it comes to Peg’s coronation, don’t make me laugh. Peg doesn’t even want to go to his own coronation. Even with his severely diminished capacity, he knows it’s meaningless.

  18. Maxine Branch says:

    To me this seems more like Harry has grown and moved on with his wife and kids and we no longer have access to him. The folks Harry chose to stay in contact with he does. Those he chose not to stay in contact with, he does not. Seems more like those folks talking are the folks he chose not to stay in contact with so their past relationship with him is what they reminisce about. This woman is an access driven gutter rat who makes sh*t up and will write anything she has to, to retain access. For those royalist being invited to a coronation means everything, for someone like Harry who was bought up around this foolishness, it does not mean as much. If you have a “space” relationship with your brother, what makes them think he would go to his coronation or expect to be invited. Harry walked away from the gilded cage and will not be going back.

  19. Jay says:

    IF the monarchy is still around and IF his brother even gets a coronation, then yes, I agree that William’s first act as king might be to shun his brother. Given the unpopularity of the royal family as a whole and the expensive, ridiculous disaster for Charles, I wonder if he’ll have the opportunity.

    I think this weird article about Harry may shed more light on the weirdness in this aristo circle that is close to William. They think that Harry must miss the “weekends in the country with friends” and “falling out of pubs” well into their forties because that is what is most important to them!

  20. JENNIFER says:

    William, who has been an absolute failure as Prince of Wales, already wants a job that will require him to actually work?
    We are going to hear how he wants to hire some to read government papers for him. I wonder what he will call him, since hiring a CEO, failed.

  21. Harla says:

    I realize that I haven’t finished my first cup of tea yet but, WTF? Harry’s desperate to return to the UK?? Harry would rather be falling out of a pub than be with his wife and children?? Harry wants to be admired more?? Other than being in the UK, this entire article could be written about William. Harry is happy, at peace and thriving in his life and home. Harry has chosen to live a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle and lastly, Harry is greatly admired for his work with Invictus, his work with mental health, and now his work supporting parents and children who’ve suffered from social media. I need to go finish my tea and see if this makes any more sense afterwards.

    • Jais says:

      He seemed pretty admired at the Espy awards. But no I don’t think Harry is craving admiration. Again, that’s projection. That’s William. Harry wants to be “top of the pops”? What does that even mean😂? It all comes across as if William really really wants Harry to envy him and want his life. And Harry just doesn’t.

      • Karmaflower says:


        Yesssss! “That’s Prince Freaking Harry!”runs on a loop of happiness in my head! Cam Heyward is such a kind human being and phenomenal NFL player (and yes I’m biased as a Pittsburgh native)! He gives so much back to our city that seeing him so surprised and joyous was fantastic! He deserved the WPMOY award and the surprise!!!

      • Karmaflower says:


        Top of the Pops is slang in the US for landing the #1 spot at the top of the Popular Music Charts. I think Willie & Charles chimed in on this one. That is from when Top 40 songs played on the radio every weekend from 40 to 1. Like 80’s and previous. Well before William’s life.

        They are so pathetic when projecting their tantrums over loss of control.

      • Jais says:

        Thank you @karmaflower. Okay, that’s funny. Top of the pops. So he wants to return to the uk so he can be top of the pops over there? That makes no sense. And yes it feels dated. Who says that nowadays?

      • Christine says:

        I loved the top 40 countdown when I was growing up! Does it really not exist anymore?

      • Gabby says:

        I suspect that Harry can sit on his back porch and watch the sun set over the Pacific and think. But what’s that compared to falling out of a pub in the cold rain?

  22. Tessa says:

    William may be like Edward 8 in his year as king. He ignored the daily paperwork or was slow getting to it. He vacationed. And was late for events. Though peg will be even worse imo.

    • Amy Bee says:

      And that’s why the press and Palace always say that Harry was supposed to be there to support William.

    • First comment says:

      I think you nailed it @Tessa. Everyone knows what a failure William is and that’s why the men in gray and the palace in general are mad at Harry for daring to refuse being the scapegoat for his brother.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Well, if William, Charles, and the Men in Grey hadn’t abused Harry, Hadn’t openly disapproved of and abused Harry’s wife, and threatened them repeatedly, Harry might have been the support Workshy Wanderdick needed,

        They did what they did, they let the press run with it, and these are the consequences: permanent estrangement. House of Windsor said they didn’t need Harry; they need to prove that now. Meanwhile everyone else is making popcorn to watch this self-induced palace sh-tshow unfold.

  23. Nora mcloughlin says:

    Don’t know if the excellent writer of this article is aware that the new advertisements completely frustrate the reader by obliterating the screen each time we touch the screen to scroll down.

  24. JanetDR says:

    I’m just so glad that Harry and Meghan are able to fulfill their goal of service without being restrained.

  25. Eurydice says:

    Lol, what is it that William can do for Harry? William can’t even manage himself.

  26. Lady Digby says:

    I think it is the height of bad taste for Will to be obsessing about his own Big Hat ceremony when his dad hasn’t completed treatment for cancer yet? I bet neither Chuckles nor Camzilla enjoyed reading The Sunday Times yesterday. He’s going to throw himself the biggest and bestest ceremony ever which the UK taxpayer gets to fund despite new UK government being so hard up, our OAPs are going to get a winter fuel payment from now on? How about William paying for his own Changing of the hat ceremony or get the likes of Desperate Beckham to bung donations to sit as close as possible to him on his big day??

  27. MsIam says:

    Roya Nikkha sounds like she’s been asleep for the past four years. It looks like she’s missed the whole life Harry and Meghan have created. And as far as what Harry will do next? It sounds like he’s pretty committed to fighting misinformation online and in the media, which I dont know, seems pretty relevant in this day and age. Meanwhile, William is busy growing his beard.

    • Julia says:

      What is Roya’s purpose? There are many people who would think that writing sycophantic articles about a hereditary monarchy is not a purposeful job!

    • First comment says:

      For the life of me, I can’t understand why there’s an article in Times about Harry’s 40 years birthday, five years after he left. I would have thought that they have much more serious issues to write about…what was the purpose of this article, apart from smearing Harry as usual and trying to convince everyone that he is miserable away from the institution?

  28. Amy Bee says:

    The real whiners are William and his friends. These people couldn’t imagine walking away from the Royal bubble and that’s why they believe Harry has no purpose. It’s the reason why the press and royalists and the Royal Family have deluded themselves into believing that Harry is unhappy and that he will return to the Royal fold one day.

  29. Monika says:

    This is called politeness. If you know somebody is sick you inquire how they are, does not matter who they are. Otherwise the BM and the royalist need to learn that neither Charlie, Willie or Kate nor Harry and Meghan are the center of the Universe. People have other things to talk about.

  30. Karmaflower says:

    Willie (as you ARE usually the palace insider source) talk about putting the horse before the cart! Your dad is going through cancer treatment and you are planning the guest list to your coronation? Isn’t that ghoulish–the man still has a pulse ffs!

    I don’t think your brother would be dancing with joy as HE would be mourning the loss of a parent who has died. Do you know what’s harder? 🤣 A joke because you have CLEARLY never been to see a therapist! 🤣

    Mourning the loss of a parent who is still alive yet so toxic you had to relocate thousands of miles away for your own sanity.

    Your father is still alive and treats your brother like garbage. He treated your mother like garbage. He may have eventually gotten a crown; he’s still a horse’s *ss. Oh hey–yet another thing you and Chuck have in comnon!

    If ever anyone needed therapy more than a coronation guest list… You are a horse’s a** standing behind a motionless cart, holding a party list that you tipped off the paps about. Smh it’s as if your father said no one can mistreat others in the family the way I do, and you stupidly replied, “Hold my pint, Pa.”

  31. Beana says:

    “He spends all his time looking back” – A bunch of FORMER staffers, lackeys, and brown-nosers who constantly seek relevance and money from that one time they had affixed their nose to a royal derriere

  32. Carrie says:

    The other brother and his wife will have ONE day, the day of his coronation when all eyes will be on them. After that it’s a lifetime of silly dress ups with decreasing relevance even to the Brits. What an awful life.

    • Anna says:

      They have created this awful life for themselves. None of us get a perfect life handed out, we work on ourselves, try to build something- career, skills, family life, deal with smaller or bigger issues. They have the biggest privilege there can be to have comfortable and successful life. Yes, there are many constraints but they can get the best of anything they need: education, learn languages, hire professionals to shape their charity work and PR – things most of us will never have or need to sacrifice a lot to get. And yet, they remain hateful, ignorant, and self-pitying.

  33. Proud Mary says:

    Nothing brings out the hate in William more than seeing Harry and Meghan on a successful trip, having a good time. Whatever, the coronation is one day. Not only that, if Harry isn’t there, that’s all your media will be talking about. There’s actually a part of me that’s hoping he won’t invite Harry. Hopefully that can end the speculations about a re-union between them and salt island can finally move on. Whom am I kidding?

  34. aquarius64 says:

    What an overgrown brat William is. He puts his insecurities out there and he’s not man enough to own these words. Does the UK really trust him with the red boxes when the time comes? William proved he can’t do the job with the FrankenPhoto scandal and the aftermath. He threw Kate under the bus when it first broke and using the cancer claim as a shield to stop further inquiries. I’m tired of institutions propping up useless men as leaders, finding out in the end that was a mistake.

  35. Giddy says:

    Harry won’t be invited? Oh no! 😂 Imagine missing the chance to see Peg swathed in ermine and wearing the crown. William needs to study Harry’s posture in those shots from TQ’s funeral. Harry carried himself with such gravitas that his grief was palpable. Charles and Will thought they were punishing Harry by not letting him wear his uniform, but in the shot above he looked like a Royal, and the rest of them ended up looking like his honor guard. Peg will never have Harry’s touch, his magic.

    • Thena says:

      Now I have an image of Harry queueing up with the public to view Charles’s lying-in-state, getting no special favors, and having ordinary people blasting his image all over social media while William is MIA in his new palace.

    • Karmaflower says:


      Here, Here!

      Well stated!

  36. lanne says:

    So more jabber about who “gets snubbed,” basically. The entire Windsor brand seems to be “I’m snubbing you! Pay attention to me so I can snub you some more! Why aren’t you paying attention to me snubbing you? Waaaahhhhh”

    Rinse and repeat. Someone ought to do a tally–how much of the future king’s public statements and media focused on his concrete plans for his reign? How much has focused on “I hate my brother?”

    I hate my brother is not a message–hasn’t been an effective message since Cain. How are his managers and babysitters not getting it? Do the really think Harry is coming back to “fix this?”

    I’m starting to wonder if Chuck begged Harry to come back to “contain his brother” on their last visit. No wonder they’re “bewildered” about Colombia. Every dirty trick they tried against the Sussexes has failed spectacularly, and they are left with a rage monster as a future king. Fun times ahead.

    • Eurydice says:

      Snubbing isn’t just a Windsor brand, it’s the whole point of the monarchy. The king is the top, everybody is his servant and one’s position in society is dictated by the king’s favor. If you’re snubbed, you’re invisible to society. Except, ooops, only a small number of people on the planet believe this anymore. It must be so frustrating – “We’ve erased you. Why aren’t you erased?!”

  37. Noor says:

    Nobody knows whether there will be a next King after Charles. If the monarchy is still around there may not be a coronation but a more European style of investiture of office.

    • Lady D says:

      One of their biggest draws of the royal family is the fact they do things the way they’ve been done for hundreds of years. Following tradition is what draws the bazillion tourists to them in the first place. How many of William’s supervisors will tell the king he has to do this? How many lords, sir’s and knights will demand he do this so they get their moment in the sun? Willie who thinks he can do what he wants, is going to be one surprised little king once he gets the throne. How much kompromat do the men in grey, certain reporters, his wife, and her family have on him? I think William is going to follow orders and do what he’s told by his masters for the length of his reign. Could have something to do with his constant temper. He reminds of a leaf blowing in the wind with no direction in mind whatsoever. Watching him be forced to get his sh*t together is going to be entertaining.

      • Proud Mary says:

        There’s no “bazillion” tourists that are coming there because of them. Versailles gets far more tourists and the French centuries ago separated their monarch’s head from his body.

  38. seaflower says:

    >>“William still hates Harry and won’t invite him to his coronation!!!”<<

    And scene: Harry cutting up the dance floor with a little salsa.

  39. Ohwell says:

    All these articles are one sided. They are from the rota rats who are the mouthpiece of the BRF. When will that family move on?!?!
    Their obsession with Harry is completely deranged!!

  40. Anonymous says:

    How petty the left- overs Windsors are? They were playing constantly games of “power”as soon as the queen died…I remember the whole 🎪 about the uniform Harry shouldn’t wear, the non invite of Meghan to Balmoral and now, the non -invite to the reception where they would arrange details for the funeral…the whole Rota was aware of the games they played and even roya admits that Harry was understandably feeling wounded.. but she can’t possibly understand why he doesn’t want to come back 🙄 …

  41. Lau says:

    “A friend and adviser to the royal family, who once worked closely with Harry”, nah that’s just William.

  42. Libra says:

    I have looked this up on every site that could help with no answer; how does King Charles end the monarchy with his death? (It is my belief that he knows W and K are not up to the job). Anyone know the process?

    • Rnot says:

      It would require the cooperation of parliament. The people with the power to do it fear the establishment more than they fear the general populace, for now. They’re not going to act unless the public is so stirred up that they’re worried about their own heads. It would require a lot of new laws and it would take power away from some very ruthless and connected people. So, it won’t happen until there’s a crisis. William will be like Edward VIII, he won’t create the crisis but he’ll make the status quo intolerable.

  43. Nanea says:

    It’s still funny to me, nearly five years after H&M&A left for Canada before settling in Montecito, that the Left-Behinds on Flyover Island haven’t found out that Montecito ≠ Downtown Los Angeles, but ~ 100 miles away.

    It’s also funny that they still have no idea that the Sussexes don’t need to advertise any of their or their guests’ moves to the British 🗑📰s.

    We know that at least one of Princess Diana’s sisters was in Montecito for the christening of Princess Lilibet Diana. We also know that Charles Spencer spent time with them. We know that Harry has been friends with Nacho and Delfina since his days spent as a third wheel. We know Meghan has friends from high school and uni, and that Harry has met them. Harry probably has friends from Eton who live in the US, and he may have friends from the time he spent in the US when he trained for becoming an Apache pilot.

    I feel we know more about the Sussexes than the RF and BM combined.

  44. Rnot says:

    This is just preemptive face-saving because he knows Harry wouldn’t come even if invited.

  45. SueinOrleans says:

    When and if William has a coronation the big story will be all about Harry and Meghan. Just as it was when Charles was crowned. Will they come? Where will they stay? Were they invited? If they come it will be – where were they seated? What did Meghan wear? Will they be on the balcony? Blah blah blah. If they don’t come it will be “Meghan steals the King’s thunder by lunching with friends”.

    • Anna says:

      “Meghan steals kings thunder by lunching with friends one week after coronation” – Meghan isn’t going to give them fuel on coronation day.

  46. wolfmamma says:

    You know the Brit press may very well be the most dysfunctional press on the planet. So vicious as well.

    Why are they even talking about this when Charles is still on the throne? Is Little Willie so full of hate for his brother that he can’t even think of anyone else?

    Is this supposed to be a stab at Harry? I mean – why would he want to go as it would definitely be life threatening !

    All so very sad. Queen Elizabeth must be watching with great grief – or tremendous relief at being well out of it. Maybe both.

    • sunnyside up says:

      This story designed as a dig at Harry actually makes William look bad. the BM are doing that all the time but I don’t think the readers of the Mail/Express/Sun actually notice it.

  47. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Huh? ” I was in LA recently and was struck by how they’re not the topic of conversation. Everyone wanted to know about the King and Kate’s health. Harry and Meghan have dropped out of the conversation.”

    What? Does anyone believe that King Snubby and Bone Idle are real topics of conversation? I suppose if this person who was in LA recently and he brought them up it might have been discussed. I can’t imagine it would be anything other than a very brief conversation. Why don’t these people understand that Americans simply don’t go around discussing the brf? The vast majority of approximately 340,000,000 people don’t care. At. All. H&M might be discussed if people are aware of their philanthropic projects.

    Is the bm’s identity so wrapped up with the brf that they are the ones who are trying to stay relevant?

    • tamsin says:

      “Is the bm’s identity so wrapped up with the brf that they are the ones who are trying to stay relevant?” @ Saucy&Sassy

      I think you’ve got it exactly. They see the whole world in the context of the royal family from under the racist rock they inhabit together. If the symbiotic relationship were not so destructive, it would be pathetic. The tabloid cult of smearing, destroying lives, and conducting personal vendettas permeates British press culture.

    • Lizzie says:

      After introducing him/herself as ‘Hi, I’m a Royal Reporter!!!’ People in LA already are up to date on Harry and Meghan, they certainly wouldn’t need to ask this tabloid writer.

    • Christine says:

      I live here, and have never had or overheard a conversation about William and Kate since they visited in 2011ish or that brief period of hilarity where Kate and the Willy Wonka Experience merged into the same story.

      Even the friends that know I’m always ready to throw down for Meghan and Harry aren’t asking about the left behinds.

      FFS, even QEII dying was more of a *shrug* than a conversation here.

    • Proud Mary says:

      If this were true, the question you have to ask is, why isn’t this article about the King and Kate?

  48. Lavendel says:

    It is always astonishing how convinced right-wing people are that families and systems are allowed to denigrate and incite individuals, but when the individual fights back, every single person in the system who was actively or passively involved in the denigration is the poor victim. This goes beyond clickbait and the greed for money. The daily song of the right-wing Erynnias

  49. Lizzie says:

    Is this person British and writing for a British tabloid? If so, why in the world would people in LA ask him/her about Harry or Meghan?

  50. therese says:

    I think because Harry leaves him alone, William is constantly dropping “I am the one shunning you, I hated you first” info. Because he’s so mature.

  51. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry has a brother in his life to whom he’s very close, and that’s Nacho Figueras.

    He was also practically giddy when talking about his life in America on the “Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” Asked what five words would best describe the rest of his life, Harry said: “freedom, happiness, clarity, space, love.”
    Note that he put freedom first.

  52. Cassie says:

    William lives a very sad life and I don’t think Harry will lose sleep over what he will or won’t be invited to in England .

    He is living a wonderful life with his own family .

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Yup. Because Harry doesn’t tie his happiness and purpose to the BRF anymore.

      And that’s exactly what they can’t stop crying/screaming/throwing up about.
      Everything the BRF has been doing to H&M through their courtiers and directly, everything the press has been doing to H&M… it’s all part of one, long, neverending Narcissistic Extinction Burst. Triangulation via the tabloids, et voila. Anyone who has had to close the door on an abusive family and walk away for their own safety/sanity has felt/gone through some version of what Haz is experiencing. Haz is a huge warrior for standing his ground, maintaining his boundaries, and protecting his own family. Props to him.

  53. L4Frimaire says:

    I don’t understand this framing of Harry looking back or missing his army days. He was out of the army for several years before he met Meghan. Once Meghan joined the family, they did everything they could to reduce their relevance and restrict their work. Most of Meghan’s patronages were outside the Royal umbrella and they actively sabotaged the Travelyst launch, which has only grown in partnerships since Harry left. They continually minimize what Harry currently does because despite all evidence to the contrary, Harry is doing well. They are sticking to the same tired narrative from 2019 because it makes the UK royals feel relevant. Also, they will never get over the Oprah interview . They complain about Netflix and Spare, but that sit down interview is what gut punched them.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Harry was out of the army for only one year prior to meeting Meg. And it is common knowledge that the royal cult had applied pressure on Harry to leave the military. Harry actually desired to leave the royal cult and make a career in the military. But he was guilt-tripped into retiring with the public excuse that he’d have to work a desk job as his next military career step which would be boring for him and would conflict with his royal duties.

      I believe Harry had a sit-down talk in 2015 with his grandmother, QE-II, and she convinced him to go along with courtiers’, Chuck’s, and Willy’s demands for him to retire from the military and not leave the royal cult. The Queen surely promised Harry that he would be given something important and meaningful to do besides going on tours because Willy refused to. That ‘something’ was the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust launched in 2016 after being developed by Sir Christopher Geidt with Harry’s input.

      The Queen later named Harry President of the Trust along with giving him the honorary title of Commonwealth Youth Ambassador. Jealous Willy was pissed. (Of course, by that point H&M were engaged and Meghan was named VP of the Trust). I think this simply shows that the Queen tried to do everything she could to show Harry he was loved and appreciated by her. But the others simply expected him to serve as a Spare. And you are right @L4frimaire, that the others did not like Meghan and they plotted against her and Harry from the beginning.

    • aftershocks says:

      I think it is important to recognize that the Queen was not part of the firm’s attempts to minimize H&M. The Queen gave Meghan two coveted patronages: The National Theatre (formerly The Royal Theatre), and the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Plus, due to her own passionate interests, Meghan chose, with the Queen’s full blessing, Smart Works, and The Mayhew (the worthy animal charity recommended by Meg’s dear friend, Oli Juste, who had looked after Guy when he was recuperating from surgery on his broken legs).

  54. Mel says:

    Anyone else notice how they keep referring to a 40yr old as a boy? They think grown men , who are working, family men should still be doing pub crawls ? For two irrelevant people they can’t seem to keep their names out of their mouth.

  55. Jais says:

    You know what? After thinking about it, I absolutely believe William is briefing that he won’t invite Harry but nah, you know what, I actually think he will. You know why? He’s gonna want every opportunity to lord over Harry and find little micro ways to snub him. So he’ll publicly invite Harry in a way that Harry can’t say no and then he’ll terrorize him with snubs over seating and whatever else he can think of. So yeah, that’s actually what I think will happen. The tabs will get more stories, William will think he’s really doing something while the rest of the world watches the sadism in horror and Harry ends up looking good yet again for enduring their bullshit.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Yes, I can just see that happening, I have often noticed the tabloids try to run ‘putting down Harry stories’ and they end up criticising either Kate or William by pointing out their unpleasant behaviour.

  56. MikeB says:

    Here we have a story constructed around the ramblings of 10+ unnamed sources who have had little or no contact with Harry for years, someone from his teenage years, someone from his army years, someone who used to be an adviser, none of which are in a position to be able to comment on Harry’s life and intentions with authority. The story just rehashes much that has already been written.

  57. Izzy says:

    OH NO.


  58. sammi says:

    I do not read the bull shit stuff from any of the media but I read your analysis.

    Just looking at the funeral photo and it still makes me laugh to see how Harry stands out head and shoulders above ‘his ‘entourage’ of ‘security’ guard minions.

    Bet Meghan and Harry are sighing with relief to not have to attend a Coronation and just the funeral mess again for Charlie boy.