Princess Kate & William did a ‘Nerf war’ in Norfolk with their three children

I tweeted something about this on Saturday, as dozens of well-sourced stories about the left-behind Windsors magically appeared during the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Colombian tour. The Windsors have been very quiet in recent months, minus the odd palace confirmation here and there. But as soon as the Sussexes were out and about, the Windsors were absolutely screaming “pay attention to meeeeee!” Even the Princess of Wales got involved in the need to offer “counterprogramming” to the Sussexes’ wildly successful Colombian tour. Apparently, Kate, Prince William and their three kids all attended a Nerf war in Norfolk two weekends ago.

The Royal family had a bit of a rumble last weekend as the Prince and Princess of Wales faced off against their children in a Nerf battle. Prince George, 11, Princes Charlotte, nine, and six-year-old Prince Louis joined in the festivities at the Gone Wild Festival at Holkham Hall, Norfolk for a high-intensity Nerf war with toy guns and smoke bombs.

Excitable and ‘unforgettable’ Louis ran around yelling ‘Nerf or nothing, let’s do this!’, according to Norfolk Nerf Parties boss Georgina Barron.

The Princess of Wales, who has been battling cancer, even ‘grabbed a Nerf gun, ran around, and played stuck in the mud with her kids’, Ms Barron added, noting that hosting the family was the ‘biggest honour’ and ‘unforgettable’.

Ms Barron said the royals, who were not photographed at the event, had wanted to enjoy a ‘wholesome family day like any other normal family’. Kensington Palace has been approached for comment.

The Gone Wild Festival caters to 640 children each day, but last weekend had a ‘very special VIP family’ join in the fun, Ms Barron said.

‘I was called to the production team’s office and told that a very special VIP family had requested to play Nerf wars,’ Ms Barron recalled. ‘The Prince and Princess of Wales, along with their three children, arrived with friends and family. They asked if we could provide a high-intensity, non-stop game of Nerf fun, and of course, Norfolk Nerf did what we do best.’

She says the Waleses, alongside her own family and members of the public, were running around the premise with Nerf guns and smoke bombs.

‘My sons Euan Barron, Jenson Barron, and Junior Barron had the ultimate honour of playing Nerf Wars with Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and the adorable Prince Louis,’ she said.

Shell Lancaster, who also attended last weekend’s festival, said she saw William and Kate help their children ‘go down the wall’. Ms Barron added that the Nerf warriors had ‘face paint on’ and all ‘charged around together’. They also played the children’s tag game stuck in the mud. She revealed the family had ‘requested no protocol’ and ‘just wanted a wholesome family day like any other normal family’.

The small business owner says it was a day ‘my boys will never forget’ and has offered her ‘coolest, kindest regards’ to the royals.

[From The Daily Mail]

Yeah, I believe that it happened, but I’m curious about the timing of the stories and I’m curious about why this information even came out. Usually, Will and Kate’s activities in Norfolk are shrouded in complete secrecy. We barely get confirmation of when they arrive at and leave their Norfolk country home, much less hear about their activities once they’re there. Also: if the point was to give us some assurances about Kate’s health these days, it’s odd that she can run around (literally) doing a Nerf war and yet she can’t Zoom with some charities from home, you know? But hey, I guess the British taxpayers are fine with this.

2023 photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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87 Responses to “Princess Kate & William did a ‘Nerf war’ in Norfolk with their three children”

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  1. equality says:

    So the big argument for the royals is that they help out tourism. How is it helping if they don’t bother to call attention to their activities? How nice for W&K that they only have to do the fun activities. Charles, as a cancer patient, at least pretends to work.

    • Denise says:

      Such a contrast to Megan and Harry who are out there doing the work, actually helping tourism of the countries they visit, speaking other languages…
      While these two play Nerf games and run around the countryside.
      It was never more clear that royal family supported the wrong son.

      • sunnyside up says:

        They had no choice, They couldn’t have H&M showing up W an K, William is the next King, whether we like it or not.

      • Kathleen says:

        This is such a clear attempt to overshadow H&M in Colombia, I will not comment further.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      Their lives have been all about one big fun thing to the next. They’ve always shirked work for the fun things. Why is this any different? They’ve got the next excuse in the world right now to avoid anything except that which they truly want to do.

    • Ok here we go again with Can’t battling cancer she doesn’t have! It truly shows just how jealous they are of Harry being in Colombia that they have to bring in the leftovers from their separate places to make an appearance. Wonder what dear Can’t will be receiving for making her appearance with Peg?

      • Slippers4life says:

        Honestly, my theory now is that she had been sick long before and was in the middle of treatment when it got too hard to hide with, you know, the peasants calling out bungled photo shop jobs and Kate MIA, etc., then, when the press really started to turn on them around the time she was both outed as the royal racist and the US media started ramping up the Rose Hanbury affair rumors, they chose that moment, when she was basically already headed towards recovery, to reveal the cancer so as to say, “see. Don’t you all feel bad? Kate has cancer so stop holding her accountable for her racism and holding William accountable for cheating and all of KP accountable for the terrible comms strategy.” They are exploiting cancer as a get out of jail free card. I believe she was sick awhile ago. I believe she is recovering now and they are pretending she’s in the thick of treatment. She’s not. I’m glad she’s better. Nobody deserves cancer. Also nobody deserves racism. Waiting for Omid Scobie’s show playing this out.

      • Wagiman says:

        She would never work if she was getting cancer treatment.. We only need to go back to her pregnancies to know that. I don’t believe cancer story at all, but that’s me.

  2. LRB says:

    British tax payer here… just to confirm I am not ok with this. If she is well enough to do this sort of activity then firstly I am pleased for her recovery, but secondly if she can do this she can do some work. The idea of endless holidays after 6 months off on sick leave is not ok. If she doesn’t return to work in September then I will be even more angry. Good days and bad days I totally get that – but for most of her charities they can afford her some flexibility, and if she is such an amazing patron ( or whatever) they will be delighted to accommodate her health needs. Unless of course it is sheer laziness.

    • Cj says:

      Yep also a British taxpayer and if anyone asked me about it, I’d be annoyed. Do some work or at least campaign that others with serious health issues should have no trouble getting a year off with full pay.

      But a decade of Tories has meant no one ever asks what people think of their money being spent on billionaires instead of kids whose only meal of the day might be their free school lunch. Hopefully Labour will take less of a knee to royalty but older generations have it pretty engrained that this family is special. (Fun fact: actually based on the Painted Ceiling history in Greenwich, they just have the ancestor who was Protestant and not married to a catholic who was plucked from 50-odd others who failed those 2 requirements to step in when an heir-less queen died. So special they can bite my shiny metal..)

      • Belinda says:

        This!!!!!! A billion times this!!!!!!! How CAN she (and the rest of the sycophantic royal worshipers) face themselves each day when children are literally malnourished, cold and desperate in Britain, and struggling so much?

        The sheer gall of this woman, with her smug, grinning face in the pictures that Kaiser posted, when I’m sure everyone there was middle class or richer, with the “Jolly hockey sticks” attitude, oh so carefully chosen outfits that probably cost a fortune, the posh SUVs just waiting to chauffeur the little darlings and their yummy mummies home?

        She then goes to a Nerf Day at Houghton Hall, and thinks that this is something that everyone will cheer about? How would anyone on a low income be able to afford it? How would they get there, for starters. Many ordinary people can’t even afford a clapped out old car. Let alone the entrance fee. And most parents who are poor, and working full time couldn’t get the time off work, because their meagre wages are needed for essentials, like rent, council tax, electricity etc.

        Children who grow up in poverty will never get their childhood back. They will never learn to swim, horse ride, ski, visit Stately homes etc. They will never go to Nerf days at beautiful historic grounds.

        And this woman just carries on with her privileged life, indulged, and indulging her children, and doesn’t care a flying f@$*.

        I live in a deprived South East coast town in the UK. Our Sports `centre has just closed, due to lack of funds. It was the one lifeline for so many children here, as it was subsidised, and had swimming, badminton, a gym, indoor football etc.

        The gap between rich and poor is now a chasm. And getting even more worse. And the Wales family just carry on without caring in the slightest.

    • Chloe says:

      That woman does not have cancer lol. She’s just took advantage of the surgery she had back in January to enjoy your taxpayer pounds without having to show her face in an official capacity. And win some sympathy points.

      • Lily says:

        She and the idiots who came up with this at least could look up what they saying. If she has cancer like they still saying she would not get preventative chemo, that treathmen goes to people who does not have cancer but are high risk getting it also it takes max 6 months and only when you are a lesser mortal. the whole thing is a lie to make her more popular and idiots fangirling over her

      • Convict says:

        @Chloe: I agree 100% and I’m betting that the truth will emerge eventually. If they were not royal, and just in public office, say, politicians, they would be facing criminal charges of defrauding the Commonwealth. They ought to be facing prison.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Also British and yeah, if she can go out and participate in ‘nerf wars’ with her kids then she’s fit enough to earn her keep.

      As keeps being said on this blog – the cancer narrative is clearly a cover for something else, and am beginning to doubt she even had cancer.

      • Lavendel says:

        I’m not a fan of Kate, but from a medical point of view, adjuvant chemotherapy is often used when a tumor is large or otherwise difficult to treat surgically. It is often done before a large, unfavorable tumor is removed. “Preventive” is actually not medically possible and is the wrong word. The reasons for the op in December are not known – it is conceivable that a tumor can only be removed after a year of adjuvant chemo. That happens more often. And hair loss only occurs with certain cancer drugs. So it could well take until the middle of next year. If at all. But the people of the UK really deserve a bit more transparency. And personally, I don’t believe a single word the right-wing media groups – no matter where – say.

      • Wagiman says:

        We’ve had all the internet ‘medical experts’ here. And I don’t like Kate but, sorry, such a give away.

        Remember when she was absolutely positively seen in TX? And all these new posters piled on to say their best friend /aunt /someone they once met in the coffee line had definitely seen her? That came straight from KP.

        KP loves keeping this fiction going. Kate gets to do fun stuff but can’t zoom a charity. Spare me the medical bs for someone who is sick, like her father in law.

    • Lady Esther says:

      But, guys! Nerf Wars brings her joy, working does not. It’s really that simple. She TOLD us that would be the case from now on, so there’s no surprise here about her choices…

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Can you imagine how aggressive Willy would be with Kate and his shooting at her with a Nerf Blaster? A mess. Hopefully the kiddos had fun.

    • Lau says:

      I can imagine him going full psycho like Dennis in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia when he’s been married for one day and already hates his wife and wants to get rid of her by any means. He gives off the same vibes.

      • Belinda says:

        Omg, yes!!!! I love that show! And the Royals are just like the gang in Always Sunny, except the gang have loyalty towards each other in a strange way, unlike the Windsors, who flat out hate each other and don’t make us laugh (just despair).

      • Lau says:

        Maybe Kate will do like Maureen Ponderosa (Dennis’ wife) and try to become a cat.

  4. Tessa says:

    Those look like old pictures George looks younger. Wholesome like any normal family the,article states. Over the top fawning prose. I doubt the keens are under the same roof.

    • Becks1 says:

      These are pictures from….maybe the day of service after the coronation last year? These aren’t from the nerf wars weekend.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Those are the same pictures they were showing us when Kittykat went missing. How can there be any debate that those pictures have nothing to do with this article. It’s just another made up story to compete with the couple who are actually doing serious work.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is a picture linked to the article that shows the kids kind of blurry holding nerf guns and there seems to be smoke too. Unless it’s been pulled, but she wasn’t in that photo.

      • FeedMeChips says:

        Why did this lady provide the full names of all of her children? That is not a normal or natural way to speak.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @FeedMe, 🎯

      • Becks1 says:

        @FeedMEChips I said below that I think that’s so her kids are now linked to the Wales children, so it can be a future claim to fame. “ohhhh, you’re Wilbur Barron, you played Nerf with Prince George!!!” (I didn’t look up his actual name, lol.)

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      lol, that would explain the reappearance of big blue.

    • anotherlily says:

      The pictures are from last summer when they took part in a Scouts event in Slough. That’s why they all have the scout neckerchief.

  5. Becks1 says:

    I feel like many of the stories that have come out about Kate over the last few months have a strong whiff of promotion among them. Here, we have the name of the company, the name of the owner, the location of the nerf games, and she even rattles off the name of her three children to make sure its in the press that her kids played with the Wales children. We had those weird stories back in March or whenever about Kate going chocolate shopping, and I feel like there were one or two other similar stories.

    So it seems the Waleses are very clearly giving permission for these companies/people to share this information to the press in the hopes of…..what? distracting from the Sussexes colombia tour because we have a story about nerf wars?

    also, lol at the family “requesting no protocol” but showing up in the production office with no advance warning with friends and family and probably skipped whatever line there was etc.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I wrote something almost identical below. And I just don’t get how this would even be safe, from a security standpoint. Show up with no warning? Doesn’t their security need to, you know, secure areas before royals just stroll in? And running around the premises with toy guns and smoke bombs and the general public? How could their security team even keep an eye on them? It all sounds fake as hell to me.

      • sunnyside up says:

        If nobody knows they are coming there won’t be any bombs planted. The same reason that Harry prefers to stay in an unnamed hotel when he comes back here. If he stayed at Buckingham Palace there could be gunmen in place when he leaves.

      • Convict says:

        That’s not how the security approaches it, it leaves too much to chance. Senior royals can’t just randomly turn up ANYWHERE, probably not even to their own properties. Security has to clear everyone. So when William goes out with his mates to a Swiss Ski Chalet, everyone who enters has to be checked. The venue has to be checked prior. When Charlotte wanted to use the bathroom at a pub, the police protection officer went in first to check that it was safe, then waited outside to bar anyone from entering.

        As for BP, it is guarded 24/7. Harry would be safer there.

    • Eurydice says:

      The Gone Wild Festival is a Bear Grylls company. He’s an ambassador for The Prince’s Trust and an OBE. So maybe that’s the connection?

    • Nic919 says:

      I think this is based on what was posted on social media from this Barron woman. The wording is identical to something I saw on Twitter over the weekend prior to this story coming out which was a screen cap of her post from somewhere else. There were also a few comments below hers.

      Is there a social media page for the Bear Grylls event? It might be from there.

      I am not sure if this article came from KP only because these comments contradict the Becky English story saying Kate won’t be doing any work even after the summer holiday.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m not sure this does contradict the English story though – Kate isn’t working, she’s just going to be a full time stay at home mom at this point who does things like this when she wants and forget working or doing anything for the taxpayer.

      • Nic919 says:

        I think the suggestion of her doing activities with the kids sits a bit different than actually running around with nerf guns. That said, there is really no excuse for not even having spoken to any cancer patient or anything related.

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    “it’s odd that she can run around (literally) doing a Nerf war and yet she can’t Zoom with some charities from home, you know?”
    Exactly 👏🏼🎯.. and these stories were a way to garner articles without having to actually to any work or make any appearances, they couldn’t let the Sussex’s be the only Royals in the tabloids and other media. This is beyond lazy. Oh and if she is having “Nerf wars” she can work and is perfectly fine.

  7. Tessa says:

    She is doing sports but could not participate in any work events. The wholesome normal family fun line sounds like an amusement park commercial.

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    Yeah, sure, Jan. The entire statement – including shouting out her kids with their first and last names (who does that?) – sounds like an advertisement for Norfolk Nerf. Unless there are photos, this is another chocolate shop outing – no proof but lots of free advertising for the company. I’m surprised she didn’t give her website address and company hours. *insert eyeroll*

    Also, how would this be at all safe and secure for the heirs to the throne? Running around with the general public, shooting projectiles at each other and firing off smoke bombs? Seems like it’d make them easy targets for actual harm.

    • equality says:

      Odd that none of the general public noticed. Her story would be more believable if she said W&K and extended family were the only ones there for the event.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        “No subject of the King in the UK has access to a smartphone camera” – the Rota, on behalf of the BRF

        This whole article is giving “Windsor Farm Store” vibes tbh. The photos not even from Nerf Wars some year past, but from a Scouts event? KP courtiers are as transparent as they are witless. Still on their same BS as they were in the spring. Absolutely nothing changed. This is only out there b/c every time Harry & Meghan do an event the palaces have to flounce like a bunch of desperate pickme girls.

      • Convict says:

        That’s a good point, it reads like PR. Even though the general public are barred from taking photos by the RPOs, they can’t be stopped from at least talking about it on SM. It doesn’t pass the pub test.

    • Convict says:

      It didn’t happen. Also, what person who has had serious abdominal surgery just over 6 months ago risks injury by engaging in such shenanigans?

  9. Maxine Branch says:

    No one really cares what those two or up to so they have to blast it out to pretend they are a normal family. Reeks of attention seeking to me.

    • Jais says:

      Right? My initial reaction is okay and and? Thanks for letting us know you played a nerf war with your kids. During your long vacation. Whilst tax-payer funded. Good for you.

    • The Duchess says:

      They are a deeply insecure couple if they have to make a big spectacle about taking their children to… Nerf Wars? My father used to take me and my siblings all the time to events like these so we could burn off energy and give my mother a break. Thousands of families do it every weekend just fine. W&K are so weird and it’s getting laughable at this point.

  10. Sam says:

    Nobody can tell me that the Brits don’t take photos when the Wales family is out and about (and what about tourists?). Complete nonsense. Or does the English population get threatened not to take photos of the tax-funded Wales or they’ll go to jail? Is England now the new Thailand?

    Btw this article only proves that Kate is already fit again or never that sick. Anyone who can do sports like her or sail (as has been reported many times) is definitely not as bad off as is being reported. Spreading lies like this is a slap in the face for all people who really have to and had to fight against cancer.

    • Nic919 says:

      In the past there have been instances of RPOs going up to people and asking them to delete photos despite the family being in a public area.

      • Convict says:

        That’s why the RPOs are police, so that they can have that power conferred. However, that is different from asking people who have paid for tickets to not take photos of their own children and encroaching on their privacy.

  11. ShazBot says:

    I don’t understand why they think a photo-less story like this would compete with the Colombia trip?

    • Unblinkered says:

      Because this was the best they could come up with?
      KM was probably hoping to kill two birds with one stone: steal focus from the Colombian trip and further hoodwink the public that she and W are still together.

      Another article in yesterday’s Sunday papers suggests Charles is withdrawing Andrew’s private security at Royal Lodge effective October. His police protection having been withdrawn some while ago.
      For this to be dredged up again, and if it’s true in the first place, may mean W has finally got his way and he and KM will move into Royal Lodge this year. It’s the only way they can maintain the appearance of living together. Andrew must have finally got somewhere more satisfactory to his ego

    • maisie says:

      seems odd that 600-odd people were there and not one photo. did they confiscate everyone’s phones? Unlikely at best.

      • Christine says:

        Can you imagine? There is nothing parents enjoy more than posting photos on the weekend of their kids doing whatever thrilling activity was planned. Please, do tell a group of overtired parents that they can’t even take pics of their own kids having fun because this bunch of lazies rolled up.

      • Convict says:

        Yeah, I don’t believe it. They can’t control everyone and not everyone is a monarchist. Don’t be fooled by the Daily Mail, lol. At best, most are indifferent, but they won’t be told what to do in a public place with their own children, especially not when they have paid for tickets.

  12. Miranda says:

    Setting aside the fact that this obviously suggests that Kate is doing well enough to resume at least some of her duties, and ignoring the over-the-top fawning, this is a genuinely cute story. Yes, there’s an air of self-promotion, but that’s a given when it comes to the BRF, and this is at least a soft, relatable approach. It’s too bad that they will doubtlessly cancel out the positivity by talking shit about Harry and Meghan in 3…2…1…

    As a sidenote, I had no idea “Nerf wars” were a thing, but it sounds like a blast!

  13. Wls198 says:

    Wasn’t this done around the same time as their Olympic commercial. I guess PW washed his charcoal beard off and she let her hair grow back a little and most of all don’t tell anyone we’re coming, no press and we won’t need security because we are just a normal family out having fun. Where is Snoop Dog when we need him?

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Pics or it didn’t happen. The piece sounds like an advertisement for the Nerf company rather than a scoop about the Waleses. Plus, is a cancer patient really running around in the sun? I have my doubts.

  15. Mairzy Doats says:

    It’s nice to hear that the kids apparently had fun, but it’s never good for children to grow up in an environment of secrecy, manipulation and lies. I feel bad for them.

    • Lia says:

      I am sure they will be just like their parents…

      • HeatherC says:

        And THAT is the tragedy of it all.

      • Christine says:

        Yeah, there’s no hope for those kids. People need to start getting used to this idea, because the likelihood of another Harry being born from Will and Kate is just wishful thinking.

      • Convict says:

        Well, look at how they are learning to throw their privilege in the struggling public’s faces? Backstage with TS, check. Royal box at Wimbledon, check. Not having to front up for the masses. Check. Holidays all year round, check. Grifting is being taught from a young age.

  16. First comment says:

    Did they go to Balmoral for hunting etc? It’s this time of the year, isn’t it?. Anyway, I could believe the whole thing for the children’s sake but I have a hard time imagining William and Kate together even for their children…propably, only one of them was with them and the nanny and they just included the other one to complete the image of the perfect family outing..

  17. aquarius64 says:

    Stunt stories like this is why the Kate doesn’t have cancer theory is still alive. If Kate is well enough to rip and run with her kids she is well enough to put in some work.

  18. LittlePenguin says:

    Ok just a question…. “It’s Nerf or Nothing” is their marketing phrase; and I’m to believe that Louis ran around yelling it? Do they have that many more Nerf ads running on tv? Also, those darts can hurt when you get shot (I have two sons, it’s happened to me) and Kan’t is healthy enough to do this? I call shenanigans

    • JPJ says:

      Thank you! I was going to comment the same thing, lol. It was all somewhat believable until they had the small child saying “it’s nerf or nothing, let’s do this “. I hope he got paid for that little endorsement.

  19. nic919 says:

    I don’t think this is a KP story only because it blows up the Becky English article from a few days ago where we were told that Kate might do some activities with her kids, she won’t be doing anything “work” related except maybe Rembrance Sunday. This DM article was taken from a social media post and copied basically verbatim. It contradicts the English story so I suspect this is some tabloid pushback with the hypocrisy of the situation.

  20. Gubbinal says:

    Poor Princess Char! They won’t get her a new sweater.

  21. kelleybelle says:

    Bull. The blue suit that Meghan wore in Colombia was more interesting. Kate looks awfully good for a “cancer patient.” What a bunch of liars.

  22. HeatherC says:

    Hiding behind the kids again. The ONLY reason for this, since they’re on “vacation” (are they ever off?) is the Sussexes. Because Harry and Meghan didn’t trot out their kiddos for the rabid media (because who the HELL takes their kids on a business trip? This was not a “royal tour,” Colombia was a business trip!!) the Pale Wailing Fails knew this was a way to get attention without actually doing anything.

  23. Kat says:

    ”Wholesome” I can’t explain why but I think this is a stupid word

  24. Saucy&Sassy says:

    If all else fails, bring out the kids.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Yep! That train is never late. ANd not sure if anyone else has noticed, but Kate appears to have been photoshopped in front of Will. They don’t get that close anymore. Her image looks to have been placed close to him … when she’s really not that close. Thoughts?

      • Julianna says:

        Yes. I certainly believe it’s photoshopped. Also, that video with Williams scruff beard was also cobbled and spliced together. It was really short so it was hard to tell if it was a complete AI of Kate. But there is an old video of Kate prior to her disappearing that is an AI video. They have been frauding their pictures and videos for a long time.

  25. Cottage Cat says:

    All we need to know is that the Windsors are finished. Middleton family taking the absolute p@ss now, on account of gathering enough on Diana’s elder son to sink a battleship…

    • Convict says:

      I don’t see the Middletons having that kind of power at all. William appears done with them. Will and Carole were arguing at Ascot, Zara was calming Carole down.

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    So, in Kate’s case, there are good days — when she can go to Wimbledon, run around a field with a Nerf gun and preen in a carriage — and bad days when she can’t even sit in front of a laptop doing a virtual event with a charity.


    • HuffnPuff says:

      Exactly. Every story that comes out contradicts their statements. It really raises suspicions. She probably had an illness at some point but is fine and is now milking it.

  27. L4Frimaire says:

    So this took place well over a week ago but only deciding now it’s newsworthy because…Stares directly at camera.

  28. Karry says:

    Wouldn’t it have been nice if they had invited a local community group. Meet some locals. They can do this without being photographed

  29. Convict says:

    They are shameless, shameful and ought to be ashamed, the end.

  30. Belinda says:

    Just a thought……could this be the new Middleton grift? Carole (shark face) Midds gets to use Kate and the youngest kiddo as “influencers” and a nice payout from them mentioning where ever they are?

    Restaurants, luxury holiday villas, Nerf Days, tennis clubs etc etc?

    Because I feel that whatever has gone down since Christmas, the Midd family have somehow negotiated (or blackmailed) Willy in some way, and this could be a lifelong grift, even if Kittykat doesn’t make it, Louis could be good for this “advertising for a long, long time.