Here are more photos of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in the last two days of their Colombian tour. These pics are from Cartagena (Saturday) and Cali (Sunday). The green-and-white dress is from Colombian designer Andrés Otalora. The white sleeveless shirt and patterned skirt are from Silvia Tcherassi. Meghan looked amazing throughout this whole tour, and I have to give a special mention to her hairstyles! Her hair looked completely amazing in that humidity. My hair would have frizzed up like crazy.
While in Cali, Harry and Meghan attended a women’s empowerment forum alongside VP Francia Marquez. Meghan once again addressed people in Spanish and this time there’s video! Not only that, but later on in the day, Harry and Meghan both spoke Spanish at the Festival Petronio Álvarez. Harry’s Spanish sounds okay to me – I’m sure Meghan coached him, and he’s probably influenced by all of the Spanish-speakers in California too. Currently, the haters are trying to say that Meghan only “memorized” her Spanish speeches – do you know how f–king difficult it would be to merely memorize (phonetically?) a speech in another language? Meghan is legitimately pretty fluent. Now, Harry memorized some of what he said in Spanish (which is why he basically only said two sentences). Basically, haters are mad that Meghan is bilingual and the current Prince of WALES can’t even bother to learn Welsh.
Harry and Meghan speaking Spanish at the Festival Petronio Álvarez ❤️#HarryandMeghaninColombia
— Dani (@ArchLiliHazMeg) August 19, 2024
MEGHAN SPEAKING IN SPANISH!!!!! #HarryandMeghaninColombia
— Dani (@ArchLiliHazMeg) August 18, 2024
Additionally: VP Marquez and her office are so pleased with the way this tour went. Marquez planned this so well (alongside the Sussexes’ office) and everything was handled beautifully.
Photos courtesy of Getty, Cover Images.
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle pose for a photo during their official visit to Bogota, Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Bogota, Colombia When: 16 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Colombian Vice President Francia Marquez and her husband Yerney Pinillo, Colombia, Valle del Cauca’s Governor Dilian Francisca Toro during the closing event of the Afro Women and Power forum in Cali, Colombia Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Colombian Vice President Francia Marquez, Yerney Pinillo, Valle del Cauca’s Governor Dilian Francisca Toro Where: Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia When: 19 Aug 2024 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Colombian Vice President Francia Marquez and her husband Yerney Pinillo, Colombia, Valle del Cauca’s Governor Dilian Francisca Toro during the closing event of the Afro Women and Power forum in Cali, Colombia Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Colombian Vice President Francia Marquez, Yerney Pinillo, Valle del Cauca’s Governor Dilian Francisca Toro Where: Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia When: 19 Aug 2024 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
So many candid shots, they look at each other with such love, respect and awe it is amazing to see. Truly #couplegoals to be with someone who inspires you and who you inspire.
Meghan would be any company’s choice for CEO, she plans, she preps, she LEARNS THE LANGUAGE. *looks directly into BBC camera* oh well
Meghan grew up in California where Spanish is a first language for many, many people. My son started learning it in kindergarten so I’m sure Meghan did as well. So much easier to learn as a kid rather than an adult!
Bean, that’s a good point. I’m sure that Archie and Lily are learning a lot of Spanish in preschool, so Harry’s probably getting exposed that way. Plus there’s Spanish-language media everywhere in CA, half the ads are bilingual. He’d have opportunities to practice conversational Spanish every time he leaves the house.
She is DEFINITELY fluent in Spanish. I have lived in Tx for 20 years, and can barely speak a few words. The haters can hate all they want, and say she memorized everything. One can not sit in an open session, with unknown questions, and regergitate memorized answers. Doesn’t work. Meghan is AWESOME!! She is amazing, and dhe has given the heir in england another reason to be unhappy. She’s showing him up without trying.
Can you imagine if Kate had said the word “Gracias” in a spanish country, she would get another standing ovation 🤣🤣🤣
That’s right, the thing with Meghan is that she’s always so well prepared.
Anyone who speaks even a little Spanish can tell from that video that Meghan does indeed speak it. That wasn’t rehearsed or memorized. AND she has a very nice accent.
Meghan was seen chatting with many Spanish speaking people during the 4 day visit. Did she also memorize answers to the questions and remarks she did not know they were going to ask her? Good Lord, derangers are as stupid as Trumpers.
I love love love all the looks from this trip on Meghan but that green dress is my favourite…I want to buy it RIGHT NOW! lol
That green dress is perfect! She looks glorious! She also stands tall although I know she’s petite.
The VP has awesome style too. I’ve been admiring her outfits.
I agree about that green dress…love it! I want it but what I really want is to look like Meghan in it!
I love this green dress. It is absolutely fabulous. And what a waste of money that the BRF didn’t even teach the royal kids another language. Kids in Africa learn up to 5 languages in school and these incredibly privileged and pampered people can’t be bothered to learn the skills they need for their actual (easy) “jobs”.
All over the internet, it says that William speaks five languages…including Welsh. LOLOLOLOL! He quite famously does not.
Huevo and Huesa can barely speak English credibly, let alone any other language! The Rota are claiming Huevo can speak five?!? That’s not a reach, that’s utter fanfiction on their part. He and his wife are only bilingual if you count speaking in racist epithets/tropes as a separate language. #SoVeryMuchARacistFamily
PH studied French at school, but said he didn’t remember much. PW surprisingly, studied Welch and even had a tutor supposedly.
@Equality – propaganda. He does not speak Welsh or we would have heard him do it.
@equality – I saw a video today of William reading a speech in French. It was so awful, you can’t imagine it. Anyone could read that speech better if they practiced a few times, even if they don’t know any French. What an absolute failure he is. There’s no way that he did ever speak French at all.
Maybe propaganda or maybe true that Charles attempted to have him learn it, but PW did like with the course to help him with the Duchy and ditched it or didn’t seriously study.
I believe PW was given instruction in Welsh. I do not believe he paid a lick of attention to any of his studies, however, nor do I believe he retained a single word of it, unless that word was “beer” and he was crying it out in a pub in Anglesey while skivving off his RAF duties.
PH would have been a harder working student. He likely would have retained more if he’d had more help with the dyslexia. Burns my cookies to this day that Charles deliberately withheld dyslexia treatment from Harry b/c he felt it would make William look better by comparison, meanwhile Randy Andy was ensuring Harry’s cousin Beatrice was getting all the help she needed for her own dyslexia.
Lol! Here is a better article on the subject.
“When The King made his eldest son The Prince of Wales shortly after his accession, a royal source told GB News William had begun learning Welsh…”
There is a large Colombian population also in the Washington D.C area. My children picked up Spanish when we lived there. It’s the fastest growing second language in certain parts of the U.S.
@Where’sMyTiara says:
“……… Burns my cookies to this day that Charles deliberately withheld dyslexia treatment from Harry…….”
JEBUS CHRISTUS! Again with the dyslexia nonsense!
Why are so many folks invested in this story? There is no evidence that H has dyslexia. In Spare he addresses every rumor there has ever been about him…….including his todger……and the fact that school was difficult for him because he deliberately chose not to retain anything he learned in school because, as he rationalized it, it involved use of one’s mind and he DID NOT WISH to use his mind because he would inevitably remember his mother and he could not deal with that.
FOR CHRISSAKES the man learned to fly an Apache helicopter. Can anyone of us on this post fly an Apache helicopter, even if we ATTEMPTED to take the course?
Because if dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading and, if, as you say, H wasnt afforded any treatment for it, then how do you account for all his achievements to date? (one can read all about his multi-varied achievements via sussexDOTcom.)
That clip of William butchering French was during their second visit to Canada. It was so awful to listen to and embarrassing because all the other politicians are much better in French because anyone with serious aspirations of being PM in Canada has to be bilingual. Children take French class in most schools in Canada and could have done better. But yes William gets to just be the future head of state of Canada and be so completely awful in French. It’s a joke.
It’s not as if the Wales had plenty of time in their day to do one hour of pratice per day. Also Welsh is available on Duolingo so they have literally no excuse other than their extreme laziness.
I genuinely find it shocking and insular that so many of the royals only speak one language. With all that access? It is wild.
Meanwhile, the other European royal families do learn multiple languages. 🙄
You would think that to be a global stateman you would need to know how to speak at least more than two languages but I guess that William really likes to think that everybody in the world is fluent in English. And if they’re not it just means that they are not interesting to him.
Especially since in most European countries, people speak at least 2 or more languages. It is taught in schools, kindergarden, due to migration background or because relocating within the EU is relatively easy and a lot of people spend a couple of years in another member State. Alas, the spearhead family of the Commonwealth of Nations?
The children were taught Spanish by their Nanny.
I love this tour. Meghan look beautiful as always. And I love her fashions choice.
It is a huge success and they packed so much into 4 days, and it was absolutely flawless. The photos just make me smile, they are bright and happy, every one is smiling. The dancing was the best, my heart is full I’m so happy for them.
There are so many languages in the Commonwealth the fact that William doesn’t bother to learn even Welsh as the PoW speaks to his arrogance.
Her hair really does look amazing. You couldn’t pay me to straighten my hair in that weather. It would be back to full on curls within minutes. I genuinely don’t understand how she maintained it. Incredible.
I’ve also been getting a kick out of the haters being mad that Meghan actually speaks Spanish.
That little girl wearing the glasses is all of us if we met Meghan. What a cutie 🥰
I love how the little girl just didn’t want to let go of Meghan’s hand the entire time. So cute.
She’s adorable! Children know.
I ordered the boater hat that Meghan’s wearing in the second to last photo! I’m a big summer hat wearer and am hoping that it looks as great on me as it does on her🤞🤞
I was trying to remember what that style of hat is.
Some deranger posted on Twitter “There she goes, pulling out that tired old Panama hat again”. Meghan is definitely partial to Panama hats and wears them frequently but this boater is a completely different style. .
Clearly the online critics are as stupid as they are mean.
I liked all of her outfits on this trip, especially the green dress, green is my favorite color.
Have to give props to Harry also, the two of them in matching off white outfit, you can tell that these guys have fun together.
Yeah, no. It’s pretty obvious that Meghan speaks Spanish and has not simply (phonetically!) memorized anything.
When people say shit like that and actually believe it, instead of knowing they’re lying through their teeth, it only tells me they don’t speak another language or have ever tried to memorize anything in a language they don’t speak. It’s freaking difficult! And you don’t get Meghan’s pronunciation unless you have learned the language, you can tell she’s working on what she’s saying. She’s not perfect, but she’s very good.
And even if Harry only learned a few sentences, his pronunciation was good. I’ve taught Spanish to English people, I know what it sounds like if they don’t work at it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been learning some Spanish as well considering he lives in California now.
He has Meghan to practice with and Nacho and Delfina.
I love that Harry and Meghan bring so much happy glamour ie “sparkle” wherever they go, whilst the left behinds just sulk in their damp castles growing moldy beards and cataracts. Meghan’s outfits were a gift to us fashion-lovers, she’s 43 going on 24, she looked FANTASTIC throughout.
I think I loved this trip maybe even more than the Nigerian one. Harry and Meghan look so relaxed and happy together, and gorgeous individually! Harry was in his element, and looking like a GQ model in everything that he wore. Happily dancing away.
Then there’s Meghan’s comment on where she is mentally and emotionally on her journey, having been put through the wringer for the past 8yrs. I am extremely happy that she has chosen to handle her experience with such courage and grace.
I sincerely wish them continued growth in their life together as a beautiful family.
What a successful trip! I hope we continue to get these mini trips to various countries to connect and engage on the Archewell areas of focus and Invictus. I love learning about the countries, the initiatives, and (of course) seeing Harry and Meghan. Plus, if it makes certain eggheads on Salty Isle explode then it’s a win-win all around.
Meghan’s translating on the fly AND using idioms (mil gracias = a thousand thanks)! She’s clearly fluent. As for Harry, he does a respectable job, and at least doesn’t have that horrible accent when English-speakers try to pronounce Spanish words in English! Super impressed, and so much yes to that green dress!
Being able to say a few simple sentences in another language (or interpret a few simple sentences) is not being fluent, it’s having some basic (at most intermediate) language skills.
Meghan’s accent is pretty good, but there are a few grammar mistakes and you can tell she needs to think before speaking, which does not suggest advanced skills.
Before anyone jumps in, I’m not saying this to blast anyone or criticise her. I think it’s nice to hear Meghan try her best with her language skills, especially if it’s true she learned Spanish in Argentina 20 years ago (her accent sounds more Mexican though), but being fluent in a language requires a lot of effort and study, and at least in these videos it doesn’t look like she’s that proficient.
In comparison, Goop can speak very good Spanish – she also makes some mistakes, but she’s clearly fluent and able to handle full conversations, not only introductory sentences.
P.S. I’m native speaker and speak 5 languages fluently.
I think her Spanish seems pretty good, but she probably did lose some of her fluency after not living in a Spanish speaking country for 20 years.
The Mexican accent makes sense to me because if she has practiced her Spanish at all over the last few years, its more likely to be with people of Mexican descent in California than Argentinian descent. and we dont know who originally taught her, I’m assuming she had some basis of knowledge before going to Argentina but that doesn’t mean she was taught by Argentinians.
I do think people are mixing up proficient and fluent though. I think she seems fairly proficient, but is likely not fluent at this point in time. It’s also possible that she’s more nervous than she appears which would slow her down.
I’ll take our Spanish-speakers here at your words. But to me, it’s interesting that she made the effort and spoke without notecards or a teleprompter from “the heart”…meaning that yes, she made some errors, but she is speaking without having a prepared set of sentences.
The goal posts clearly move for her because if any of the left behinds had done the same (or spoken with notes/full written speeches), the press and sycophants would be exalting for their fluency in the language! Whereas they are likely either “proficient” as Meghan is here, or simply capable of reading words poorly (as we see with William on the rare occasions he does speak another language).
Fluent or proficient, either way, it was very cool to see and hear her speaking Spanish, even with some mistakes. It’s just so far and away from anything the Wales couple or Camilla does. I think Charles does speak some French? And some welsh?
I also think that people are mixing up language levels. My comments are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which includes these levels:
A1 (Beginner): Starting with a new language. Basic expressions and phrases related to personal information and daily routines.
A2 (Elementary): Progress beyond beginner level.
B1 (Intermediate): Comfortable with basic conversations. Can handle most situations while traveling or in work.
B2 (Upper Intermediate): More comfortable with complex conversations. Can express opinions and arguments.
C1 (Advanced): High level of proficiency. Close to native speaker level.
Based on these videos, it seems like Meghan is A2 or B1 at most, and that’s good enough if she’s not actively practising the language, don’t hear me wrong!
@palmasan I agreed with you more or less initially but now it definitely feels like moving the goal posts. She sounds more than elementary level, come on.
We might have different standards, but what she says is too little to judge her language level and to me (as a native speaker) she sounds B1 (intermediate) at most. Her pronunciation is good, but that doesn’t reflect her language proficiency. I would have been interested in listening to her conversation with the child in the school mentioned in another post.
Meghan’s Spanish was great for a non native speaker of Spanish. The more you use it the better you will get at it if any language is not your first language. Especially so if you travel and have to fall back on it during that time. I’m sure she was probably better on the final day of the trip as compared to coming off the plane on day one.
Also keep in mind speaking publicly is much different than a one on one interaction and so factoring that in I have to say she did an amazing job.
Well, Palmasan said elementary or low-intermediate. I could literally say every single thing Meghan said in Spanish, and I am very much on elementary level of Spanish. Now, Meghan is no doubt actually more fluent than me because I never lived in a Spanish-speaking country, but based just on what is demonstrated in these videos, Palmasan’s evaluation is on point.
Signed: Spanish learner and (other) language teacher who used to evaluate levels for a living.
@palmasan — you’re missing the point and getting all up into “language perfection”. The point being made is that Meghan made the effort to “converse” with the Colombians she met, not just repeat a few memorized talking points. Having lived in Mexico and having learned to speak Spanish there, they don’t care if you don’t speak it perfectly with text-book correct accent and idiom, they are flattered that you make the effort to communicate with them in their language, they see it as a sign of respect and being “simpatico”.
Well as a native speaker of French I can say that William is A0 because I could barely understand the French words he was trying to say.
Meghan was also speaking Spanish in public which adds pressure to things so her fluency in a smaller group without cameras is likely better. Translating on the spot is not something someone with elementary skills does.
She went to school in Cali and in was probably Mex/Americans that taught her . She then took an upgrade class in Spain to get her ready to go to Argentina and picked up parts of her accent there as they speak with an .italian twist
Her and Rick did a great scene in Class Action from Suits in Spanish
“Before anyone jumps in, I’m not saying to blast anyone or criticize her.” Then, this so-called native Spanish speaker proceeds to spout nonsense about the different kinds of Spanish there are, as if they expect Meghan to be fluent in them, and the different levels of fluency. Hah! Oh my God. Are you kidding me? I have more respect when such people are at least honest enough to gripe upfront instead of these thinly disguised half-arsed shots. The bottom line is some internet person criticizing someone who is making an effort to address others in their own tongues in their country, but some want to argue with that simply because their favorites can’t string a sentence together without notes.
@palmasan, Meghan didn’t learn Spanish whilst in Argentina. She learned the dialect. Meghan learned Spanish while growing up and furthered it with her International Studies major at Northwestern University. Speaking another language is part of any International Studies/Business degree. Northwestern University isn’t easy peasy. At all. We’re not talking about someone who supposedly graduated with an “Art History” degree. But, then, had to ask if Faberge Eggs are still made.
This is reminding me of all of the “people” coming out as medical experts/people claiming to be at medical conferences/blah blah blah, and Kate being at a hospital in Texas.
Goop almost certainly uses Spanish with certain staff members. I used to work for someone who did that to communicate with her gardener, contractors working on her place, stuff like that.
Way to go Meghan for speaking Spanish in Colombia! It’s clearly not her native tongue, she might not speak it regularly, and yet, she’s able to connect to Spanish speakers and she said more than a couple of words to do so. Let’s not criticize when people take time to make an effort, because perfect is the enemy of good is a huge obstacle in speaking a foreign language.
As a native English speaker who lives in a country where the language is not English, I can assure anyone here that language skills wax and wane. Palmasan is absolutely right purely in terms of how international language skills are assessed ( and keep in mind that you can have different levels depending on certain topics or areas of expertise). However, so what if Meghan’s Spanish either isn’t exactly native speaker level enough or her level might have gone down. She’s up there using Spanish n Colombia, and that is awesome!
@Debbie – 😉 😉 😉 So what I hear you saying is there are different levels of fluency in re: to deception, put-downs and self promotion?
A2 (Elementary): Basic gaslighting.
B1 (Intermediate): Basic gaslighting, coupled with proclaimed personal expertise intended to elevate oneself in order to shut down argument.
B2 (Upper Intermediate): Basic gaslighting, coupled with expanded role given to proclaimed personal expertise using laudatory words; gratuitous use of an unrelated example in order to “prove” you’re not really gaslighting anyone about your attempts to deliver a basic put-down.
This is nice, and so Diana.
Kudos to them.
Salty island will be mad, bewildered or whatever.
These two are two happy people doing what they like the most.
Harry and Meghan dancing. I can’t get enough of that video.
I was looking forward to the video of Meghan speaking in Spanish but the one of them dancing salsa was a most delightful surprise! They are GOOD!!!!
Harry is surprisingly good. He must have been practicing. It helps that they have such great chemistry with each other.
The salsa dancing was such a fun video! Such joy and love.
Can you share a link? I can’t find it. Thanks!
What an amazing tour! Props not only to H&M, but also to their team. Successful tours like Nigeria and Colombia are possible when you have competent people working with you (and competent people as the principles).
So H&M had 2 highly successful tours this summer and the “working” royals did…what exactly? William went to some soccer matches and Kate watched a tennis match…? What’s the likelihood of Charles forcing William to do a tour in 2025? Or do anything, really…
The highlight for me was Harry and Meghan dancing together. They looked so happy and I’m sure they’re pleased with how the trip turned out. It was a great success.
The fashion has been on point. Bold prints mixed in with monochromes. Meghan always dresses true to herself. VP Francis Marquez and her husband are equally cute and fashionable. They showcased Colombia beautifully 💛💙❤️
Both Harry and Meg are warm, empathic and love engaging with others as equals. Will and Kate were actually happy to be carried around in chairs by people on a royal tour in 2011? I mean how colonial, arrogant and elitist is that? Literally being carried by fellow human beings and looking down at everybody else?? Is that image symbolic of how arrogant and out of touch they are with they are with the modern world. We fund this lazy couple and actually carry them about which they consider to be their due as FK and FQ? Meg and Harry are down to earth and appreciated the generous hospitality and friendship shown to them by the Columbian people. Meeting people as equals and learning about a vibrant culture and responding to that beauty and positivity seems to beyond Royals FROZEN in the past.
The Other Brother and his wife running to get Nanny Maria to translate for them 😂😂😂
Meghan is fluent in French as well. She went to high school in Montreal. There’s a clip of her speaking with Justin Trudeau somewhere. I don’t know how her accent is, but she appears to have a gift for languages, so I’m sure it’s as good as her Spanish one.
I’ve never heard that she went to high school at any point in Montreal, but she lived in Canada for seven years and probably took trips to Montreal. In a recent interview, Variety or The Cut, I remember reading that she was working on her French using Duolingo.
You are confusing Meghan with Kamala who did spend a few years in Montreal. Meghan does speak a little French though as she took it in high school. I don’t think it’s at the same level as her Spanish though. Just going to throw it out there that the One World summit this year will be in Montreal in September so if Meghan does want to brush up on her French and fry a few more British brains it would be a cool event to attend!
Meghan didn’t go to school in Montreal. She learned French at high school in LA and said she’s using duolingo to learn the language now.
Yep, she went to Immaculate Heart, which got quite the bump in applications when Meghan married Harry. My niece was applying for high schools that year, and she and her friends were suddenly desperate to apply.
Yes, once you develop the neural pathways associated with language learning, adding more onto it becomes easier. It’s why I always encourage people to get their kids learning a second language, no matter what it is. And I think anyone, when going to a country for a visit, should learn a few words like please and thank you. It’s just a sign of respect.
French is easier for English speakers than Spanish thanks to Billy the Conq. According to Michel Thomas English is 60% French, just pronounced differently, mainly the longer words.
Thanks for the encouragement to learn French. I ordered a French language course for a school trip to France > 10 years ago. Had good intentions to learn too, but was trying to finish up other work to finish graduate degree. Our school courses in France were taught in English and had large contingents from UK and USA schools, so no pressure. Now seems like a good time to restart though.
Tho, Spanish pronunciation is easier than French.
This woman is so far out the league of the whole Windsor clan. They know it, while the can’t comprehend it. They are miles and miles behind her and will never catch up. Talk about soft diplomacy power. Even though I‘m not a royalist, she is perfect to be a royal that’s actually living up to the role. What a waste and how shortsighted, petty and stupid the salt islanders are.
She really is, Harry got lucky 😍
From our – outsiders’ – pov, it looks like these past four days have been a rousing success. Not only did the initiatives, like digital safety, find a wider audience, and Invictus was again able to present another facet — but everyone who hasn’t yet been to the region put it on their bucket list. Two birds, one… trip.
Very well done, Madam VP Francia Márquez Mina, and all the people who helped her see this through.
And this whole string of events showed us many more episodes of H&M in love, and as supportive partners.
Plus Meghan’s fashion, and Big Red’s too.
And it proved that the Derangers are but an, admittedly loud, minority — not lacking in imagination, but in compassion. Not grounded in reality, but in dire need of a huge patch of grass that they should touch. Lacking the hands-on experiences of being in a relationship, or being able to grow together, thrive together, and help each other. Instead their minds are clouded by anger, jealousy, envy, and rage.
Just like the Left-Behinds.
The Sussex trip really highlights there is still a reason to do visits like this. With both Nigeria and Columbia the Sussex trip highlighted the beauty and culture of these places and entices you to visit. Unfortunately western media only highlights the negative and visits like this can show the there is more to these countries than poverty and crime (which exists EVERYWHERE).
Perhaps if the Wales stopped using tours as tax funded vacations, highlighted the greatness of the countries they visit, and only went when they were invited their tours would be more successful and they wouldn’t get fired live on tv.
I remember listening to this podcast about Medellín a few years back. Fascinating. I don’t think a link will work, but it’s called Post-Narco Urbanism and it’s from 99pi.
We need more balanced and nuanced coverage of so many parts of the world that are often labeled as “dangerous.”
Folks, just a reminder it’s “Colombia”, not Columbia.
They’re so good at this. They look handsome, happy and engaged. And they’re doing things they care about and showcasing the places they visit.
I’m sure Columbia won’t be the last country they’re invited to.
She just glows more and more each time we see Meghan. And of course she’s bilingual. She was the UN ambassador people! Pretty sure that’s a job requirement. Unfortunate that speaking Welsh isn’t a job requirement for the Prince and Princess of Wales to collect their tax payers funded paycheck.
Meghan’s Spanish is like my Spanish lol. I understand and can speak it pretty well but it’s very rusty given I lived in Spain for two years nearly 15 years ago. I caught some of her mistakes but she speaks it pretty well and her accent seems pretty good (I’m not a native speaker though!). I’m impressed she’s remembered so much from her short time in Argentina. Pretty cool we have speaking Spanish in common!
I haven’t paid too much attention to this trip as I’ve been out and about catching up with friends the last few days but the little I’ve seen, it has seemed like a really fun trip for them both!
She speaks rioplatense castillian and much of her idioms is 100% Buenos Aires, as si her accent.
I have friends working in argentine embassies around the world and they’re all poliglots; there is a certain level required so Meghan, having worked at the US E. in Buenos Aires, definitely is fluent however I don’t know if she is 100% bilingual. You can hear how she tries to find the correct word and that means she is fluent because she can CHOOSE.
Anyway, the iliterate Windors can keep crying. They barely sound fluent in English.
Sorry, native speaker and linguist here – that accent is not Argentinian, sounds more like Mexican. Where you can see her trying to find the correct word I see her doubting trying to remember the right word. She made a few grammar and vocabulary mistakes in a few simple sentences. All this to say that this is not being fluent in a language, and certainly not bilingual. Being fluent involves speaking smoothly, effectively and confidently in a range of topics without making obvious/many mistakes (that would be at least a B2 level in Spanish, which is advanced intermediate). Saying a few simple opening sentences just indicates a basic language level (equivalent to A2).
@palmasan the poster you are responding to is from Argentina.
Quit trying to nitpick Meghan’s Spanish, Cee is from Argentina BTW. Furthermore, Meghan’s not there to show off perfect fluency, she’s there to spread the word about some great causes she and Harry care deeply about, and so, apparently, do the Colombians who couldn’t give a hoot about how skilled a Spanish speaker she is or isn’t.
@palmasan. Meghan took the initiative to speak in Spanish which most of us admire. You are missing the point continually posting about the quality of her Spanish. Enough already
Jules, some people are determined to tear her down and call her out at every opportunity. I’ve never seen her claim to be fluent.
Everyone’s an expert on the internet.
Every time I see the Sussexes in public appearances I think about how the British monarchy could have lived to see another generation of relevancy, if only they were not so petty. Meghan with Harry would have been SUCH A GIFT to the UK. But that family couldn’t stand anyone shining brighter than them. Too bad. Their loss.
At the African women’s power forum, Meghan said she was entering her chapter of Joy. The Colombian tour seemed to be a joyful tour and full of celebration. It really highlighted some great things happening in Colombia in education in areas related to Harry and Meghan’s work. They had programs and ideas to offer, and weren’t there just to “listen and learn.” There was such good synchronicity between Colombian initiatives and the Sussexes’ projects. Kamala Harris and Wallz also talked about bringing back the joy. Hopefully there will be a gradual change in the zeitgeist of the US. After a quick reading of Francia Marquez’s bio and resume, she and Meghan have a lot in common. No wonder they seem to have become friends during the four days.
Meghan’s beautiful voice sounds even more beautiful in Spanish, if that’s possible! This couple was born for this role, and if the racist BRF and media hadn’t pushed them out, look what they could have accomplished for that country! They do soft diplomacy with the expertise of diplomats who have trained for years, and it’s authentic and effortless with them. What a lovely visit!
What I love most about this is the contrast. How Harry has been embraced by BIPoC in their spaces whereas Meghan was not accepted in his. I love that they are both receiving the love that they deserved when they were in the BRF. Colombia has been on my bucketlist for over 10 years. I hoping to make it there next year at some point.
Meghan is such a delight.
They both looked so joyful and I love that for them. They are dragged in the British press on a daily basis, but they are unbothered. They’re in their “screw the haters”era and I love to see it.
This message is for all the UK people on this site who watch Harry and Meghan.. As a American who like them and watch what they do what we see on the American media/TV is not what you see in Britain. We do not see daily news about them unless it something important or news worthy in the celebrity realm. I did see the first initial visit on the main morning news show when they first arrived in Colombia but after that nothing. Later on that evening they were on ET Tonight. We don’t get bombarded by daily hate like you guys do. Some of the racist misogynistic stuff you see on your talks shows and newspapers people would be fired in this country if they said it here. Sure people can write opinion pieces but you do not see it here like you would in the UK. The most negative news I ‘ve ever heard was on Fox news what we consider a right wing news channel but that’s not everyday like you guy hear over there. They are treated like every other high profile celebrity here on our news stations. I am sure they are glad they live here and are not bombarded with the daily hate the UK news and tabloid put out.
Some of us Americans actually seek out news about Meghan and Harry, especially when we know they’re going on trips (not Britmedia). In the past, many of my own donations have aligned with Meghan’s priorities over the years. She has introduced me to new organizations and I’ve expanded my giving to include them. Back in the Suits days, she was great to follow for food and travel fun 😪, Colombian cheese bread sounds good…
They’re friggin’ FABULOUS!!!! LOVE THEM. Period.
Firstly – this huge debate on how or if Meghan is fluent. Does it matter? To me what matters is that she is trying to communicate in their language and is understood. Well done her. No need to argue about where her accent is from or just quite how good her Spanish is. The locals get the gist of her meaning and I am sure are delighted that she is speaking to them in their language.
Second – big shout out to the VP – her dress choices this whole trip have been absolutely on point, she looks totally amazing. I really hope this trip gets a more positive perception of Colombia of 2024 out to the world.
My sentiments exactly.
Exactly my POV. I don’t think she is fluent but she is making an effort. I am learning a language now and even to get to her level of speaking is not easy. I bet she dedicated time to refresh her skills and practice and this is what matters. W&K never even tried to say two sentences in a foreign language during their “we are gracing you with our presence” trips.
Another fabulous tour 😍 congrats team Sussex 🎈🎈🎈
I gasped when I saw the green dress (green and white print). It is absolutely lovely. I’m very interested if designers or fashion houses offer her designs. Meghan can afford it, but I would think designers would be clamoring for her to wear their designs. Also, kudos to Meg that she always seeks out and wears designs from the country she is visiting. Just lovely. I am left with a good feeling about this trip, and think about going to Columbia and brushing up on my Spanish. Rather getting a shovel and digging it up.
This went so well and Colombia set the standard so high for the next country to have them 👏🏾 then the rock star treatment on the last day
I’m bemused by the debate over Meghan’s fluency. I understand why language teachers might quibble over levels of proficiency, but come on, how many royals or even plain old celebrities have you seen even try to make people feel as ease as Meghan does? She uses language like she uses other soft skills to forge connections, and she’s really good at it.
Her clothes are another way she forms bonds. She doesn’t cosplay flags — instead she uses designers with connections to the countries she visits, and puts together outfits that are chic but not off-putting. Her clothes are comfortable enough to walk across a stage and reposition a fan … or to salsa … or to hug a child.
England, you could have benefited from this woman’s warmth and polish, but you made a big mistake — huge.
One more thought: Could you imagine William being secure enough to ask for Kate’s translation help on stage? (Not that she’d be able to help …)
I think that’s a good point about her clothes. They’re not offputting and super formal (I mean coatdresses, really, Kate?) Her outfits are generally speaking outfits that any “normal” person might wear for a big business event, a polo outing (lol), a business meeting, dinner with friends – depending on the occasion. Of course her clothes are pricier than mine and I think she has great style and wears clothes well, but I also think generally speaking her clothes don’t wear her and they aren’t designed to make her STAND OUT and be visible so that people know she’s “above” them.
With QEII that kind of made sense – she was smaller, and by the time she became known for the super bright coats etc (which wasn’t her entire career) she had been on the throne for decades and people did want to see her. Kate following the same idea just comes across as a little……well, narcissistic, I guess. She doesn’t need to wear a coat dress for people to spot her in the crowd. It seems like another way to draw a line between the royals and the peasants, and Meghan does not do that.
I think she looked great on this trip. She did some subtle shifts that really stood out. That more tailored navy halter suit looked really good on her and very polished. She looks really good in crisp tailored styles even if it’s not her automatic go to. Should wear those more. She wore some familiar designers and silhouettes but added some much needed color. That blue dress and green print looked so good on her. The neutrals she did wear looked very suitable for the climate and occasion, and were more fitted. Loved the black Joanna Ortiz skirt and crop top. The slouchy rust outfit bothered some ( looking at you Tom and Lorenzo, who nitpick everything she wears, even though they managed a compliment or two this time), but I actually liked it and she’s done the tone on tone before. She was definitely more relaxed on this trip and more confident in her style. You could tell she became more comfortable with her Spanish as well. When you don’t speak it everyday but are again immersed in it, you pick a lot back up fairly quickly. Just a wonderful trip for Archewell and the team did an amazing job.
It’s kind of funny because if we use the whole “looking for words” as a sign that the person only has elementary language skills, it does not say much about kate who does the same when speaking in English.
Speaking is the ability that first goes when one does not uses it everyday. I am an English teacher, not native, and I struggle for some words when in a sudden situation. I bet Meghan practices, listens and reads, but translating and in public out of a sudden can make us hesitate looking for words that are otherwise easy. As a Spanish speaker and an English tracher, she’s got a 10. She did great and with a great accent, even my extrovert husband was amazed by her great and confident Spanish speaking in a public setting.
Damn. Meghan is so amazing. Mad respect. This woman is stunningly beautiful inside and out.
My impression is that royal women historically used to speak at least one additional language. I don’t believe reports that Kate speaks French, as we surely would have seen evidence by now. she probably speaks it about as well as Melania T does lol Meghan is truly out-princessing Kate at every turn.
What I love is that Meghan doesn’t have to downplay her gifts anymore . How much she had to pull back , even muting the colours she picked to wear , and kept several paces behind so that Kate , the Queen and Camilla would be front and centre . Well she is out of the shadows now and doesn’t need to hide . Just by being herself she outshines the lot of them . How Diana would have adored her .
Those people has never been to California. My kids are going to schools where they are teaching both in English and Spanish since kindergarten. And it’s a state where Spanish is spoken everywhere. Also M has a degree in international relations, it’s a must to learn a different language with that major.
They’re really desperate to make their left overs look good when in reality they all Suck!