Hillary Clinton mentioned Donald Trump & the DNC crowd chanted ‘Lock Him Up’

Hillary Clinton spoke at the Democratic National Convention on Night 1. Which shows you how stacked the DNC is with high-quality speakers and “fan favorites,” if you will. Like, if I was organizing this stuff, Hillary would have been a second or third night speaker. But I also understand why she was given a speaking slot on opening night. It was sort of a nostalgic night, with Hillary speaking and then President Biden’s big speech. You could also consider it the “happy warrior” night – the Clintons worked behind the scenes to support President Biden as the nominee, and then when he dropped out and endorsed Kamala Harris, the Clintons immediately phased all of their Biden support into supporting Harris.

Hillary’s speech was fantastic, although I think it’s interesting to point out that Hillary is basically the only major Democrat talking about how historic it would be to elect Kamala Harris as president. Hillary’s 2016 campaign leaned into her historic candidacy, the importance of being the first woman presidential nominee, etc. Kamala Harris isn’t doing that. Harris’s thing is… I am President Biden’s legacy, he was a bridge to me, I’m a tough prosecutor and pro-union. It’s interesting from a branding perspective. Here’s Hillary’s speech:

Hillary’s face when the crowd starts chanting “Lock Him Up” after she talked about Donald Trump’s felony convictions!!!

Hillary also appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night – he’s doing his show in Chicago this week.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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39 Responses to “Hillary Clinton mentioned Donald Trump & the DNC crowd chanted ‘Lock Him Up’”

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  1. Agnes says:

    Yes, that’s an interesting point about Hillary’s emphasis on “glass cielings” etc. Kamala is just like, “Whatever, I’m winning this regardless.” And she will.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Hillary was criticized for not mentioning her historic candidacy when she ran the first time. So in 2016, she leaned into the history. Now, she is criticized for doing that. Funny how women can never get it right. I’m happy she’s enjoying her life now. She’s liberated with no f’s to give.

      • seraphina says:


      • Kittenmom says:

        Hilary was looking fantastic last night. Retirement definitely agrees with her.

      • LarkspurLM says:

        Hillary was fantastic! Effervescent and encouraging! LFG!

        BTW – when the “movie version” of all this comes out, J. Smith-Cameron (Gerri from Succession) should be cast to play her.

      • lucy2 says:

        I hope she is enjoying her life. She was right about him, right about everything, would have been a very good president, and I can’t imagine the frustration she must feel every freaking day. So I do hope she has peace and happiness in her life.

      • StarWonderful says:

        I loved Hillary’s speech! The crowd loved her too!

      • ollliesmom says:

        LarkspurLM –

        Yes! Perfect casting! Love Hillary. Love J. Smith-Cameron! Love Gerri Kellman!

        That would be a fantastic film. I hope that it gets made. But not a streaming. We’re talking big screen.

        Hillary looked luminous last night. Not many people can pull off that color, but with her skin and hair she looked gorgeous.

        Loved it when she let the crowd chant “lock him up” for a minute and that smile.

        I couldn’t even last until the end of Joe’s speech last night. I wanted to watch Colbert but it was going to be on too late after the local news.

      • MsDarcy says:

        When HRC lost the primary to Obama in 2008, she gave one of the best speeches of her life, and discussed the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling (the number of votes she received in the primaries). I loved how she brought it full circle last night, wearing white.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    When they low we go high is over and I’m loving it.

    • Flamingo says:

      All due respect to Michelle Obama. But I hated that saying. We don’t have to just go high. We have to fight back. And the energy and the speeches last night had me in tears. And the woman that spoke about being SA by her stepfather and impregnated at 12 years old. Just killed me. Because that’s the world the extreme right and Harrison Butker dream about. A sea of young, very young women pregnant and in servitude to men. With no options to better themselves and independence.

      We are not going back!!

    • lucy2 says:

      I completely understand why Michelle Obama took that approach, it served her well, and prevented the absolute freak out that would have happened if she’d hit back harder.
      But I too am glad we’ve moved past that, and fighting back.

    • Becks1 says:

      I’m loving it too.

      I understand why she said it, and I understand that in 2016, we thought by rising above Trump’s attacks, it would elevate the Dems.

      But that didn’t work, and I love that we have learned that taking the high road doesn’t get us where we need to be. It doesn’t mean we stoop to Trump’s level, but we can afford to be a little petty.

    • Flamingo says:

      @tealily you are absolutely right. I think my brain wouldn’t allow me to type it. Since it’s so upsetting.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    HRC killed her speech last night. Definitely one of her best, possibly second only to her Sojourner Truth “Keep Going” speech from the 2008 convention when she endorsed Obama. And she even managed to work “keep going” into this speech. If anybody knows about keep going, it’s this woman. I’m proud to have worked for her.

    • tealily says:

      Seriously! I’ve never thought of her as a great orator, but she had me in tears. And I think it WAS really important to have someone highlighting the importance of a woman being elected, and the impact of all the woman who have come before. Hillary was the right person to do that. I think, like most of us, I’ve been more focused on how much Kamala is just so clearly the right person for the job.

    • Flamingo says:

      Hillary is only 76 I hope she is bored of retirement. And when Kamala ascends to the Presidency. She makes her an offer to join her administration in some way. She looked and sounded amazing last night.

  4. Flowerlake says:

    There’s quite an age difference between both ladies. I think that’s partly why Clinton is focusing more on the ‘first woman’ part of it as she remembers the time from before the women’s movement in the 1960s/1970, while Harris grew up in the middle of that and all the new goals being set by women that were no longer unthinkable.

    Must have been nice for Clinton to hear the “lock him up”

    • Pam says:

      Agreed — this is an excellent observation!
      Plus, Flowerlake, I appreciate you naming them by surname. It is amazing to me that women are still referred to by first name, and men by last. With Hilary Clinton it made sense, because there are two famous Clintons in the family. But Harris is Harris. That how she’ll appear in the ballot.

      • Flowerlake says:

        Thank you, Pam.

        I did it on purpose. I make a point of calling Harris by her last name, but it’s harder with Clinton because of what you said.

        However, I saw this little clip of what seems to be a Donald supporter interviewing old white guys about who they would pick and he constantly called Donald by his last name and Harris by her first name.

        (It’s a funny clip otherwise. These old dudes do NOT give him the answers he wants. The last one especially goes off) 😀


    • tealily says:

      I think Kamala and Tim (this is how they have been branding themselves on the campaign trail, not meant as a sign of disrespect) have been handling the “lock him up” chants right, by bringing it back to the idea that we can trust the courts to do that. However, it was SUCH a different context chanting that to Hillary. I loved the little face she made. It must have been delicious for her! Not the high road exactly, but she didn’t even say a word!

      • Flamingo says:

        That’s the ‘go high’ part I respect. Hillary didn’t have to lean in and say yeah ‘lock him up’. The way Trump did about her. She just let it happen, and didn’t have to say a word about it. Then we fight back against the rest.

  5. Kimmy says:

    I got chills when they changed “Lock him up”

    How very poetic it is using his own words against him.

  6. Nanea says:

    Never forget:

    Hillary won the popular vote, getting nearly 3 million more votes than the Felon, or about 2.1% more.

    The Felon really needs to be locked up, and the rest of his grifting family and those of his former staff who still stand by him too.

    We’re not going back.

  7. K says:

    Watched it from start to finish. LFG 💙💙💙

  8. ariel says:

    I’m still mad white supremacy/gop cheating mechanism robbed us of President Hillary Clinton.
    The electoral college is the only way the gop can win the presidency in our time.

    I was so thrilled at the ovation Hillary got. All the flowers, y’all. She would have been such a great president.
    Any many less people would have died from covid.
    (my mom died of it in May 2020, somewhere between 60-70k deaths in the USA in those first months).

    But anyway- Hillary’s speech was amazing- and i was thrilled at the reception the convention gave here.
    And there i was, again, crying during her speech.

    • H says:

      @Ariel I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy.

      I lost three friends during Covid, one a dear childhood friend who had lupus. When people ask me in my red state why I’m voting for Harris, I tell them about my friend and how I feel she would still be here with us if the Orange One had just acted rationally and on the side of science.

    • kit says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss, @ariel. When Kamala wins, I will remember your mother in my celebration.

  9. CLOVE says:

    It was a great speech! I was thrilled, and it took me back to when she was running. Listening to the commentators last night, I didn’t know that Kamala would have dinners with Hillary, and she helped by suggesting Waltz.

  10. Lavendel says:

    This man thinks he can become president again with the bad jokes of a bad aging solo entertainer in a rundown establishment. Somewhere he said all we have to do is call her (Kamala Harris) a communist and call her crazy. That’s enough. Maybe it really is enough for some people but for everyone else this washed up entertainer is unacceptable. (I have nothing against comedians)

  11. Giddy says:

    The Democrats are bringing the joy, the happiness, and the hope that we have been missing. I’m so effing tired of Trump saying that we are a failing nation. The only faillure my country has had was in ever allowing that madman to enter the White House. I hope Kamala wins in such numbers that Trump’s crooked election supervisors and his tainted Supreme Court can’t throw the election.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      @Giddy spot on with that failure, which will be in history forever. Exactly the correct and welcome moment for joy, normalcy and being in skilled, intelligent hands. As for the entire communism schtick, he and his MAGA supporters were all “we love communism” when Dump was sucking up to Putin. I was very surprised then, growing up in the atmosphere of how bad it is. But, long story long, I love Hillary and such a great speech. She also looks gorgeous and happy.

  12. imara219 says:

    I know the line-up was criticized in some circles because it seems geared towards an older Democratic crowd with a heavy emphasis on establishment people. I hope my party is making moves to highlight more than the same-ole same-ole and pull in younger Democratic voters’ interest.

    • tealily says:

      To me, it came off as a passing-of-the-torch kind of event. The old guard, but also some fresh faces getting a platform, and a very unified message about how far we’ve come, and how Kamala Harris is the right person to take us forward from here. I do think it’s important to highlight just how much of the party is supportive of her. Quash any speculation about Joe having sour grapes, etc.

  13. Normades says:

    Hillary killed it! The crowd gave her the love she deserves. I am loving watching the DNC. All the speeches have been amazing!