Donald Trump: JD Vance & I are not weird, ‘I think we’re extremely normal people’

Again: the “weird” label is the most effective attack line the Democratic Party has had in years. We’ve tried to tell people that Donald Trump and his MAGA cult are dangerous white supremacists and lunatic fascists. While all of that is true, it really hasn’t gotten under their skin. They know they’re dangerous extremists and it’s a feature, not a bug. But calling Trump and JD Vance “weird” has done something else: it’s hurt their little baby feelings and they have no idea how to respond. Donald Trump once again got in his feelings about being called weird on Monday, telling reporters: “You can see it a little bit by this whack job [referencing Tim Walz]. He said we’re weird, that J.D. and I are weird. I think we’re extremely normal people. Like you, exactly like … He’s weird.”

We’re in the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” phase of Republican messaging. Dark orange clown makeup dripping down his face, the 34-count convicted felon and adjudicated rapist stammers “I’m extremely normal, they’re the weird ones.”

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is particularly focused on the DNC in Chicago this week. The first night of the DNC saw a full arena and great optics, and I would imagine that the DNC will get great ratings across cable news and whichever networks are covering it live. According to Rolling Stone’s sources, Trump has been fixated on Kamala Harris’s ratings and the DNC’s ratings in general. He sees ratings as an indicator of national popularity. Rolling Stone also spoke to the Harris-Walz team and they said “yes of course,” they will troll Trump if they get a higher viewership than the RNC.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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45 Responses to “Donald Trump: JD Vance & I are not weird, ‘I think we’re extremely normal people’”

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  1. Indica says:

    “He’s not weird” he says with the makeup running, the faux bandage cupping his ear, and the constant messes in his pants. If that’s normal in his world… yikes.

  2. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    “We’re in the ‘I’m rubber, you’re glue’ phase of Republican messaging.” Lol. Thank you, Kaiser. Their weirdness makes me cringe. Just the facts.

  3. Big crybaby doesn’t like being called weird. I have news for him weird is the nicest thing people call him because I can think of a whole lot of other true but not nice things to call him.

  4. Juls says:

    “I’m rubber, you’re glue” HAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant Kaiser. I’m loving this. He’s melting down, just like his spray tan, right in front of our eyes. I call him “cold boogers” because my favorite childhood insult was always ‘you think you’re hot snot but all you are is cold boogers’

    • Lexilla says:

      Yes! “Cold boogers on a paper plate.” First heard that in the Julie Brown classic, Vague. I miss her.

      • LizzieB says:

        As a kid, loved it too!
        “You think you’re hot snot on a silver platter, but you’re cold boogers on a paper plate.

  5. Flamingo says:

    I agree, Donald Trump is not weird. He should be given his proper title. He is a convicted felon. And a financial vampire that would drain the economy to fill his and his buddies’ pockets. And JD Vance is the equivalent of Renfield.

  6. Tursitops says:

    People who are severely impaired often refuse to admit that they are drunk (e.g. Rudy). People in a psychotic state deny that they are delusional. People who have had so much surgery that they are unrecognizable insist that lots of rest and drinking water are all that they do.

    You get my point?

  7. Jay says:

    And in our last story of the day, a Florida man called a press conference to complain about being called weird, stating that in fact it’s his opponents who are weird and are “whack jobs”. He’s extremely normal, he says.

  8. Kylli says:

    Didn’t he declare himself “stable genius”, how come he is now “extremely normal”. Math isn’t mathing, weirdo

  9. K says:

    He’s right. He’s not weird. He’s a decaying pile of Velveeta with a rap sheet and an ego as big as his ass with a moral character as nonexistent as his intellect. With a couch humper for a wingman. Nope no weird here.

  10. Oh come on. says:

    When you’re telling people you’re not weird, you’re totally winning 🤣

  11. pottymouth pup says:

    This has been resonating with Trump and his followers because they want to be feared. They saw libs raising the alarm to the danger they pose as exhilarating and empowering to them because, while we were raising the alarm Democrats kept playing by the rules and social/political norms they viewed that as us cowering in fear. They were so sure they could just bulldoze us. They cannot handle that we’ve pointed out that they’re just ridiculous school yard bullies, and we’ve finally gotten liberal leaders to push back on their idiotic conspiracy theories. It’s really hard for a bully to deal with the fact that their target has the confidence to just roll their eyes and keep on moving

    • lucy2 says:

      Excellent post

    • Midnight@theOasis says:

      Exactly right. It’s a generational thing. The old guard Dem leaders, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer still hold on to decorum and rules. But it’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight when you’re dealing with MAGA. VP Harris and her team are fighting fire with fire. No more cowering and trying to be polite. Hit them where it hurts…their little feelings.

    • Kitten says:

      Right. Authoritarians HATE to be mocked.

      • Mcmmom says:


        And for a long time, Democrats would also push back on any response that wasn’t a full fire alarm, saying that we weren’t taking the danger seriously enough if we weren’t screaming at the top of lungs that Trump was a threat to democracy. But all of that just fed Trump’s ego because, as Kaiser said, it was a feature, not a bug. It’s because it’s so damn serious that we have to use humor – it’s the only way anyone has broken the Trump fever dream.

    • Traveller says:

      Great comment. So very true!

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Becks1, I saw something someone posted on sm that stated that they had a professor who discussed facsism and stated (very seriously) that the way to deal with facists was to laugh at them. They don’t know how to handle it. That’s what needs to continue.

        I suggest that’s what the Canadians need to start doing NOW–sm is a great way to start that going.

    • Becks1 says:

      Great point. Trump saw the comments about him becoming a dictator as a sign of his strength, not as an insult or something dangerous. He wants to be a dictator. He wants to be Putin et al.

      Some people on here had concerns about the term “weird” thinking it downplayed their danger, but I think that’s part of why its been so effective. its about belittling them and boiling their talking points down to one very simple weird – WEIRD. And they hate that.

      I can’t help laughing though that hes like I’M NOT WEIRD, YOU’RE WEIRD!!!

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yes! Yes! Yes! All of this!

    • Juls says:

      All excellent points in this comment and those that responded to it. Just want to add, in one interview, Walz said ‘we’re not afraid of “weird” or something to that effect. It’s all true, Trump has been bulldozed by “you’re weird, Vance is weird, we’re not scared of you weirdos” because, ultimately, he wants to be feared. He wants to appear strong and ferocious, and this has reduced him to a laughingstock. Simple and brilliant.

    • bisynaptic says:


  12. lucy2 says:

    Right. Having to say “I’m not weird, I’m extremely normal!” is totally weird.

    I LOVE how much that has gotten under their skin. Simple, effective, and true.

  13. Giddy says:

    I’m picturing a red-faced (orange-faced?) Trump screaming “I’m not weird! Im not weird! You take that back!” It’s amazing, isn’t it? The bully-in-chief being brought low by a simple description.

  14. Bren says:

    Does anyone else think that bandage is a clip on ?

    • Kitten says:

      Looks like a f*cking maxi pad which is indeed a very weird thing to wear on one’s ear, especially for a little paper cut.

  15. Dorianne says:

    After seeing Kamala Harris on the cover of Time magazine, the orange-faced goon declared himself “better looking than KAMALA”. That’s the latest schtick he pushes at his so-called rallies. With his usual material growing stale, he’s resorting to “I’m prettier than you” juvenile insults. First, someone buy this idiot a mirror. Second, vote Harris/Walz in November. I just can’t imagine having to listen to this POS’s grating voice for 4 more years while he and his henchmen dismantle democracy.

    • Kitten says:

      Insufferable loser weirdo is bigly mad that all the momentum and energy is behind the Dem ticket and various outlets like Time reflect that. No wonder his wife lives separately from him–she’s just as vapid but not nearly as annoying.

  16. Sue says:

    This reminds me of Cheeto arguing that he was a very stable genius.

  17. Rnot says:

    Tim Walz bringing the veteran teacher energy. You can’t scare him. He spent 20 years supervising a high school lunchroom. Teenagers are supposed to be barbarians, that’s developmentally appropriate. The same behavior from grown men is just… sad and weird.

    • Giddy says:

      This is so true. Trump’s taunts and bully-boy insults won’t faze Walz. A s a veteran high school teacher and coach he’s heard it all and just laughs at Trump. Fasten your seat belts! Trump is going to get angrier as the week of the convention goes on. No telling what insults he’s going to throw out, what new names he’ll come up with, what schoolboy jibes he will try out. But he’ll find out that Harris and Walz are adults who think he’s both infantile and ridiculous.

  18. wolfmamma says:

    The chilling tragedy is that he and all his followers DO they they are the normal

  19. HeatherC says:

    Stable geniuses who wear maxipads over their ears for no real reason are definitely not weird, right?

    But given the amount of people at the RNC wearing maxipads over their ears….in his crowd he’s not weird. He’s their Dear Leader.

    Doesn’t make them less weird though

  20. Bumblebee says:

    He’s been reduced to a pouting 4 year old crossing his arms and stomping his feet. ‘I’m not weird, you are!’
    There is nothing powerful, scary or intimidating about being weird. It’s just everyday, boring and normal. That’s why it bothers him so much. Whoever came up with that is the true stable genius.

  21. LizzieB says:

    He thinks he’s “more beautiful than Kamala.” Ha ha and LOL. That’s the comment that takes the cake!

  22. Jais says:

    Yes! Keep the trolling up.

  23. SussexFan says:

    I still think Walz hit a particular nerve. Trump just won’t let it lie. He’s now continually chest-beating that he (and his running mate) isn’t weird. The more Dems say it, the more the term will proliferate. They’re dangerously weird, I would say.

  24. Duchess of Kirkaldy says:

    Dude, you and sofa boy are bigly weird.