Prince William is mad that the Sussexes still refer to his wife as Kate, not Catherine

There’s always a big “tell” between the average royal gossip and a full-blown royalist/monarchist. That tell is how they refer to the Princess of Wales. The monarchists call her Catherine, even when doing so comes across as awkward or high-handed. My little thing, when I’m writing about her, is to refer to her by her title the first time, and then I call her “Kate” throughout the rest of the post. Okay, sometimes I also might refer to her as Keen or Buttons or Waity. But I will never call her “Catherine.” I think the whole “call her Catherine” thing is stupid from a branding perspective – she was always known, and she’s still primarily known, as Kate Middleton. She wants her personal brand to be one of normalcy, relatability, the middle-class girl who married a prince. Demanding that people constantly refer to you as Catherine kind of ruins that. It’s also been clear for years that people who interact with her privately still call her Kate as well. People like… her brother-in-law and his wife. Apparently, Prince William is absolutely furious that Harry and Meghan still refer to her as Kate. LMAO.

Friends of Prince William and Kate Middleton have told the Daily Beast that William took offense at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle publicly referring to his wife as Kate rather than Catherine, “even when they were sending her get-well-soon messages after her cancer diagnosis.”

Kate has long let it be known that she prefers to be called Catherine. It is the name her friends and family use, it is the name William uses in private, and it is how she introduces herself to others. The Daily Beast, in common with many American media outlets, still uses Kate and Kate Middleton, which is how she is still universally known in the U.S. and around the world. Although she was widely known as Kate at school and university, she made a deliberate switch to her full name, Catherine, shortly before marrying William.

In Harry’s book, Spare, he always refers to Catherine as Kate, apart from in one episode when he recalls Charles calling her Catherine and Harry says he “flinched” on hearing the name…. However, a source now says that William was annoyed when Harry and Meghan chose to refer to her as “Kate” in a March 2024 statement, released after the Princess of Wales revealed she had cancer. The brief statement said: “We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace.”

A friend of William and Kate said: “The fact that Harry and Meghan were unable to bring themselves to use her chosen name, even when they were sending her get-well-soon messages after her cancer diagnosis, was noted. William takes offence at people calling Catherine ‘Kate,’ because she has asked to be known as Catherine. It’s a fairly simple wish to respect. I’m sure Meghan wouldn’t like it if William started publicly calling her ‘Meghan Markle.’

“Of course it’s an utterly trivial thing, but those of us who know William know that it is one of the things that pushes his buttons. Pushing his buttons while he was going through his wife’s cancer seemed an entirely unnecessary and deliberate irritation. I wonder if the private card began, ‘Dear Kate…’”

Another friend of the Waleses said, “No-one’s saying it’s responsible for all the trouble, but deliberately calling someone by a name they don’t like is just bloody rude. If Harry and Meghan were serious about healing their issue, a good first step would be to call her Catherine.”

[From The Daily Beast]

As I said, it’s been clear for a while that people call her Kate privately and basically the only time anyone refers to her as Catherine is in formal statements from Kensington Palace. Harry has always known her as Kate, so he calls her Kate. Meghan was probably introduced to her as Kate too. Now, do I also think there’s a hilarious element of Harry and Meghan trying to needle Will and Kate? For sure. The Sussexes are like, we don’t give a f–k, people know her as Kate and we’ll call her that in statements and interviews too. I hope they never stop! It’s also funny because Meghan and Kate are BOTH known by their maiden names and their maiden names are still widely used in reporting, biographies and commentary. Meghan doesn’t care. Kate does.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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151 Responses to “Prince William is mad that the Sussexes still refer to his wife as Kate, not Catherine”

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  1. swaz says:

    Friends of Prince William again 🙄🙄🙄 when is this circus going to stop 🤣🤣🤣

    • This circus is a never ending one. I hope they call her Kate whenever they want to. What does it even matter. I think they should all start calling her Can’t like I do because she doesn’t do anything,

      • Smart&Messy says:

        As my Mum would say, I hope this is the biggest problem in their life (Keen and Egg’s). Seriously, THAT’s their problem?? This huge issue has enough weight in the grand scheme of things that they take the time to brief about it? Or it’s about columns having to be filled with something not Hand M for a change?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Looks like Barldy Prince William is opening Kkkhate’s mail…

    • Christine says:

      He thinks if he complains enough, no one will notice that he isn’t doing a fucking thing for three months. Having your name appear in a rota publication is not the same thing as actually doing something, you idiot.

    • Mustang Sally says:

      This reminds me of way when…Tom Cruise used to get infuriated that people would refer to his then-wife as “Katie Holmes.” He had her cut her hair Anna Wintour-style and was pushing for her to be called Kate. The name never stuck, and neither did she.

  2. Tessa says:

    She will always be known as Kate. William even called her Kate publicly.

    • JENNIFER says:

      “Friends of William and Kate”, is code for William and Kate. We should drop the bull doodie, we all know there are no friends.

    • ML says:

      She will always be known as Kate is 100% correct, Tessa. In fact, this part of the article shows how weird it is to call her Catherine:
      “ Kate has long let it be known that she prefers to be called Catherine. It is the name her friends and family use, it is the name William uses in private, and it is how she introduces herself to others. The Daily Beast, in common with many American media outlets, still uses Kate and Kate Middleton, which is how she is still universally known in the U.S. and around the world. ”

      So, TDB and many US media outlets use Kate, it’s how she’s referred to worldwide, her siblings and uncle and several other people who have interacted with her closely call her Kate… and William is specifically upset with H&M for doing so? Okay.

    • Christine says:

      Yeah, remember when he was whining about how he was going to be more modern after the Caribbean disaster? Boom: They want to be known as Will and Kate. Unless it’s by Harry and Meghan, apparently.

    • Sheila says:

      I think half of the UK still refers to her as Kate. If you pick up a newspaper today or go online to the Daily Fail or the non guardian I’m sure there will be some headline that mentions her specifically as Kate

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Will calls her Catherine when he’s mad at her

  3. Lise says:

    What isn’t William angry about? It is his default setting. All he ever does is complain.

    • Emme says:

      OMG…..Willy is such a pompous PRAT!

    • BeanieBean says:

      Also, sigh, this message was sent FIVE MONTHS AGO; why are we getting a story on it now? Why would William be seething over this? Shouldn’t he have more important things on his mind–like, oh, I don’t know, if his wife is ever going to recover from what ails her? Or how about, is his father doing OK, managing the pain, eating well? Or, maybe finding new routes for the school run, just to vary things up a bit.

      • Kathleen says:

        They want to give the impression that Harry and Meghan are “always” referring to her as Kate; that they frequently initiate contact. I am sure that the only time they addressed her, and it was supposed to be private, was the get well wish. This is just an attempt to upstage the Colombia trip. Pathetic.

    • Christine says:

      It’s such a stupid complaint too. He is also known by his full name and nickname in the press. Does he snap every time someone calls him Will too? Do I care? No, I really do not.

      Give thanks to whatever deity you want that this is a “big” problem in your life, big enough to cry about it to the media. It must be very hard to be you.

  4. interested party says:

    doesn’t Will call Harry ‘Harold’
    he’s a fine one to talk

    • Nicki says:

      Hadn’t thought of that re: Harry/Harold — excellent point. Because otherwise, as someone with personal experience in this arena, I do understand wanting people to call you by the name you prefer. But when it’s not a guideline you follow yourself, you don’t get to be outraged.

      • liz says:

        I have an adult LGBTQ+ child. Chosen names vs. “deadnames” are a very, very big deal in that community. One of my child’s friends has awful parents – this young man spends more time at my dinner table than he does at home. His father is apparently very frustrated that he can’t remember my child’s deadname and he refuses to use their chosen name (it’s been four years since my child legally changed their first name).

        When my child changed their name, my Dad was confused (he had dementia and a lot of things confused him), why didn’t they want to use the name we gave them. My mother’s response was “when was the last time anyone called you Timothy? That was the name your parents gave you. Call people by the name they ask you to use.”

        That said, what your family calls you may be different than what the rest of the world calls you. I call my brother “Mick” and I am basically the only one who does – to everyone else he is “Mike”. When he was born, I couldn’t say “Mike” (I was all of 13 months old and still learning to talk). He’s never asked me to call him anything else and has always signed my birthday cards “Mick.” He’s also the only one who gets away with calling me “Lizzy.” Although both of us use each other’s regular names with others – I taught my Kiddo to call my brother “Uncle Mike” and I’m “Aunt Liz” to his kids.

        Even if she is “Kate” behind closed doors, she has repeatedly asked to be called “Catherine” in public. So, Catherine it is.

      • Becks1 says:

        This is not the same thing as a deadname vs a chosen name in the context of a LGBTQ+ person. Your child presumably does not use one name behind closed doors and another name in public.

        This was a branding move that the person herself has essentially denied on different occasions – saying she’s still very much Kate, saying she doesn’t care which one people call her – it seems that its William’s preference she is referred to as Catherine.

        If she is Kate behind closed doors, then its silly for William to put out a whole screed about how mad he is that H&M still call her Kate.

        As I said below, knowing what we know of Meghan, if Kate insisted on Catherine, Meghan would call her that.

      • Nic919 says:

        Nicknames and deadnames are absolutely not the same thing. Kate has literally said call me Kate on video many times too.

      • Mayp says:

        @nic919, yes, early on in their marriage, or shortly before, William and Kate were on a walkabout and someone asked Kate how they should refer to her – Catherine or Kate, and Kate said something like I will always be “Kate.”

        At first William and Kate made much about wanting to be approachable. That’s changed. For example they said they didn’t expect people to bow or curtsey to Kate but then later it was reported that William was peeved that some staff of theirs were not curtseying to Kate. 🤡. I also think it was William and KP, not Kate (at least initially) that wanted her to be referred to as Catherine.

        Edit: this is in response to @Nic919’s comment below. Sorry.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        @Liz- False equivalency and, quite frankly, a right slap to the face of LGBTQ folks who legitimately have the deadname issue. “Kate” for a cis-hetero womyn is a diminuitive of her birth name “Catherine.” Sure, she might want to present a more serious image now that she’s the FQ. But it’s not a matter of life or death at the dysphoria of being called something or someone you absolutely are not. She didn’t begin trying to be “Catherine” until she was engaged to William. It’s more like her family with their signet rings. An affectation. An obvious one, at that.

      • Nic919 says:

        A more formal name won’t make her a more serious person. Even if the crying story was accurate she had a fit over bridesmaid dresses and she also had a fit over the entrance order for a procession. Kate is a deeply unserious person.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Exactly. It is not even the same name, Harry’s name on his birth certificate is HRH Prince Henry etc. Harry yes, Harold no.

    • MrsH says:

      What the story about William calling Harry “Harold” it’s so weird to me. I also found it weird that random people (aka bots) were using “Harold” on Twitter before Harry’s book was ever published.

      • Christine says:

        They think it bothers Harry, even though the only thing Harry said in Spare about it is that Will always called him Harold, IIRC. The derangers think they are getting a dig in, somehow.

  5. BeaBea says:

    Isn’t it common courtesy and decency to call people the name they prefer?

    • Becks1 says:

      Sure. if the name they prefer publicly and privately is the same.

      • Kirsten says:

        No. They don’t have to be the same. For years now people have called Emily Stone, Emma, publicly and for work purposes, but Emily privately. The same thing for Thandiwe (Thandie) Newton. This is true for loads of people.

        Folks should respect what you want to be called, even if different circumstances mean different names. And if you’ve decided that you no longer want to be called something — like Catherine — it’s up to you to decide.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yeah, this isn’t the same thing. A stage name is different from a nickname. a deadname is different from a nickname.

        Kate goes by Kate in private. Meghan calls her Kate in private. Do people really think Meghan spent years calling Kate “Kate” and snickering behind her back because she was being deliberately rude and obnoxious each and every time? Honestly?

        I feel like people are trying to read wayyyyyy too much into this situation. Kate clearly goes by Kate in private. So Meghan calling her Kate is calling her the name she prefers. Just because William rants in public about how she should be Catherine doesn’t mean she actually is.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate is on video saying call me Kate. This is not the same as an actor being told their name is too ethnic and changing it for work purposes. William is the one who said to use Catherine and he is clearly a controlling person. Until Kate uses her own words and says she no longer wants Kate then it is Kate.

    • equality says:

      Isn’t it common decency and courtesy to thank someone for well wishes instead of complaining about the use of a nickname that you used for years? Isn’t it common decency and courtesy to not make snide remarks about skin color? Is it courtesy to snub someone during a church service? My preference would have been they distanced themselves more from her and just used her title.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Thank you. My sentiments exactly. Also funny how they are constantly trying to convince us that Kate and Harry are so close that Harry can’t wait to leave Meghan and return to England to be with Kate. But Harry is also evil for calling her Kate.

      • LRB says:

        Great comment equality. Totally agree.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, Harry and Meghan should just call her the PoW from now on, if they actually have a need to mention her, and never speak a derivation of Catherine.

        My favorite thing is the derangers on Twitter who SCREAM about respecting her, but spell it “Katherine”. Bless.

    • Wagiman says:

      Obviously Harry was introduced to her as Kate so continued to use that and no one said otherwise.

      It’s also common courtesy not to publicly, daily, bully your sister in law in the media via ‘friends’ but basher willy never got that memo.. Perhaps post a suggestion on his social media?

      BTW there are about 5 versions of my name in circulation. My preferred one isn’t used much, people tend to shorten it.. Weirdly, I don’t call the daily beast about it to complain! Shocking, I know!

    • Eurydice says:

      I’m sure Meghan would have found it more decent and courteous if William called her by her name rather than “sociopath” “bitch” and “that bloody woman.” But to get back to Kate/Catherine – this get well message seems to be only the second time Meghan has publicly mentioned Kate/Catherine any time in the past 4 years. The DM might want to look into its own archines.

      • Vilanelle says:

        I’m waiting for the internets to create a collection of all the instances her husband, biographers and the media referred to her as “Kate” 😁 that’d go viral immediately

      • Christine says:

        Meghan said that everyone calls her Meg, but she was referring to her friends and family (specifically her father in this exact statement). I have never seen her say “Call me Meg”.

        Also, your husband being the only one to complain about it is really very strange.

    • Ariel says:

      I mean she was in a podcast not too long ago and when asked she said she doesn’t mind either way. So I’m always baffled by this call her Catherine story lmao

      • FIFI says:

        Yeah I am baffled they keep trying to make this a bigger deal then it is. William is just fighting at clouds at this point

      • Jais says:

        Maybe she doesn’t mind either way for most people but she, or William, specifically want Harry and Meghan to use Catherine. As a way to create formality and distance. It’s something to lord over the Sussexes. Just a thing to create stories for the tabs to which they’re indebted.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        It’s the control freak in them because they want to portray Kate in a more regal light. It’s quite possible she’s also complaining behind the scenes, as we know what an insecure individual she is. This is about putting H&M “back in their place.” I personally couldn’t give a toss what I’m called. Birth name is Jenny and I go by Jenn. I’ve been called Jennifer and even Genevieve (I had been introduced to this rather formal and pretentious person as Jenn). I broke the ice by telling them to call me Chopped Liver. As long as you’re not calling to me in a disrespectful tone, I know who you mean and am not in the slightest bit fussed.

  6. Scooby Gang says:

    Let’s face it. “Kate” is one of the kinder things people call her. 😅

    • Interested Gawker says:


    • Christine says:

      LOL! Excellent point! We could go back to Waity, because she’s apparently now Waity-ing around the house for her husband to let her outside.

      • Michele. Wilson says:

        I was christened Geraldine. But a Nanny called me Pinkie, because I was very small. I am now quite a good deal shorter and older. I have been called Gerald, Gerry, Pinkelstein, Pinkelovitz,
        Danilovitz, (?) Pinkles. Pinks. I love them all, because they make a loving connection to special people in my life. (Google – Pinkie Danilovitz)

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Good call. I always wondered why the “Mattress” and “Limpet” or even “Wisteria Sisters” monikers never seemed to bother them.

  7. Just Jade says:

    When was the last time Meghan or Harry mentioned Karen name. The rats 🐀 and corp need to give it a rest trying to make fetch happen.

    • Jais says:

      When they sent her wishes for a healthy recovery after she revealed the cancer diagnosis. They called her Kate. That was the last time. Before that, Harry calls her Kate throughout Spare. I don’t know that she was even mentioned by name in the Netflix doc? So before that, the Oprah interview. The one and only time Meghan has ever spoken about her. When she called her a good person.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Meghan was extremely kind, but then I wouldn’t expect anything else. Kate could learn a lesson from Meghan.

    • Nuks says:

      I’ll stick with Karen.

  8. equality says:

    Do they stop to think that whining on and on about someone using a nickname (a name you used for years) in response to a very nice statement wishing them well looks incredibly petty? Have H&M gone on and on with PR about how W&K, instead of thanking them for well wishes, acted like rude buttholes and continually whined about those wishes? The royals are supposed to have class?

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m going to go with ‘no’ on that. Blind to their own pettiness, H&M never publicly rude, no class whatsoever.

  9. Jais says:

    Does Kate care or is it William who really cares? Or maybe they both do.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      I believe it’s William.

    • Jay says:

      I’ve always thought the rebranding was about William – it’s his office that insisted on his wife being known only as “Catherine” henceforth, and according to stories that have come out over the years, he’s the one who gets angry about people calling her “Kate”. It has a whiff of control issues, doesn’t it? Why does he act like using “Catherine” is some huge insult to his wife ( and therefore to him by extension)?

      I would say that KP should be careful what they wish for – if the rota were to suddenly actually call her Catherine people wouldn’t click on any articles about the royal family, and then there really might be hell to pay. Be grateful that the SEO on Kate keeps the invisible contract alive for now.

      • Christine says:

        It’s not even a whiff, and considering he renamed his brother completely, he needs to knock it off. This is so stupid.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Kate is notoriously insecure. I wouldn’t put it past her to have been complaining in the background, at least. If so, looks like Our Little Katie’s feeling her oats, just lately.

  10. Tursitops says:

    It’s a good thing that there are no problems in his marriage, the BRF, the monarchy, the UK, the world or his patronages. It allows him to focus on the important things, like this.

  11. Pebbles says:

    Those idiots are insufferable. Omg acting like a 4yr old. Some King he will be. So out of touch and pompous. 🙄

    • eos says:

      @pebbles: Exactly what I was thinking. This is what the “future king” of England is; a petty, immature man child. Diana called it when it came to the father and this son.

  12. Lemons says:

    The journos must be trolling William because in the same article, they refer to her as Kate and call this whole thing “trivial”….Unfortunately for Kate, Harry and Meghan do not speak of her.

  13. The Duchess says:

    Why are they still trying to make this a thing? Move on!

    Willy the whiner who treats his wife with utter distain and has slowly benched her from his life for the past 3 years is suddenly mad about this? Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

  14. Eurydice says:

    It’s not just the US outlets, the Daily Mail calls her “Kate” almost all the time, as do many of the other UK and global outlets.

  15. Becks1 says:

    So, a few points:

    ~Kate herself said a few weeks before her marriage that she was “still very much Kate” at an event when someone asked her if she was going by Catherine now.

    ~Catherine was clearly a deliberate branding choice because someone – William, Carole, Kate, who knows – decided that Queen Catherine sounds better than Queen Kate. (I think Queen Kate sounds more fun and relatable, but what do I know.) so the switch in name was clearly done with an eye to the future.

    ~Meghan did not hesitate before calling her Kate in the Oprah interview. There wasn’t a stumble, it wasn’t “Kate – well Catherine” or anything. That tells me that Meghan has always referred to her in private as Kate. And since Meghan didn’t meet her until years after the wedding, when she was supposedly going by Catherine in private, even if Harry called her Kate, it tells me that she is still going by Kate in private. and Harry called her Kate throughout Spare.

    ~Meghan is not a rude person. If Kate made it clear to her that she was Catherine, Meghan would use that name. She does not, she uses Kate, so therefore I assume (again) that she goes by Kate in private.

    Catherine is a nice name. I know lots of Catherines who do go by Catherine or Cath. Nothing wrong with it. But Kate is obviously a nickname and Catherine more formal. So switching from one to the other is going to be an adjustment for some people who always call you by one name. I find it hard to believe that William calls her Catherine in private. It just seems like a way for him to reinforce her status as future queen.

    finally – my full name is Rebecca, I’ve gone by Becky since birth. Occasionally I try to switch to Rebecca – when I started HS, when I started college, when I started law school, when I started my job. Somehow the Becky ALWAYS creeps back in and its probably because I look over my shoulder when someone says “Rebecca” to see who they’re talking to. and my family and childhood friends all call me Becky so as soon as someone from a “new” walk of life meets my family…..its over lol.

    So all that to say while Kate may want to be Catherine 100% of the time, I highly doubt its what’s happening. Her family might be on board because they’re so invested in her status, but I doubt its across every walk of her life.

    • Eurydice says:

      I suppose in a world filled with stylings and titles and hierarchies, it would matter what one is called. So, if William is so adamant about “Catherine” he could just tell the DM & Co to call her that from now on. In my case, I’ve had a lifetime of people misspelling and mispronouncing my name, so now I pretty much respond to any kind of animal noise that sounds remotely similar.

      • Christine says:

        Same. More often than not, I am called anything but Christine, and I don’t throw a fit about it. My lovely next door neighbor who is elderly has called me Christina since we moved in a decade and a half ago, and I asked my Mom not to say my name around him, because I don’t want him to be embarrassed this many years later.

    • Nic919 says:

      Because she was publicly known as Kate for a decade before she finally got the ring, William arrogantly thinks he can rebrand her name. He has clearly failed and that’s why he annoyed.

      There is nothing wrong with using Kate and even daring to use the name she was born with isn’t a crime. The funny part is that most of these ding dongs who get mad end up using Catherine, princess of wales, which is the divorce version. They can’t accept that no married woman has her own identity in the formal usage of her name. Kate has to make it to Queen consort before she will be able to do that.

      • Becks1 says:

        “The funny part is that most of these ding dongs who get mad end up using Catherine, princess of wales, which is the divorce version.”

        Omg this cracks me up, when someone is ranting at People Mag or wherever about her proper title and they’re all “shes not kate middleton, she’s CATHERINE PRINCESS OF WALES” I always think…..oh she’s divorced is she???

      • Christine says:

        “Katherine” makes me LOL every time I see one of the derangers yelling at People Magazine about not showing respect. Good lordy, these people are something else.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Re: this eye to the future stuff. I seem to recall discussion years ago about what name Charles would go by when he became king, would it be Charles III or something else? Because apparently they can choose whatever they want–hey, he’s the king! So what on earth would be the problem with Kate being known as Kate privately & publicly & for ‘work’ purposes, but going by Queen Catherine once the time comes? Is William unaware of this fact that the monarch gets to choose their moniker?

  16. IForget says:

    Ngl, if I was giving polite well-wishes to someone who had ‘concerns’ about my unborn child’s skin colour, I’d not be too fussed about using their preferred moniker. 🤷‍♀️

  17. Amyb says:

    Her uncle Gary refers to her Kate all the time in the interviews he does so perhaps instead of lashing out through Tom Sykes about Ari and Meghan, pick up a phone and talk to the relatives they do continue to associate with.

  18. Moniquep says:

    Someone please remind me, as I can’t recall the last time since the Oprah interview that Meghan or Harry has even mentioned kate. It’s not like they are constantly talking about those two venomous creatures!

  19. Jay says:

    Pretty rich coming from the man who refers to his own brother as “Harold”.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Very good point.. and I want to know exactly when and where the Sussex’s are calling her anything. Or is Peg on a delusional Trump rant and having rota rage because the articles are sounding a lot like an all caps late night rage tweet. All this nastiness because Prince Harry and Princess Meghan actually work and are in demand.

  20. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Raise your hand if you believe William and *Catherine* call Meghan and Harry all sorts of names that they don’t want the public to know about.


  21. Amy Bee says:

    If this is true, William is unhinged and it only confirms that he was the one who insisted that she be called Catherine after the wedding not Kate. I’d feel sorry for Kate if I didn’t know that she was a mean girl.

  22. Aud says:

    Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate

  23. Eating Popcorn says:

    His wife has cancer, yet he still has the energy to be mad about this.

    • greenmonster says:

      That is my issue as well. You’re telling me, he is mad because H&M called her Kate in their well wishes? Seriously? His wife has cancer and THAT is the hill he wants to die on? Interesting choice.

      They can call her Kate, Catherine, Waity Katy or Karen, it doesn’t change who she is and it doesn’t change the fact that she is mediocre.

    • Chrissy says:

      In his little mind, the formal name of Catherine is a status symbol (vs the more common, Kate). I bet Bill himself feels disrespected because his wife is called the more informal name. Kinda like if one would call her Bambi or Cannot. I prefer Cannot as she cannot show any true enthusiasm for her publicly subsidized “work”, cannot show any class, intelligence or grace in dealing with certain family members and cannot control her racist impulses! No one truly respects her so most people will call her what they like. She dug her own hole with her husband’s help and now what will be will be.

  24. Snuffles says:

    I’ve been going by my birth name since high school, but my family still calls me by my childhood nickname. It never once crossed my mind to demand they make the switch. It’s what they’re used to and it doesn’t bother me.

  25. manda says:

    Did her parents name her Catherine or Katherine? To me it’s weird that they’re changing the letter that it starts with, but maybe the K in Kate was different from the start? The only person who has had success changing their name/nickname is P. DIddy, and even that has always been stupid

    The Catherine/Kate/Katherine? thing reminds me of a scene from the 80’s Anne of Green Gables (or possibly Avonlea) when Anne talked about how she liked one version of the other, and this nasty woman named Catherine or Katherine changed to to the other way, just to be mean! Anne won her over though. That was such a great series

    • Becks1 says:

      Kate was born Catherine.

      You’re thinking of a storyline from Anne of Windy Poplars (the Meghan Follows version was good until it turned to crap and just skipped over 20 years and dont get me started on the atrocity that was Anne with an E, I dont know why its so hard for a TV series to follow the storyline of the books, there’s plenty there.) The character is Katherine Brooke and Anne tells her that she likes K much better than “smug C” and so Katherine switches it to be petty.

      • Nic919 says:

        A kindred spirit! I agree 100% with your assessment of the Kevin Sullivan trilogy and try to forget the Anne with an E series.

        I would even be pickier and say that the Megan Followes sequel didn’t need to remove so much of the Anne of the Island plot and make Roy Gardner an old man. They did cover Anne of Avonlea annd Anne of Windy Poplars pretty well.

      • Jais says:

        Aw, the the depths of despair😂. I love the Fellowes series but never read the books so I didn’t realize they were so different at the end. It feels like blasphemy to have never read the books. But I’ve always wondered why if her name is Catherine why she wouldn’t go by Cate then. Like Cate Blanchett. Changing it to Kate with a K feels weird. Maybe they were Anne fans and so didn’t want be a smug C.

      • Christine says:

        Kindred spirits all over the place!

        Jais, the books are so, so good. I have read the entire series every summer since I was around 10 years old, just do it!!!! /enabling

        I consider the 80s TV show to be the closest thing to a movie that is as good as the book, though. The casting of Anne, Matthew, and Marilla is as close to perfect as you can possibly get.

      • Nic919 says:

        Anne of the island has her attend university which for a book written over 100 years ago was not common. There she has a group of friends and of course Gilbert attends as well.

        The books really hold up at least up to Anne’s House of Dreams. I felt that for Anne of Ingleside she shifted focus a lot more on the kids almost as if married life wasn’t as interesting. (Biographies or LMM say her marriage wasn’t great and this one was written much later than books 1,2,3, and 5. Windy poplars likely got changed for the tv series because Anne is writing letters to Gilbert and so he’s not in it directly.

        And if you ever visit PEI you must attend Cavendish which is where Avonlea is based. Of course there is Anne of Green Gables stuff all over there, but getting a sense of the physical layout of the island adds to it.

  26. Proud Mary says:

    I recall a headline from 3 or 4 years ago, claiming that the then Cambridges would like to be referred to as “Will” and “Kate” going forward. There was no objections issued from KP. I can’t seem to find that article now. I googled Kate Middleton and saw numerous articles referring to her as such. So, is William angry at those outlets? Or is he just angry at the black duchess for not crawling on her belly for his white wife? And, is it more disrespecting of his wife, to call her Kate, than it is to, allegedly cheat on her? To publicly embarrass her as William did at the Jordanian wedding? Or to publicly rebuff her attempts at PDA, as William does, often?

    • Chrissy says:

      LOL! You’d think she’d get the hint that Willnot doesn’t appreciate her touching his ass in public. So pathetic that she does it and embarrassing when he recoils from her. They’re soon loved-up dontchaknow?!

  27. Tennyson says:

    She has always been called Kate by everyone, but like for the posh accent she has been trying to adopt, one day, shortly before her marriage, or around that time, she sent an email to everyone she knew, leaving many bemused, as she literally ordered them to address her as Catherine. It’s simply wasn’t natural. Harry, like William, like her parents or siblings etc had addressed her as Kate for years. It’s always difficult. But as many say here, Harry and Meghan don’t have mean intentions.

  28. CLOVE says:

    Is he mad at Vogue or other magazines because that’s how they refer to her, Kate. Of all the things he could be made about, like calling Archie names when he was born, his wife making Megan cry. He should stop addressing the press. He’s petty and childlike, appears desperate to be relevant, and makes Harry’s case of being envious or competitive more obvious.

  29. SueinOrleans says:

    Oh give me a break. Head over to Amazon and check out all the fawning books that have come out about William and Kate and see how many titles actually call her Catherine, overwhelmingly she’s Kate, Are all those authors “bloody rude” as well? And, William, maybe reserve some of that anger for things that are really important. Your country is struggling right now and THIS is your big deal? You show yourself up here.

  30. Noor says:

    Petty, thy name is William

  31. Brailler says:

    This very publication keeps referring to her as Kate throughout the article!

  32. Normal_Islander says:

    Oh so what… I call him “Baldy”, what’s he gonna do? Throw my in the Tower? Come at me baldy bro…

  33. Eliora says:

    Ok, I am not trying to be dramatic but if William was my brother, I would absolutely hate him. Can you imagine how much of an endless a*hole you have to be to pick apart someone’s well wishes to your wife, who supposedly has cancer, mind you. God William gives off such big loser energy. I never thought I would think this, let alone say it, but poor Kate Middleton.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Harry calls him “Willy”. What else is an annoying younger sibling going to call an older sibling named “William”? He should be thankful he wasn’t named “Richard”.

  34. Desdemona says:

    And why don’t they call Harry as Henry, since that’s actually his name? Henry Charles Albert David…

    For the exact same reason, Harry and Kate are friendly nicknames.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Plenty of derangers insist on referring to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as “Rachel” as if that’s really clever. And that’s not even near the worst things they call her.

      • kelleybelle says:

        Or Megsy, irksome as hell. They think “Catherine” lends some class to her where none is present.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        The joke’s on them because her given name is Rachel. Meghan is her middle name.

      • sunnyside up says:

        They’re daft. They know she isn’t keen on being called Rachel so they do it just to annoy her, can’t really see Meghan reading all the comments in the Mail, Sun or the Express.

    • CLOVE says:

      @Desdemona, that’s right! In Spare, didn’t Harry quote William as calling him Harold?

  35. FancyPants says:

    She introduces herself as Kate. The end.

  36. Monc says:

    “Catherine… the name he uses in private…” not.. sweetheart.. Babe, Love, Hun…. Nope none of that … it’s strictly Catherine… how delightful…

  37. QuiteContrary says:

    Things I’d be preoccupied with if I were William:
    The well-being of my children.
    The health of my wife.
    Doing my job.
    Learning to speak Welsh.

    Things William is preoccupied with: Harry, Meghan, their success and how they address my wife. And the school run.

  38. Afken says:

    Kate has nothing else which is why they are so pressed about this. Everything Kate is, is attached to William so of course she and he will get petty about things like a name that clearly Harry has called her the 20 years he has known her. As for Harry, he’s upset that his family including his brother and sister in law remained SILENT while his wife and children received heinous racism. That is actually something to be “irritated” about. That’s something to be upset about. That’s something William and Kate should be thinking about remedying not this irrelevant trivial crap. This is the Easter presents all over again. And all this stupid article showed is how many pr*cks William seems to have for “friends”.

  39. OriginalMich says:

    Wait. The piece refers to her as Kate throughout. So the Daily Beast gets to call her that, but her in-laws don’t?

  40. aquarius64 says:

    The name game here is shame. Kate is ashamed of her “commoner” roots and the insistence of being called Catherine is to make her seem grand. William is ashamed that his future queen is not an aristocrat and the aristos will not let them forget it.

    • First comment says:

      💯💯💯 That’s it! They think Catherine is more grandiose than Kate, more appropriate for the future queen consort…but a change of name doesn’t change who you are… I would have appreciated her more if she had embraced who she is and where she came from instead of constantly trying to imitate the William’s posh friends and cycle..

  41. Anonymous says:

    This is HILARIOUS 😂😂😂. Such a massive weirdo . Spiritual healing is the way. What did I just read. Get help Willy

  42. wolfmamma says:

    These women are the same age … look at their faces.

    One is luminous, one hard and bitter. Hm..
    Who has the better life- eh?

  43. L Williams says:

    William doesn’t want people to call Catherine “Kate” because it’s to close to want some people on social media refer to her in private” Khate” because of the way she treated Meghan.

  44. kelleybelle says:

    Ha! This from a man who had Kate listed in his phone as “Sex Waiting.” What an ass.

  45. Schrodinger's Kate says:

    I love the name Catherine but this woman may very well ruin it for me.

  46. Nic919 says:

    There isn’t a great track record for queens named Catherine in England.

  47. Water Lilly says:

    Will.i.mnot should ask his buddy Tom Cruise how well this worked for “Kate” Holmes 🙄

  48. Over it says:

    Dear angry Incandescent will. How goes the dirt you are currently trying to grow on your egghead?
    Anyway, how is Kate? What has Kate been up to? Does Kate plan to do any work this year? While I am on the subject, do you plan to do any work this year? Now back to Kate . When you threw her under the bus for the franken photo did you do it to Kate or Catherine? Did you say sorry Kate or sorry Catherine? I am sure either personality didn’t appreciate what you did to Kate . Anyway peace out to KATE. The Duchess of buttons and being a mean racist B

  49. Gabby says:

    Aren’t we always being told William has too much on his plate to even think about his brother anymore?

  50. Robert says:

    Why does the Daily Beast insist on calling her Kate? They used Kate as her name twice in the first two paragraphs. What a joke of an article, where they can’t even call her by her chosen name….

  51. TN Democrat says:

    No matter what Harry and Meghan do or say, they are going to be criticized by the rota rats. The only way the dull left behinds have any relevance is by manufacturing drama about the Sussexes. If Meghan/Harry had referred to her as Catherine, Willy would have tantrumed because they spoke her name. The rota needs to address the fact thar Will-not is a 42 year old who failed to launch. His obsessiveness with Harry’s life is unsettling and WEIRD.

  52. February pisces says:

    They need to stop trying to make Catherine happen. I don’t understand why derangers insist on using ‘Catherine’ as a way to make her sound more important, cos it doesn’t, no one cares.

  53. H says:

    I think people would be more inclined to respect her wishes if they respected her. But they don’t. Ah well, Waity.

  54. C says:

    I am sorry but William was exposed to the world as a failure of a husband for allowing his wife to take the blame for that photo in the midst of everything, when HE is the heir and it is HIS press office. Why he should be so angry over a nickname is beyond me. And yes, there are plenty of instances where she has said she’s fine with Kate, in public appearances.

    • sunnyside up says:

      William is getting more snobby as he gets older, I know someone who worked for them, he said that they turn into right snobs as soon as the palace doors were shut. At the time I was most surprised, must have been before the concern for Archie’s skin colour.

  55. Shoegirl77 says:

    Maybe she prefers Kate. Maybe she prefers Catherine. Maybe she prefers Lazy, Waity Katie. Who knows? Personally, I prefer lazy, Waity, cancer fakey, racist, stalking sister in law hating , style stalking, skin wearing, zero imagination having, wannabe princess of Wales.

  56. Shoegirl77 says:

    Also, Diana, smite that weird DIL and nobody cares what she wants to be called. Smite that fake POW.

  57. Kateee says:

    Article insisting it’s offensive not to call her Catherine repeatedly calls her Kate. I see what you did there.

  58. Walking the Walk says:

    The British press calls her Kate….am I missing something????

  59. sunnyside up says:

    ” I’m sure Meghan wouldn’t like it if William started publicly calling her ‘Meghan Markle.’”
    This comment doesn’t make sense. Harry and Meghan didn’t call her Kate Middleton.