“Alicia Silverstone accidentally ate some poisonous fruit in London” links

Alicia Silverstone posted a TikTok from London, where she ate some poisonous fruit from a plant in a stranger’s courtyard. Alicia hasn’t posted anything since then. [Buzzfeed]
Zoe Kravitz & Channing Tatum are out promoting Blink Twice. [LaineyGossip]
Republicans are in denial about Roevember. [Jezebel]
Review of Emily In Paris Season 4. [Pajiba]
Flavor Flav took Team USA’s water polo team to Vegas to party. [JustJared]
Noah Lyles grew up in a cult? [Socialite Life]
Keke Palmer knew Sean Evans had a crush on her. [Hollywood Life]
Gina Rodriguez is joining the Will Trent cast. [Seriously OMG]
Adele wore Armani & Dior for her Munich concerts. [RCFA]
Ah, Chappell Roan’s real name is Kayleigh Rose. Makes sense. [OMG Blog]

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33 Responses to ““Alicia Silverstone accidentally ate some poisonous fruit in London” links”

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  1. What a stupid thing to do!! Eat something from someone’s yard that you have no idea what it is you’re eating . She truly is Clueless.

    • Flamingo says:

      She wasn’t eating from the yard. The plant poked through the fence and what I assume are Jerusalem Cherries are all on the sidewalk ground. It shows in the Tik Tok video. Which I assume is public street. I get Alicia is all mother earth. But you don’t eat food that falls on the street. Just a rule of thumb I live by.

      I don’t know if the homeowner did it to ward off animals or too many people stole from their front garden and was teaching them a lesson. If they thought, they were cherry tomatoes. Strange to have such a toxic plant so accessible like that facing a public street. toddler or dog could walk by and eat one off the ground. They will put anything in their mouths. Besides Alicia it seems.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Honestly that’s just normal for the UK, you see those plants in front gardens all over. I doubt the homeowner planted it intentionally or with any specific purpose in mind.

        For the most part dogs instinctively know to keep away from poisonous berries, and I’d hope parents would stop their toddlers eating random berries. But eating one or two won’t hurt you – I accidentally ate a manchineel once when I was in South America (which is considered the most poisonous fruit and really dangerous – you can get burns just from standing underneath one when it’s raining) and I was fine, just a bit of a sore throat and burning lips for a few hours. You’d need to eat a lot of those berries to do any damage.

  2. Kitten says:

    I thought Nightshade berries were green and turned a black color?

    I’m sure she’s fine but honestly, this should be less about the poisonous aspect and more a cautionary tale about stealing fruit from people’s yards. Just very poor form.

    • Cairidh says:

      Most round red berries in the uk are poisonous to humans. They’re for the birds to eat.

    • Yes I agree Kitten stealing from someone’s yard is poor form.

    • LightPurple says:

      The nightshade berries that grow in my yard are small and red.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yes! Nobody wants randoes picking things from their yard! Is she gathering bouquets of flowers, as well?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Never eat any flowers, berries if you don’t know what they are. That was pretty stupid. It’s the equivalent of seeing a mushroom and eating it just because it looks like the mushrooms you’ve seen somewhere. Anyway, I hope she’s ok, but just fyi, vast majority of plants/fruits produced will be poisonous to some degree.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      We do have a culture in England of picking wild fruit and other produce to eat (most Brits grow up going blackberrying, and I also pick a lot of elderberries and elderflower, for cooking with) – keyword being WILD fruit. Picking fruit out of someone’s front garden is weird and rude.

    • Bad Janet says:

      She picked it up off the ground. But she is still a dope for eating things she can’t identify.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Silverstone is a vocal Rob Kennedy supporter so birds of a feather. Were there no other actors they could find to add to the excellent Will Trent drama? Why her?

  4. tealily says:

    I heard yesterday that someone who does polling says they were trying to put together a focus group of undecided young women voters, but it’s impossible because they don’t exist as a group. Roevember!!!!

    Also wtf, Alicia?? Hope she’s okay. That fence was probably there for a reason.

  5. ML says:

    1. Alicia Silverstone would have essentially been stealing someone else’s food, except 2. It was actually poisonous and inedible, which 3. She sort of realized in that TikTok. She doesn’t seem to be ashamed of stealing. And a good rule of thumb is to never, ever eat anything without verifying if it’s even edible. Tstl.

    I feel like Chappell Roan is overwhelmed by being famous and she’s upset that people are targeting her family. Given that, I don’t like seeing her given name being published. Enjoy her music, leave her be.

    • tealily says:

      She gives her real name in interviews. She isn’t trying to keep it a secret.

    • Ameerah M says:

      Her real name was never a secret. Chappell Roan is her drag/stage name. He real name has always been public. She even released music under it at one point.

  6. Meghan says:

    Exactly one time I pulled a delicious looking berry off a bush. Specifically, a bush in my grandparents’ yard. Chances are high that it was a holly bush (?) but I was little so who knows. My beloved Nana smacked that berry out of my hand so hard and to this day I’ve never even thought of taking fruits or berries from SOMEONE ELSE’S YARD (especially without permission).

    • Juls says:

      My cousin and I found poke berries in my yard when we were like 3 years old and ate a whole mess of them. A trip to the ER cured me of the desire to ever do that again.

  7. Bumblebee says:

    Isn’t Alicia Silverstone the one with those extreme parenting behaviors, like chewing her baby’s food and feeding it to him, instead of using a food processor? And she doesn’t let him have sugar, no processed food, does/did that kangaroo sleeping thing? This was a few years ago. I just remember her being very preachy and odd about parenting. So yeah, not surprised she did this.

    • Blarg says:

      Remember when Alicia used to chew her child’s food and feed them like a bird? I feel like this is in the same family of behaviors somehow.

    • Blarg says:

      Ope! I should’ve read all the comments first. I mentioned the good chewing for baby too.

    • Kokiri says:

      Feeding your child like that isn’t extreme parenting.
      Do you honestly think people all over the world have food processors?

      Honestly. They don’t.

  8. Isa says:

    Google image search can identify plants before you put them in your mouth.

    • mightymolly says:

      I use the free Seek app to identify plant life, but out of interest not because I randomly eat plants in the wild.

  9. QuiteContrary says:

    She’s a loon.

  10. SheLurks says:

    JLo just filed!!

    • Meghan says:

      Awwww. I’m not a JLo fan and she’s made some terrible relationship decisions (then again who among us has not?!) but I’m just bummed for her with this. But also can’t wait to read the article(s) here tomorrow.

      Wishing her and her family peace and good thoughts!

    • Lucy says:

      No pre nup 🤨

  11. Elle says:

    Accidentally means someone put it in your food without your consent.